Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. X H e O I lib o a p d 89 JEBSBY CITY HEIGHTS, ,N. J.—Auditorium, C. MlcheKeWer. 829:-0»ot»«l «Te. • SUr Theatre, SUr Araii«e.^Co.^ 445,-CentraI ave.. JOHNSTOWN, PA.'—Park, W. Shcrer, Mala Glolw, J. G. Foley, Bedford at. BIJou iDream, J. O, Vder, Clinton it. Lyric, Franklin it. , ^ , stadium, Geo. PenUgatoa,i,Ma]a at.. KANSAS CTTl, . MO.^VandeUiSTIieatro,. 2a0B Vine It, Empire Theatre, .B12 East 12th at. Conaon & .Stadmau. 24th ftsBlmwood ar*.: Clyamle Xheatre, ;813 Weatport are.- Hrde Park Tbeatn. S91T Uaia .iL BUoo Thratie, ,r.B. Sth at. Unwood Theatre. MOT 3>ooa^^^ Dockejp Theatre, 322S X. 12th at,, Ohio Theatre, 23OT Proapect. •»•, . •» Roae'a I^rle. 622 Main at. ■, Mandriee; 1708 W. 88th at,- C. E. BaiUn. lle a. Uth^lt. .. LaBelle Theati<e.a2eOS B. Slat at. The Palace Tlie«tw..704 B. Mth at. • Tlip Snbway Theatre, .SOT Waliiut .at. , '-}• » Zunbar Theatre. 708 Indapendenca an. II. B. Lappe. 932 Main at. The nnlque Tbcatn. 312 Wcitpott m. . \ Rubey. 3122 K. 27th at. „ _ „ ■ .- . ^ MlKioorl Amnaement : Co., N. iH. Cor. 18th';* Pasco. S. w. Conn. Oentnmlia. IIo.~ ■ Kllea ft'Seward.'ISIS-B.-tStbtat. The' Sapphire Tbeatrr. 107 B. < Utb at. - The Irle Theatre, 917 Walant at, r The CMonlal Alrdome. 2303 B. ISth at. - Thp Yale Amaaement Co., 720 Midn at. The Yale Amnaement Co., 121 B. 12tb it.:( < The Tale Amnaement Co.; 706 Main at. The Tale Amnaement Co.. 1118 Mala at.. Tale Amnaement Co., laos Cninn nve. x--- Tale AmnaemeDt Co., 1200 Onad am. : The Snnaet Theatre, Relm't JPuk. ButtBot- toma.'. .'■ r-"~ Rich'Lynn. 2t5 W.' 12th at.; ■ : ' The-Undon Theatre. 208-10 E. 12th IT. ^ RNOXVILLB, TKNN —I.Tceum llieatre, Rohln- aon ft Smeed. 315 Oay at. Frank Rocets.'So. Gay at. LANCASTER, PA. " Theatorlnm; lackaon & Sons, mgra. . LAWBENCE, MASS.—^Lawrenc* Opera Honae, J. Cahn. Ifarqniae Theatre. City Hall. J. Doird. Premier Theatre, vXVmmey ft I>emara; , GSO Ba- aez at. Berkband, BerUejr 'ft Aadeiaon. 121 Tam- ham at. . • •■!.■,■ ■ Colonial Theatre, F. M. Leea, 12 Hampahire ■ ■ St. Klekel Tlieatre. Toomey ft Delfara. 1 Law- rence at.',"- Daniel P. Conlott. LINCOLN, NEB. Wonderland, 1312 O .at.; X. U^' Gorman, msr. Elite No. 1, 1829.0 It.; U B,-Stoneri mgr, LITTLE ROCK. ABK.—Wondaland. Ferd-Jen- nrr. 117 Main at. Crystal, J. O. Oocfeasen.'110 .W. Second at. Jo Jo. John UeCInn, . Jr.; 220 'SIalB ati IjyTle. :Ijrrle9Amnaement £o;;:;;SI5 JIaia at. Venice, Tenle*:Amnaement 0>.i :4th and Mala sts, Waahlnston Theatre, 114 W. Stb at. XOS AliGELES. CAL.—Manhattan Theatre. Chates Park. Iichlch Inreatment Co. Orpheom Theatre. Orphenm Ikeatie Co. . I.yrle. J. W. Leer 2U & Ualn at. W. B. Swan. Ornhenui Theatre, G. K. Spoor Co., Inc., Wnt. vand. Alan. Walker Theatre, : PIpher ft -.OleoTlcfa. 