The billboard (Sept 1910)

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u SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. IN MUSIC ROW The Sweetest Girl in Paris Scores at Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee—Girl Makes Advent to Isadore Wit- mark Household—Notes of Uie Publishers THE SWEETEST CIBI. IX PABIS SCORES AT PABST THEATKE. inLWAnKEE. The Sweetest Girl In Paris, niDsie by 3os. E. Homin]. book and lyrics by Addison Bnrb-' bazdt and Collin DXTis,. met with a great suc- cess at tbeir oiienlni; performance Sonday, An- snst SI. This production Js piodDced by Harry A^kln, mana!;er of the Grand Opera Hoose, Cbi- cago. HI., the musical namtiers were staceil by Gns Soblke. tbe well-knomi producer of for- mer successes, while the dramatic^..prodDCtl<Hi was looked alter by Frank Keenan; of- the Be- l^"*^ forces. From: tbe press reports-'In 3Xli- wankee. It is a Tety espensire and beautifully ^ staged prodnetlaD. rlAIy costumed and effective- J ly, a large and attractlTe chorus appcarins in a variety of fetching changes,* and throaghont tbe" entire ; perfonnanee tbere I< erideoee of tbla ratefolness in ptepantlon and nansoal (ad wel- come ^ feature In this day of yhnrrT productions. Tbe muDBle- fs catchy and tuneful, the lyrics are bright.; the botdc Is nnnsnaltr-well proTided with entertaining lines, and thei» is a thread of consistent story: a great many amusing situa- tions are Introduced, while the chorus effects are pIcturesqaeT best of all. it Is not a tBin performance, as practically ereiT aoog taken on at least some of tlie proportions of a big ' number. The big song bits of the productiou are Don't Forget tiie Number, Boys, 1 Want a Man. 1 IiOTe tbe Girls from A to Z. Iddle-De- Iddle-De-I. The Weather Man, The Sweetest eirU while other songs nsed in tlie production are The American MiUionaire. Tbe Osculation Bombashay. I.ady Wine, Nothing Too Good tnr You. Dear Mary. The cast includes such stars as Alec Carr, Trixie Frfgsnza. John E. Young. »iee Yorke. Zoe Bamett and Katharine Rowe Palmer. St Is predicted that this wni be the biggest ^•t In mnslcal lines that Mr. Harris lias ever had in any of the Western shows, and it cer- tainly mu«t be a hit to o verc om e such successes as Time. Place and Girl, Giil Qnestioni -Goddess of UbrrtT. A Stnbbom Cindetena. The Prince of To-Nlgbt.;: The Golden Girl. The • Flirtltafc Princess. Miss Nobody from Starland^ AU tnc mnsle Is published by Chas. K. Harris. * anSS CAROIiTX .HENRIETTA WITMARK. "Ifs a Klri:"'" ■ ^ Kow; this Is not : the 'title of the very latest song pabUshed by that enterprising Witmark conUnsent; It is simply the echo of the cry of Joy which, at 9:3». A. ML.r 'on 'Sunday. August 14. went op to the blissfnl 'abode where babies come fnxn- The joyful. exdamatioo was bom slmnltat- neonsly with the advent of little Carolyn Hen- rietta WItmarfc. at the residence of her par- ents. Mr. and Xta. Isidore Witmark. Manhat- tan, and, as It ushered this very youthful , per- sonage Into being, it also expressed the fond delight of her parents and of the entire Wit- mark family and their numerous connections and friends. . Isidore was SO hopelessly "choked up" with rardonable psrental pride, when approached on tbe subject, tbe other day, that all one could get out of Wm was: That the now baby Js a natnral bom cimtralto (the happy father scom- fnllv denies that she belongs elsewhere In any nn^rtettel: that be Intends hiring the Madison Square Garden as being the only' available au- ditorium in which the young lady's voice can find