Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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76 X lie Billboard SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. THE COMING SEASON IN GOTHAM. (Continned ftom page IC.) edj- br Messrs. Catyl and Monckton. Mlai Ger- tie Millar will head tlie cast, and Mr. Joaepli Coyne will most likely be a principal in It. It is Mr. Edwardes' Intention to prodnce comic operas in tills house, and as Mr. Frohman and we will be Inteiested in these prodnctiona, it Is more than lllceir that they will be seen at the New Anuterdam Theatre, Mew York, with their original casta. "We are lihelj' to be; Interested In another theatre oret thcze^; as Hr. Oswald SttAI; the maiiaglnK director of the 'Hoa Circuit, .!■ IikA- iag atoond for: a hoose: for American pidnc- tiODS sach as Ben-Hnr. The Bdnnd-Up and other big plays It looked at one time aa U *<. woold seems the Xycemn lhentre ln Tondnn tor that pmpose. bat tfaat-plan f^ ttnragh,'and It la now a v>estlon of Obtalnlne a: aaltaUe site to^-erect:one." - A. H. Woods' plana for the: comlns season promlHe to be more extenstve than ever. In addition to prodndns several works from the pens of well-known American antfaors, Mr. Vooda will brln? ODt three pieces of foreign anflior- thip. and will also approve plana for the erec- tion of a new Broadway playhoose. Mr. Woods' llist New York attraction win be Madame Sherry, at the New Amsterdam Ihea- tre. This piece, which Is a mnaical ' farce, .comes from Chicago with a record of a -nine moDtha' nm to Its credit, acclaimed by press and poblfe of that city, as one of the hlg hits of the past s^taaim. A remarkable cast, headed by T.lna Abarbanell and Balph - O. Hers; has helped it to achieve Its ereat saeccss, and It will be se«n when the play Is bronght to New York. . Close on the trail of Madame Sherry. Mr. Woods will give New York play lovers their first glimpse : of The: Girl In the Taxi, which is aefaednled for ^the ; Astor Theatre in October, carter DeHavenv Is the featnred - member in a cast 1^ idlatlDgiilihed players, which contains ! snch rames aa those of Jessie Mlllward. Fred- erick Bond, Fremont Benton. Iianra Gnerlte. John Olendennlng and Max Freeman. The Girl in tbe Taxi Is a foreign product Americanised by Stanisians Stange. and scored a'trlnmph In Paris and Berlin. Frodoced in Chicago at the beginning of last aeason. Its snecess was so great that It remained In tbat dty for more than alz months, and then went to BQstOD for . a ^mn where It-repeated Its w e atem ^nlomnh. Mr. Woods -will this season rproride an- hla atara' with: new .vehicles. Blanoie''Waiah-will appear In The Oilier Woman, wlilch was espe- cuillx- written for her. - Miss Walsh" has -been tonrlng the conctry for- the past three years, bat win come to New York In this piece. A new play for Jnllan ElUnge. the weU-fcnoivn -vaudeville headllBer, -who tiaa been placed under contract br Mr. Woods, win foUow. The piece is entitled The Fascinating Widow, and'in the leadinir: role Mr. [ElUnge. will be caUed dpon to enact a dnal role, that of a man-and a woman. The; Faselaatiiig Widow Is a mnaleal comedy, andi'wm he seen In New York shortly. WUle the'KlUnge tdar la developing, another nnghable Importation called The Pet of the Pet- ticoats, wlU be pot In rehearsals. Tbe lesdinc Mxt will be played, by that Inimitable comedUn. < Dallns Wtolford. Nothing baa as yet been-made fabllc of the natnre or plot of The Pet of the etticoa(s..bnt It Is said to possess several slt- natlons and scenes absdnt^ new to the Amer- ican staire. One of ilie moat amMtloBs eflBrta on -A.- H. Woods' books iJa ,'a -aew,siiIaT';hy- William J. Hnrlbot,: author, ot The-Fighting:: Hope and The Writing on the Wall. It Is a dr^^ the realistic acfaooL -and reveala many .nhaaea of metrppoUtan life. The title orlSe new -work u New York, and such eminent nlayers aa Lanra Nelson HaH. Mary Show. anST Orrln? johnaon^have been placed under contract by Mr. Wooda^for Important rol«. . New York-win be . given immediate pradnctlon.- Plvcea are also being engaged for new pieces caned The Brute, a drama of modem life, in : .vhidt a well known star wIU appear;- Slamming, a stnpesdoaa musical senaathn.: sevealinK the wonders and laterestlnfr: phases of life In our metropolisrThe Gilt PIg. a fantasUcali musical ! comedy, which: promises ' new surprises for the delight of the blase theatregoer. -_ On the road Mr. Woodk wlU present Thomas K. ,Shoa in a repertoire of plays, which wlU Indade several new ones. Two companies of The Thief,'three compa- nies of Tbe Girl from Hector's; and three com- panies of The Girl In the Taxi: vrin also fly the Woods' banner. ' Harry Clay Blaney Is this season to star un- der his own management. In tbe Owen -Davis dramatlaaUon of Sewell Ford's novel. Chemb Devlne. Mr. Blaney Is to can the play The Boy from WaU Street. Mr. Blaney secured the play from wmiam A. Brady, ■wba last year tried It oat in Phnadel- phla and Chicago, with the original cast of The Gentleman from Mississippi. with.'a.