The billboard (Sept 1910)

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68 Ttie Billboard 8BPTEMBER 8^ 19ia CONCERNING FAIRS Briefs from Secretaries Universally Filled yiith Sanguine Hopes of Record-breaking Events. Present Indications Point to Big Successes EXPECT INCREASED ATTEND- ANCE. nmpsan, Texas, Aug. igl. — The Tlmpson Fair Aanciation, whicb wUTboId Its second fair Sept. 1» Is flgnrtfiff on' an' attendance this year of an mrense of six tboosand per dar. The anocia- tioDs has added flft7 staUs tor race horses and now has a crand stand two hundred and fifty feet lonr. There are at the present time a snmber of horses tralnlni; for the races. ' On the second date of-: the fair, Sept. 29, Senator Joe. W. Baltey .will-speak at the fair, (ronnds. Other prominent speakers will also be m attendance. All shows and riding devices sre nnder the management of Preston Hawthom.- Tlmpson, Is inclnded In.. a : dtcnit; of fonr faln^ Carthage.:! Tlmpson. Naeogdodiea and Xnf- 'Ho. Onlr'three dajrs Intervene between these fairs. Each fair will last four days. THE WE8TCOTT SHOWS. UazensOi -Xnd., Angnst 27—The Westcott 'Unlfed Shows playod tbeir nlnety-llftb week at ^^.JCacepso,. Ind.. tbla week. Misa Lonlse Mood, of Nashville, TCnn., vldted her sister, Mrs. Jnlla Sklower with the shows, this week^ . 'Wver Sndth: and < John Veil made a flytng ' visit to tlieir homes this week. The company paid a visit to the Uarengo Cave and dedicated a room to the Westcott Jake Fanst and Louis Stone .paid the show a visit last week. Dave Sklower will retnrn to Nashville with his sister-in-law for. a few days visit. Mr. Arnold, the candy man, is expecting bla wife to Join him within few days. The Plantation and Electric Shows sre mn by Hr. Westcott himself. Mr. W. U. Carrawsy. secretary for the com- psny, baa Jost retnined from Chicago where he has been oegbUatisg for a new aeventr-foot ear. The ecmpany expects to, dose Cbilstmaa week, 9^50(WN)0 FOR EXPOSITION. ' Leuiaiaiw Senate Passes Bill Providing: for Promoters. ^ ; Baton Bangs. La.. Aug. 27.—The Senate i baa .passed the Special Tax and Bond-laans bill pnvldlog $6,000,000 for the Panama Bxpoai- tion Company of New Orleans. WIfli popniar snbscriptlans In New Or- leansi tbfa wUI give tbe pconwtets <tf the expo- stttas csoaldenlflr mote : tiian : tbe $7,800,000 recommended by Coagreaa. . • ADDITIONAL SEATS FOR STATE ..FAIR. ■ Tbe State Fair Board of the Uinsesota State Mr la bnBding Meechers accommodating 10.000 people at the west end of the grandstand. Con- cxete boxes to accommodate 500 people 'Win also be constmeted In front of the»graiidBtaiid. A pro- test wss received ssking that BarKes8'& Son of Wenona. ni., be barred from exhibiting horses -at the fair, alleging that at a previous. Ulnne- aota State Fair some of tlieir certificates hsd been altered and this protest 'was laid on the table. Exhibitors who are too late to be accommo- dated In tbe Liberal Arts. Hortlcnitnral and Machinery bnildlnxb or grandstand win be taken care of by the board, who have converted tbe old Liberal Arts bnildlng Into a display hall and will pnt the overflow firom the Hortlcidtnral and Machineiy bondings Into Machinery B Hall. FAIR NOTES. The Wlchomlco Coanty Fair, at Sallsbnry, Md., .was carried over one day on account of the setback given the races |iod other entertain- ment attractions by 'wet weather. The attend- isnre vrns large m: days''when the .'Weather was favorable. Mrs. Zne HcCIary 'wOl have charge of ^e mid- way coQcesaloos at the Connecticnt State Fair to be held at Charter Oak Park, Hartford, Conn., Sept. S>-10. CARNIVAL NOTES. Capt. Ament is