The billboard (Sept 1910)

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^EPfEMBM_^^iq,J»10._ Tlie Bfliboapd 25 STOP!!! AND CONSIDER why the exhib. iter's interest lies with our own!!! Every manufactlirer in the Sales Company is striving for highest quaU ity because his sales depend upon the demand for his film. The Independent Exchange is free to buy what the exhibitors de^ mahd. There is no whip used, and no conspiracy to compel the exhibitor 16 use any particular make. Competitive worth rules. That is why the quality of Independent film has shown such remarkable improvement, and why it will continue to grow better and better. You can pick out the FINEST PRO- ORAM IN THE WORLD today from our releases. List of BUYING EXCHANGES, August 31.1910 CANADA Jkppleicatb. J.. & Soiu, 145 YouKt> St., Torouto Caoiidlan' Film Ex CBl|;ary. Alberta /Saninont Co.. 134 St. CathtTlui> St., Mud. real Kliietoctapli Co. (for Canada) 41 E. 3Ut at., . « :.. New YotltCit; ■ - - - OALIFORinA Jicme Film Ex.. 14 lArfcln at.'. San'Fran'clBco' California Film Ex., KXfi MiKgion at San Franclaco MUea Bros TUO Turk St.,...San FraDCtaeo Taclllc Statea Ex.. 734 S. Main St., Los Angeln 'Wotern Film Co., 108 B. 4th at., Los Angelte SI8TKICT OF COLVXBIA Farunoant FIIin:VKx.V 428 8th' at., N. W., -* ...........;.....;;.... Washington ' :0»»eiA Snnnr South F. Ex., Rhodes Bide, Atlanta nxiNois An:l-Trnat Film Co.. 79 So. Clark at., ChlcaKo Xngena 'Cllne,.... .89 - Dearborn at...... .Chicago <3lolM mm Sarlcei 107 E. Madison st..'Chlca8o laemmle' Film Serrlce, 196. Lake at., Cblcigo : IMzIe FUnfCo.; T^ /Malaon Blanclw Bldg.. : s i New Orleans Boston Film KentaI:Co., 132 Boylstoa at.', Boston W. E. (Sreen Film Bx.i 228 Tcemont ave., Boston Consolidated. Amuse. Co,, 38 W. Lexington sr. ..: Baltimore S.; * W. ^Fllm Ex.. 413 E. BaltlmoteV xt.. - <: i.i.. Baltimore ■ ■ mmnssoTA ■ , . . Xaemmle Film .Senrtee.: 256 Hennepin ave.; Minneapolis . laOHIOAir Michigan Film A- Supply Co., 110S Union Tmat Bldg., Detroit mjou Film & mssoinu Am. Co., 1222 Grand ave., Kansas City. •I. W. .MorKan, 12:t0 Graiul ave., Kansas City W. H. Swaoaon St. l^uis Film Co., 2no No. , 7th at .....s......St. Loots Wagner Film & Am. Co., 208 N. 9th at., ....... St. Louis' irSBBASKA. Laemmie Film Serr., 1.517 Farnam St., Omaha ..'HEW TOBK OO:' Albany FUm Ex., 418 Broadway, Albany., N. Y. Victor FUm Serv., Seneca A Pearl, sti.,- Bnffalo NEW YOB.K CITY. Bxblbltors Film Serv.. 138 Tblrd ave.. New York Empire Film Ex., ISO E. 14th at., New York Gt. Eastern Film Ex., 21 E. 14th St., New York Paramount Film Ex., 81 W. 14th gt.. New York Peerlraa Film Ex., 04 Fifth ave.. New York Kudson Film Co.. 1S8 E. 14 h St.. New York Wm. Steluer F. Ex., 110 Fonrth ave.. New York ' OHIO. Buckeye F. A P. Co., 3C9 Arcade Bldg., Oayton Capitol F. Serr., 422 N.: Eligh st.. Columbus. O. Cincinnati Film Ex., 315 W. 4th at., Ctnclnmitt Snnthem Film Ex.. IT Opera Place, CUwImntl Toledo Film Service, 316 Snp.-rtor at,. 3toleda Victor F. Serr., I^TOapect A Huron ata., CleTelana OBEOOH. Independent West. F. Ex.. Swetland Bids., ........v................;:. For land, Qte. OKLAHOXA. United M. -P. Co.. 112 Main St., Oklahoina City PEBKSYXTANIA. Biagle Film Ex., 143 N. 0th St.. Philadelphia Philadelphia P.