Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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18 Ttie Billboard SEPTEMBER 1^ 1910. SAWDUST AND TINSEL News of the Circus Week and Bits of Gossip of Per- formers and Agents, People and Professionals Identified With Shows Under Canvas llVIURRi^Y & COMPANY (■NCOIU»ORATBOV I 70 foot ronnd top, with 30 foot middle, 10 foot wall, 6^ onnee drill all tbrough; aied two months. Price, $170.00^ _ . 33x60, bip roof ends, 0 foot wall, ounce drill; iiiinl one montli. Price, $89.00. 30xG0, TODBd and gable ends,- 10 foot \rall: used two months; 6^ ounce drill all tbransh. A bargain. Price, $70.00. 30x60, square ends. 9 foot wall; used one month; ounce drill. Price. 960.00. . iSxQO, gable ends, 6 foot wall; red and white; used three weeks. Price. feS.OO. e40-e4S Meridian Street. CHICAGO. SEND AT ONCE for Our Big U«t of SECOND-HAND TENTS. 101 RANCH CR EW E NTERTAiNED. Minneapolis, Uinn., An^. 27.—Miller Bros.' 101 Ranch Wild West advertlslne car namber one pnlled Into Minneapolis In charge of PanI W. Harrall. Angnst 17, and remained a week. Snnday morning, August 21, a committee of Minneapolis I. A. B. &'B. of A., with W. J. Erickson at the head, met the crew and took them to a chartered -car, where they departed Tor beaatifnl Lake Mbinetonka. Those present were: -Paid W. Harrall, car vanager: Paid -Iiamont,' boss - billposter; Mark Wisehart, assistant boss billposter; Xc P. Bar- rick, Joe Detwiler, .Willie Ingram, George Sln- detoo. Danny Jodge. "Bessy" Babeock. G. Blodgett. EnUe Scott. Crank Bese. bDIpostera; tS. H. PhiUpott and Loy Bnrton. lithographers; Two A's Mnrdock, programmer; WUlie Scbahan. aecretary; John Banley and ChazUe Smith, klnk- HAGENBECK-WALLACE NOTES. The show U no longer snfferlng from a lack nt property men. I,ast Smiday a week there was only three lacking from the fnll quota. This makes It much nicer fis the artlata who were forced to assist la the work In order that ae show might contlntie to move^ The show wHi have a sonthem aeason. of twelTO weeks, and will dose lata fn Norember. A child bom to Mr. and Mra; Dick Batber- ford recently IlTed bnt two horns. Mrs. Bnth- erforii (Almee Sntton) wHI rejoin the' show shortly. Frank Ferleman left the show Sunday and le- tnmed to his home at Shelbyrine, Ind. The Hnmans ^d not: leaTe the ahow as was printed a few 'week» ago. His. George ailland Jmrt'bar knee again re- cently, and tbla may lead to Tbe HoUanda glT- iBg np efrcns fOr the remainder of the season. Jno. R. Andrew spent last Stmday a week ago la Chicago, leaving Blehmoncl. bd^, and re- turning to Eaton, O. HenzT Stanta deceived so many folks at Bfch- mona, lad., recently that the local papers fave him a long wrlte-np for his downing. C> E. Coy returned to the show Angast ST. after a Tlslt to Mrs. Cory, who bad nbeen on the.'sick llst.:::''- 0.S Mack and Doc Miller spent Sunday, Aug. 28; la Cincinnati. \^ BOSTOC K WIL L iELL. with the extending of Frank C. Bostoek's enmums . Enropeaa apaftio■ls^;.tIlat showman bas dedded to sdl ont Oie Tatfons-acts now-at :. bis Dreamland, Coney T«i«iwi aremu- The name of iVank. C. is so well, known, as being consistent with only the best of trained wild animals that the pnblleatlan of- the sale win be Interesting to many of the other er- hlblton of similar exhibitions.