Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. Ttie Bill board 19 The performen witb the (how hare left for their fall eofgeneatu. Capelmnd and Smith will furnish the attractions for the Cadillac, MIcli.. Fair, week ot Sept. 12. They wlU then leave tor Oil City. P>., to open on the QoM Sun time. The Ainslera hare Kooe to Ohleaso, Dell Ilieker to Ohio, Geo. Ballpy to'OtaleasD, and Stoney Penny to Wlnaaor, Ont.^ Oaa. CIRCUS BREVITiEa By CWAKT.ra A. WJUTK. BiirtlesvlUe, Okla., li not only a well-cnomed, thriving. uP'to-the-mlnnte city, bnt has folded ]n l£t{ population many men who have made hia- tory, with the slx-ihooto' and otberwlae. It was In tbiB city that I met John Uoote. better known to the weatem world aa "Unatans Jack"—and remembered by many, who are doInK penal servitude, as the gamest man who ever tralleil a law-breaker. Moore drst saw the llsht of day, April 14, 1882, on Mostans Draw.-near. San Saba, Texaa. Being the only, baby .wltbln'mllea of that sec- tion he was dabbed . VUttle- Hnatanc" by the catUemen and cowbogra;' -i,~'Hla -'father - was a white man while bisvmotber'i.' nceattr datsa back to the Oii^ Bacle-Boseis''' llne > of Cbero^ kees. During the spring of '87, Uoote's parents mored to the Indian Territory where the son was called John Orey Bagle by the Indians. While still In his teena be engssed In the hunt- ing of outlaws. Later be was dispatched to the Bio Grande country, where he flgnred prominent ly to the breaklns np of -■ereral bands of mat lers and Mexican ontlawB—oeny . of ■ whom am - either serTlnc smtance or aleepuig In forgotten srarea. In October. •OT, ; iMi^^^,i^ to escort the famoas old Apsciie dilef; Ooranlmo to Ool- IbuTllle, Okla., where 5,000 foII-bloodcd Indiana had congregated with Old Snrlmdc—the last chief of the Shawnecs—to edi^te tha "Dawn of Statehood." A moafh latar Maore'a Oerem- ment commission- exptred inad be retnraed to lire on bis aUotiiMat,<:«lglit;mUe8 from Bartlea- ▼Hie. Of late years he taaa'been aetlrs tat the ahow business, baring snffered the nna and downa ot the fuUdedged trooper. His last engagement was with the 101 Sancb Show, during which he was badly tanrt by a horse falling on him. In speaking of the mlahap Mr. Moore has nanght bnt the Madeat wcida for Messrs. Miller and AriIagton. :"Mot': only : did the management bestow erery attaBttaaraBd'eoarteay," «3d Mr. Mooie, "bnt when ■ K :wBa.'ahIe -to- travd they gare me two m«tb8!>vaalaij^nlliead fiaaspHK taUoo^^home andvaa oidercfte :«.-9M taOo^ To-day Mr. Moore la a wealthr: man, hla landa !l5? .P"^""* He haa Joat ereeted a S8.000 home In the lestdenee district of Bsrt- leavnie. Mr. Moore la now. organising a wild west show In which he Intenda to preaent orar 100 Indians from erery territorial tribe. ■ ■■■■ Heiryel OarterrlUe. Ho., aeeda Uw moMf. Aod, bear ye. agalnt Oaiterrllla U WeiT mnacle to get It. ; Of coosae. t^' of Joplln haa not ieaorted>to .the suae -ana gnn method, bnt her gofcmlng heada-and tin- star alentha bare come within a halr'a ^T""" * * * of doing so. fie *'**S:i;*'!'»^- CarterWne^ thirst must be qnendied In ^JopUn. Thia^Mt- nrally canaea an Inlinx of Garterrme dtern to S!!!f iii;?r»l'*'i" tins, thence loto loplln banks and ImproTemeota: eonwaaent- P'»?'«»fi. the bon on Carterrtne-raMtomy. gone la for blood-money. • ^Vbat she la making fair piagreaa may he at- ^ th^na-noto aail^^liS^gS^. latter for a ten-dollar wnUam. ™ The representatlrea for both abowa : were aispatching trnsty knigbta Oarterrmeward. And S52f- a knoartag opUe and smoped down upon the tinanapeetlnir. —i-" ♦.yjL?"'"' oirered aereral Ihies of tearful argument snd protestation, which prored y'riS-ilS?- ofrenderm were infermed that Ucalar.lnatance, QOrciT. • n^'SSSF5_«JS»*'l **• «K>ia-mi method pnetlced by the John Lews of thia defonct tH- Sr,, • ?S ^*^. **• ootrage aa keenly as I?,- onPoalMon doea. almply beeaoae they bad JP/J" 'f."l Palntlnga" while the Rlng- completed Ma billing ^SSf i?