Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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64 Ttie^ Dill board SEPTEMBER..3r.lgia f ' LOUISVILLE, KY. ' (Contfnaed from paee 28.) Tbe MatT Anderson will run again this Tear ander tbe same poller. James Ii.^nreed remains manager. This bonse will receive bookings from the X&ilted Booldne Offices. Buckingham opened np Its ttairty-tbird wsMB Uut;ireek; with tbe Broadwar Gaiety Girls >t the attraction. Tbsre will be three classes of TaadeTllle In LoolBTlII* this season, booked by tliree dUferent dteolts. The New Walnut Street, which ii booked by the National VandeTUle Association of Bamilton, O., giving tliree shows a day on the ten, twenty and thlrtyK!ent plan. This bouse will Ije managed by McCarthy and Ward, also managers of the National VandeTllle ASBOdatloD. The New Ayenne, after being re- painted wlU be tinder the management of Stair and Havlln, with C'A. Shaw as resident man- Th» motion picture houses are being well pat- zaolscd. There will be foor hoases In Lonls- 'ViBt this leasaa to be managed. b7 one man (IMa Simons).'. Tliey are tlie Colnmbia; Hop- Mns, ,Casliio and Or pbenm. , -, - :: : -ABXUUB T. SCEDBCKIiEB. MINNEAPOLIS^ MINN. (Continued from page 28.) Sunday night,. Angnst 28, ■ marked ■ the close of tb* band concert season at Lake Harriet Pal*.- Wltk the close of tbe Grace Hayward Stock Oonpanr *t the HetiopoIItan Opera Hous'e, Batuday evening, August 20. - the various mem- bcn have ' scattered thronghout the country. IflH Bayward left for Oak Park, a suburb of ' CSileaco, wberer she will bead a stock company ; dl innter.: Bagene McQlllan win .be stage man. ' Uer-oC tills company. David Harlowe. aaalstant. '' aad <IQnrtIe Gayety. win play second leads. Ur. TanA' Greene will enter the company rebears- >1bc Tbe Uember from Ozark, in Chicago'; Guy ' CtafnOB win Join one of Mr. - Geo. Gatta' road eompaslas, and Hary Hill left for New Tork. *■ Albot Morrison,^ Ftank Tobln and Agnes Bllal kave not yet dedded as to their future plans. .Oi^alno Boiler Skating Blnk, under tlie management of A. C Kaech opened np with big bnsineas last week. i ■ ■ BODBBIC STB. VLBUBE. WINNIPEG, CAN. 1*7 (Contlnned from page 28.) ^ ^Sbe Stadand. Dreamland.' Elite. Colonial and '.piand report business as fliatclsas. Tbe Colanlal : Amusement. Co. is Intending tlis kreefton of another moving picture theatre In the etty-at-e cost ot:f2S.00O.-. An option bas been seenred on a site In the hesrt of tbe city and It la ezpeeted that the deal wUI be put through :.AorCor-.The 'eompany' Is^ inetapocated .«Ith a ' capital.of $iaO,00O..and It U their Intention .to ^seatablUh' a circntt-'ot. theatres rthrou^out West- ' aa.Canada. .Xhe^dlrectns^f .th^ eompany are: .-;P.^'Sbdie,\'iae^Ideh{;*;C.~ Silvemum, aectetary- - trsamrer and general manager; B. Glnbe, vlce- 'ptealdCnt;''J.'Ubneetiky'-and-' Mrs.' B. Glnbe. , ->Tbs-'BaltUo-BlIl-Pawnee<'Bia' Combined Shows . allowed here August. 22-23 'to capacity crowds and even had to turn thousands away. It was the first appearance In this city and aroused con- siderable tnteiest by tbe nature-of the perform- anee given. Theo. Johnston,' one of the old-time - stock tavotltea of the Winnipeg Stock Company., bas been agaged In the capacity, of stage director of the stock'company'at the 'DmnlDlon tor the coning season.:. John -iZi TWoods, scenic ~ artist, bas also been re-engaged to paint all the scenery used In the productions of the com- ; pany. ' J. LIbueefsky, one of the directors of the Ooloilal Anmaement Co., has returned from West Baden. Ind^, where he went for the benefit of bis bealtb; He reports a dellghtfnl trip and claims the baths' liave done htm a world of good. : The Elite and Grand Theatres, nnder the per- ■onal management of Sam Klein, report increaa- .