- The stock to be sold comprises a large nnm- ber of lions, tigers, bears, wolves, etc.; and "Qneenle." tbe^ trained elephant. r . . The services of Captain Jade Bonavlta eaii also be arranged for. , COOK HOUSE '^ SCANDAL FROM JOHN ROBINSON'S 10 BIG SHOWS. The show spent Sunday and Monday at Clyffe- slde Park. Ashland, Ky., and It certainly Is the swellcst place on earth to put a show. Had the elephants, bears and caraboos In the lake Sunday afternoon. Someone had told aboot It before hand and about ten thousand people (one paper estimated It at abont twenty thoa- sand) from Ashland, Ironton. Himtlngton and Catlettsbnrg came ont to see the big fellows In the water. ... The press department entertained tbe news- paper men fium Ashland, Huntington,' Iroaton «5d_ Catlettsbnrg at a SIngalesee sapper ' at Clyffeside Park Sunday. IB. I,. Hamilton, manager of Clyffeside Park, certainly b some hustler; that's wtay the park gets the crowds. ' Jobe McDonald. Malnest Man. McDonald Bros.* Show, visited at Huntington. John McNnlty, Jr.. had his foot crushed under a -wagon wheel at Mt. Sterling. Ey. mother of UIss Vance of tbe team of Eeacb and Vance, was a visitor at HtmUngtaii. The father of tbe Singer Trio Is spending a few days with the bon. Joe Fisher Joined as assistant boss hostler. - - TOM NORTH DOES GREAT PRESS 'WORK.. Tom North certainly did pnt over some great press stnS In the Interest of Gentry Brothers* Circus during the time that show was making stands'"In and around-Chicago. The way he broke "Into print was simply scandaloos. JUiy one of the knights of tbe qnni who has tried . to ; place'.drcos plants with the newspapers of '..the <-Windy City can appreciate what It means -to'liaTe sndi people as Dick Little, of tbe Trl- i bone r < Molly Morris, of the Dally News, and r WnLJBeed Oonroy. of the Record-Herald, take a'material tntetcst . la .> proposltlan. ITarth Old ' an.<>t'1]iIS'jni£'tben.some. He bad special sto- > ncs.-ta priat^wttb- startling regularity, big lay- onts of pletnies at-fteqnent Intervals, and news qtdps gaWe. %»In other .words, be gilded his al- ready* glItterIog"Tepntatlon. as a publicity pnr- vejtir to-.the -'asctent that he Is now a star ex- pldtor vof r tbe:' flrst^.'m and some of bis more ardent admirers even ventnre the opin- ion tlut. bef i ts <a~ijdanet.- '>! Anyhow, as Bobby ' Gaylor nsed to say. He Is; tlie .'"Plant.It" kid, and wben-lt'eomea to danylng wltb the appUea- -tloa priatenf Ink be Is tbere. twenty^even -dliTereat ways. He. has a batting average in the "get there** league that Is one hundred per cent. On Saturday,. September 3, - North left the Gentry Brothers' outfit to join The Newly- weds and' Their Baby Company at Charleston, S. C. What Is a Gentry loss Is the Newly- weda' gain. There are bnt few. if any. of the theatrical gentlemen of the road who have the all-year working schedule that North Is famous for. During the winter be Is on the Job until tbe box-office barometer signalizes the advlaa- blllty of a rest for the show, then be stops Jnst long enongb to get a whIS of the sawdust and then.' Olf he .- hikes to .' Where the band plays on the lot and the weekly stioend Is doled out from a wagon window. Nortb Is tbe perennial traveler. ■ He la known from coast to' coast. His host, of acqtulntancea are In- namerable and correspond to the number of his friends. He Is Inherently a "live one," and by application a producer. North gets resnlts: the riffht kind at tlie right place.:.- He is a ten-time winner as a press ^agent, and as a "good fel- low" he la In a .daai: aIonek :~- RELIEVE AN ANXIOUS MOTHER. Mrs. U. McWiniams. 355 N. HUnols street. Decatur, ni., wonld. like to have Information regarding her son, -nrgll MeWilliams, supposed to be with a drcos.