Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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66 Xtte Billboard TAD,'' of the If Y. Evening Journal, says: "Saw the Cinephone Pictuies of Johoson. It is a great stunt." J "BAT" MASTERSONv of the N. Y. Tel^raph, says: "The Ho^ng-Ta^nil ." ■' Pictures of Johnson will make a big hit." a A C K a O HISJ S ON's ^Movin^-Talkini Pictures of The= «JOHNrSOIV- -A. Xen-IWIInute Silow. 6SO Feet Fllm- A wonderful conibination of moving pictures and talking machine—the CINEPHONE—shows'Johnson , in street attire, telling the story of his great victory. ,- ; ■ ■ ^— not barred AJSJVWHEREi—^r- — GOLDBEKG, of the N. Y. fifail. Bays: "The CSnephone Pictures of Johnson are O. K. Hot Stuff." ^ WALTER ST. DENIS, of the N. Y. Globe, says: "The pictures are a greats success. Johnson seems to be talking in person." dreaw MILTON BLUMENBERG. 124 Elast asth Street. NEW YORK CITY Film Releases (OonUnned from page 63.) la—TbB Can or tlw Bkwd (dramm) IT—Famnltr ot Fate (dtanui) .UHboa tovUa Trnat (dnma) ' • Zt—JL eipar Bomance 'dliains) . ^ SS—Vbe Canadian Hoonalilnen (Diama) ; ... IMBJS. ;.■ . ...iBly— '.■ Veat 4—HIa cailld'a CapUTe (Oiaina) ...... SSO -■ .J—WeTaifm Vacation (ComadT) ..956 U—<EIia HlfbblBdeis (drama) SH 11—The Almlsbt7 Dollar (eomedy) ...... KO 14— :Che Adopted Daasirtar (drama) ..... 8S0 U—BonmaiT. Cor BamemlnanM (drama)... 860 31—Jdm Chrilnm'B CUU (drrau).......... Sis Anm*— _ - Faat. 1—TbTM Haarta (Drama) V70 4—Bloc and .tbe Qteaaera (Drama) .. SM .J—HMrt of « «oax (Drama) ...... eso U—▲ abaan of Etecrt (Oomedr) STO : IS—Tha Inatrlet AttameT** Tilampli (drama) ; ....•....•«...«•.....•....•... 77S 15— Vbe Dnek I'antt^(edneatIaiMl) 32S 3g-a>«tT ^th* ffliora {com«4r)'-.i.'ii.i««0 a—OomtiOT ■ CblTmlrj (Drama) ......... ;v;880 2—5&« -ia^Urtle Grip (Comedrt BOO »^Jtto lJieam.Pm' ((Joiji«dy) \...480 29—Tbe Stronger Sex (drama).:.......... 090 'September—..:".." - .:...■>>,.;,,::!■;■>.■ IPeet lr-!nie Uan Who Died (cfflnedy)......... 890 PATHB-FBHBia. ' Veet f-ra« Boawaj Doc (Oooedr) ........ SIm .:. S—dte BUna Cram OolgBne to Blnnn (Ool-- need SeealA .T;.....;. BK •—A-<)Be Another (CoJored drama) BCa ' V-^iks Has tbe Sluiotlnc Kanla (Com- ' " efflr) .. .. ............................ 44S f—Btsbaartad. Mary (Drama) 777 B—Oel. BooMTelt Berlewlac nandt Xnopa (Xmlad) ..180 t—<nie Champlan of the Baea (Comedr) 060 11—Jnat Por Oood lioek (comedr) .:.V;..-iM U-r^ raltUaaa Lorer (eoiORd drama).. I8T U—Xto OrerUnd Cback BoUwir (aoM- IS—Venma (icenle) IS—A Foutleal Dlaemilai (eonwd7)|£2t-... 618 15— Heaae Take One (eomedr) ....P l»r-A Good Ideer (dramatle^eomedrl 16- nAIcerian Stndr («Aorad •dneMWift,. m t»—lllataken Identltr (drum) U—Awfol ^mphonr (ariotad tzli . SO—IfanoB (drama) ••........i... IBS ; as—CatdUnc I<obatea (edueattonal)....... 