Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. Ttie Billboard 11 IN SAN FR ANCIS CO, CAl^ New Trant-Continantal Railroad Ex- pected to Benefit AmuMmenta. Sau FranclM» bas Itt .ibope of yean, realized. \iiatlier trana-conttoental rallnHul la. sow In ..ncratlon. Tbo Weatern PacUlc In nniBln* ng- uiar pinsenger traliis, luu opened^ up « new rich aectlon of coontiy i through which amnae- iiivut manasera will ilerive BiiKb beneflt. Thoa- suDila of people llvlne In the moDntalaa who iiiire heretofore found If : dUBcnlt to reach here, ran now come lo . comfort and the. flrat thine tnu clans of Tisltote do la to hnnt for plaeea .if aniuiwmont. I alio predict that In a few niontbs aome of the laimr town* on Uie new route wUl open vaudenUle theatree, which wlU Kive tbe amaU time aetora a chance to break the Jump both golns and i coming from Salt e ■■the flrst train which reached Oakland. 1 jikc • Tne' nrst tram wiucn rcKuuvu wsmmm^ Monday. Attgo«t 22. wai balled with dellglit bir thansanda of people from all the-bay cltlea.- A bis parade wlfceraed by over 70,000 people, wel- comed the new arrlTal aa It paaaedjnader a teaiitlful, apeclally built ar<!h.__ Bpeeeh-maklng. band concerta and other method*, of cel^ratlon were used and Oakland had a fall day holiday. Grace TraTera. . formerly of the Alcaaar Stock CoDinany, was: granted a dlToree Angnat 24. from Barry P. Tr«Ter«i an Oakland denttat. on the charge of faUqre ; tov piOTlde. - She wna formerly Mary 0.;Bnienan, and waa married In '"mie Howard Statera, clever alncera and danc- cra, arc now playing thraogb the atate. and are now on their twenty-flrat week. _ _ , On September 17. the,PacUle Goaat Electrical EipoKltlon. to be held at the new Collaenm. trill be oi>en«d and : contlnne: for a period of seven daya. Both the lateat electrical Inren- tlons and the moat prominent -electric honaea will be reyrewnted In the exhiblte.-rikia ,ex- p<isltlan will demonetrate the. great atrldea taken by electric deTelopment. The following people: bare heen engaged - for he Alcaaar Stock Oompany^ and make their Unit appearance 8eptcmbeT_S>: yane Gordon. leading woman; Thnntm Ball,' leading man; Grace Barbour. aecoDd': leading woman; and Tbouias Cbattertm. JOTenlle premier. Three Aoatrallan acta were Billboard Tialtois thla week. The Uoileal Ibaons. of foor people: J. V. GIbaon. comedian-^-and dancer, and Carl Wallner, character comedian and wblatler. .All of them hare appeared on thfe Biekud^Clicnlt, and on their way here played HoiMiala fdr alx B-eeka. They all hare been offered: time here, and will then peoceed. EaatwaI^l. Zamlock, tbe maglelaiv i« back tgalii after a anceesafnl Eaatem tour.- > Tbe second National Indaatrlal and Food Ex- iHislttoo will be-held at San loae. September 17 to October I IncIualTr. Orer 00,000: pe<»Ie liassed through the doora to aee the expoaltlon last rear and donlile tbe number la expected . by tbe management thla aeaaoiu : Nat Wagner, former - bnattteaa manager , for Kolb and Dllli Oled .; anit:s. agaln8t : tbem Aognat SO la the Superior Court^for^ aSS.SIT 'daaagea.: It la aUeged that Kolb and DIU faUed toTlre up to a Tctbal a g re e aae nt ;-whereby be waa to receive ISO a week 8aIair.:7B-like amoimt for eipenoea and 33 per cent; :ot the aunal proAta. Another moving picture theatre la being built at Sacramento, with a aeatlnc capacity of 700. It n-111 be a claaa-A building and witen Onlahed will be the llneat m the city. A 40,000 Welte orcbeatrlon will be inatailed. The new hooae la whednled to open October 1. It wUl be called the Sequoia Theatre. I. F. Monria la maxiaaer. HOnalnlu papera contlnoe to pralae .Mbn Maud