Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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70 Tlie Blllboapd SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. .MAY HO LD C ARNIVAL. t BowUar Green, O., Ang. 2i.—-A movement Is Ob bBnr, to bold a farmers and merchants' fair ■bmc: time In October. It Is proposed to nse a IfTge tobacco wareboose, Jost being completed t|t tbls cltj, and close the streets leading there- tp, ■ ntlliaing the space for showing stock of all lliiids. A meeting has been called to discnss the pU&s and, if advisable, effect an organiza- tloli to arrange for holding the fair. I CARfiliyAL NOTES. . ^WUle playing Ntew MartlnsTille. W. Ta., last mek,' nme members of the K. B. Barkoot Amusement Co. 'No. 2, were made K. of P.*s. Tlioee initiated were: Louis J. Berger, W. A. Bassman, Mike Smltb, Capt; Nick Carter, Harrr Main, Lonls Selzer, Chaa. Mnrphy, Carl Iinnttaer Ualn and Charley Barker. O. J. Keppler. manager of the Keppler Shows, Was a visitor at. the Parker headouatters In Kan., last week. Tompkins' Western Attractions, after a three weeks' engagement at Yomig's Pier, Atlantic gtr. liave opened on the fair time, booked by e Felix Reich Agency. : BALLOONS NEW AND SECOND HAND Write for Price lUt J. LINDER, M^. SeO Walnnt Sf., ' Kansas Qty. Ho. BALLOONS Large stock for BUSH FAIB OB- DEBS. ASCENSIONS fnmlshed by our most BEIJABLB CUSTOMEBS. Send for catalog. Write or wire your ordexs. TWE KOBXEWEBXEBH BAXLOOH CO., 2M6 dyboome Ave., ' Chicago, Illinois. 3CENERY ' DESIGNED. BUILX AND PAINTED. GOOD WORK. LOWEST PRICES. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS F. M. CHAMBERS 1931 Broadway. NEW YORK FREE CATALOG CARDS, DICE. CHIPS, aS'fi; SUPPLIES Wizard Triek Cards, 3Se. Boole Poker Playing . ■ . _16e. TabI 1—Expart at Card Table . KERNAN M.FG^ CO. IBS Dearborn St. Chleago. Your PleturO'ln a Pestai Card In One Minute Xou can make $10 to $20 a day operating one of onr ma- chines. The pictures are de- veloped. tSned and finished in a single developing solntion. The capacity of onr machines Is 300 finished pictures an lioar. Prices of Machines, «T.50 and $15.00. Send for free eircnlais describing same. We are headquarters for supplies of all Mlnn te Pictnr e Machi nes. asrcwT- CtS MnrUTE PHOTO. CO., Dept. K, 720-728 W. 12th St., Chicago. His. ^ DICE —AND— CARDS High-class Work Only, Dice S6.00 Caids IM Catalogo* -Pta*. <S HUNT 56 Fifth Aveodi^ CHICAGO, ILL. STREETMEN Wa are beadquaiten for all the latest noTeltles. Send for car catalogue on Coafetti, Cones^ K n 1 t e a. Carnival Gooda; Rnbber Balls. Robber and Gas BaUoona. ■ ■ We are azsHulve agents for Cincinnati and Ticlnltr for I. Elsensteln & Co. Prices In Cincinnati aame aS' in. New York. TIE fiOLDSUmi T8T WPORTiNG CI.. us E. FkNBlti Street, Cincinnati, Ohio STREETMEN! HIGH PITCH MEN, AND FAI R WORK ERS I COI^'BINATION OKiR* MD I FiBtD-8LftSSi :Seven'^ instruinentB in one. Laigest Mon^-GtetteiB. $30 per graes. Samfde 50 oenta. BERK BROS. 629^ Broadway NEW YORK CITY We are going to sell at a saerlfloe, on aecomit of goods anlvliw late In season. It>>>U ■t>Vle. goods. All yon have to do Is to band the goods over tte stand and pocket yonr inollt. HERE GOES THE HAMMER Long Plain Dusters, por 1,000 $9.00 Slum Medals, per 100 3.00 Fair Pennants, per 100 '2.50 B. W. & B. Blbbon Bosetces, per 100. 