suitable scope: that she Is named Carolyn Henrietta for her maternal and paternal grand- mas: that she Is "Just what the doct« or- dered." ... ^ . Well, whafs the ose? Ton know Wdore! TnUE'S XIGHTMABB- LINGERS OX BROAD- WAY AT THE HERAU) SQUARE THE- ATRE. AND wrLt COXTIKUB TO ■. UNGER. -Marie Dressier is haTinr a UUoIaiis time cattintr np capers in mile's Nightmare, and the beauty of It is she Is getting paid for maklni; a fool herself: in fact the audience seems to be crowding their way In every evening, pack- lag the hoose t<v see and here Miss Dressier go thnmgfa': her stunts In tills prodnctlon. As the miBle ts by Sloane, It can not fail to sell, es- pecially the number, Ufe is Only What W«r Make It After All. which Is now being hummed and whistled through New York. This song Is witlioat doubt one of tbe best numbers Mr. Sloane has ever written. Other bits in tte show by Sloane are Be-Bee. Heaven Will Pro- tect the Working Girl. There Goes Another One, It's Hard to Lave Jost One Girl All the nme. The interpolated number by John Golden. I Want to Bring You a Ring, is also a big bit. All the music Is published by Cbas. K. SUMMER WIDOWERS STIIX PLATING TO CAPACITY HOUSES IN NEW YORK. -Chas-'K. Harris certainly has a winner In the music rights of this production, which is wilh- -oat A doabt one of the biggest productions liSw yFI*'tds . tm« ever vprodnced in New Xoric flliere ■eems to be no let up Is the sale of the hits of -thls-sbow. which :lnrludes Gee, But I'd Iiike to i-a Flat Cor Too. Calelnm Moon. Oh. You Immediatel*^ .made one of the featnies of tbe production.'' The Wise Fisherman very humorously and tnnefnlly describes a pretty brookside coort- shlp. Miss Ring sings'. the nnmber charmingly with ensemble, and., from all' ieports, it-.:.ap- peals to M. Witmark and Sons,' its publishers, to be a decided go. * * CHACNCEY OI.COTT'S NEW P1.AT. Barry of Ballymore is the distinctive Irish title of the new play , with Cliauncey Olcott. has made the medium:, for the-display of bis talents, both vocal, and histrionic---durin|f '>tiie season of 1910-11, now beginning.' As with Ragged Robin, Mr. Olcott's play of last season, and tbe one before, ao with Barry :: of Ballymore TOP NO TES AND LOW Items of Gossip About the People Who Lend Theii" Modicum to the World's Joy by Making and Rendering Songs and Music for the Masses WITH THE WITUABKS. Mildred Haywood is by no means tbe only vauderiUe favorite who la more than making good with that new Witmark character soug. That '.-.:Ylddlsha Love. She has plenty of com- pany' In-: her nse of this nmuslng ditty, and good company at that, notably James Waters. John NIeman.. Mildred Gliinore, The Four Bc- W<rira,-Ben Russell and Winnie Crawford. - NEW SONG IN THE SOUL KISS. Tbe Soul Kiss, two companies playing which will be en tour this aeason: has opened very mncb to the satisfaction of all concerned, which statement, of coarse, includes Maurice Levi, the well-known band and orchestral director, who JACK NORWORTH & NORA BAYES. 'jSamaHXtIne''Botneb^ '.Those Were: the 'Happy A:]MT>,'-~'MandaIay and Tbere's No Place Uke .'HooA^^'Bdyst When'Yonr Wife Has Gone Away, -alsOLTSeaclies. - .-t ' - ♦ ' ^f'aaUUIKSaB BIMO'S NEW SOKG. - Wtaat'^BIande'Bins opened her season in The -T*Bke«-.<GlrL: atr'Aabn^: Park, she Inttoduced a Bsw and iitriUiiK'nnmber byrJbinle Andres Hav- ley. called - Xbe Wise ridiennan. wtitch was They will be seen In a new mnslcal comedy this season. —^Iioth were written for tbe popular Irish actor by Bids Johnson Tonng. the j:ifted playwright. Regarding the songs in tbe new play, th9y are by Mr.. Olcott himself, in c(dlaboratIbn with Ernest R.