Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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62 Tlie Billboard SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. ..PARIS SEASON FORECAST. . ^ (Contlnoed from page 19.) i onS'seasoa or the "New" Folles-Bergere sees a eorkiog rrrne, the book of the ballet being by rChekrla^Gaiuuii^ antbor .<tf the poem-plar; - Antr. XoniK Ganne madef tbe music Mme. Oteio, tBe Spanlsb dancer, so well-known all orar tbe world. Ig one of tlie chief attnctloDB, and'Snie. Napletkowska. who made, snch a hit at the Uarigny darintr the snmmer. Is offerlni; her dance—a corfcins nomber. OLTMFIA'S PB06SAU. Messrs. de . Cottens and Marinelli have ar- ranged a corkins. season for their mnsic hall, the OlTinpfft. The honse opened Its preliminary season, Angust .19. A crosa between a aide show in a drcos and a vandevflle,; with a'bal- let attachment. Is the present card. The star attraetloa Is Boaa-Josefa and their baby. The : queation . might wdl be raised, whose baby, the odld la^ cnddeiiiis^ithe attxaetlan la > Cceak. of tbe'Slameae Tirina 'mfler. - ■ One'of them haa a slx-mootbs-oia babr ^rtddi lias : been the talk of Europe stnee Its birth. - This show .win Jog along -nntll about the mid- dle of October, when a-grand rerna entitled. TlTC FarlB. wIU be staged. It Js said this will be'the big thing of the year In the music hall line of attractions and that some 'Tery hlgli- prlced stars'from:'America have been signed. Then, towards the last of December, Fregoll, the man of-many-dlsgnlses. and we11-k2iown in America, wni be the headllner. He retorng asi'a matter of fact from America - to fill-his Olympla engagement. A season-of musical com- edy- will; ^follow this revne;-wblch in^tnm wSl glTe wayi to another' revne; for the sprliwr; a reme which will - satlrixe all- the mnslc - hall hits- of this year land ^mn -.rlgfat on-Into' next summer.:^- ..; ^ ■ ■ - ■ THK OPBBA:' ■■ ■ In September. Miss Mary'Garden wUl be seen at the Opera In Monna Tanna, the new Maeter- linck opera.- She wQl also-alng-Salome. ' . Andre Messager has heard , again the new De- Jamlre, ot Salnt-Saens. which will be' produced the coming season at the Opera. Both Broussan and Messager are of the opinion tliat the work Is .one. of the most Iniportant- of modem-timea. -s .! GAffiE-It'YRnjinL : At the head of the brilliant program for this winter at the Theatre Lyrlane de la Galte. stands Don Qaichotte. tbe new work of Mas- senet. Ume. Lticy ArbeU and Laden Fngere win be the iBincipai Interpreters. « ■ : A NEW THEATRE. -Gahclelle d'Annnnxlo has. hit opon a new - scheme for a new- theatre which he proposes to bond In Paris next spring toward the end of the season. He wishes to secure a site, either in the big Esplanade des Invalldes « In the Champ^e-Mars, where the military tourna- ments occur. - The tbcatre will be a "knock-down" structure of Iron and .steel. .It will require seven days to mount It, but It will seat about 5,000 people when completed. The form will be like an In- verted bowl and shaped like the ancient am- phitheatre. The stage is to be shaped like a balloon cnt half In two. from top to bottom, but large-fnoDgli 'to i bold easOy a ballet of .TOO . peijae. (-.■":';•-■--■.■ ■■■: ; j ... - ,-' Upon the celling and walls,—and the two will be'as continuous as the sky (from -which d'An- nnmsIo'IsTsald to have got hia ijlea)^—by a sys- tem of lighting apparatus^donds wm float, and sunrises and sunsets will be seen, all * the-- work of the electrician. The.,«penInK spectacle will te, a-fairy-poem piece by d* Annnnirlo, In wlilch.