The billboard (Sept 1910)

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86 SEPTEMBER^ 3, .ISIO, Big City^ Theatre List (ContiniKd from page S3.> Great Northern Theatre; F. C. Eberts, mgr.; 'bigta-clasa. . HcVlcker's Theatre: Oeo.' C.' Warren, mgr.; -. bigh-class. :6r>nd Open Honse; Harry Askln, mgr.hlgh- Class. ■. ■ . ^'Wbitney Opera Home; Frank O: Peers, mgr.; Wgh-class- . . ClUcago Opera House; Geo. KingsbDrj-, nigr.; ' blgb-closs. Theatre; Uort H. Singer, mgr.; high- • class. . ■ ' . Cort Thestre;. C. J.- Bennani mgr.: hlgh- ''Class. ■." " Illlnabr Theatre; W. J. Davis, mgr.; blgb- Pairer»\Tlieatre; Victor Godderls, mgr.; blgb- :aas»i-'- ■■: • ■•, »■ ;■■ ■ • ■ '"CdloBliil Theatre: Geo. I,ederer, mgr.; hlgb- "^IsSSm'. :-6arxlck/';r^eatre; H. C. Duce, mgr.; higb- '"eUis.- Olympic Theatre; Sam I^ederer, mgr.;-popnlar- • price. ■. Ai;sdem}* Theatre; Wm. Ruche, mgr.; popnlar ,. price. Bijoa T'lieittre, William. Bocbe, mgr:'; popular "brice. /College Theatre;.C. Jay Smitb, mgr.; popnlar iirlee. - ' Globe rTheatre; F. C. Eherts, mgr.; :popular ■ •■■ price. ■■ . ■ V. Nstlonal Theatre; Ed. Clifford, mgr.; popnLir • ^ price. ■ People's Theatre; Jas. Pilgrim, mgr.; popnlar price.. . t i Tnvltt Theatre; S. W. QiBin. mgr.; popnlar ■ prle& » ■ iBiwb .>Temple; Cbas. Elliott, mgr.; vande- Tllle. -^Haymarket .Tbeatie; Wm. Xewkirk, mgr.; TandeTlUe.; . American Mnsic Hail: W. 1. eiorer, mgr.; ■ TauderUIe. MaJesiiC Theatre; h. B. Glover, mgr.; van- devllle. Wilson Ave. Theatre, Mr.' Borch, mgr.; vau- deville. • Jidiao Tbeatre; 1. Conderman. mgr.; van- devUle. Co'nmhns Theatre; Will Marshall^ mgr.; van- derllle. CrIte**:oi Theatre: Alie Jacolis, mgr.; vande- iTilIe. ■ Empire Theatre: K. H. Berk; mgr.; ^bur- lesqne. - Albambra Tbeatre; Weber Bros., mgrs.; bnr- lesqne. .Folly xueatre: 7. 3. Fennesseyv^ mgr.; bnr- lesqne.. Bason's. Theatre: Sid J. Ensoa, /ugr.; bnr- lesqne. . Star A: Garter T1ieatre; -ir.!J. Hermann, mgr.: "tmrlesqQe. Mri>''n>'" The»tre: TIncentiGore, mgr.; stock. dNdHNAxi. a ^ ■ \ • Grand opera House; J: 'H. HavUn, mgr.; blgb-clasB. 'l^c; J. E. Fennesscy, mgr.: blgb-class. -Walnut; B. W. Dustin. mgr.; popnlar price.. N'ColnmbIn; H. K. shockley, mgr.; high-class - TanderlUe. ;Orpbenm. Walnut Hills; I: Kartio, mgr.; Iligta.c]ass :vandeville.:. . : . . ' . .AniMrie^n: Harry:Hart, mgr.; Taudeville; Sun Circolt ' Empress; 'S. & C- mgrs.;'vaudeville. - : ' :New .Boblnson; vandeville; Casino Circuit.' :AniIItnrlnm: W. J. Canfield, mgr.; Tandevllle; _ Sun Circuit..