Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Xtie Dill board American Concert Band THE PREMIER LADIES' BAND OF THE WORLD WONDERFUL. SUCCESS EVERYWHERE Itiverview Park, Chicago, IlL, Sunday, August 21 Largest audience ever seated in front of band-shell. Continuous tipplause. Re- pe&ted encores. 35 — (»EATESr LADY BIU^ Have good fall and winter time. Write COL. O. E. SKIFF, 115 Dearborn Street. CSiicago. «1 PER D/kY! nil la what yon can earn br operat- ins ODt UtMt model Mo. 4. Wondertnl Famtgrpe Machlna, and we can proTe It Tbla macblne makea three «!«■ of plctntea. aa ftdlowa: On 4&>I. botton plates, 2HaSH> ■»> pUtes; and la reretaUiIe for taMbs groapa on th* lenstb or width of plate. It la the biggest monej mafcer trn^ atreet falta. DtlBga, etc. canlrala, ootl tnre, what BoOitM, : Qonplate eotat. .'irflk to nato aOO pletarci (900 «r oaeh tao.oa PUtn SHdH. 9&00 per 100: i«z2tt. «1jOO •ar-iiW:^tl«» plates aevro ' madilna. : aOc per .100; bottoB plate* tor any botton nuehlne, SOe per 100; moonta. 20e to 39e per 100; button framca, SOe to 11.50 per tnat; DcTdopcr. 90c per set. $5.00 deposit required with all orders; bal- ance. C. O. D. HEW TOKK I'JBRSO- XTFE CO.. DOBt Jl, lOSVi OelaiMMy - — Toft Ottr. H. v. - ' Btreot, Hew ' : Ottr, H, a. A. Co. tobda are New York FerTotn>o finest mads. Will give yon satlafaction of the high- est grade; Ferrog^ of qnallty that can not be EzeelleBtly pndoelnk tha' Sneet pic- tures on any atreet* When yon want tlw dioiecat; on ni yoa can call— We will suit yon In tho anmmjer. Win- ter. Spring or IWI, P. S.—Catalogsea win be sent yea, if jOQ shoold want one. So drop us a card ere this day la done. =WANTED= Good Shows and Concessions -AT THE- FALL FESTIVAL and HOME-COMING WEEK WASHIN6T0N. IND. SEPTEMBER 264)CT0BER 1. Shows of all klnda wanted on percentage plan. Norelty TCndors write, stating space wanted; flat rats prlTilege. nee Attraetlona not yet booked. We have the ptlacipal streets for the Featlral. Fopniauoa aboat 12,000. Wealthy fanning community. Eretybody at home appiorea our plans. Adattn BIN W. CLAWSOM. Ghabmaa Kzecntln Committee. PRIVILEGES TO LET Lansdowne Park-East St. Louis, 111. WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 4TH Merchants' Fall Opening Celebration "'1.8SStS5*T%S^" SIEGE OF JERICHO SHfa^cRftJoAv Biggest week ever held in East St. Louis. 200,000 people to draw from. Ad- dress at once HUGH MORRISON, Manager, Lansdowne Park, E. St. Louis, lU. FOR SALE- Denver^ Canceliatini Hid Not Hold Good. so WE ARE OUT HERE PLAYIN8 EVERYBODY SAYS : "It is a Fine Band." Owing to going Into other boaIness,-am ottering at a sacrifice, the following: URGEST PORTABLE HUMAN ROULEHE WHEEL EVER MADE good condition: 2 complete Hoop-Laa with bird and fish layouts; 2 »<>»olvlng Dart Whee^^^ and layout! 3 Vonr-fiall Tlrolls. layout, complete for same; Pour African DJua, I>°«<l> "a,t^^- 1 Umon Oodglnt Banner, Johnson anS lefftles Painting. iJinOTt ncj-: 1 High SUlker; 1 Baby Back. ISlO mabe. Address D. W. TATB, BlTerrlew Fark. CaiCAOO. FI R E WO R K S For all occasions. PARK and FAIR displays a specialty with us. Send for catalogue. St. Louis Fireworks Co., St. Louis, Mo. AMERICAN BAND AND ORCHESTRA OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. Oldest and best band in America. Organized 1837. Went through the dval war with the 1st R. I. R^t. Plays at all Washington Inaugurals. E3/%%AfFM D r^UIIDOU Conductor—Tha Graatast DV^WCIN rf. V^n U nV^rij cornatSoloiatIn ttiaworld. Anna Ellis Dexter, Boston, Soprano; Claude Spaty, Celebrated Trombona Soloist; Fred I^dlqr, Famous Flute Soloist; Jos. LeMab^ Caatinet Sokrist; Taglialavore, Baritone Solois^ and many othen. 40 Aitists in all. TIME AFTER SEPTEMBEi m^^^ Addr«a« HOWARD PEWi ManaMri Albany Het*l, D*nv*r, or B«rma> nant. 121 Wwt 42nd StrMrts Naw York. OZARK THEATRE- 'METTEVIUE^ ARK. Popvilatibn, lb.OO(K and 1.30^ Stndenfs. House Seats 826. . Bet^ecsn JopUn, Sprizi^idld, Fort Smitii and Mc^kt^ee. Big <^ Big budness here. More show-going people than most towns twice its size. For open time write W. D. McNAIR, Mgr., Fayetteville, Ark., or DON STUART, 1402«roadway, New York. ROLL TICKETS •THE BIG TICKET AT TH^SMAtL PRICE" Tour o«a speetal tfeket, any [vinting, any eolanL. aeeuntely niimb w r e d , tmrg rail Suai«ntead.^PECIALPRlCESTOR THE^IG ROLLTICKET: ' 6,000—$1J26 - 2(M)00-S4.60 fiO,000-« 7.60 10.000— 2.60 26.000— 6.60 10 0.000— 10JO Prompt diipment. CaA with the order. COUPON TIOKIirfa, 6,000—$2.80 1x2. STOCK TICKETS—SIX GENTS. Get the sam^ea. NATIONAL TICKET CO^ Shamokin, Penn. CARS WANTED. 10 Pullman and Baggage Cars* To be used for show purposes Will not deal with any car companies. Uuat be with indlTldnal owners. If yon have a car audi want qdlck cash. AND for this qnlek caati yoa an wtUlns to sacrifice, write me all particuiaia. I Photo lf ponlble. and where ear can be enunlned. I wUI .bnycata for immediate deliveiy,or by 1 Blaich 1st. \ .Address, '.; J. FRANK HATCH, Hatch BUf., 109 Fonrth Ave., Pittsborg, Pa. Corner's Orangeade is the orlsinal and bast. Beware ot aidwUtotea; SSO.0O DroSt on enty pound. Gnan the U. S. GoTemment Pure Ibod lam, Surlal N«. VU&, The beat and most popnli Parka, Fairs, Entertainments, etc. Oo* ponnd makM 40 gallOBS; price, (2.29. Sand aample gaUon. Write for prlc ea In . laiaa qnaatlttea. . ■ ' ■ XHB OOildn Oa, SO* Ibiylaad Street, B1TFFAL0. Guaranteed aaMr lar dilBk for 10 eaats tm LOGAN PARK, MURPHYSBORO, ILLUIOIS. WANTS CARNIVAL COMPANY For September; Pay Sliow and Concessions; Bass and Clarionet for Band. _ W. P. SKINNER, Manager, Mutphysboro. Ilia.