The billboard (Sept 1910)

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Xlie BIlll>oarcl SEPTEMBER 3, 19ia THAT'S IT! I The Song Hit bi 1910, Published b>>- •JE^ROlVfE: FI. RE^^ICK CO. Malestic Tlteatre Bldg. CHICAGO, ILX^ 131 West 41st Street -N E W. Y O R K- 08 Farrap Street DETROIT. MICH. MQSE GUMBLE. Manaiier Professional Department? „.„„.„..„38x20 Gndiion.^.l „„_: 15 ft Betweoi Bridges ^8 ft. Proscenium^_...^^..22 ft.. Seiaiiiig;<^pacity „u575 Dniwing Pbp...„I5,000- BLAGKSTONE THEATRE MARTINSVILLE. INDIANA The best show town in the coiintry. All the attractions plajdng this house play to capacity, as the management books only the BEST. Musical Comedy Companies especially get the money. Play this theatre if it is big enough for you. GHAS. BLAGKSTONE, M^r. U«R7 TWm ot .WindSOT, Wnu Bradjr. .mgr.— Booked br>The.aniberta. ' - —» KOT Wives ol WlndBor,-UetOer & Co.. msn.— Booked by Sbnberta. " v T^" Uanten, Bobert, ta Repertoire, Wm. A. Bradr. nsr^Booked by. OSie^SbidMTta. aui nam Osark, CbluA & Harris, mgrs. Uu Wboi. Owns' Btosdwar, Coban & Harris, ICeta In Irelasd, Sumer B. £lUs,-mgr. MJratery of - a, Tellow iMom, Cbae. Frobman, mgr. ■ ■• Uoatmartre, Cbaa.'* Frobman, mgr. ' Uan Paaslnjp, Cbaa. Frohman, m^. ICarriase of Miss BnUman, Cbaa. FrtiuDan, mgr. IBd-Oiamiel, Cbas. Frobman, mgr. Man Between, Vansbaji Glaser, mgr. Hatter of Money, Henry B. Harris, mgr. Haaqaenders, The, 6na nrni jagr. Keutyre ft -Heath, la a new mnalcal nlai. Klaw & Eplanger, mgra. ■ Kui ftom Home, lileWer ft Co., mgrs.—Booked by Tbe Sbnberts. Mel Hug Pot. Uebler ft Co., mgra.—Booked br JIr»» Jim. Uebler ft Co., mgrs.—^Bocriced by Tbe ' Sbnberts.- ~ Mazrlase- a la Carte, Uebler ft Co., Booked by Tbe Sbnberts. ^ - Mrs. Tblstletrai's Princess, "Uebler #t3£>mgts. —Booked by Tbe Sbnberts. Mrs. Wlggs of tbe Cabbage Patdi, liielfler ft '_Ca.^_mgn.—Booked by Tiie SbnbertSL lint Wortblngtim'a Career, W. V. Manni-ingr. Miss ITobody From Starland, Mort H.%SInger, . mgr.. . ■ •■• Money, Frederic Tbompson, mgr. Man Om tbe Box, Monte-13iomp8oii, *msK '' ' - Mui On tiie Box (tluee companies), Xconsdsle Bros., mgis. Meehsn, Jobn. Is a new play, Monte Thompson, mgr. Metry Widow (two companies), Henry W. Sar- age. <ngT.—Booked bT* Tbe Slmberte. Madame X .(three companies). Henry W. Sayage. mgr.—Bo<Aed by Tbe ohnberts. Mikado. Tbe (all-star castt. Tbe'SImberte, mgrs. MMnlgTi t Sms. tjew' Tlelds, mgr.—^Booked br Tbe Sbnberts. • Han's World, The Sbnberts, mgrs. Miss Patsy. Henry W: Savage, mgr.—Ba<Aea by The Shaberta. Mr. Pardee and tie Comitesa, The Sbnberts. mgrs. Mann, Loois, in a new play. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.—Booked by Tbe Shnberts. Hack, Andrew, In a itew play. The Sbnberts, ■ mgrs. MarceUe, Xhe Shnberts, mgrs. Menu, The Sbabevs,- mgrs. Madam nmibadoO^ Vbe Shnberts, mgrs. Madame BnttCTfly. ^Ihe Shnberts, mgrs. Kr dttdeteHs 6U, Cbe Shnberts, mgis. Inked Vrafb^ Wm»r-Jr: Brady,; mgr.