The billboard (Sept 1910)

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24 Tlie Gillboard SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. REPRE SENTS RACE One of the Greatest Automobile Speed Contests of History Reproduced in Motion Pictures that will Gratify the Public Desirerfbr Excitement yJWbat wag done at ;EIgta/ llLi on iingiiit 20- IsjnoMT a matter of automobUfe CUstfflry; The wonderfal racing wbich there taakT-DULceTji In- deUbly rerorded In the nniialH ol niatoiloi:-'It was a wo:i<lerfuI meet from every polnt'of view:' rarorea perfect weatber condltlOD»--and-Ren'-' eronsyattendance, the racers exhibited to every replete wltb intetestinff cams aod,'8potg = where' tbe /golDg was sensational. Uanr motor entba-^ USjS..A'*?"S?'' tBo"- disappointedly read of the stltrlW''ereht'^tliey: bad mlaiu-d. However, nolenc*' basi ^Veat-tbSl a., apleoilid opportunity tbrongh tbe): medliua^:of- OOTiDK plcturrs to view the races is ther-jet-- Dally oecnrred In a manner that diffilalsbes aot one wblt the Intorc^tt and excitement. E. K^ Sea- Tolt is tbe man to whom they are Indebted'^for the treat, for it was be who -realised -oi the Importance of this chance of reeotdlns on illln She races, for the beneUt of the entire antomo- ril*i,''""''l- Mr. Seavolt secuted tbe exclnsive prlTilege from tbe: olBeials who: gmmed tbe ineet, and then In his nsnal thorongb manner INTERESTS GOMBINE Van Ronkel Sells to General Film Company VQius Making The American Film Service and- I The General Film Company One. laid out his campaign and arcompllslieil Ills pur- poise. He stationed three 'camera mcu at van-: tsserpoiots aroand the cotuae. and then iicr-' sonallr_dIrected tbeir operations. To those who kno^ Searolt It^is nnnecesary to add that be i - ^ade -good" to the Mllpst extent of the;' phrase. On Monday <rvoninK. August 29, be ex- t biblted the' SnI.shrd picture before tbe antoists who bad gatberetl at the CbicaKo Athletic Club to celebrate and banquet. Thrse experts balled them with vociferous' applause and decldol ap- preciation.For the time It took tp run olT the rPietnres they- lived over the race and partlcl- patedv again ;-ln Its frenzied excitement. The American Jfotor'Racing Flctnre Company Is the name ot ;t:ie organization which Mr. Seavolt has designated as tbe distrlbntas- of the picture to tbe;. exhibitor, who desires a fine featnre film, and this picture is all of that. Mr. Freeman 0»-en». one of the camera men employed by Mr. Seavolt. did sonu' fine work, which is worthy OI special mention. Mr. Owens is a young msn ^ who ^ Is^rapidly oomlntr to • the front in tbIs/llneiOf photographic endeavor. In fact, be has already arrived.- ' ' , THE NEW HOME OF "IMP" FILMS. v^Ifew York. Sept. 5. (Special' to Tbe*Bin- noard).—one of the wonders'of tbe world, as Mr as motion pictures aie concerned, ts the feat rec!ntly. accomplbibed by'Manager Tom Opchrane. of the Independent Motion .i Plctnres Company, who ittstaUed a completely' eqnipped plant and factory at 102 West • IMst s&et, in ae record time of forty-elgfat boors^ despite: the 5S"?iS,"''i'"x y?^"' from Ws former qnapters ^Jv."*^ However, the ma™ who know Tom Cochrane wecB' prepared for a snrprlse of tbiit sort.. It, is characteristic of tblK man tbat. once his plans are'formiflatM. _Iio tlinc. Is lost In tbeir execution. He'Is^what ^1^.. 'f rmeu • a rapid, . conservative "-tbYnker; - S!S"Jk'2fef^^'«P ^*^'-*« >loIatl* tS SUS: "T'^*!