318 S3—The Conrboy'a Bweetbeart and tba Bui- dlt (drama) it.. »—If or* of Betty'a Franks (< «c i^-rriHaii a Good Time (f«iee)..A... «I6 S—Gettlnc Bren Wltb a Ln-wja (Dafaia) 076 3S—BreaUnc np tlie lee In Finland^(Ednsa- tloMj) .....BOB Dre«m (Comedr) 681 w—<>n the Btbtoplan Frontier ((Adored - Scenic) .. .. 287 S»-Tommr Gets Hla Sister HazHed (Com- edy) .. .. .. 8B0 00—<^Uoetza (Cdloted Drama) 1000 Ansnst— Wtet, J~2?**'[ «■ «a Errand Girl (Comedy) Slb 1—Hmtlns Bate in Somatm (Colored Bd- neatlanal) .i... gn 8-.nnder BoOi Tlaga (Drama) 830 f—^ Banet-Jumper .(Acfotatle) 144 S—No Ifan'B Iduid (Drama) BS8 5—Ifo Best for tbe Weaiy (Cdored Ctom- edy) .. ..............i....... 861 5~S!£.'jt'*^ ""S*'™ Skirts ((tanedy) TIB 6—Fiftieth AnnlTeisaiy of Toluhama (CoiiBed Scenic) .. ........."~~ 048 SrSlSS*!.*".,5l ■ (0<>l««a Onuna).. m S JtwJih Types te Boaela (Bdneatlonal) SOT M-Bar Ebotocraph (Comedy) T^.Tr!7.' SS »rtnm VOm rBaneadonaI)\ gu n-Ttm Bta Glri and the GbUd (Drama).. 83S U—OUnr Twist (Dnma) S IS—Ifax Basin Obans« (comedy) 4TB Vi^SMA to life after 2,000 Tears (com- ,1T—i^^^^nM'Bi^7dnima)*\\\\\\".'ir vttr-«to Ann (aenOntle) m JO-neJSbe^eid's Dob (drams) fleg 98—A' Sehool in Kew Gnlnen (colmd i- £f m aty ..^i.^.... 388 B-^ lOsealenlatlim ((Amiedy) ~:.... 8S4 33—Bntter HakinS; In Normandy (Odoied . edneatlonal) i. 440 34— nonbles of a.Policeman (Comedy) .... 810 84—Scenes In Norway.(Scenic) 1S4 (The roret's Well (Drama) 089 37—The (Tiataway's Betsm (Drama) .. - - tm 37—Sow- Jack W<m His Bride (Omiedy) 20—Memento of the Fast (drama) 28—Kids Win he Kids (comedy) 31—Advertlsloj: for a Wife (comedy)... 8S4 . 636 . 361 . OlS Feet .Ted from Bnln (drama) 682 2—Deer Hnntinc In Celebes Islands (scen- ic) 302 S—Maggie BooUhan GetB a Jhb (comedy) 930 September— Women, Go West Feet ...1000 ...1000 ... 730 ... 370 ...1008 ...1808 BKUQ. fUr— ■ ■■ - 4— Go West, Toms ■ (eomedy) 17— Tke Bed Man's Way (Drama) . 11—Tba HaU-Boom Boya (comedy). 14—n>e Sberlfl (Drama) 14— ^A Hmitlng Story (Qimedy) ... U—The Fboenlz (drama).. ' 31—HhxenfM (diamn) 35—A Mid Doc Scare (comedy)..: K—A Sleep Walking Core (eomedy) 310 38—The (Jowhoy'a Stratagem (drama).... 985 Angnst—> Vrrt IX—lost in tba Sonden (drama).... ..uon It—WIlUe (cemedy-^ama) 18— ^Hnman Hearto (drama 1000 33—Dora Xbotne (drama) 900 SB—The Indian Balders (drama) 1000 38— Tba ranlsrant (drama) 896 September—-:. . peet. 1— Hia Bead to BlOhmond^'(drama)..... . EDISON. Angnst— Feet 16—Hla New Family (Drama) 18—How the Sqnire was Captored (Oomedy) 18—Sumptions Tikea TTp "Antomobllliij; ' (Comedy) .;,7T!!T - 28—I«ye and the Itsw (Drama).......;.: ■ 36— The Valet'a Vindication (Comedy). ,88-^From TJnanny to Uherl?. (Drama).:.. ' : September— Feet 2—The Han Who learned (drama)' . 