Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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74 Tti e Bl 11 b o a p d SEPTEMBER i, 191A. MOTION PICTURE T H E A T R E S This is a Complete List of All Houses in the Cities of Greater New York and Chicago. MBW YOBK, N. T.—Temple Tbeatie, 1T23 Am- ecerdam ave. -ITniqoe nieatre, 265 Gramd st. J^nlqne Tbeatre, 103 A ave. 'Tan Nest Hippodrome. .630 Morris Park tve:, .'o: Bnmx. 'Tinceat Caesaraco, 407 Canal 8t> :rVma Theatre. 30S3 3d ave. Victoria Theatre. 581 W. ISlst st. '.Victoria Mifslc Hall, 112-114 CamMm at. Tandette Theatre, WItl Decatnr ara. . World's Amusement Co.. lW-120 BiTlnston St. . •'WasUhgton PaIace,M8S3 WaslUngtos ave. ':;'WtUIs Amnse. Co.. 14gth and Willis ave. Williams Bridge Mot. Theatre, 719 E. 217th -^■ st. ■ Westeliester Tlieatre, 2319 Westchester are. ^BUoa Dream Theatre. 146 W. 23d st. Bleeeker Theatre. 157 Bleccker St. Bronx Hippodrome, Home St. and Prospect -ave.. fBmnx Lrcenm Tlieatre^ 481 WHUa ave. :rBroDX Msaonlc Temple.JMl;Washington^aje- :.Bnnuc Palace Theatie,'28e5 Sd.aTa. and ISOtb -■.■'•■■■„rt. . mmax Theatre, ISOth st. and Uelrase ara. Catherine Theatre, B4 Catherine st. .Carmine Theatre, 21-23 Carmine at. tCentna Opem Honae; 217-219-B. :67th St. >;<Central Tbeatre. -UB3 Ist ■TB,:. • . .^Cbanteder Garden Xheatre. 137th and 7th 1 * ave. '.Circle Theatre. Broadway and 60th st. iClermont Tbeatre, 13S9 1st are. . Colonial Theatre. 1893 Broadway. Colonial Theatre. lOIst at and Colnmbos ave. Crescent Theatre. 36-38 W. 135tb at. .Cortland Theatre, 705 Cortland ave. ^Dewey Theatre, 126 E. 14U» ati • -'Eagle Theatre, 8Sth st. and 3d ave. - Electric Tlieatre.. 651 th ave. Kmplie M. P. Theatre. 2363 8th ave. ^Empire Theatre, 517 9th av«. - vBsser Theatre, 133 Essex st. Family Tbeatre, 117 E. 12Sth . st. •iUalety Theatre, 797 Sd aye. -' Oem Theatre. 287 B. Bonston St. jGem Theatre. 385 601 axe. „. . Sbeeby*! Tbeatre. ISStb It, and Sb Michsiaa ■. ' Union Sq: BUoa Dream, 4th are. and E. lltb nmes'Sqoare Theatre, 1446 Broadway. '■'Tamtr Fair Theatre, 64 W. 125tb sc. ■^mndsor Xheatre, 412 Grand st. ;>eirebster Press, 19-21 Boee st.. Harper. 'Prospect Palace Theatre. Prospect aw,, Bronx.':; r. ■ Knickerbocker TheatM, 879^Prospect ave., Washington Theatre,: 6BT WwvUth st.\_ ; / : West Farms Caalm ^meUxailia»fWnrMvm jZortcTHIe Comedy Tbestre. 1498 3d ave. Alrdome Theatre. eSO-tSSS leaoK an^-- ,,>. . Aeroplane Theatre. ISStb. st...and' 8tI»' aTe.- Alrdome Theatre,' 110th at.' ahd'Sth ave.'-- r .: AlIiambra Theatre, 2106-10 7tb ave. Ansonia Theatre, 3116 Jerome aTe., Bronx. ApoUl Theatre. 304 Sth. ave. ;. , . Atlantic Garden Tlieatre,-:804t4'<Bawa7.' '.'> Atlantic Theatre. 238 W. 116th St. Andltuimn Xheatie. 78-80 Wr 12Sth st. Andltaciam. 132 Lenox ave. '' Andlterinm Theatre. 172 W. 23a'at.- Anditorlnm. 