—Booked by :::The Shnbert& Socseman, The, Gns IHIL mgr. Mewiyveds, lae, Inielr Ba%y (two oom- ' Paides). X«fller-BBBr. :ti Co., mgis. Htapr^cThe, Xhe,-8Ibi:>«rtB. mgta. Vnjna, The, Wm. A. Brsdr. nigr.—BotAed by ■ nU'-.-Sboberta. '. . Old Town, Oias. DaUngbam, mgr. Oar Miss Glbbs, Chaa. : Ftohman, mgr. One Best Bet, -Howard Ban On., Inc., mgrs. On the Bye,-.Hegry;:B.'ffarrfg,; mgr. ^ ' Octoroons, Tlie, Gas Hnir'ngi'. ' Other Fellow', a^-^WsIta.'K^Eawiaieev mgr. Onr Kew Minister,-Bany Dod Parker,-mgr. Other Woman, A. ^H. Woods,; mgr..:- Old Dnteh, Lew meld^: iDgr.¥-BoolBea tf l lhe ■ Shnberts. ' ■.->-.7-r^ •^j;r/ race. The, Wm. A. Brsdy, mgr.—^Booked by The Shnberts. Penalty, Tlie, Cohan ft Harris, mgrs. Pasaerby, The, Chaa. PIHingham, - mgr. : ■ Prima 'Doma, Tbe, Cbas. Dillingham,' mgr. PapHIon, Chas. Fndmun, mgr. Paid In Full (two companies). George Am. Co., p-ommander Walk, Llebler ft Co., mgra.—^Booked :'by.; saw-SIraberts.' Plotters, The W. F. Msnn, mgr. Pinkerton GUI, The (two companiea), W. I*. TiffHTiiij . mgr. Proaecator, The, Mlttestbal Bros.' Am. (}o.. Inc., mgrs. Panam (two companies). Perry Am. Co., mgis. Pair of C!oantry Kids, C. Jay Smith; mgr. P<flly of the Clrcos, A. S. Stem ft Co., mgra. Polly of the Oircna (two companies), Frederic Tbompsoo, mgr. Paid In Fnll, Wagenlials ft Kemper, mgrs. Parisian Widows, F. Iiswzence Weber, mgr. Pennant Winners,: Whallen ft.Martell.Q)., Inc., Pet of tbe Petticoats, A. H: Woods, mgr. Prosecntlng Attorney, A. H. Woods, mgr. Prince of Pilacn, Htmry W. Savage, mgr.— Booked by ^e Sbnberts. Passing of the Tlilrd Floor Back, .The Shobert*, Price; ' Tbe, The Sbnberts; >mgrs. Prince of Morocco, Tbe Shnberts, mgrs, Persian Princess, The Shnberts, mgrs. . Prince Consort, The Shnberts, mgrs. Poynter, Bedah, In a new play, Bmt ft Hicolal, . mgrs.- ■■ ■ ■ Boyal SlaTe, Clarence Bennett Fradnctkns Oou, Inc., ■ mgrs. Bigltt-of Wsy, Red Block Co., Inc., mgrs. Bosaiy, The (two companies), Bowland ft Clifr ' ford^ Inc., mgrs. Bight to Ure. Wm. A^ Brady, mgr.—^Booked by Tbe Slraberta^' Bed Mill, Chas. Dillingham, mgr. Bnasell, Anna, In a new comedy, (3bas. Frohmas, .-.mgr.' ' Boand-Up, Klaw ft Brlanger, mgis. Eemittance Man, Hie, Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs, Bebecca of Snnny-Brook Farm, Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs. ■ Beformer. The. Minte Thompson, mgr. Boberts, Fbrenee, In a new play. The Shaberti. ..-^grs. ■■ Sweetest: Girl' In ^PaTis,- Harry Askin.- mgr. Smart Set, Baitoi ft Wlswell, Co., In&, mgn. Shan Magan, Wm. A. Brady,'mgr.