>lnc'attendance.' ; ifr^ Paul Le Uarqnan^gpresldent of Tbe Star- land. Ltd.. bas.',been' Aray firom the' dty for ' aome tlnie: on - a.'^'trip :o(. Inspection of tbe dr- enit «C booses = of irbiek he Is the head. Tlie management of'^e cftcnit'.ls well, and ably locked after by Vtt. W. Ledoax, the seneral man- ager of the company. .■ ■ ■ •:. SAM LECHTZIER- - NASHVILLE, TENN. * - (Continued-from page 28.) The pretty new theatee. rOie Orphenm, will Its doors.on'I.abor Day. This new >l a y b aii s e will be one of the most attractive and complete vaudevDIe booses In the South wbd completed. Tbe color scheme of the thea- tre win be green and dark. red. set off with old gold. All tbe woodwork Is In green, the walls in red and the boxes and front of the balcony are decorated in cream white and gold. The wh<de celling is decorated in a most artistic manner with a series .of panels, llie wlodows, .wbldi seem to be Innnmersblev are . fitted with smaB panes In a sort of semlcolonlal design In ' lueillm trttb the geneial architecture of the rfaniie.--- Tbe bouse will aeat about 1,200 people. Tbe'Stage can be plainly seen from every seat IB tbe theatre, lioth in the orchestra as well as the gallery. Outside of the back of the gallery is a pretty little roof garden with a pergola covering. Mr. Oscar Altman, Nashville's most popular treasurer, who has been connected with MaiiBgcr George Hickman at the Grand, will be at the boxH>ffice to serve the little pasteboards to all those who desire admission. Prof. Pad- erewsfcl Moehl will liave charge of an orctiestra of seven pieces and it's safe to say that there will he some music, too. The Iwx-offlce will probably be open by September 1, for the ad- vance sale and at ail time seats may be bought a week In advance. All of Manager Hickman's friends wish him well In bis new vnudertaking. It has been .'' rumored here that Mr. W. P. Beady, formerly manager of the (Crescent The- atre, is to fit out a- new vaudeville house on Summer street, a few doors below the Dixie Theatre. All Nashville would like to see Mr. Beady back in the stow business, for while he tiad charge of the Crescent, everything nnder his anpervlslon was marked "Saccess." : Chinese Johnny Williams and Edith Williams were a big riot at tbe Fifth Avenue TlKatre week of August 16. This well-known: Chinese Impersonator is really a whole show In himself. and was warmly welcomed upon lUa^second Nash- ville appearance^ at tbe Uttb Avenne; : The 'Airdome' Manager BUIy Bordelaer's open air theatre closed Its doors on account of poor business. Manager E. Ii. Cameron, of the Glendale Skat- Ing Blnk, has inaugurated a new plan by which he has ujran the opening night been very, suc- cpssfnl. mils innovation. is in tbe °8hape of .an 18-plece orchestra, which made Its Initial ap- pearance to his patrons on Friday nifht. August 19. and which proved.a biK drawing card for his. popular rlidc^ : Manager Cameron: bas informed me that be Intends to make this a''feature eadi Friday night. W. B.--AENOliD. ALBANY, N. V. ^ (Continued from page 28.) The Syndicate has not as yet annonnced any plan for secnring a theatre In Albaqy. The new Cllntim Theatre stands less than half finished, and Its future Is tangled with financial litiga- tion. Tbe vartoos mmon about lts,manaj:ement have not become definite.and as. at least four or five months would be required rto put it In shape for opening. It Is safe to say that Klaw & Brianger are not Interested In obtaining a theatre in Albany. :. _ The Empire Theatre, controlled by' fke Colum- bia Amnsement Company, and mana'ged by Jas. H. Bbodes, opened its seaam-Angnst . 