Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. Xlie Billboard 15 GORRESPONDENGE ALABAMA. OAJJSDEir.—AMUSE U. .(*. BMeDbaum. Mi:r ) Undenoint remln. WtU omd In aweek V\KK (Samnel RoMnbium. mgr.) BeMoa WtU own tbe Utter part of SeptemlMtr. ARKANSAS. POET BIUTH.—AUMTOBinM (R. J. Mack. mgr.) Hlckman-BeMex Stock Co. LYBIC (Mr. -rarroll, in«r.) VaudeTllle. UTTLE aOCat—MAJESTlto THEATRE. Week 20 Kllndt Bro«.. MiM Belle. Mejreta. Three Burn!. Sl»ter«. • HalllKan and_ Ward. Jaoa Dara and Ckimpanr. Tom Moore and Staela. Tbe Eesle ^ aiii. AlBWWE aiMEATBB <rred Prnnell mrr.) Week Anc- 39. Latlmore and D"gh Co. to repertolrt. WBIO OTEATBB. MoTin» pletnwa aadi:;»ad4eTllle. ARIZONA. - GLOBE.-MARTIN (Balpb Uartlo, _Digr.) Ffiink Kick Mndeal Comedy Co.^ Am. 21 and wwk: excellent mbmr to^sMd boeinen. Tbe Girl ¥tom Ow There and The Ponjr, Olrla 28 aiul week. DREAMLAND (Jobn L. Alexander, mer.l SkatInK and danctoit 'ito latr bnatneaa. SEW IRIS <Edwatd B; Keth, Dsr.) .Syaaon oiieBi« Oct, 8 with Sawsr and Sayoy. comedy act; W. H. Mack and Co.i comedy act.; and plctnrei. CALIFORNIA. SAH JOSE.—TICTORT (F. A. Oleaa. nsr.: K. A E.. booklnr asenU)'Brlaaac-Hallet Playera It Tbr Heart of Bine BIdice week of Ante. 22; Haf productions to lante aodlencca. THEATRE JOSE CW. T. Warren, mcr.; S. & O. Clrcntt) Tbe Three Gordoa Blghlandera bcadllners, in- strumeatallsti, a Kood act: Dlero, aeeordloaiat, btt of bUI: Will Tracy, operatic Baiytone. tlnf» la tooi voice: Jack OliTer, In mOQOlqsne. pleases; Don and TbompioD. to aoox and chat- ter, went well;-The Oladstonea. aerobatle and fancy dandns. a aplendtd'tom, and mOTlas pie- turn, closed an execllent : bm : to On* taun^ Aug. 22 and week. TO la- eeraoU. micr.) John la.: SnUlraa and. JakajKn- raln ■s.ieclal attraction An*. 29, dwwi-'a larse audience. COLORADO. DENTEB.—MAJESne It. Boab Broaaoo. mgr.) Wm. BotU and Flo Darley; In tlwlr skrtcb. Married; Sprlngold and Olrard offer tbe RFTlellc: Fiticerald and O'Oell: Mildred tftOt- ler In Imitations of ataice eelebrlttea: Joaepb Wtllard and Rany Bond In The Battle of Bnneo Rill. .Kag- 27 and week. OBPRECM (A. O. Carmn mgr.) Cresay and Dane, Ballet of Llsht. Guber'a Animals. Slsnor. Travato. O'Brien and Havpl. Date and Boyle. Stewart and MaiabUl Sept. 5 and week. PANTAOBS' - tW. A. Wee- ton, mgr.) Marina Bohemian Qnartette. Barry Walman. Roland Karera;' ' M*Wio <> Broe.. Tbe Johnsons, Prtaeesa Baaamie, : Ans. 2T and week. CONNECTICUT. BRISaEPORT.-aACKSOM'S - (John J.' nti- nalrlrk. inKr.l Tiser UUea Bnrleiiqne Aus.; 2S- 2T: larce bnslneas. Elsie Fergaaon 39-30.' Bev- erly Sept. 1. Bright Eyen 3. ;FOU*8 <I«wIk Garac}-. mgr.f Summer stock company a In/.The. Wolf Ang. S9 and week:: TandevUIe seaaon onenrd Sept. 5; cnnaelty' baahm«, BMPIBS (Frank Keenly, ngr.O, &Maon:«UI «pcB:,8ept..5.< SAXTFOBDi—PABSONS (H. - C PaiiOU. mgt.\ The Member from Oaark Sept^vS:.: POU'S (S. z. Poll mgr.) Stock aeasoa claied,ar; >Tan- devtlle opened 29, with 'Homer B^ ' Maaon and Co. as headltner.v KABTFOBO : (B. ,Z. PoU,-: n^gt.