Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. The Bill board 57 OPES TUX—EUb Theatre, Banndaer. tat. ODMi time Sept. •ml Oct. Can get moner any TCur.d., or S't-^-^Z-gt-g. BtM8. Manager. FTHELBEBT OPEBA BOVaE, Como, UI««. Good ittractlona wanted. BIgslttS joft^icenenr. elec- tric llffbred; aeata 650. Fop. 1200. Good ahow town. B. H. DPWI^P. Manager. PECSEAITS OPERA BOOTB, Bo. B:aTen, Kan. Open datea In November, December, Janaarrana rtbmary. In good Bhow town. J. W. SECK- HAH. Manager. ■ ■ SAYSES OPEHA BOUSE, Waathirford. Tax. Now booking for 1910-11. Strong stand. Seat- Ins caiiacity 000. Pqpnlatlan 8.000. Proapeeta Vnr One. STOKES & BOKNEH, Managera. BUBST'B BEW OPERA B0U8E, Cambridge CitT. Ind. Still a rew good open datee for flnt- rlaia nlwa and TiudoTlIle company. Only firat- clasa iSee d apply. B. L. SCOTT, Manager. GRAY'S OPERA BOirSE, Bairiabnrg, Ark., oDCni Sept. lat. Wonld like to hear from good fttoek comoailles. Write .for open time. Cap. lao; HOlSlES a manning. Managera. Opera House for Sale Gbeap On account of death o£ manager. Addreaa MBS. B. D. TAUSB. Pntlae, 111. • THE- DAVIS OPERA HOUSE Otien time after Not. Uth for good abowa. Up- tiTdate theatre. Good ibow town, W. F. WAL- TER, Aaat. Mgr., Mineral City, O. , : For Rent-Winter Harden Tbeatn In Baronne, Street, Aiiur block* fiom Oaaal Stzaat, NW OBLKANS, Oapacltf 2,6001. Goal la aamner; equipped with (ana. Haa aleettie and heatliig pint. Oaa KtAed br aU ear Ilaa* en tnB&en.'t! Addraaa TACKSOM BRBWUIG OOKPANT, New OrUana. La. THEATRE FOR RENT Seating capacity TOO. Beat location. PInah back folding seata, caipeta, piano. sceneiT, atecl booth, dectrie li ghted , ateam lieated, etc $200 month. SATOX THEATRE, l^ringSeld, 0; WANTED ni PAUCE TiE»«. STEaTON. PA Small Companlea. Write tor Imnadlata men time. Can nae TaodeTlIIe Acta. Add. MAN- AGER BOUBEBGEB, care Palace Theatre. Sted- ton. Pa. "FortvUle Opera House" Bookings Wanted for the aeaioB At 1010-U. Seating capacity TSO. PopDiatkm 2,800. Addreaa X. MARSH BABDIN. Ibrtmie, Udiaiia. THE GRAND la now open for fint-daaa < attractlooa. A Ug home for yon If yon have "tbe gooda." Two boxes, raised sectloD, electtte lithta, fariMce hPat. Good treatment. Addreaa T. R. BIG- GEBS. Mgr. Grand. Bloffa, Hie. lYRIO 50 PICTURE THEATRE AT tiFFll, OHIO Is always open for new and op-to-date Attrac- tlons. BBISTOI. A BOKHUR. MgUi. Ohio. New Lyceum Theatre MACON, MISS. Booking for aeaaon IBlO-11. Dramatic. Mualeal and Mlustrvl Companies please -write. Good bnsinvsa for good attiactlona. Theatre Wanted. Electric, TandeTOle,- or Opera Booae. wm bny flztorea If cheap. Win rent «r leaae. B. r. PALMER.: ear» The Binboara,: cancUmaM. O." Academy Opera House Clifton, Arizona Now booking for the. aeasco of 1010-11. Beat Hhnw town of ita alae la Benthweat. Companlea iHMkIng to Gbothwaat. wilta far tarma and ""tee. K. M. FRBirnCAN. Hanaiar. Gluuster Opera House, GLOUSTER, OHIO. rr.der new management this year. Opeiwd Ang. " ' wIthTogal'a Utattrcla. Crowded bona. Seat- >'capacity 800. Good attractlona wanted. Com- >'<'iiilty pRnperona; ontlook far theatre bnslnesa < '"'lit In history of tlw town. Septemlwr and '"inbRr sbowa will reap a hamat. Write for ■ " D datea. DUXCAK * OBAFT, Managera. The Orl0ln of Ragtlmet HARNEY & HAY N E S Tha abora cnt la a great likeness of Ben Harney and Miss Jessie Baynea In their laat vaode- TfUa eireart. which la^tlie nearest thing to the real tbing on tbe stage Uhdmr* Tli» act conalsta of ainging, d a ncin g, and piano playing and, by the way, Mr. Harney la the orii^nator of "Bag Tims" mule, lint prodneing it at the Fbontain Square Theatre in Cincinnati, with