2a, with BobleTs Bnlckeiboeker-. Boriesgnwa^ This the- atre wUI alone cater: to tbe lovers of burlesqne thhi season, as'tbe «dd Gaiety has-'been taken off the Western. Wheel, and will be closed. Proctor's Theatre will cwtlnue its policy of high-class vaudeville and moving pictures nnder the management of Howard Graham. ■The Majestic Theatre. Proctor's'next done neighbor, will continue under EmU^Delcbes as a ten and fifteen cent vaudeville'and picture Imuse. . — . . » ". ■ ■ Maple Beach Park "win dose Its seasim on ui-- bof lDay,'after a highly prosperoos .summer, un- der ^ the management of-J. J.'CarBn, the first man to put this park on a paying 'basta. Tbe Jeffrles-JohnsoD fight plctnies sbowed at (Hiadwlck Park :the week of August 15 to large crowds. ' '■ ,. . u» WnJiliM HiiHASKEU^ . N. ^ , BROOKLYN, : (Gontinned from page 28.) ^ The- Klrke Brown Stock Co.. which- has been appearing at the I,ee Avenue Thea&e' the past four weeira.'started on the road week'^f August 2S. Mr. Brown has one . of the be^t stock com- panies which baa appeared here in many seasons. Clark'a Bunaway Girls opened tbe season at the Gayety Theatre here on Monday, Aug. 22. This attraction is an unusually good one; In fact. It Is a regnlar two dollar Broadway pro- duction.- If all of the abows In; the Easten Wheel are as good as Clark's Bunaway Girls, th^ will bave . a record-breaking season. The Star Theatre opened on August 22 wlHi Tbe : Parisian Widows. Vniing Mhe summer mouths extensive Improvements w^re made on the 'Stage, allowing' for greater se^Ic displays, and a new ventilation plant has been Installed. The andltorlnm also has undergone renovation. James J. Clark , will continue as manager. The company Is largely new, James Eelso. Blancbe I>el0iit€m, Julia Sinclair. Helen Spencer. James Hickman .and George Nlhlo being the leaders. Two musical farces were presented, Interspersed with an olio. One of tbei cblef featnres was the offering of Marie Spanaw. - The Imigi Pierce Troupe made their first appearance in this country. In a sensational novelty; Hickman ana Bentley, Kelso and Lelgbton. NIhIo and Spencer, and other offerings gave good measure. The regular, season of the Crescent Theatre and Stock C<ompany 'will begin Saturday eve- ning, September 3. Tbe imenlng attraction -will be the charming play by Channing pollock. The Iilttle Grey Iiady, and win enust-'the entire strength of the fine Crescent Stock Company, embracing,' as It does the . prime favocltea, George Allis(»i. Chsrles Schofield. Arthur Bu- chanan. Joseph Eggenton, Daniel E. Hahlou, Miss EmIIIe Melville, Miss Gertrude' Blvers and the return of the clever Ingenue, Miss Isadora Martin. A new candidate for the approval of the pa- trons wUI be an actress described as the young- est, prettiest and most versatile of leading la- dles. Miss Florence Barker. Sbehas-Mely been leadings lady in Fred Belasco's California Stock Company, a position she occupied for two yeara. The new juvenile man Is B. O. Brlggs. v>in. has for the past two seasons been connected with one' of Henry W. Savage's road companies. The new stage director Is William 0. Masson. Ctorse Payton's BIjon Theatre will open here September 5. with tbe BIJou Stock Ca, beaded by Claude Payton. . ; . : _ The Corse Payton Lee Avenue Stock Co. opened on August 29. ■ GEOBOB