Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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Xtie eillboard 8BPTEMBER 8, I8IO1 AMUSEMENT PARKS Notes of the Week at Metropolitan Resorts THE DAYTON EXPOSITION FORECAST NEW YORK PARK& ^ VEBASI TO BOBOPB. I Col. Staicis Ferul. King' of Animal Men, II gmng to BoiDpe next week to oeeiire sew ■eta for Ua wild animal exposition and eamlTal ahowa. ■:• . ^ . ■<: ^ BIm cxUbltlon baa been la Sontli America far neady-a Tear, and letnns in aboat two montlu. wben Col. Fexarl :Intend» playlns the principal fair dates already IxMked. 'gbeateb dreamland. Wltb Ita plctnieaqiie' tboioashtares and its widely-'varylnj; amusements. Greater Dreamland la atlU breaking the records (or attendance. Tn» free open air drcns, -wltb its new <pro- vfram every- week, rontlnnea to amuse ?the mnl- tltnde of menrmakera tbat. erowit-^tlie aeaslds mart. Tbe JefMes.J(Anson contest pictures Sbown on the Ocean Pier Theatre;, are the greatest drawing card the i>ark:taas ever known: Creation., the bv apectaenlar prodoetlon, which nas plaaaed thousands of sIght-seers, is enter- taining immense crowds afternoon and evening, and tile Borneo VUlB^^lkas proven a most-teter- •atlDg azhlbltlon of native, wild men amid their Bomr'sntroDndlnxB. Allaa Eld AUen. Beantifnl • |Mpdla.%: The Diving Otrl Show and Anigator Joe's Item are other attractive featnreK The. rides are more popular than ever, and the boats on the Chutes are never at rest. Being dlreefl7 on the sea, refresblng breezes are at ways cn tap, and Dreamland's own ocean Is thronged with bathers. STEEPLECHASE PIER. 3*r. Oeotge C. Tllyon was at Atlantic City Wednesdsy morning. He was much pleased *''5f. things were going at the Steeple- ebase Pier. Ererythlng was rmmlng In fnll Uast. and the floor was covered with peoole. ICr.' Tnyon took occasion to compliment Han- . sver-Ferry on the cleanliness of the place. . There are few amusement places In the eonn- . tPT that can compare with Steeplechase for deanltnesB. Capt. Dade, with his brave army Of white wings, continually patrol the pier with white carpet liags. on which are nrtnted the Ig nWran t aentence, "Business is picking up." And they certainly do attend to their business. Ro rooster in the barnyard ever attended to the b nslne s t - of. .picking np any better than do Capt. Dade and Ilia white-Winn. In watching ttem one calls to'mind the old song, "Wblte Wings, Never Grow Wearyl" ^ . There Is nothing so pleaslnir ss success. And pat la what George C. TUyon has met at . BteeplaCbase. The'Pier Is wen equipped end ably, managed; and consequently et ery th ing tuna smoothly and tbe crowds of - patrons In- ereaaa in alse every day. . ;_Tba Steeplechase eaters to everybody's tastes. There is a show In the theatre for those that care to look on. There are fun and-frolic for tba yomig In the varlons attraetlcns and there IS fiS8t..for the weary on the ocean pier. Tho<w -'Wlw lofs to make a lend liee-imw, can lan^ »BS Into a at by watehlnir the trick or tbe falling cblnmns, or fbe revolving haa chosen well Its piogrami and haa. ae- eordingly been successfni. It may not advisedly be said that this season at Forest Park has heen an nnequalled era of prosperity. Many things seem to have conspired to put a damper on this enterprise, despite the msny entertalnbg endeavors of the management. BISMAECK GABDGN. Tnnes and hla band reigns supreme at thla fashionable North Side haven, wltb Frederick Nell Innes as.director, and Beatrice Tan I,oob, soprano" soloist. THE DAYTON EXPOSITION. Dayton, Ohio, Aog. 27.