The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Ttie Gillbpard 75 biTl Solonoa, 1310 JB. BSth at. ' C«Ufonl« XbMtn, B. FIrukal. MM W. V- 28th (t. TtrU ThMtKi QM. TbMdon, ia2S W. SSth Mt. ■ ■ . : Naw Crntal.^arOl W. North ave. joha T. Loeder. 6MS Balited it. "8IttM(*«, P. atttner, S3S W. North aT*. i. Freaman, 2805 W. DlTlalon IL '.Crom Tbeatra, Obriat Bolandien. 2630 North Cbrlit Bolandam. TM HUwanka* an. KrtDMr * Rablaiky, 4020 Uneoln tv«. . Knglewood Amnaement Co., S38 W. 6Sd at. - Ida Id. Stevens. 4523 Bvanstoa ave. Boena XHeatre, 837 Irrlnc Park Bird. H. B, Ulllar, 8028 8. State it. Jos. Flngold. 1384 8. Halated at. Balatad > 8t. Theatta. CL Xaammla. 1233 H. aalatad at - : Cbai. Andtawa,'SS5 <W. Dlvtelaa at. . Cabin & Cabin, 208 B. Slat at. Jallaa Johnaon, 8848 8v HalateaS at. People's Theatra, 8. Herahaw, 1306 B. Bal- ■ atad' at.'" ' ■, . • ■' B. Bnaio. 1813 S. Stats at. I.<idwlg ScBlodler. IOCS W. Boron at. ana Bennofau, 36S Z6tb at. Alcaaar Theatre, V. 0. Bearar. 108 B. Uadl- aon at. Comedr Theatre, A. J. Jonea. SOS W. North are. Boral Theatre. 7oiiea, Unlck * Sluifer, 288 B. ■ SUte at. ■■ ■ . Gem Theatre, Jonea,; IJnIek * Shafer, 312 B. ., State at. >■ LjTle Theatre, Jonea, Unick * Shafer, 2S2 S. . SUte at. ■ Unique Theatre, Jonea, Unlck & Shafer, 276 8, SUte at. Premier Theatre, Jones, Unlck & Shafer. 288 S. State at. 'Wilson Ato. Theatre, Mr. Boreb, WOaon k /''Braaaton. aiaa.'' Boral Theatre, B. W^ Bogera, 136B Hllwankee ■ arc.;, t..-jv. Xhe Baaex^'BcIbaia * Lewla, TllT 8. Chleaso Beatber A Wolf. 6234 CotUse OroTC are. 8<d Setal. 1253 UUwankee am. The Orchard, 8. IjeTln. 659 W. North are. Mrs. Lawrence Etten, 2168 W. SSth at. Cohen & Welnrarden. 1828 8. Baltled at. Pekln Theatre, Bobt. T. UotU, 2700 S. State at. ■ • , : ■ C P. Laotenachlaser. 3421 W. North ave. J. Tan Bonkel. 3M 8. Balatcd aL Samoel Doslan. 8204 W. 12th at. Grand Theatre, Scott * Braretti 1704 W. 13tb at.' ■ ■ i', GarOeld Amnaement Ooi.^ T. Barthalomae, 6531 S.'Belated'at. V.^- Palace Theatre, 1365 B. 6Sd at. Oarfleld Theatre,: Schaefer Broa., 2844 W. ''.' MadisoU'i'at.:'" J"-".'''' a A. WUlard, 22SS W. llth at. > Bdwin JobMitoD. 5S08 Wentworth ave. Bdwtn Johnston, 3551 Ocden are. Bamett Braa.,' IS37 Milwaukee are. . N. iMsarla. 380S S, HaUtcd St. M. IieasarU. 4710 8. 8Ut« at. Both & Cohen. 715 Bab« at. BcIU Mondstak. SIS Madlaoa at.' '' U W. BOKK. 69 B. 22dtat. : I> A. Binder, 6312 8. Ashland ate. Jas. B. Maber, 368 8. SUts at. Bdw.. Shaokeia, JSOl' MUwanke* an. A. Ai iSchmcrler.- 1S3T Orand are. Irrtej^tajtoe^a^dt * Hanne. 8805 W. v. C Seaver. 44 SUte at. ' Onhenm Theatre Co., A. J. Jaua, 174 8. State at. . . Chaa. B. SwlmailnK."a0S3 m SSth at. nunola Theatre.--. M. Kati. SUO.-Wentwortl. ■ a»«. . ■ '.v^.«: -'y' ■- . BooICTard Xbeain: S;'' KIslB,fim'^S«j»^ flmd Theatra, Oeo.