Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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88 T n e e i 111> o a p <1 SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. Motion Pictore Theatres. (CouUnned trodl page 85*). W. H. Jabn. ITOe Bace it. W. C. Kltt. Elsbth and MateOB are. Elsie I^cbtrop. 1525 Vine at. Iilncoln Amusement Co., 30-32 E. FMtb at. Lnbln Amnaemeht Co... 140 W. Sth at. Ityceom Theatre, Central are., near Fifth at. Marrel Amnze. & Enter. Co., 1829-31 Elm at. Cbaa. E. Macqaa, Gilbert are., bet. Hewitt and Halloway. HcMahOB & Jackson, 240 W. FUtb at. : Mecfclenbnxff, Ionia, ■■ Highland A nnlTeralty aves.. C. B. HeBglnn. 411 W. Fifth St. Mnier Broa-i 121S Freeman are. aiotch Jfc M^er. 304S Coleraln ave. Hortoc Picture Theatre Co^,< tfantsomery 4s Hnznboldt sts. KOTlnv Picture. Xheatre Co-^'^Woodhnm ave. MotIdk Fietnie Theatre Cow; Wanaw * Ans- ' terlltz -ares. • ■ National Theatre Co., 128 W. Fifth st Ohtd' Theatre & Show Co., 214 Wi Fifth st. Ohio Tandevnie Co.. 308 W.; Fifth at. Orlemann & Dletetle. \1!S36 Freeman ave.. Palace'Amusement 'Co., 1421: Vine atJ- Pastlme Theatre Co.. 31 W. Fifth st. : ~ Obas. Phelirtri 1311'Vine St. - Popp Bros., 1439 Main st. Qneen city- Amnsement Co., 1034-35 Freeman ave. ■ ■■ ■ ' Frank Belchratb. Sprint: Grove ave. Royal Theatre .Co.. 709-11 Vine St. Robinson Bros.. Hamilton are & C. H. & D. Martin Hnss, 114a Harrison ave. Boblnson Opera ETouse Cb., Ninth & Plnm sts. Ryan ^-Comellns,-Gilbert ave-; bet. Florence & UcMlUan. Fred Schmelslng, Gilbert & Blair ares. Theo. Schwaeger, Qneen City ave.. west of Slwckwell. T. & H. Schwaegerle. 3822 Glenway aye. Schwleterlng & Behrens, 1047: St. Gregory aye. H. P. Scott. Glenway Winlleld ayea. Sharp & Henry. 324 B. nont at. H. Shnbinskl. 1114 Harrison .aye.: - . ! . Spaeth & iZesterman^ 1028 Fkeeman aye. : Spaeth & Zesteiman, 4020 fHamlltOB ave. Spaeth & Zesterman, Poplar & Western. Chaa. Stazcetfaoo B.-Frait at. Spaeth & Zesterman;'1016 ^e at. ; , - Snn Theatre Co.. 122: W. Fifth st . B. Sweeney," Enl ayKi bet. Edwards & Mlebi- - gan. .■ Toomey & Doerger; 1334 Unn at. TTnique Tbeatre Co.. 955-57 E. McMillan si. Jobn B. Webnhoir, Etkwood Park. Welsh & Lehmer. 1429 Central aye. West End Amnsement Co., 929 Freeman ave;. Wetterer, Cbaa.. 3826 Glenway ave. White & Boanelll, York tc Freeman ava OLEiViELAND. O.—Burke's Electric Theatre, ' Burke Bros., G203 Clark ave. Buckeye Theatre, stoerkle & Kingsbury, Buck- eye Boad and 87th at. Blcbard Powers, 8005 Harvaid st. , AlTin Tbeatie. Ontario st. « The Register Cafe. J. Ii.