-:«n-ordiestra.'of 120 musicians wm baTe an -'important part. More than 700 people wUl take parf in the action of the piodnctloo, and according to J. Schurmann. who Is' the . man " Interested with d'Annunalo In the scheme^ all traditions of the- atredom will be smadted to bits: If the enterprise proves a success, a company will be formed In Paris, with a capital of a half million to build a permanent structure tor similar "nature plays." Then, In their turn, each city In .France will have a similar one. A small theatre of the sort has already been ex- perimented with privately, the theatre used for the purpose being owned by a countess friend of the :famous -Italian author. . It -waa recon- structed and 'is - said to: bave abown marvelous possibilities. ABOUT AUTHORS. Georges Berr is said to be busy on a new play to be presented at the Falals-Royal early in the Paul Gavault. author of La Petite Chocolatlete. Is writing a play for the same theatre. - Xe Crime Impossible Is the name of a third piece scheduled for tbe Palals-Royal. this being the work of d'Allegh and d'Hampol. Mme. BosemODde Boatand, wife of tbe poet, together with her son, Ilanrice, Is writing a play; entlUed Un Bon Petit DIable (A Good UtOe OeTU). ' Lools Thomss has Jnst-Hnlsbed a three-act comedy, entitled FIchette -ou les Tendres Per- Odles (The Tender Peifldlea of Flebette). Sacha Gultty has announced a number of play- lets for the next two seasons. . Andre de I/nrde has written for the Athenee, a play called 1*Amour en .Cage-(EiOve in a Gage);- a play of the horror sort for the Grand Guignol; a drama , for. tte Sarah Bernhardt; Une Petite Bogne for the Odeon. ''. ROLUSB SKATING. Several risks are preparing to reopen this fall, hut the Tennls-St. Didier Is abont the only one now going. This one has been at it all snm- mer. The yictar-HoKO Bink expects to reopen about the middle of September. and the Hippo- drome ' wUl get into the game:-at. about :-the aame time. laiia Park wDI: Inaugurate la xlnk OBly after the regular snmmer. season^doaes.. All -these rinks are planning .for special at- tractions In the -way of champion performers, trick skaters, etc. Last year some of the best In the business were seen here. A NEW PABK. In the midst of all the new prodnctions and at the height of the theatrical season, a new American summer park wlU be solns up right in'the center of Paris. The Magic City, of Which: J. CalvlB Brown-^ls- the-moving spirit, lb scheduled to be bunt during this winter, so as to-be ready for the first rays of the spring sun of 1911. A eompauy capitalized at $1,000,- OOO has been formed and Brawn promises to make Magic City the moCel park of the world. MADE TOSURFACE RMK AND DANCE FLOORS OVER 1,660 IN USE — MADE IN THREE SIZB. For Roller Rinks, Amusement Companie.s, Dance Halls, Contractors and Builders everywhere. Machine easily rented to Contractors and Builders at a net profit of riot less than $10 to $25 a day. It is veiy easily operated as when the handle is raisecl it is indined to mbve forward of its own accord. Built on t-he only correct principle. Guaranteed to be tne BEST machine with which to produce an even, smooth surface on any kind of wood floor, old or new, hard or soft. Will surface from 5,000 to 7,000 sq. ft. once over in 8 hours. Two to four times over -will make it smooth and leveL Send for our FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION^ 105 N: Canal St.. CHICACSO, ILL. L. OUR NEW TYPE. SCHLUETTER, 103 WANTED, QUICK, COLE BROS; SHOWS FOR LONG SEASON SOUTH :]>apers and Tumblers, Acrobats and Aerial Acts of every description; Talking and Knockabout Clowns, Lady or Gentleman to make balloon ascensions, to furnish their own balloon. SIDE SHOW PEOPLE—^Knife Throwers, Little People, Fat People, Musical Acts, or any act suitable for side show. Musicians, Man to look after cook tent. Boss Candy Butcher, good. hustling Ticket. Sellers for side show and big show. Concessions for sale: Knife Back, Cane Back, Baby Back, Photo- graphs, Balloons. Song Books, African Dip. etc. Prefer those who can Join on receipt of-wire. MAN.TO HANDLE BOi;3:B & WEXEB.U6HTS. Harry Payne, Harry Hunt. Col. Weaver,* please wire. XOLB BBOSL.i Genera. Ohio. HIE UTTLE RUSSIAN PRINCE -Will Play the- BI6 HIIHESOTA STATE FAIR, Instead of Columbus, O. .5 -Then Goes to the- KIOXVlUE EXPOSITION £: OpeBlig Wesk, Sept. 12 THE DALHARWAIR ^S0CIATION Wants Carnival Companv to W. D. Wagner, Dalhart,.