^ Frank ; MeCrea,: OUmocc Cbrbia, Tbrca' Swells. Johnny Wlae>-.attd ;Ca,«! and pletorea' 29 and week. SCENIC..^tB- iC JTonns. msr.) Jat- rriet<.johnson Fight Pletnres 22 and week; big bnslnoss.'' XERIDSK.—POU-S THEATBE (S. Z. Poll, ie»ee: Mr. Kllhy, mgr.) Aug-25-27. Foor Oard- ners. comedy, ainging and dandng: Sam Dody,: the orlxinal Wop: Walker ;and Bill. In reomedy r«rre. Jnat a Otrl; . May .'Elmore; tbe ^qtwcB of an 8onK btrda: Kramer kad Scheckit eqnnibrlatB an'i balaacera., -Ang£:2A-31: Sam .wataon'a Farmyard, nntqae animal r-act;' Madge HngbM. tbe ninfcer Olrl singing comealennc: Scott and Daviv. a mnaical Jingle, alnglnc and danctng; Dillon, tbe man who make* motion plctnrei Ii>- ini; realities; Kaufman Broa.. Immy men to Tan- drrille. ■ - DELAWARE. WILlIIHOTO»,.,^HBU.F(yr PARK (Henrt and \<>nnK Amnaement Co.. Icsseee: James-B. nenry. inKT.) Henry and Yonng. In Nevada, very and cleverly preaented;p Olcott and »illliiins, good ainginr and dancing duo; Poy- afU Iiuo. character. :artlata, pleasing: Ulnnte Jfniil. a aaahing vaoQbrettet and the Crescent Coiu.-iiy Co. In Mixed Pickles; ■ a alde-aoUttlng afijrpiTe. Dig boslness. BBAMDTWINS g•nl^(;s (People's Railway Co.. iowners: B. < "■•«'<•. mgr.) Aeolian Opera Co,: to Mikado: llKUtriiily song. Farewell performance. Big bBvlnc»-<. aARBIOK (W. I* Doekatader. owner and iiiOT.) Opeaa; with .llrst-claaa vandevUle labor Day. ILLINOIS. ALTOK.—AIBDOMK ;. <Wm. Sanvage. mgr.; wesi. rn Vaudevtlle Asan., ibooktog agenti) Lar- ain jinil Burns. The Two rJoel*. Mannlnc ana Rnli-h.-r. .Sawyer and Uellna. Aug, 24.28. Shepp* cirri.s iionston and Klrby,^. B. Vincent. r-i'^-'i. '!nd_Moore and pictures 28-80, ONDER A-AN\ AS—The Great . Baatem Amusement Co. (\r.iii.<,'iia A DtU. iB|tra.> Ang. 23 and week Ww i.„«iBcsa; aelU-rioto Ctrco* Anit. «. (."^r-yiDEBB.—DBRTHIOK OPERA •■BOOSI ir '' '^Dyaart. )eaaeea::Bay Beweu. resk mgr.: 5? r;.,^'-"?"*}"'' *»<*'«■ ■»(«*> Opened Anguit ^ iM ii taIr_bon*ea tar Ptnkey. th* Plakerton SI <, ?,"»• A*H?; 80. Brokaa Idol; ' 'i'"''- "*«•'• 1. Wm: McOauIejr In aass- \ •*? I « Chinaman; «. nOd to Poll: " wirnrd of Wlseland: IS. Isle of Spice; IT. « '.,".: '<». Girl from Recter-a: 2J. lahmacl; S-irt- l..'^?" .*•»" 'J- 8- A- MAJESTIC TB8- ATIIK (Tabor * Bibcock, mgra.) Bualneaa good. DBCATn—POWERS (Tbos. P. Bonan. mgr.) House opens Sept. 5 with Goddess of Uberty. NEW BIJOU (S. Slgfrled, mgr.) Seiloa opened Sept. . S. DBEAMCaND . (Ed. Bskeri-mgr.) Walls. SIroble and .Anderson Aug.' 28;; Acker- man and Carter Sept. 8. aOOPZSIOir.—McFERBEN OPEBA BOCSE (Wte. McFenen, mgr.) liOVe Pirate Sept. 8; Classmates 13; Onlpln's Hypnotist Co. IS-IT Paid to Foil 23; The Vulture 29. VIBOINIAN (Max M. Nathan, mgr.) Byan and Douglas, singing and talking comedlana and pictnrea Ang. 29-31: Rnf and Custck, eccentric Kinging and dancing r and pictures Sept. 1-3: full houaes. JAflSCSOWnXE.