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98 Tlie Billboard •CFTEMBER 19W. SWEEPING CHALL^GE TO THE WORLD WARREN LINCOLN T R AVI S -THE- World's Greatest Lifter Conditions for a Cenfest to all strong men as folio Eaefc man to pick his own four or five lifts and to tiy eacii ether's lifts. "Rie man lifting the greatest num- iwr of aggregated pounds to be the winner. ^- itB.tfaeopiiiifmiiCMr. Trs«i5.tliaf: itbtt sbove conffiions aretiie only fair ea^: fo^ aU paities ooim;^^ j^qbjet^^ to platfcHmscale^ My reason for each .man incbmg the four ot fire Kfts is to give eadi paitjr the chance to use his favorite lifts. i Iflff Hare $500 Gbeek Ospositsl titb Tbe Billboani Psb. Co. Kit win deposit any nmtuaDv agreed upon amount. ANY ONE WISfflXG TO ENTER THIS COIVTEST Tsffl be required to deposit a Bke amount for a ade bct. Gate IniHiey to. bTgiKt 60-40ipnr-the above conditiOTs. Tbdse not *i^ng io bet irom S50e^up, 1agree to make contest a public exbilntHKn winner to take all gate mo^l ' , Ptefa- to meet the followmg stidng men: Arthur Saxbn, Lionel ^^E^"^' ^«™y Hollgrewe, and Gecase Lavasseur. ^r^iecial c(Miditi(Ha for Geoige XavassenijTFho elaims to be a back 1^^: * contest f<M- back lifting only, on the above fin^dal coooditiras.. .' ii:. contest is not offo-ed from a conceited standpoint, but simply t^9^^!^^^^1?'*9o^i^- If these notedstrong m^ are sinca^ in their 'diall^ge^.liQB-iB'a fair chance for theib alL rManagersanif Agents—If you can use me for open time afl^r ' Jianuaiy 1,1911, write. Fw further information address me care (A aOHN ROBtW^^ tO^BiG SHOWS.o r 205 SOUT H FiBSm^ST^ aBOOKLYN NEW V€>RK