Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 1910. ^ 'The Billboard 21 ROLLER SKATINQ V POPULAR IN „,.. F RANC E, .r.vsr. in responie to pbpular'fffrencli demand Beveral roIler-skatlUB rlnta have been opened to the cities of Lille . and Toureolng,. France. They have proved aucceaaful from a Onanclal atand- point, and a»- a reanlt a company baa been formal In Lille to erect a large rink on the Bne Natloiialo to cost 200,000 francs (138,600). A rink la also to be constracted In Boubalx by private enteriirlse, and will cost about half ibat sum. Boiler, akatei of . American munfac* fnre are being used to all the rink s. SKATINQ RINK NOTES. RIvervlew! Bink, Mllwankee. was opened for the season September 3. Jos. W. MnDCb is again' at the. helm. . . . . The Collaeom Skettogi Blok, Lead. 8. *D.. win be opened Sept. 10. ■Skating acta will be booked. ,^ CINCI NNAT I, O. Keith-Columbia' Opens Season With Big Bill. Other Theatres Open. with the current week's openings,. the 1910-11 theatrical season, so far aa Cincinnati U con- cerned, is really commenced." The walnnt. am- Hany K. Shockley, last season in charge of the Walnut Street Theatre, has been promoted to the position of general manager of Geo. B. Cox's theatrical Interests. The Ohio Talley lixposltlon, which opened Aueuat 20, la being attended by large crowds. Labor Day waa an exceptionally big day at the Expo. 1). J. Tasker, head of the Lyman Q. Howe farces. Is with ns for a short stay. He is wearing the smile that won't come off, aa the Howe pictures are crowding the Lyric at every performance. Mr. Tssker Is one of the most popmar managers traveling, and deserving of the success that la coming to him. WANTED FOB CASH—Moving Picture Machinea. Films, Tents, Chairs, etc. Moving pictures sup- plies of all kinds bought and sold. VTU. £. TAMXE, 6 B, ISth St.. St. Louis. Ha. ATLAN TA B RIEFS. Theatrical Season is Opened. Exposi- <xtion-for Atlanta is Planned. ..: ;Tlievregular theatrical season opened to Atlan- ta last week. The Shnberts' Grand opened Wednesday. August 31. with Sidney Weis pre- senting Sidney Drew to BlUy. For years paat Tint Murphy bas had the honor ot opentog the Grand. ■ : The Lyric opened Monday,: Labor, Day, with Wildfire as the attraction. ; - : The Forsyth opened Monday; Angnst SS, with seven good sets. . Miss Emma Bunting left the torrle last week. She and her' company go to Jaeksonvllle, Fla., for the wtoter. ABE LEVINE AND MAX BRADY, 1 kATES fJ^T^S ^EW YOfl^ ^^^^ AT LIBERTY TWO MUSICIANS A>1i Flute and Pleeoie. and A-1 Trap Drummap, play Balla. A. F. of M. GEORGE SEIBERT, JB., 514 S. UainSt/Daiwille^IU. ! - —AT LIBERTY- FOB ANYTHING GiOOD 1 BIALE, 2 FEMALES CHANGE FOR WEEK Vaudeville manaeere write. THE DALY TRIO, Crystal Theatre, Logansport, Ind. AT LIBERTY (Dock) Geo. BroAson STAGE CARPENTER For house or road. P. O. Box 26, Dubuque, Iowa. . J O. II nnt Stns^ Unt Terk. Ilfr. cSitfcr.nue Orgos. •tngle aeUss sad with llsa- didlii attsekawat. far Skat- Inc Blnka ao-nrands, 11. pTShow*. ste. New mpsic te ofdv^. fltoaelnUy la ■aptoBoe with 1 sedee sd prtc Partner Wanted Want ToDDg Lady, not mer medlom Iieisht, with as partner to on* at the best sooa. ey-getten In the eamlrat bnstoesa: have swsU* est ootflt of Its kind aima the mad. Do not he afraid to mswer. for ibis la no fake. Addnsa PASTBXB, ears The BOlbeud. St. Lonls Of- fice. OPEN FOR DATES LIONHART WORLD'S MOST RECKLESS SENSA- TIONAL WIRE ACT Addreea "BlUbaard," St. Louis, Mo. WANTED-TO RENT 500 to 1,000 Pairs of ROLLER SKATES Must be in good condition. State lowest price per moath per 100 pain. Addzeas •.WATERMAN, CmmII UiffS, Itwa. BUY—ROUER SKATES—SELL AS makes: siso rink floor peirtsr. AMBRIOAM RINK SOPFLT CO.. BandBSky. A8TR0L0OI0AL AHS FRBZKOLOOIQUC VOHF OASDS.—My own compoaltion. Ttiesa post cards give the scientific reading of character and life. Great sellers at fairs and carnivals. I>rlce, S2 per 1.000. Send 10c for sample doien . Takes to the twelve. months. PXOF, LEWIS, lata Foplsr Bt., Philadelphia. Fa. Henley Roller Skates ^teat Modd,_Bsn-Beartog Blnk Skates. Dsed la nsjwltr of sO Blaks. ?.'