— OBAND OPEBA HOUSE (L. P. Anderson, mgr.) The regular theatrical saeeott opened September 3 with-The Girl In tbe Kimono as the opening bin. VaudevUIa and motion pictnrea wilt be run on nights when there Is no regular attraction. UNDER CANVAS —Sells-FIoto Cfrcna Aug. 27. to capacity bual- neaa both afternoon and nlgbt. XEWAKEB.—GRAND (W. J. West, mgr.) The Carada, The Prentice Troape, P rcaaon and Paasmore, Dave lobln and Co., Binun, Bomm, Blmm Trio, and Tbe Blnellos Aug. 28 and week. lUXTOOir—MAJESTIC (J. F. Knectaler,-mgr.) East Lynne.Ang. 29; isood abow to fair bouse. I.YRIG (B. D. Parrlsh, mgr.) Prof. Deldas. hypnotist, Aug. 21 and week; good show to good bualneaa. Clark and Duncan, • song and dance. Clark; and Dnnean 20 and week: Martyne and Harry., character: change comedlana, 20 and :Week.:' . MOUBZ.—TBE FAMILY (Sodlnl Circuit; fa. A. Sodoal, mgr.; Western Vaudeville Asan. book- ings) First half of week 20, De Bossa and Co., bronze models, a posing act that Is new; Oai- lyte Veach and Col, to The Duke of Mnlbetry. a bright comedy sketch: Mlsa Hilda Orth, Ulna- trated aong. When TMdy OuDca: Marehtng Borne: Sam and Ida Kdly. aceentrle mbe com- edy artists: Tom XInton and his Seven Joggling Girls, a mlnlatnre comic opera, bright eoatamea and settings. xolUcklog girls and catchy songs; Famllyseope. I.ast half of week. Poettlnger's Swedish Lady Singers In Tbe Xand of tbe Mid- night Bun: Miss HUda Orth, Ulnstrated •ongs; Steward. Raymond and Baker, blgh-clasa mna- ical artists; Vaiin and Varia. the college coons; Queen Mab and Weis, the midget singers and dancer*; the Famllyseope. TBE MDLINB (Cbamberlto-Klndt Co. Circuit; B. B. Tayloiv mgr.) Mabel Barrlson and Harry Conor In I,u- In'a Hnabands 2: Our New Minister 1; WllUam MeCanley In Ciassmatea 3; Lew SnUy la Am I a Chtoaman 4: BUly ClUTord 7; Isbmael 10; Daniel Boone 16; Richard Joss In Sliver Ibreads 17; Tba Broken Idol 18; The Port of Mlasinc Men 24: Oast Aside 29; The World and a Wo- man 28. THE BABBTMORE (Sodlnl Circuit: Morgan McDonnell, mgr. ; f.. It K. bookings) Channcey Olcott 19: The Three Twins 18; all open datea motion picturea. BOCKFOBS.—GRAND OPEBA HOUSE '(GeOi. Sackett, mgr.) Botise opened Aug. 28 with Pinkey. the Plnkerton Girl, show scarcely fair; Aug. - 30. Wm. Norrls In My Cinderella Olrl: 31. Caat Aside; 8ept.-l, Lottery Man; 2, Ishmael: S: :T.ew SuUy In Am I a Obliwman: 5. Wm. McCanley In Classmates: 6, Port of Miss- ing Men: 7. Paid In Fnll: 8. Joa. Howard In Goddess of Uberty. OBPHBUM -(A. J. Shimp. mgr.) Business good, BUI for Auf. 30 and week. Midnight on tbe Bonlevsid; Tbe Alhsoiu In a comedy sketch: Milam and: DnBols, : aong and dance; Nip and Tack, ■cntbats.' BOCS IBLAHB—(Sodinf Cicenit: J. P. Qulnn. mgr.; Western Tandevllle 'Aean. booklaga.) First bait «t week 28, Te Old Home Choir, an Im- mensely pleasing quartet: Mrs. ^Mae: Biehard Caaey. Ulnstrated aong. Sometime.: Soaaewbere, The Pepper Twins, a lightning change-ack. singing