1361 6tb ave. Avenoe C Theatre, 110 Ave. C ' Bartleatone Mnsie Han. 15 E. Sd st. Bayard Theatre. 30 Bowery. Venice Theatre. 688 Amsterdam ave. Big Show. 852 8th ave. XbrkrUIe I«^cenm. 162 B. 86th st. West End Theatre. 125th and St. Nicholas -ave. Waco Theatre. 118-120 Rlvlngton St. Windsor Amuse. Co.. 412 Grand st: Yorkvllle Casino. 210 B. 88th St. ., New Colonial Theatre. 77 W. 12Sth St. New Theatre. 1519 2d ave. Orphenm Theatre. 126 2d ave. - Owl Theatre, 3373 3a ave. People's Vand. Theatre, 2781 3d ave. Park West Theatre, 107 W. 99th st. - Primrose Theatre. 371 WiUIs ave., Bronx. Plaza Theatre, 110th St. and Bth ave. Peerless Theatre. 314 E. 138th st^ Parkway Alrdome Tlieatre, lOOtli at. and Cen- tral Park W. Begent Tlieatre. lOffi Vcstdieiter ave.,' Bronx. Soyal Theatre. 2285 8Qi ave. Morris Park Theatre, 68S Morris Park an., ■ Bronx^ ■ ^ Batger Vandevine, 39 Bntgec at. Park West Tbeatre, lOT W. 99th at: . People's 'VandevIIIe Tbeatre. 2172 Sd are. St. NiclioTas Alrdome Theatre. 142d st^ and Edgecomb ave. Begal Theatre.j>2«38 3d ave. Boma Tbeatre. 178 1st ave. The Crows Theatre. 115 116fh st. The lincobi Theatre, 58 W. 135th st. Savoy Theatre. .34th st. and Broadway. Gem Theatre, 1901 Amsterdam ave. Golden Bnle Theatre, 125 SIvIngton st, Gotham Theatre. 165 E. 125th st. ■ Grand Hotel,: 196th st. and Ft. George ave. - Grand St. . Theatre. 255 Grand st. Grand St^'Oieatre, 225 Grand at, -Grand Hotat Theatre. 387 Grand at. Orandvieir Hotel, 196th at. and Ft George ave. HiOer'B; Moaee. lie. E^ 14th at: : aidaon-FUtoo Theatre, ISStb st and Bread- Seiie7*8 Third' Avew-'^imtEe.-81st St. and .. .3d ave. '■ ' Imperial Theatre. 4222 8d ave. Keith & Proctor's 5th Ave. Dieatre. Broad- way and 2Sth St. Bedford Theatre. 2811-13 Webster are., Bronx. Lincoln Square Theatre. 1947 Broadway. I,nnjrwood Theatre, 800 Xongwood ave. ; Manhattan Pleasnre Palace. 40 Hmhattan st Majestic Theatre, C'olumbns Circle. Majestic Theatre, 3786 3d ave. McCttm & Welssman Tbeatre, 605 8th ave. Metropolitan Tbeatre, 134 Essex at Miner's Theatre, Bowery and Delancey at Momlngside Tbeatre, 2136 8th ave. Varieties Theatre. 112 3d ave. Mnsee Tbeatre, 348 3d ave. N. Y. Novelty Theatre, 31 Park Bow. N. X. Boot Tbeatre, 44th st and Broadway. Creasy & Gidden, 68 W. 117th st John T. Pynes, Union Sqnare Theatre, Open Air Theatre, 1427 Prospect ave. Ogden Theatre, 958 Ogden ave. ' Penn. Theatre. 409 8th ave. ' Chas. Mller. Penn Thestre.' 409 Stb' are. Pastime AiAose. Co.. 1314-1318 Fifth ave. People's Palace, 1106 2d ave. Parlcway Theatre, 36 W. llOth st .... Princess Theatre, 314 E. 138th st . The Puritan, 122 E. 125th st Planet Realty CO., 212-14 E. 99th st .Prospect Palace, 1427 Prospect ave. Prospect Tbeatre, 904 Prospect ave. Pleasure Palace, Boston Boad and Prospect ave. Boyal Sign Co., 116 3d ave. Royal Italia Theatre, 2060 1st ave. Second Ave. Tbeatre, 655 2d ave. . Scenic Thestre, 605 8th ave. Standard Theatre, 2128 Amsterdam ave. Star Tbeatre. 