^ "^^^^ • moment nntll an^ «her worthy feat has-*een added to Us recOM of past performances. The -I31P-factorr as Ic a»w stands, is «-marvrt of-^pi eto i S: ^ 'ot AOne detail In Jts constnictlan has beeiTVaidecteA: ^-P"^'" wlthTe^SxniSr uty ^oC jthe ibnslneas, Everytbing pertalnlnic to ^^S'^^K"" ""tog JlStm^I^rin^ -sthe right plMe—the. best place.^. The faclfiues Me nnexcelfedr 'Everything in the farti* IS V Ufere by _Tn«»on «t Its utility: Nit roe uSeleaa feature la harborird. There Is a weal^^ toor space (approximately 10,000 iqnare feeti ; ;;«ht not one bit of It b» wasted. ItlST^ &ct JafJh 'L"'"" v.? to the standard of require^ Sifi»'.i''5''"' 'l"""?? " to tbe eyes of the moH S25f^» SJTi? o'.JJe^lrastoess .wbo arc con- iSj^kiJ"*^ ^Jf '1?** aammds..' ;Wltb a. idace »K.f ^^fi'fP'i^' Cochrane Yeela S,»t, the sky Is: the" limit as regards -the 'ix«s" bllltin of the. output. Alwaro^ of roSie Jfrauty Is tbe watcSword. With the Smmi *S?n"^,J'"! ""' «» ton»d out every week' «5S JSr ^ " " snd-iemergency prepara- 2SJJ?'iKK""J ««»e.csre of lOOSoo mSre feet the work to the sliRht- -2£.SIf"Vi.t Kreatest—in fact, the MUOB which U responsible for its. belwc Kre- eminently at the bead is Carl Eremmfe Witt his wonderful record of thlngf^ w?n dS? Laemmle Is the veteran of the movlii pteto 5S£'''S-i ''•» ^""e ""'"■y things^hlS'S re«mled In the annals of this fleld .ot.lsSiS' rfal. endeavor. One of the T>esf" tUIl«S'^e"Sd t£.2IJ5. ctolce. It was one of tbe b»t «TwS*2,w..°y*- ^emmle ever made. Cocbml SiS!I*^i.'"SL I*f™™le to organisaUon. ^aTre- SSf the Ijiportancj^^t^ this essential. to suT ESS: I'c ^accordingly, snrronnded himself Si^ «^ own-j»llbor.' He has so~^i. tematlZPa PV,.nr mnMmAn* A« i.t_ n ...T^- "*- tnre an elBcient projector In competent hands Is essential.., .Hence the jcieat success Mr. Coles met with the Power's Cam^ramaph on Ills trip, -wbleb; extended tbroogh practlcaUy every State in the union, enabling Um to see. In his own' words, "something of bis own country." In' such able hands as those of Mr. Coles the Pow-^ er's Cameragrapb Is bound to acqoire added popiilarlty by having its many valuable features, lucidly and convincingly explained and demon- strated. MOVE TO- LARGER QUARTERS. New ywk,.. Sept. ^S-^r-^.as to be In^.a^better^ . , comer 13th street;. -. . Thejiroilncts of this, concern arc very mitdi In-^Semand by (>;chibit<»8 everrwbere, snd their latest norelty in^^tbeiiLwa^vS '"next day fea- ture*^ -slides, - are—meeting with great success and big sales.- Thesei-^dldes are deverly de-; slgned :-tO' advertise tbe next-day f eatnre, and< ^re-.gotteiL:-np vfor ; all makes' of film, tndndlng' the mai|nfacturers' trade-mark: " Without ' Dues-' tlon these-slides are of great help to picture the- atre owners, and tbe imanimons irep<H-t Is that: they increase business. ' - The Novelty Slide Company are manufacturers rf tbe well-known line of Novelty Annonncement Slides, also priMluce Moilern Lectnrettes and. Novelty PuzxIetteK. Further information ^ and^ free catalogue can be procured by addressing' tbe company. Chicago, Sept.