H. HAKES. BALTIMORE, MD. (Continued from page 28.) The Biggs Bealty Company is planning the erection of a handsome theatre at Fifteenth and G streets, northwest, Washington, D. C.,, and Baltimore contractors have been requested to submit bids for the work. Architect J. H. De Slibour, of Washington, prepared tbe plans for a theatre and office bnUding eight stories high and to cost $900,000. It WlU be one of tbe handsomest in tbe Sontb. Ornamental marble with terra cotta trimmings and copper cornices will be used. Tbe facade win be Of bigbly polished onyx and marble with statuary and varl-colored electric lights. The Interior will be flted with bardwood tUing. con- crete and polished oaks. Several local contrac- tors have already snbmltted bids. The Chicago Grand Opera C^nnpany will In- augurate the opera season here in November and end In January, according to announcements made by Mr. Andrea Olppel, funeral director. The organization' consists of Harold F. Mc- C<HTnick, president; Charles G. Dawes and Otto H. Kahn, vice-presidents; Charles L. Hutchin- son, treasurer, and Phil M. Lydig, secretary. The executive committee consists of Clarence H. Mackey, chairman; J. C. Shaffer, vice-chairman; Otto H. Kahn, Pbillip M. LydIg, Charles G. Dawes, John 6. Sbedd. Jnllen Bosenwald, Harry Payne 'Whitney, and H. Bogera Winttarop. Cheofonte CampaninI is the general moslcal di- rector and Bemhard Ulrlch is the business man- ager. The company will have Its-own artistic forces augmented by those of the Metropolitan Opera Company of New Tork and by the Boston Opera Company of Boston. A new building is now being erected on East North avenne for a combination of amusements. The buUdlng win have a frontage of forty feet on North avenue and a depth < of 96 feet, 6 Inchea. The first floor -wlU be utilised as a theatre -with a seating capacity of SOO. The basement win be used entirely for bowUng alleys and on tbe npper floors wlU lie bintard tables and other features. The artistic beauty of the structure win be glven careful attention. There will be an ornamental entrance but It -wUI be entirely different from the; fronts now In evidence on amusement - bnOdings. Tbe bnUding wiU be equipped with all modem devices and the gen- eral comfort of the andienee wni be given special attentlm. Eugene Ckwk Is erecting the new structure. Xuna Park has. risen from Its ashes and this -great resort. Is. Itself again. The buildings that •were burned T>ave been replaced'-with-~new end larger structures. The dance ball has the finest floor in the State. The new bnUdlsigs were opened Angnst 20 and tbere were many thousands present to enjqy tlie many pleasures that were missed during the interval of recouatmctlon. Messrs. George Bryan, Grape and Gelglein were the center of; many groups receiving congratnla- tlons from the multitude for their tenacity in ■ticking to tbe Job and rebuilding tbe park -when others In the face, of disaster would have quit. Rose Sydell and her Iiondon Belles were much enjoyed at tbe Gayety last week. Johnnie Weber Is a whole (bow in himself and be Is the life of the show.. STUVAM 8CHBNTHAI>. For Sale Slot Machines of every description; Cheap. Write to4ay. WAONBB inre. CO., IBM Mohawk St., Chicago. base: ball poke:r Tbe moat a tt rac ti ve and *«—fafif-g of all w>v> elty ball-: games. Twenty-four ' mammoth steal Slaying carda mounted on a rack. Throw flva alls and make any poker hand. OUD MnJL, SXREAM Antomatle moving fish pond. A miniature re- nndnetlni o(,ui M mill acene with the water, tbe: wooden mill inia, and tbe flab, all In no- tion. 