The billboard (Sept 1910)

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80 Xlie Billboard SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. A Gentleman From MtssUsIpnl. Bxby Mine. Mujotle's Uother. JiiD, tbo PejuQajt. Uother. - In God's Connbjr. BoDght and Paid For. Way Down Baat. A Woman's Way. Mr. Pardee and tlie Conntesa. Going Some. Glrte. Bobert Matttell, In Sbakeflpearean Bep- ertolre. Beitlia Galland. In a new play. Slorenee Boberts. In a new iday. Wm. :FaTerabam 'i'& JnlU. Opp» In a -new play. Uazlna Elliott. In a new play. BOIy. Margaret Anglln; in a new comedy. ' Dnstln Falnom, In a sew play. WUton. Iiackaye, In a new play. Ofaiyatal Heme. In a new play. Grace George, In a new play. An Old New Torker. Shan Hagan. A Gentleman of IiCisnre. HmAwnd. Etimmander Walk. Mrs. TblBleton's Princess. tads Maim. In a new play. Amelia Bingham, In famona revlTala. ' Virginia Bamed. In CamlUe, Leah, ttae Forsaken; Dtplomaey. Forget-me-not and Odette. • James K. Hackett, In a tevlTal of Cbas. Dickens' No Thocooghfsre, Tin Coial- esn Brothers and others. AtndU 'DaXy. In TSTlTala and Handet. : BBur 'Bi Disey; In a new play. Andmr - lbdc, iln a nnr play. Dontfaa-FUibanks, la a new play. Or and Down Broadway. Smv: :(miiaIeal:^veiBlgB.) ' . - TDUtfS TUghtmaf Barana.. Marcelle. , ,t, . Dockstader's Minstrels. High Ufk In Jan. 'Menkl. Madame IMnbadonr. ' Baron Xrlnke. - : Madame Batterfly.. XttUe Biv Bine. :Baion Good For Nothing. Ify oinderdU GlrL ■tm IMA. Sweet Slzteen. A Matinee Idol. - A Train of Pleasnre. Bsiefaot Dancer. Tip Mam'selle. < ; Marriage a Is Carte. SINGER. JACK, Columbia Theatre BIdg., New York City. Behman Show. ■■-Tile Serenadera.^^^^ ■ "■•- SINGER, MORT H./ PrineMs Theatre BMSi. Chienge, III. fflie Flirting Princeas. The-Goddess ol IiHierty. ? ' ■ » The Golden GlrL Miss Nobody BVom Stulaad. Henry Woodmff. bi a new. mnaleal' earn- SMITH^C. JAY. 314 W. Superior St., ' Chicago, III. A Pair or Coontry Kids, ■tatty -Vdlz. Bs Fattlns (two companies.) STAIR A HAVLIN. INC., 1493 Broad way. New York City. ■The wot. Xhe Tronhle Bfakera. ; / Check er s. ■ ■■ ■ ^BehoOlT Days. STERN, A. S., & CO., Knlekeriiocker - Theatre BIdg., New York City. - Piilly of the Circus. ' THOMPSON. FREDERIC, New. Am aterdam.' Tlieatre BIdg- New- York City. Tlie...Comie.'J9applesient, : The StoendOrif t. -■■The'.lAite^v- Sbe Utile'Mother. : v WHITE, EDWARD C. Knickerbocker Theatre BIdg., New York City. Mildred Holland, ia BepertoIre. DaTld Oopperfield. . " WHITNEY, F. C:. 45 W. 34th St, New York City. Tlie Chocolate Soldier. - - Baron TrencA. ■' WILLIAMS. SIM, Knickerbocker The- atre BIdg., New' York City. Imperial Bnrlesquers. WOODS, A. H., 1493 Broadway, New York City. The Girl In the Taxi (three companies.) , Tim tBmte. Tile Other Woman. The Pet of the Petticoats. The Tldet (two companies.) The Girl From Beetor's (two eomiwnies.) The Prosecntlng Attorney. -i^BarlMreza.