- Cowan..J21Q,.ProBr,, peet aye.' , ■'■:)'■■ Oillsenm Theatre. Mark & Hartia Amusement Co.. Sith and Woodland ave.' S. M. Hnlbert. 240S E. 89tli St. Broadway Amuse. CO.; C. M. ChrlstenaoD, 4825 Broadway. . ■. — . .■■ Bijou Tbeatre. S^ C. Holab. S438 Broadway. The Dixie Theatre. McCall & Zlmmermann. The Boyal Theatte, E. - H. Mekbert; 5806 Broadway. The Royal Tbeatre, C. B.';K. MarziB.-:E8aa Broadway. Columbia Amusement Ct>.. Robert EMar, 6241 Broadway. PoUsb National Hall, 7028 Broadway. Buckingham Theatre, H. Oppenbelmer, 3007 ' Central ave.. . . ... .-.v.:'- . Grand Central Theatre, Maurice Friedman, 7110 Central. Ed. W. Sprortz. 4506 dark ave. ' Clark Elpctrlc Theatre; Kenn«]r & Boablcek. 4519 Clark ave. • Uttle Hippodrome. Vandmk & Bui^e;^ >5201 Claik are. : Pastime Theatre, B. H. Olds. .11604k Detroit: ave. Rocky River Tbeatre, E. A. Sberer and A. C. Mayer. The Comique, Euclid ave., S. H. Blackstock. Keith's Hippodrome Theatre, Euclid ave., B. F. KelHi. Princess Theatre. The Princess Theatre Co. Royal Nlckelodlan, Lake Amuse. Co.. .4]i> Eu- clid ave. Dreamland Theatre. The Dreamland s-Amuse. Co. . ■ Elite Tbeatre. Elite Amuse. CO., 748 Euclid ave- Enclld Theatre, Normao Thomas. 5601' Euclid ave. Fleet Tbeatre. P. T. Bowman. Fleet St. Washington Park Tlieatie. J. Vara. 5212 Fleet St. ' Cleveland Electric Theatre, J. G. lake, 6501 Fleet St. Vii-torla Theatre, C. &< Kampsk; MOS -Hamar ave. . Hough ave. Theatre, W.: J. Sllmm. 8521 Hough ave. EdIoo Ton Theatre. C. P. Schroedcr. 7700 iLake ave. KIppon Theatre, J. M. Hudson. 1723 liexlns- : ■ ton ave. The Oueen Tbeatre,. Bramley &<Dreher, -7011 Tiexlngton St. . Elfland Theatre. A. .7. liotlil,; 718-Uterarr St. . Grand Theatre, Bnllook & Spellner. 2535 Lo- rain ave. . ^ .Tiong's nieatre. 4100 Lorain ave. = ..':Tfae'Marquis Tbeatre. The General Amose. Co. Seelt Theatre. G. Schroeder. 5501 lArain st. - ;The: Jewel Theatre, Mts. O. J. Weltz. - Unloii'Family:: Theatre. -FrIck Bros.,' 7123 Lo. rain ave.-•• :'-Tbei:.Caay . Tlieatre. H. A. Boeenberger, 8834 i;-s'..^lioraIn .-avei'..:-;: . ^> r :£akewood Theatre, >HIke Brenner, 11616 W.: Madlson.'.aye.,:•■•.:'■.;,'.■..-.'-•■: .KGeHb aMl -g alli Sehaebtel a: Evans. 2223 Mnr- .... ..: ray .Hin.:a»ea::-,:«S:-i., S^Payne Are:<:-Amiae.:;.Co., Sdraaop & Franklin. " Keith's ■Theafre„-H.. A..DanleIs. 613 Prospect Coroun Theatre." K 'E. McMlUan. 743 Pros- pect ave." Quincy Amnaemeat Co.: Bowman- A Boaentbal Gordon Park Theatre, J. B. Felber, St. Clair ave. Colnmbia Theatre,. A^ iSchlappacasse,-246S St. 