—Booked by The Shnberts. Sins of tiie -Fatber, Geo. B. Brennan, mgr. Slim Princess, Cliss. DUlinghsm, mgr. Single Man, -Oias. Frobman; mgr. Speckled Band, Clias. Frohman, mgr. Second - Footman, Clias. Frohman, mgr. Scandal, The, Chas. Frohman, mgr. Smith, Chas. Frohman, mgr. Sire, :Chaa, :JFrolmian, mgr. SpltHre, nie, Daniel Aimmaa, mgr. St.: Elmo , (three-'eompanles), George Am. Co., mgrs. . . . St. Elmo, Tangban Glaser, mgr. Stubborn dndezella, CIsas. A. .Goettler, mgr. Scarecrow, The, Hmoy B. Harris, mgr. Shoemaker, nie, Gns Hill, mgr. SlWer Star. Klaw ft Erlanger. mgrs. Shadowed by Tliree. w. F. Mano. mgr. Sonl Klsa (two companies), Hittenthal Bros.' Am. Co., Inc., mgrs. Sia Perkins (two companies), C. Jay Smith, mgr. Spendtiirift,. The, Frederic Thompson, mgr. StroDf, Areiy, Co., iSoate Thompseo, mgr. Seven Dsys .(foor ' eompsnies), Wsgedials ft Kemper, .mgrs.' , Sbes, Tbos. E., in Aepertolre, A.> H.' Woods, mgr. Slnmming. Ai B. Woods, mgr: . ■ Snnny Side of Broadway, Boyle Wcolfolk, mgr. Storm, Tiie, Thos. W. Biley, mgr. , Simple Ufe, The SImberts. mgrs. Sommer Widowers, Lew Fields, mgr.—Booked by The Shnberts. Souiem ft . Marlowe, In Shakespearean repar* toire. The Shnberts, . mgrs. Strife, The SholKrts, mgrs. Sweet Sixteen. The Sbnberts, mgrs. Serenaders, The, Jack tJnger, mgr. San Antmilo, Perce.B... Benton, mgr. Shepherd King,. Wm. A. r Brady, mgr.—^Booked by Tbe Shnberts. : SdKoI Days. Stair ft HavUn, Inc.; mgrs. Tliree Tesxs : In -Arkansaw, Perce B. Benton, .mgr.- Tronble Makers. Stair ft Harlln, Inc., mgrs. Tliey IioTed a Uusle, Daniel V, Arthnr, mgr. Traitor. The. Geo. H. Brennan. mgr. Top o' th' World, <}bas. Dillingbam, mgr. TMlby, Cbas. Oilllngham, mgr. Tenth Man, Cbas. Frobman, mgr. Twelve Poond Ijook, Chas. Frobman. mgr. . Tliief, Tlie, Cbas. Frobman, mgr.' Tlilef (two companies), a; H. Woods, mgr. Thief in the .Hlght, Chas. FrOhmsn, mgr. Tliree Twins (two companies), Jos. M; Oaitea, " mgn ■ . • Third Degree (two companies), Henry B. Harris, mgr. Traveling Saleaman (three companies), Henry-B.' Barris, mgr. Taming of the Sbrew, UeUer . ft C%>., msr^.— Booked by -The Sbnberts. Teny, Edward, in Bepeitoire, : Uebler tc Co.. mgrs.—^Booked by The Shnberts. Tempest and Snnshlne (tliree companies), W. F. ' Mann;'.:mgr^" " Three Million Dollais, : Cbas. Marks, mgr. Tberese,' Don't Be Angryi Adolt -Phillpp Co., Inc., .mgrs. - TallafeiTO, Mabel, In a new play, Frederic Thompeon, mgr. TrUiiy (mnalcal version). The Sbnberts, mgra. mile's Nightmare, Lew Fields, mgr.—^Booked by The Stanlierts. Train of Pleasure, The Sbnberts, mgr.. Tim Mam'selle, Tbe Shnberts, mgrs. Unknown Dancer, Cbas. Frobm.%n, mgr. U. S. Minister Jackson, Cliaa. Frohman, mgr. W end Down Broadway, i Lew Fields, mgr.— Bo(riced by Ibe 81uiliert8.\ ' Upstart. The, Bertram Hanlscm;: mgr. Under Sontliem Bkles, Hany Dod Parker, mgr. Tao Stnddifod, Orsee, Daniel V.'Arthnr, mgr. Vagabond Dnks, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.—Booked by Tbe Shnberts. • Vsgabonda, The, Henry B. Harris, mgr. Vanity Fair, Gns BlU, mgr. Virginian, Tbe, Klrke La tihelle Co., mgrs. Virgin Goddess, Liebier ft Co., mgrs.