-Bali, who composed In the Garden of My Heart, which: fine baUad Mr. Olcott sang so elfectively In Bagged Robin. The titles of the Barry of Ballymore numbers, all of which, as in former years, are punished* bj M. Witmark & Sons, are I. IjOve tbe Name of Mary, Mother Machree,' In the Sunshine of: Your Love. Wild Bose and My Land. : ■ ■■■■■■■ WHAT WOULD YOD DO? Suppose yon were working at Hammerstein's and was approached by a prominent music pub- lisher and offered, say. fifty dollan a week^' (for a certain nnmber of-'weeks) to take off the song you weie using and put of.theirs. Wliat wonld you do? Ncary, Bliss and Boss have just gone throngb that experience. They sre nsing a new song called You're Mine. All Mine, writ- ten by Theodore Morse, and published by the Theodore Morse Pntdishing Co., and that was tbe song they were asked to discard. After much deliberation. It was decided to kc^p on using Mine. All Mine, and to pass np the tempting offer. The song Is a genuine hit. an-1 goes extremely .well at every perfonnance. . Tl thtcatens to surpass by far Mr. Morse's Won't Yon Be My Honey! Annette Goldie, with The Big Bannd^ SEbw. playing The Girl from Paris, made a pronounced hit with Play that. Barber Shop CbonI, when tije ahow opened the aeason of IBIO-II at tbe Olympic, New York. It: was i phenom<!naI sac- cess with their last season. composed the music, and M. Witmark ft Sons, who publish the same. And this Is a reminder that two new numbers hare been added to the ptoductlon. They are Henry Lodge's brilliant Temptation Rag, which is used as a big number, and done in ensemble, and.a bcautlfnl new duet by Louis Weslyn anu Ernest R. Bali: called Awake. Oeamt One. Both are published fay M. :Wltmark * Sons. HDSId NOTES. Fred Watson, :-tbe popular rag time singer, player and dancer. Is snccessfully presenting bis own composition. Ob You'Boar Cat Rag, on United time. His rendition of the new novelty success. The Oklahoma Twirl, is warmly re- ceived, and When My Marie Sings Chilly Billy Bee and Play That Barber: Sbop Chord are re- peatedly encored. Ben Hamey. who is billed as the originator of piano ragtime, has added Play That Iiarb(<r Shop Chord to his repertoire of syncopated bits.' He ia : working with hia wife, Jessie Ilaynes, and ::their alnglng, eccentric dancing and piano rag time act . la; a big snccess on the Pacific Cbast, ♦ The most applauded numbers sangi: by John Tcgel's Minstrels are I'd : Bather Say Ilello Than Say Good-bye, My Love ia Greater Than the World, Play : that Batber ShoprCboid. Oh. Yon Bear Gat Bag. and Tlw Oklahoma Twirl, all published by the J. Red Helf Co. ♦ Miss: Elsie WHIard, of Hnrptay and Wlllard, has made a gennine bit with J. Fred Helt'i melodlDoa wng, ,My Lore is OtBater than tkt World, and will , continue to : featnn It in tlieir new act, :Adam Sowerguy. based oa,J.:A..MnI• phy's well-known comic sketebes. : Amelia Summerrille^: the favorite eomedlehne, who ia a stellar attraction on United time, la featuring with enomtoua janceess '.Louis- r. Mulr's new and clever novelty niuiil>er*,-'.Tbt Oklahoma Twirl, wblsh promises to sneeaed bit Barlier Shop' Chord in popular favor. ♦ The Minstrel Four are eaptorlng TaodevlUe audlencea with My Lovei Is Greater than the World, I'd Rather Say. Hello-than Say Good- bye, and Play that Barber Shop Chord, with which they are winning-innumerable encores. :■::■■.