Phil' and Nettle Petera' "Old Soldier Company," season of 1SU2. and placing the llrat piece of maale on earth written In Bag-Time, the following seaa«i with GreeniQ> A Compsny. of JjoolSTiUs^ Ky.. **Ton*re a Good Old wagon, Bnt Yon're Hone Broke Down," to be followed by "Ifir. Jobaaon Tom Me Looii^" and pnbUsbied by M. Wltmark A Sons, of New Tork City. Mr. Harney haa docnmenta from tbe late dean of TandeTlIIe. Mr. Tony Paator, Tooeblnt for hia originality, be being tbe gentleman to bring bim ont In the East. He la also the inrentor of hia famous stick dance wlilch helped him to become ao iwp"'«r with hIa andleoee. The flrst to place a genuine negro (Strap Hill) In an audience^ bringing him trcrn gaUOTT to atage and one of the biggest hits In America. The black and brown make-np he and Miss Jessie Haynes also created in 1888 at Mew Xork. Mias Haynea, -without a doubt, la the closest and nearest impersonatress of a mulatto of Octaroon character In the world. She drat started -with a Inmp, as did Mr. Haraey with Klaw A Erlanger in their liM Company, later -with Soger Bros., Henry X. DIzey, Geo. B. Lederer. before'her atep in raudeTllIe which haa been a Eueeeaa. Both these people play parta and they deaerre a lot of credit for one thing. Tliat is. everytlilng they do la entirely original. Their Ideaa were and are eztenslTely copied, which Is tbe penonificatlon of flattery. If all acts could say tbe same, and it waa so, what a gloriona bnaineaa tbeatrleala wonld be. Tbink of the acta today and then try and count tbe ones m«M«g their bread and butter ofT that popular music, "Bag Time." Think of tbe mllUona alnglng, plulng, dancing, and then ask them what they Ilka best and their answer la, "Rag Time.'" Wagner, BeetlMTeii, Cnopls. dlacoTered new ideas In musie and -were aceiedited -with It^ Then, gtra the originator of Rag Time credit wtiare credit Is dna and that Is Ben R. Harney, of KentncKy. They «r> now ont Went under flie pmaenal direction of J. Wenington Ettowerth. THE -WORLD'S MOST DARING -WIRE ACTS LI ON WE A RX Open for dates In Nortb, Bonth, Xaat or 'Wot. for Tanderllle or. Ace Attractlona. Addreaa, ■IJONBEABT,'* care "Billboard." ST. lAOIS, HO. AT LIBERTY Band JLieader Play Btrang comet. B. A O.; aober and reliable: A-1 repertoire of atandaid and pivolar mnaie.' Woold b« pleaaed to hear tma any flrst-claaa abow. State aalary yon can pay, etc Oaa IMb an -wire. Addreaa R. O. BAYWORKEt. CrawfiKdarlUe. Ind.. R. R. 8. - . .- ■ '. AT t l BERT Y ALFRENO AND COMPANY Acknowledged aaimplon Hl|^ Wire Walker of ths-Wocld. Can (omlah;flira* Olatlaettacta. ;Aet one—Comedy Sensatianal mgh Win Act; no limit to height. - Aet two—ICInlatarB 'aisIl Wire. 1 Girl. 2 Boys, introdncng the "Elephant Walks tha Rope:" a great comedy fe ature . Aet three- Twin Boya In Bndeaqne Aerobatle BaadDg. For tatiu, ate.; MBS. A. A. SWABXS^ Haaagar, 352 Fulton Street. Mew-Tork City.' ' !.. ';'' " '" - ■ ': - ^ WANTED FOR COULTER&COULTERSHOWS Slide Trombone. Baritone. Alto, for big show band; Singing and Talking Clown. Cook. Boss Caa- Tasman. concert People, Worfctagmen in aU departmrats. Long acaaoa South, cloidng In Houston. 3%]^!