The billboard (Sept 1910)

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28 nrtie Btllboard SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. AMUSEMENT PARKS Season's Tag-end News of the Resorts for Pleasure and Recreation of the Millions. Concession and Sho\y Notes. the AN INVENTIVE GENIUS. PT-TOtecbnical reprodactions of famoas naval battles, inaugurated as free attractions In summer parks at tbe LuSlow (Ky.) Lagoon this seftson, baT« achieved a popularity and attracted an amount of attention augur a continuance of tbis ambitious form of entertainment.. J. J. Weaver, "Wizard of Ludlow/ as he is described by members of tbe American Park Managers* Association, has promised another season of battles and it is possible tbat tbe new fad may penetrate tbe winter parks of tbe South and Southwest in tlie next two mcmths as a number oC inquiries from managers In those territories bave reached the Ludlow park, and He- Weaver left 'for Arkansas and Texas, Monday, in response to their propositions. Save In thickly populated centers, however, it isn't likely the spectacles can succeed, no matter how popnlaT they may be. Tbe cost is probfbltive to a large extent. The fteet of steel battleships employed at the Lagoon this season Is the same that was'imported from Dnesseldorf, Germany, for the St. Louis World's Fair at a cost of $80,000 to the importers and they are said to have cost more than that to con- Btruct. The stilps are equipped -with real guns and are manned by real men so ,that the in- terest on tbe amount invested and the cost of Oferatlon' must' amount to a large sum. Still, parks located in or near the large cities may find such form of entertainment profitable. J. J. WEAVER. A 1 Proprietor of the (Lndlow. Ky.) Lagoon and inventor of scenic railway and chntcs. . .WHITE cim" LIberaU'a Band will be the^masical feature tmtU tlie^oid of the season at White City. Sept. 18 will not be the closing- date aa formerlr annotmced, as the' minagement has decided to book a carnival companr- ta tbe park tor one week, making tbe closing date Sept. 35. GIGANTIC PARK FOR ROME. Ix>ndan. Eng.. Aug. 25 (Special to The . Bill- board).—-The Kome International Amusement'and Canstmctlon Co. has been established at a capital of £75.000, and is headed by Gol. Fred- erick T. Cammlns and Amos M. Baber. The company has been formed for tbe purpose of constructing a mammoth zoological garden and amusement park. The zoological gardens are. now In course of constmctlon, nnder the saperrialon of tbe cel- ebrated Carl Hagenbeck. and . are being modeled on tbe same design as the Zoological Gardens of Hamburg, the finest in Europe, 'and under the terms of the contract with the municipality are to be opened on or before January 1, 3911. In which year the great Italian National Exhi- bition, to celebrate the flttletb annlTersaiT of the unification of Italy, will be held In Borne, where also will take place the ceremony of nn- Telllug the statue of the late King Victor Eman- nel, the first monarch of United Italy, which statue has been under constmctlon for the last twenty-five years, and will probably be the finest of tbe kind In the world. Tbe dedication of tbe great Law Courts also takes place dnring the year. This Exhibition is supported by the Government of Italy, and will be the first ex- hibition ever held In Borne, the capital city. The most exten.slve preparations have been made for this celebration, and no expense, will be spared by the Government for' tbe. snccessfal carrying out of this great scheme. It is proposed to have on the area set aside for the purpose of amusements (abont seven acres), seven permanent and at least sixteen temporary shows. The following permanent at- tractions which It is proposed to erect, or work on rovalty. will approximately cost to construct as follows: Scenic Bailway ........£8000; Old Mill (water rides) J........ .LOOCr New fork to the North Pole 8.600 Human Roulette Wheel 1.000 Katzenjammer Castle 600 Double Whirl Wheel i 800 Cinpmatograph Theatre : and Animated PIctnres: .. wi..v... ..; : 600 The IntrodDctlOD of the naval spectacles Is something akin to other works, accomplished br flie IiOdlow "wizard." Mr. Weaver bas been largely responsible for many innovations In sum- mer park amusements. He and Fred Thompson were responsible for tbe scenic road and Mr. Weaver built the first summer park cbntes. - His next notable achievement was the building of tbe automobile aerial railway, first introduced at the Lagoon a year ago and this, season da- plicated at St. Loais. He is worfclnjr on some mysterlons plans In bis "den" at the Lagoon the past three months. Those who know him say something new Is on foot. It was raining Sunday morning at the. Lagoon. A friend of the "Wizard" wlm happened along and wanted to distract bis thoughts from the promise of a several thousand dollar loss on the business of the day. asked: "Well, what is tbe next thing you are going to do?" VDo yon know this rain Is fine for the farm. It's going to help us out a whole lot." said Mr. Weaver. "r have always believed that every owner of a summer park should have a farm in conjunction. He can supply all the vegetables, milk, butter and eggs for the restaurant service and knowing the profit in tbat can rest con- tent when he watcbes the Idle gatekeepers on' a wet day.'