The billboard (Sept 1910)

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62 1^ti> B i 111> o a r cl SEPTEMBER «, ISia SKATING RINKS Notes of Rinks and Gossip of Professionzd Skaters, V Events of the Week Summed up in Brief Detail WATERMAN'S NEW RINK. DcK.Mblnes, la.. Aag-. 27.—S. Watetman has ■cemed a lease of the CoUsenm BnUdinc, tiere. (or nse as a roller ska:tliig rink, to tie operated on the aame scale as Mr. Waterman's CoUsenm Bink In Kansas City; tfie Coliseum at lieaven- irartli, Kansas, and tbe Like Uanaqaa Bink at Coancn Blnffs. Iowa, all nnder Mr. Waterman's Ilr. Waterman, states tbat be wUI probablr haw associated! with Urn 0. S. Van de Bters. 'pcoptletar oC tlw:: Frineess iBlok- at Slonx Olty, lom, and wni immlier among U> employes S. H. Hoor and W.'F.-LavBane. . : . Mr. Waterman Is aovr. in Davenport, - Iowa; irtiere lie Is seeking a Iniilding for a xlnkw RINK NOTES. K. D'Tcrak ban left (or Berlin. UermanT'. to fnlllTI a foar-montbs' eootraet iritli tiub ' BoUn-Amerlcan BInk Companx* opening Beptemlier 1. Ulas lyVorak expects to remain ■im : ae:eontlneat an winter. JVinaa Biggie's open-sir rink at FetodCQ; lUcb.; Is reported to be doing big bnsiness.- Three sessions are held each day. Jack Foteh. tile well-known skating artist, is msnaging .the rink for Mr. Biggie. Ga» UetropoUtan Skating BInk E2d street and Broadway. New Xork City, has been tboxongbly enei&nlcd. In preparativn for tbe fortbeomlns season. Jobn P. Uagner' will again be In charge. . • The New Bink at Bay View Beach Park. New Tork, is tbe Mecca of large tbnmgs dally. Messrs. Genno and Bngliata, two experienced n£k men. are the managers. Manager nn, formerly of tbe Clermont Are- nne Rink. Brooklyn. N. Ti. has been doing splendid bnsineas wltb : his rammer rink at Bayonne, N.'J. There are flve towns. in PennsylTsnia that are to haTe new lUlniithls winter. Tbree new rinks In Oonneetlcnt ■ ate now. In cooise of eon- stntctlott.; :. The Vemans have closed tbeir season and gone Sontb for a four weeks', rest,, reanmlni; work October 10. Tbey are booked np antil Mardi 15.' Miss May Taylor, of the Taylor Twin Sinters, roller skaters. In private life, Mr6. B. Jj, BIch, gave birth to an elght-poond girl Jnly 20. Prof. Frank Neher and Miss Helen Kappel are'rehearsing a new team act at the Hippo- drome. Mllwankee. O. P. Crawford, tbe well-known promoter, was In New Tork last week, looking over tbe fleld. ■•: ■ H. A. Simmons, the fancy trick and specialty skater, has been booked to open six winter rinks. raie Sdect BoUer Bink, Alpena, Mich., win play attractions daring the forthcoming season. BUY—ROLLEB SKATE$-«ELL ■Ik> rlxik floor powder. AUBRIOAH BINK SUFFLT -CO.. Sindoiky. O. ORGANS Boo^t^ aSId. exchansed and repabad. JOHS K^ZIO * 80V, ITS Park Bow. S«iw Toik. WANTED-BUILDING ■ FOR , ■ SKATING RINK ' In any good town. Michigan preferred. State size of bidding. ZIEGLER & WALL, Hasletti Mch. SLjOX MACHINES - • ■ ■ ,■• *. on hand and for sale at greatly reduced prices, geeondrlumd weighing aealea. . Clsetztenacblnes. Write tar-i ■EBOULSZ O0., :140T K : >r PARODIES 'TBN PABODIES OF ANZ SONGS FUBUSHED FOB ONB OOLIAB. Sore-lire hits. Order the ten jHUOdles of sny songs yon