1716 I«xlngton ave. Slrlgnano Tbeatre, 196 Grand st. St Nicholas Theatre, 1400 St Nicholas ave. Tremont Casino. 70S nemont ave. Dreamland Tbeatre, 184 Mnlberry st East Side Beanty Theatre. 235 Ave. A. Empire Theatre, 73 Westchester Square. Empire Theatre, 2363 8th ave. . Eldorado Theatre, 1297 Wllkins ave. East Side Beanty Theatre, 48 Ave. D. Theatre Comlqae, 136 E, 14th at - - Elena Theatre, 2007 1st ave. Mr. Flenry. care Fulton Electric Constr. Co., 149 Greenwich st The Fair, Fourteenth st Fordham Palace, 4430 3d ave. Fordbam Theatre, 2508 Webster sve. Freed Csmeragraph Co., 35 S. 14th St. Gaiety Theatre. 1746 Amsterdam ave. Grand Opera House. 8th ave. and 23d at Grand Saffolk Vaudeville. 21 Suffolk st Gem Theatre. 406 E. 13th st Gem Theatre. 4223 3d ave. Bobt B. . Smith. P. O. Box 1971. Cliaa. Marks, ' Manager Circle nieatre. Prot.' :N. .H. Powell. 257-W. 39th at Markowlta & BlUott. 143 E. Honstcn st . B. BIsInger,'125 Blvington St. ' J. I. Shapiro.'Dewey Tlieatre. B. O. Edmnnda. 32 .1.tlierty st - Max Lind. 11 Ave. D. ■ Warren & Sweeney. 348 3d ave. &.VV; 214 E. 114th st Ii. - A. Swerdlove, 1745 Waahlngton ave., Bronx' Imperial Tbeatre. 60 W. llOfh st E. C. Hoffmelster, Snpt, E. & P. Hsrlem Op- :.era jHouse. , Houston Hippodrome, 141 E. Houston at Harlem. Music Hall, 209 W. 125th st Harlem Theatre, 212 W. 116th st HndBon-Fnlton Theatre, 149 Amsterdam ave. . -House ot -Fnn, 847 Prospect ave. Keith'& Proctor's. 125th st . Ubertr Theatre, 408 E. 116th st liyccum Theatre. 908 3d ave. Manhattan Theatre, 6th ave. and S3d at ~-UeKInley Sqoaie Theatre, 1351 Boaton Boad. ..Metropidia-Theatre, 2614 3d ave. ' Mental Amuse. Co., 14eth st. and Westches- ter ave. Meyer & lAuimerle. 189tb st and Pelham ave. Murray Hill 'Theatre, 42d and Lexbucton avei - -Marion Theatrci. 404 Brook ave. Novelty Theatre. 214 Bo« ety. ; Novelty Theatre. 871 3d ave. The Nicolet Theatre. 272 W. 125th st Stem ft Splecens. 60 W. 3d st. Sake nim .Exch., 1416 Broadway. Park" Bow'^eatre. 31 Park Bow. Begal Amnse. Co., 2028 3d ave. Warrte'&~S*eeney. 70S Conrtland ave. Edward Dillon. 107 Fourth ave. The Belle Pardee, Bergen ave and E. ig4th st, Bronx. Bronx Tbeatre, Wendover and Park aves BUon Theatre, Broadway and SOSlst st Bronx Casino, 2894 3d ave. Bridge Tlieatre, 118 Park Bow. Bohemian Hall, 321 B. 73d at Beacon Amusement Co.; 42 W. 89fh it* City Hall Theatre, 93 Park Bow. Chinese Tbeatre. 507 Doyer st The Columbia, 629 Eighth ave. Crotona Palace, 4063 3d ave: Columbus Theatre, 889 . 8th ave.- Cameraphone Theatre, 77 W. 12Sth st. New Colonial Tbeatre, 77 W. 125th st Crescent Theatre. 36-38 W. 135tb at Osntral Park West Am. Co., 3»38 Cathedral Parkway. , ■ Comedy Theatre. 46 B. 14tb st Dreamland Tbeatre. 129 B, Houston st Dreamland Theatre, 249 3d ave. CHICAGO, ILL.