msking extensive preparations to open bL<< bf^ Sfxleland Minstrels or Planta- tion and Famons London Ghost Show at the Ap- palachian Exposition in KnoxvlIIe, Tenn.. Sept. 12. He Is already on the gioands with a force of men .and Intends to frame np these shows npoa a grand scale. He will have all new.eqntpments witli beantlfnl:: fronts tsking np 110 feet of frontage snd employ some fifty people. The Blester Combined Shows are playing nnder the ansplccK Of . the:>Independence Hose Company ..' In WlTIIamsport, -Pa.,. aatU Labor Day, when tbex-'start on a: tonr embracing six eonnty fairs. ~: Ob - £Us. : taiir:'anly,:; tbe meny-gO;tonnd, Ferris .?irlieel:and.:foarrIn-CT be csrtled. The eloains stsiidj(wni£be iHn^iesvIUe^r f a., snd the dateOietoberlS.. - . . Cart NeePs-concert Band bas::tbeen engaged for: some: of the leading fairs in:'Georgia and Alabama this fall.,Tbe band Is:.;sow playing through tbe_ Carolinaa. J , ^-r am Aows witk'tbe:Hoffman 'and WeIIer Amnse- taent Co., at Emery; S-. D.; August 18. ' ' Colbee's Wild Animal Show, with the Ooftree Anrasement Company/ Is now In.charge'of :^'I>oc" Kohler. JoUns Lmnley Is now connected with Wood's ineny.go-romid with' tbe Wood's Shows. Sam Nagata and Mr. and Hra. Lane have Joined the^OoOree Amusement Company. Harry Devey, high diver, has signed with the Cotfree Amusement:Company. THE APPALACHIAN' EXPOSITION. Knoxvllle. Tenn., Aug. 27.—^Unal : plans for the Appalachian Exposition are being made. From all reports this will be the greatest event ever seen In the Sooth. Tbe Une of attractions, exhibits, prominent personsges and special days Indicate an event of no small importance. Tbe fact that the railroads have recognlzed .lt by giving tbe lowest rates.ever given an eiposltlon. not only tbe Soatbeastem bnt the Central and Soafhwestem Associations, covering two thirds of the entire territory of the United States: tecognltlon by the Government and the fact that the last act signed by President Taft was in recognition of the Exposition and that President Taft, CItlaen Booaevelt,: ; Postmaster-General Hitchcock. Attorney General Bonaparte and other prominent cltlsens wm be guests of the Exposition on spedsl dsya.' is a recognition of the scope and magnitude of the Appalachian Exposition. ' Btboka' uid Weber's Bands. Wright Bros.' aemplaoe, Strobel's dirigible,' Odeman'S'-para- ehnte leaps : and ■ the cspttve balloon' wOI give every style of aerial device. ■ Pain's Battle In the clonds. Last Days of Fompell: and a great pyrotechnic contract vrlU alao be among tlie at- tractions. Jno. Bute's Loop tbe Loop withoat a loop, the Great DoBell on high wire.' Zack Hnllbsll with his famons Mollhall family. and a number of other big Uldway featores have been oigaged. The Exposltlrai Is to be held at Knoxvllle, from September 12 to October 12. In the center of an nnexplolted territory. Within 200 miles of Knoxvllle there are 6,000,000 people; within 100 miles of Knoxvllle there are 1,000,000. and within 40 miles of Knoxvllle there are SOO.OOO people. ' S. H.'. Hardwlck,' passenger traffic manager of the Southern Ballway, Is bringing to Knoxvllle bis thirty passenger agents and sending them ont oo their respective divisions , advertising t** Arr*'*"*''*" s'-ir~«*'~' -"fTP-'n'-r the Im- portanoe' of' the K^oaltlaQ 'In the>exidoitatton of the resonrces of: one of tbe richest sections of the United States. J. I. BABBER, ICOB 'Vine St., Cincinnati, 0, Tattooing" 1 PKOF. J, F. BASBEB, tbe well kDown ex- Bhowman aod trooper, who hu made great saccesB In the tattooing business. He Is se- pated as being ttae beat tattooer to-day. ATTENTION Novelty