^ • He Married a Man. Thos. B. Shea, in Bepertoite. :■■; Slamming. ■-"■■■ WOOLFOLKi BOYLE, Atwood BIdg., Chicago, liK" A Winning Miss. The Snnny Side of Broadway. ZIEGFELD, Jr., F., New York Theatre BIdg., New York City^ FoUles of 1910. Mabd-Tallaferro. in a new play.. A Fbol fniere Was. Polly of- the Circns (two compantea.) Brewster's Millions. Via Wireless. Money. , GllUes.. , My'Msn. THOMPSON, MONTE, 39 Court St., Boston, Mass. The Beformer. Han od the - Box. The Final Settlement. Miss Iieigh DeliScy, In Bepertolie. J<dm Median, in a new plw. Bennett-Motilton Co. Adam Good Co. Arery Strong Co. . Tale Stock Co. TROUSDALE BROS., Cedar Rapids. Iowa.' The Man on the Box (three companies-) tboosdale Bros.' Stock Co. WADE, F. A,, 1207 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. The Isle of Spice. WAGENHALS & KEMPER, Aater . Theatre, New York City. Paid te Fnll. ^ J , :8erta Days (fonr companies.) iWALKER, F. LAWRENCE, 72 M St., j^::N.::W„ .Wmhington^ O. C. .^rB.- Hanfiird, in:repertoire. WEBER, ^J0& M., Weber's Theatre. t^NewRYerk C!ty- The- ClImaT (fire eomoanles.) > < .:-AImsj^ Where Do Ton LItsT WEBER; v^^-LAWRENCE, Columbia Tliaatre. BIdg., New York City, -■■DaInty^:..Dnfmess.---^'~:^ ■■■■■''.■■■■• 3he Psrislan Widows. . : : . WHALLEN & MARTELL AMUSE- MENT CO., KnickerboeMer Theatre BIdg., New York City; The Pennaat Winners. Tlie Brigadiers. The Kfentnety Bdles. HARRY MAXINE BENNETT g RITCHIE " PRESENTING THEIR COMEDY SKETCH "BABY DOLL" :OUR IWIOTXO—Make 'em laKugtt and tnen Lyell. > We left them laaiihinii la Saa Franolaco. Open Time September 5th. Peraianeiit address, . . • 131 East 33id Street. INPIAtiAPOM^ INDy AHRACTIOM Akom BngltA Grand Opera Co. (two compsnles). Milton & Sargent Aliorn, mgrs. As the Stm Went Down, Arthor 0. Alston, mgr. At the Old Cross Boads. Arthur O. Alston, mgr. AdTentores of Ptdly. Blaney-Spooner Am. Co., An Old New Torker. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: booked by the Shnberts. v v Avistor, The, Cohsn & Harris, mgis. . : . Arcadians, The, (%as..BVohman mgr. ^ - After iMe. Chas. PTohmaTi, mgr. Ars6ne JUipiB (two: compsnles); ^autt.-Wtoimaii, mgr. At tte iMerey of ;m>ettasi -Tanghan Glaier, mgr. Adamless Eden, Gns HUl,-mgr. :r:- Abott Opera'Co., Uebler& Oo.;; mgrs. Ashwell, Lena, in a new play. Xleldar & (So., : mgis.; hooked by The Shnli^ta. Arliss, George.' in a new play. liebler le Co.. : mgts.: booked by Tbe Shnberts. Alias ' Jimmy Valentiiit!. .-ZJebler & Co.. mgts.; T.-Inoked by The Shnberts. As Told In . the Bills, W. F. Maan, mgr. >' « Assaiwln. The^. Ftederlc niompson. mgr. AIma;- Wliere :Oo Ton UTe. Jos. IC± W«er. mgr. AngWn, jsMargaret,. in a new eomedy,- lAnls -■Hetbende, mn.; booked by The Sbnberta.' Bohemian Girl, MUton A Sa^ent -Abacn, mgra. Bates, Blanche.. in a new play. SsTid Belaam, ^:..nigr: !-■■ Balkan Princess. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.; booked by The Shnberts. Bsby Mine (two companies), Wm. A.' Brady, mgr.;jlK)oked by nie ShnhertB^ . Bought land Paid Vmi Wm. A.' Brady, mgr.; hooked by Tlie Shnl>cits. Bill-Tnetdl. Geo. H. Brennan,mgr. Boater Brown, Bnster Brown Am. Co., mgn. Braaa Bottle, Chas. Frohman. mgr. Bacbelor'a Baby, Chas. gtohmsn, mgr. Bright Byes. Jos. M: Gsltes, mgr. Boy With the Boodle.' Howsrd Ban Co., mgrs. Bobby Bnnlt, Hemy B. Harris, mgr. Ben Bnr. 