730 -S. Grand at. Flaeher'a TbealK;v B. A. Piaeher, 110 W. lat at; Tally's Theatre; iFlacher ft Tally, 110 W. lat at. Oriental Theatre;' E. lat at. International Theatre; G. B. Tain, 230 E. 1st at. V ■■■ Empire Theatre, W. J. Fnlkeraon. E, 8d at. Clnne'a. W. H. Clnne. cor. 5tb: and Main at. , Olohe Theatre, H. W. Nixon, .202 K. Bth at. New Broadway • Theatre, Tallejr Seymour, 6th , at. and Broadway. Arrow iTheatr&cvAvi Bambntser 'ft Sona, :8th at.':and Broadway.'-- Optic Theatre, L; A. Woodley, 446 8, Broad- way.'-..',., :■■. ;..:■■■. , Lyric Theatre. Royal. F. A. Braekett. 242 8. Broadway. American Theatre. J. SchwarU, 4S2 S. Broad- way. '■ ■ ■ ■ LaPetlte; Southwest Amnae. Co;, 608 8. Bnwd- way. Folqoe Theatre, 'Benta ft ZaIIee«.«SB S. Broads way. - V Cineotraph, F. a Dawea, 110 Coat. at. - t-'nlon Theatre, :.:Uoien 'Tlieatr«^^S^^ Main at. Wonderland. Flgga ft Kalaer, SIB S. Mala expoattloa Theatre. 318 B. Mala at. R<«al Tteattk,:hBesaI AJBuae, Cft. 893 S. : „MalB it.iai!;S-j:.'s:s'««J:jfi.,r'i,-«;:'.s^^^^ ■ Happy Hour;/ T. W. Johaa; !^ S. Sprlac at. Picture Theatre;: B. G. Btfberta, 545 B. Main Ciilirornia Theatre. F. A. Short, 238 8, Sptlnc t<g'Aniteles Theatre, P. A. Haggerty, 340 S. Spring at. ■ "rackett Show.: W.. T. Home; 433 S.. Spring Eiymn Theatte, Johni ft Butht,' 436 S. Spring Ili-rman's TbeaOv. Kennedy ft Brady. 460 S. Sprlnast. (Moon Theatre, Ward ft Hommell, 637 S. Spring at.... . ■' . .. , :.. tortsviLLB. KY.-:-Oaalno, Irrln Slmona; 4tu JVC. and flreen at. V . ■ ' ■ irlnmbla; IrTlnf8knons.:4th are. and Market 18. I'rjneess. Irrta ; Simons, JetTeraon, bet. 3di ft 4th sta. , " wiliuT''Jt*'*' ^■**'»*"' l-^T'f- ^- Sternan, Market-aod'Shelby ^ata. ':,a»S.nberg. Market at, near Sd. Mnjojtlc, Wm, Hodge, iPoutth ave, near Obe«t- nut at. T. Thomaa Ward, Walnut at. '"^^"ii* MA8S.-Albambr» Theatre. W. Fox Amuse. Oo. I'ssttme Theatre;' '''}!y»»^p«'»tTe, Bowlaway Ambae. Co.. 241 1 22."',? 3''"'»Si Central at. > nwcu x>pera Boaae; J. Cahn; 347 Oenti«l at. Academy o( Music. 141 Dnttoo at. Mathewa Moving Pletnre Palace, J. F. Banrke, 225 Outton at. Star Theatre, Merrimack Amuse. Co., Merri- mack St, Hathaway's Theatre; 3. E. Hathaway. Nickel Theatre. LXNN, MASS.—Auditorium Theatre, r Comique Theatre. M. Mark. BreamlaDd Theatre, 20 Andrews at. Lynn Theatre, F. G. Harrison, Sommer st. Olympla Theatre, 406 Waablngton st. MALDIUC. MASS.—Maiden Andltorlum, W. D. : Bradatreet, Pleasant St. CbnUque Theatre, L. J. Counter, 107 Pleas- . "'ant'St. MAIIOHBSXBR, M. H.—The Nickel Theatre. 30 ' HanoTer at, ' '- ^;^Lnle,Xlieatre, Ebdell ft Dauson. Meehaalca* Theatre, D. A. GaUagber, Lowell at'...;-.,.' ■ MeKEESPOBT, PA.—The Caaino^ Fifth are. ft ' liocnst at. ': . Savoy Theatre, Alex. Ken. ' J." H.':'.'Bnh«n. AUmeyera Theatre, Fifth are. Caalno Theatre. W. O. ft J. Welaklrcber. Sth " avo.' Orphenm Theatre, !. L. "^hlt'e, Bth and Wal- nut Sts. MESDP'ms.. TEMN.—Majestic Tbeatre, No. 1 aT* J!?"*£?°*'T, 358 N. Main St. C<aun*la Theatre, C. B. Denton, 137 S. Main ^'St^Saln^st*^' ^'»°**°™*'''' i-** Drmmlaad Tlieatie; B. Wade. mgr. Orphenm'Theatre. G; K. Spoor^^ MINNBAPOUS. MINM.— Scenic Theatre, J. B, Bcnmlt, 253 Hennepin ave. lala ^Theatre, L. E. Lund, 30 S. Sixth at. Wonderland Theatre, L. E. Lund, 27 Wash ington ave., S. Novelty Theatre, L. B. Lund, 38 Washing' ton are.. S. Majestic Theatre, L. E. Land, 1326 Waatalng' ton ave., S. Crystal Theatre. D. J. LaBar, 306 Hennepin , ave.:,. , , ' Dreamland Theatre, Henry Brierleln, 307 Plymouth ave. Lrndale Theatre Co.. 510 26th ave., N.. People's Theatre Co., 2100 Waablngton ave.. 29. : ■ , , Elite Tbeatre. A. E. Anderson. 2B17 27th ave.. Si£'',:,'': MILWAT3KEE. WIS.—Crystal Tbeatre, F. Wla- ■ ,.tera. ■ ■ , ■ Majestic Tbeatre, West. 'Vaudeville Aaan. Tandette Ibratre, Pylet ft Schneider, 290 Brady at. Olympla - Theatre, H. Trlnx. 1440 Fond du , Lac are. ' , . . Lyric Theatre, Tbos. Saxe ft Co.. Grand are. Orpbenm Theatre, Tboa. Saze, Grand ave. Theatorlnm, Thoa. Sane ft Co. , Pi^ce Tbeatre, MeLay ft Keigler, 361 Grove Gem Theatre, Pehr ft Trottmaa, 381 Grove ave. Park Tbeatre. A. Waeslnka, 471 Mitchell at.: Unloa Theatre, B. A. Gelger, 903 Klnnlek- Innle ave. Cameraphooe, A.:'Irene Elynn, 454 Mitchell: '.■ '. at. ':• Empire Theatre. B. TMnx. B87 Mitchell st. Thoa. Saxe ft Cto., 600 Mltcbell St. Olympic Theatre, Blaeschke ft Dietrich. 1110 'VUet St. I^e Theatre. Tbos. Saxe ft Co., 181 3d St. Tandette Tbeatre, Melster ft Kodler. 183 8«.at. .OnadtiXbeatr*;:; O.- !M.' T.. CtawAitd ft B.: ' Ctawfbtd. 183 Sd at. Vaadette Tbeatre. D. H. Bergh: 189 3d st. ' New Star Tbeatre. New Star Theatre Co., 197 Third st. Family Theatre, P. R. Trotman, 841 Third St. Boyal Theatre, Wm. Jacobs. 1222 12th st. Globe Theatre, W. H. Cannon, 12th and Wal- nut ata. Soldiers* Home. J,' B. Olinger. MOXTOOMERT. ALA.—Orphenm Theatre, 11 Court Square. Emplt» Tbeatre, 19 Commerce at, loTle:Theatre.: UZ'Montgomery, at: Uttle <)neen XlieatR. Coosa at; V -' NASHVILI.B, TBNN.—Dixie, W. J. Wmianut, 224 Fifth ave., Kortb. Crystal, Wm. Waaman. 235 Fifth ave. : Alrdome. BIl Redelshelmer. Olendale Park. : Star Tbeatre, R.' P.: Woodwcrth, Wadilngton :St. ■ . NBWABK. N. J.—Lyric Theatre. J. B. Cnrrao. Pxoctor'a'Theatre. F. F. Proctor. Arcade Theatre; L. 0. Mumford, Broad and NeW:::Bt8. ■ , . Royal, Bobercht ft Ballentlne, Broad St. Star. Family Theatre, T. M. Walsh. 203 Fer- ■. rx St.'- ■■■ comedy Theatre, Advance Amnse. Co.. 121 .'Martet at. . M. SebUt. 151 Market at. MarraiP •8(0*., B(>bert:XevIn, 166 Market st;, The BUte Theatre, F. C, Toung. 191 Market '■ at.- :.'■■ Sea Shell Theatre; O. C.' RogerSv 230 Market Nlctdet Theatre, Ruddhoff ft Smith. 2S1 Mar. ket at. ■ , Nieolet. Max Gold. 281 Market St. Lyric Dream. W. B. Meier. 306 Market st. : nljoa Dream. Military Park. F. P. Proctor.. The. Model Amnsemeat Co., H; Robrecht. 100 Sprlngfleld ave. : _ :.; : . „ LorrTc 'Theatre. Frank Ttenscb' ft Son, 386 Spriagileld.ave. Ralpera ft Flnklestein. 410 Sprlngfleld ave. Collssenm Thcaire; Hans Werera, .457 Spring* Held are. Miner's\Emptre,- Mr. Kirlas, Waablngton; nr. Market at. Oen^ Thegtn, H; BqlirscM; 2W nfteenth «t.l New'Bra,; 132 Fprrjr at. New Bra; 00 Market St. Tho BUnu. 314 Markrt st. Blectrone, TO OranKe st, Mr. Delancy. Electric; Mr. Bloom. 