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X ti e Billboard T^-SEPTEMBER 10, 1810. FILM SYNO PSES The Latest Cohtribiitioiis of the Film Manufacturers Reveal Subjects Covering the Drama, the Comedy, : the Educational and the Scenic Element RELEASE DATES—INDEPENDENT. Monday—Imp, Eclair. Tbanboaser. Tuesday—^Lnx, Nestor, Kew York Motioo Pic- ture. Powers. " ,■ " ■ Wednesday—^Actopbone. Ambroelo. Colambla. Tbarsday—Capitol. Centanr. Imp. Tbanbooser. FrUay—Lax. Nestor. New York Motion Pic- ture.;-Pantagraph. ■ ■ : ■ . ■ Satmday—Qieat Nc^hem, Itala. IHSEFEHDSHT ■ ' ' IMP. (Carl lAemmle.) TBE TWO DAUGHTERS (Drama: release Sept. 12; leniitb; ).— X' bnmUe' farmer is the faUier of two, danshters. Tbe favorite, of tlie fatlier is. married to a rich yopng man. bat tbe other is ensaced ta a-alm]^'farmer- boy.- Af- .ter marriage they beeome estranged^, aifd tlie|r. lives: rnn bt-entirelyv-dlffieren%, patlis. The mother is taken fll, tbe tnnen develops Into a ■serioos phase of scarlet fever. The grim visase -of death hannts the sick chamber, and coq- .(emplatinir-her end. tiie mother sends for tlie rich and favorite danghter. She arrives in an -aatomoblle. and finding the omlnons scarlet -fev- er sign on the door, refuses to enter. On its 'letnm trip tlie anto breaks down ti front of the :poor aistei's fannlionae; and tber are obliged to 'enter tfie home. During the-conversation enso- - Ing. the letter from the. mother' is- shown^ and; .-the |>oor giri. frantic with anxiety, msbes to tbe home of her mother and nnrses the Invalid nntll she becomes well. Tbe contrast of their behavior strikes borne to the palsied heart of tbe disdalnfnl, lunghty danghter^ and she le- pents the folly of her mistaken eoarse- DIXIE (Drama; release Sept. IS;- length — —^Dixle Is a plctnte of tlie civil war period. A. yonng Sontliem boy is sent North In the ante Dellnm days to a militaiyr: academy. Wluie .af the academy he meets and falls in love with a bewitching Northern-fdrl... War la declared be- tween the North and Sootfa...aad the. young man- aweats aUeglance to the Northern flag, the flag -of Ida aweeOeart. Bnt his father 1» of tbe South and for. the Sontli. and .he takes him ■V£V and insifts upon-his enlisting In the rebel annr. At the battle of Cettysborg, tbe . boy falls holdlns tbe Confederate flag, and on the battlefield there Is an old scboAl chnm. a \.-t- lon oOlcer, who recognises him. Tbe womded man asks his friend to write the eirl. mging her to come and see him -before he dies.- She .Immedlafely comes SodUi^. jmnes .him and brings him back to-bealth. .Once more tlie. dover of peace settles over tbev land.: rand. tlie. teav*. Korthem girt and Soothem .boy perform ths- same mathematical trick. - ' CHAHPION AN INDIAN BRIDE (Drama: released Sept. 6; length. 900 feet).—Harvey .Kingston falls In love witli and marries K beantUnl Indian idioal- teacher, despite the Utter 'cpposltion'^ db family. He brings Us bride to his borne ta New Torkv wliere US proud and angry ipother plans a mock reception, which, well nnder vay is stopped by the itetber, who is tonehad by the cruelty, of the sftnatloa and the -wonderful beau-; tj and refinement of ids Indian dapghter-in- law. The Indian girt proves licr worth on sev- -eral oecaElons. bdt her hnSband, nnable to nn- derstand her actions, mlstmsts her,;' Icamlag of this, she leaves and-retoms to ho: fktaer and brother. Kingston later Unds tiiat lie was In error, and hastens to his wit^ who fosglves the penitent-hnsband. - . ' • ■ : RELEASE DATES^ATENTS CO. Mooday-^BlograiA. Xnbln. Pathe. Sellg. -- Tuesday-—Edison, Ganmont—Kleine, Vita- -'gzaplu- -Wednesday—Essanay, Eclipse—Kleine. Pathe- Thmadar—BlogtBph. Xnbin. Helles. Sdlg. -: Friday—Sdlson. Kalem. : Pathe. 'ntagrapli. -Satntday—Essanay, Ganmont—Kleine. Pathe. "TItagrapb.. ' XOnOS PICrCTIKE piXESTS COMPABY. VTEAGBAtH. HOW-SHE WON HIM (Drama: released Sept: 9: length. 9S0 feet).—Tbe film. How She Won HImv tells a love story wliei^ tlie lovers prove themselves to be a real man aXkd a-reaX"woilian. with a love for each other that endnres. THE THBEE OF THEM (Drama: released Sept. 10; length. 9S5 feet).—The Three of Them Is a story of heart Interest. CSiIldless. a married couple briusE sunshine and contentment Into their hearts and home by adopting ..m .lltUe orphan boy. who famishes tbe missing Miifc In the completion of the faonsefaold. THE SEPOY'S WIPE (Drama; release Sept. J3: lenetb. S80 fecO.—The Sepoy's Wife is a drama written on facts dozing the Sepoj . war of IS59- Besides, having a. loeallr historical valne. the.story is broad and general In its slg nlflrance. . - " . .': LUBIN. THE HEAI.1NG FAITH (Drama: released Sept. 5; lengtii.; 990-feet).