2.50 I.arKe B. W. & B. Dusters, per 100.. > 1.50 Bound or Straight Point Bazois, dOI., ' 2.25 No. 30 Air Balloons, gross.....^ -2:50 "Whips, gross...'. .,..;.*..,..... 4.25 China Fots, gross.........^i.....-,^....... 2.25 Bead Necklaces (1 In box);-gross:...:... 9.00 Heart Ixwkets and ChalnSi-'gross.':..:...^ , 5.50 Spiders, gross .*:...:.::......: .85 Cloth Parasols, gross......: -10.00 Gilt Bosettes, gross......: "1.00 Shell Necklaces, gross... J; SL25 Xarge Cloth Parasols, gross 19.6a> Initial Bangle Pins, gross. 1..^ 2.15 Az Lace Pins; gross. ^r.':.....::..... 9.00 out Double .Chains, gross. 8.00 Bkying Fans^ gross.:.:....;......: .4.00 Large Hard Bobber Fonntain Pens, gross 18.00 Ijtmg SheU Chains (in qnanHUes). gross.. $5.00 Knife Sharpeners, gross *-00 Large Heart Shell Purses. «««»•-•••••••• Stick Fins, gross............. -JO Novelty ,Baby Pipes, gross..':.: J-J" Gilt Cbilns -with Channs, gtoss.:......-. 3.00 Paper Pans, gross:...:.. — ..:......:.... 1.BO Gilt China Pots, gross.:....::.:........ 2.50 Extra Large Spiders, gross:...::......-. 3.60 Fancy Neck Beads (onicuds), noss...... 4.20 Extension Gilt Bracelets; (eacA In a box), doz.,' ......":......:...:::.....-.:-: 2.75 Extra I«ng Whtetllng Balloons (t4.<)0 \_ ' grade), gross ....:...... 8.80 Bound Sqaawkers, gross. :;.--...i... :Z.oo Good Glass Cutter Knives, gross:...:.... T.OO Silver Purses and Chains, gross.......:.. 10.50 Novelty Slipper Knives, gross........... S.ra !No. 60 Air BaUofms, gross..':.^... "•22 ^Bud Rings, gibss...:.........:.:.-. iSO Idne Frames, gross:...:::.'...:......1.00 We make any kind of a lot in this line that you may want; Notion Lots, Book Lots, Fountain Pen Lots, Jewelry Lots, Shear Lots, Comb Lots, Knife and Purse Lots. By dealing vritb us, yem- snccess will sntprlse yonr foes. Xon must act as quick as lightning if yon are looking for the coin. Wlilstle In.yonr (HTders; vre will flU them right. WB KNOW HOW. ' IVf . G E R B E R ':; t Headquarters for Fast Selling NoveltlesforStreetman 729 SOUTH STREET, - - - . PHILADELPHIA. PA. FAIR WORKERS'and STREETMEN'S NEW GOODS JUST OUT Write for our New 1910 Illustrated Catalogue. Mailed FREE to your address BEBE ABE f BICES XHAX 8PEAK FOB XKEKSELTES. = - ¥ 100—Ax Lace Pin ....;.iV. gross $ 9.40 101—^Dewey Sets ........ •• 10.50 103— T-BatUe Ship cnialn .. " 3.40 IDS—Uberty Sets •• 6.00 104—Heart Locket and Chain .. ........... " B.40 105— Gent's Scarf & Link Sets 4.00 106—Bangle Brooches ... ' *■ 13.S0 •--T—^--— —s ——Extra, heavy, - foH size 7% Indi Fountain Praa, prar doj., ^45; per gross, $16.50. Same as below In Sidt-flUing SVinutafi 'Pen,- the best ever put ont. It gets the money. Per doz., $1.40: per gross. $16.S0. We are headonarters tot Watdies, Jewelry, and Novelties. _ ALTBACK tc B0SEH80H Wlmaa^ Tewalats Sbs Bbme Vonltiea 179-178 E. HsMioa St., CSiieaso, tO. The'biggest value ever oITered for the mwey. CANES and PENNANTS FKQH FACTORY TO RETAILEK We maniifactuTe the most extensive line in the countiy. If you wish