£'^.^''Ii'.*i!^ BtMl. BsU-Besrlng Clnb Skates, wltOlbre. Steel Combt- nation Alnmtonm or Boxwood BoUera. who are now completing a journey on skates from New York to 'Frisco. pttss, American, People's. Standard and Audi- torium have been opened the paat week, and the latest to enter nnon the (all term are the Grand, Keith's Olumbla and Heack's Opera House. ^ The season at the Grand waa opened with The Gin to the Taxi, while the Keith's Colnm- bla had a sterUng TsadevIUe blU arranged- for lis first week jsatrooa. The bUl Includes Batry- more-Itankln a>.. Great Auroras. Hedges Bias., and Jacobspn, Walsh, I^yncU and Co., Raymond and Caverly,_. Byers and Herman, Ketootte Twina^and Clay Smith, MUdred Graver and -Bidiards, snd pictures^ : Heuck's had At tbe Old Otbss Boada as the season's first attraction. _ Walter Messenger,, agent for Tbe Qtrl la tbe was a BUlboard caller Ust;: week. T»^''«'"^ ▼Isltor the past week wss ■JOS. N. Bdfflonston. :who U In charge of tbe advance work for The.. Thief. At a meeting held in Cioelnnstl laxt Tbnpa- ■ fh^'fJi'* ^o™*"**" In the tranafer of yMumbIa and other theatres to B. P. Keith 152. £• completed., The deal In- SilS* the tranafer of the Columbia Theatre. .rS ''Sf]''.J"".P"'"> Opera House, ladianap- ?! ?• •'JS.'J" AnifctsOB Theatie, Lools- rnm;..2""," ^ AndersoB-Megler Thaatte rSJi^.V-.'*- Er Keith, pt»sident;v«fes5(B B.i »~.'. P. R. Williams, secretary- .^Si'Si"'*^*"*"' Wblte. of Cleveland, O., and H. R. Donovan, of Boston, ditectora. This fall Atlanta is planning to have a Land Ownera' Exposition In -the mammoth Andlto- rlum. Work on the plans baa already begun, and definite arrangements for bidding, the-affair win be announced ahortly nnder the: ansplces of the Atlaou Beal .Estste Uen's Association. The 8hubert8, havtog leased the oM reltabte Grand, and Klaw A Erianger having seemed the Orpheam nnta their own theatre Is resdy. There wUl be s merry war on in Atlanta. K. D. Bldrldge Is the newly-appototed man- ager of tbe Shobert Grand. Tbe Orphenm. controlled by Klaw ft Erianger, opena its theatrical season next week with Pol- ly of the Circus. ' UOTlng pictate shows atlU'draw well. Th« local papers are urging tbe city cooncU to ap- potot a censor to pass on all films to order to eliminate any plcturea which are anggestive or are in any war immoral. Balloon Ascensions The St;. Clatr Olrla have weeks of Sept. U to 17. and sept. 18 to 24 open. t l tJi u i p puwTTql AKD XavAaXBBl Ben Is your chance to book tbe glils to their rest double leap. Write or wire B. B; ST. ILAIR, Mgr. St. Clair Girls, ThompsonvIUe, Uleh. Bank reference. Henley Racing Skates by speed skaten •ratrwhers, and ere also dsslrsUe . for individual use. where tbe finest and auat complete abate In the market Is dMtad. POLO GOODS and 0UTFII8 Send for Skate Catalogue, VBBB. Offlclsl P<do anldsk 10c. If Ills Ml CV siCHKOin) Ma La IlEinLEIf IinUAIM. Professional Roller Skaters' ASSOCIATiON — Organised to give greater prominence to bona-fide Profeaalonal Skaten. have a anlahad act to. otter Managers aeeklna BzblbltloB Skaters—and to proaiote - rOUas skaUng la ganeral. . Address BOrX BABXX BEZHOXaW, 1440 Broadwajr. V. T.: OOfi ears The BOnosiiC. All the Stars of the Skating World :/.Ma8 itKinmtw of thb OBaomnwfc H. A. SIMMONS Oreateat Uving exponent of the art of Patlnage—Sivedw Artistte TMek and Figure Skatln#—Aatonlabfiig Stilt Skating—^Marvelooa Skattag oa tor w ago n s . The only real rAMOf SKAnNOBCRLBSQCB performer. Maaageis wBt'^dlr write early fOr booking. Addresa, 73 Broad Street, N. Y. City. CHICAGO SKATES ARE RELIABLE Our new Model "I" Skate, equipped with red^bre «he^!^ji}.'{ the best rink skate that has ever been manufactured. Its strength will withstand the combined weight of two men standing in the center of it. Write for catalog. Tells now to operate rinks. We cany, a full line of rink supplies! We are the laijgesfc manufacturers of rink and side- walk skates in the West. We furnish repairs for other makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY. . - - : . - .> 1t23 Washington Blvd., CHICAGO. ILL.: