Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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20 X li e B i 11 to o a r cl SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. FRONTIER CELEBRATION EVENTS By JIK GMSRZEL. ■: ClKTeiine, 'Wro., Sept. 1.—Events of the Fron- tier Oelebratloa held iiere Aneust 2t-27. FINALS. - One-balf mile cowboy race, won by Irwin Brotlierff. Time—55 seconds. Polo pony race, oae-baif mile, won by Llent. Wlnterbenu Time—59 seconds. Indian pony race, one-half mile, won by Carl Wbite ' FniBt. Time—1 minnte and 2 seconds. ; tddles' pony race, one-half mile, won by Miss faidine Erwin. Time—55 seconds. Ed. HcCarty and W. Fitzgerald, steer tiding, very eood. Baffalo Vernon, bnlldogslng steeia, extra good. Sam Antoria and Sam Scovllle, rldlns wUd borses, bareback, excellent. Squaw race, one-balf mile, won by Ella Lone Bear. Time 1 minute and 1" second. Cow pony race, one-halt mile, won by C. W. HetslK- lime—56 and tbree-Oftb seconds. . Stake race, one hundred yards, won by Robt. Xelke.: Time—S seconds. - Trick and. fancy ropers. Baffalo Vemon and W. M: Craver, of Baffalo Bni'B WQd West, and Hngb Clark and Floyd Erwin, of Cheyenne. . Fancy shooting by Capt^ Hanly, very good. .' BoplDK contest In team iwock, rope steer by bead, than beal,-tall town-and hog tie, won by Harshall McPhee and ' Dare - CSark.- ' Time—1 minnte and 30 seconds. : ; Wild tanae race, won by UcKInley, of Flatts- Tllle, Col. Amatenr backing horse riders, Johnnie Bick won from Wild Horse Creek, on "O Hell." - Bomie St. Clair, late of Bnffalo BiU's Wild West, did . some very good riding. 'His'^wlfe. Goldie St. Clair, gave dally exbiblttons on' Bed Wing, with a bneklng horse act. - Crack riders vbo took part In tbe contest were: -Stck Stanly, Wm. Wallace. Dave Holt. Harry PblUIps, McMartln. .;BoIlman. Gns. Holehet, • Cart. .. Aran. ; • Von EUIott.-. 'Johnnie Sehl nea, Frank tarter and, many •.other-inotables too wniiiMmia ie^ iwmntltyn -~ . . r T Bncy DeTIUa. late ofBaffalo Bill's Wild West, made a very good ride on. "Denver." Hnrdle race, one mile. XJent. Engle. : £rst; time, 2 mlnates and 18 seconds. Uent. Amoty, second: Lieut. Tigndale, third. .' - . " Potato race,, two teama. Winning''. teun, Dudley Stevenson, McCarty, '-DaTe" Holt-and' Chas. Tylton. ' . ? Mule: race, one-balf "mile. Chas. 'OveayfOati time.-1 minnte and 32'seconds. • ■ Ladies' COW pony race, one-lialf mile:' Hiss Joella Erwin. Urat, time. !!!> and. two-fUth. sec- OQds^ Miss Gladis Erwin, second, and Mrs. : Danks Erwin, tUrd. Hat race, Hngh Clark. Bist; Floyd Carter, •econd: Ed. .McCarty, third. Ladles' relay race, changing saddles on mounts three times, one and one-taalt miles. STzs.. Clay- ton Danks..Urat, In three imlnntes.a]>4^flfty-jli^ seconds;-~UfBB Bowen, second: .> Joella Erwla: third. :n Calf roping and branding two calves; Guy .'.Holtipon In fifty-nine seconds. The Unal-riding for championship.' Sam Sco^' . Tille, Cheyenne. Urat;. Chas. McKInley: Platta- Tllle. Colo., second; Jlmmle O'DonneD. third. ' Clayton Danks was thrown from Archbishop and Hngh Clark from Teddy Boosevelt. Chas. McKInley. of Flattsville. Colo., deserves Credit- for his riding of-Steamboat, Silver City •nd "Dead-Eye Dick. ' . . ■ - -. ';' Sam Scovllle won riding Aeroplane, but In one . of bis former, rides on Xeddy-Boosevelt.lie tIirev bis hat away: afteir the: tbbd'jomp.' HELP Wi'ii WILEY.' illnstrated there vhen the doors opened at two- thirty and the performance started at three P. M. Taking into consideration the tact that they were tbe fonrtb sbow In Snintb, the tnm-away that marked both performances was remarkable and speaks volumes for tbe exceptional'drawing powers of this Institution. The extraordinary business - that has greeted the Two Bills' Organization in their invasion of tbe Northwest. Is very gratifying to tbe management, the stands that were booked to break tbe long Jomps necessary on this North- ern route to the Coast, developed into: zemark- ably. profitable stands. Miles Olty^ Blsmark and Olckinsoo. tnm-away business - In- the-- aftetnoon. at. each of these' stands; and w<wdetf ally Ug.: houses at night, considering the'alze of-the towns, necessitating tbe replaclng of Beats taken ont after tbe after-; noon performance which were : thought not to be .needed. ■ At Billings. -Mont., the largest totn-away this show' has ever-; experienced at -an afternoon house, occurred. A special train of twelve Pull- man sleepers, every reservation filled, was run from Cody, Wyo.. the home of Col. Cody (Buf- falo Bill) this being tbe nearest point to Cody this show will play. The distance is over two hundred miles, and the fare : alone .was $16 for each person. Tbis speaks volumes for the love, esteem, and respect,' Codyites: bear toward: the distlngnlShed foonder of the: town: that ■ bears bis'name,> The cars were decorated wltb-ban- ners. .>Some'^ of the slogans V were aulte novel. Among them -ware:..--^'Boosters for.Cody. Wyo., and : Buffalo. BUI.": Another was: ^ "We raise big'crops every year.wlttaout any Ifs." A band of twenty pieces accompanied them, Grest Falls again demonstrated- the remark- able efficiency of the wwklng'; forces of tbis show. We gave a ntebt show^In Billings, Mont., the mn to Great Falls, Uont., Is a distance of 254 miles: we arrived at Great Falls at ten minutes past one o'clock, about a one-mile haul to tbe lot, and the performance started at three thirty-five. Capacity at both shows re- sulted and only--our'; late arrival prevented an Immense tnm-away: in the: attemooo. -nxe ':very . wonderful -jbuslness experiences by the Two s>.Bnis':L Combination j has set many to searching-fbr. the -wby, for and the cause. The fact that this is Cd. Cody's farewell tour'find« many ardent supporters, the combination of the: two shows also has Its adherents; bnt In the es- timations of the writer and his opinion Shared by many, the very excellent program presented this season, more than anything else, brings the crowds dally., and proof of tbe fact that news travels fast, is evidenced by listening to the comments of tbe people on the streets In the morning.:. The .pnbllc-'ere'-remarkably -weir In- formed regarding tbe merits of ' our perform- ances. -The retiring of Bufraln.vBIU forms a general snbject of conversation and;the. pnbllc are nnanl- mous in their regrets and all'wish that so pic- turesqne 'a character'as 'Bnlffilo''Bin, :conid re-; main beforeUbe;pnbllc f4>r all^tlmes. . CIRCUS GOSSIP. GIRAFFE BORN IN CINCINNATI. ..A giraffe was-born at' the.-Cinclnnntt'- (O.) Zoo. on .Wednesday n*ehf'. AngURt .Sl. ' ;Th0 n«*w a^val"was five:feet high when bom. and to the astonishment of tlie spertators'two-bants after birth-ihe giraffe was able to 'stand: on ■its^ long, Blender'^legs.-' _:.;■.. ' This J8.ithe thlrd:tlme that a airaffe was'bora at tbis'Zoo, and '::lt la not known that any giraffe' 'Was ever bom In captivity anywhere else lit Ameilca. .•IA.0O Bo mattaT' bow sawn th esB aOord tn ■Ivavdoa credit wilt^Da "ciTMi yao it ba s l uwe d In'caia of The BBIboaid, to help Basis Wiley to liquidate tbe dabts -Inearred 1^ the 4eatb of tiar husband. WBUam' Wllar, "who mm ma knorwn to tbs drens ftatatoltr as '; txm to give -wfaare assistance 'was naeded. and te was liked by all the tiDqpen tria whom bs : became acquainted. His- widow lias -worksd kud to pay her debto and gat ahead to bar ia ope ilj for her act. and Is really safferl the necessities of life, ss bar bnsbsnd's has rendered her destttnto, sod ' - empiojment brings bar bnt a mere pi fflke Is now aervug mm iaidtrees at Till North Dataware avenue, IndlanapoUa, ' Ind. Xnnp- sts Him are In lymnatliy wltk onfiirtmiate mem- bers of tl» protesmoa are ssked to ssslst this wortby woman, who Is anzloos to get oat ot Aebt snd get enoagli to VT. tot tbe u w ii a itj she needs while at wort on the loadT Mdl eoBtrlbntlons in can of The Blllboaid, payable to, Mrs. Susie WOey. Boabenr BiDtMn, pio- pitetDTs of Bonbaor Bnthsr's Shows, hsTS snr- gested the InatltDtlon of this - And, and they . gaarsBtee the eauas a 'wortbr one. COMTBIBOEIONS; . n* Bniboard Pob. On...,:........ ' Basel Arnold ........ii....;.v..v.....^^.. 1.00 AOr._O^Ho^ 1. Jte. BaMnsan BbawB>;i. 4.TB sSj., ^Dodd. .. 1.00 V. 8. ..............................a. ... 'aBO ^ !SS KihSl a a a a a . • . a .a a a * .,a aaa a*a •••••• , '.^9 . la.. Aa ™a » r 9 • m m*m**mmm »»m»*»m*»m9ma*mm 'I:- . j BO Wallaee ......••••:: JBO ^^^Wlrt*A^ aaaaaaa*«a»a**«a,«ft,«a,«a*, .^1.60 ; ffa_:.,^r nnSlnt . w« a a • a a a a a'*'aa*«'** a • • • • • 2,00 >.^Ea.^:a:.:It.: nUncwortlL ..::.aLa».^^ l.GO :i:C.iX: Tailiroagb ....^;......^aa..a..^...'. 1.00 TWO BI LLS' NOTES. ■;^-: -.-8ts.<FaDl and Dnlotb; -Minn., proved to be .,:ftbe.]xe8t consecutive days' business ever -^xs&Ieneed'-fii" tbIs fdiow: ? 'Tom-sways at- each •pezfotmanee.:;. Xbe^SeKting capacity this year Is grestec than »bac-i^erer'^'been carried before with this show. .xSBftJ^pery,: much critlclxed extra seats that wero " Infihi^T**" fry wafnr LUlIe this spring, have, re- '':TeatedIy-~'praved:tlieIr efficacy.'tor_wltIiant Xbem tB^ Inmiiinse^bnslness. at- nnmeroDS stands this ji^l£^Mi>U'nol;'.bave been talcen calre'of.*. '^£--^ntlisr--^ on0^'' ot the .'above; tiuree- .ilays, -.extra' "'■estlng^iC^paclty paid 'for the' entlre-lnstanation, .:tiaiiIiIeMn&'expense of csrrylng -them, and then : raonf^'^aMAanice more shows the ateillng.wortlL of "IbJor'LIIIIe^K-Jndgment and fOrethoaEht.-. ■ . 'vT :a<be':day'8 -bnslness at Dnlntb, Mlnn.,.'wa''s re- nurkable U more ways than onci- The long-run t^onfMtnneapolIs. nscessarOr^. made a late ar- ilTaI,> etc.. Ions to.