to enjoy a sensation of looming big profit, Kin touch with us and our low prices. k now, before you get mired in therut of poor stufiF and poor sdlera,of other makers. Galalog free. Samples submitted. \ Quick action. CHEWHfG GUM USERS WE AKE THE MANUFACrUREES OP THE OWL PEPSIN CHEWING GUM Now bong uaed amajoiiitgr. of those following Fun, Gunuvala^ etc., for Pick'-OutB, Pfiddle Wlieds, etc Write for praaes. BALTIMORE CHEWING' GUM CO., BALTIMORE, MD AGENTS^—STREETMEN DEMONSTRATORS ©"hthe "^''^ :MARKET THE QUEEN hJ PfLD FOR XHE OUKKH INK TZSCZLB. Non-lcakable, rubber finished. Big 25c seller. T. COMPAMY. 64 Wa&sh Amai. ~ Bed or black Ooaranteed to give satisfaction. ....SF»ECIAL NOTICE RACKMEN, STREETMEN, CONCESSIONAIRES, NOVELTY MEN Headquartenfor Canes, Whips, Pennants of all kinda^ Kaivea, Bubbles^ and NoveltieB of all londa. Catalogue maaexi ftce on request „ . . I. EISEHtTEm & CO., 44AnnSr«at, NEWrORR. Braneh—; 828 M.Sth Stf—t, ST. LOUIS, MO.; 122 E. 4th Stfsst, CINCINNATI. O XHB BCXEBS* SXREXXTORT KEXU TOV WHO AND WHBBBi. A. Two Bit Winner. This self-flUing, non-Ieakable Fountain Pen, with Eold-plated nib, put up In attractive sold-lettered box. Is getting the money for the live workar. A rnpilar A*l stock and bond proposition vrlth a 130%^ dlTldeod. Send for eatalos. R. B. DODGB & CO.. Dept. B, Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. ARMY AUCnON BARGAINS, Tnti..f UlOap Brhilc .M SkMIm. •.M Vba... a.w« R«nlTm •l.Uai CMlak Guns...... 1.10W Navji R'lit'K- RlOw S.M u sua Ana S«wa.. M« Stw Uniforan... 1.W* Iiarcest stoek Ont. Aneties Bargaiaa in tbi worid. lBasnsKqniradtarlUaiorac<b M( paa* aatalogna, SOUO inottatloas. inetodlai in011ttreBd;abontApril.MaIled]S«(itamp«)t Make Money Faster The easiest legitimate way to make monejr la with coin operated machines. Practically no competition—unlimited territory. No ex- perience required. Does not Interfere with your present occupation. THE PS0FIT8 ABE mOBIIOirS. AND SPOT CASH. Coats little to get sterted. We make automatic novelties of every de- scription, some for every locality and heed. Write, telling us plainly Joat how moch foa wish to invest and we will give yon the bene- fit of OUT 15 yean' ot experience and assist you In every way we can. Ask also for onr catalogue of 800 inoney-maken whldL we will send yon FBEB of charge. Write Im- mediately. XnXB H0VELT7 CO., The Xasgeat Iburaf aetnrers of Oois OjMiated lUahiaai in the Worid, Xilla BM g., gae kaen Blvd. A Orean St., OBIOAOO,'.V.'S.'.A,.' nieLaigest ^ Sensational Act in theWorli Best <ar cnuiAsbui4. Best «a4 mo«t brin- ^ Jant iilchtt«atnr« ■ TkriOlBK cteetried fireworfcs ftnlak . > original mad . Botttttieaipts For paiticnlui of das CuiKNis* leoocd bicck* CIOwiS-<lmtf tn^ gicrtsnlir featuicw address* UONELLEGARE BetUdMn^Pa. Souvenir Goodis Nl OVELTIES forFairs,ExposillMS. Prenriom ftonsesjobbers, Ag«rts Win JlrlMt StniBtS ErerythlnB in Koveltles FMOer nomn WeSnpply ETCfybodr Send for free ninatrated Hit ot cooda. T. s. MOTT CO, W4n KKUW st^mum, lU. CAROUSELS Mn fiaHsnes, Meny-6i-Roi»ls, Otter Mooey-EaimiiiK Oavices. AMUSEMENT OUTFIHERS HERSGHELL-SPlLUMII GO. Swaaiai SIml, lo. TMiwuda, I. T., U. S. A.