'WWefor fOUjaztleniani, y. X. XMISB- VoW/SUg^f Saoiia; ma. - Ex. Ex. Circus Brash, $3.75 The. New Straight Bore Bruslt. .. —: POFni,AB WITH BIIXPOSTBBS :— .. BlUposters' Supplies of all Klnda. SEBVABD BaVBB Oa. Beotor BnUdisg, - . Ohloago. WAHTED—Trombone and Trap Drummer for tbe Great Wblteley Shows. Boute: Bethel, Mo.. Sept. 2; I/Conard, 3. Address DAVE XOtmHi, Band Master. Must join by wire. WANTED TO BUY Several nickel-in-the-slot Eleetrle Ptanoa: must be very cheap for cash. J. F. HEBMAN. 14''0 Pa. Ave., Washington, D. 0. MA» WASTED—Banjo Player. Comeill.n. Talker and Singer; also Dance Artist. State price and full particulars in first letter. Work stands. TBAVBB & SHIPP SHOWS, North Warren. Pa. WANTED Juvenile Man For VandevUle Act, Address-BSSPOHBIBIS, care The Bl Ub oa r d, -OlnelnnaH, O. WANTED Sketch Team And aiogte: Perfonnera who know the medicine bnslness. (»n also use man with picture ma- eblne that ehn do specialties and work in acts. State salary wanted, wm tnmlab ticket if needed. Address WX. ASMOMD, 801 SSth Ave., Milwankee,'Wis. WANTED For Jones Bros.* Bn&alo Banch Wild West, two first-class Cowboys, Trick- BIder and Bop- era, Comet Player,' Steward, Indians. Address 3. AVaJSSXUS JOHBS, Tinlta, Okls., Sept. S| Wagomr S; XoAIeeter 6: Dmant 8. WANTED For the only , colored park in Ulsslsslppl, -week of Oct. IT, S or 6 pay shows, one flee attrac- tion, band and legltliaate concessions. Would prefer to have a carnival company furnish alL Bxcurslons to tbis place every day during that week. Best crop In yesrs. Give full parttco- lars in first letter. DON'T MlSBEPBBSmiT. ALBEBT BAKKS, Yaioo City. Miss. ' For Sale—Midflret Hone Tiny Mite. 2S-In. bigfa. allows five-year old moutb. Does a few tricks and learns easily. Also tent, 12x14, 6-ft. sides, banner, gasoline Ugbtlng ontfit. Bverytbbig comtlete. and nearly new. Guaranteed as rcpreaennd. BI healtb cause of seUIng. Address W.d. DAmS, 884 Unabego Ave.. MUwnnkee. Wis. FOR SALE Together or singly. Having bad a fire and bivnlng np most of my canvas, have decided to seU and quit business, as I have made mine. Rave left the following, all new and perfect: -Armltage & Gulnn Ocean Wave, (3ondennan Fer- ris Wheel, Special Mandoain Piano, 14. Wind- horst Pressure Lights, 10 Fan Lights, 2 five- legged Sheep, alive; 1 large Tent, 2 small Tents. 100 Stakes, Bopes, etc.; small Menagerie and ^hlbition Cans, :Bannen, etc;; also have over $200. worth of new crates for'everything; every piece and: part , is crated. Everything can he seen running next week at MIddletown, Conn., on Main street, near Green. Address HOMEB 6. CRAW, Mgr. P. S.—Best offer gets eveiy- thing.' For Rent, Lyceum Tteetre Seats TOO. Equipped -with fall ontfit of scenery for permanent stock. Plenty stage room, well lighted. Good chance for right man. Address, MOBBIS M.. UNK. Sandnaky; O. jDDnaoD Cl^ Opera loose JUNCTION CITY/ARK. C. A. Pattenon* Mgr. Open time for good attractions; one night standa. Oct., Nov., Dec Short jnmpa to other good towns. Good railroad connections. Writ* for open time. O. A. PATTEBSON, Mgr. TROMBONIST AT LIBERTY Experienced. Theatre prefeited. . . . F. A. BAJXE7, Care "The Onuia," Bovth SiSTen, Klob. > .--1 A ! I A Hir-.AOO Done 671. O. BUTCHER with The most artistic, attractive and catchy signs, advertising posters, performers' announcennents/sc^ are made with the PAASCHE AIR BRUSHES.c aiiey produce the great^ variety of ^fects in <M)1^ bkck and white, superior to llthbgraphs, at a great saving of time and labor. Send for illustrated catalog PAASCHE AIR BRUSH CO. 604 Bine Island Avenne. CHICAGO.