>vlew oC pre- senting Douglas Fainnnks'In It tlds seaaonT The play win be given an .daboote staginK and the company snpportlnir Mr^ Blaner wni be beaded by his wife. Miss: Kittle Wolfe. Mrank Whitbeck I« to go ahead of .the company. Cbarlea Frobman will manage in all fbrty plays, written by writers from Ave different conntrlea. They foUow, with the authors' names: ■ American—I«ve Amonj; the Lions, lir Win- Smith; Marie Doro and Wm. H. Crane in Electricity-, bar Wniam eniettec Gmmnr; - by H. Badges and T. WIgney Perdval; The Jew, by Angnstus. Thomas: a new play :br WUUam GU- lettei a new play by WineheU Smith, and-'White Maglcv-; by- Graham PhlUlps and ^ Walter Haek- .ett. .£nglIsb-^ohn iDrew m W. Somerset 'Maug- ham's |>lay. Umlth: The Brass Pottle, by Frank Anatey: Pauline: Chase In Onr Miss GIbbs: The Single Kan; -br .Hubert/HenryDavles: The- Fire . SereeK by -Alfted StonerTbe Imposter. hr tiion- ard Merrick -and-iMIchael : Morton; The Tenth Man. by : W. Somerset : Hangham: Chains, by Elizabeth Baker; The Speckled Band, bv Conan iJoyl": Tlie Twelve-Poond Xook. by J. M. Rar- rle: The Second.Footman,- by CSpt. Bobert Mar- shan and-^G-.B. ;Jennln^;:.:a iiew.Dlay by Henry Arthur Jones;, a new play,- by Arthur W. Pinero; a new- i^ar IV'.Bi^oa Cbaail>ets; : a :new'eoQiedy nr W.' 8onteraetslfaBglianr,'¥and ■ar.'iliew comedy br J. M;'vBarriai.->.; >>st - ^ . French—-Maude, Adams-'in Chante^r,- by Hons. EdraonA Bostand;. Slie, br Henry! Lave- dan: Rattle WlHIama in Decorating Clementine, ItT MM. de Calllavet and de 41ent: Xartp Tem- pest in A Thief in the Night, by: MM. Triatan Bernard and Alfred Athts: After;Me. The^. by Henry Bernstein: ne Fnolisb'Virgin.- by-Henri Bataille: The Unknown Dancer. bT Trlstsn Ber- aard: Tbe ScandaL br Henri Batallte: A Woman. Passed By. by Moqtmartre: Papmon. br IiOois Beniere: A Man Passing, by Pierre ^WoLC aad a new play by MM. de CaUlavet and de . Piers. Belgian—Marriage of Miss BaUman. by MM. Foorson and Wicheler. . _ .. „ Anstrian—Iia BeUe Blsette, by I<eo Fall: DoU Girl, by A. M.; Wilner and I«o PaU, and The Charles Frohman wIU also present WUIlam Gillette in repertoire. Xew Fields Is busy getting In readiness for the coming. sesson. The Yankee Prince opened Angnst 26; The Jolly Bachelors comes on Sep- tember 12. to be foUowed: by - When SWeet Six- teen. Besides this. Mr. . Fields to busily cm- gaged in the preparation of the ooenlng, of the I.ew Fields' Winter Garden, which wiu occupy a square block extending on Broadway from 50th to 6l8t street, then east to Seventh ave- nue, -win have an enormooa seating capacity, and which wiU one of > the largest amnsement: resorts in the world. liiebler and Company'a attractions—The Abbott Opera Company. ;BessIe Abbott, prima .dimna. with Pletro Mascagnl, conductor, presenting for the first-time, in any; country. Mascagni's^lKW! •and opera, Ysobel: Sir-Herbert-Bef^hm ...ree, supported by men .Terry ,In a twelve wcS'a t^ of the United States In The Heny Wives of Windsor; Viola AUen to tte late tSa- ion Crawford'sMast play.: iThe 'White Sister. In by Bobert Hlchens from his novel of the same name; The White Prophet, a new play by Hall Caine, author of The -Christian; a play by O. Henry. left unfinished at the time of his death Benry. lert unnnianen ai me uun; uj ujj to be completed by another writer; In the Dee- Purple, a new play of New York life, by Paul -Armstrong and Wilson Mlxner; Judith Zaralne, a play of the Pennsylvania steel mills, by C. M. S. McLcUan: Pommandcr Walk, a play by Louis N. Parker; Mrs. Thlstleton's PrlnceM, a comedy by Anthony Hope and Harriet Ford: a new play by Justin HunUey MaearUv: a phur by Constance Fletcher, dealing with the Ufe of Andrew Jackson, and Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch. ■Henry B. Harris' Plana—The Hudson Theatre opened its eighth season on Monday. Angtnt 16, with Frederic ThompKm's production of The Spendthrift, which temporarUy dosed for tte summer on June 25. resumed. Following this attraction. Mr. Harris win present at this the- atre, Helen Ware, launching her as a atar in a new play. The Deserters, the snthors of which are Anna Alice Chaphi and Bobert Peyton Carter. Bobert Edeaon will go on tour, opening early in September, in Where the TtaU DWdes. a new play by Mr. Edeson, snggeated by WiU LU- LOLA ED MONDS. .Of the LOLA ED MONDS MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY/ Desmond, season 1910-11. the direction- of Bobert January Miss Allen wIU appear in a new'play by Israd Zangwli; Margaret Anglln In a new: comedy.'eittaer one by Loots N. Parker, or Tbe Backslider, by George Egerton' .