* .•»''*"»kered law-presenreta appearrd! ♦hu^ kTE"'"!*"*^ *» prirUege of MUlna it"' fcjck yart •dItlOB'of. TopUn Jg $IM per ajrt »• W bowmen ;»*c.baTe n date hooked at Jopiin and an .optle on Oatterrine. be—warel ♦ , ^•.M*^w"'*fifthe Colonial Stock S 'lB-ThlL "^a-ttme showman. S»"nfJ?*iJ22''***^J^»'^ *>>Ja Show; a^eiMd-r uJSLf^ a., then raiiSSrw. fl. uereianas UlasttOla; At pieaent Obariey'a Ml. „ ■ 'acome. After ' Uie. anmmer aeaaon. Be Is^to^S^rJ" Ji.'^ bOBSrtoM wort. «"e IS accompanied by Mrs. Banner. (nlS?S «»*»?)S1.5»''''l. <?!»•• tafotmatlon thaf thoSl.JSS'''''.? oPPnrttlon brigade •^ort5SI°?!2L'. J5"?I!'»* «''• coming of the iK5?\0««;«t Showa." Oharleya -Night- nmmvhS "W* ••.pretty good oppoal- lowing h!SSi»TH. 't»«S!!i tbTfoi- »sT.\t-2"5*' 9t Worth,,Morgan nowHn«. oaiier. Jack Haobert rnd Thormaa-WH nS'"o??Sl'»S{s **« fcM Mmmed the manago- ItaS <Sh»,i''l"''lE?*'?" team of the Klng- Utho«S^S!??l y«« e«w the wtllow.wendtng wnograpbera to hammer Btmoaphere. on tabor tQentb .are llrclT litSr^i^'L"-* ■ theatre, "rtla M^!j'*g*-«jjyitojX:popBlatio^ or 8,000 red. Prthvl »»^SS?TS^"« l^nw" Who are ipom. '»"'''i to irtiet the amnaament appetite «o ft>nr picture shows. Again I aay: Great Bend wants a theatre. And better atlU, she will aid the hostler who haa nerve enongh to bnlld one. ^ I hare been Informed, by reliable authority, that the Sells-Floto management hare eliminated the billing of country routes where the ex- hibition stand la orer 40,000 In population. They hare alao laaned inatmctlons that the cotmtty posting ont of the smaller exhibition standa shall not exceed 400 aheeta to a mate. The debating society, on Blngltng Btos.' Adr. Car No. 1, will meet nezt FHday erenlng to thresh ont: the ■ qnestlon of: wbether a-billboard la Indecent when composed at nndressed Inm- ber. A LETTER OF APPEAU Bio Janeiro, June U, 1910. < The Billboard PnbUahlng Company, 418 Elm St., Cincinnati, O.. U. S. A.: Oentlemen—I send yon this letter to ask yon If yon will kindly annoonce the death of my buMnd. OeorgeuCarlo^Vrthe laat/otuthe Three Bcotheta ^Oado. i^eeiebrated aerObata: it yoa will,; kindly pnt'the annonneement In a few other, pa-: Kra, ao hla family can bear of it. aa I hare It the direction ot their boose. I know it ia aomewhere in Brooklyn. I have often beard of The Billboard, and now apply to ace it they will help me, for I am In very rednced elrcnm- ataneea. I, Amdla Carlo, tight-rope artist, also rider and general performer, that was the only lady that drammed a dram solo on the tlrbt- rope, and did a dtteen-mlnntes* act withont a balaiiee pole, hare helped and aopported my hoabaDd aad a atrlcken aon, who was a Tory deter dob Joggler, bat flre yeaia ago got con* gaatten at the brain and la nnable to work, so I naTO. with : the Jitfp of' another aon. to anpport Urn Pl*;hiW ttao Plaiioi:.wlilA reir poorly paid: auo dieaa hnslneaa Iwre Is not' worth snythlng. so my aon gets very little alao, and aometlmea doea not recelre hla money. -. It Is very hard for me. - I hare a very hard atrugsle ef it, and X bare gone throogh so* many tronhlea and trlala that now my health ia falling. I hara no donbt that If yon will take the trouble to Inqnira in New Torfc a great many frlenda and eoUeagnaa that know of me will conflrm r latter. Hoping, dear air, that yon will kindly take iBtanat IB my appealing letter. I Inve also ■ooM' idattm la Ogaw: zoifc, 'If yon eonld Und " n, also In St. Clharlea, ~ lieane coonty. ni.. led Andrew Onlle. Be is no rdatlve. hot be mbdit help me for old aeqoalataiiee aake. Hy maiden name waa Amdla Bridges, of the idgea family in Bngland. I hare alao relx „.aa in Bngland and well off. I am also re- latad to John Henry Cooke, the