6—^The Big :Sco<qi (drama).:: t 8—Alice's AdTenture In Wonderland (fairy comedy)': 13—The Greafc:8eeret (comedy) TITA6BAPH. _ • . Feet. Boarding Sdiooi Bomanee ((3«nedy)' 888 5—Between Lore and Honor (Drama) .. 817 8— ^Beeket (Drama) 898 13—Nellie's Farm (Drama) 88B 15— Her ITncIe's Will (Comedy Drama) .. 905 16—A Broken Symphony (Drama) 903 18—Two Highland I^ds (Comedy) 988 33-a}avy Jnes and Captain Bragg (Com- :edy) 833 33—Hako^s Sacrlllee (Drama) 20—Uncle Tom's (Mbln, Part 1 (Drama) 333 39—Dnele Tom's Cabin, Part H 1000 88—Uncle TtHn'a Cabin. Part IIL kngnst FeeU^j 2—^An Unfair Game (Drama) OBv B—The Wooing o't ((temedy) 880 6—Her Mothers Wedding Gown (Drama) lOlB •—The Death of Michael Grady (Comedy) 936 13—Mrs. Bartlngtoa's Hoose Party (Drama) 877 IS—The Tom of the Balance (Drama) .. 980 IC—Daisies (drama) 89S 18—BacK. to Nature (drama) 970 30—Under tbe Old Apple Tne (drama) 23— Tlie Tbiee Cherry Pits (drama) ges 36— Tbe Men Haters' Club (comedy) S8B 37— Bose Leaves (drama) 99B SO—Jean and the Calico DoH (drama) S70 September— ■ Feet 2—A Life for'a Life (drama) 995 - 8—The Wrong Boi (comedy) 985 6—Chew-Ctaew Land (fairy story) 600 6—A Bongb Weather Conrtshlp (comedy) 400 9— How She Won Him (drama) 980 10—The Three of Them (drama) 885 13—The sepoy's vWUe (drama) 980 : :irBBAN-ECUPSE. (George Klelne.) mr— Teat S—A Bnaslsn Spy (Drama) 688 0— Tropleal Jara of the Sooth Sea laiaada - (Kdaeatlanai) : 813 IS—Tha Wicked Baron and the Page (Dra- IS—The MooDllicht Flitting (Comedy) ... 41D 30—TfaTongfa the Enemy's Line (drama)... BBO 20—FeUn tfae WaUed City (tonr) 440 3T—-'^ Zio*^* Btrategy Cdsaam) 680 .37—MezleaB Doaaaln (traraocne)..: 830 Ingnat ■ ■ Feet. 8—Witch of Carahoaae (iMena) 630 S—Camel and Horae Baeuis in Egypt 10-^^'^BBt' Wltn'os' '(Dran.''V'" 11!! 11 EW 10—On the Banks of 4lia Zoyder ZM, .BeI- .»'52* C?*T*J?«°"' ■™ 17— The Blrsl Serenaders (Oomedr) gn IT—Paris, Viewed .ftom the Eiffel Towar (Beenle) STB 24— Escape of the Bc^altsts (drama) 670 24—Shipbnilders of Toalos, France (In- dnstrlal) 296 81—^Baying a Bear (comedy) 495 81— A. Cruise In tbe Mediterranean (trsTel- ogne) 420 IHDEFEBIIEHX. ■■■■■■IMP: .■-:..,. (Carl loemmle:) »5ll— Feat 18— Summertime (Comedy) :............. 993 21— Tbe Mistake (Drama)..:.....: 986 Angnst— Test. 1—IioDy of Fate (Drama) 999 4—Tankeeanna (Drama) 982 .8—Once Upon a Time (Comedy) m *1—The Hoodoo Alarm Clock (Comedy).... 980 38—The Widow (Cfemedy) .. CARRAGIEN INDEPENDENT FILM EXCHANGE •LAUGH. AND THE WORLD LAUGHS WITH YOU" LET THE COMBINATIONS EXIST.