- _ Heuck's; George Henck. mgr.; popnlar price. r.yceum; George Heuck, mgr.; stock. Olympic; Geo. - F.' & L. Fotepaugh Fish, mgrs.; stock. . . < Standard: F. J. Clemens, -mgr.: burlesque. People*-*: J. fe. -Fennessey. mgr.; burlesque, COLITMBUS, O. Sonthern Tbeatre, Wm.: Sander, mgr;; blgb- ■ class.' Colonial Tbeatre; y. V^: Howell, mgr.; -bigb' clasn. . * - • - High St. Theatre; C. W> Harper,: mgr.; pop- . ular price. .Keltb^B Theatre; W. W. Rofiser, mgr.; vau- deville. .Columbus Theatre; Thompson >Bros.,:--mgrs.; Tandevllle. - Prlnf^s Theatre; Bobt. Tomtg. mgr.; vande.. Pboenlx Theatre;-S. Bessenaaer, mgr.;'Tan- devllle. - Gayety Tbeatre; :A.: 7:r.: ::Wlswell, : mgr.;-:bnr.: .V lesQoe. ■■: DAUAS, TEXAS. J -The Ma]e5<tlc; O. F; Gonid, mgr.; btgh-dan Tandevllle. Dallas Opera-House;.Geo. -Ansy, mgr.;.Urst ^laas^. ^appy Hour; Dalton & Neville, mgrs.; 10-20- 30 Tandevllle. -. Orpbeum; . Brown Sc Stinnett, mgrs.; : 10-2&-30 vaudeville. : DALLAS, TEX. (Oak CliS). I^amily Theatre, 9th & Lancaater ave.; T. P. - Flnnigan, mgr.; 10, 20c. FamUy Theatre, 190 Lancaster ave.; H. W. Copely, mgr.; 10, 20c. DAVENPORT. lA. Bnrtis Theatre: Cbas. Kindt, mgr.: bigh-class. - Grand Theatre: D. L. l -Hughes, mgr^; Ugh- ■ <-. - elasa..-/ Princess Tbeatre; Cbas. Kindt,, mgr.; Tande- ■TlHe. Fan'iiy Tbeatre: 3. A. Monro,, mgr.; Tande- vllle. ■ "•• "~: DAYTON, O. Citizen's O. H.; V. S. Welsenberger. mgr.; lilgh-clasR. Victoria: Theatre; C. Miller, mgr.; falgh-class. National Theatre; C. Burrows, mgr.; popnlar price. Jewel! Theatre; C. Kerr, mgr.; Stock. OENTEB.. COL^ -Andltorinm /Theatre; 6. A.: Collins; mer : ■:- -|IIgh<las».-::-V:.'i, ■ , " .Tabor Grand Tbeatre; Peter UcCourti mgr.; ':'i;.'.-liigb-class.' - - -r- Broadwsy Tbeatre; Peter 'McCourt, mgr.; - .:>';:-liIgfa-cIasa.''.'' Cnrtls Theatre: Pelton & Smutzer, mgrs.; . ' . popular price. : . -^Oipbenm. Theatre; A. C. Carson, mgr.; van- devllle. ''Maiestic-Theatre: Daniel XcCoy. mgr.: van- 'devnie. , l>lSS^^OIKES, lA. 4 - Fbstn** -inieatre;; Ed; Milliard, mgr.; ]ilgb- V'"rfaa8.'■•■ ■ ■■ ■-■••-.:■:--:-r-..-.'.--.-:->';-.-.• Grand -^eatre; - 'Ed. ;:>:Miniard, mgr.; popnlar -. price. £iU£esa Theatie;!-EIIiertr & Getchd^ atoek. ~ - . 'Orphenm: T1ieatre;,.B:.'.SoiiDenber;g','' mgr.-; ran- dcTine. . , ^. ' . .--K . < 31a]estlc Theatre; Elbert ft SetcbeD, mgrs.; vaudeTllIe. DETROIT. Ml OH. ; Detroit Oi>era House; Harry Parent, mgr.; ■ high-class. .::•'■ Garrick Tlieatre: W. Lawrence, ingr.; high- class. liycenm Theatre: .V. H. Warner, mgr.; popu- lar price. Temple 'l-beatre: -J. H. Moore, mgr.; Tau- ■ derlUe. , ■ 5 • Majestic Theatre;: W^ B. Scbram, mgr.; Tan- devllle. f ■ Casino Theatre; M. Scboener, mgr.; vaude- ville. - Avenue Theatre; F. Drew. mgr.; "burlesque. GayetyTbeatre: W. Wood, mgr.;* burlesque. Lafayette Theatre; Dr. Campbell,, mgr.; stock. DUBUOnii!: U. ' \ Grand'Theatre;-Wm. L.. Bradley, ^gr.; high- class. - Bljoa Theatre; Jake Boseothal, mgr. ;;'PopalBr •- '/'price: -, , :' •.''