(personal man- agement of Louis Nethersole); Gertrude EUlott,- as Gladys in iirs. Burnett's The Dawn of a To- Morrow; Edward Terry, In a selectlen of his most Euccessfnl plays—this will be Mr. Terry's, second visit V to America; Albert Chevalier-In a new play, tentatively known as The Caretaker: Oscar Ashe and Lily Brayton in The Taming of the Shrew. The Virgin IJoddess, and other plays. The first visit to America; Lena Ashwen In a new play by C. M: S. McLellan. author of'Leah : Kleschna; George Arliss In a jilay by Lools N. Parker, In which he wUl 'play Lord BemauatieU; William Hodge-In The Man from' Home, by Booth TarfclDgton and Harry Leon Wllsoii. the play that has scored a record of 342 perform-: ances la Chicago, 70 weeks in New York, and 27 consecative weeks in Boston; H. B, Warner In Alias Jimmy. Valentine; by: Paul Armstrong; Wnton Laekaye In his greatest hit. The .Sattle. by Cleveland Jtlolfett; The Fonrth:: Estate,: by Joseph MediU Patterson and Harriet Ford, orig- inal east-besded by Charles Waldroa; May Ir- win in 'Mn. Jim, a new farce by Booth Tark- Ington and Harry Leon Wilson, aothors of .-Tbe- Man from Home; Mabel Hlte in a political farce, A Certain Party, by Edward W. Town-' send and Frank Ward O'Malley; Dnstin Famnm in cameo KIrby. by Booth Tarfclngton and Har- ry. Iieon: WHson. bis third season In this ro- mance of Old Louisiana;-Marriage-a la Carte, a new musical nlay by C. M. S.--McLeitan and Ivan Caryn, with EmmIp.JBSeUen,:a.',Londoa fav- orite, in a leading role; Chiystaf Heme in a new play; The Garden of Allali. dramatised librldge^a novel of _that name. Mr. Edeson's appearance in New York with thUi vehicle wUl be made later in the season. .•Bose^Stahl will again go In-tour, opening early is September in James Forbes' successful comedy..The-Choms Lady,'playing her charac- ter atndy, Patricia O'Brien, nutll the first o( the new year, . when aha win -come Into New York In a new play, at yet nonamed, written by Charles Klein, author of The Lion and the Mouse and The Third'.Degree. Elsie Ferguson,: whom-Mr;: Harris last year launched as a star In Chaunlng Pollock's eomea, drama. Snch a Little Qneen wUI be si-'ea this coming season. In a-new. play, A Matter of Money.. She< win, open;; town, and after a short tour -wUl'^ come'into New .York, where the wtU he seen: at a prominent Broadway the- atre. HedwIg Belcher, who last season made her debut as an Engllsh-speakiag artist In On the Eve. and later, created the-leading, female role in. The Next of JCln, wiU be: seati on tonr by £Mr. Harris as a star In Martha Morton's play, On the Eve.: adspted from: the-Oetman of Leo- pold Kampf.-Miss Belcher .will also have an opportnnlty of .playing In New York later . In the seawn In a ,whieh:Mr. Harris has con- tracted for, and which is being written by one of^Araericars moat prominent dramatlata. ■ James Forbea' farcical comedy. The Commnt- I era,: which had a preliminary tour last spring, and sccted'S pronounced bit, opened at the Cri- terion Theatre on Monday, Angnst IS. A west- , em company win alao be organised, opening in , Chicago the latter, part, of October, for a. ton. At the BepiibII<> TI>eatrr. : formerly known aa the Belsaeo, Mr, Harris wDI pfeaest for a mn. TuscanJoeJtieYaquis Prince The only Mexican Indian singing English be- fore the American pabllc, featuring hicb-dass and popular songs and producing operas and dramas of his own composition. Address care Tbe BUIboard. Happy Helnla Of Vaudefiiis f W. The above is the likeness of Usale Wilson, declared by tbe press and public to be the best comedienne with a real German dialect on the stage to-day. After forty weeks' work, she la resting at her Buffalo home until SmtemlMr 12, at which time she begloa for tbe FaU season. DAVIS & DOOLEY . 1 Who are at present presenting their com- edy-bnrlesi]ne oddity, entitled ^'Nearly As Actor." a vehicle, however, which they wiU discard in the near future for a mora scream- Ingly funny farce now In preparation. Bach In hta class is a performer of undisguised ability, end aa a combination prove an even- ly balanced team of mlrtb. Always caia The Billboard, Chicago.