•♦. Play That Barber Shop Chord, the popularity of which Gontinnes anlntermptedly, . wins in- numerable encores for; MattlieWB; and:AsUey. and will probably prove their > Mmtast;: diawlnc card throughout the season of 1610-11. ♦ Edwards, Murray and Tleroey, a headline at- traction on big time, have: made a genuine hit with Mnlr's snccess, Tbe Oklahoms Twirl, which seems likely to Hgnre prominently; among < the song triumphs of 1910-11. The Excelsior Trio, with The Shoemaker, In which Gns Hill Is starring i Lew Welch. wUI feataie dnrlng the season of ISIOilI. J.- ned Beirs irapnlar march song,: I'd Bather Say Hel- lo, than Say Good-bye; : ♦ Maryland la tbe pleaaing title of an act which is one of the newcomers in vaudeville. Cheer Up, Brothers, a ToUiciclOf soog by -Loals Weslyn.' which Is even newer . &aa the act, is lieing prominently employed tbenln. ♦ Mr, and Mrs.. John T. Powers, featuring My Love is Greater ttian tlH?: AV'orld, In vandevllle. are winning: nnmeraos encores with this high- class ballad bit.: the (oeceas of which oontiniin uninterruptedly. ♦ ■• Speaking of Louis Wealyn's new tong, Cbtet Up, Brothers, is a reminder that Al. Carlton Is now using this latest* Witmark langh-nn>- voker to great advantage while playing ltae: blf time. . ■ . :■>.•!; »,-<■:.;.■ ♦ Loretta LeBoy, with AI. Beeres'i BIg: Beaat> Show, which opened the: season:; of lOlO-lI : at Hurtlg & Seamon's, is duplicating her former success with Play that'Barber Shop Chord. Those popular comedians, Aveiy and Hart, continue to successfully sing Play that Bar- ber Sbop Chord, which has proved the biggest hit they have bad for a nnmber of years. Stepp, MeUtnger and King are repeating in the West tbelr enormous Eastern bit with Play that Barber Shop Clwrd. This popular nnmber is undeniably a hit from coast to coaat. ■ . , Al Jolson continues to please bla audiences with Oh, You Bear Cat Rag, by Fred Watson and Lewis F. Mnlr, whIcb Is a big aeller, in both instrumental and Tocal form. ♦ The Rag Trio, recently at Henderson's, Coney Island, received hearty applauae. with numerous demands for encores, with their rendition of Play that Barber Bhop Chord. At Brighton Beach Music HaU, last week, appeared The Four Mnairal Moaarcha, who are using the Witmark tnstramental nnmber. Temp, tatlon Rag, with algnal sneceaa. > Mildred Haywood Is making a disUnct hit with Jamea Brockman's character aong. That's Yiddlsha Love, one of the latest additloos to the Witmark catalogne. The talented and well-received quartette. The Arlington Comedy Fmr. continue to delight their audiences with Play -That Barber Shop' Chord. ■ ■ ; ■ . Krichette and ITrlgaoe are making excellent use at present of Alb. H. nta's attrictife Vkid" song. Don't Yon Want a) Pussy Wussy ;Oat? • ':•:';'":■ . The Thm Lelahtons. playing United time, are dnnllratlng the siieeesa they made laat: aea- ton with Play That Barber Shop Chord. Honslon and KIrby are featuring Betty Brown and report excellent icsnlta. Tbla aong Is pnb- Uihed by:vthe IfoneiUusIc Co. ♦ : . Caroline Dallmao is making them sit np and take notice on the LaSalle Roof. Chicago, alng- lng Good-bye, Betty Brawn. ♦ Taseott, the jmpnlar alager of syBcopatMl «ong snccessea. b'a (Onnd his iilggest bit in Play that Barber Shop Obotd. ' (Continued on page 60.) VON MECKEL BUSY. :; OoKlav Von Meckel: has written a new song entitled Baby's AtrsMp, which Is being sung *l all the kindergartens and different choirs throaghoot tbe cnnnlry. It Is alao being snug aa an added feature at the: different society ninetlona. Mr, Ton Meckel has also written a new Sacred Lyrtr entitled Bepentance which la also meeting with treat suecMS.