'Klaw & Erianger. mgis. Backallder. The. Uebler & Co.. mgra.; Iwokad. by The SbnliertB. Battle, Tbe, Liebler tc Co., mgts.; booked by - The Shnberts. Broken Idol, -W. F. Mann. mgr. - Barry of BsIIymQie, Aagustns Plton, mgr. Brewster's HUilons, Frederic Xtiompson, mgr. Brewster's MHIlons, AI. BIch Prodnction Co., Bennett-Monlton <3o.,. Monte Thompson, mgr. Brigadiers, Tlie. Whallen & Martell Am. Co., 'Inc.--^mgxs- ■- Baron, TrenA, F. C. Whtlney, mgr. Bmts; Tlie,«A. H. Wbods,£mgr. Bariiuesa£;.A. H. Woods.mgr. Bon Tkm Bndeaanen; F. Rush, mgr. Bine Moose, The Shnberts, mgts. Belie of Brittany, The Shnberts, mgrs. Beauty Spot. The Shnberts, mgrs. Billy,j /ne Shnberts, mgis. Bingham, Amelia, In famous revlTals, Tbe Shnberts, mgrs. Barcm Trlnke, The Shnberts, mgrs. Baron Good for Nothing. The Shnberts, mgrs, Barefoot Dancer.-Tlie Shalierts, mgis. Befamsn Show. Jack Singer, mgr. Beverly two companies) Delamater A Noirls, . ■'Inc^-mgis. ,■ ■ ■ : Cowboy's Girl, Perce B. Benton, mgr. Q>wb<7 and the Thief. -Bowland ft OUSotd, Inc. IQgTS. ' Checkers, Stair A Havlln, mgra. Cave Man. Daniel T. Arthur, mgr.; booked by The Shnberts. i Oahm, Marie. ,in a new, mnalcal play. Daniel Concert nie,-Da'rid BelaKO, mgr. Case OX -Becky;'-David:; Belaaco, mgr. (Aeater; Tlie, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.; booked by nie ShobertB. Ct^^^Tbe^^m. JL Brady, mgr.; booked by The Clansman, The, Geo. H. Bisnnan. mgr. Cohan. Geo. M., In a new play, Cohan A Harris, mgrs. (Sarisbsd Girl, Chas. Dillingham, mgr. (Chains,'Chas. Itohmsa, mgr. Chantecler, <3ias. EVohman, mgr. CUmaz. The (two oompanlea), Geo. Am. Co., mgrs. Climax, The (fire companlea), Jos. M; Weber, :■■ mgr. ■ . Conntiy Boy. Henry B. Harris, mgr. CboTot Lady. Henry B. Harris, mgr. Commnters, The, Henry B. Harris, mgr. Cracker Jacks, 60s Hlu, mgr. \ Caretaker, The, Uebler ft Co.. mgrs. Certain Party. Llebler ft (^o., mgrs.; bosked br Shnberts. Cameo Klzby, Uebler A Co., mgrs;; booked by The Shnberts. Caw-Poncher, The, W. F. Mann, mgr. Comic Supplement, Fkederic ThompiwD, mgr. Chocolate Soldier. F. C. Wliitney. mgr.; booked by The Shnberts. Con ft Co.. Heniy W. Savage, mgr.; I>ooked by The S'hnberts. Cat' and the Fiddle, Chas, A. Sellon, mgr. Cow and the Moon, (3ias. A. Sellon. mgr. City. The. TbB Shnberts, mgrs. "HUNTRESS"—IN DANCES CLASSIC Who will present an entirely new otTcrlng, -built especially for thla seaaon's toor of tlM SuUivaa ft Consldlne time. The act, which consists of eleven beantUol drops, new wardrobe and songs, sll psrtlcnlariy adapted for the occasion, will introduce a new dance ocatad along tha . Iiaee oC Both St. Denis and Maud Allan. 4 MUSICAL COMETS 4 ''Some Singing and Musical Act'^ One of the Big Feature Acts ■"■'that appeared at Young's Million DollarPier ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. LAST WEEK , This act presents the '"Two Pages"—Clara and Estelle, late of • Klaw <& Erlangier's Pearl and the Pumpkin Co.; Sadie Huehn, of- the same company, and that popular musical (X)median, Musical'' Huehn, who has played all. the large theatres from coast to coast This ac^ <»medy situations and up-to-date musical selecrtions on numerous brass and novelty ^ instruments. For particulars and open time, address ' BILL HEUHN White Rats, 1553 Broadway, New York City or TOOB svFFiiT OF Boinn: oabdb is exhatokbd, ask for