Cooke family on my mother'a aide, oooslns ot bera. My mother'a name waa WoolfoKd, married In Hatty's drcna; aha waa a niece of Daenw. t explain theaa tew tbiaga to yon. dear air. to enllghtCB yoa aa .to :wlia. I asa^ Hoping yoa wni do aomethlng to bdpme. ttyi and-start a Uttle boaidiag hone or leDt' toomg."' I eooid do that, aa I have aeqoaintaiMea In the light and iwenroinpasfy- Hoping yoB wtn exenaa me, air. for troidillng yon. bnt I am nesrly ont ot my wits what to do. |T^*pWg yoa will klnlly-anawer -my.vletter. - ] remain, iiMllH i iltSSHUIlT'fffi'll 111 (proper name), IIBS.: AHBUA tAWBENCB. . ^ > !'.a,;i-v».-~..,^'^r-y».y.Kt- f p gepe i -aame).- . ot the Btotheta Carlo. P. 8 ^My address, one that win alwaya And le. Ia aplnelU'a. Clreo Spbidll. Bio Janeim. OONTBIBimONS BXCBIVED. B. 4k M. a J. Xa iworth. .turn .. LOO liHIFlOBilS Bands, Mifitary,' . Minstrel First Part* Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ban, Foot BaB, Basket Ball, etc., eto. ScillHUTAlM. 41 B* Sort and Mention 6HICAGO BRILLIANT • *. PRIMO UGHTS For Cueuses, all kinda of Tent and Outdoor Shows, GoneeaNon and Street Hen. Write for Oatalogiw. WINDHORST CO. 104-8 N.13tti St. 8T. LOUIS. HO. BERNARD WINTON JitldoiedwiiiraetiriHi Sn Bm.lhm. SEASON 1910. ReflBi^B to frUnda. VOB BAIB—Two nice, tame Coyotea, with col- lar and chain attached, tor 110.00 eadiralao three Cub Bear%.tame, .at^4S.00 each.- W. T. HODOSB, Ben Ounpbulawilla, 1^. WARNING TO SHOWMEN WE HEREBY SERVE NOTICE Iliat our 1010 List of Show Equipment ia an actual neeeaaity to your Ihuumm^ and joa need it mnr. IT'S FREE—SEND FOR IT. We paint beat baimetB on ahort notioeb with no delay. Get our quotationa. WeaiealaoagentaforBOLTB AWEYBatUCHEITa ' —— -r- UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. CDW. P. NEUMANN. Jr.. Proa. JOHN C. MoCAFFERY, Traaa. WALTER F. DRIVER. Vlea-Pr««. EDWARD R. LITZINaER. Soe'y* 22-28 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO, ILL. THREE HOTEL CARS Sleeping capaeitiea, 11, 23 and 25 aingle. ALSO EVERY SORT OF CARS FOR SHOW PURPOSES HICKS LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR WORKS, Fnher BoOdinr, dneago. LaigBBt makers of eveiy manner of tents in the West. Eveiything from a foldtiK tent and eo^ combined, that you can caiiy in your hand, up to "I^. €>i]r:ali»Bnis'^Aiqrthinglli^^ Our standing gnarantow is, "If you dantt uke it, fat any reaaon, back and get your moi^." That guar- antee applies to eveiytliing we make. It has never jet been called upon to make good.' But itfs there on the job if yoii ahould wish to take advantage <tf ft. : . line catalog for you. : We m Gmle-fiQudleMfg.Co K8isisCit]f,MissQiri. ANTLES FOR INVERTED AND UPRIGHT GASOLINE UGHTING SYSTEMS. Our new patented inverted Rag and Upright Cap Mantles are made to FIT ANY BURNER. They are specially , constructed to SlANb SHAKlNfi and VIBRATION. Give a briUiant WHITE LIGHT.^ And axe PORTABLE. —Write for mhplea and partieulani— THEIBLPCKUGHTCP. Mandadaren 0( bcaBdcMditGasoKDe and GasMandet»&unient^ yOUNQSTOWN, OHIO. WESTERN office: 12 Fifth Awnu*. CHICAGO. 8H0WSSC0NCESSI0NS WANTED Fee Banlabntc. III.. Fair. Sept; iS-U: Oafao. m.. «m the abeeta. Sept. 10-S4: Hninboldt. Teaa.. FUr. Sept. 26-Oct. 1; BoUy Sftrtnga, Mlaa:. ¥%lr, Oct. S^S; Weat Point, Miss., on tHe streets, anspleea BUca. Oct. 10-13; Colnmbaa. Mta.. Fair. Oct. 1T.32: Tasealoosa, Ala., Fair, Oct. AU tke abore aie teal eveata and wUI nm nlsiit and dar. AU are well adrettlsed (or miles atoosd. This la one ot the biggest dnolts In tbe conntir and ban aome good ones to follaw. Will not doae this winter. Collsenm and Plantation People wbo haTe written write again. Powell, Glaaa Stand.wrlte. Net diver wanted; we have rlxdns- Address J. K. ASDEBSX)N, as per route, OeKaUH 111.. September S-10. MOBB. XOm SDPKflt C»V IKniXBiO IB ZXSUUISXEI^ ASK FOR