-3 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —It had been, rumored for more than a few days tliat the American . Film Service ~of.'Chicago, was to be absorbed by'the General FilmCo., but tbe official announcement of the transaction was defeiTe<l and not given out by 1. Van Ron- kel imtil- Friday. AuKust According to Mr. Van Ronkel what w-as rumored is now a fact and operations under the banner of tbe General Film Company will he inaugurated on September S. During the discussion of this- important bit of news, Mr. Van Ronkel opportunely re- marked on tbe pertinent points of the policy he will actively advocate as an executive of the big company with which he has affiliated. "I will still continue to give '*the best service'In': America,* " he said. *^In-fact,'I can*even Im- prove it now that 1 have the advantage of my present powerful association. Our watcb-word Is quality and tbe satisfaction of the exhibitor. We have centralized a power for tbe benefit of the Ours Is n4)t a tnonoply that means oppression. We have combined for mutual pn- tectlon of all concerned, -wUehi-.tedudas the moving picture theatre managers wtao tbrvmgb nm get service. We have systematized tbe business, concentrated our elforts^ and are throwing : sB : imbroken-front Into tbe fray from the one pnr- pose of eliminating those practices wblcb have been detrimental to tbe growth of this field of endeavor. We have no intention of dlscouraginc competition. On the contrary we .Invite its It is indeed welcome. It Is a case ^ot the sarvlvat of the fittest.' and ■ by vthatvl mean only those' men and companies who have at heart- toe best Interests of their patrons are entitled to their bnslness life. We: like to live. ; We : believe In the *let live" motto..- We believe in'all that is bent, and intend to keep op to that standard; In my-oplnlou tbe General'.Film - Company/la a logical step taken In the right direction.'';'It:';Is tbe ultimate company. It is significant ''rof ' progrt.8«-'.* • OPERA SINGERS DROWNED. j terest and will Im; active in the production of: new:.plays.:.., . .■■■..' :'i'^^ii^'.. Lee Harrison and Barney Bernard have joined . Worcester. Mass., Sept. 5.—Kittle iNIde ' ii,ri.pj,.,i, ,j._v Perle, aged 39. prima donia with the Manhattan : Opera Company, and .Louis Perle. ber hnsbana; ' ii-liS:!-'^ " musical director of the same company, were | ^"5ldo^nb PhilIin «iieni>il at ihii winteraarten drowned in a boat accident last night, at.Lake i ihtiSe last night. winiergartMl Truly: Sbattnck has Hied a petition: In; battk^ . Gnlnsigamond. Today's i performance : of Girofle has lieen 'canceled. THE UPSTART. MAXINE ELUOTT'S TnE.\TRE—The Upstart, a farce comedy In three acts, by Tom Barry. THE CAST. Bev. James Etlwnnl .JlUcbeJi Judge John Ide Mitchell .. Larry O'XeUl .. .. .. Cilarkson .BRid aiassrord ... .Jane Cowl .Ceo. W o o H waxilJ g ..Francis B^me ; jDsniel:? PennA Mary .. Catherine s Bobertson Coventty Petmore -.John'Westley A Small Boy ;.. ..-.Geoixe Claire The IJpstart Is a good show. Tomi^Barry-aays BO—he wrote it. Most of tbe critics \ dlllereiL Tbey see in the play a .generous revamping^of Ideas owned by. George Bemaid Shaw; Tbe Auditorium, Lynn., opens Its sea-: sea September a. On the Initial bill will be m Kelfe, Eruest Carr and Company, Davis and.Merrill, Chas. F. Semon. Hayes and Johnson,^ Pedetson Brothers, The Lncifers und Jamesi Bums ana Company. Harry : Kats Is manager of: the'theatre. ' . ■ '■"'• ' WRECKED BY DYNAMITE. Burlington, la., Sept. -3.