The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10,1910. Xtie Billboard 39 Flint, Herbert L., Hypnotist: Cedar Rapids, la., B-10. Foote, Commodore, ft Slater Qneenle, ' UlUpa- tlana: Crooked Like, Ind., Ans.' 22-liidef. Oeoncla Troubadoar*, Wm, McCabe, mgr.: Ot- tomwa, la., T; BlakeabnTS 8; Foster 9; Ev- erest 10-11: Buxton 12-lil. Gllplns, Tbe, HTpnotlc Comedy Co., I. H. Gil- pin, mgr.: lioginsport, Ind., S-7; Ooodland S.10* ■■■ ■■■ Jones Ooneesslon Ca, A. B. Jones, mgr.: Paris, Ky.i''S-10. ' Little BoHlan Frlnccr: (MlnneMta Stite Ftlr) Hamllne. Ulnn., B-IO; (Ezposttlon) KnozrUlo, Tenn., 12-17. :. „ - • liuce;, Thos. Blmora, Porter I^eenm Bureau. mzn.: Palisade, Colo.. ?; Bllle 8; Olenwooa Sprinn O; Bed CUS 10; Cripple Creek 12; Tie- tor IS. ■ ■ Lyndon's, Dr. Cbas,, TandoTlUe Co.: OeslsoD, ■ 'la.,'MO.'' ■ Maxmlllan, Hypnotist, Cbas. Poll, mgr.: Cobden, 111., B-10. Mack's, J. B., Hypnotic Comedy Co.: Jackson- vUle, 111.. 6-10; Paris 12-17. Mooie, J. B., Aeronaut: Franklin, Ky., B-10. McBwen, Great: Demopolls, Ala., S-7; TDsealoosa 8-10. ■ New York Zoological Co., J. S. Edwards, mgr.: iBlTerriew Park) CUcago, lU., Indet. Norwood'a, Prof. U. H., Great Sensations: Cnw- fordsTlUe, Ind., 5-10; Pern 12-17. „ Pain's Fireworks Sbow: Oolnmbus,-.0., S-0; Indianapolis, Ind., lO-ie. . Princess Bonlta, Educated Horse. Stnsrt Ma- gulre, mgr.: (Ftec American) Brossels, Bel- gium, July 1-Oct. 1. Thompson's, Frank H., Entertainers: Ptttsrllle, Wis., S-10; Matber 12-17. - IVidd Sbow: Clinton, Okla., S-10: Hobart 12-17. Tompkins, Cbas; B., Western Attractions: Sen- eca FaUs, N^Y-.S-llrKapIes'lS-Ut. riolette Show, nnder csttTas: LawsblU. Miss., 7: Cbnlataoma 8; Galena .0; Coleman 10. Williams Bros.' Co.. Cbas. WllUams, mgr.: (County .Fair) Wtsblngton. Uo., 8-10. WllllanuS Pntf; Qpb.. nronbadoors, B. O. Puggs- ley, bos. mgr.: Ashland, Ky.. 7-8; KenoTa, W. Ta., »; Wayne 10; WlUlamaon 11-lS; Tager 14; Weteb 15; Altwalt 16-17.. BANDS & OBOHESTBAS. American Band: (Lakeside) Oenrer, Colo., Ang. . 14-Sept. 10. Bradley ft Noe . Ladles'. Orchestra. Winifred Noe. mgr.: BartlesTlUe. Okla., S-10; Tulsa 12-2*.' ■ Oirrsdo'B Boyal Italian Band: (Monrce Park) Mobile, AU.. May 1-Sept. 2iS. Conway ft His ■ Band: < - AUantlc City. N. J., July 3-Sept. ». Creators ft his Band:. (Sans Sond Park) Cbl-. esgo, HL: May 23,mdef. Elmwood Ladles' OoDcert Band, A. Schmidt. mgr.: Manch Chunk.: Pa.. 6-10. Swing's, W. M.. ZoosTe Band: (Fair) Blooming' ton, Wlv, 4-10. . Ellery Band. Ctaannlng EUery. mgr.: (Idora Park) Oakland. CaL, Ans. 2»-Oet. 1. FernUo's Band.'Fortnne Gallo, bus. mgr.: (Oaks Park) Portland, Ore., Aug. 2B-0et. 1. . Fischer ft his Exposition Orchestra:. Arlington: Hotel. Petoakey. Mlcb.. Jnly 0-Sept. lOT^ Oilllland's Black Hussar Band. Angnstna J Fines, mgr.:'Shamokln, Pa.. 22-Sept. 12. InTies