—BUT WE HATE 2,004 INDEPENDENT FILMS-; STBICiTLT UP-TO-DATE. OUB SEBVICE IS (X)MPLETE AND THE BEbT TOU ETEB XI8BD. TBT VS AND BE SURE. WBITE US A LETTEB AMD LET US SHOW TOU HOW GOOD OUB SEBTICE KEALLT IS TO TOU, AND AT THE SAME TIME HOW SEASONABLE. 1822 Olive Street, St. Louisi Moo INTERNATIONAL FILM TRADERS ■INCORPORATED! Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Films IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS Second-hand Fiima of Every iflako and Daaorlptlon a Spaelalty Gorman Savings Bank Bida.> 147 Fourth Av«., Cablo Addraaa, ' : Roemsllft'llS NEW YORK "AMERFILM,"N.Y. THE 0. T. CRAWFORD BOOKING EXCHANGE GOOD OUTSIDE ATTBACTION WANTED. HIGH-CUSS FEATURE ACTS AT AU ALSO TIMES. GOOD VAODEVILLE ACTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES We have 10 weeks, all the best houses in St. Louis. Send in your open time. Get busy. F. B. STEWART. Manatfer. Gayety Theafare Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. September— Feet 1—The Bight Olrl (Comedj) .. .. .. .. 6—Ton Saved MirUfe (comedy) 8—A Slster'a Sacrlflce (drama) - , FOWBBS. JoiT— n«t. •—On the Bordo^ (Drama IS—A Jetlooa: Wife (drama) , IS—Die Tattler (opmMIr) ^-A Game of Heirta (comedy-dcama).... M—Oohea and Mnr n Onr Hcmaemald w—A Little Confederate (Drama) ........ 80—The Vixen (Comedy) Ansoat nat. »—Her Prlrate Seeratsty (Drama) IS—Wlnnlns a Hniband (Drama) ........ IS—Madame (nalro (Comedy) lO—Tbt Sewlns Olrl (Drama) Hnrphy' (drama), (farce). LEARN TO BE AN OPERATOR and able to pass all examinatlona. Send f 1 (or Llndall's Hand Boole to Operators, and leeelra also free copies of moving picture weekltaa. Pathe Passion Play, 4 reefs, colored, flO for 2 days. labln machine, complete. fSO. Model B. Oaa Ontllt, «2B. C. B. UNDALIi, Bat Har- bor. Maine, IS—ne Girl Beporter (drama).... 19—She Btoopt to Oonqaer (comedy) . Dainty Pdltlelan (Drama) SO—^An Assisted Elopement (eomedy). Beptembei^ 2—A FIreBh Start (drama).... .lOM .two ...1000 Sleet not 1000 thamhodgbb. Inly— 4— Oone to (^ey^Island (Oomedy) .... 0—^Booming Boslness (Comedy) 8—Me Olri i Strike Xtadat (Drama) la—The lACky Shot (drama) 1000 16—Oonverted Deacon (drama) 1000 Olrls of the Qbetto (Drama) 1000 S-^e PlaywTlght'a Xm . (Drama) ..SSO at—Dnde Tom'B Cabin (Diaaa) ..1000 20—The Mermaid (Comedy) 1000 Angnst— Wmt 2—Jtak'» Day Off (comedy)... ..lOOO 5— Tlie Bestoratloa (drama) , lOOO »-a%e Ibd Hanilt (AnuiM> 1000 13—Lena Btms (drama) w 1000 . . • .■ MEUB8. . ftfy— T—Oke Utile. Preacher (Cooady) 11—na eoldan Secret (drama)..i..... ai—A; Foetal Snbstltota (Drama) 2S—The Woman In the Caaa (Drama) Ansoat— 18—Her Winning ,Way. (eomedy) 88—The Bomanee Clreia-Baneh (drama) SBS OBAllPIoif. Jaly—• IS—Abemathy Klda to tba Beacna (aes tlonal drama) SO^A Bomanee of an AnTll- (drama)... DBraNOSB. Angnst— 11—Indian Sqnaw'a Sacrlflea (Drama). IS—Staanchalsd (drama) .1000