'Clalrave. ... , .. Edlsonla Theatre. The Xdlsonla Co., Sffil St. Clair ave. <, ^ ^ St. Clair Ave. Tbeatre, A. Miller, 4030 St'. Clair ave. Eleetra Theatre, Brown & Frame, 6703 St. Clair ave." j Amnaement Theatre.'Brown &:Fratte,"*5800 St. -.Clalrave.' . '-.*. Pathe Theatl^ Watten Scott Cov«U, 6430 St. .Clalr'ave.:-:' ■ Fun Land Tbeatre. . I.. H. Wllk. 10S29 St; Clalr aye. - Casino Theatre, Morris-Freedman, - Sue, 3107 Scoville ave. -Uterary Tbeatre, K. Tborp, 3280 Scrauton Boad. Park Theatre, Summers & Brown, 12C6 Starfc- • .Treather ave. ■ ■ JBame Tbeatre, A. H.:GIII. Superior and 105th Bt. Cameraphone - Tlieatre. Cameraphone jCoi. 206 .'Superior ave.. Royal Tbeatre; X. CMin.- 22S. Soperlor'ave. Crescent Theatre,-O.'^vM. MaTer. 315 Superior ave., N-'^W :»*.: ■ American .Theatre,.-American Tbeatre Co., 716 Superior are: - National Amusement Co., H. F. Heine, 7<n0 Superior aye. _■:■ Superior-Tbeatre. 6. H. Helnhucb, 8607 Supef. rior ave. - The Ct^onlal, G. Kohl, 9104 Superior ave. The AmnsC'T;,: J. T. Sddlefenhelsmer, 8008 ■ ....-Wade-Park .ave.-. :■:■ ■ Fairyland Theatre, J. A. Morris, SOlO -Wade Park aye.'. Globe Theatre. Maik & Harrla -Amuse. Co., 551 Woodland ave. The Perry Theatre. Perry 'Amuse. Co., 2202 Woodland ave.. Dixie. M. Schacbtel & Evana; 2206 Woodland ':.ave- "r. ■' ■ People's. Theatre, Cooperman ft :Betnstela; 3718 Woodland ave. The ITolIfe Theatre. S. I*. Cohen. 4006 -Wood- land ave. .Glenslde Theatre. SCbachteL ft Rebe, 8323 . Woodland ave. : .-;...' ...-:' . — —." ■ National Moving Picture 0>.-, E. Kob], 1703 B. Gth St. Grand Theatre, Mark ft Harris Amuse. Co., EI. 9th at Wonderland 'Amuse. Co:. F. Ncian; 1728 E. Ninth St... i Mario Hall,- Ev - Rybnm. 1768 E. Ninth st. :.': Family Theatte, The Family Theatre Co.. 1882 E. Ninth St.- Tbe Edlsonlan Theatre. B. E. J'orgason, 23D9 W. .11th -St. ' ■■ MslestlcTheatre, Mark ft Harris Amuse. Co.-; W. 25tb st The FaiTvla>id Amose: Co.; W. C. .Kasper.: 1885 W. 25th St. Th»-Garden Tbeatre; G. B. Potter. > 1906 W.: 25tb St. The Marvel Picture Co., Marvel Theatre, 2814 W. 25th St. ■ na» : Venns Theatre. A. C. Brandt 2968 W. 25th St. , Wnnderlond Theatre, Lincoln Amnsement Co., 3077 W. 25th st Vrookim Amuse. Gi.. 3812 W. 25tb! st. U. S. Theatre, M. A.' Walters ft"Co., 3819 W. 25th st f : Griffith ft'WooIf. 1720 E; 5th st. near Payne. Brilliant Theatre.. Brown ft Frann. 55tb st and Standard ave. : Idle Hour Tbeatre. 