—The Grand Openf OLD FASHIONED COUNTY FAIR. The recently organized movement to establish' an c>ld-fa8bioned County- Fair, with hondrttlK or new-up-to-date featnres, which the New Jenicy State Fair Association has undertakea; promlres to bring back a revival -of intere«t; that oisrkt^ the old .fairs at Waverly. The new cnmpsny will hold forth at Olympic;^ Park:'Newark, on October 8, 4, 5, 6,. T, 8. With Its ohe-lialf mile track, <»e of the - fastest in this section of the conntiy. vrith superior stabling, aconm-V; modations for horses, a well-eqnlpped .nnmlwr of exhililtion bniidings-and fifty acreftrofvigrORarl to Install tbe side shows and. other attractions, the plant Is unusually well equipped for a ruc- ct^ssful fair and tbe entertainment of Immense crowds. Tbe general Interest, which this fair has aroused, .and the immense population of NewaA and the surrounding: territory, including' New YorkV City, 'Brooklyn and Jersey City; gives 'a House was -wrecked this momlng abint iiS „V'S., •S;",Si,i'S".iXJ5;^*» 7^^^^ »S??*^*ri.? tertflc explosion Of. very mya- ^ ^£.7^^^''^^'^^^^''"^^" terions'origin. rtSS.^^^TI'^ movement of his weH-ollea fia" SSifl no suggestion of frlctlona! rfj5Jii«i"ih^ PendnluS?™!^ l^fiS^STg^lilal'SS: " •So it is with the entire force of neonlp whi. tS..?,"'*°""'', devoting ttel? e^S« tS the furtherance of the IMP business Thelr SnT,?''J^i""r"iH?*S^-» lo^" and aoiiity are of the right sorti . They have been ^f«".^'^,*^; ^^n-ji^ with fltaS^v^fSteSS If.„,J^).i'"^rif^ hand, who unda! U^tLSn^^^JH^ .. ^ result Is that the^nS S.SffiJ.H' «f.^''*J*,*'« reputation and to^ THE PROJECTI NG P OINT OF VIEW • B'*^'*"? •'"^toess has many phases the SS^^to^'j^S" ""^ whichTnabl« things^ For example, there U the projector end of inatters. H. B. Ctoles. the esteemed re^ i^Sni*^'*5? Nicholas pim? .^m^, .recently temmed from a' long trio t<f the F«? West, in the Interests of Sis companyf Sd ttose. of course of the Powef s Camerigraph: J^i,,.*;?" reports a most successful trip fiSm »iS2?j2S'^JS:2'°' WX8 only to be I? ^^"» .ope .realizes whar-a 'beautiful Sj^^H''r'J"$''^.i?'*«''*'''™ the Power's Gam? fi'"?,'"' "*•,.: the. cmrse of a, lonk and Jn-. ttresjtag talkijrlth MrT^Ies, wenei^nr3\b?r the^pICture outlook all over the country is cx- brtlUant. The picture ^ have 1?- cently had a. good time and are pnttini; their tonaes In order for the-fall season. So ffr from tbere bein;; any dlmlnuatlon of public Interest in the; picture, it was Mr. Colts' experlenre! wherever he went, that It was on the Kcreaser w evidenced vjby the prosperous condition of tbe pchanges- antfv theatresr Tbei*. is a general teiidency, in his experience to pay closer atten- tion to good ^prolectlon. The'exhibitors mon» ISSL^t-^rt tl"* Jbey^ miMt show a good picture; and that in .order to show a good pie- mite stick-or iK-^V^^^tt^ IhlJSg^-J tearing a largo-hole In that stractUB^IliWwfiS erele. bicycle, aijtonjane and artatlon contests, out every paiw of glass in tbe bonse.^ the oiBK "bile the free- oatdoor^acts. all excepted, tearing; olf large Irieces of plastering tbrlllcr», promise plenty of excitement and :dlr; — .Jt version for the public, dnring each day :of the fair. . . .i-j-i. - - The ; management Is l>endlng;: everT ; ;efltort - to; secure a mldway.that will rank with " the bes t, and are making a 'Vpeclal TprlK -^to concession-' aires, so as to. make' this depsrtinent* a big fea-. ture. Fred WJV Volght, Box' 5, -Newark, N. J.; : Is tbe general manager. The offices'of the As-:; soclatlon are located at Rooms GO4, ;'606 and 608 Scbener Building, Newark. N. J. ^ . Frank S. Dodd, Is president, Hedry TBobrecht,' king of a -ciialii of, moving picture; theatres In,' New Jersey, is 'vlce^president aiid Charles Fein-' thel, treasurer,'William Wall Weaver, a widely; known' horseman, is manager of the ; speed 'tde-'i ;partinent:.''';"; ^:' A NEW TEAM. Harry Pearce and ~Kem<'Aylwan1. two devcrS Cincinnati boys, have formed a team to be: known as Pearce and - Aylward, doing a comedy < singing act. They appeared at (^ney ; Island.; CIncIimatlii Sept. 4-IS, and; scored substantially.: Arriuigemeiits are :;tieing:';:ma<le';for; a;-,tour/;over| the Sullivan and Considine: Circuit. FRUDENFELD BECOMES OWNEj^. Waukegan. 