* Mr. Weaver bas the farm. CHICAGO'S AMUSEMENT PARKS. Total £22.600 The directors of this undertaking- have been associated with some of the most successful amusement enterprises of tbe world. - Mr. Bo- lossy Eiralfy. the chairman of tbe company, has been called the "Monarch of Spectacular Productions." His wonderful and gigantic spec- tacles are known the world over. Mr. F. T. Cummins has had a long and almost unique experience as an exhibition and park manager, and he bas consented to act as man- aging director of the company fw six years , at a moderate salary and traveUng expenses. He bas long been well-known as one of the fore- most exhibition managers In tbe United States, and was manager at L<xidon Olympla. Winter Season. 1908-9- Mr. - Amos M. Bat>er bas also had a long and successful experience in the ( management of shows and exlilbitlans. It 18'iJopularly, estimated tbat there wHl be something like half tbe popnlation of Italy, or 17,000,000 visitors to Bome, besides tbe 500.000 toorlsts who visit there each year. It Is esti- mated that there will be. from lO.OOO.OOO to 12 000.000 visitors to the Bome Exhibition. To afford the people fnll facilities for 'visiting Bome the Government has arranged to considerably re- duce the railway fares, and of those visiting Rome It is reasonable to estimate that at least 3,000.000 people will visit in the first year the Zoological Gardens and Lnna Park, as tbe amusement grounds will be -called. BIVEB'VIEW. Only a few; more weeks remain of the park aeaaoBi : At some of the resorts many of-the aide shows have polled out to follow the fairs iriille otbers wHI go into vaudeville. However, at Blvenriew everything is still in foil bloom ■nd tile rides and concessions are selling their wares ifltli. as knnch.zest' as'ever. Hand's Band lUB SDppIantedt the American >:Ladles' Concert Band whiebisjnst r;termlnated S'two weeks' i n- gagementLtiif'AIs; parlc. - SAKS SOUCL Tlilsils Sans SoncUs Isat wsclc, and If mninr be correct: Its.Iast:Tearra»„W;amn*!ment jMrk. Somethliqr has been-'saliCi'aboiit converting It into a concert garden/similar to 'Bismarck Garden. This would Hiean tbat an the conces- sion buildings, rides; etc 'wtmid lure to be torn ont, leaving onlj-« few of tbe larger build- ings to be ntn&ed as mar lie seen fit. NOT POPULAR WITH CHINESE. Reports from Clilna concerning the popularity of the merry-go-round In tbe conntiy of tbe 5Iongollans. Inform ns tbat the carousel which forms sncfa a popular- class of entertainment In this country is distasteful to our almond-eyed contemporaries. In fact, a circns which Invaded this country some years ago was compelled to sell a merry-go-round at forced sale at Shang- hai, and no circns bas ever Invaded the inte- rior of the forbidden country with this .amuse- ment device. Managers of parks In cosmopolitan locations have remarked tbat curiously enough, few of their Asiatic patrons have .frequented this whirling' f<Km'Of amusement. ■ CONEY'S BIG SEASON. Labor Day. September 5. marked tbe closing of beautiful old Coney. Cincinnati, and de- spite early rains, later dry weather and suu sequent low-water in tbe Ohio, tbe management is jnbllant over the fact that it is tv far tbe best season for years. The Installation of .the daily free attractions and other new and novel 'features Is held partly responsible for the. In- creased attendance, and the tireless elforts of Coney's' working staff, trcm Commodore-* Brooks down deserve all tbe credit. ]>osslble for their part In its success. Already plans are on foot for next year, and: among the possibilities are a big new vaude- ville house overlooking Lake C!omo. Tbe seat- ing capacity will be mnch gieater than tbat or tfie i>resent outdoor theatre, and a better claaa of acts than ever before will be played in tbe new bonse. Kew sbows and mechanical devices are planned for tbe Midway, and, if possible, •vetybody wm be better taken care of tbao ever before. A TESTIMONIAL. Sdienek Bros.. leading park managers, ex- press themselves on the Frolic: Novelty Machine Company, ' 2 Rector Street. 