Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBERS. 1910. Xlie Billboard 83 COMBINED LIST OF THEATRES This List Indudes the Theatres in tbe Princ^^ Cities and Towns of America. Data Pertaining to tibe Smaller Towns'Will Be Published in Subsequent Issues. AKRON, 0. Colonial Theatre: F. B. Johnson, mgr.; hl(b- claas. Grand Theatre; O. t<. Elaler, mgr.: popular price. Happy Boor Theatre; E. U. Stanley, mgr.. TandeTlIle. ■ .--^iv Lnna Theatre; F, F(V. msr.; TaaderlUe. Star Theatre; B. K. Matthew*, msr.; vande- ■Tllle. AUANT, N. T. . Burtis Audltorlam Theatre; J. N. Rosa, msr.; blgb-dau. Jefferson Theatre; J. F. Mnldoon, mgr.: high- class. . •.,::„:■ ,;. . Happyland Theatre: F. Simpson, mgr.; ran- derlUe. Bnrtls Opera. Honw:-John N. Boaa, ogr.: popular., price. Bermanns Bleecker Ball; J. aUbert Gordon. mgr.; lint claia. Fnietor'e llientre; Howard Orabtm, mgr.; hlgh-«laaa TandeTlUe. ■mplre Theatre; Jahies H. Bfaodei, mgr.; Baat- etn wheel burleeqne. Oaletr Theatre; Howard Wcb<df,^ntr.; Wctt- em wheel hnrleamie. - Hajeatlc Theatre; Xmll Oelebeek.mgr.; vande- Tllle and picture!; 10 ud-lSe. Aim>ONA. PA. Mlahler Theatre: I. C. MUhler, mgr.; hlgh- dasi. • ■ ALLiaJTOWN, PA. Lrrle Theatie; N. A. Worman, mgr.; high- elasa. Orphenm Theatre; J. F. Oateratoek. mgr.; TatkleTllle. Columbia Theatre; H. N. Farren, mgr.; Bast em wheel. Howard Theatre; ^ Boaenberg, mgr.; Beat- ■ -em wbeel. Oatetr .Theatre; Geo. Bttchelder, mgr.; Eut- . en whad./ Keith's Theatre; Geo. Clark; yanderllle. American Unale Ball; Uodujr Harium; Ttode- TUle. Casino Theatre; 0. H. Waldron, mgr.; East em wheeL Hub Hieatre; Jos. Mack, mgr.; Tattderllle. (National Theatre; Hatcns I<oew, mgr. BRIOQBPOaT. CONN. Smith Theatre; Ira W. Jackson, mgr.; fliat daaa and popular prices. Foil's; 8..Z. Poll, mgr.; TaudCTlIle and sum. ner stoek oonpaiv. Bmplre; Spits Jk Nathanion, ngrs.; Tauderllle and plctnrca* BROOiOim N. T. MoDtank Xbeatre; Edward Trail, mgr.: high- claas. Hajeatle Theatie; W. O. Frldlej, mgr.; high- ciaas. Teller's Theatre;.lb C. .Teller, mgr.; Ugh- clasa. Crand Opera House;. J. E. Springer, mgr., popular price. Ilaney's AmphI mgr.; popular prh Court Theatre; Xouls Cats, mgr.; popular Blaney'i mphlon Theatie: J. J. Wlllama, lular price. price. Folly Theatie; Fox Amusement Co., mgrs.; popular price. Oreenpoint Theatre: Benedict Blatt, mgr.; vandeTllle. Readeni will confer a favor upon The Billboard Publlshln«r Com- pany by calling the attention of the editor to any errors in or omlssiona from this llst^ State ..... . v i.......... Date aty Name of Th'eatre .............. Name of Manager ^... Character of Attractions ........ Kama and Address ot Informant SAItTIUOBB. MD. Academy ot Mnsle; U. 7.: I<ebma]nr, mgr.; lint class.' Vord'a Opera House; Chas. E. Ford, mgr.; ■.. .:tlrst class. ■ . _■ Andltorlum Theatre; James Ii. Kersan, mgr.; flnt dsM. Albangh'a Thaalie: J. Albert Tonng, mgr.: Orst class. X^rlc Tlieatre; Bernard Tllrlcb, mgr.; Ont class. Uaryland Theatie; P. O. SciuBlMiccr, mgr.; Keltb TaudeTlIle. Saroy Theatre; Sol Saphler, mgr.; lilgh-elaaa .TaudeTlIle. Wilson Theatre: It. I<. Shalbley. mgr.; blgh- , - Class Tsoderllls.'^'. '''' Victoria Theatie; O. Lewis, autr.; hlgh- eltis TtndeTlUe. HoUlday Street Theatre: Wm. F. BUO, mgr.i popular-price conady sad drams.; . Oayety Tbeatre; W. Ii. BalUmf, mgr.; Oolnm- bia Circuit burleaqne. SConoxnental Theatre; Montague .Taeobe. mgr.; Emptte Circuit burlesque. . i Princess Tbeatre; Yiddish drama. • BATONMB, . N... J. ' Opera House; B. Victor Iielghton, mgr.; hlgh- "..ClSBI.' . BUou Theatre; Bent Howard, mgr.; yaude- ■...TlUe. Park Theatie: O. B. Ball, mgr.; TandeTille. BINGHAMTON. M. T. Armory Theatre; B. M. Bart, mgr.; Ugh- .. claaa. 