1.17 Snrtnafleld ave. Newark Arcade M. P. Co.. 651 Broad St. NICW RRDFORD. MASS.—ComlQUO Tbeatre, A. : LaBarre, Aceuahnet at. Ml* Hour Theatre. C F. Sylvia. «2 Acensh- net at. Pastime Theatre. M. I. Senna, cor. Division and S. Water at. (Continued on |lag« 92.) ECLAIR&CINES FINEST INDEPENDENT FILMS ON THE MARKET. Don't Miss a Release — Order Now. ECLAIR FILM COMPANY 3f 31 East 27th Street, New York City REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS >7 41 B\N\ ST. BUSKIN. MASS. Send for S.TmplwB anri Pnc *tm SPECIAL TO MOVING PICTURE FIRMS MAGNIFICENTLY LIGHTED STAGE AND HUNDREDS OF SETS OF SPLENDID SCENERY WAITING FOR YOU TO USE. if. KUKir. Seeiie SMios. UItt St iM flitt lln.. N. Y. C. 'Plm 1631 Hibisi LANTERN SLIDES for MOVING PICTURE THEATRES Lecturers, etc., made to order from pbotoa, engravings, sketchea, etc. Price 2Se each; alldea made trom negatives, 15c. These prices arc alK>nt one-half other slide makers charge for the same grade of work. 40 fine views of the Passion Play of Oberammergau, plain 48.00; colored, $10.00. Agents wanted In every city where there are moving picture theatres to take ordera for my premier Announcement Slides for which I give 40 per cent, discount. GEO. J. GOLDTHOBPE, 244 West 14th St., New Tork. M. T. SIX KEELS OF FILM, otae ablpment. with sltfas and alldea. • $lS.OO TWELVE KEELS, two ahlpaaenta.. with altfna and alldea. • • 518.00 Ton pay ezpresa both ways. WARNING—^Yon can't get gidd dollars for 30c, and yon eas't gel good fluna for lesa money. FOB SALS—Second-band maeblnea,! (75.00 and up. All peraona nalng alternating current, irrlta na. LIBERTY FILM RENTING CO. lOS FOUKTH AVENUE. PITTSBUKO. PA. H. & H. FIL.IWI SERVICE CO. Moiut«lnf>cK BuUdlna. QUAUTY FILAfS. Gttleaae*. MUmu SYSTEMATIC SERVICED special ageata for Motlograpb. Powe r and eMt^w,. Fitaaptaat attentkm given to order* (or anppllea aad'aaadiiea. Write a for lateat lllm llat and catalogue. FOR RENT IK jom Hit niES Until ForAer Nofice Tli«>e Low hieet Prevafl TWO NIGHTS FOR $15. ONE WEEK. $30. B. K. HANAFOURDE* 602.269 Deariioni St, Chicago. EXCELSIOR SLIDE CO. 138 East Fourteenth Street, - New -York Manufacturers of . High-grade Slides for DIiMtrated Songs, Lectures, : Lyceum Wbirlc,ele^:':'v v We are the exclusive slide makers for Jerome H. Remick & Co., the largest pub- Iishei6 of popular music in the world, and other representative concerns, to which we respectfully refer you. Announcement slides for nickelodeons, picture shows, etc. Special attentictn given to posing and color effects. NEW YORK HLM EXCHANGE WILL C. SMITH, Managsr "EKRYTNIM6 ill THE MOVIIE PICTURE LINE" Powar^e Camcragrapli and Othar Moving Pietura Maehlnaa, Fllma anif'Suppllas. Talaphena 3746 Student. 7 East Uth St.. NEW YORK TBB biu:toari>*s OLA^nsa) BVSDixss Dnoaxnoior CHvpn THB ADDRESSES OF AU( THB UEADKRS. ^'^-'-'v^