-..."-•;- .:> .. Princess Tbeatre; Wm. Ti. BradTey, mgr.;' vaudeville. Napanees Tbeatre; C. D. Satptaeo, mgr.; yav. devllle. Boyal Tbeatre; .W. 6. Jones, mgr.; vaude- ville. DnLDTH. MINN. Lyceum Theatre; H. E. Pierce, mgr.; blgh-: ■ • ■ class. . '•■: ■ ■ Bijon Theatre; T. L. Maltland, mgr.; vaude- ' Tille. ■ - . -■:: BLIZARETH. N. j; Proctor's Theatre; F. Thompson, mgr.; Tau- j - deTille. M.UIBA, N. Y. Lyceum Theatre; Lee Norton, mgr.; first class. . Moaart Tbeatre; G. W. Middietoo;. mgr.; drat class and blgh-dass vandevllli-. Family Theatre; Shea Bros.', mgrs^ high-clsss .^Tandevllle. : 5 . Happy Hoor Theatre; G. H. Tan Demark,: mgr.; blgb-class TaadevUIe. . . Borlck's Theatre; Henry Taylor; mgr.; Urst Mozart Airdome; G. w. Middleton, mgr.; high- class TaodeTlUe. ERIE PA. Majestic. Theatre: J. L. Gilson, mgr.: - high- class. Colonial Theatre; C. R. Cnmmins, mgr.; pop- : ' ular ; price. • -. Waldameer Theatre; E. H. Snerken, mgr.; popnlar price. Fonr Mile Creek Park; H. Foster.-mgr.; vanr.^ devUle. - . :•: -V- 7;'a„;-- Park Opera House;-J; L. Gilson, mgr.; :popD- lar pricea, , ■ ' J •. . . - Alpha Tbeatre; E.'.H. Snerken,: mgr.; vande^ ■ -vllle. -■::,•■ , ■ - 'f Empire-Theatre; .Cbas. Fryer, mgr.; raude- ., vine- ■,■'■,••■■, Star Theatre: J. D. Allen mgr^; Taudevilie. : Hinnodrome Theatre; .Al.. Zontner, :mgr.; vaa- :;Tllle....'" ■■ :.' ■ Grand Theatre; Wm. Fairgravea, mgr.; van- DOES IT CONCERN YOU ANY that we are now making the trank comers and other fittings of our XX Trunks of cold stamped steel? They are practic- ally indestructible and as far superior to the malleable iron fittings as our vulcanized fibre trunks are superior to the heavy ' old-fashioned canvas-covered wood trunks. WILLIAM BAL, INC. 1578 Broadway NEW YORK 710 Seventh Ave. EDITH MOTE -THE CHARMING- California Cantatrico 14 Leaped into popularity all along the line from San Francisco to Chicago. Headlined and Featured on Every Bill. Kept busy around Chicaeo now. WUI be seen in New York ^ later. Pennanent Addreaa: lbs Bitaarf, Saa FiaicisGS, Califlnila. BEN GREET PLAYERS Asbury Park, N. J. IN THE OPEN AIR /Auspices of OSCAR X EHRGOn -AMI ALJSXIIM STARRING IN THE AEROPLANE GIRL" MANAGEMENT 8San> TOUH HOTJTEI TO THE! BIUiBOAKX) TO-SAT.