^tte Illt^^tte«iltrt mgon arrlvlDg oK^tbe: sbow. groindtfJitltwelTe, no^t, the xapidiiy with wfaleh :tlila :is&aw movea waa - PAWNEE BILL AUTOS. Major 6. W. Llllle (Pawnee BI1I> "Napoleon of the tent shows." baa an ~ antomciblle. The major is enthusiastic over tbe new car and savn It beats bronco busting a mile. He has b«d many rides In other i>eop1es* cars but . now he has one of his own and 'will try it oat In a few days—(continued n<^3rt wwk). SELECT WINTERQUARTERS^ Bultalo;Bin's "Vnid West and Pawnee Bill's Far East -will winterqnsrter at Trenton. N 3., tbis season. The show opens In Boston next year for a ran. ADDITIONAL ROUTES. (Becelved too late for cIassIBcatl<Hi.) : ■ Baranm & Bailey Shows: San Francisco. Cel.. 8-12: San Jose 13: Stockton 14; Ftesno 16: TIsalla 16; Bakersfleld 17. Brownlee & Beed's Show: Bockland. Mich.. 7: Ontonagon 8; Mass 9; Baraga 10; MIchlgamme 12..'.. Buckskin Ben's Shows. Nn. 2, Ben Stalker, mgr. mgr.: Crawfordsville, Ind.. 5-10. Bncksktn Bens Shows. No. 2, Ben Stalker, mgr. Connersville, Ind., 6-10. Glark.^M. X... & Sons Show; Hazel Green, BTy., 10: Campton 12: Beattyville 13. Conlter ft Coulter Shows: Delia. Ta.. 7: tipA rick 8: Fremont 9: Bddyvllle 10: H.vmes 11-12 Blakesbnrg 13; Foster 14; Moravia 16: Center- vine 17. .' Cash. T. I.. Carnival Co.: Garretaon. 8. D.. S- -10: Arlington. Ulnn.. 12-13: FklrfBx IS-IT. Dixie United Shows: Lorain. 0., K-10. Eastern United Amusement Co.: Paris, Ho., 10; Palmyra 12-17. '-._ Forepangb-Siell8"Broa.' Sbowa: ^ Mnncle. Ind.. 'T: KOkomo 8; Cra'wfordsvllle 9; Bloomlnston. Ill I 10:: Snrlngfleld-12: Beardstown 13: Monmouth :: 14:/ Clinton. Is., IB; Belle Plains 16: Jeffer- son 17. Gollmar Bros.', Shows: Lincoln. Ksn., 8; Bns- sell 0: Ellis 10: Ellswnrtb.l2. Goodeil-Shows:-Cbapln; m..->6-10. Jones Bros.' Baffalo Bancb. Wild West, J. An- gnstns Jones, mgr.: Coalgate,. Okla.. 7: Dn rant 8; Denlson. Tex..- 0: .Gainesville 10 "Wleblte Vails 12: Qnanab 13: MemohU 14 Clarendon 15; Childress 16: ITemon 17. Laura Shows: Belleville, Kan.. K-IO. iMaryland Amusement Co.:-Concord. N. C, 6-10. Nelmn's, Billy, Show; Nisgara Falls,' N. T. :10; -:. • ■ ' ■.- " Boblnson's. Dannr SVimons Show: SallSbnry, Mo.. 7: Klrksville 8. ' Boblnson's. John. Ten Big Shows: Charlottesville, Va.. 7: Ivnclibnrg 8; Chatham 9; Danville 10: Greenxboro,'M. C, 12; Dnrbam IS;- Bar- llngton 14. S>T>ark«' Show: Alma. Kan.. 0: Peabody 10.... Warren Bros.' sbnw, EU. Wacren. mgr.: Bonora, -'O..: 7;-Adsmavllle-8; Adams Hllta 9; Cones- ▼die 10: Plalnfleld 12; Keweomerstown IS Port Washington 14. A promoting department seems to be a new adjunct to tbe John Robinson Shows. Being ap- plied on a limited scale this year it is under- stood that they will work it more extensively next season. Herbert Maddy, who by the way Is a hustler, is in charge of tbe promoting ot the show and is quite successful with it. lie completed arrangements at Atlanta for the show to play under the ausplcies of the Elks, and at Savannah under the Shriners and at Augusts, Ga., for the bi-neflt of the Firemen. U tbe show makes good and the performance Is satls- factoiy. It will go a step to help Msddy do even better work In that department In another sea-. n.' -.::: , ■ :-- ' .. ■ ■ Following Is tbe complete roster of Adv. Car No. 1; of the Gentry Bros.' Circus: Frank B. Harris; car manager; Wm. Porter, boss billpost- er; Jerry-Keller and Sim StouKh, special agents; Happy Holmes, in charge of lUhos; Howard Hen- dricks; banners;- Otis Ahlenmeyer, Wm. (Fat- tie) Goodwin; Harry Meyers, Harold Mahey, Wm. Batte.'; john Hagerty, Geo. Cable, las. Brown and- Wm. Hill, billposters; Edward Bailey; programmer; and Grant Keeney. chef. While in SUnnton, Vm., Aug. 28 and 20. the attachees 'of the John Boblnson's Ten Big