dboose. B. I*. OAMSLB, care Bert Msntnin VanderUIe Agency. Bnpetlar Sldg.; Olsreland, O. • Streetmen! Carnival Workers! Fair Foilowersl Onr 1910 Catalogne Is ready. Send for a espy to-day. It la bigger than ercr and la fan £m eoTer to corer wlQi gooda Oat yon seed. We taof the belt iMOitment for your bntioen In tbe United States. Jewelry. Watcfhas.: Optical Goods, KnlTea. Baxozs. Wall^ig Canes and N»- tSons. Whips. CODfettU Dosten, Bnbba Balls, Bdbbsr Tape and Thread. Oaa and WUsfle Bal- loons, and Chmiral Nordtles of sP desulyU ona- Oepoilt reooirad m C. O. I>. SflRYOGK-TQDD NOTION GO. 822-824 N. Eighth St.. X ST. LOUIS. MO^ i SEETCHES. MONOLOGUES. ETC. Written to order for tbe profession. Ix>w prices for cood. original wort:. Address S. B. DIALw Box 98, MADISON. FLA. $5 to $25 Per Day This Pletsre Camera at a boay comer or pic- nic, ar wherever the-people are, wIU act yon easily the amonnt abave. ' Ton can make pletnns as fast as people wOi Use np. Make any aiae from 3^z3H down to smaU battan liae. $20.00 223fV5S&& ^ YOUNG'S HY-SPEDE SKATES LEAD THEM AUI Yoliig's -. teaw YflOPg's Model 999 is UseibyMore thai 590 lead- ii% iUaateor andProfes- siooalSkaters M sr XOBB XBOlOS is t -JUJUBJM ST. LODIMTATT MOT0 NPPLT GO. MS WasUnglBa An., ft, IMa. Vs. lifABQBST WESTEBN PHOTO ST7I>Pt.T HOITSE This Is our 75-cent Half-Tone, or a 3x4 for $1, cash wfth order. KnoxvillaEngravirigCo. sisimsinit Model999 LigUast. StroBKestaod Fastest Skata Made. WIUJE BLAGEBURN, Cihampion of New York. , —• Sena log Cateloow JOHN JAY YOUNG. Maker. N«w York City. N. Y Henley Roller Skates latest Model, BaU-Bearln Nickel-plated Sted. BaB-L _ _ nation Alnminom or Boxwood Bolters. BInk Skates. Used la majority of all Blaks. -ring CInb Skates^ with Jibre. Steel Combl> Henley Racing Skates Used snd endorsed by speed skaters cverywhcie.. sad. ars siss dedrable for Indlridnal bml when tbe flaast sad SHSt complete skate la tte ms^ dwlis^. . . POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send for Sksts Catalscne, FBXB. Offldal Fal» OoUa, lOc in* ^ niUllXIy npiAirA. Professional Roller Skaters' —•ASSOCIATION*— Oigaalsed ' to give greater . pfomlamee to have a Unlahed .set to oSer Mansgers seeMng XaUUtlim g kstlns la g ea e r a l. ' Address SSmr XABEE BEZVOISS, 1«H Brasdwsjr. V. Skate r s s n d t» gcosaote T. Ct^. esie Xhs All tbe Stars of the Skating World ABE VBIIBSBS 01* IBS OXCMnSAXIOV. WANTED, QUICK, FOR. Two Great Money-Getdiig Fairs pe Gnat Dlsti^t F^at Badford, Yiu, Sept. C-T-S-B. The Great TbwweU VWr St Tasewdl. Smt. IS-M-Ifi. Ooneeidon Men snd Shews of sU kinds, get bnsy. Coom where there Ujmasiw sad get it. Write or wire FIOTD MWIB, Chief tt Qoneesslons, Oalax, Ta., wertt Aug; 3»th. MAKAGER8 AJTD PERFORMERS AT USBEXHr BBOVUD AVAIL THEhSSELXES OP TBE SFECXAIi OOMFZiDlfENTABY ADVEBUXBOXQ RATE AOCX>BDBa> MISMBKBS OF XHB EBOKBSSIOir TOR VDBUOA* noir <HB> AT XIBEWnr OABDS. The BEST RINK SKAIl] WE believe it. THOUSANDS OF OTHERS bnow it. Order a sample pdir and be CONVINCED. Write for free cat- alogue. We any a complete line of rink supplies. We supply pacts for other makes of skates. GHIGAGO ROLLER SKATE CO., - 1123 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO, ILL,