—Dayton, Ohio, is soon to have mn expositloa tbat will cast In the* Shade any similar erait given In a city of Ita also in recent years. Dayton Is known as the City of a Thousand Factcnries, and It Is natural to -expect that tbe Industrial portion of the Ex- position will be a gigantic anccess.' It Is the amusement feature, however, that will prob- ably interest the readers of The Billboard. Ae Dayton Chamber of Commerce, which is giving tbe Exposltitfi for tbe purpose of raising a pub- licity fond, engaged as director-geoeral, F. H. Barnes, of Chicago, and as manager of pnUlcl- ty. B. F. Melntyie, a well-known Cincinnati Admittance is twenty-Uve cents, which In- eindes aveiyfhinir and takes yoa an tbroagh. - CHIC AGO P ARKS. BIVEBTIEW. Od. O. B. Skiira American lAdles' Concert Band la In ita second week at Blverview, pleas- ing the many patrons of this park with its failed programs. This aggregation of feminine . talent baa already earned a prominent niche in poinilac fkfor. and at every stand deaanredly adds to their reputatlan. col. O. B. Skiff Is the msn who toooght the American LadiesT^ Band into being and to whom an credit Is doe; This week llnlshes tbeir engagement at ffivoriew. From there they go to the. Ooimty Fair at Xieavenworth. Kansas, and later will play at the State Fair, whliA Is to be held at Topeka. - Large crowds thronged through the gates of Blverview last week to witness the 101 Baneh in their exhibitions of skill and daring. This . ontilt haa -with It this year a nnmber of sUUed ddcrs. lariat throwers and rUe Shots, as wen aa otber features that command attention. .^Mr- raaa. Madoan, who does publicity for this park, is breaking Into the papers in good style, and patting over notices <^ a grade that* Is contlnnany keeping Blverview In the lime- light. WHITB CITT. Aa a result of the Baby Show, which was ■ 5*J? J* ■White City recently, Mr. Morrte Ble- feld departed for New Tork to confer with Mr. George Tllyon, of park fame In that city, for the purpose of promoting a national baby show. In which tbe prize winners of the various baby sho-ws thronghaat the country will con- test. Mr. B. T. Kettering is dolnir mneh in the way of publicity work to entice the crowds to this resort, with tbe result that the natronaga .is contiiinally running Into large numbers. SANS SODOL ' Sans Saad, with its green lawns, shade trees and pretty scenery. Is ottering amusement to .tbe many who are lured to this amusement re- .' sort L by the many original advertising schemes Isnncbed by Miles' Fried, who gives them what f f he -promlaes.-Creatore and his band are the - ■:meana of drawing many of Cldcago's musl£ lov- ers to Sans Sond, . where : he is oifering pro- israms of a calibre bard to be equalled. The ' Batbskdler.;'. with its-lighter .form of amuse- • jnen^.'la: .aatroBlseSi.aeiiennaly and is replete i wlftiitte Infe re st Qaaaitgood-fenowihlp of tme • Bohemias ~'atnioq>heie.if«fCoI- Jim: Jantton did - aome> fizeelbnt'-iRean .wvrlCivfor:' Sans Sond this seaaon. ; and^eantrlbiite& well^.bla Q^ota to the : •drertistng ' advantages of the FOBEST PABK. - Ballman and bis band have made quite a hit at Forest Enrk.' - This fine musical organlsatiOi Several members of the New Tork Aero Olub will come to Dayton In Mr. Harmon's private car and nearly tbe entire membership of the Chicago Aero Club Is coming with Capt. Ooey. Aside from this, the National Council of Aero Clubs of America have called a meeting of all state Aeio Clubs In Dayton, Festival week, for the purpose of organising' a state association, aa mem- bership to the main body will hereafter be made by states, and not IndlTidual dubs. Dr. 3, 0. Eberhardt, of Dayton, who is vice-president of tbe National Council, is chairman of the Avia- tion Committee of the FUl Festival, Thursday September 22, has been set aside aa Aviation Day.;-. The big free feature of the Exposition wlU be the Bnropean Hippodrome show, for which Di- rector-General ' Barnes has gotten together a series of spectacular and comedy acts seldom equalled on a single bill. The Hippodrome will be given in Memorial Hall, an Immense and beautiful structure, seating nearly six thou- sand people. Performances will be held twice daily, and an Immense stage, with a full set of modem scenery and a perfect lighting plant, ia now being erected In the hall for the Hippo- drome. The acts will be as follaws: Atmand'a Aerial Ballet: Alber's Ten Polar' Bears; The Seven Belfords; Bamold'a Doga; the Bedini Family; The Foor Bnsangs; Caron and Herbert; Consul, the Great; The Marco Twlna; Cordna and Maud; The Foor Ishikawa Brothers; BoUo, tbe Umit; and Nicholas Obetaloi, For ■ free attraction, It wonld be dUBcnIt to dnplieata thia at any ifflce, and it Is doubtfnl if audi a compa- ny of beadllners wlU ever come together on a single 1>IU again. Dayton has gotten away from tbe mlaway -idea,' by naming that portion of Ita exp<«atr()U.the Ulalto. For the Blalto the Her- bert ^[rKI|iie.'