The billboard (Sept 1910)

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X ti e B i 11 board SEPTEMBER 3, 191& Motion picture theatres In This List Axe Included the Motion Picture Theatres in the Principal Cities of America. The Theatres of This . Classification in the Smaller Towns will be Listed in Subsequent Issues of The Billboard. AI^BANT. X. r.—Star Theatre, 48-51 S. Pearl ■t. Pearl Theatre. 307 CeBtral ave. Fairyland Theatre. 234 S. Pearl at. Culno Theatre. 75 Hamilton st. Ideal Theatre, 111 Central are. Whlteway Theitre, 150 S. Pearl st. Iftoetor Anner, 69 N. Pearl at. * AIXENTOWN, PA.—Orpbenm Xbeatie.i wnmer -* Tlacenb • Star Ibeafre, 519 HamUton at.: Nlckfilette, SeGroff - & Cohen. 716 -Hamilton ■t. Hie Pergola Tbeatre, The PetsiAa CId.; -803 .BamStoa-at.:''- TTtemperance Hall.: .Temperance -Amuse.: Co.,- 528 BIdge are. Ideal Theatre,' C. B. Wanamaker, 22- N. 7th .•■t. ■ AI.T002IIA. PA.—MIstUer Theatre, I. C. Mlabler, 1206 Twelfth 8t. Oraad Theatre, Robinson.A BoesIng. Biloa Dream Theatre, 7. C. Keltlt. 1118 . EleTenth~st. Orphenm Theatre, Wllmer & Tlacent, 1206 BleTentb' at Casino Theatre, B. W. Hatch, 1420 BleTentli Keith's Theatre, 7. C. -Keltb, ISOT EleTcnth St. Pastime Theatre, SnTerman Bros. AKBON, O.—Happylsnd. P. F. HesTer.? Tbe Oiand: Xhestre, Mrs. Mary Spacb,-42 S. Honraid at. Star IDteatre.'B.'S. Katblas, 50 Howard St.: .PaaUme neBtre, : WIntait & Walker, 86 Main St. : Tbe . National Theatre, A. ScUappacasae. 120 S. Vain St. F. E. Hawkins. Giand Opera Booae. N. W. Blcfhardaon. Happr Boor. S. 8. Cnrtls. V SiAlier CUr. If; G.-Fox. Jfaln\at^ Luna Ibeatre. Cbas. Decker,: 84 8. Howard at. XTLASTA. aA--:^*Tpa»»r Theatre. Bowald -Am;,: BUob Co.. S. L. Caidoza. P. 0. B«s 122. ■ 'Oipfaeont Tfaeatzcw FaTorlte Theatre. SL 'Wall.'; 26 Merrita at. Majestic Tbeatie, Chatas 'k :C«>., :30 Peach-;, tree it. Elite Theatre, Paser Am. Co.. 36 Peachtree; at. ::■• - :: Poser Amnse. Co., Fose^ Theatre, 79 Peach-: tree at Hojrard Amusement Co., 99 Peaehtree* at.. Vandette Theatre, J. 6. Brlns. 96 WUteball- ; . at, ■. , Paila Theatre, Xi. Campbell, 100 Whitehall'at : Chotas Theatre.-- Oeorsia. Amusement Co. ' BSaleatle Theatre. :-Tlieatre. Qneen Kanfn AXIiANnc CITI^ N. J.—ronng'-s JTew Pier : Theatre. Boardwalk. Tbe Criterion, 'Walter Wheatley. S&Toy Theatre. EI. Brown, . m^. Young's Pier Tbeatre, ^H. Staockelford. Elite Theatre, Brown & Savage, 2122 Atlan- tic are. :-■ T'Ons Theatre. J. Cantes. 2227 Atlantic ave. Steel Pier Theatre. Boardwalk. ApoIIa: Theatre. F.: E. - Moote. mgr.,. Board- walk & N. T. n-n. Steepleebase Pier- - " ' lOTlc Theatre,. Flltcraft & Panl, 575 . Broad- way. Boyal Theatre. P. FUtcraft, 933 Broadway. Hippodrome Theatre. C. S. Powell, 1014 Broadway.' Palace Theatre, Broadway and Federal at. . Fergns are. ■■ . , Temple Theatre, M. W. Taylor, 4tta and Mar- ket sta., AUBUBN, X. X. Bieamland. 