Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. T-lie Blllboardl 61 ALTnr AND ZENDA, BOCIETY OYHKASTS. The above cat shows Peter H, AlTin and Dolly Zenda, who have a very clever symnastlc act. They can be addressed care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, O., or Box 365, Dresden. Ohio. Valeno Italian Concert fiand (40 Selected Mnsidans and Solobb) Now Booking Season, 1910-11. For Vau- deviUe, Fairs, Carnivals and Parks. Spe- cial vaudeville feature. Valeno and 18 artists. Address ^ CAL DEVOLL. 120Randolpli St., Suite 210-11, Chicago. W ANTED FOR THE BI6 ROGKVILLE F«IR ^i*?!"!,^ «n<> PrivHeee Feopte of ni-m^ •» growing BraOBB AND g^TBE every year. Address P. J. COOUIT. Secretary, RockvIUe. CJonn. GREAT READINB FAIR . SEPT. 27-30, 1910 |10,000 In ndrses and premlnms. No ezduslvea. iiecretary. Reading. Pa. ■ Danbury Fair iPTFORfiETIN^C^ 3-8 Th« LargaM biilMtlon lii Nwir England. Tor■pMS^'^imiy to'" N^T.BULKLEY aupt. Boettia<l Starida. Danbury. Conn. yon us it In Iha BUIboud. tdl tli«m sa. Wanteid £0r the Campbell United Shows Mof a Tr nA*fpS S.v. «*^" imtn Cteiatmas. Address an commanlcatloDs to Slkeston. Carnival Company Waniad SfiSlS^'^JF^'^' No. 125, Msjttosvine, Ind., with 60O members, wants a Camlvrt Company, fur- nishing bom free andjpaM attractions, for week of Oct. 10; Bte Home Coming ind Barrest ^ tlval. Free streets, free lieense and ttee Ught. Address U O. SBOWH, BecreSijv W^ANXED WANTED Two More Shows that Don't Gonllict ?i!?i*iV22 ^^S^" can make good; Ferris Wheel, and legitimate Concessions: (no graft). 1 5!flM!2f™«*?* 'S* ^ *<"™» gnarantee big crowds, rtenty of money, fair treatment. Everything mnat be moral and refined. Write O. J. KEPPI^*B, /ilton. Kj., week Ang 29-Sept.-3; Mayfield. week 19-24; Parb, Teva., week : week S-IO; Union City, Tenn., week 12-17; Dresden. Tenn., i-Oct. 1; Hontlngdon, Tenn., week Oct. 3-8. The Monroe Fair Assbdatio^ wishes to contract for enough Side Sbows and Concessions to ffll two sides of Un amosement street throngh Fair Gronnds, one thonsand feet long. Our country la blessed with magniOcent eN|n; money wlU be plentiful. Ontlook tar fair the brightest In Its history. ^lendld ovportuBltles to do good bnslness. Dates for fair. October. 25-2S-2T-28-29. 1810. Address MONBOB FAIB ASSOCIATION, H. D. Apgar, Presldeht; E. W. Andersoa, Secretary, HONBOE, TjA. Wanted Breat Easteralriteil^S^ The following concessions: Case Back, Knife Back, Boop-La. Cat Back, E\>rtnne Iteller, Candy Stand, Novelty Stand, Big Peannt Stand. Dodger. Gold Flsb. Birds, etc. Also want Plantation People, Mnsidans, Platform Show, and good Free Act, at Berry, 111., week of Angnst 29-Sept. 3. and on the streets. We have a sn-Ing of splendid towns. Address L. E. IJTT, Secretary. Berry, minols, week Angnst 2». I- O O iC s Street Carnival Sept. 5th tolOth Population IjSO.OOO. and many large towns to draw from. O. K. Stuart and other good free attrac- tions. Everybody working and plenty of money. Ten monster parades. We want people in all branches of carnival business. Write at once. W. W. BBCKEB. 1B2 Genesee, Bnffalo. N. Y. Terre Haute, Indiana, Sept. 19-24 GREAT CROWDS. DAY AND NIGHT. Want a few tent shows of merit, and would like t& hear from highdaas free attractions. Concessions for sale. Address GHAS. R. DUFFIN, Sec'y. OLD HOME WEEK PARKERSBURG. W. VA- week Sept.