^ B. Iieree. 4]S*K. 43d U. Patri Cella. lOQQ 8. Iblsted at Eratacbe * School,«I314'«N. Clark at. Ideal Theato, B. ; W. NatUa, 1228 S. Bal- ated at. Oomua Theatre. 8. Benry, 814 E. 63d at. MIUa TanderUle Amusement Co.i 7M W. Mad- State Thattre. T. X dizm^dr. 1485 liUwaukct aTS. Bostaa Amasehteat~0«., X.-ia Varrl8; -U4 B. Madlaoa at. ■ Uneoln Theatra;; J. G. O'DconaU, BIOS Com- mercial. ava.'' Crown Theatre. A. Bnnqnlst; 512S Wentworth are. ■■,,•-■'".''!'.''. American Theatre. W. O. Zoat. 2648 Uncols ate. Amerlena. W. G. Yoat. 3437 Ocden aTa. 8. Naaser, 1461 W. FnUetton n»*._ „ Vwaia'' Theftre;:VS. Monlel. BZT lUIwaakee aTS. ■ ' A. W. Borgman; 1023 B; nth at. John Arblaeher^ 6850 Waatwecth am. ^ D. Slmmona, BS3 B. 4Sd at. v Welsenrrennd'a I3th St T&eat(< P. Walsaa- ', freond. 714 W. 12th at. - _ Nickel Amnaement Co., O. Iiaemaila, UST _Mllwaake« are. Fred C. Minder. 8024 8. Balstad at. w . John WtUlams. 31 B. 68th at • '• ■ Anstin Amnaement Oo. (Mot Ise.),< W. 0: Da- -. Tis, 468 Park ate. O. F. Beach •* Geo. J. BnsU. 4356 M. t«aTttt '■ St.:'". .." 'Taudette Tbeatre, 8. nehteobttf, 810 W. _esd at ■' ,■'■■..■■; ■ . Ftnkeastein * Mills. 1143 8. Halsted at ; Werner * Ottman. 3860 Chttace OroT* ava. Henrjr * BeUen. 8U6 W. 23d at Otcar Oarlsia, 6047 8. Balatad at U Bmnswlck. 4743 W. UAe at B. q. zaaa.;S234 N. aark at W. L.,Coakl«T, 8033 Wentwatth Uf. A. Field. 3317 8. Honaaiat. Bsmael Maiaer, 303 I. 47th at Adelphl Tblatre, Chtlatr Saadow. S8S S. _ Weatem ave. Frank VIca, Ml W. 48d at fv^nileb. 3004 w. MadiaoB"at Christopher Atfoa, SOOB W- Madlaon at • ^■..!^* i)<>lS«t 1»> W. MadUon at Robt., C. Vaienttae, 33SS N. Oalttotaia at.- Ideal Theatre, O. J. Oilman. 558 North are. gn>»«t^. Grohe. 8588 W. 3etb at ftMc.Woodj, 6218 a. Balated at Albert,,0. Rider. 1033 N. CUrk at Jas. TInct. ess Milwaukee are. Abrahtma Al:8oB^ 8410 Ocden ava. Roaaland Tbtatra Co., 11S07 Mlcblsaa Chaa. .Weectaman, 103 B. Madlsoo at Virginia Theatre, F. 0. Dnnlap, 310 N. 4Sd Un' Baer * Co.; ITM W. Uadiaoa at Mrs. K. KantTe. 4443 8. State St Morris Belfeld, 017 W. B-ld at. Uorria Bclfeld. 6254 8. Balated at B. B. Jonensen, 1026 Milwaukee are. Geo. W. iJrBeb. 5046 8. Aabland. A. A. Buler, bus 8. Balated at 'chaaaa Braa.. 8180 N. Clark at The Fairyland Amnaement Co.. 1256 Mllwati- ka« aye. LoaU Be, 362 S. State St. O. 0. Whelan. 4320 Cottage Grove btc. Jaa T. Oorsan, 1398 Milwaukee avr. Bts Slebart. 2723 N. Clark at J. Solln. 744 B. 43d at. - TmK&v -■ - — Jlorakta, 6M Wentworth are. A. M. Blaaer, 530 K. 43d at Anderson tt. Griebd. 4308 Aimltase ave. I4iwndale Palace AeatTe, H. GoeU,- 2S46 B. Kcdale are. Bnab Temple, 800 N. Clark at Jaa O. Wenig, 624 W. 81st st. Jno. Sherrln. 