Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Ttie B ill boar dL 85 Prnldcnt Tbeattei NIek Ckrano. 0 PmldMt Rwd«mim «» B<>ck»w«r «Te. - W-birebead * Bloek. IS^Snmoifr «t. ^ „ VmuvIim nintm. a. Papera * Co.. 227 Onloa Zieai. 848 l^mpittiui ajre. - Alexander Rottl, « Bnlo«,at , ; . S89 WIckolT a»e.^-. -, '■>*-. 1. ■ Moelaiw'a, «M8 Wrt jyek^ . Bartman-a Hotel. Win.»Halrtmao, 4th aTe and XOOth at. Jonea t Cullen. XOZ'Stb a*«. Wm. P. Stemmerman;: ItW Hancock at. B. p. Weinke, , 2SS Held «Te. . - , . Thoa. F. Magner, Bentoa at. * Klngaland are. Abef»-Bold Sealty Co.,-^i Court at. BUFPAIX) N. .Y —Acadeiaj-, K. J.. WUbor. 2*7 Bilou Dreaml joba Morton, 34S:iMaln at. Dreamland. J. M. .Batr«akl, 1181 Broadway. Fillmor. Claode F. Fowler, lOeS .Oeneaee at, Elltu. J. B. Friedman; 885 Oeneaee at. Colden Palace. A. O. .MeCoUuni.. 355 Main at. Grand. United TandeTllle Co.. 2ST Main at., Hlppodroffle;Dbitea <TsadCTlUe- Co;.- 2S3 Main Jethraon. John C. Harrioston. 1249 JefTeraon lAmeJor.iMamatblea Broa. 1202 XxtosJoy at. LaGrant. R. C. Uttle. ITO Grant at. ^ MHIer'a, Claude r. 'Fowler, 264 Oeneaee at. XlaEara, Bapplppat & Bamateln. 1008 Nlafara ■ Klara. Meyer * Woodworth. 485 WlUtam ai.. New Tbeatre, W. O. Manger.^^MB Main at. Orptaeom. Orpbeom Amnaement Co.. els Gen- Pe^'r Arcadia, 3. A.'sUed. 439 William Plynoath. Kent .M. Anatln. SI2 Coaneetleut Semaipboit. 6eo.43B. Bnrt^lS» Malh at. . Beneca, Seneca Tbeatie 09.v TTB'Seneca at. BaTay. Henry Zlmmerraaa^' 842 iBroadway. Try It, Try It-Amnaement Co.,'.106S Grant Temple. A. l^aeb. JT»MI>iWlUtam at. Theatre Comiqae. Cntted iTandeTlIIe Co., 473 Main at. Tendome, Lonla HoUbonw' fiZS Main at. Variety, W. Blelanakl; 740 FUlmore at. . ' Wonder Henry Kortier.';*4T7 GeneBee at. . White Eafle. Dare Bndotph. 1012 Broadway. Tbeatre, Cbea.: Holalnser, -1439 Oeneaee at. Theatre, Budenaeh. O eneae e * Keuer ata. Theatre, Knitner and WBIIam ata. Theatre, Beiley and'BoeliBMr ata. M. Ketar, 1688 BnMidwar.' Cbas. M. Gramp. Oeneaaee at. ^ - Frank Nowak. 140ft :Bra«dway. i' ■■ H. r. Pan, 774 Seneca at, ..-..■^: . : M. Slotfetn, 412-18 WUUama at. IV Lonls Van AUen;'m Main at. ^ ^ ^ v United Am. Co..i Washington at;, ft Broadway. Z. Znlekewakl, SSI Amiierat at. : Darls AmaHement Co.. Main and DlTislon. BUTTE. MONT.—Family . Theatie,, Montana Amnae. _ ^ Aixerlcan Theatre;'. Dreamlandi'-Amuaa. < Co., '~' 4l M.~ Mala at. Park Tbeatn^ 'Dreamland vAmnae,'-:' Co.;- . Si W. Park at _ „ _ Orpbeom Tbeatie,-Caato-Broa.. 77 W. Park at. Bmptie Amnaement Companr. Aleaaar. :DIek Starr. Lyric Theatre. * - ' Loin Theatre. OIck P. Sutton. CAliTON. C—Bander Broa. Dixie Theatre. Aosnatna Ftanda. Dreamland Tlieatre. Bender Broa. Anditorinm City Hall. X Keller.' Nickelodeon. Ahrama ft Bender. Orpheum, Son ft Hurray. CAMDEN, N. J.—Broadway Theatre, W. B. Mc- CaUam. . .„ ; Dew Drop Inn." O. L. Ttultt ft CO., Broad- .. ■ O^/wnrg^aad^Jlewjton^i^^ CHAHLESTON, S. 0.—Academy of Mnaie. Wll- mer ft Vlneenti^Inc. '':Thcatortnm,"-821-.'Sine "Ot.'-'" rr^,.. .:■ • ■ Wonderland, Faatlnw Amuae. Co.. ; 253 King at . CKATTANOOGA. -TEKN.—Xbeato. -701' Market ■t., Howell Oraham, : mgr. ^ ^ ! Ornhenm, 830 Maricet it;.'Howell Graham. Wide Awake. 