- He Is fourteen years of age. alwnt six .feet, five Inches high, has light blue eyes; very freckled; small black mark od the comer of bis right eye. ■ His mother wonld appreciate any Information. Address aa above. ACKNOWLEDGMENT FROM THE PO TTER S. T :. : Vaeavnie, Calif., Aug. 18, 1910. Olw BlUboaid Pub. Co.. ^ Cincianati. Ohio. ^ Dear Sirs:—Tour letter recdved, with enclosed dieck flir 125 from the .AI. F.''Wheeler's Shows, for which we thank yon very.: modi for for- mrdlng. Our friends-have been good to na in- deed, for which we appreciate, I caniassnre 700. Xes, most of tbe names on-flie list we are acquainted with. I am yerj ideased to tell- yon Mr.. Potter continues to improve, -alowly. With very best wishes, and again thanking ran, we are very slneerdy, MR. AMD MBS. HABRT POTTER . . : - -. . '■.i--:<':\;-'-.AND DAUGHTER. ■ ■ TacavBle,, Calif. GILLESPIE L EAVE S WHEELER. - Col. Adam Gillespie, who for the. past Ave years- has been assistant manager of the Al. F. Wheeler New Model Shows, left that organiza. tlon August 24 for a trip through the East. He will spend a few weeks with his family at Calais. Me. While it Is generally understood that the Colonel is taking his vacation fw the benefit of bis health. Dame Bumor bas It that a big deal Is back of the trip. : UNKNOWN EMPLOYE FOUND DEAD . Jacksonville, ni.. Sept. 1.—An unknown em- ploye of the SeUs-FIoto Shows was foand dead here Monday morning in the horse tent, where be bad gone to sleep for tbe night. A thorough investigation among the showmen and careful Inquiry by the Coroner failed to disclose the man's identity. Sunday night he was taken with an epileptic fit at the sopper table from which he was carried to bis sleeping quarters. He had only been with the show a few days, having Joined last Saturday at Alton. He was employed In the property department and as- sisted in patting up the equipment for the ring performers.' It Is said Ibat the dead man clafanrd to be an Old-trapeae . performer and an old showman and said that -iriille working In this capadty be had received an Injury la which several ribs were broken and other Injuries ~ bad been' sustained, which unfitted bim fOr work In this line. FIGHT OVER C ONFL ICTING'DATES BdeIgb.' I7. C, Sept. 3.^^.^e board oC eonnty commiasionecB met in special -session ; -Monday of this vreefc for the purpose of hearing the mat- ter relative to the revocation of tbe license is- sued to BInglIng Brae.' Circus for Thursday of fair week, Oct. 17-22. Tbe board left the mat- ter open until next Monday In hopes tbat some adjustment can be made. Secretary Pogne, of the fair, requested before the board early in August tliat license be re- fused to circuses daring fair week. It appears that while the board was looking Into tbe question tbe dnms people had slipped In and secnred the license. The advisory board also met last-Monday and had adopted a resolution asking that the board either get the dtcns to change Its date or revoke Its license. The fair Iieople datm that the presence of a drcos will conflict with the fair. - A special elfort .wHl lie made to get the drcns to change Its date. SILVER FAMILY SHOW CLOSES. The Silver Family Shows dosed tbelr tenting season at Alma, Mich.; Sept. 8 and polled Into headqnarters. Crystal,: Mich., on the 4tb. - This show bas l>een on tbe road for seventeen weeks without losing a.uterfosmance. Bert Silver's Family Band and Orchestra will open the Family Theatre at Greenville, Mlcb.. Oct. I. They liad a-mn of twenty-two weeks at this faonse last fall and winter to line business. Mr. snver. Intends to enlarge bis show-for nert sessoa: sad wIU play over the same-ronte covered this year.