863 N. Clark st. .Weber * Bamphrej, 451 North ave. loltni 0. Birck, B1B2 S. Halsted st. Edlsoa Wikelond. S8S0 8. Halsted st. : Mrs. P. Mattes, 28S8 Archer ave. W«naIJk nolebel, 2157 W. 21at at J. 0. Carney, 3811 W. 22d st O. C. Johnston. 733 W. 47th st. A. Andersen, 2359-W. Chicago ave. Dean dc Branle, 3303 & Hdated at Uinis Amusement Co., A. Hamburger. 1816 B. 65th at W. H. ft J. A. Bell, 2407 W. Madlsoa at Barrr Markham. 638 Mllwankee are. Sal Salinger, 847 K. Belmcmt Bnuswlek ft Bmnswlck. 2125 W. Madlaoa at Murray ft Mabuke. 1807 Allport at Oscar Pleelardo, 914 8. Halated at ; • Bamlltoa Theatrs. Vm. Ueycr,: 72B0 WsBt- worth a*e. M. Theodakis, 1B8S W. 22d at Brla Theatre, D. L. Schwarte, 641 N. Claik .It Brie Amnaement Co., D. Im. Schwarte, 703 N. Clark at Gnnd ATcn Theatre, M. A. Murray, 4746 Mt. Lake at South Cblcaga Amnsemeot Co., M. B. WQ- _aon. 8206 S. Chicago are. Dreamland Theatre. J. P. Warner ft Son, 8023 , W. Madison at Glamour Theatre, John Miller, 220 W. CSd st ' Flueat Tbeatre, C. B. Thompson. 302 B. 85th Cheltenham Theatre. N: G. Mansen, TSZO'IS- . change are. " Madiaon Theatre. S. CaUln. 1861 E. SSth st North Pole Theatre. F. C. Thompaoa. 8043 N. Aabland are. Pastime Theatre. E. W. Thompsnn, 70 B. Madlaoa at. Paatlme Theatre, H. W. Thompaoa, 100 B. Madlaoa :st"'' Vletorla Xheatte^ H. W. Thompaoa. 1452 Hnm- Central Theatre. John P. Price, 5008 Sontu . Bird. ' ■'.;■' J. A. Grant 2451 S. Balated st.^ , Joha B. ' Ryan, 2451 Cottage Grai« ave. ' JL Bosenseim, 1324 B, 63a st. TerdI Theatre. B. Navlgsto. 803 Kanainston "■ aTS. Angnat Galluzo, 1145 I.arr*bee at. Paria Theatre. Fr. Zuman, 3906 W. 26th at Andrew Murphy. 1800 Stete at The Atkins Tbeatre. Susaa Atkins, 4104 W. ' 12th'at' Matt Santfaeker. 316 W. North ave. . Franklin Tbeatre Co., Gisel ft Backman. 828 B. Slat "'St. '' ; Kedile Amusement Co., John P. Byan. 82M .'" Madiaon at. College Dream, S. Schiit ft Co.. 3I1I W. 13tlL .'■'' at Tlolet Page, 717 N. Clark st Morris Belfeld. 448 B. 43d St. Barty ^^Mham, 2413 Belmont m. Rid ge Theatre. Arthur Oakea. 3715 W. CblcaflFaTe. Carl Karg.-3234 W. North ave. JoIIoa L. Kahu, 1515 Milwaukee UTe. U>ula FIchtenberg. 3057 S. Halsted at Olxoo. BrowueU ft Ilelbach, 4434 Wentworth ave. . Mrs. A. Roakler. 422 tarrabee at. Mrs, A. Bnnkler, 2017 N. Balated st Palala Royal. J. F. Ryan.. 1710 W. Madiaon ■at:, Oongresa Theatre, SOS S. Kedde.- Sharer Amnaement Co., 220 N. Clark at Jnllaa A.. neock. 3234 Armltage at Landgraft ft Co., 522 W. DlTlalon St.- Grand Park, Theatre, Lederer ft Levee, 3255 Ogdan;'aTe.''. ' May A. Peache, 1544 W. 63d at Tincenzo Marino, 640 w. Division St. Calumet Theatre,: John Connets. 8204 8. Ohl- cago a»«. ■ ..: :■ Kane ft Lakeman. 2002 Ogden-aTe: Smnllln. Leaman ft Unemm^n, 3928 W. 12ta , st . ■■ : ..v^ ■!:' B. Tan Ronkel. 672S S. Balsted St. Besseer Amusement Co.,,Thoa. O. Leahy, 912S Commercial are. "'.^r-^-.''