28 State St.; Dare Hall, mgr.' Motion World. 133K Genessee: et; V'E., M. Day, mgr. AUGUSTA, 6A.—C. JL Sasre. Kavfinan ft Sneed Theatre. Kaufman St , Sneed. BALTIMOBS, MD.-r-The Aladdin. 930 W. Balti- more St. ■TLe Amusea, 414 B. Baltimore st - The Arcade. 747 W. Baltimore at The Arcadia. 121 N. Howard st. Baltimore Amusement Co., 312 W. Iiezlngton St. BUbu Theatre. 222 S.- Broadway. Black Cat Theatre. 1204 W. Baltimore st Blue Bell, 171T Harford ave. Blue Mouse, 28 W. I«xington st ' ' The Brodle. 1118-Ught st :■ Tb» Celtfe.: 839 OtveDmount ave. ' - Tbe dlfton. 316 8. Broadway. Ttae..Clnster,/668 W. BaltliD0te.^st ' The Claiter. 803 8. Broadway: ■ r r Tbe Colonial. 143S N. Gay at The Comic. 3603 Eastern aTe. ' ! The Crescent 314 N. Broadway. - : : Tbe Crescent, 1110 S. Chadea at ^'^^^^^^ ' : The Crown. 756 Columbia ave. The Cnpld, 1130 Ught st. Daly'a, 836 Pennsylvania are. ' The :Dbcie.: 312 W. Baltimore st. ' !i The Eagle. Eastern are. - Tbe Eastern. :>Eastem:sTe.- :The:EIektra,;ia39:N.'Gay st Elite; 467 N. Gay st Emerlch & Demme. 1500 W. I.afayette are. Eureka Amusement Co.. 402 8. Fremont are. Family Tbeatre, 518 S. Broadway. V The Federal. 81* Ugbt st Tbe Ftemont, 617 M. Fremont ave. . Oem /Museum. 714 E.' Baltimore at. The Gllmw, 314 Gllmor at.' ' Grand Theatre.: 400 B. Baltimore at. ^ n^ie. Great WIsard.. 30: W.- I«xlngton ' st. Hasallnger's : Daisy.'--1782 Gay st. Tht HIgblandivSBU' Eaatem ave. .Tbe Home Theatre; 2211 PennsylTanla ave. The Carrolton. 1203 W. Baltimore nt. . Horn Amusement Co.. 2018 W. Pratt at Tbe Ideal. 903 W. 36th at The-I«ader, 248 S. Broadway. BIBMINOBAM, AU..—Pastime, Sam Pearl; pic- tores and vaudeTltle. Aloway, Boon Kelly; pleturea and TaudeTllle. Marvel, Jas. Banunrick: pleturea only. Amuse U. M. M. . Newsome; vandevUIe ana pictures. Prineesa, W.-M.'Mewaome; pleturea and songs only.? ■,''■': •'.•.. Bonita, E. H. Cooley; pictures and- music ■ ■ only." ■ . '■., BOSTON. M.«.SS.—Washington Tbeatie, 722 WasbingtDU St. , Old Sooth Theatre, 329 wasUIngton St. . Palace Theatre. 109 Court St.- : Comlque Ttaeatie. 14 Tremont Row. Star Theatre, 7 ■ Tremont' Row. : Pastime Theatre; 581 Washington at Premier Theatre, 682 Wasblngtoa at s; i :> Bowdoln Square Theatre. 1 Bowdolo Sq. ' JoUiette Theatre, 136. Court .St., . Beacon Theatrcr 39 Tremont St.. : c Unique Theatre. 700 Washington st' -: Bosbuiy Theatre, 2160 Washington at. Orlenta Theatre. 4154 Washington St. "! Portew Hall Theatre, 177 Huntington ave. Scenic Temple, 12 Berkley St. : Back Bay Theatre, 102 Darmonth at. Austin & Stone's, 4 Tremont Row. Nickelodeon Theatre; 51 Hanover st Zenicoro Templet 320 Blue Bill ave. Boston Arena. 240 St Botolph St. , BUon Dream. 643 Washington st : : PekIn Theatre, 418 TVemont st i vWlntbrop HaU Theatre, Upham's Comer, i Dreamland Theatre. BBBMSBPOBT. CONN.