Shows remembered Mrs.: Eva Cllarke of Cole Bros.' Clrous, who was shot and killed there several years ago, by placing flowers npon the grave at Thorntose cemetery. The circus band played several funeral airs. The woman's fsthet and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howard, and her two iters, attended tbe memorial services. Notwithstanding the ri*marks of knowing ones regarding the tour of Indiana by the Hagenbeck- Waiiace Shows, the facts are that the long stay In that State was highly profitable to the management. The privileges did suffer, scarce- ly paying their way; but- the big door receipts were of such proportions that had the privilege been closed there would stni have been a nice profit for the Hoosier Showman. The following members of the. Sells-Floto Shows attended a Mulligan at: Gravel Springs, III., Aug. 28; Chas.-Cnmer;-Jack Homer; W. Grazer. C. B. Black, Tpny Spring. -C. Mel- llngnot, Schaffer; M. Gooding, Tony Kalb. Jack McGee, Fred Ledgett. Miss DslIIe Julian. Spader Jotansou. Willie Lavedan, :Harry Curran. Frank Baven, Paul Wilson.'and Howard Melllngnot. Thp'llthographers on the Blngllng Car No. 1 defeated a local team at lola. Kan., in a ball game Aug. 28: by. a score .of 12 to 8. John I Dutch) Finger, manager of tbe boys on the No. 1 car. challenges any team gn the road., . . Three new acts'Jotaed J. B. Henry's Wagon Show last week, vbL —A.; Leroy,- contortionist and slack-wire artist;. George: Rontour and wife, donble balancing trapeze and Roman rings; Miss Bontour, contortionist. Ben Holmes'- Wild West closed with the Cos- mop<>litan Shows "No. 1. at .Belvidere...lll.,'Aug. 19, and Is now playing, fairs. ■ using a front consisting of twelve double-deck jbanners. The BIngllngs .have,opposition-with the Hag- enbeck-WaI1ace- Sho«s-ln- four, souihem^ cities, and the Kobinson Show Is In 'conflict with , tbe Indiana aggregation In two-<ltleB. Harry ^ CiBenson^!: tn>naione'i\player.witli--the. Sells-Floto Clrens, "who: has been confined to bis home in JackBODVilttJ?9n3?iT?JalBB»J!|»«!Bho«:r«t that place. . J;.C Mnrphy j famain. Imp erKgiator. Joln-d. Al. F. Wheeler's side show on ^Aug. 29. Murphy' was formerly with Jones Bros.' Buffalo Bauch. . P. Carl, iof- the. Howe's-" Great London ivs, Johied AI. F.'^-Wheder's Show Aug. 17. He Is dolng a-strong act; Jn the concert. Hiss Jasie AShton, princlpsl rider with Al- F. "Wheeler's Show, has bad a number of pro- fessional friends call on her lately. " Three borses belonging to Keller Bros.' Wagon' Show, were killed by lightning In thej vicinity ot Necdmore, W. "Va., Ang. -28.. I The Two Bills' Show refused to pay. the cltr llcense at Madison; Wis., consequently they did not give a street parade. Bobt. B. Kane, who Tiad the up-towu wagon with the Sells-Floto Clrcna, left that organisa- tion to play fair dates. Lulu, tatooed lady, has left the Mighty Haag Show on account of sickness. She has gone to her home. a. O. Walton joined Prof. Wm. Mitchell's Band vrith J. E. . Henry's Wagon Show last week. Francis J. Weltborn has chsrge of tbe forage with Jolm Boblnson's Circus. Clande Orton la now tbe boss hostler with the John Boblnson's Circus. $ 5 to $25 Per Day This Pletore Camera at a busy eonurr « pic- nic, or wbererer the psopla are, wUl net yon easily tbe amonst above. Tea can make pictnias aa faat aa people.wU Uae