-A-P. Co.. 44 N. «th at.,-Phlla. Pbllad4phla F.'. Ex., 034 Arch St... Philadelphia Independent Film Ex., 415- Ferry St., Pittsburg T^xaa FUm Exchange; 311 ..Elm St.; Dallas, Tex. Chicago F. Ex., 002 Pooly Block,. Salt Lake'City' WASHIVGTOir, Pacific Film Ex., Globe Bldg., Seattle, Waah, MOTION PICTURE DISTRIBUTING AND SALES CO. Ill East Fourteenth Sti-eet, NEW YORK CITYa This Maaaser.loafca prosperout iind hapiqr. You will {eel tise time way wliea 70a dii> ^ card that old juke consuming iheottat and put in • Fort Wayne Compensarc " ' It will increase yoiir bos office lec^pls because your pairou will notice at once Iraw ' nucli brighler and clearer your pictures are. Aiid what's more, it will Cut 2-3 from Your Monthly lighting Bill That sounds «i if we woe ilKUhitt( ii. doein'l il> Bat WW are not and juA to I show you. %ra wiU alkip yon one OB 30 day* liee iriiJ and let 2«i piww L If k (bn Botdo 811dwqi foi iuAif il bade at our apene add k woark con you one cent. If ihi* lounds "good" to you. wnd fsr our' linle booklet "Compewarc «s. Rheostat" and find out the particulai*. You are paying the Ughiing Compauf half your prefitteveiy day you waiL Fori Wayne Electric . ^ Works Sr^lk. BroadWay HL.u»^ Fori Wayne^ Indiana "Say Good-Bye to Buffalo Bill" HON. WM. f a CODY Now making His POSITIVE FAREWELL Tour of America —THE GREATEST SHOWMAN THIS WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. . . . . : -OF ^— ■ Buffalo Bill's Wild West PaWhee Bill's Far Ea^ See the Old Scout and Indian Warrior f or the liAST ^ Time--He wiU NEVER: Visit your City Again. THIS IS THE GREATEST FILM TAKEN IN YEARS—SHOWS EVERY SCENE OF THE WILD WEST-FAR EAST .' Sensations, Thrills and Dare-devil Horsemaoship^.Cowboys, Bucking Horses, Cowgirls, The Bridleless Horse Cossacks, The XJ. S. Artillery Drill, The ' LightDing Zouaves. JOHNNY BAKERS EXPERT MARKSMAN. The Musical Elephants, The Old Deadwood Stage Coach> The Immigrant Train; The Attack and Fight Wiith,T.he Sioux Indiahs, and the greatest of them all "BUFFALO BILL ff Life-like and Natural in Feats of Horsemanship, Shooting and the Biiffalo Hunt..'. ..-^ -i.' . ■ ■r*^ These are the pictures that vrill swell your bank account. EXCLUSIVE^CITY and STATE RIGHTS WILL BE S^ Bids are invited from responsible paHies.' Siuety lw in the territory contracted required. The finest lithograph posters ever used with moving pictures and fifty different kinds. WARNIIV& WARNING Any slide or pictures purporting to represent - COL. WM; F. CODY (Buffalo Bill) are unauthorized and will not be licensed by Col. Wtal F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) or Maj. Gordon W. Lillie (Pawnee Bill) and any person buying, selling or exhibitii^ same will be prosecuted—Save yourself trouUe and expense—^WAITfbr' the original and only Moving Pictures of THE GREATEST living American character, BIIFFALO REMEMBER THE JEFFRIEUpH SLIDEt Read Frank Winch's story in lasttWeek's Blllboartl—The story that has set the «atii« coifiitry talking; We viil mail you on6 FREE— WRFTE, :■ BUFFALO BILL AND PAWNEE BILL FILM CO. 61 West 14th St., Pta»-EittisM 321L MEW YORK OITY-