^^aroId flng, >. derk in tbe Export Bank, and Evelyn Morse, the daughter of the president of the Instltn- tlou, are married, despite the objections of EiVelyn's father. Harold Is dismissed from the employ of the bank. and. to add to his mls- fortime be sutters from toberculoels. With Evelyn be harries off to a sanitarinm. Evelyn obtains employment at tbe sanitarium, skimp- ing and saving for tbe man she loves since the banker has disowned ber -for marrying against his wishes. Harold rapidir regains Us strength and presently is discharged from the sanltarinm' as completely cured. Meanwhile Evelyn has lost her position, and Is aboot to be evicted as Harold appears upon the scene,--to - become Oie bead of tbe household. MATILDA'S WINKING WAYS (Comedy: re- leased Sept. S: length. 900 feet).—"Badi" Skin- ner centers his affections upon Sally HandeU. who teaches tbe kindergarten class. To be near ] the object of his'alfectioa. "BaA.'-'-who'is a very little. feUow.^ discards bis man's attite and disguises iilmielf-as a diild. The scHone worksv for awhile, bnt sally Is engaged to be mtrriea; and her sweetheart comes to take her to >tl& minister, bringing with her the snperannuated and attenuated relief teacher: The new teacher does .not: appesr to "Badi's^* lancy. and whes Oat die .inBts to kEES aU the Ut-r In the production of American Western ramedy and dramatic films the £ssaiiay Company's Western subjects form the most popular -Saturday release. Unit if Safiriq,SviBBl« II "jmiiiriiiNGiRi'SLOYr - LcneTH. APPROX. lOM.Feer WHEN YOU THINK OF CX>M- EDY—THINK OF JESSANAY. iEMEnHEiilMI>l0r LENdtH. APPROX. 495 FEET ~ - .' Re t a a — d witu ••WHIST" LENGTH, APPROX."455 FEET An exceptionally humorous com- edy release. " GETT the: POSTEKS ESSANAY FILM MFS. CO. 435 N. Ctaric Sc. CHICAGO, ILL; LONDON. SMwSU«. BERLIN. BRMBhia, ■100 reds mm, cicgnt condition, fT pnied aaA ap: 90 sets Song Slides, pedeet widitlnn. 91.78 per set, -with mnsle. Send postal for Usta. Good mm scrvlee fnmlshed at loweat prices In tba Soaa. ampllfi. Baisalsn In new cad seetad- hand K. P. msfWnes and gss mi" P. O. BOX aOS, Xasr Oriasna, Jm. Komnr xioxoxe omixB iwdcu. sou «ad ezdhanged. We -vast n lew mom Iste nodsl macMars. Have several bargains In deetrle and gu_oatflts oo: hand. XATIOSAI. BXPLOT- XEST CO.. Daiirtb..lfiBn. NEW "IMP" FACTORY IN FULL BLAST! We are now located in our big new factoiy at 102 W. 101st street. New York, with equipment and facilities that wUl take care of our rapid growth for years to come. You are goiog to notice an intr^ provement in Imp fihns immediately, for we are no longer cramped; and hampered by insufiScient quarters. We are going to continue' to pour our profits right back, into our product for the simple reason that we never, never, never intend to lose the vast superiority and popularity which are now the wonder of moving p ictur e circles evaywherCj^^Oompel your exchai^e to give you TWO IMPS EVERY WEER;-i If you don't da so you are actuaDy losing' the best mone^-maikeis in the business! "THE TWO DAUGHTERS Released Monday, Sept. 12. Length about 995 feet> A drama that goes straight to the heart, btingmg a mixture of tear and joy. You simply MUST get this, for itinll make a profound impression upon your patrons. -Begin to ask foi-it THIS DAY I "DIXIE" Here's a wonder! It will thrill you through and through, no mat- ter how hardened you may be. It-is a war drama, a classic, a marvel of setting, photography and acting. ONE OF ITS GREAT FEATURES IS A BATTLE SCENE—one of the most darihg things ever attempted in moving-picture making. "Dixie" will be released Thmrsday, Sept. ISi^md wiD be a fidl reel in length. SPECIAL NOTEi^Have your pianist play "Dixie" throughout the especially thrilliiig parts. It will set your house wild! ; ; ; Independent Moving Pictures Co. of America - - Carl Laemmle, Pfesident ^ NEW ADDRESSr^l02 West lOlst Street, New YoA—NEW ADDRESS r All "Imp" Films^SoId Throii^ tbe Sales Co. AURSTED: BURSTED: TBalfs'our oflBce. We bad it «> cbuck fidl of biuanesB that it couldn't hold us any longer JOIN OUR BAND OF HAPPY EXHIBITORS^ 12 Films of the Best Independeat Snblects Each Week. Write or Wirei KdArrxooN FiLh^ service: CO. r X. H^^UCTASDS, M<r. ITew AddreM.Koom 20;liadiey Bid<..Hattoon. IIL J. FRANK HATCH FILM COMPAIVY HA.XCH BUILDING, 109 F-ouirlli Avenue^ PITTSBURO, PA. inintS F^or Rient 6 reels, shipped on e shipmoit, 88.00; 12 reels shipped t wo shipments, $14.50, Brass Sprockets, for Edison machines. Sl.SO. Tickets, IO.OOO. aO centft^ Electric Globes. lO cento eacfi^ . . ~ —»,™ S-SxlO, S3.SOpecrhandred. All kinds of AanoBnceiment SIld«SK-2S^c«aiti each. S for SlUM). EalUbitorii'write vmtotr0SiS^'on.auK raBfodBctlaB of the JasOtfca-JoIuiMia fiibt^ 1.8.00 feet in ien^^ ' -[ ■r.:J:::>''''A': . : ■ - ifwe Ws#t« for Usis TiMOky Carbons. 5*8x6; $2.35 per Knadredt