and playing; Zeno and Mandel. talking alnglng'and dancing skit. Miss Mandel a de- cidedly capable performer; Shea and Company, Imrleeqoe act. royal entertainers; Majestlcscope. Lsst half of week, C^krlyle Veauz and Company In The Duke of Mnlberry. a bright comedy aketcb; Mra. Mae Blchard. Uluatrated songs: Sam and Ida Kelly, eocentrie rabe comedy ar- tists; De Rossa and Co.. bmnse models, a nov- elty posing act; Tom Linton and hia Seven Jun- gle GItla. a miniature eomie opera, bright co« tumes snd scenery, rollicking girls and catchy songs; MajestlcsGoce. IBB ILLINOIS (Cnaa- berlln-Klndt Goi. Circuit: B. H. Taylor, mgr.) Mabel Harrison- and Harry Conota In Latn'a Bnsbanda 1: Miss OUlc Mtoell in Tb* Jadcoeat of Eve S: Csst Aside 4; The Olrl. tbe Man and the Game 8: JVist a Woman's Way II; The Cli- max 12; Daniel Boone IS; Boae HIU Folly Co. 18; Isle of Spice 17; Blchard JoM In SUver Threads 18: The Broken Idol 19: Th* World and a Woman 33: The Port ot Missing Men 25; William Norrls In My ClnderalU Girl SO. EX- POSITION PARK. Week of -Sept. 12. the Third Annua] Bock laland Exposition. Attisctlons— Glenn B. OirtUi and . his.: aeroplane^' Ewtng's Juvenile Zoaave Band. Arakt Imperial Japan- ese TronpeiBerr Alher'a Performing Polar Bear*. Bamsa and Aznold'a European Bccen- itrlqoes.- „ WAXIXBOAir.—SCBWABTZ THEATRE (Cen- tral Ststes Theatre • Oo..~ > owners; -John WIngr fleld. mgr.) The Cat and the Fiddle Aug. .28: good 'Show to esceUent bualneaa: Lew Sttuy 38, good show to good : basine*s: Goddesi ot Lib- erty Sept. 1: Tbe Wlaard of Wlaela ni» t; raid to Fnll B; Classmates T. BABBI80N TBBATRE (Western Vaudeville Managers' " Assn.. book- era; Arthnr A. Fmdenteld, owner-and maaatar) CottcrcII and Bamllton, , marine comedy. t*iy pleaslnc'act; Donlta. the talking baby doll. sistsd by Bogene Penaal. pianist,, vary davsr set; big<bit: airdella's Qnsrtette, anto and dog act. best of Ita kind, excelleat bnalaeas Aag. aS-Sl, WAUKBOAN 1BBATRB (». Fleeklas. owner: Wm. Haas, mgr.) Dark week ot Aug. 20; rebnilding the atage. INDIANA. AtSXAinttlA.—OPEBA BOUSB (WllUam Upps, mgr.) Aug. 31. Rose BlirBagUsh Tolly On.; good abow to fair boose. Septi 3, Shad- owed By Three. AVOOLA CBOXTON OPERA BOCSE (C Elya. mgr.) Sherman Stock Co. Sept. 5-10. COHBERSVIUX. — AUDITORIUM (F. E Kebl, mgr.) Daniel Boone oo the Trail Ang. 24; did light bnstoess. Tbe Fighting Parson 31: The Winning Miaa Sept. 2; Tempeat and Sunshine 13; Shadowed by Three 21; Seveu Days 24; Bosalind at the Bed Gate 28. CBOWV FOmT.—CBMTRAL MUSIC BAIa. (J. B. Lehman, mgr.) Tbe Dolly Dimple GIrIa Sept. 2. ZVAinVILLE.—TBE GBAND (Martin Beck gen. mgr.) Opens aeeond seaMm Sept. 4. .THE WELLS BIJOU (Jake Wells, mgr.; Chaa. Swee- ten, res. mgr.) Open In a tew days with The Gin In the Kimono. THE MAJESTIC (Edw. Raymond, res. mftr.) This house has been re- cently sold, bnt the policy of the coming sea- son has not been given out. OAK SUMMIT PARK (Edw. Raymond, mgr.) Week of 28. Count De Butz and Tosaell, American Newsboys" Qnartette. Innes and Byan, Grace De Wtoter>, Kallnowoskl and' pictnrea twice daily. This park closes Sept. 11; business excellent. OBZEHBBVBO.