Rockwell, the prima: donna of. the Caalno Mm|. cal Comedy Co..: playing at the.'' Kew Orpbenm Theatre. Ttie past week .abowa eonalderable work on tbe. Morris American:; Miiite'..BaU. The Dodgea, BUlle and UUIe. a pair of neat and clever eingera-and daacera,, left to play a aeaaoai'Of .eoaat''date*. : (Contlnned on page SS.) . ' DENVER, COL. WiUiam Colliar Has'ProlRtabla Run in Denver; Thaatras Opening. Tlie new cenina report abowa Dearer to have a iwpulatloa of over 213.000 peo^e, ThM. Moiir. treaanrcr of the Broadway tue- alre. la In Chicago thla week spending bli vack- ■lion. , -:■.,.';. . Work baa been temporarily auaiwnded on ithe ^1i!:r.'.?''^<»^ B*l>> at 14tb and Stoat ttnata. William Collier closed a a*e weeks' engace- ueat at the -Elltch Gardens, which area the vinoat aucceasfnl run the Oardena:enjoyed:during the season. ■ . The Tabor Grand opened the laiO-lll aeaadh the week ot Sept. 3. with=The Third Degree. .. niiring Colonel BwiMi*«lt'a.Tlalt to Denver, the nty was crowded with Ttaltots,' on aeeoant ot ,niA three day. ceMiratlonv'of the Spanish War .Teferana. and the patronage at all honsea and parks was extra good. ■ ^ Manager Bart, ot Lakeside, baa bad a very . (omi aeaaon. and la . already preparing ptana for next season. ^ -« r . , ; iCUAS HKLBER. SEAT TLE, W ASH. The Contidinea Return to Seattle After a IMeter Tour Abroad.. ai.ij'i.i'""'' J<*" W. OonaMlat. illasea Bnth an.} Plorenee and John W.. Jr..i retmfned to 8e- t-ill!^. "^"""'a* 20. from,an extended trip through nSr^ru S^J'^"" ibfoogb, Franeo. SwItaerUnd. "ninria and^rmsKT. and Were later gaeeU In l-«i.l..n tnd Parla; . While In Bnrope >(r. Coosl- r n;.'.,>^r'?'**£* e««enal0B of, the Orpbenm ilZlll 'Jf* ?."«>»»«. »*«nee and Oermaay. per- »h .1 '^i O'rfeMnt the booking of enough acta, h. j;^' discovered between Messina aaS Oopeo- fc™ .«• SiTe the s. * C. CiMoll a proaooneed Jhe moat axeeptlOBaf Mttlag Mr a gyamaatle •". PanUges* week of Aag. ^'toe the Mr m..h**ift*7"^i*-W«» 'W^ •» «» • I alioiJ^ • ** » Mask. The Bamum ft Bailey Circus played to capac* Ity at all pcrformaacea, Angost 22-23. The pa- rade was one of the largest and best seen In Seattle for aome time, and the show-fully up to the atandard. William C. Ilowlan bas been secured for the Bnisell and Drew Stock Co.. which moves from the Seattle Theatre, August 28; to the Al- hambraf:. Oowlan sneeeeda Tme Boaidman,. who learea on the road with the; Gotng : Some Com- pany. High :Ufe In Jail, at the Orphcum:: week Aug. 22, la without ya :daabt i the ' heat travesty ever presented at this house. The balance of the bill was flnt-clasj, resulting In :';good boalness' all week. . ' Carl Beed, Ur. Cort'a rtvresentatlve In Seattle, Intorma me that arrangementa have been made, whereby the theatres playing traveling compa- nies In all principal cities in CallforaU, in- cluding Sacramento, Stockton, San Joae. Fresno, Hanford, - BakerfleU, Son Diego, Cbleo. etc., for the next Ave yean will be under tbe con- trol of the Northwestern Theatre Aaaoclation. of which Hr. Cart Is general manager. FraiikiCoomba. formerly) a mall carrier and a prominent member of the Elks In Seattle, bas been. engaged by Oscar Hammersteln to sfncr the principal tenor roles with the Manhattan Opera Co. of New York City, I,EU A. SHOBTBIDOE. WASHINGTON, I NO. Two Theatree io Increase Seating Ca- pacity to Accommodate Crowds. Waablogtoa'a opera hoaae will be under the management of Nelson Horrall this yesr. Moi- ton Horrall Is secretsry of the house, and will have active charge. The theatre will open Sep- tember 8. The house ta being painted inalde and ontsMe and redecorated, and many other Imnmvementa