111., Sept.: 3.—By a: deal vji&t closed, Arthur A. Fmdenfeld, 'for: three'yeaia manager of the BarrlsoD Theatre here,;, has be-. : come Mde owner: of the house. The deal w*> dosed ; In Milwaukee with los. B: Howard and ' Mabel i Barrlson, former ovniers of. the - titeatts.; The pollGy of vandcvllle, acts being bookM through the W. V. M.,A., will l>c contlnucA.' >; WALTER KEEFE A E. P..CHURCH- ILL JOIN FORCES. and wrecking the ornamentation of the proscen lum arch. At first it -was tbougbt a leakage of gas might; have caused the exidosion, but, on ex-; amlnatlon such fas found: not to be the case.; A large hole In the center of the stage near the footlights, alwut a dozen feet sqnare, was' discovered, nearby, a number of burned pieced of fuse. Evidently an attempt bad been made' to destroy the opera lionse by some unknown' person with an unknown Object. The motive' could not have'been robbery, as the safe ami office were undlsttn-bed. ^ Manager ScovUl was called to the«8cene. He: was greatly surprised to; find bis house in such' a condition and could ftirnlsh: no solution for! 4U1 act of tbis kind. i Those tfirst; on: the scene saw: dense clouds of smoke tolling ont of the rear doors of the stage.? The hlg iron doors were Idown wide open. An the.^ alley doors .and those, on the north : side^ were forced oiwii by the concussion. The win- dows in the front of ttie building were blown ont-and glass scatttTrd over the street;'-The; rear rooms of the lioiise were filled with fallen plastering; and the footlights; and .proscenium' arcb were .torn, and splintered. ■Miss Nobody .Frrai Starland played to ca. pacity Friday; night, and; all the property of the company had; been removed. Not a sonl was in tbe building when- the explosion occurred.' Fred:Croft, the property mkn'of the Imm^, stated::tliat; everything; was' In fizst-dass condi- tion when be left; : 'He could give no cine to' the mysterious explosion. iManager; Scovill. has ;canceUed all shows for! the -next two' weeks. It ;may-- perlisps take' -longer;to repair the bouse. The damage will, amount to about $,>,000i John Cort. of Seattle, is - tlie owner, and had Just recently made the' pmrcliase.: ■ • The executive stalT featuring. Miss OHve Valf in Miss: Nobody- From ;Starland Is OOmposed of Cbarles ■ Donoghue, manager;: Zack M. Harris ' general reiiresentatlve;-Harry- B. Jones,'stage' director: Guy Deacon; 'assistant stage < directors P. Hans Flatb. musical director; Fred MtfWeT l^- mj'ter-mechanic; Chas. Fillmore, jiroper-' ties; Eddie Moore, electrician; Albert Bejaek; transportation, and Mrs. Bnerger, ,wuAob^! The company played at JoUet; Tll.v Septei^ibn- 1, and has been.playlog to capacity hODMA ' Tbe;Theatre Booking. Corporation la the name ; of : the newest of Cbleigo's vaodevillc agencies, ' its'.originatlon taking;.|dace last week. As tb^ - plans ar; laid at tbe present thne. several raey prominent; Chicago agenta wHI be aflHtated wltt> the new corporation, among; the most noteworthy of' the;; [ mentloi s names ; ,<belng Charles Soutrickiand Jake Stetnad;;; The Theatre Seok- ing Corporation feels; that right now there i« a moment opportune for a; systematic associa- tion, which - will Tie with. the only otiier In the field,; the Western - Vaudeville Managers' Asoclatlon.' 