..-Show8 have been seemed In their entire!^. . I. This Includes Buckskin Ben's Wild West, Dog and Pony'Circus, Bolllns' Zoo- loglesl Congress, the European Flea Circus, KempTs Modd City, the Beantifnl Orient, Mid- get, the Busslan Prince, Alma, the World's Latest Woman, tbe Human Boulette 'Wheel, Ferris Whed, Carousel, and a nnmber of other riding devices. On the streets between tlie In- dustrial Building and Memorial Hall, a dhitanee of several blocks, vriU be erected iMoOis for the JAMES SHESGREEN AND ASSISTANTS. Merry-eo-Round at Lilierty X would like to hear from soma good winter fiarka. I have a Jumping horae Metry-Go-Boond, tgbted wltb electricity and run wltb electric motors; no fire, no amoke. Addresa F. .BIL. UNOS, 040 Hanover St., Milwaukee. Wis. WANrED, In a verylmportant ease, tlie addteas of MB. BXni J. XimoS, who, on Monday. Oct. 7th, 1807, and during the week has been with Walter Sealby'a Celebrated Co^ as mualcal di- rector in a comedy entitled "A Trip to Chieago," at the Qneen'a Theatre and Opera Hooae In Otal- cago. Whoever knows bis present addresa, will please notify WM. B. PADL, 3012 Oaraon St., S. S., Pittsburg, Pa. TTHIQUE TKEATKE, XA'ZFIEUI, XT, On ground floor; seats 780; electric llghta, new scenery and aU eqnipmenta; alz dressing noma, A-l Bhow town. Three large woolen miUa and the largest loose tobacco market in the woHd. Good boalneaa for good dean attractions; otheis need not write. On 1. 0. By. Good hotel accom- modations. All good clean atttaettons wasted at. aU times. Writs for open time. T. t. XoHITTT, Owner and Manager. «* hsN ti ear MS I 16 MICHIGAN AVK. • atsaaasaUl •iMri Co.* MiOI«tf.T«. unR. mtoxsio .CKk> -'- PLAIN AND FAN- GARDEN CITY POP-CORN WORKS 46 Stat* StTMtt. Chicago THIS FRAME ONLY «1.15 A GROSS Ocomplete with noM. Platea for all canaon sia- dilnea. »0.50 per 1,000; leas than 1,000, TO cnto per 100. AU otbsr aop- plles for mlnnte pletate machines at a cnt-rata price. If yon want the best goods at the lowest prices and prompt ahlp- menta, addreaa your order CUT-RATE PHOTO SDPPLT OOMPAHT, Dept. a, 1X4T-UM8 & TTalsted St., Obiaago, ML CAGNEY BROTHERS 7« BBOADVAX. VSW TOBX OITT. O^eae gentlemen constitute the press department of Lima Park, Coney Island, N. Tl. These two genUonai have been at -work in Dayton three months and have SDceceded In getlng together as fine a line of attraetiana as was ever presented at an affair •t tUs kind and in thtaonghly advertising tbe same throoi^ Ohio; Indiana and Kentucky. Tbe greatest interest p^iaps . 'attadie> to the aviation features of the Festival and Exposi- tion. Dayton is the home of the Wright Bros, and aa aach may be conaldered the birth-place of tbe sdence of aviation. The new factory of the Wiigbt Brothers Cominny is located in this dty and here the Inventois are turning , out models of their new machines which wHl be used pnb- Udy for tbe first time dnring the Dayton Ez- posltloB. Tbe Wrights win fly every day dnring tbe Szposltlon. and as tbe Aviation Committee has bung up a series of tbe most valuable tro- phies, they look for a aet of entlrdy new world's records for distance, altitude, short stop, and does landing. In addition ; to the aviation fligbta, the balloon racea wlU take on an aspect even more important than flie St. Louis Interna- tional races. Among tbe startera in , the bsBoon races will be CUfford B. Harmon, president of tbe National Council of Aero Clute of America, a millionaire amateur kn<iwn on both sides