703; Howell Onham. ' Oweeent..- 005 -Market .at., Wm.' Meal. PIcto Am. CO, CHESTEB. PA.—Grand Opera Hooae, B. M. BrownelL ' . . ThratorIom,vVeania>;ft''Piillen, Jr.; 723 Edge- . mont;aTe, . .,' . Lyric ; Theatre;!)^ Meama ft; Pollen. - Jr.. 723 '.,,.-Edgemant'aTa. Cheater Blograph. O. Miller. 407 Market at. MaJcatle Theatre. C. ft B. Scbloao'h ft Haw- kins. Bijou Dream Theatre, A: Greenburg Broa. CINCINNATI, o.—tUhambn Xbeatn Oa., 14S W. 8th »t. Wm. Aaebn. 738 State ave. Avenue ;:Aml»ement Co;;; Harrlaon ft McLean ares. Aran Amnaement Co., Bockdale are., near ,.• Beadlog.'Bead."'.' . . - , ■■ Anditorinm ^Theatre Co., Seventh ft Elm ata. Bley ftivBra.; ITIfi Harrison ave. g. R. Bllkle; 1707 Vtnh at. Brown * Co,;'aazi Vine at.V Bnsh, Cbaa,' 288 W. McMlcken m. Camp -Waablngtoft, Amnement;ao.t 2843 Ogle- i«ln aTe. WUIIa'Caaon. 4St W. Sixth at. Central Amnaement Co.-, '.1211>Tine at. ■ Central Amnaement 'Ca; I4S> W; ntth at. wm. Curry; Olenway ft Winfleld.: p. Dempaey, E3« W. Fttth at. Herman Eggers. Corry ft Vine ata. Emplro Theatre Co., 3840 Soring OroTe aTe. Bnterprlae Theatre-Co., Marshall ft Coieraln .•_aTe. ■■ ■ wm. Fenton. 318 B. Front St. B. Fnnke, mi Blm St. fed. 0. Oatther, 410 W. ritth at. Galktway ft Metberland.. Baatem ft Rldglcy. OayetT Tteatre Oa, 3 R. Fifth at. Oem imasemint Oo., 031 B. MeMlllan it. Orand Opera; Boaae., vine ft Ooera Place. ; Haggerty, John. 782 B. McMHIan a«. nut ft rretbcrg; .818 W. Liberty It. John R.'Bolmea. 432 B.; sixth at. Bome-Bmpira Theatre Co.; 3831 Spring OroTe .are. Heiick'a Opera : Houao, Vine at., north of Thir- teenth at. Imperial Theatre. S. B. Cor. WUUow ft Alma Place, .... : (Oontlnned on page 88.) ' , Mr. Licensed Exhibitor! Have you ever seen an independent film daring the last six months? If not, why? Areyon afraid yoa/ll find they are good? Do you like to ^d your- self into believing that no independent films are good, just because you are not using them in your theatre? Areyou like the Judge who rendered judg- ment after hearing only one ,side of the case because he was afraid it would confuse him if he listened ifl both sides ? Are you going to take it for granted that independent films_ are bum just because some one, paid to do so, tells you so? What would you do if you found out that I could give you a better pro- gram than you ever had in all your moving picture career? Would you still twiddle your thumbs in your arm pits and scoff at independent films, or would you acknowledge the corn? Are yoa hide- bound, tough-nutted and bigoted, or are you ojoert- minded and willing to be shown? Do you want to know both sides of the story affecting your business, or only one side? Every week^^I send out news and information in addition to what I publish in The Billboard. Would you like to keep posted by read- ing these weekly facts, provided I promised not to charge you $2 a week, but to send them free? If so^will you send me your name and address for my mdilins list? W afraid to make a screen examination.of some indqftendent films if I should decide to send you a few reels for private inspection? I don't