^ -MAIN STREETS JOHNNY J. JONES ATTRACTIONS WA Nmm Few more concessions and one more show. Promoter not afraid IV An ICU of paste,. Address JOHNIHr J. JONES, Manager, week o£-4togiw( 29th, Bellaire, Ohio; Ai^k Sq[4«mber 6th, Ririfersbuig, W. V«. : ■ ■-- The Smith Greater Shews NOTICE Oh account of the exceptional prospects offered by the Palmers Akron Band Celebration Committee for their Jubilee, September 5-10, inclusive, we have postponed the Lorain date, and will show on Main and Exchange streets, right in the heart of the city, on streets 60 feet wide. Bear in mind that Akron is a city of 70,000 in- habitants, with 200,000 to draw from within a five cent fare. The foUowmg week, September 12-17, in- clusive, Defiance Fall Festival and Home-Coming, on the main streets. Parades. Airship, Balloon Ascen- ; sions, Fireworte, Industrial Displays. Advertised for the past four months. WANTED—A fiist-dass Plat- form Show or other Show that does not conflict. Can pbu:e a male M<^t. THE SmtR 8REATER SHOWS. Efyria. 0.. Aitist 2S-SeptiHlu 3; Ueny-Cto-Boona Oirais. I. nSh Write (or eata> lofosa aaa ptleea. ou batnuMBt Wnki. H. Xlnamada^ V. T. WASTED—For People's Park, darksvllle. Tenn. Novelty Musical and Double or Single Acts. Send at once. Pboto, and state all In flnt let- ter. P. 3. COLBMAM, Fnp.. 62 Franklin St.. ClarksvIUe. Tenn. WABTED—Ftor Court Week, Oct. 20-27, Harris- burg. Ark. Good Stock Co. that can change each nlgbt. Cap. SBO. HOIAIBS A: MAMNUra. Managers. SHOWS WAHTED—We want 4 or S good pay abowB OB a pereentaga basis, for oar Street SWr and Carnival. S^t. 22-23-24. We also iHm some Privileges for sale, each aa Shootliic Galleries and Doll Backs. Free Attraction people please write. BENSON & WEUS, Newtown. Uo. CO/ will place ona man clean abow, Vandevllle, Hindoo or Plant; bave large tents to lease to right parties; one more Grind Show; legitimate concessions, write; man and wife to bandle snake show; good frame- np; two good amatenrs. Song and Dance Team for theatre. State lowest salary In Orst. This company Is going Sontb for a long tour. F. A. BOZEUL SHOWS. Allerton. la.. Aug. 2»«ept. 3. -i W4XTID 1 A-l NoveHy Ad Change for week; others write, BIUiT SON, per route, or care Xbe B l nboerd. WANTED Ballyhoo and Oofsldo Man Two weeks commencing Sept. 12; Grand Baplda and Detnlt. MICmOAN FIGHT PICTUBB CO.. Campan .Bldg.. Detroit, MIcb. TODD COUNTY FAIR AS SOCIATIO N ELKTON. KENTUCKY Oct. S-7-8, 1010. Privileges, etc.. to let. Want aome good Sbows. Address G. M. TDBNUiT. Secy., Box 7. Blkton, Ky. MIcfi. SoBtiism Stall Fair WANTS AnRACTIONS rREE AND PAID AU Coneosicns sttU for sale. Address VBKD FBI/TON. Becretarr; Benton Harbor. Midi. WANTED-GOOD SHOWS ON PERCENTAGE BASIS Harlan County Fair. Oeala, Fla.. Kdt. 22-2S. Privileges for sale. DAVID S. wnXIAXS, Beo.. Ooala, FIs. WANTED—CARNIVAL CO. with 10 shows or more for Cfinton : District: Faii|l dlnton. Iowa, week of Sept. ISth ^ Wiite J. B. AHRENS, Secretary. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. NIGHT STREET FAIR September 28th & 2j9th. b coaionctlon with BIO BIM6BAMTON FAIR. Wanted.^' clean, legitimate Concessions at aU kinds; no. gamliUng. IBA L. WAIJES; Se^. : WANTED:- CARNIVAL FOR HOME WEEK. ETom October 3 to October 8. A] LA'S PBITATE .UIC8EMBNT Ington, M. J. to SKAIr Wash'