■.■.-.'.':".."■ . ;.-,"... -'■';- ' Perfect Condition and Health. WILLIAM BARTELS CO.. - - I60 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. iZ 'EllS BEPUHTlO.'i B»CH Of fVERt lESl GOSSV SHOW r-\ CANVAS l^^^^Jy BLACX TENTS CIRCUS FLAGS Waterproof Covers 6R0UP OF FOUR LEOPARDS AND ONE PANTHER Trained to work togeUur; also Uoaa, yooog Fantbera, Bintmong, Cassowaries, Monkeys and other and birds. 20 Polar Beats for Ang. and Sept. ddlvety. OrOen takes nmr. WESZ tc UAaSSSSBk, Bcpb B; TasOaf, Bncka'OSb, Pa. /' ';' ■■.■■■'■■" "'■"'. ■' IktaUMwa tttS. Thomson & ^Va^^ MAKIITAOTDSKBS OT CIRCVS TENTS y TESTS FOB RBiHT. 816 E«^ Pearl St. CINCINNATI, O. TENTS SHOW TBNTS. BUCK HSaaT-OO-BOUND OANDT TOPS, •TBB8 fee eatalogne. and evecytiiing la canvas. Send fflc BOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO. 109-11 Srath Main Street, St. Xada, Mo. THE gn rear show FAUTivas at IiOWEsx PRICES . T ell na what yoa need and wa will aend LOWEST eetl mate and lllostratad catalog. MMBimwv.v. AST CO., Omaha, Vsbr. SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blit* Island Av*., Chicwg*. Ills. SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAYDEN & CO.. lOMO Broadway, SBOOKL-TM, M. T. SNAKES and MONKEYS Balls, Battlers, QIIa Honaters, Armadillos, Show Banners, Small Anlmala, Monkeya, etc., of all kinds. AU Snakes fixed safe to handle. Cor- respondence solicited. X. r. WAT80H, 119 lOcldgu Ave.. Ssttolt, lOeh. i BBARSi SNAKBS. LBOMRDS MPNiWVft BABOONS. - ■ ■ ot every daaerlptlon. Oans,BaDlWTS,eta FUTHAlTg WILD -annul. 8TOBK, <w WasUnston St., BnOalo. H.T. PORTAOLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURPOSES THEBOLTE&WEYERCD. » E. Mlehlaan Straat, CHiCASe, . lUINOIS TEN T S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Now is the time we need the work and can give quick action and close price. QUALITY THE BEST THE GOUMBUS TENT ft AWMNG 60. COLUyBUS, OHIO WE SATZ roa lease- cabs, bo ft. hag. f<r shipping scenery, antomobiles, advance, banrage, ptlvuege, stock and mert7-g>Toonds. Deslrabls for sh ow a nd drcos eomnaaies. Beaacnabl* ratea. THE .ABICS PAXACB E0R8B OAR OO., Boom 614, US Xiebigaa Anoask CUeagOk TENTS steiaok soxiao, aotso. toM, toiso. tdaek, SO* camping teats and 2.000 ft. o< 10-ft. •Ids wan. D. X. BEBB lOS. OO., IMV W. Xadissa St (oU Vs. tSO), Ohloago. Uag Bto- taace Phone, Konios MM. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. Sealera la Wild lalmalat ICS erasaiwleb Street, V«w TsA atr> THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. i\%V\f:tl\ COLUMBUS, OHIO IMPROVED ACETYLENE For TentSt Qrcases. Parka, ate. mmm mummm f^i THB ALEXANDEB MUAUBN CO. 607 W. Lombard St.. BaltuMuai Md TENTS At Your Own Price We have five tenia complete with poles, nted to display bncaiea at county falra, wblcb wo Will Kelt at a bargain. Two SOzW, two 40x60, one 20x40. We have no use for these and re- qneat bids on the entire lot or aingle. W.H.MclntyreilatoCo. Ex. Ex. Circds Brash, $3.75 The New Straight- Bore. Bmah. .. —i POPin.AB WCra BUXPOBISBS ^-- ■• BUlpailtoa' Kowlle a eit a ll Ktnda. ^ v rnV K K O BBVail-OOii ■ Bestor Bnlldlag, • • OUetgo. SCENERY AND SHOW fiUNIINGS SISS Beoae Btrset, • . . OaslaaaU, Ohio. mm m m mm m^\M show printers RUPIIg Y BI.OCK,TVPE, ZINC CInelnnatl.Ohle Thaatrloal-Clroua Phetoaraptiof. CIRCUB A JUOQklNa APPARATUS. Olnhs, Batoos and MevdtlaK^ Stiwp <ar logae. XDWASD TAB VnoC Oladuail, a