op. Maks any aba from S^xSH to small button liie. $20.00 s:^ii$%s^^. ZzipBdrW'W szSi. ' 5c. ONE MINUTE Victorias wfll flalsb 10 or XOBX SEOTOB la • JIUUTU ST. lOUIB-HYAn PHOTO tOmT DO, Ml "WaaUagtoB At*., ft, Isila, VSc ItABGBST WBSTB8N PHOTO BUPPIiT HOUSE WANTED—For Medlbine Show, -black-face come dian to jpnt on acts and do comedy;- those'douu- ling band preferred. State all In first letter; Don't mlsreptseent;. that is cause for this ad, Ticket? Tes. Address J. 0. BXABLKZ. Baa' bom, man.. Bos 61. Wanted-Trap Drumme Coraiit, B..A O., Baritone and Trombone, doub- ling stage; other mpslelans write ; glre petmaa- E. XMTKl," BoWBi- cat -addttw; — weak Sspt. *-tl aftar ^Osipns Chrlstl pstaaasat Fair Workers' andStreetmen's NEWGQODSJUSTOUr WBITE FOB OnB HEW »M ILLVB- XBATEO OATALOaUE. Mailed free to your address. Send tor Tbe biggest value ever offered for the money. Extra heavy, full size 714 inches. Per doi., »1.45; per gross, tlO.SO. We are headquarters for Watches, Jewelry, Fountain Pens and Novelties. ALTBACH & ROSENSON Wholasals Jawalars The Home of Novelties 170-171 g. Madison St., Chloage,_IU._ MAX STEVENS Oentlemaa Clown His oomineatB which accompany hia turn are exenieiatingly PUNNY ^r. Add.. Billboard PRMCESSDECARMEN IN HER DANCE BEWilDEBMENT LEADING FEATURE ,Siasii191l STODDARD & WALLACE Clowns and preduears with Sun Brea.* Shews. Saaaen 1910. itogiirds to friands. lllTtO-SPIELED mm EXPISITiOl.cffe Thi Biiikoiri, WAMTED PLANTATION PEOPLE Also good Colored Piano Player. Long season-South. .We carry special private car for plantation show. Eau Claire, 'Wis., week Sept. 5th; . Preston, .Winn., week Sept. 12th. GREAT COSMOPOLITAN SHOW. WANTED QUICK BILLPOSTERS, LITH06RAPHERS, BANNERMEN All winter work. ' Join on wirs. ED. A. MITCH- KLX,, General Agent: Bobby IXinnUla Shows, Wllmot, Ark. ^ _■ Exchange Airship for Good Tent 30x00 black top or 12-os. duck, poles, ropes, complete. . Cash or exctasnge good Curtlss or Farraan Aeroplaiie with good shipping crates. Beady for exhibit or cash. All first letter. Add. 'D," care BlUboard, 1440 Broadway, Kew York. WANTED FOR Jones Bros. Buffalo Ranch Wlid West Midway Dancer at once.- J, W. BBATTIK, Mgr.- Annexe Senlaon, Tex., Sept. O; Oalnesville, To.. Sept. 10: Widiita EWIs, Tex.. Sept. 12; CaUd- ress, Tfex., Sfept. 16. ■ FOB BAIfi^BzdasiTA Novelty PrlvUege.' «k- duslye Qamlog Privilege, exclusive Show -Prlv- liege, one or all, ot Bowan County ITalr. Eialla- .bury, N. C, Oct 18-21. 1910.- aABIAMD DAM- lEL, Manager, ;GreensborOi V^^'O:' ^i^' :j WAKTED aVIOK—Mnslclsns and BUIpostets for clrcna.-. Arthur Oument, B. P. Hobaon; vSSQB Givens, write - or wire as per 'loutev 'Jf**'*' FOBD, Bandmaster- ronzp«w.aiaBiioa^ Sbovs, OampbeU, Ho..' Sept. .6: Oidsoa. 7i Sanaa •! Korrtoasa »t HWeostb Mt :Btsaletll. I : - WJJfZED—ror CamlTal.' Wast Salam; O.. JBept. 21-34. MetD.«a.raaad.: and.ittarae ;,fOO& ,4Mnd Shows,. Clr%. Ware; tod B«iliUM,i3!asftiprlT- llcgvs^ write.' quick. :< K... S. :^U^M»Xa man .Cwnmittaa. ■ : . ..i,... WAHTED- ATTBAOnOHB—Coaeeaalpn^ men, etc., -Becond Annual Home Gemtng -Week^Oele- bratioD. -Ossn City. Kan., Oct. 17-22. Address s£aiiBiAa.x. people. 'mureXD—Performers for Novelty Circoa, with tbs.I, 8. Brund«ge,.C»rnltal Co... lSw<r lowest lon>jiaMon.<npiw«'^gbton.. .wHtV) Add. CfSlSB BIAiSoT.HMuyetta. OKUu.-aapt. B-10: Wsloetks, Okla;, 12.1T.