^ Address'aU lfo 'W. H. COULTER, as pCT route. Wanted Quick for Chunn's U. T. C. Conipany Mnslciana St all kinds; Man for Harris and St. aaie, to double braas; Join on wUcw . Qtva Bgtt time to ba tbrwatded. O. WESTUUJD, Gen. Del., MarshsUtown, Iowa. The New Grand Opera House Blackwellt Okl<ahoma -Wants Stron? Kepertoire or Mtisieal Comedy Co., for Inter-State "Bait, week of September 19. WANTED 12 BIEGE BAND FOR WILD WEST SHOW AU imnR ENttfiEMENT. OKMNfi AT KNOXnUf. TENH. SEPTEMBER t2 ADDRESS— • — CoLZACK HUUIAU.. Care "UIXBOAKD** ST. LODIS. HO. WAHTES—^Medicine Performers, all kinds; Piano Flayer. Winter's work; opera bonaen. DR. W. H. BAUik care Nat'I Hotel. Mlaiwapo- lla. Htam. W A N T E D Circassian, Tattooed or Fkt Lady. Good bannera neeeaaary. CHAS. S. BROWNUdL T Ontario, Canada. WAHTED—Man with plenty script of hia own. that can take charge of Rep. Co., and put on playa aa Beat lynne, etc. (BarnrPage. arrtta again.) Addreaa DR. B. D. KA«BbLt. UM IC 4til St.. SkttlnglleU. IB. ■ FOR SALB-Model B Machine and THpod. aeUfor board. Saydark Photo Foateard _ Perfect order: naed only Umea. .- Ooat 9<5 with tmnraranenta. WIU r «2n. Addreaa DAXDABK. care Tha Bitt- Cincinnati. Ohio. V WAMTltn Binging and TaUdng Olawn for Al. Clack'a Hippodrome Show. Bd. Wright; write; would also like to bear from liCe Jngbram, band balancer. Will boy good Edlaoa Pictiin Ma* chine and Model B -Gas Machine. Addresa Al. Claekr can Bmetor'a Weataia Bhewa,. Rataa, Saw. Kaitasi,, COWBOYS WANTED, for Blanche McKenaey'a Hippodrome. Cowboys that can ride a backer and do rapinx. We fnmlsh free attraetlaaa for fairs and have no abow. Ught work and good salaries; pay every -week. State what yon can do In your letter and be ready to Join as by wire. C. B lack, of Bntehinaon. Kan., write. I.. M. UUNTKB. Mgr^. cam Nehraaka State " " , Sept« 4-». Fkir, Uneoln, Neb., Wanted for Vaudeville Character Actor fOr'atralght old mas part la sketch; aeaion all booked. HOARRT BAJfMODD. American Tbeatn. Cincinnati. Ohio. Wanted, Musicians to aasiiMat ' Fattaraoii Band—Comet, Clarlnat. Baritone, IVombona and Trap Drama. Wire. Addlreaa, BABD 1U8TEB, Oiast FattarMB WANTED AT ONCE Fbr Old. Ban and Tiger Bni'a Wnd Weat. Com- patant Blllpaaten for long engagement, aa abow wlU poaltlTCly remain ont an -winter. Address. CCbO. W. BAU% Braaarllle. (Rock Co.|, Wis. WANTED FOR - STUART ASSOCIATE PLAYERS A-I Agent, Lady Plana Player, Repertoire and Dramatic People in all lines; those doing ape> claltles preferred. AD3TINO STnART. Wheel- ing, West Virginia. Eiperisieeit Mai or Woman WANTED to work a amall pany aet^ either aa aaluy -«r an intereat iB tba act. Sand raferaness and ^botographa to PONY ACT, care Bnibaardr Maw WANTED FOR Capt. W D. AMit's BmiM Plaitatin Tuba to donUe bass In orchestra; baritone to. double 2nd TloUn; alto to double guitar or vio- lin: tmnbooe plaqrer. and esverlenced colored. perfMmera. Show opoia Sept. 12. Will remain oat till Christmas, wni adranea 12. B. f area to BS»i3? "Pi-S^ ^S? ■''iP'.«^a'' 4fl*"» CAPT. W^ |>. AMBST. CteB. DA. SaocCTina^ TWm. ORIENTAL DANCER state loweot salary la Brst latter. Sen F. O. BOX m, Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED—AT ONCE BOSS CANVASMAN Fmr four-pole top; brsnd new and llneet ootflt In the world. A-1 Agent that can contract lots, license and dray: most b« a hastier. Lady Piano Player that win double two amall parts on atage. Itour salary hen la poaltlTely sore and yon get It. aeaaon. Pay your own board. Wire or write qolek. JACK BAXMO.VD. care Baymond'a Big "Seat Theatre. Kowata. OMa. Grand Opera House Peterboroagh, Ont., Canada J. J. TURNER «. SONS.. Owffraraand Managara. Tba theatre Is new and up-to-date: ground floor; seating capacity 1.500. Pinest tbeatn betwana Montreal and Xbranto. Booking on A. J. Sttaau Circuit; both roada C. P. B. and G. T. B. Popa- latlott 18,000; drawing populathHi. 23,000. Tbe new "aAmiOTAI. THEATRE" -will open abont Sept. 18. Seating about 500. A new oQ town. Would Uke to hear tnm a flrat-daaa. stock company to open up with. Also tma Msnsger. SANDCTAIj AMCSEMENT CO.. K. D. Watt, Secy., Sandoral. DI.