are being added to it. Dave Padgett, manager of the Alrdome. a vaudeville theafre. has had a successful season, and the latter part of .Septeniber'wlB eloae the Alrdome and open the; Majestic Theatre, ^ an In- door Taadevllle tbeatre. To accommodate the Increasing pstronage, J. T. Iiaymon. manager of tbe Tbeatorium. a mov- ing picture theatre, baa completed arrangements for tbe enlsrgement of the seating capaettr of ttiat playbouae. thua providlna for an .addltioaa] one bundled; aeats. < The business of tbe Thea- tcrinm has ODtgnnra itcincient'aeeommadatlona. and the |KOTlatoa>: tor : a larger aeatlnc capaclt, is Imoerattve for the. eoavenieaeeioC the patrons. Barry Palmer, manager of the Qrand, a mdv- lag plettne theatie^Jias leaactl a.laTaer bnUdlnr for n*a theatre. Tbe:!:openlng. performance/ or: the Grand In Its new < qnartera was September B. The building: baa been repapeied aad re- modeled. : • l%e Fall Feetlval and Borne CMnlng. which Is to be held here the week of Seotemher 6- October 1. Incltislve, under tbe attspleea ot the Bagles. Is receiving the assistance and approval of the entire, community, and: present itodlea- tloas are that tbe affair will be a . aoeees*.. CLADDB XcCORD. PORTLAND, ORE. Pantagea' Manager Leaves to Open New Los Angeles Theatre. John A. Johnson, manager of Pantageo' The- atre, win leave here: shortly to open the new Pantages Ibeatre In liOS Angeles, Cat. Mr. Jobnsoo's absence wm :be temporary: only. Carl Walker; assistant manager of the Spokane boose, will have.: charge; dnrinar Mr Johnson** absence. The strike of the workmen employed on the New r RelUs Theatre flssled oat. and the work- men retoraed to work.' - Two new motion pictare shows opened In this city. The Vsjestic under the management ot Kdwln F. Jamra. and the Diamond, managed by the Nehman Slaters. BIchaMa * Pringle's Georgia Minstrels gave one performance at the Bungalow Theatre, Aug. 22. to good business. Hie National Opera Company open In The Mi- kado Sept. 1, at the Bungalow Theatre. At the I<yrie Theatre the Armstrong Mnslesi Comedy Company gave FaqnIta Angnxt 22-28. Next week's ottering la A? Scotch High-Ban.: Weber'a Priae Band f .temlnated lta engage- ment at the Oaks Amosement Park Angnit 24. The hand nroved :a v«y .'good draattng . ieard. Bamnm dk eBalleya 'Greatest' Show:: on' Xatth gave four petfocmancet; Aognst 39-M, to Im- TORO NTO, CAN. Theatrical Managers Will Reap Har-, vest During Toronto Exhibition. The local theatrical aeaaon opened with great eclat Augnat 29 and all people wbo come to aee^ the great Canadian National Exhibition and for the next few weeka the local managers will turn them: away.:. -The,: Boyal'; Alexandra: commenced the regular season Angust SB with W. A. Brady'a flne ptodnetlott of Mother.' The Princess opened August 28 with the lively farce. The Girl In the Taxi. Manager A. J. Small had a big winner In Tbe Alasfcsn. which opened for the week of 29. Shea's bad a line bill headed by Mile. Dasie. Manager Peter F. GrlOin, of the big and ever- growing GriSn Vaudeville Circuit, had a choice blU of popular vaudeville and pictures to oflTcr the large crowds who filled tbe Msjestic at tbPir premiere opening 29. This splendid house Is the latest spoke In the big Orlffln Wheel. The pride ot Canada, tlie srent and only Canadian National Exhibition, the datea of which ate August 27-Sept. 10, waa formally, opened by English General Lieut. General Sir Bobect. Burton Powell. A vast coocouree of peoplft' were present: at the Inatiguratlon. This great -fair la bigger In every department this year: there are acres of the finest manufactur- ing exhiblta from England and the Ctdooiea, Imagnificent art loan from Great Britain, splen- did diaplay of paintings by French masters.