of the Atlantic. He wUl come -with his baUoon, New York, which captured tbe James Gordon; Bennett cup for altitude in Europe and the in- tematlcmal trophy for endurance, bringing, both prises to America. It was the same baUoon, New Tork, which won the distance trophy at tbe St. Louis races. Accompanying Mr. .Harmon will be Thomas Baldwin, the dean of the ae- ronauts, who brings -with him bis famous dirigi- ble balloon. Cat of the West, In an endeavor to wrest honors from Harmon, -will come Cap- tain OOey, of Chicago, the weU-known.dnb man and amateur aeronaut, who brings bis Immense balloffli, Chicago. There is keen rivalry between Harmon and Coey. and the races for the Dayton Cup between these two wealthy aeronauts will be for Uood. Captain Bnmbaugh vrlll atart in tbe Indiana, Doctor Custer In Luzerne. Doctor Cmme In Hoosler, and Professor McGIll In a new radng sphere. MeSlll is out to capture the long-distance record from Harmon and beat his former rival, Coey, If possible. The starting of these seven balloons, each of tliem of Immense size, will be a sight which wtU doUbtleas attract hundreds of thousands of people from idlffetent parta of Ohio and Indiana. display of smaller ezliiblts and for the different concessions. These latter privileges are going rapidly and, on account of the immense crowds that are expected, it la likely tbat they will soon be entlrdy disposed of. Miniature BallToada for Paries, Smnmer BsMCta^ etck TEB OBXATOSX MONET XAZEBB AXS BEST ATTRACTION IN IBB 'WOBXD. No Parte complete wlthont them, earning tl,600 in six days. With proper care Witt laat XS yeara. Bend for eatalogne. ^ NEW HIPPODROME PLANNED. Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 28.—Misses Bumfort and Bexroth, proprietors of tbe Hippodrome at Harrisburg, Pa., leased the large bam formerly used by Col. Ftands Ferari aa an animal ex- hibition place. One aide will be used aa a garage while a. ring wlU. be: buUt and all the latest Innovations la -the - animal and gymnsstle line will be .Introduced. A reasonable rate of admission win be charged and all tndlcatlona point to a big patronage. NEW PARK IN 8APULPA. Sapnlpa, Okla., Aug. 29.—^W. Harvey Jolin- son baa opened a new park in this city. The re- aort comprlaes 80 acrea of woodland, with a five-acre lake in tbe center. Deuel's Dog and Pony Show WANT BAND of 0 or 8 pieces. Open Appalach- ian . Exposition, KnoxviUe, Tenn., Sept. 10th, for 30 days, and long season Sdntb. OBOBGB B. DEUEL, im.LnttreU Street, KnozvlUe, Xann. WANTED-SINGER A gentleman singer for illustrated songs; must have flrat-dass voice; also plain in his pronnn- dationa; no other need apply; tenor preferred. State lowest salary and last place of employ- ment. First-class only. Addresa S-2, Billboard. TENTS TO RENT li, KAOZE * BON, 1«7 Fulton St, N, T. Otty. It U a (aet that Iks BliQELI WHEEL a day B5?. is one at the Intaly tdlabia, «*- eir day numsgr get- tara among ridlag de- Tieaa, im^ored wwb to date. One of oar enstomers has lost -wilttsa us, JUM tU tbat foUowlaf. ate some of bis duly re- ceipts oa -a Ho. U wheel, aOdlng tbat imder tlOO he dra't conats ficn. — M,j^to, ilea. fiia, (110. tlTO. These are IWTenibet. Our Catalog tails it dOU 8BHD FOB rrTBLI BBIDGB OOMPANX, Bas 14S-B. Boodboose. Itt., V. 8. A. KUBICIANS WANTED—1st Violin (lesder). Clarionet and Piano for theatre ordieetra: mast be A-l mnalctans and able to handle flrat-claaa theatre work; those with trades preteired; write or wire 0. S. OiiUSTEAD, Hanagef, Aeadeay of Music. Sterling, nL WANTED-QUICK Advance Agent who la a good ooatraetor, bill* poster and hustler; Pianist. S. Trombona, Cor- net, Clarinet, and other useful mnalelana and performers; those doubling B. and 0. or stags preferred. Two-car tent abow; Etontb aU -win- ter. Tell all flrat letter. Betlable people ody, address BILLT BBNNBTT'S BIO ^ViUl- laca, Minn. Wanted-TwoBiUposters For' Bitblnaon Broa.' Uncle Tom's Oabln Com-', pany; must join on wire. Address GEO. H. FOBBPADOII, Buckhaanon, W. Ta. -