—Bt]on.. John H. Smitb. : : Crescent Bart & McLevy, 873 Main at Uncoln. Thos. J. Iiyncb, Broad at Arco. K. W. Kinder. .Broad St. V I«noz. B. W. Kinder, John St. ^Imperial. A. Skidmore. Stratford ave. Park City, Victory & Woods. Stratford ave. '^Astoria.. A Kranse,- Kewfleld ave. Electric, C. C. Bertbal, East Waablngton at. West End. M. Lund, State st Nickelette. J. Kelly. State st. Gem Tbeatre. E. Waiblogtoit: ave. Falrfleld ave., near Broad at: BB0OKI.TN, N. T.-^BIJou Theatre. Arlington, Cluse Bros.; Arllngtmi: ave. and 'Dresden st • • i-: ■ 'v. Readers 'WiU confer a'^foTor mpon The BiUtioard Fablishlne Com-- ':paiiy by calling tbei attention of the editor to any errors in omissions from tbis list. State Citjr Date Name of Theatre . .v^ame of Manager :?:Cbiu:acter of Attractions :Name and: Address of-Infonnant The Keystone. IIIB N. Gay st The l^exington, 314 W. Lexington st .: The liberty. S N. Uberty st. Majestic. 320 S. Broadway. New Flckwfck. 115 N. Boward St. Olympia.'O'Oonnel & Potomac sts. The Oriole; 1204 Iiaurens st. Aug. Fatal. 617 Duncan Place. Tbe Palace. 228 S. Broadway. Paradise Amusement Co., 1600 N. WaAIng- ton St. Tbe Pattenon, Eastern ave. The Faterson, 1202 Lamens at. Tlie Pickwick. 312 W..rexinston st. Plaza, HOT-N. Broadway. Pleasant Hour. 286!) N. Fnlton ave. Queen, 666 W. Xexlngton st ^e Balnbow. :426;E. Baltimore/St.: 7 ':; The Bed MDI. 1510 W. I.atayette ave. Red Hooo, 20 W; Baltimore at- Began.. 3327 Eastern ave. ' -Rraard's Tlieatre, 1230 Pennsylvania ave. The Boyal. 1727 N. Monroe St. - . Bnssen & Cansby. 407 W. Lexington at Stockton, 2 8. Stockton st The Suburban. 3155 North ave. Teddy Bear. E; Baltimore st. '^eatorlnm, E. North ave. New Amusement BIdg.. E. North are. Universal. 2329 E. Chase at ;: Albambra, W. I«rfogton st , : : ; Tlllrty-one. 31 •- Tbe Waverly. York Boad. Pastime, 2U28 Greenmonnt st. The Fairyland. 626 N. Chester st. Cblnmbia,:: 620 Columbia ave. Bon-Tmi 563 K. Gay st. rXairerty * •Newann.-<1105 N. Broadwar. : Thomas B. and Walter Hopper, So Lexlngion ":.avenne. John Cbfisoo, G25 Columbia arc. BINGHAMTON. N. T:—C. F. MU i Sou. - Gaiety .Theatre, E. E. Seamans. Elite Thaatre. C. F^HIx & Son. Empire Tbeatie, G. B. Wright. B. M. Davldaon. " Hippodrome. E. K. Cahlll.' 36 'Court st- Star Theatre. 51 Chenango St. T. M. Foster, Public ave. ;. Elite Theatre, : A.-Feld. 2587 Atlantle ave.: : ! Koopariei GSieatre. H.; T. MaAey. 3731 Atlan- " tic ave.'" ''.-■':• . ':■.'•"■'' ' Blaney'a Theatre, Advanced Amnae. Co., 437 Bedford ave. Greater New :Xork. G. Geaneaa tc Bra.. Bow- ery Sc Henderson sts. .' Broadway. 33ieatre, !«,: TeUer.;;-! . ; . San: Franco Amuse Cb.. 006 Broadway, ' Broadway Music Ball.: 698 ^Broadway. Ecooopoly Bros.. Broadway and Park ave. Comedy Theatre,: Wm; Fox Amuse. Co., 888 "/Broadway."' , ■• Happylaod Theatre, Grant - & Taylor. 1008 Broadway. Comedy Theatre. Wm. Fox Amuse. Co.. 1185 Broadway. \: Electric: Theatre,: :H./ Mayer. 1160 / Broadway. Hippodrome. White & Xnmboo. 