-line display of models of British warships, snbms- rines. etc.. battle lietween dteadnaught and ' airship, trotting races, etc.: a luval review at sUphesd, model military camp, vaudeville on I four stages, and a grand display of fireworks. The midway Is better than ■ ever this year and .the management, expects alt < reeorda for attend- I ance to be broken this year.'V::; ' >r ,:: LOUISVILLE, KY. ' The ' Walnut St. Theatre Haa Auspi- cious Opening. Other Notes.' The new Walnut Street Theatre opened lai>t week. The Initial performance was followed by , a banqinet In which the company and about 150 I guesta attended. It waa a most auspicious open- ling and Messrs. Ward and McCarthy may rlght- ' ly feel that the new venture has be?n well and ' truly lanncbed. The bOl waa headed by Harry Fields and Company In Fun In a School Boom, I which made a big bit. Others on the bill were Fits Cooper, an Imitator: Bobby Burgess and West Sisters. In a comedy playlet. Ftooliah Mr. Foolisb; Bulford and Cain and the. Thiee Bsr- nettea. ' ' ?• ' ' The Buckingham la now in Its second week, having oiKUed up with the Broadway Gaiety Girls, which drew a large crowd all week. The Merry Whirl drew well, week of Aiunist 28. : Walter T. Boberts, formerly with the Avenue and the Masonic. Is the new treasurer of the Walnut Street Theatre. Gregg'a Imperial Band is still giving concerts at rootaliie Ferry Park; ' Mlas'Marle doreaee. billed as The American Sembrlrii, la the band'a soloist; A. VINCENT SHECKLER. with the S. R. O. sica out st every per- formance at Pantages* Tbeatre would Indicate that Bob Fltaalmmona and Jolla OlSocd were the big attraction: week of Aug. 23.^ ^ The Orpheom ::and' Grand vaudeville tBeatrea have-been doing aa ezeellent huaineaa. WM. J. BNOUSB. ■ LOS ANGELES, CAL. The Spendthrift Returns to Les An- ; gelea. Play ia: Changed. The Mason Opera House opened for the sea- aoa. week of .August 29. The Speedthrltt belag the opening hill. This plsv had Its niemlete DtodnctloB last season at the Belasco Tlieatre, here. : vritb Thais - Vacrane In: the title,: part. Miss Magrane waa taken to' New :T'ork to olsy the part ar the: Otat Uetronolltan prodnction. Tbe plaT aa : presented by: Frederic Thompaoa./ 'at the Mason, abowa a. marked chance, and the change la not fdr the better, especially the laat act. :' . ■ , The past week the Bnrhank Stock Oomnany offered the second week ot Tbe Talk of New Vork, and It routlnned as popular as ever. Following The Tslk of New York,, this company returns to serious dr»ma. presenting for the Orst time In stock. Salvatioo Nell.' In which A. Byron Beasley will return after aemsl .weeks' vacation.. ■■:■':;. ::■.-•■■.'.■■;'':■;'•:.■■■ SnUlvaa and Consldtoe. at the: !«. AWIm Theatre, the past week, oOered a bill which, fMm a ceiMdy ttandpoiat. wu way abov* the (Continued on page BS.) NEW ORLEANS, LA. The Tufane and Creacant Theatres Opened for the- Season. U. Paul Casenenre and his company. In Don Caesar de Basan. opened tbe Tulane Theatre, Septemlier 4. Tbe Crescent Theatre opened September 4. with McFadden's Flats as the opening attrac- tion. Granstarfc will fallow. The Americas Federatlmi of CathoHc Societies will hold their convention in thla city Novem- ber 13-10. Labor Day was fittingly celebrated here Sept. 5, with a big street parade and pageant, and a bljr festival and fair at tlie fair grounds, Tbe big Beaver Feattval given by tbe I. O. B. N. O. Dam 43. at the fair: groimds August 28 to raise money for their Orphan Fund, was a financial success. WnXIAM