—Areade Theatr*. Wm. Bban- tan, 112th st and Pnllmsn svs. Werner 4 Ottmsn. 1613 W. Madison it President Tlieatre, 343 E. SBtb st - M. Zntovlch, 126 S. Halsted st Triangle Amnsement Co., M. F. Hnjek, 7107 S. Chicago ave. ■ Bex Tbeatre, McToide Si Conaldiiw 2343 W Uadlson st Apollo Theatre, Apollo Tbeatre Co.. E. B. liCTy, 526 E. 45th st. . ^ Eerclry Theatre Co., B. B. I«V7, 842 B. 47th H. Schoenstadt. 4845 S. AAIand ava. C. D. Slgler. 9010 EwtoglSt^ ' ChlcaKo Amnsement Co., F. H. Salkln, 5109 Prairie ave. Bints ft Relcbbold, T36 W. Madison st. H. B. Smith, 1116 Michigan ave. B. Chamnas, 1803 Blue Island ave. John Roman, 4650 8. Ashland ave. Lyric Tbeatre, 34 S. Halstead st. Henry W. ScbeU. 5522 S. Ashland avs. Wm. H. Swanson, 1616 W. 14th st Sheer ft PbllUps. 3640 W. North ave. Mabel Tbestre, 3856 Elston ave. Comet. T. H. Nixon, 925 Belmont avs. Jnd WUUama. .ll2 8. Balsted st Peter Lsplna, 9223 Commercial ave. Peter Lopma. 8220 Commercial ave. Susanna l^angr, 6002 Wentworlh ave. Victor Sramek, 4043 W. 'Madison at Hoyal Theatre. 045 Sheffield ave, Harlow ft Stockman, 2524 Uneoln ave. J. Lu Hall. 6903 S. State at Hammond & Ball. 225 B. Slat at. Homan Theatre, 3S4S W, 2etli 8t, Gelder Bros., 365 E. 55th at. Swanson Tlieatre. 2122 W. Chicago are. Bute Tbeatre, 1124 S. 40th ave.. 330. Hambroger ft Power. 1656 W. 12th st Julian \7. Alois, 2051 MUwsnkee sve. Geo. Wiley, 2171 Lincoln ava. Geo. W. Friedman, 1302 Halsted st. H. J. Daniels. 115 B. North ave. Stermer ft Vogel, 4303 S. Halsted. B. Schulse. 2409 W. North ave. . B. A. Jobnion. 777 W. North ave, Wm. H. Swanson. 3863 Cottage Grove ava. Chas. B. Hynds. 2610 Lincoln sve. Oarl Dennis. 2441 Wentworth ave. Maleek ft Pierce, 1636 Chicago ave. Ellis Tbeatre, A. Hamburger. 6249 Ellla ave. Leopold Goodman. 6202 S. Halsted st Linden Theatre. Tbos. Gaynor, 743 W. 63d st Virginia Tbeatre. 808 W. Madison st. Pllsen Thestre. 1854 Blue Island ava. Monogram Theatre, 3520 S. Halsted st. Brammon Theatre, Ingalls ft Smith, 3104 S. .'' James C. Shaw. 1418 W. Madison st Gesn- ft Benson, 2556 Milwankee avt. C. H. Wllsnn. 406 S. State st Amerlesn Vending Msrhlne Co., 352 State st Americsn Vending Mscblne Co., 340 Stste st BUon Dream. 1T8 S. State st. Jnllan Tbestre, 918 Belmont ave. Ctrde Tbeatre. 1656 W. 12th at Ipla Theatre. 1236 Milwaukee ave. J. ft N. Amosement Co., 1205 Blue Island av. National Theatre. 844 35th st Janet Tbeatre, Hymtn Bros.. 617 W. Nortn ■ ave. ■ Cboynskl ft Noon, 318 S. Halated at. Wonderland. 1355 Mllwsnkee: ave. Hedora Tbeatre. 4238 W. Harrison sc. Vaudette Tbeatre. 3044 E. 92d st Advance Amusement Co.. 461 B. 31st St. H. J. Daniels', 3835 S. State at . R. J. Daniels. 3124 Lincoln ave. Henry Wdlf 2504 Wentworth ave. A. Lewis, 4717 S. Ashland ave. J. W. KcAIhepp. 7835 S. Halsted st OBoyal Theatre, N. Samplnis, 749 N. Clark, st . CrrstsI Tbeatre. 