Band, J. EL Shunk, gen. mgr.: (Bismarck Garden) Chicago. lU.. Aug-^O-Sept. 30. Jeffrlea' Concert Band, J. Bart Johnson, mgr.. (NtcboU Park) JaeksonTlUe. IlL. 3Mept 17. KDtles Band, T. P. J. Power, mgr.: N. X. C, Indet. ' LlberaU's Band: (WUtn City) Chicago, m.. Aog. 7-8*pt. 18. KatleUo ud Us Band: (Kentucky Stata Fair) LonlSTlUe. Ky., 12-17. Matlonal Chantanqna Band and Orchestra. O. Wort, mgr.: St. Lonla. Mo.. 7-10; aeason ends. Karassai Ladles' Band: (SUte Fair) St. Paul, Minn., B-10; (State Fair) Jackson, Miss.. 12- 17. Xeels, Cazl, Concert Band, under canTas: Wades- boro, N. 0.. B-10. Pryor and bis Band: (Stat* Fair) Syracuse, 5j_ Y. 12.17. Boa'ttds',' M. .6., Ladles* Band and Orchestra: Central'City. la... S-S;-Sandwich. Ill-, 13-16L BuBl's Band: due' Oaks) Portland, Ore.. 28- Wheaton Fkmlly Orchestra: (WaTcrly Park) Lansing, Mich.. May 28-Sept. IB. PERFOBKERS WITH HIS- OELLANEOUS COKFANIES Behees. TboMi Winslow Shows. Bowman. BUIy B.: DeBue Bios.' MInstrrls. Bunkerr, Great: B. W. Brnndage Oamlral At- traetlonK. Castano- Edward: The Midnight Sons. Ellas, Harry: Vogel'sMlnstrela. Gold, Belle: The Otrl and the Drummer. Gobs, Jno-S Togel's Minstrels. Jenkins ft Barrett:. Goodel! Shows. IfOoma Tronpe: S. W. Bmndage Camlral Co. Lindsay, ; PeiCT A.: Great Parker Sbom. la^ Zelldo * Lecton: S, W. Brondage Camlral Attractions. , . Leroy ft Adams: DeBne Bros.*~ Mlnstrela. Newton ft Orren: Great Pattsrsoa Shows. tfhcUey ft Mack: Markle'a Show Boat. Bora, Cnrley: Am I a Cblnaman Co. '^Tett QDsrtet: The Show Girl.- Turner ft Powell: Joshua SImklns Co. Wllllson, Herbert: Field's Minstrels. Vonag ft Yoang: Am. I a Cblnamao Co. ., Zenoi, Gnat: Coamopolttan Shows No. 1. STOCK COMPANIES Academy of Music Stock Cb., Wm. Fox, mgr.: N. Y.C Aug. 20, Indef. ■ AI bee Stock Co., Ohas. LoTcnberg, mgr;: ProT- , idence. R. I.v May 2, iDdef. Alcaiar Stock 130.; Belasco ft Mi.Ter, mgrs.: San Franclaeo, Cel.. Ang. 29, Indet. Arvine-Benton Stock' Co,: Indianapolis, Ind., .Sept. B. Indef. - AllBT Comedy Co.. Y. O. Alley, mgr.: Ashe- Tllle, N. C. 29-8cpt. 24.. Alll. Mock Sad, Stock Co.: Crandota, Wis.. 4- 10: Shawano 12-17. Aubrey, Helen, Co., Jas. Davis, mgr.: Pltts- „hurg, Kan., 4-17. Baker Stock CO.: Geo.~ L, Baker, mgr.: Spo- „kane, WaKh,, Sent. 4, Indef. Belaseo ft Stone Stock' Co:. Belaaco A Stone, _mRts.; Lo« Annies, Cal.^ Indef. nUou sto«k CO.V Kllmt ft Gaiaolo. mgrs.: Chi- _.c«go, Ill.i July S. Indet. ni.lon Stock Co.; Pawtueket, R. I., Au». b, Indef. ' nrlmae-Batlet Playera: Sao Jsse, Cat., Indet. Blsbop. Chester, Stock Co.: Uonmontb, III., Indet. Bishop's Plsyers, W. H. Blsbop, mgr.: Oakland. Cel., Indef. Bunting. Emma, Associate Players: Atlsnta. Ga., Indef. Bnrbank Stock Co., OUrer Morosco, mgr.: Los Angeles: Cal.. Indef. Balley-Lockwood Stock Co.: lola, Kan., 5-17. Barrle. Edwin, Stock Co.: Hutchinson, Kan., 12-17. Bowdlsh Stock Co., A. N. Bowdlsh, mgr.: Em- lenton. Pa., 6-10. Boyer, Nancy, Co., Fred B. WlUard, bna. mgr.: Kalamaaoo, Mich., 8-10. Burgesa Stock Co., Wm. C. Buckley, mgr.: _AlTa, Okla., 6-10; Hntdilniaa, Kan.. 12-17. Calumet Stock 'Co.: South Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, Indef. Columbia Players, Fred O. Berger, mgr.: Wash., O. 0., Hay 2-Sept. 10. Craig, John. Stock Co.: Boston. Mass., Aug. 29, indef. Cornell's Players: Butte, Mont., Aug. 14, In- def. Cftscent Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 5, Indef. Cbanncey-Keitrer Co., Fred Oianncey, mgr.: Lancaster, Pa., 5-10; Hasleton 12-17- Copeland Bros.' Co.: Garnett, Kan.. S-10. C!nlbane's Ckmedlans, Will E. Cnlhane, mgr.: Canni. HI., S-10. • (^Ihane's Comedians, Macfclyn Allyn, mgr.: Bloomlngton, Wis., S-10. Culhane'a Comedians. Tom Wilson, mgr.: La- Harpe, lU., B-10. Cnlhane's Comedians, AL BeaSley. mgr.: Pet- ersburg, 111.. 5-10. Cutter.Stock Co., Allen O. White, .mgr.: Na- pdeon, 0., 5-10; ZanesTlUe 12-17. Carroll Comedy C!o.. Ion OarroU, mgr.: Rich- wood. W. Va., 5-10. . Cash, Burleigh. Co.: Lawrence, Kan.. 4-17. Davis. Hsrry, Stock Co.: Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 5. lodef. Dominion Stock Co.: Winnipeg, Can., Ang 20. indef. DeRoame. Truman, Associate Players. F. W. Ba^, mgr-: 'Bartlesvnie. Okla.. 5-10; Tulsa Dorothy Stock Co., M. A. Beld, mgr.: Bast- ings, Neb., S-17. Dmmmond. Ethel. Co., Desmond A Jtriinson, mgrs.: Msnslleld. O., 22-S^t. 10. Eastern Theatre Co:, Wm. Wamsher, mgr.: Tooele, U.. 6-8; Grsntvllle 9-10; Eureka 12- 13. Earia Stock (3o., .L. A. Earle, mgr.: Fairmont, W. Va.. S-10: Morgantown 12-17. Forhea Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. T.. Sept. 3. Indet. Franeb Stock Co.: Montreal, Can., Aug. 15, in- def. GIrton Stock Co.: Loa Angeles, Cal., June SO, Indef. Goidott'a Associate Players, Jack Gordon, mgr.: Sprlnglleld. Mo., 4-17.. Graham Stock Co.. Oscar Graham, mgr.: Ex- celsior Springs. Uo.. S-17. ^ Grayce, Helen, Co., N. Appell. mgr.: Lewis- ton, Me., 510: Augusta 12-17. Great Western Stock Co.. Frank R- Daie, mgr.: Hot Springs, Ark., 29-Sept. 17. Holiday Stock Co.. Harold Stoat, mgr.: New Castle. Pa., 5-10: Braddoek 12-17. Holiday's Howard Stock Co., Cbas. E. Whitney, mgr.: B. Liverpool, O., B-10; New Castle, Ps., 12-17. - Hsilday's Players, Palmer Kellog, mgr.: Wasta- Ingtnn. Pa.. 5-10: Stenbenville. O.. 12-17. Hallday's Oomedlsns. AI. Trout, mgr.: Brad- dock, Pa., 6-10: Homestead 12-17. Haliday Musical Comedy Co.. Geo. T. Hallday, mgr.: Homeatead, Pa., B-10: Waahlngton 12- 17. Hall. Don C, BeDcrtoIre Co.: Stevens Point, Wis., 22-Sept. 10. Henderson Stock Co., W. J. ft B. R. Henderson, mgrs.: Ft. Dodge. la.. 25-Sept. 10. Hillman'a Ideal Stock Co. No. 1, Lucy M. Hayca, mgr.: KIrwIo, Kan.. 