68th and Wade Park ave. The Express; Tbeatre, cor. 92d and Lorain ave. . P. ft P. lAeatre, W. S. Jobiison. :3466 TS. : 93d St. ■ Tlw Avenne Theatre. S: B. 'Moore, 96tta at and W. Madison aye. : The Gem Theatre. B: G. Isaacs, B. 112th st ; •BIJon Dre«n:,I^ H.^Soott, mgr. ; '':;:AnierIean:..'M::-8.-iPateax;-..nisr.':.-,.. . Oiphenm; J. Hi-Iiotil8,-,jngr. C<Kaiia; A. H. Lewi" mgr. COIjOMBDS. O.'^-Cainmbna:-iniompBim .Bros. :: ^ Keith's ' Theatre, '. E. M: Bdbbwon. HIgh vSt ■naieatre: -The^ Amuse. Co. Ode<m Theatre, K8 ^ High : st : '. I^rle^Theatr^ Brocket ft'Klouse, 20 N. High Exfablt Theatte, M. Stem. 155 W. High at. Ctanliine Theatre: /nie .Comlqne Theatre Co.,: 200 N. HiKb st Princess Tbeatre, The Princess Tlieatre .Co.,; 116 S. High st Arch City Theatre, Bnrtonghs: ft Spring. - Conneant—Gem-Theatre, C-A-:: Torrey. . Navalo Theatre, Navajo Theatre CO.. Main st : Theatorlnm. B. C. Byers, 265 Main st COVINGTON. KY.—Savoy Tbeatre, Savoy Amuse.-Co.; .628 Madison ave. Odeon Tbeatre, O. -Middendorf. 9 Pike st -.J DALItAS. TEX.—Texas . Film . Exchange, 311' ., Blm-'St J. D: ,'WheeIsn Film Ca_: 4U . Maln st - Alteman ft FrItz.- 3U.E]m:st : P. AronolT. 304 Elm at. . Theodore: Baccbl, 370: Elm st ■: - P. G. ! Cameron 325,Elm st : ' F: O:: Dslton;-343: Main, at:: K. G.-Hoffman: 327 .Bhn St. , Jno.-Harris.:.Centra].-:iiear-Swiss ave.: Dalton ft-Merllls, 3ffr Main St ' DA^XTON, O.—Lyric Theatre, Lyrle Theatre Co. Edlsonla: P. S. Bayborg. 229.8.': Main st Olympla Theatre. B.:FiaIa.:2022 E: Third at. Harry L. Van Atta: ,1116 W. Third iat. ■ W. M. Seely; 14 Valley st National Tbeatre. II<ilted Amusement Co. Electric Tbeatre, Rotbleder ft .SChwalm. Bljoa Dream, Jastlce Holfert. Andltorlnm Theatre, Wheeler ft Grafton. 4tta st Jewel, Botbleder & SchwaIn, JelTerson st BIjon Tbeatre, H. Davis Enterprise Co., 15 B.:.,TbIrd st-- Dreamland Tbeatre. W: Bayner. 502 E. Flftb: st . ■ :; Union Grand; D. H. Fisher, mgr. . DENVBB, COL.—Crrstal Theatre, W. A. We»-i ■ ton.' - ■•.:.; . ■ :: i': ■ ',;; Curtis Theatre. Pelton ft Smutzer. n-o Tabor Oiiera House. Peter McConrt Moving Picture Tbeatie, 2715 Welton at ; J. O. Nane. Cor 39th st ft Larimer ave. Gem ^eatre,: Band Amuse. Co. Orplienm Tbeatre. West Vaod. Assn. Omega Tlieatre, J. Comaban, 1642 Araphoe.' Omega Theatre, Cin. Amuse. Co. Family Theatre, Cassidy ft Campbell. - -118 ' '. Broadway....-: . Alpha Tbeatre, : Mrs.. B. Sobal, 2715 We?t Colfax aye. Crystal Theatre. West States Vaod. Book. Ine Assn.. Curtis st Moving Picture Theatre, Cin. Amuse. Co., 1629 Cnrtlg Place. IsIs Theatre. S. I<. Baxter. 