'Both Mr. Obnrcblll and. Mr. Keefe having been associated in turn with theoffices, of the'W. M. V. A. as anelntattt..:managers.'.to J; J. Murdock prior; to Mr. C. E. Bray ;betne made.•^■gene^al manager, the .eo-operatlon: :-.or these.heads In one; corporation.'looks . like'..a: mighty 8trong'comblnatlon ,:to ioffer the oppD- sltlon-mentioned. ■ -; Mr. K. P. Chnrcbill. wbo -will bring with him tbe bouses in Grand Rapids and Peoria, and-a new one under construction In Peoria, will -lie the business manager,:^:while Walter Keefe vrlll ; bandle the bookings entirely;!!: Mr: ;Keefe:brings ■with blm the bookings of the' Crystal,' Mll,- waiikee,' In . which ■I'he < Jav lbiancIaIIyi. :Interested>'; and the Jones ; and O'Brien honses atsOakkosliV : Fond dn Iisc, ;8b<lwygu;sud%Mlonette,; Wilk'," in-all -of -wfaleb'Mr.- Keefe Is-satd to be more, than ;merely:.:interested;.In .a: booking::way;;-; The. MUea <; houses of i Detroit; Mlnnespolis and Sfl Paul will figure in tbe deal. Miles blmstlf having a financial interest in .the new corporac .-tlon. ;.;lt is..a known fact tbat be served PAn- . tages-rwitfa-.-the' necessary ; sixty days' notice on .'August 22, . which terminates the Miles-Pan- tages booking iigreement. Mr.. Keefe, last weekL signed up the Miles houses which were prevlods,- ly.'booked; by. SidUvan; and': Considine and^later. by:; the' PantagesT :^4ieople. ■' Bstlmstes on jiist : what the new coiporation win have to offer as consecutive tiiiie,- shows''thst:'aets:-wnrth 'up ti> $100 csn get twenty 'Weeks, .1500 acts, twelve weeks, and fTliO acts, ten weeks. THE GIRL AND THE DRUMMER AT THE GRAND.: ;: Chicago,. Sept..-ir:(8pecTaI to Thi; Billboard).-^' After; a week'.. ofr.darknesK the Grand Opera- Honse opened aD^StmdaywItbvTlie.iJIrr and.the' Drummer, a new . musical-v farcif : by George Broadhurst with music' by'; Augustus Barratt. Herbert Corthell Is Intenireting tbe leading- male role while Vera . Mlcbelena, 'last . season- seen at the T.aSalIe. In tbe-^prlma donna role.- is assuming the leading, female , part. Included In the cast: - Belle Oold; ' Pblll'Kyley; Marie Flynn and others. BROAD WAY GOSSIP. H«uy -Wfr'Sarag^-bas. ineoi^ated. --Eacb^ niember of his staff will 'receive certain shares of stock. Mr. BsTsge retains a controlling in-: XBESE Tuja mm be sois. Bail Man from the West, etc;....;.:;....I 6.00 Dear Little lieart. etc 5.00 Dispatch Bearer, etc......;;...;...:.:;;; 6i00 The Girl and- the Judge....; : 6.00? Colonialt;Exhibition—Castle Glwats..... v6;0O The .Bomii—Wigs -Made to Orrler . ' ttDO' Little Girl Bid Not Btdleve in Santa..'.;;. 6100: Bobby's Drcanr of Battle 6.00 Encban'ed Guitar, etc fiilW" When' Honse; Bent; Was ; Due. etc;.;;..:.; eiOO..- Myifterinns Infernal Maeblne, etc 6.00 ■ • A:n Purchasing an Anto,: «tc.: Lianld Electricity, etc. A Valuable Hat. etc..::....;...........; 6i00 «i00 6.00 Great Trunk Mystery, etc, Boys.Wni be Boya ..VV.'..v.;:.;;;... nnlncky Old Flirt, etc...:.....:.:..;.;. A S'<cret Engagement .....,.;..:;...;;;.:; Imptovlseil"berenade, etc.......;.;;..v ...'!'. Beels contain two or three subjects, OSO to • 1,000 feet. 50 sets of song sIldes,;:per-Sct.;;;....'..;.; . Proje<!ting Ipns and jacket n:i Hiindsome' stage scenery....... ■.. .t...25i . i^0-(TElUI8 CA&'H.) •- a,DO 7.00 7;0O 11' FILMS cleaned: Our process improves' a film 600%; EveryoneMs well pleased with 'Our work.-: That's why we are the ;Ug- gest film; cleaners In existence:' i amoJMo numM, .i 171 .W, Onan StNst, ' . . '. Olitumt^ t^