8am Schiller. 3140 N. Clark L. Hodin, 806O W. Wadlson at ..Palace Tlieatre, 8. . Lamm. 1015 Milwaukee avs. It Samuel, 1210 E. 6Sd at WEST C8BSr HemYoHt. W* make buttons for every purpose. In any quantity from one to a mUlton. BADGES THAT'S CUB KIDDLE VAME PENNANTS. FOBS and CANES THA T'S O ra LIEE. TOO. 'WE MAKE THESE GOODS, 'WE DOS'T HAHDLETHEk, To give yon fnU information at first writing, state explldty what yon want and quanti^. AKERIOAV BAOGB 00., Faetoiy: 141-14* V. XleUgaa Straet, OHZOftSd. .WE BUY. Moving Picture Ma- chines, Films and Song Slides If they aie:m fair; coadttion. - Abo Sell New nd Sieoid-haod Filns, SMes aid Hachlies Also carry a Full line of Machine Parts for all makes of : Motion Picture Machines Bi^ discount Write for cataloKUe which describes eveiy part, 'mw a picture and prices. AMERICAN LIFEOGRAPH CO. 142 E. 14th St., NEW YORK CITY WHAT WE DO. 'WE CLEAN FTTlfH Our process Is practical and thoroughly scientific. Films Improved SOOK. ^JS?*«!9i,*^SLfa!l'i»l*<' P'""' in existence. W£ HAKE TIXLES—Artistic designs, "in a class by themselves." No two alike. Bend fOr sa mple s. WE SELL FILK—Almost 1.000 leete to aeleet from. All cleaned by our secret praeeaa.' Almoat: as good as nenr.-. fS to {30 per reel. Send Hor bi g lis t. 'WE SELL SUPPLIES—Carbons, tickets,, con- densers, film cement, etc. We buy in large quantities and therefore can sell yon better goods for less money than you have previoosly p aid f or Inferior goods. 'WE BTTY AND BELL everything pertaining to moving pictures. New snd second-hand. GET IN TOnca WITH US. THE SIGN WITH PU.SB BEHIND IT. CHICAGO FTJLJVIEIRjS. 173 i. Bfmd n., mar Uk* St., BNISUO^ lU. «c 9» INrEM - SUDE • M Especially prepared for vrrltlng annonne*- meat slides. Writes smootlOy on glass 'With a pen and dries In a mlnnta. Ont- flt eontainh 3 bottles "PRBSTO" INK, different colors. 6 special pens, 12 maaka, 4 masked guides. One outfit makea 100 slides. Price. 9L00. AduBt Cktnietl Co., LawishR, Hi. FIGHT PICTURES We are pwnera ot the United State* ilEUa M all principal fight films. WHte as Car Hit and rental prices. CHICAGO HGHT PICTURE CO. 81 Clark St, Cbicago, IlL SELDOM EQUALLED NEVER EXCELLED J. W.TSCHUDI'S BANNERS 728 I. Steoad St., ST. LOUIS. MO. WANTED FIRST-GLASS MOVING PICTURE PRODUCER Csptble ot handling Western subjects. Otvs toll particulars. Address all replies, F. W,. car* Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New Tork, AT LIBERTY A-1 Operator aid SiBier By man and wlf«. (Wife don't play piano). State salary. Joint, Address Mil. MARRT BROWN, 610 Adams St., I'wirla. ni. WANraO—Man with pletiire iiiiichinc anil mius, for Interest In road show, Al<w plami player JP^^^'LJJ'.I*'^''™'''""'- A'wwr qulpfc, KUtlog alL C. B. NBAL, Belmond, Iowa, . . If .m see It la The Billboard, tell them ae.