1032 Curtis st BUon Theatre. Moore ft Greaves, 1724 Cnr- tis st West Side. Meyers ft Halle. 760 JaaoB'at. Dreamland Tbeatre, Wilson ft Keaton, 1538 Larimer st Princess Tbeatre, Talbot ft Cronln. Midway Tbeatre, G. H. Wright 1946 Larimer . '. at . ■ Gaiety, Gaiety Am. Co., 1625 Lawrence at. lia Roma Tbeatre, B. B. Coper. 3S5S NeT- ajoe at Crescent Theatre, Dunkin ft Lucing, 2715 Sbel-: ton St. Theatorlom, Moore ft Greaves. 1017.:: 16th at. HIpDodrome. Hippodrome- Amuse. Co.. 1215 18th st' ' ' ' ' :..'^'..". Hippodrome, Hippodrome Amusement Co., 1210' 16th st Denver Tbeatre. Cin. Amuse. Co.. 102S 17th Star Theatre. F. E. Blrdsall. 1122 ITtb st Idle Hour Theatre; W. F. Morphy, :1231 16th: st ' ' ' ''■:<■•■■ ' Grand Tbeatre, O. D. McChesney, 3843 Wal- nut St. DES MOINES. lA.—Colonial Theatre;: Walnut: stv C. Nanner.' DBTBOrC, MICH.—CanOeld Theatre, Stelger ft Sadierean. Canlleld st Pastime Theatre, O.; R. Becker, cor. : Crane -ft Kerchaval ats. ■ Hinnodrome Tbeatre, Cbas. Wesch. 386 DIx .' 'ara.' ■ Castle Theatre. Brown ft: Rosenberg, . 440 Grand River ave. Grand Tbeatre, Grand Amuse. Co., 771 Grand . . River' ave."- Happy Honr. Moore & Amoot. 885: Grand Riv- - st Peter Sancberean, 1328 Grand Blver: ave. : : Star. Tbe Casino Co.; 93 Gratiot st : The American Tbeatre, 342 Gratiot st. ... Crystal. W. J. 3l£Greery.'496 Gratiot st Little: Hippodrome Theatre, T. Carrier. 12:K>' Gratiot ave. .Fairy Tbeatre. Pamsb & Stoppel.. 1497 . Gra- Uot st Ideal Tbeatre. Schenren ft Parrlsh. 1637 Gra-. tiot ave. Blverviow Psrk. J«-fferson ave. Crown Theatre. J. Zotter. Jefferson ave. - Tbe Onlystao, A. P. DIogle, 1381 Jefferson - ave. Bon Ton Tbeatre, Lynch Bros.. 1417^Jefferson ave. Mirth; M. Lynch. 1467 JeSeraon ave.? . Grand, Lancaster Bros.; JeOerson at; W. ■Dr. C M. Campbell,- . LaFayette st : >-'. ' Jewel Theatre, JeweI :.Xheatie -Co., :30 ::Micli; Igan aye. Cocy- Tbeatre, H. r: Schneider: 785 . Michigan . ' 'ave..' ' Unique Theatre, O. B. Hammond, 1465 Mich- '-' .' Igan ave. .. Monarch Tbeatre, Win. Kocbanskl, 1513 Mlcb- ■.;.lgan ave.' Uno Theatre, F. Mack. 1833 Michigan ave: The Hwris'Family Theatre, cor. Monroe ft; Cadillac sts. BIJon Tbeatre. W. J. :fDIatt, 24 Monroe-ave:::;: Cas&o Theatre, Monroe ave;;- CasIho::v:Com''i pany. , ' . Royale. neatre,. J. H. KinSky. .34 aConroe st'" Temple Theatre. Moore, Wiggins Co., Ltd.. 17 Monroe , ave. Theatre C^omlqoe. 231 Randolph at. Vaudeville. W. Klatt. : 234. BandOlDh at. Harmonia Theatre. F..Lonson.: 74e:RnsseII at.. Motograph Company,'Palace Tlieatre, 75 Wood- .''ward:'ave.'';'-' Princess Theatre, E. B. Chadsey, 98 Wood- '. ward' ave.'