Billboard advertising (Sept 1910)

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22 Ttie O 111 board SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. eiRCUS GOSSIP In This Department Performers^ Agents, Managers, Owners, and White Top Employes in all Capac- ities are Mentioned in a Brief Way. Boster of Gollmar Bros.' Advance Car No. 1: Wm. OeUr, manager; Jack Carr, bosa billposter, assisted by tbe foUowlsg: Wm. Alias, (Abe) Martin . B07 Morris, Fnnk Farrell, Jobn Becb, Fred Bller, lYask Flarety, Boy EViwIer, Z. Mahood, Fired KetUer; OIlTer Dodge, paste mak- er and porter; H. Johnston, .pngrammer; H<v Lee. Utfaographer. • Mr. and Mis. Cbas. Baniett are added attrac- tions witli Son Bros.^ Cltcii8.^^fl^ Joined tbe «how at St. 7obns,?MIelK, Ansnst 22. In addition to tbelr regnlar big top act, Hr. Bsmett Is doing an mnunaUy new and op-to^ate ^ale hurdle ridlns act-' r. The Hyde & ^ie!unan Amnsei;. C6., of (Brook- lyn. N. Y., is booking manr of the large acro- batic and featnie acts from the larger; clrensea for their chain of bntlesqoe theatres, irlilcli ; In- cludes Brooklyn. Fittsborg and Chicago. Tbe Thelma, the. famoos privilege car^-form- erly with the Norxlsr& Bowe'Show; : liasbeen added to the train <rf .the BnSala .Bancb:;:;^ Jt Is one of tbe finest , cars'.on the 'road and luss beeu repainted and Tdettered. Tames CDonnell, wbo .bas been with the Bar- num and Binglln,? RhowR. hnu tion<^ Into the hotel bu^intius at Minneapolis, Mliin., 401 Waab- inston avenae, 8. ' He will be pleased td meet any of his idd show trlenda. The Great Wagner Show No. 2 was sold to J. .B. . AndetBon. ^neral manager of the Cos- mopolitan Shows. The No. 1 Wagner Show Is doing a good business and wlll :stay i on tbe road as long as weather permits. Xacky BUI pnrcbased from Wm. Hall, tbe. trained elephant. Hero, which formerly belonged to tbe Norris and Rowe Circus. Jos. Grabam is the trainer of tbe animal. Sun Bros.' Shows played St. Johns, Hlch.. re- cently,: to a large patronage, matinee and night. The sbow received free lot, license and water from the business men. George Tanderborg, who Is clowning the show of the Buffalo Bancb, is winning some bearty. laughs with his work. He has originated some new mIrtb-prov<*ers. t The Barlow Show will dose - their season In October and arrange for a two years* Sontb- westem trip. Many of the performers bave been re-engaged. James Seattle, with J<mes Bn».' ^BnSalo Banch Wild West, spent several days. with bis- family In Pt. Wayne, Ind., last week. Jack T. Warren, who for a time was pub- licity agent of tbe Buffalo Banch Wild West, bas returned to Cincinnati. Merrltt Belew bas left Howe's Great London Show In order to Join Jones Bros.' Buffalo Bancb Wild West. M. Goldstein Is placing a nomber of diamonds among tbe Buffalo Ranch folk attesting to his skill as a salesman. . Howard Family and Flo LaQnlnlln bave left the Warren Bros.* Shows and Joined the Jobn Boblnson's Circus. Art DeComa and wife are rehearsing an eight people aerial act with-the John Boblnson's Ten Big Sbam..^ 0. A. Berger Is capturing some line notleea for'the Buffalo Banch WUd West aloog Ita patbway. Jack WUlIama Joined the Jobn Boblnson's Tea' Big Shews as a s sis tan t boss eanvasmaa. S'am Stewart Joined the John Boblnson's Ten Big Shows at HarrlsoDbnrg, Va. WlUIe Clark, foot Juggler, Is In bis toartb season with Sun Bros.*»Bbi»w«.)jj;; : THE NOTED WIRE WALKERS FAMOUS VANI'S THE ORISINAL NEVAROS An act exeeated with Ugbtninc sapidity. Address ins Llnooin Avanne, MILWAUKEE, wis. ROBINSON 10 BIG SHOWS FEATURES SEASON 1910 TOURS Burk's wad West AND Cake Walking Horses Direction GEO. M. BURK The Great Hindoo Wonder Worker Featuring ibe Qnat SS^^ Basket Mysteiy. Fonneity withLeonHennan.