—K. of P. OPEBA HOUSE (C. H. Ewlng, mgr.) Tempest and Sunshine Sept, 19; Shadowed by Three Sept. 24; Seven Days Sept. 2T. LA PORTE.—HALL'S (W. J. -Hail, mgr.) Dottle Dimple Girls Burlesque Cn. Sept. 5. Under South'm Skies 0. lOCHieAH (STZ'.—GRAND OPERA BOUSB «Mto Dunker, mgr.; Central Statea Theatre iKxAtog agents) Ang 29, Iloneymon Trail, with a big company. Ang. 28. Tbe Rosary was pre- sented with an. exceptionally floe cast; pleaaed good boaioess. KIOBKOHD.—GENNETT THEATRE (II. O. Soounera^ mgr.; Klaw A Erlanger bookings) Cow Pancher.Aug. 28- NEW MUKBAT (O. G. Murray, owner and Manager; Independent nooa- Ings) Will open on Labor Day with Itrst-claaa vandevlUe. UNDEK CANVAS—Hagenbe<dc-Wal- lace Clrcns Aug. 27; did good business. IOWA. BBBLnreTOV—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (M. S. ScorlU, mgr.;' Dan Stuart, booking agent) Miss Nobody from StarUnd Sept. 2; Weary Wil- lie Walker 4; Isbmael 3: Grace Cameron 8; Bti- ly Cnifford 9; canceled. Daniel Boone 11: Am I a Cblnaman 12: Richard Jose In Silver Threads 14; Girl from -U. S. A. IB; Climax 17, < GAR- RICK (John M. Root, mgr.; W. V. M. A.. boUttg agents) Week of Sept. S, Blm, Bomm. B-riT-r, Ihiropean novelty musical act; Sam and Ida-!^Kelly, change artists; TOm Ltoton and hla Bight Danelng-CUrls; -'Art- Adair, comedy mus- ical i act.'and Garrickscope. n&TZmOS,T—TBE AMERICAN (Cbas Berk- ell. ; mgr.: Wllllsm Morris booUngs) Week of the SOth. Tbe Amerleanscope^ Irwin and Hei- sog,' singers of- nnnsnsl merit; Owen, Hoffman and Company In the comedy akit. The Benediction: The Great Lanealowe.' expert fUe- man; Mae Taylor, singing comedienne: The tCrdnemann Bros., comedy acxobata; and head and band balancers. TBE BUB'nS (Oiamber- lln-KIndt Co.: William J. Kllnck, mgr.) Our New Minister 2; Mabel Barrlson and Barry Conors In Lnln's Bnsbanda 3; William McCkn- ley In Classmates 4; BUIy Clifford 5; Lew Sul- ly to Am I a Chinaman 8; labmael 11: Tbe Broken Idol 17; Isle of Splee 18: Richard Jose m Silver Threads 10; The Fort ot Missing Men 22; The Booae of a Thousand Candles 24: The World and a Woman 29. TBE NEW PRINCESS (Victor H. Schafer, - mgr.) Week ot the 28th. Chester Bbihop and the Princess Stock Company In Nat Goodwin's auceess. When We Were Twenty-one; a moat delightful bill, presented by a good company to big bualneaa. OES XOIMEB—FOSTERS' (Ed. Mnlartf. mgr. > Rose Stahl In The Chorus Lady 28-31: big busi- ness. : GRAND (Ed. Millard, mgr.) The Lyman Twins 38-31; Billy Clifford In The Girl, tbe Man and the Game. 1-3: good business. AU- DITORimi (The Shnberts. mgra.) Mabel Barrl- son and Harry Cionor to Lblu'a Bnsbanda 28-30; excellent.. Barry Bulger In -The Flirting Prto- cess Sl-Sept. 3. PB1S€!ESS JStock) (Elb»t,A Getchell. -mgrs.) Week 28. The County Chair- man packed at every performance. MAJESTIC (Elbert A GetcbeU.' mgrs.) Week 2S. Caesar Bl- voli. The Original Foar Dancing Belles and others: always S. R. O. LYRIC (Dan Bnrg- um. mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. STAR (Dan Bnrgmann. mgr.) Vendevllle and mntioa ni(.rnref«: always crowded. -UNIQUE (Elbert A Gatchell, mgrs.) Vaudeville and mo- tion pictures; heavy business-; ORPBEUM (H. Sonneberg. res. mgr.) Week 27, Lewis McCord snd Co., Fennel and ^soo. Boynton and Burke. Godfrey and Henderson, The Five Alohas. Golf Phillips. Barry Labelle. INGEB80LL PAB& (Fled Pncbanan. mgr.) Week 27. Indlanlas Troupe. Rex Comedy Circus. Glen Ellison. Toos, Tansy and Tons. Mario AMo Trouoe'. Llgbtnlng Hopper. .\IBDOME (Wm. B. Vance, mgr.) Week 2S. The Morning After the Night Before. OOLISECM. Week of 27. New York Blpoo- drome Co., with Tom Shaikey and Cbampion Ad. Wolgast. SUBUailE.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Wm.' L. Bradley, mgr.) Just a Woman's Wa.v Aug. 28: 8. R. O. tra8ine<«. A oennineot stock com- pany will lnaugn.-ate its season Sept. 18. AIR- DOMB< (Xske Rosenthal.- mgr.) The Harvey Stock Co.: 3- R. O. business. JtAJESIIC (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) Work Is progressing ranldly; sesson to ooen October 1. UNION PARK. Sea- son closes Sept. 5. 0SKAL008A.—MASONIC OPERA BOUSE (Busby Bros., lessees and mgrs.) Season opened Ang. 31 with The Red MIIL The Man on the Box Sent. 2. UNIQUE (C!ubberly A Mitchell, met*.) Vaudeville and pl^Inres to good bn<ln>>«s. OLENWOOD-PARK (J. M. Hagan mgr.) Wnller skatinc: excellent business. UNDER CANVAS— RlnKllnx Bros.' Circus Aug. 31. WASBnrOTOW.—GRAHAM TBEATBB (W. r. Brtoton. mgr.) Caat Aside Sept. 2: Lyman Twins In The Frtae Winners 8; Cllmsx 10: Dan- lal Baene on the Trail 13. . WATERLOO.—TBB WATERLOO TBKATR!B (A. J. Bnsby. mgr.) The Cowboy and the Thief 23. to a«od bostaess. Tlie Man on th* BOX Sept, 2; Honeymoon Trail 3; Bonte ot a Thoo- sand Candles 9: Cast A«lde 7: The Cat and tbe Fiddle lOi. - THE OBPRECM THEATRE (J. W. MarceUin, mgr.) Week of 22. Van Kaathoven Qnartette. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton 'FvieU Miss Italia, . Dick Biehards and Cb.. The TItiee Amena; Moaleal graces. Pearl E. Popejwr. the Orphenm nightingale, and Elliott and Elliott, to < hig business. .Week of Angnst SB. Donltar and Toaraer, Major O'LaoghUn. Geo. AIAott and Cb.; Kane, ventrlloaniat: Foor Danelns^ Belles. Pearl E. Pnpe.lA.v. McGee and Baye*. ELEC- TRIC PABR (B. B. Parker, mcr.) Week of 22-28, I,ydell and Bntterwortb. Steel and Me- Masters, Knight and Dyer. Anita. Tbe Belmonta. Msxara DeOroax and Us Band, to big bnsinesa. Week of 29, Fraser Trio, Dan Robey, Campbell and MacDonald. Grlfllnt and Lewis, Two Len- erts. Park closes season qn Monday, Sept. 5. KANSAS. ATOHISOV.—ATCHISON ' (E. S. Brlgham, lesaee: Carl L. Dees, mgr.) Tbe Flirting Prln- cesa Ang. 28; fair buainess. AIBDOME (B. M. Ernst, mgr.) D'Armond Sisters 7-20: excellent business and performance. Graham Stock Co. 21-Sept. 3: pleased good business. COLONIAL (Quigley Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville and picturea. FORT SCOTT.—AIRDOME (Harry C. Emlch, mgr.) Gordon's Associate Players Aug. 22-Sept. 3; pleaaing good bnslness with repertoire. Peo- ple's Stock Co. 6-17. UNDER CANVAS. Blng. ling Bros.' Circus 13. HnTOHnraoH.—HOME tbiultbe (w. a.- Loe. mgr.) Season opens Sept. 8 with Naxbvnie Studenia: Sept. 12-17. Edwin Bairie Stock Co. CBAWFORD'S AIBOOMB . (Mr. WeBs. mgr.) StttcIslF-Weber Stock Co, Ang. 22-28: good com* pany to good boatoess. BtVEBSIDB PARK (K. C. Beck, mgr.) Aug 22.27, YaudeviUe and Are? works: Aug. 23-Sept. lO^ lbe Bell Boy, Musi- cal Comedy Co. LEAVEHWOBTH.—NEW OBPHEUM (M. B. Shanberg, mgr.) Opens season arith vaudeville Sept. 4. PEOPLE'S (Prank Deatley, mgr.) Opens Sept. 4 with tbe Mstlnee Girl Co. tor two weeks, with a change tt shows twice a week. PALM (C. F. Menslng. mgr.) Shaw and Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Murry, Mlsa Flor- ence Royer and pictures Ang. 28-31. XePHZBSOB.—McPBEBSON OPEBA HOUSE (C^ W. Bschelor. mgr.) Tbe Morey Stock Co. to St. Elmo. Wife in Name Only. In Spite of All, The Whole Dam Family, To the End ot the Trail, Bar L Ranch Aug. 22-27; please excellent houses. * 7XXTSBXIBO.—AIBDOME. P. and W. Play ers. CNDBK CANVAS—SeUs-Floto Show Show Sept. 6. LOUISIANA: ■ HEW OBLEASSk—TULANB (T. C. Campbell, mgr.) M. Paul Caxenruve in Don Caesar de Ba. san week of 4. CRESCENT (T. O. CampbeU. mgr.)McFadden's Fists week ot 4: Oranatark week of 11. OAUPHINE (H. Greenwald. mgr.) Sidney Drew In BHly week ot 4; Granatark (Jnles BIstes, mgr.) Jobn A. West and Co., Ktoso, Alice Berry. Harry B. Burton, moving pictures. Toaso's Military Band week ot 4. WINTER GARDEN (J. Israel, mgr.) VaudevUIe and moving pictures week of 4. MAJESTIC (L. B. Saaryers, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving plc- tores week ot 4. iHAPPY HOUK (A. Onnnlng. mgr.) Vaudeville : and movinr pletnrea' -week ot- 4. TioTOB iiyiar* Porter, mgrs.) Vandevnia and moving pictures week of 4. GBAND (J. F. Pearee & Sons, mgrs.) Vsudevilfe and mmint pictures week of 4. AMEBIOAN MUSIC HALL (Wm. T. Orover, mgr.) Vaudeville and tnoving pletntes week ot 4. JGLEZAKDBIA.—THE KLECiTBALITB (J. T. Benedict. Jr., mgr.) The LeNoIr Boyal Marion- ettes, Myrtle Miller, buck snd wing dancer; and Hempstead Bentley, tbe Dixie tenor, played to capacity bnsinesa week of 21. Tbe Bell Boy Duo, talking and singing, Marie Montrose, alng- tog, and Bempatead Bentley opened for this week: all acts exceptionally clever. THE ALA- GBAUNDAIR (F. M. Bowland. mgr.) The Ar- nold Twins drew larsa crowds week of 21; The Slg. Belnlleld's Lady Mlnatrela opened weak 28 to capacity. , LAKE CKAXLES.