. . . Tlie Casino Co., 106 Woodward ave. Maleetic Tbeatre, The Casino Co.: 231 Wood-: ward' ave. . ' ' ' .k. Gem, B. P. StenhPuson. SSO .OanficId st. ;.- > - Albambta Theatre, . J. Dlngfclder. 48 Monroe^}. ■ '''ave. . '--'.'. DtmnQITE. lA.—Bijou Vaudeville Theatre. Clay: Center,: M. .Draeger; 1266 Clav st. Star Theatre, G. D. 'Adams, .478 Main st. Dreamland. H. C. Mnlvey, 530 Main st' Princess Thestre, W. L. Bradle.T. 863 Main '■-st ' ' ..':;:.. ...:.'. I^rric Tbeatre. W. L. Bradley, no-1: Main st. Tbe Germania Not. Hall; F: Ik :EngcIhor.. 1034 Main st Napaqee Theatre, J. Rosenthal. - Fifth and Main sts. Grand Onera House, yrm. L. Bradley.' Boyal Theatre,: J.> Bosenthal, il4th :apd: Clayf^ ata. DULU'i'U, MINN.—-The:lOqilienm. The: Bruns-; -wick Co. Star Theatre, . Carter.-. Amnsement Co. BIJou, J. T. Maltland. 12 B. Superior at West End: Star Theatre. B. A: Nelson, 2110 : ,W.. Snrerlor ..St.-'... Savor Theatre, B. H, HadlI«ld, 28 E. . Supe- rior st ELIZABETH. N::. J:—^Proctor's Tbeatre. F.: E. Proctor. East Jersey St. Kell ft Shepherd 124- E. Jer(ie.T st NeW:- Lyceum Tbeatre.. Low : Tliratrlral Co.;- Hain st Nickelodeon, F. I. Kelly. 113 First st ELMIRA. N. ■y.—Grand. E. J. ;Toole. E. Water st Old Happy Ilonr. Thomas Connelly, State at: EBIE.: PA.—Star Theatre. J. D: Allen, 113 State mt. ■ Grand Theatre. 'William Falrgravea, 1111: State st Princess Thestre, O. Potter.: 1109 State at '. ^ Venice Theatre,- O. . Potter. HOIS: State st:: ■ Alban Theatre, AIban .DIet)el, :'10I9 Stata-stv 4: BIloo Theatre, BIJoo Amnsement Co„> 1124 State st - Wsldameer Electric Tbeatre. .O;': P0tter;*Dnm:;£. Deacon Dellmore, mgr.;. Waldameer Pifk.-.: EVAKSVnXE, INn.—Montank. SIO Fulton'ave. *:< Grand. :W: W. WastJar 209 Sycamore st. -' Nickelodeon 614 Fnlton ave. ■ .'-Lyeeam.-. 602..; Main-: at.-:. .:-.--■: Lyric. Martin Perrin, 707 Main at. Colonial. 927 W. Franklin st . Main. Wm. Buddy, 414 Main at Pioneer, !>10 Main st. ^Palace. 1011 W.-: Franklin at - : CrystsI Palace;'Ronald Woods; 616 Maln'^ at FALL RIVERi MASS.—Academy of Music, J. Cahn. Nickelodeon Tbeitre. M.' R. Sbeedy. Savoy Theatre, J. Cahn. BIJOD lAeatre. L. N: Boas. Main st. , Mooney's Theatre, J. : F.' Mooney. 1334 Pleas- ant st V Premier Tbeatre, L. N::iBoss. Main st. Unlnne Tbeatre. W. B. Squire. Willian. B. Steeker, Bedford and Third sts. >: FITCHBITBG, MASS.—CDromlng's ' TbeilTe. BIJou Theatte, E. L. Knigftt, 204 Main Happy Momenta Theatre. 423 Main at' FDBT WATNB.- ISD.'