A. KOBPKB. TOLEDO, O. Payeen Stock Company .Breaks Record at the American. : At tbe Xycenm., Walter Moore, manager. , the week of i August:' SSi: was presented Tanghan Olaaer'a pndnetioB of At the Mercy of Tiberim, to large attendance.; In the cast are Charles Carver, author of the play; Eleanor Montell and lioois Thean. Oomlng. Sept. 4-7, Bosallnd at Bed Gate; Sept. 8-10, The Port of MIsatng Men. Talentlne Theatre, Harry Smith, manager, will open the regular season September 5, with Charlea Frohman presenting MIsa Blille Burke in Mrs. Dot. The: Payees Stock Company opened at tbe American, August; 28, for the week; presenting The Pianter'a Wife. The week proved to ha the banner one of the history of the company In this city.' MISS' Bachel May Clark heada tbe caat. IVir tbe week of: September 4. Michael Stiogoff is billed. rat the week of Aug. 28, The Colimbla Bur- leaqnera held the boarda at the Empire, playing to big bxndosaa. Tbe attraction la above the average. Frank O'Brien In his tnunp: character la the hit of the bill. Every Wedneaday aad Friday matinees are ladlea' days; IMday nights are wrsatlbig nlghta. .The: CMIega'Olria (olfovra Mxt week. Business conttnoes to be big at the Aitade; Ob tb* bill Ibis week aie CaUabaik and Kramer, two local Toledo boya In singing and dancing: Barrtngtoa. Mildred and Icster. The Great nins' tns and Co., Miller and Monle, RellT. Clayton and Bellf. George Auatia and Co.. and pletnres. Auditorium, Otto KUevea, manager. The theatre will open with Lew Ftelda abont Sep- tember IS. Tha Fhrrn, Louis Banner, manager. The Fox Is tbe closing bill, falling on Labor Day. The aeaaon bas l>een a very anccesatnl one. The Caalno la having open-air attractlona and the crowds stlU throng to the Ideal-spot along the Maimiee. . . J. F. Alton, , ot The: Mllllonahre. Kid. aenda In fight card* : tnmt - Hemptaia. Caa : tt be tbat - be has a side bane tbls year. W. T. WlIaoB^ ta not in burlesque thla year, but with At the Uerey of Tiberius. Loula Thell,- atage manager of At The Marcy of Tiberius, has not forgotten all the roiigh riding he did in tbe play, Texaa. Be went to Toledo Beach on the Huron street car Una and spent hslf hta time in the air. Bernard Gardner la back at the Arcade, assist- ing William Bettis. the manager. Thos. H. Sewell opened hia sesson at Petera- bnrg, Michigan, presenting Lena Blvers. B. Bronson, In advance of Lena Blvera Coi.; wtoppetl over In tbe city .lietween trains. . He says the one-nlgbters look good and that every one Is hunjcry for allows. "BUI" Bush, ulck-uamed "Baflles" In this city, is amonj; oa again after belna in tbe Beat for the |>aat summer. Ftaak O'Brien, "the tramp," playing with the Colombia ahow. at the Empire the past week, likes the hnriesqne world; Frank gets a b% hand ttan : the tune be gets <n the abaw tmtll the fall of the curtain. Jas. McKennle, one of the local. blllers. will be assistant to Advertising Agent Pine of the "Vslentine," the coming season. James Lathan Is making good with the Amer- ican Tbeatre pnbllelty <rapartment. JACK TIERMBY. CLEVELAND. O. All Cleveland Theatres Now Open for Season. Notes. The theatrical season In Cleveland Is now In full blast. The latest houses to open are the Opera House aad the Colonial which: ushered In their respective seaaoae im Aognst 29. The Oiri In the Taxi waa the offering at the Opera Houae. playing to crowded houses throogh- ont tbe week. Pearl. Slndelar enacted the title role and did It admirably. Bobby Berry, Barry llanlon. George Blchards, Ceclle Breton and Helene Salinger received favorable mention In the local press. Lew Dockstader and hIa mlnatreli are the atttaettoa