1967 Broad- '■ way. .. . Plctnreland. Mrs. Lancaster, 1468 Broadway. Tbe Old Homestead. M. Cowro. 1S04 Broadway. F. Blrk, 1676 Broadway. Cryatal: Palace. F. Nn)ent. : i701 Broadway.; : Fairyland Theatre; J. BeUer. : 375 vBoabwIek ''/:;: ave. ' '. ::- '."" ' Umber Bros., Centra] ave.. cor. Madison st. Plctnreland. G. C. Karle, 13 Cbanncey at. The-Columbia. Moving.Picture Theatre. 208 Columbia st Hamilton Tbeatre. 300 Columbia at ' Folly Theatre,' Hyde ft BAman;/15 DebevoISe st Payton's: Lee/Ave; Tbeatre, Tbe Corse-Paytoo Payton's Lee Ave. Tbeatre. The Corse Payton Novelty Tbeatie. Drlggs ave. and 8. 4th st Crescent Theatre. P. G. Williams. FUtbnsl. ave.. near Pulton. Chelsea Theatre. Chelwa Amnsement Co.. 40 ■Flatboah ave. The :Glenwrtod nieafre.^ 1520'Flatbush a<>i*. Orpbenm Tbeatre,: P. / G. WlIIlBms. 578 Fal- toa st Majestic Tbeatre. 651 Fnlton st. Keeney Fnlton St. Theatre, F.' A. Keeney. »72 Fulton st Fnlton Tbeatre, Fnlton Amnse. Co.. 1283 Ful- ton St. ■ Fnlton Auditorium, 0. Grandide, 128S Fulton rt. Allianv Movlne Picture Parlor. IseS'Fulion at L. Plant 1747 Fulton it i : ' Palace Theatre. B. .UaDsen. 1888 Fulton at Martin dc Paualaqne. 2067 Fnlton at; AnmnUer ft; Denier, tXmetal Amose. Oo.. : laB, • Grabam ave.. . '■„: M. Bernstetu. 417 Grucd at / Empire Theatre, W. 0. Brlnkman. 325 Oraa* Star Theatre. Mendelson ft Marlaa. BB5 Gtand Cosey Corner Tbeatre, F. Graf. 163: Bamburr ave. Bamilton TaudevUIe,' Alexander Both. 8ft Bamilton ave. ' Park Palace Tbeatre. / Martin Kelaeb, 268 -: ■ Knickeitkocker ave. :. / - ^; ' ; Horrli /GoodmaD. 383 Knicketboeker ave. / Manhattan/ Theatre. BatT ft Tlraub,: 25 Man> hattan ave. / Kiekelodecm. Jacob : Frennd,'. 113 -Manbattaa ave. Garden Tbeatre, F. D:; WUlIama,: 740 Man< '.""hattan ave.'://■■■:/:■' /./'."-■■'/:",":'.,:/ ■/ Gteenpoint Theatre; P. G. Williams. 825 Man., battan ave. / Ii. A./PhlUlns. Montroae ave. and Leonard./ : : Oewerts. 158 Myrtle, ave. J.. K. CoateUo. 168 Myrtle ave. . Mm nmUct:1328 Myrtle ave. : Tbe vTanlty Fair, Central Amusement Co.. 1417 Myrtle ave. ; Heart of Bidgewood, Cbas. Seyde], 1448 Myr. tie ave. Hlghgrand Arcade. O. Diezeli - .1470 ' Myrtle " ' ave;:" ■ /. -':/, ' Boad Bouse, y. jr. Antenreltb, Ocean Park', . //.way. '/ • Olympic Theatre, Byde ft Behman, Adama at. ' "/near.'Myrtle. i Drogen ft Hasslnger, 00 Nassau ave, A. Bablnowlts. 1759 Pitkin ave. Surprise Vanderville. -' H; / A. Xkennoek/ j'lTOS Pitkin ave. _ A. Goodman, Met. >:Mnate /Hali:<?: 1770- Pitkin / ave. Dreamland :T1ieatra.~ B; Samwlck., 1817 Pit. ■:/; ckin'ave; ■//.."■ / / Pioneer. Tbeatre. Mrs. 1>. Lundqulst. 815 .Botr* era ave. " Xrrlc '^teatre.^ : People's TandevlUe; Co;;^:: Slegel st The ETP<>Islor Theatre A. Both, 22 Union s.. C. PoKlfle'ite. 101 Union st. fntematlonal Moving Pleturea, 101 Union ai. :; GUlnmbia Theatre. Hark-ft Stone Amuse, Co, Boyal Tbeatre, Bonngb Theatre Co., 18 WII. Mugbby St. .Hotloolsnd Tbeatre. F. Keller. 