Dealers, Fair Workers and Streetmen Lowest prices on leweby. whips, eases, knives, rubber baHs^ mbber balloons, confetti, shell goods, bead necklaces, glass novelties for glass blowers snd novelties of all Unds for plek-onts. shootinc galleries, ete. Onr line Is the laigest In the eo unlrj and our prices tiie lowest. L. ROSIN & SONS. « S. XSU£ 8XBEEI. CXSOmAXI, ORIO. 47«2-T. ABEHTS WAHTEO ALBERT 118 4th Av*., ' of th* World food Rudli. • • $4 laif* Sbarpigin, U sums M ots. . ALLEN, nttsbura. Pm- The IVodor Pinrtraiti^^ P r i c e^ 1 P* AAlocIu^ 1^ Photo Bnttons. 100 Gilt t, a . I r>UU Frames, Bottle of Instantaneous Developer. Complete ''^■mi A Hardwood Brass-Finished Tripod TURNS EVERY MINllTE INTO MONEY _THB BIGGEST BONANZA IN MONETT-MAKISa TOJJA'jr IS IN TAKINa PICTURES WITH THE HtOCTOR FORTR.UT CAUERA. This camera takes plctuxefl^ finishes and devdops them at t!ie rate' at eighty an hour, and you can get ten cents tStdti tor these pictures Just as fast as you can take them. An that Is neees^^ to do Is to set ttae CAJIERA up any place itbae there li a ctowo—at atieet oomem. In front ct nMimnartmlng Instltiitlonai naottsb plenle grounds, bills, etc sad tte nuner flows U Just as fast as you can handle It. Eveiybady wm Instsntly Pay yon ten cents tor a picttire, and you can take Intwvmit pleoes Just as quickly as you can do bnimcaBi. ONE MAN CLEARED ONE- THOUSAND DOUABS IN ONE MONTH. ANOTHER MAN TOOK IN $175.45 IN ELEVEN DATS: HIS LOWEST DA'E'S WORK AMOl]NTEDTO(ai0,ANI>BISBEST DAT TO «32.4S. If yon wtA to make money, and plenty ol It, this summer, GET BUSY BIGHT AWAIT. AND SEND U5 FOR A PROCTOR PORTRAIT CAMERA COMPLETE. We win tiiip It to you the same day that your order Is received, so there will be no . deiay vrtiatever, and lost as soon as you receive it you wDl find that a stcsdy atream of money wiU flow Into your hands. It 19 our policy to always aa,Wty erecf enstmner, and 'With THE PROCTOR PORTRAIT CAMERA we can tum bto your hands tiie U'VELIEST MONEY-MAKINa FROP- OSmOK YOU EVER SAW. You commence maUog moneylost ss soon as you receive tbe camera, because It comes to yoa bD eompleta. Understand, you get wltb Iti wfaldi is Included In the price at 'tis, one hundred (100) Photo Buttons, snd one hundred OOO) gnt tistnu^ ' the nme as Shown on the ptsRnes sboveialsa sbaiOwooA lM* MiM fti H y fliMiM trtpfwl with ^"*^t ^Hw»wn»i|p^ SPECIAL LIMITED INSTALMENIiOFFER Send us three dollars now and we will ship at - once, seven dollars C. O. O. Pnt tbe Camera into ooerstion, esm big money every dsy, and psy OS the remaining five dollars when you have proved that every word we say above, is tme. We are tboroqgfaly xellable; Inenporated nnder.:;. the laws of theatate of New York with s capital . ■ of fSO.000. • ni Ch4« lnlMlri« b. 117 W. 43id SI LI. eU| NOmTY DEALERS AND SPECIALTY MEN! GET WISE AND CONNECT WITH US. WE'VE GOT THEvGOOI>S, AND^THE PRICES. TOO; - New Ssiff-Filling Fountain Pan, par gross, $15.00. Complete line of notions, canes, knives, flash goods, jewelry, premiums,: specialties, souvenirs, etc., at lowest prices. Writ* far ourlaro* catalogue. Mallad frae on applleatlen. LEVIIV BROS., - Terre Haute, Ind. ALL PABXS nmCROBAVaEaBLZ. Do Yoo Wish To Mjake Money With Ease? With our Floss Candy- Machine You can do iL Over1000 per cent, guaranteed. Write for catalogue and start in buainesa for yourself. THE GLOBE ELECTRIC AND MFG. CO. SI Frankfort Straat, NEW YORK, . . U. 8. A. Ttie Bl0 IVf oney-IVIaker The WeU-Known Golf la now manufaeturad by liaaKaluslvaly. AEROPLANES-BUBBLES )r.;i.rtr.".""»*"~ *- THE.PATiENT CANE & HANDLE CO.. Wolf Bimblleh, Mgr.. 4« Ann St.. N. V. City