'I New Tork City. 1 Gentlemen:—The Frolic which you Installed here in readiness for the opening of our park on May the 2Sth, has been In successful operation continuously since-that time, has per- fect satisfaction at all times and altbougb Palisades Park bad more new riding devices this year than any other park In the country and. consequently, made competition strong and put your machine to the test of winning on its merits, it has, at all times, bad Its share of the business and the receipts have been most satisfactory to us. The three distinct motions make your machine unlike any other device now in oiieratlon and it. Is the third motion of swinging outward from and Inward toward the supporting structure, that causes tbe passengers to laugh and yell so as to draw tbe patronage from all parts of the park. ^ We consider the Frolic a high-class attraction and cheerfully recommend it and should you, at any time, so desire, you may refer your pros- pective purchasers to us as one of your ref- erences. Very truly yours, PALISADES AMUSEMENT PABR, : Schenck Bros., Managers. RECORD TIME FOR BUILDING AMUSEMENT DEVICE. The Novelty Machine Company, of 2 Rec- tor street. New York City, has made a record for time in building an amusement riding de- vice that bas never been equalled before. On Sunday, August 21, it was agreed with tbe 'White City Aniusement Company that a Frtdlc would be installed, ready for operation, by S^tember 1.' The Frolic at tbe time was finished, but set up in the shop at New York and it waa necessary ..for- the Novelty Machine Company to take the Fnflle down, tmck'it to the.railroad and load it- Into a car and the'car consumed almost three days from - the time it was loaded in getting to Pblladelplila, when it was unloaded and trucked . to. Chestnut Hill Park, where it was . erected ready to run on Thursday, Sept. 1. Mr. H. B. Auchey. the manager of Chestnut Hill Park, said tbat in all of bis experience he bad never seen such excel- lent time made, especially when there was so much work to be done. This work done in such a rush cost a great deal more money than where tlie work could be done without sncb baste, but It, nevertheless, shows what ^thoroughly wganized forces can acc'ompllsb and It makes'good the reputation of tbe Novelty Mnclitne Corapaiiy fur filling all its contracts on specified time. POLI AFTER STEEPLECHASE. Bridgeport, cionn., -Sept. .3.—S. Z. Poll, the vaudeville magnate, will probably be In charge of Steeplechase park next season. Poll has admitted that negotiations: are now ncndlpg but denies that-the dcal.-v has been completed, PARK NOTES. Llndloy Park, Greensboro, N. C, of wblcb Ed. G. Gldlev is manager, closed its season on Saturday nlgnt, August 27, after a season of twelve weeks. The vandevllle theatre was well patronised throughout the entire season, liie week of Augnst 22:27 broke all records when Manager Gidley had bis beauty baby show. Majestic Park, Ottawa, 111., waa closed for the season August 21. Waterbury Brothers and Tenney tmened tbelr season on tbe Orphenm Circuit, at Spokane, Augnst 21. NOTICE WSS XYBA COLLINS and ID Ul. .H OBE SE. XEON have opened a first-class THEATRICAL BOABOniO HOUSE at 66 ISth St. Wheeling, W.Va. Within three blocks of all theatres. Liarge; light rooms, all newly furnished; American or European plan. Better put the address in your date book; irs worth remembering. IncandBScent lamps "'Wi kan Miiito sar m MMliC 16 MICHIGAN AVE. Lamps at aams old prices eiaar, 6o.: eoloracl. To. SAJEXT ZUCXBZO OO. U lOaUgaa Avanu, KOSEL B GAS OUTFITi good aa new, g22.S0. Optigrapb P. OntSt^all lenaes in One order. t28: botli for t»- Iu& X> HASADOBV. « Greene St., Orosterdam, H. 7. AUNT DINAH'S HAND UUNDRY Finest and funniest ball- game. Bteaking all records as money-maker at fMts. Vince complete, ^150. $25 casb.2l»Ianee, C.O.D. AFRICAN: Dip- V;^^ • ' Good for S2o to $50 a'day.'JPrice.'SSS. S30 cash. Wire order. Ship iminediatelj^. WORLD'S GREATEST NOVELTY CO. 60 Elm Street. CInelnnati, O. -IS THE- New Riding Device It is the Most Eccentric Ride in the World A leader In -winning repeated rides. One at Palisades Park, Kew York City, has made a most favorable showing. One at Chestnut Hill Park, Philadelphia, was installed complete, ready to run, in eleven days-after tbe. ctmtract for It was aigned. Hr. H. B. Aucby, tlie manager of Chestnut HHI . Park,. says we have tbe world's record. for, time in. construction. . It makes good onr dalm for fiUlng contracts on time. We conUnne to boUd tlie Circle Swing. Write for catalog. . . ■ - . ■■ - NOVELTY MACHINE CO., 2 Rector Sfc, NEW; VQWC CI^ AUTOMOBILE AERIAL ROAD K^^I^S^ PARK MANABERS. TAKE NOTICE! EITERY PERSON WANTS TO RIDE IN AN AUTOMOBILE. This is the latest and best money-making device in America. Big earning capacity. Small operating expense. Takes the place of Scenic Railway, Coaster or Merry-go- round. We will build Double Racer Road, Single Road, Circular, or PortablejKoad. WE WANT A GOOD MAN TO HANDLE CANADIAN PATENTS. AUTOMOBILE AERIAL ROAD CO., Wellsbnrg, W. Va. For aU ocpasions. PARK and FAIR displays a specialty with us. Send for catalogue. St. Louis ^reworks Co., St. Louis, Mo.