Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Xtie Btllboapd 69 NOTICE-BCVERAOe OlSKNSERS kind of JuJc«, Ieiiioa«a«j_«te. wm n»d Mm A at 100 DM. Of mat, t9tflM. AddfMi_ SOUVENIR WHIPS XBB Tm VOTXXTT OOMMaT, Kiunl Oonntr. Tl w ai a oo OMy, Outo. Novelties, Fancy Goods and Jewelry wanr BfM>* Book of ^teUtti— contalno man nlniUa iafotinatlMi to pramlnm kaoaw, norritj dolen, •tnetaion. KnUcboud mm, Zukca ne- Uoo workero. m«U ordw men «imI jo wrioto. o tc. tlun any otbar caulogno lanied. ■rarytklat •te Br Mtli^lax »■ that joo ara a latiooato dealer, aa ire want to keep thu txmk oat of tbe eonsamer'a handi, and aendlas la your par- manent addreaa, we bo ^ued to aead TOO tbla book tree. 8IVOEB BBOS., M Bew^ $54.00 I'S The Record of the > CAHM-StOPE And we can prOTe it. Any one can <qierate It. Makes 6 flsiabed bnttOD (iliotofTaplui a min- ute, nice of Cam- era-.Scape, w 11 b auppllea for mak- ing 300 pletnret (eoongh to pay for tho complete ont- at). — |ss.eo — Extra battmiB. fl per taDDdred: extra framei, $lJM> per groaa. Be indepen- dent and make nianer_ for yams lelf. Vrlto tiKday. W. a. KantlM, V«nr Talk. V. T. SAMPLE SENT PREPAID FOR 10 CTS. STREETMEN! CARNIVAL WORKERS! FAIR FOLLOWERS! DEALERS! THE BIG MONEY-GETTERS FOR 1910 - CLAPPER-HORNS - A HORN, A BELL. A RATTLER—3 In 1 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE THE GREATEST FUN AND NOISE MAKERS ON EARTH FOR COUNTY FAIR CARNIVAL MARDI GRAS OLD HOME WEEK CONVENTIONS HALLOWE'EN ELECTION THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS RETAIL AT S ctSa, 10 cts. AND 25 cts. IliustnitMl CataloflU* Ft— en RaquMt V. S. Patents, Feb. 2S, '08, Marck 31, 'OS. Other patents pti^itiy , STRAUSS MFG. CO., 355 Broadway, New York City. SAYSa FOR THE FAJRS HHoi ludf liehiiM A. X. DIETTZ*. CONE SPOONSTiS^g^ tW inebn lone. Vm booet roarsalea. < .000 far S1.00. 10.000 f«r S7^ Oktalogno B « me Ag«ntsWant.d Hiny lb ngpwttal. BiiUdlna> Toledo^ <»ilf>. FAIR WORKERS. AHENTION g JAPMESE IMIG FAN ^ Fifteen shapes from one; rainbow colors. Send 5 vRjK cts. for sample. Price $3.50 par gross. Special dis- couttte for 5 gross or more. We cany a full line of -H- JAPAN ESE NOVE LTIES MOGI, MOMONOI & CO. ^ CLOSED 11 Baretoy StrMt, HEW YORK CITY A.a. SMITH 3t4r VAN BURCN CM ICAOO iMwmcnmariiuuiMiii i.wif ■ • tof lOll. - $7.20 perifiross MR. FAIR MAN How About The Fairs This FaU? We know you will be wdl pleased with the results. We foniish a nicdy iii«de stand for diapU^rinS the PINAFOURS to advantage with your first order for one gross, eetterorder 5 or 10 ^ross now Mid have Uiem shipped by freight. THE PINAFOUR TOY MFG. CO., CAMTON. OHIO. MAKE EXTRA PROFIT BUY FROM MANUFACTURING AND DIRECT IMPORTING HOUSE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF STREETMEN'S 600DS">N0VELTIES CUTLERY JEWELRY PENNANTS SPECIALTIES CANES NOVELTIES Special Prices on Live Sellers Good for 30 Dasrs Oh You Turk Hats—large — Gross. No, 15—Spedal Ck>nfetti Duster..—.— -.-^- J*er M, No. 1&—Special Colored Duster Per M, Special Fancy Whips—- ..i..: Gross. $450 to i 6.00 7.50 15.00 5.50 Special Fancy HanfUe^RazOTs No. 255—Assarted, 6 stylm, stoi^ peacock. stag, eta...—....—— .Dozen, $3.00 7030—SheU Lace Band Bags with chain, two haU metid dasp, fringe bottom. Bigseller..—...-^—.Dozen, 1.26 New Uae Pap«ir Candlval Bate. BI|{ Variety. S«e Oar Streetmea'a Catalotfne. We send BO catalog and sUp no goods to consamers In writing fear catalog, siqr if you want Streetmen's 25&-p^ or the laige 708-page book, and state when last you received our catalog. Streatnea. Taadon, Cane Back and KaUe Board Men. Btsb Pltdt and Ftih Boad Oparatocs. Street Mr and OamlTal Workers. TraTellns Medlelaa Sbowa, Clrcnsea, Ane- tloneen. Concession- aires,' Fremlnm OIt- en, Sebemlsts. Jf. O. Haa and Oeaoat Iter-. We am llaiuitaetara% Im- porten and Whtdeaalen HfitEST UNES IN JUKHCA N.SHURE CO. 121^ misii Stmt 6HICA60. - lUINOIS cm axBiws un JewcbK Watebes, Cotlerr. Canes. SUrer- ware. Xanke« Hotioas. Noreltles and Special- ties In Immense tb- rlety. Quick seUcts In Statlonerj. Dry Goods. Sundries, Xm^. tlicr snd Ilaabsr Goods, Books sad 8oa- -renin. P r • m I a m Goods, AdTsrtlstav Goods, Stiaat Iklnw CaiBtsalvaad *- SoppUes of an at^, etc, ataw