—^Booked by The Sbal>erts. Vnltnre, The, W. F. Mann, mgr.' Village Postmaster, Tbe. Perry Am, Oa.v mgrs. Via Wlrelees, Frederic Thompson, mgr. Waiiieid, Darld, In Bepertcire, David Belasco, : ..mgr. . ■ «■ . -Where There's « WUI; Manrlee Campbell, mgr. White Magic, Chas. Frohman, mgr. Woman Passed By, Chas. FrMiman, mgr. Wolf, The, Bowland ft: Clifford (To., Inc., mgrs. Wolf; The, Stair ft Havlln. Inc.. mgrs. --Where the Trail. Divides, Henry-B.: Harris, mgr. Welcome toOnr City, Klaw ft -Bflanger, mgra. White Sister, Llebler ft Co., mgrs.—Booked by The Sbnberts. ' WbHe Fropliet, Uebler ftCo., mgrs.—Booked , by Tbe Sbniierts. WlMHre, Hsiit Doel Parker, mgr. Woman Who Likes to Langb, Adolf Fhlllppl Co., Inc., mgrs. Woodmff, Henry, In a new mnslcal comedy, Mort H. Singer, mgr. Winning Miss, Boyle Wooieolk. mgr. ' Wife Amers, Hamy W. Savsge, mgr.—Booked by The SImberts. .' So. ut-1 Kt. Om Solid ooid Tutur. No. MS—1 Kt. Solid Gold F~' Wo. ta»-i Kt SIMB Gem send Gold Stud, UCM See fUem befon psyins. Tl ie ee Gems sre Ctaemlcal -White Sapphites and ourr be TOLD from diamonds except by an expert. ' So HABD they cast be filed ao will wear Itisaia* and retain IwUllaney. « -W-e want too to mo theoe $ .uuiB -we wHx pay an : penses tor yon to see tliem. OUR PROPOSITION -We wm eend ron either rlnsa or atnd lIl Mlra l e J— SAP! MB c O. D., an charges rnxPAlD—with prlvllags of examination. If yon llks it. pay tbe ezpresa man^lt yon dni't, letomlt to him and It -wont cost yon s cent. Fair pfopMdtlon Isn't Itt All mounted In solid gold d la nw i wl monntlnga. ■^BEHDPOB BOOXUCr. : WHIIE VAIXEX OEM CO.. 9U Sake BaUding, • ~ " MONOLOGISTS AND COMEDIANS Ton can always replenish year stock of Jokes and gtgs from our Joke Books pobllshM far. stage oae. Over 700 PAGES OF VF-TO-DATX XAXEBUZ, in book form, boond in paper cov' ers, sent by mall, postpaid, oo receipt of a f 1 MIL. Tonr money back it sot satlstaetoor. Writ* right now... TBS ovtLynx ooa _ 77 Bom street . Hew Teik 01^ AGENTS SEND lOo. NOW For Eandsoma sample Germaa ^ — ■sy CkMk with yonr name and add. stamped thereon; Ma mswImIms for t.^ iDgorders. Ve also supply blank Hb^mM and stasapinc ontnts. MAKT Hn,J l>spt.S2,980oamaey St., Brooklyn,! YOUR NAME and ADDRESS Stamped on tUs handsome nickeled Caai- UneS Wntch Fob and Drill Oiieek (iadlaaPargents' alae), for Uo . worth35c. AspnlB Wnnlcd to tain ord>-rafartUs aadonrothecfsataelllngnoreltlra Askltor £>rtlanlsri. l ilK IiZkT MKO. t;f>., opt. 82,88 Gnamsey St., Brooklyn, a. Y. Showmen's Headquarters—Don't forget wlille in St. Louis to make your headqnartera at "Jake's Place," 162S Market St. Troopera alwaya wel- come. Send yonr letterheads and photoa; have tbem displayed. BUlboard and (Slpper on llle. Wixard of Wlseland, Harry Scott Co., mgrs. World and His Wife, The Sbulierts, mgrs. Wit<AlDg Hour, The Shnberts, mgra. Wolf, The, The Shnberta, mgra. Way Down Bast, Wm. A. Brady, m«r.—BookM by The Sbnberts. Woman's Way, A., Wm. A. Brady, mgr.—Booksd by The Sbuberts. ■ - Tsobel, Llebler ft Co., mgrt,—Booked by. .Xh« Shnberts. Tale Stock Oo„ Monte Ttttopaon, mgr. : _ . Tsnkee Girl, Lew Fields, mgr.—Booked by Tba . Sbnbaria. :