— Lyric, ;F: W. Hartmann;' 1014 Calhonn st Pearl, Loncka ft Tolland. 1301: Oaltaonn at Casino, J. P. MaUett. 1212 Calhoun''It Fairy, J. P. MaUett, 1110 Oalboim at; Gaiety, Sprague Green. 1036. Oatliotm at' GALVESTON. TBX.-7-BoyaI Theatre,'''J,:.O'D0li- sell. Market at . . v uou Vyric Theatre, E. H. Hulsey, 2023 Market .' at ' ■' . Taudette Theatre, E. H.' nnlsey, -3103 Mar- .- -» ket St. Majestic Theatre, Scndder'ft Colby. 2112 Mar- ket at.. . : .'«!:- Marrel, Stuart ft Raschio, 2316 Market st. Star Picture Theatte, LcCompte ft Co., 2515 ' Market at Crystal, W. J. NIcboIa, 405 Tremoot. at : GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—</. Metxger. Grand Opera House Vaudeville. : : T>9mple Theatre. Churchill A: -Davis. - Idle Hour Theatre, E.- M. Smith, 12 Canal st, OrlglBal Vandette Theatre, A. Jv-GlUlnghMK, 18 Canal st Idle Hour Theatre. B. M. Smith Co. ;''48 : Canal at Snperba Theatre, Sapertta Amuse. Co.; -Canal st I^ric Tbeatre. F. Rose, 93 Canal St. I^cenm Theatre, Lutin ft Fink, 120-Owal st. Apollo "Theatre, 128 Canal at; < liamprlnl ft " Smlrlle Co. Monroe Vandette Theatre;' A!' J:- GlUlngham;' 63 Monroe st. Y. M. C. A. Tbeatre. : - -Alrdome : Tbeatre. Alrdoine..:0.--B.' .-Go.;''.CEeB. cent and-N. 'Ottawa sta; ' HABBISBnBO;' PA.'^echantesbnrg - - Theatte, lEL ' Deem, 422 State st • BIJou, M. Mai^ro. 34 N. Third st' ' CailDO, .B. 8. Book* Third and Herr sts. Theatorlnm, Bent.- Buchwalter, - Market sf. Empire. Isaac :: Marens. Hippodrome, Bumfott ft Bexroth,' Market st HABTFORD. CONN.-.^NIckel Tbeatie; Charles Woodward, 613 Main st . Happy Hour Theatre, Harrison Harries,, man- ager tor DeLany Amusement Co.. of Ithaca, N. v.. 180 Asylum at St*' Theatre, same management.-1058 Main at Hartford OiH-ra House, C. E. Cook;'933 Main at V HAVERHILL. MASS.—Nickel ."lAeatie, - The Nickel Tbeatre Co. > The New Oipheum Theatre; X: B.. Mayer, . S £ssex at Scenic Temple Theatre, A. Beiijamln, 158 '.'.'.:':. Academy of Music, J. A. Sayer, : 163 Merri- mack at. HOBOK'EN, N. J.—Empire Theatre. A. M. Braggerman. Exedslor Xlieatre. Mr.' Pinnlne. - Adana st :: l.yzief.Tbeat<e; SOtli Century Amuse. Co:;-: Hod-: son at ': Halt-'DIme^. Theatre; I Wm. Beside, Monteetio : a*e. Palace Tbeatre; G. cTbamas, 116 <WaahingtoB' 8t ■ Hlppodrome;!;F. F. Daley. 420 Washington st. Eureka Tbeatre, 259 First st, C. H. La- martin. Met Drl<»back. 92 Blver st ': Gayety.:'365' First' at'-..-.:;...''' Excelsior, 452: Fifth St.. Mike Catello. HOLTOKE, MASS.—Holyoke Opera - Hoose; - J. : , Cahn. :' Pastlma. W. A.' Wood, 147 High at. . - The Star Theatre, -..A. D: Byoaa, 344 High : ..'