promise to send any, but would you "run them off" if I did? Answer that question to your- self and it will prove whether you are running your own theatre or whether fear is running it! Isn*t it about time for you to analyze yourself, your theatre and your films? Isn't it about time to wake up to the fact that mere words like *Hicensed** and 'Hnde- pehdent" haven't got a doggoned thing to do with the actual quality, desirability, photography, stag- ing and money-making power of a reel of film? Investigate! Find out! Know! Don^t guess! DonH kid yourself! ' PUf IN OUR CASE LS '■ '• —: And —— POSTE R F R AM ES AND wncH ''raut ATTENDANCE SHOW. 'We make mechaiuo- al atteactions,'elec- tric si^as, of'^Any- thing' 'speisiiuL' in -the- tbeAtkiea^^lbie. Ideas d^v^qMd.— Low PriceS'Mi'Seat Work. DOmT-DE- LAY bat write to- day. Till lirau IKg, Ct. Clnelnnatl. Ohio The Light That Nevei^ CINCINNATI CALCIUM LI6HTG0. BrtaUlahad ItTt. QimeB and H j dru g eu Oas fnralahad la tanks en Steraopueon ud Moflnc Ftetnn MMMaaa. iJI orden to «ar put M th* United Ititw CINCINNATI CALCIUM LIGHT CO. t08W.4thSt.. CINCINNATI. O. MAIY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN- Motioo Picture Machines, Ete. Hew and nied, |88 np; S Mtarot PiMtal Rir Um. low; lend; far Snpplenwnt SS. BAKBAOH ft CO.. aw Filbert St.. PhHeilelplila. Pn. ; M0VIN6 PICTURE MACHINES STEREOmCONS. SUDES, ACCESIORIES. Cbas. H. StebbmSy lOMMamatraat^ KANSAS CiTY. MOl XaigaUBao* BUsoa Oooda. FOR SALE NEW BLACK TOP lO-ft. side wall. 18-ft. center, rannd (rant, gablo back, poles, atakea, guy ropea. complete. WO. New Edison Picture Maehtns afaigle sprocket, with take-np. Are magaslne boxes,; lamp honae, rheostat, awltches. complete. •100. Ad£esa P. I. BOACH. Mgr.. Glenwmd Park. BatsTla. ni. * FOR SALE-IOOREELSef FILM at IS and VIO each; all In good condition. Two Edison two-pItt maehlnee. one $60. tbe other. 879. One Power No. 5 wlthoat maKazUtea and take-up. |9a AH In OnLelass condition. Each One a bargain. MVICHITA FILM ft SUPPLY CO.. 132 nT Market Street. Wichita. Kan. BAsoAnr nr nxMB abd soho sLnnB—loo , reels Um. elegant condition. 3T per red and op; 60 sets Song SUdes, perfect eoodltloa, tl.TS per aet. with mnale. Send postal (oc llaia. Good fllm aerTles temlahed at loweat prices In the Sooth. SttppUea. Bargalna in new and second- hand U. P. maehlnea and gaa making oatflts, P. O. BOX 806. Mew Orleans. La. CARI. LAEMMkC. PrsisUisnt. THE LAEMMLE'FILM SERVICE, Haadquartsra—196-198 LakaStrMt, CH ICAOOk MlaMapolls-Fortbmd-Omaha-Salt Lake aty—BnasriUe. THE BIMECT AND BEST riLM ROITER IN THE WORLD. P.8.—All namsa Intsnded tor maUInc ItetShonMhS'Siatlo tlw BsalaameelnChtoaco; MOnOM nOTBBE OUTFITS booght. a^ and exchanged. ' -We want a few more late modal inacbinei. Hare lereral bargalna In eleetne and gas ontats on hand. NAXIOifAIt BMPLOX* - MKST CO.. Dnlntb, Minn. ■ ' 'FOB SAXE—Three Edison two-pin machlnaa. all complete. |80 each; two Ediaon one-pin :SB»- Chines, all complete, tlOO each: FUms fbt aslst ant-^Isss condition, IT to US per reel.. HATn Sn.VEBMAM. 105 4th Aresne; PlttslwtB^ Pk.: THE BmrBats* dirbovo^^Xk TBXiLS Yoxi vrao jum vn