^ Kits Fair, dates September 21, 22 and 23, Write ~ ; quicks Giye,list of attractions, etc. TRENTON HOME-COMlie, Sept. 21 to 24, lielflsha —WANTED SHOWS, r: . Privileges. Concessions, Merry.go.round and Ocean Wave, and Hamilton; 50,000 populattoa to draw from. 20 we< Trenton. 0..1a'a aubnrb of HUdletinni' . weeka* engagement to follow. Xong season South. Also want show people in ail branches, TandeTlUe, Plantation, Oriental, Wild Wesf Freaks, CuriositleB and Novelties. GIBSON AMU&BUKNX^sJSNTBBEBISIii Itenton... O.: mail to the Committee of Trenton Home Coming. • - • .. ■ Wanted, Billposter, For «Iolin H. Sparks' Sluow. Long Season. Address BERT RUTHERFORD, Mountain Grove, Mo., Sept. 4tli; West Plains, 5th; Thayer, 6th. CLOWNS WANTED WHO HAVE PROPS TO WORK WITH For a long season South, and next season, with the BOBINSON'S FAMOUS SHOWft Best of accommodations. Bill Day, wire. Wire HARRY CLABK. Principal CIowii, as per ntnte: 8q»t. 1, Climicot he, Mo.; 2, Pattonsburg; 3, Maryvllle; 4-5. Btanberry. '.• ' ■ ■ .. ■■ ■:■ ■ fiV[OIll<^y^S^S.aO eactil Perfect Condition and Health. . I WANTED QUICK Orchestra Leader, Double Baritone Trombone, B. & O.; Clarinet, B.. & 6k; Band Iieader, Comet, General Business Actor, Special Woman to play parts. Join on week staiid. Pay your own expenses. Write or wire - ^ . PBiBCB BBSTOS. OABMBN. OKI,A. , AT UBERTY, Sept. 10, for Season 1910 and 1011 THE TWO MAXIES A-l Comet, (band leader), with A-1 rep. of music; double stage; some leads, ]ut. and light com. Weight ITS; height 5-7; age 28. Wife Is A-l Ingenues, JurenUes and some heavies. Weight 130; height 5-2; age 27. Singing and talking specialties, single or double. BelUUe nunasos irfm piece only, that wants and knows EXPERIENCED AND BEUABLB peopla wltlt ABIUTZ, answer. Address Ia H. MAXI E; St. Paul, KansaB . ' - ■ .-' GLASSBERG'S SHORT VAMP SHOES FULL THEATRICAL LINE IN ALL leathers: ALSO IN SATIN Original Models, Hi|^ and "Law Cut, French and Cuban Hedis. Sizes: 1^9, A-EE. Extensive Mail Order Dept. Catalogue Free. J. GLASSBERG. 58 Third Ave.. New York. Sole A^eni For Simpson's Solar Screen IN Florida, Geordia. No. and So. Garolina. I use the screen in my meatre and get a fine, cleiir, bright picture with house light enough to read a paper, ^ijfia the greatert screen ever made. A demonBttation will prove the truth of this stateliaent. If you are not too far away, come; aee for yourself. Don't let the other -man beat you to it. Address quick, if interested, MONTGOMERY GRAND TBSATRE. JAGKSONVIU.E, FLA. STAR MATCH VEHDING MACHINE Over 200% Profit. Handsomest and most practical Match Vending Device on the market. Enormous profits. Matches cost 40 cts. per gross, and are sold through machine at 1 ct, per box. Every Saloon, Cigar, Drug and Grocery Store want one. 50 par oantdlaeount off raguiar prioa. Write for circalars of other vending and trade sttmalatia|{ devices. The HAMILTON MFG. Ca HAMILTON, OHIO. WANTED—Shows and Concessions- Tbose that want a winter's work In Texas where craps are blK, and plenty of moner. Want Plantation People that double band; Fairy In Well, VandevUle, and good Pit Shows. Will or bay SOtb Century Merry-Go-Bound or Jumping Borse Oaransel. Can use any ten-cent srlndc -WANTED BOOA Seek ConcessIonK, no trouble. Brown's AuiDseinent Co., Good treatment, and NO JIFS. Address General Delivery, St. Joiepb, Uo, A. H, BROWN. Uanager