8tone:^gen Honss; J. P. B. Clark, mgr.; I#ric Tbeatre; B; ■ H. <DaTldson, mgr.; Tan- deTille. BIRMINGHAM, AIiA. ^ JeSeraon^'neatist^B.' B.?ltawlas,i<msr.^ hICh elaaa; ■.. BUon Theatre; H. L. Samoa, mgr.; high-elass. Majestic Tbeatre;'a W. Bllehlei mgr.; TSSr i oeTille. BOSTON, MAatU ,CastI* SqUan.-^Tbestn; . Geo. Olatk.: mgr.; BMtoa Op«m Boom; wa. BasseU,mgr.; opr aSah l^nt Theatre; O. J. Bleb, asgr.; Ocat - clats. Psrk Tbeatre; 0. J, Bleb, mgr.; Snt class. Colonial Theatre- O. J. Bleb, msr;; Hist claaa. Itemont Thcatio; J. B. BtatolleV mgr.; dnt Citts. flbnbert^Tbestrs; D. Smlih;;. mgr.; ant '.celasa. ■.■ K^eaHe Theatre; J). D. Smith, ^mgr.; Bnt Olob* Tbeatrai B.^ S. Jaaetts, aur.i flnt dsas. Orand Opera , Boossi Oeerg* Hsgssi .amr>t-MM- 'Odrsma. . Oipheum Theatie;: Frank Kilhols^'mgr.; Tau- dOTlUe. Criterion Tfaestra; James Madison, mgr.; tso- derllle. Fnltoo Theatre; William TrlmlMm. mgr.; Tau- deTlUe.V Royal Theatre: Chas. Sehenck. mgr.; tsu- lieTine. NoTelty Theatre; Percy G. WiUlanw, mgr.; .TaudeTlIle. Columbia neatre; U, S. Epstein, mgr.; Tau- deTlIle. ' Star Theatie; Wm. Beelie. mgr.; burlesque. Gayety Tbeatre; J. J. Clark, mgr.; burlesque. Empire Theatre; George McManus, mgr.; bur- lesque. Casino Theatre; Charlea Daniels, mgr.; bur- • lesqne. Psyton's Lee ATenite Tbeatre; Dane Pay- ton, mgr.;. stock. . Paytoa'a BUou Theatre: Corse Pay ton, mgr.: -Stock. Crescent Theatre; .I<ew Parker, mgr.; stoek. Gotham Theatre; Pauline B. Bojie, mgr.; ....'stock. . PblUlps' Lyceum Theatre; I<ouIa ; Fhllllpa, mgr.; stoek. BCTTK. MONT. ' _ . ^ ^. ^ Broadway Theatre; 7. K. Baalet. mgr.; hlgh- class. Empire Theatre; !<. U. Qolnn, mgr.; Tanaa- Tllle. Pamtly Theatre: G. N. Crawloid. mgr.: atoek. lolU^eatie; blgb-^isss. „ ^ Uaiestle -Tbeatie;-:!!. CL Schwarts, mgr.: '..TaudeTlIle.. CAMDEN. N. J. _ L . „ v Camden Theatn: Del Taylor, mgr.; blgh- class. CANTON. O. ^ . Opera House; E. E. Butler. mgr.;ihisb-eIa8S. Orbheum Theatre; n«d Bllton. mgr.; Tsnde- ■ Tllle. CHARLESTON, S. a _ „ „ " - Academy of Music; C. R. Mathews, mgr.; blxb-claas. Majestic Tbeatre; J. H. Hubert, mgr.; tsq- deTttle. _ . . Orphenm Theatr*: J. B. Shubert. mgr.; Tsn- a«Tine (coloied only).- v- llSmilt Theatn: Georga Clark, mgr.; vsa- ~d«TIIIe <«olored only). CRAtTANOOOA. TBNN. ^ . ^ . Shubert Tbeitra; P. R. Albert, mgr.; blgh- claaa. BUou Theatre: O. A. Neal. mgr.: popnlar price. CHICAGO. tVU. v' Auditorium Theatn: Mllwaid Adams, mgr;; StaJjebakM^beatNr Xd. SoUlTsn, mgr.; high- dass. (Oontlaned on page 86.) Of Inters to^^^ We baye Jnat completed our NEW IIXVSTBATED CATALOGUE, abowtng Cuts and Prices of OTer 400 stock bills ranglns in slxe (rom K'sheets to 20 sheets. Every piece ot this paper can. ho eroaallned to any ti.Ie desired. Mailed free for the asking. Natiooal Printing and EagraviBg 60.^ Q^^ cataijoo SOUBRETTE GOWNS Our latest catalog of Soubrette Gownii and Staaw DicssSs inst completed. . Send S cents to corer postage of Catalog'31.** , • CHICAGO DEABBORlr STREET, O O S T U K E WORKS, PHONE: CENTBAL 62SS. CHxaAoo. nx. IF 'TWAN»T GOOD WE WOULDN'T HAVE IT. Wm.H Charlotte Henrietta CHACE WESTON CHACE In Th«r OriiKinal Slot i Clean Comedy. Good Singing. Fine Dancing and 18-carat Ward- robe. In Vaudeville. Working Eveiy Minute and Some liifotinees. Permanent addres: 369 Pearl St., Brooklyn, N, Y. - . P. S.—If it's any Ojf our l|ii»inip8s; write.\ HARRY GUY BLANEY STARRING THIS SEASON AS "THE CHERUB" In the Owen Davis Dramatization of Sewell Ford's Cherub Divine, called The Boy From Wail Street. COMING COMING THE GREAT ARIADNE FROM BUDA-PESTH A VAUDEVILLE SENSATION Dlnctin - PAT. GASEY iK WIUIM L. LYKEB. i