134 WyekotT: .. ave;" D. Greenberg. 666 Third ave. P. S. Spiegel, 061 Tliird ave. Madane^a .Theatre, McKensle ft Land. 4518 Third ave- Mystle. Eldorado Amnse; Co.. 5110 Tbird ave. Bay BIdge Theatre;/ Mr. MlUer; TBOO TbliA, ■ ave. . - 1 - ■ - 5tb Ave. Hippodrome. 8. Brooklyn Amnae." Co.. 214 8tb ave. ' ne WsSblngton Tleatre. 6tb Ave. Amasa.; Co.. 385 5tb ave. / / / Paradise Theatre. F. Corcn.:-438 Stb ave.. / :i:;'at Klietograpb Theatre. W.' H.- Vaifeirtr,:': 451 Stb ave. :Crairn CbnfMttoneir Co.. 822 Stb ave. - ~ Prospect Pafaee;'!;. 7. StetnUenr. S70 9th ave. : Boyal Palace Theatre; L, Botenberg, 4T23 Btb ave. . Vandean Theatre. Bay Btdge Amuse, Co.. 470B ■.':;■'■;• 5tb. ave. , , .■,-:. ■ WarrpB ft Sweeney, StIS :5th ave./> . Fifth Ave. Electric neatre. Cen.;Amose; Oe.,/,: 6815 6th ave. - ' " '-' Homewood Tbeatre. T. W; Sberman, 08fb::aadi 15th aves. _ OooedyA Creacent Tbeatro. A; Nowak. ::4Sm' / Fnlton st Tarlety- Tbeatre. : M. Goodman. 110 -Graham:, ■ are. '' ' / Star Tbeatie. R. E. Wortbam. 121 Grabam ave.. ."-'■. COmed.v Amnse. Theatre. Fox/Amusement Go..:-: 194 Grsnd st Ootbsm Theatre, P. / O.: Wllllsma. :SS62 Fol*:'; ton st G. H. Ristoll. 2949 Fulton st ' :- Tie Princess Tbestre; 3186 Ftaltoa it. Poi Ton Tbealte. 3228 Fnlton st T. stpinoT. Ave. W. mta TBtb- st.. Bergrit Beach. :. Bay Side Moving: Pletoie 'Palace;' 1638 Bath ave. '/ Aron. Amusement / Company. / 1219 /' Bedford -ave. //':"•/: - Wm. Fox Amnsement Company, 893 :.Broad. : way. -J''' Cameraphcme. ' 1035/Broadway.-//: / "':'-.;//... //i^'v: .-//. Pletureland. 1274 Broadway. ::' Moving Picture Tbeatre, Geo;: : Blllcenietr, lSSr Broadway. ' " Camerapbone, 1565 Broadway. Jeffe^aon Amusement Company, :lT2Si/::Braad<. '■ way. - • ■ -- . Cameranhone. L. P. McCord. miirmton It . ;Vi><«'<>vllle Tbeatre. : 006 Fnlton v atf ', 43. v 8.: Gale. .<;Blppodrome' Theatre,' Geo,. Btlkemeler, 1740' Fnlton at Fnlton Auditorium, Hayea ft.Faber, 2049 Fnl- ' ton at Ft, HamlltoD Avrone. 7 4eth it. / Park Brewery./// Wash, vave.; : sear :Mell>on> / ' /■ at ■: villa Elene; : 24 Carfleld Place. Crvatal Palace /'Amnsement Co., Bnrrlngtai>: Hovel]. 156 Greenpoint ave. Church of Open Door; 868 Balsey st Saratoga Amnaemeat Co.;/ MS Halaey at. Ur;'' Tucker. ' Amusement M. P. Parlor; Harmon and Myr^ ::-/tle avca. ■' /' Victor Emannel HI, Kleka and Union sts. Joyland, Knickerbocker/ft Myrtle aves. Manhattan Variety. Craven Amusement Co., 762 Hanbattaa ave. Jefferson Amnsement Co., 818 Myrtle ave. BISOISJ DEKEIVDER ATLAS OWL AtVlOROSIO 315-317 West F-ourtti SlE-eet. ei INJCI !M ATI. O. LoiUJ I>i>.ljimf I'tiom- .Mi.i., llSd. "THE HOUSE TH/VT OLJY.** EIL.IV1S " Connect with a real, live, up-to-date Film Exchange that can give you a rea References MOTION PICTURE DISTRIBUTING SALES CO. s e rvi ce. ITALA- rHAISJUOLSER F^ILIVI D'ART -YArsJIvEE- OXHERS