at tbe Colonial.: Barry A. Ellla made a dlatlaet hit: in alnglas When A Bay From Old Kew Hampshire Loves a Girt Worn Teimcssee, while CanoII Johnson, with a pic- tutesque old-time dance won much applanae. Cleveland's thestrlcsl season would not seem fittingly opened imlesa Lew Dockstader waa In town to atart tbe ball rolling. Beulah Poynter, In her orlgliul emotional drama of the Sooth. The Little Oiri That He Fbrgot, is the Lyceum's attraction. Miss Poyn- ter does exceptionally strong emotional work In this drama 'and Is supported by a well-balanced cast.. At the Clevelsnd Theatre the. BOlden Stock Company presented The Bouse of a Tbwwaad Candles, giving a performance ranking dose In merit to that seen In tbe hlfcher priced hooaes. John Lane Coimor, ' Frank Beadick, Margaret Neville and all of the favorites found ample op- portunities to strengtbeh their already strong hold -upon Cleveland audiences. silBT Maraer waa produced at the BncUd Oar- den Theatre, for tne fl{st time on any atage. The piece la -written tor Bertha Siebaefer and Roliert McLauKhlln. :two Clevelaad playwrighta. John T. Baker la the feature with the Star Show GIrU at the Star tbls week. Tbe cbocua la finely gowned and can actually aing. aa well as look pretty and dance. The military eniemhle at the close of the performance made a big bit. The College Girls, at the Empire, waa om of the classiest girl shows seen here of late. Joe Fields Is the star. A Cleveland boy. Airiiew Tombes. made a decided hit. At Kelth'a Hippodrome, Beed Brothers. In novel feata on the rlnga, opened the bill. This act la a eombtnatlan :«t a : cootortionlat and straight ring arilat. Several > brand new fea- tures were Introdnced and the act enjoyed the distinction Of being an opening act which got merited applause. Grant and Hoag. as "Cheer Vp Comedlsns." know liaw to keep their and- lence happy all the time. TrovoIIo and Co.. In The BoatOB Bead Ian. have a ventriloanlstle act of rare merit. Valerie Bergere Playera In What Happened In Boom 44. was Uked. The acting of Both Bayaor waa artistic. Angosta Gloae. -wttb her tete-a-tete planologne. Is a rare entertainer of naee and talent. William Famum and Co. In Tbe Mallet's Maater Piece, was tbe feature act of tbe bill. Banr Ita and the HlUership Sisters'are funny. JeweU'a Manikins, an elaho- ratdjr atageO:; act, 'dosed the hm. At : Keith's iFmapeet, Boaer'a Aerial Hot* opened, followed by Irene Lee and her Csnd; Kids, wlK> 'vroHc wtn together. David F. Per- fclna, Benry A.: Lappln and Co. In the aketch entitled, Frtendablp, have a strong act of re>! merit. Cari Statxer. comedian, hnnght oo many good langha. while The Stnbblefleld Trio who dosed the blU. are hard workers and are de- aervlng of much credit. The Grand Theatre. Moody and Goodwin in Silver and Odd; Martin Howard. In dances of all natlODS; The Three Ttoobadoora. "Those Oollaea Chape." wbe wcie the loud noise on tbe bllUiVbe Pamoklna. a colored musical act: Jere Sandfoid, yodler. atager and whistler: Varda- man. fenule Imperaonator; and Taletta and Lamson, Boioiiean gymnasts, constituted a par- ticularly well-balanced bill at the Grand. ^ > The Otphema Theatre. Arthur Nlmi. with a comblnatloa of music snd jaggUng. opened tbe show, Emerson and Summers presented a sketch entitled HU Night Out: Dalay LeDale. prima doima soprano, has a voice of rare culture: Mai- com. Beard and Malcom, la Comedy MIx-up'BIlI. were all that the name Imnlled: while Thatcher and Bnmes. in Tronbles of a BeU Boy. offered a very clasay talking and slmttaic act amv out «( the ordinary; Dllly Dell, wbo answetea VMS- ttoaa bUadfdded, closed. (Contlnoed on page 53.)