.:.,' at Grand Theatre; C-. F:s!Blggenbottom, '407 High :S--i-et;, -i • BUon Theatre. W. B. Cook, 413 High at HOUSTON; TEX.-Dixie Theatre, 607 Main at Scenlc.Tbeatre. 513 Main st Vandette Theatre. 417 Main at - ^ - - ' Royal Tbeatre. 209 Main at..' •">. -Empire Theatre. 1103. Congcess'ave. ' Theato, '912 Prairie ave. " INDIANAPOLIS IND.—Orpbenm. L. M. Sntber- : land, Wasblnigton, near Pennsylvania. Orpbenm; .L: : M: Sutherland, 338. B. Wash- ington St. : < Casino, L. M: Sutherland, 42 : W. Washington ^ at -MysUe, L. M. Sutherland,- 48'N. PennsylTaais ' .. .:■ . at... . BIJoa,. L. M. Sutherland. 130 E. Washington st Theatre, Lyric Amusement: Co;; '133 : N. lUl-: -'.. nola. at "-• "-:... . .Llddles; Lyric. Amnaemcut Ca.';:'lj8:W.'22d at' ' nola at Uddles, Lyrie Amnaement Co.; 118 'W. :22d bu Vandette, I^Ic Amusement Co,, 10 S.-nilnals .'-:■; William SImpson'a, 604'E.' WadilngtaB'at:- Trotcky : ft Beccovits; : LyrIC'.:^mnsement Co.; : 1401 Blaine ave. : Theatre,/ W. H: Swain. 18 8. Illinois st:' ■:- Palace. Clifton at. bet 29th ft tMet. '-.:''Gem;:'225 . W.: .■'Ws8blngton-..Bt.': Theatre. A. F. Beck,-106 W. Market St. Manhattan, -Commercial Amnaelnent Co., ' 130.: W. Waahlngton at.., 'nieatre, lIatT: B--Mnnsdi.' 1068 Virginia a-ve. : Theatre. Central Amnsemeat: Co., IIO^N. Illi- nois It Theatre Cbaa. Donglaa. 740 Virginia ave. : New: BIJon. Jabn' F; TniIock:: .'1260 Oliver at- Theatte, Vnnk Onm, '1044'Tintliiia aye. Theatre, J. A; Victor. 748 Indiana ave. :' Geylew, 521"lndlana ave. - t : .Theatre,. :Larwlll ft' Began; "OIlTcr 'ft Arbor' ~ Tayts. , ; > ; Colonial; J.'P. FItagerald, mgr. JEBSBV CITT. N. J.-^ Academy, B. ft B. -. Rlcbardl, 342 Central ave. < . ' : BUon Dream Theatre, Keith ft Procter Go. :. Hippodiome Theatre, : B: :C.: !Hespe, 888 Cten- tril ave. N. C. Melby, 883 Communlpaw ava. !' The Lafayette Tlieatre; B. BInkley,' 883 Com- ■' ' ."'mnnlnaw'ave.''. .' ■-.'..' ■",-. The-Bijou, L. W. Van Ryper, 123: Danforl avi'. Academy of Music, F. B. Henderson, ' 4 GrcKory st " -' Tbe ; Comlquc, H; T. < HoSinMl. '.61 -' HiRlaoii', are. ; _, r Happy Dream Tbeatre; C. B:i:Walleii,: 0. Her- man. . Half Dime Th?atro, W, Realde, I71'Montt- eeUo «ve. Bnn ;Tan Theatre,' E. : Cadogan; 40 Newark ave. Tbeatorlnm, Wm. PetropoUi, 77 Newirir are. Xelth ft Proctor's Theatre. 174 Newark ave. ..J.::Barclay. 548 Newark ave. Imperlil Theatte, 618 Newark ave. . if Peter.:B. Conwell, 6Se 0cein ave. The Hippodrome,'Ohas,-Habe, 604 blimmlt ave.