^•' West Pullman Theatre,. Nick' Mdaeh, 623 W. 119th st King ft Lute, 1420 Milwaukee ave. Lcrenao ft Ilardo. 401 W. Chicago a're. Royal Theatre, J. L. Lederer, Belmont ft Un- cola aTS. Ravenawood Tbeatre. D. B. Parker. 4525 B. Rayenawood Park.^ _ .: ,„„ _ Jefferson naatte. Homer Saimaen. 1523 B. 86th at Ulllan Theatre, COIeman ft Coleman, 183S Milwaukee are. . J. ^ Faster Theatre. Wurtman, Applebanm ft Kaha. B204 BranstOB are. : .L.^ . Ogden Theatre, Wm. Brann 3336 W. 13th at Arry Rosenthal. 440 W. 6Sd 8t._ v _ Alice Theatre. G. F. Striker. 8056 Uncida Keirimod Theatre, Watcrhury ft Usher, 714 B. Jeltersou Theatre Co. fNot Inc.). T. C, Mc- Donald, 6811 S. Halsted; ^ J. J. Montague. 6417 N. Clark St. Fted Olsalo, 8. W. Cor. I,oomls ft 12tb St. C. T. Brown, 2840 W. Tan Bnrcn at Home Theatre, Mrs. L, J. HooTcr, 5235 8. Bhiated at Albert Walinga. 1,1328 Krle are. ^ Noble Theatre. Edward TIetgeu, 1071 Mllwan- CSmtury'rbeatre. A. A. Lute. 1421 W. Mad- ison St. _ • . _ « ,. Banner Theatre. Fred C. Smalley. 1611 W. OlrowfVDnfrIn, SOW w, 22d st. „,. .. Republic Theatra, Chaa. Koester, 8918 Lla- El?S°ThJatre. I.. D. TImmons. 936 B- 4Sd .st Argyl* Amusement Co.. A. R. Martin. 49S0 WhMV"p?Iace'*Tbeatre. K. FItspatrick. 1(K» Kedale are. . _ . ^ am, • The Olympla Theatre, Geo. Schnchraan. 308 B. xt""? Sv-'n*™. 1161 W. M«dl»on St. , Anhnm Theatre, Jnllns Ascher. 7835 S. Hal- ni»JI at P, Pacini ft Tony Oloi-ttl. 1032 K. 75th st «inner Thestrc. 1611 V. WobPT at w. A. Jotnann 9iw« W. North are. , Bcnrin Theatre. Bwwtn aw; and N. Clark at niSHING TO THE FRONT AGAIN! On August 22d we purchased one more Film Exchange, AN INDEPENDENT ONE, with Imps, Bisons, Powers, Nestors, Ambrosio and Itala Fflms THESE REELS ARE TO REMAIN WITH US FOR OUR RENTAL D EPARTMENT Now. drop us a line, and our answer will surprise you. Do it now, right now. Write now TO YOUR FRIEND J O S LY N 23 Lejcington Avenue, \ NEW YORK FILM CONSOIIDATION O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Company, Western Film Exchuige Company, Wagner Film and AmoseiEMnt Ckm /Atwin iitiftft their; dmsolidation under the name of SUITE 410-420 CENTURY BUILDING ST. LOUIS, MIS^URI. Buying 40 new reels a week. Write for our proposition. THE CHRONOPHONE TALKING PICTURES Demonstrations in Independent Theatres In New York State and Pennsylvania Write at once for particttlais GAUMOMT Conjreaa Ave.. nVSBMNO, L. I.. NEW YOBK FILM AND SONG SLIDES 80 leeU of Una Film. 910 eadi red. 25,300 feet of One atoek; large a^ amall anble eft,. 2e • foot and np. No worn oat Sim. 500 aeta of Sons SUdea. 10c a slide and 0P;_A. wr^BUaoai Bxhlbitioii iBaehbw CMOS Model). Sdlaon UnlTetsal Macbtoe. I AMO fitlY «1UC AN1> SUDBS IF GOOD. S. OAOMX. n Gkiiatapter Street, New Yeik: Caty. IP TOUR SDPFEiX OF BOinS: CARDS IS VSEBAXSBtEDt