—PASTIME (Miss Ina Icbr. mgr.; W. EUwood, booking agent) The Berry Children Ang. 25-28; The Lees Aug. 28-31; good. IMPEBIAL (C. P. Martto. mgr.: Cbaa. E. Bodkins, booking sgent) Lola Milton and Cb. Aug 25-28; Brandon and Taylor Aug. 2<t- 81; good. MARYLAND. BALTDtOBE.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC (M. J. Lebmayer, mgr.) Lewln-MorteUl Trio. Lane an<l Goodman, Sanford and Darlington. Eugene and Carrie Richie week ot 29. FORD'S OPERA BOUSE (Chas. E. Ford, mgr.) Bowe'a pictures. MARYLAND THEATRE (F. C. Schanberger. ' mgr.) Nora Bayes and Jade Norworth. Vlttorio and Georgetta, (Hiarles L. Gilt's Players John Stanley snd Bnby Norton, Tascott, CamiUe Trio. Nellie Lynch and Albert Weaton. Zenlta week 29. SAVOY THEATRE (S. J. Saphler, mgr.) Wllla Holt Wakefield. Charlie Case. Fbnr Stag Poodles. De Fsye Sisters. Cllvette, Bay Crock- er and Picks. J. LeCIalr. Franceata Redding and Co. week of 29. BOLLIDAY STREET- THE- ATRE (W. F. Rife, mgr.) Harry Flelde la The Shoemaker week of 29: (^ilnatown Mystery week Sept. 8. VI(3T0RIA THEATRE (C. E. Lewis, mgr.) Varsity Quartette, Lea Valadan-s. Dan Mason, Barry Sullivan aisd Co. week of 29. WILSON TBBATRE (M. L. Schalbley. mgr.) Anstln Brothers. Snnetaro's Jape. Boyd and Veola week of 20. GAYETY THEATRE (W. L. Ballaof. mgr.) Tbe Midnight Maldeni tieek 20: The Big Banner Show week Sept. 5. MONUMENTAL THEATRE (Montatni«. Ja-<»>> mgr.) The Passing Psrade week 29; Miss New York, Jr.. week Sept. 5. " (nfXBEBLABD—MABLYAND TBEATRE (W. (Tradoc,- . mgr.) Anir. 29-31. La Tempipa Duo. Ulusloolsts; Pearl and Roth, singing; BUly Ar- nold. Ugbtninc earicatoriat. Sept. 3. The Black PatUrMuaieal^Ca. MERRYLAND PARK THE- ATRE (Geo. Deneen. mgr.> Week Aus. 29-Sen-. 3, Tlw Five Manx, dancing and sin^ng; Rlvb- ards and Qulnn. monologue; Mande Pryor. sine- top^ and .dancing; Cbaa. EeNolie. expert bjin- MA 88ACHU8ETT8 WOBQESXEB—POLI'S (Joe. C. (hiddle. mcr. > Poll's Stock Cok In Chsrley's Aunt Aug. 2» ami week. WB1TE CITY CASINO (F. J. Bali mgr.) Manhattan Opera C!o. 29 and week: gv">l business. FRANKLIN SQUARB (James R- Shean. mgr.) Checkers Ang. 29 and week: The. Lion and the Moose Sent. 5 and week: Brew- ster'* Millions 12 and week. MICHIGAN. BAT OXT—WASHINGTON THEATRE (W. J, Oannt. mgr.) Oitened Ang. 28. Tbe Vultnre: good bOBlneea: Sept. 4. Pinkey. tbe Plnkerton Olrl. ALVABADA (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) Open.« Sept. 4 with Morrts-Tbnrstoo Stock Co. BIJOU TBBATRB (J:.D. Pitmore, mgr.) Week of Auk. SS. Musical .Stippa. xylophone artists, good; Pelm and Whyte. high-class opers; Csl Stew- art, that comer grocery story teller, brought laoghter and applanse from every part ot the booae: Chas. Carlos and bis nnlqtte circus pleased:'and the BUoascope. WENONA BEACH PARK CASINO (J. Newcomb, mgr.) Gloaes next week: has enjoyed one ot the beat aeaaons far ■oma time. TU3R.—STONE'S THEATRE (Al a _Pa««. mgr.; G. A. Peterson, bns. mgr.) Tbe Swne's •* Stork Co.: bnslness good. OASBICK TBKATRB (W. N. Bmit, mwt.y^ymC'SgR Srpt.s 5 with the Pi-ople's Stock C«.^;^tlQU