5-7; Agra 8-10: Alma. Neb., 12-17. HIckman-BeKsey Cow, Guy Htckman, mgr.: Tulsa, Okla.. 5-10. Hl^msn-Bessey Co., Harry G. LIhou, mgr.: Alton. III., 5-10; Toylorvllle 12-17. HImmeleln's. John A.. Imperial Stock Ca: Decatnr, Ind., 5-10; Sandnsky, O., 12-17. HImmeleln's, Jofaa A.. Associate Players: Jack- son, Mich., B-IO; Mcmtpeller, O., 12-17. Hutchison, Louise, Stock Co.. Jsck Hutchison, mgr.: Sedslla, iio., 5-17. Hall. Helen. Stock Co., G. S. Flinders, mgr.: Ottawa, Kan., 4-17. Hall's Associate Players, E. J. Hall, mgr.: Detroit. Mich.. Aug- 22. Indef. Hyde's Theatre Party: Lima. O., 5-10. Harvey Stock Co., J. S, Oarslde, mgr.: Du- buque, ta., 29-Sept. 24. Harvey Stock Co.. R. D. Orr. mgr.: Kala- magoo, Mich.. 29-8ept. 10. Hlllman's Ideal Stock Co., F. P. HlUman, mgr.: (Alrdome) Omaha. Neb., Indef; Ravlln Stock Co.. Wm. Qaren, ittgr.: St. T.tuU, Mo., Aug. 8, Indef. Ingersoll. Wm.. Stock Co.: Salt Lake City, Sent. 4. Indet. Keith Stock Co:. James E. Moore, mgr.: l'at\. land Me.. April 19, Indet. Keith Stock Co.. Cato 8. Kettb. mgr.: Logans- port, Ind., 6-10; Richmond. 12-17. Kelly ft Sherman Stock Co., S. L. Kelly, mgr.: Parla, Mo.. 5-10; Newton, la.. 12-17. Kerue, Lorraine, Associate Playersr Kearney, Neb..- 4-17. • „ Kemble ft Sinclair's' Lyceum Comedy Co.: Warren. Pa., 6-10. Lawrence Players, D. 8. Lswrence, mgr.: Se- attle. Wash., Jnly 2S. Indet. Leonard, Wm. R., Playera; Sioux City, la.. Inrtcf. Lindsay-Morrison Stock Co.: Lynn, Mass., Ang. 20, Indet. . Lyric Stock Co., X. M. Gorman, mgr.: Lin- coln Neb., Abg. 29. Indef. LeRoy Stock Co.: Delphos, O., 5-10; Warsaw, Inil.. 12-17. LewlB-OllTcr Stock Co.: Channte. Kan.. 5-17. Lewis Stock Co., W. F. Lewis, mgr.: Grafton, Neh,, s-10, Le« stock Co., Lee Moses, mgr.: Shenandoah, la.. 6-10. Lyceum Stock Co.: Grand Island, Neb., 4-17. Morrla-Thnrston Stock Co.: Boy City, Mich., - Sept. 4, indet. Hnrroy-Mackey Co.,. John J. Murray, mgr.: Patnesvllle, O.. Ang. 22. Indef. MMay-Mackey Co. (Rastvrn). Ed. R. Moore, mgr.; steul>envUle, O., 5-10; Bellaire 12- 17. ■ ■ Maitland, Gertrude. Co., Je(I«rson Hall, mgr.: Olney. 111., 5-10: Terre Haute. Ind,, 12-17. Horey Stock Co. (LeCnrnte- ft. FIesher's). F. A. Murphy, mgr.: Belleville, Kan., 5-10: Clay Center 12.17. _ _ Middle States Stock Co., Jos. H.- Benner. mgr.: Peru, Ind., S-10. Pifa MlnneUl Bros.' Co.: Colllnwood, O., 5-10. Maher, Phil, Co., Leslie E. Smith, mgr.: Cum- berland. Md., 5-10. MaJesUe Stock Ca: Mebruka City. Neb., 4- 17. Metropolitan Stock Co.: Fremont, Neb.. 5-17. Nelson, Marie, Plsyers, Rodney Banoiis, mgr.. Chlcsgo, 111., Sept. 5, Indef. New Crltsrlon Stock Co., Kllmt ft Gazxolo, mgrs.: Chicago, Ul., Aug. 14, Indef. North Bros.*' Stock Co.: Topeka, Kan., Indef. Nlckerson Bros.' Stock Co., Cbas. A. Monell. mgr.: Independence, Kan., 6-17. Orphenm Stock CO., Grant Lalferty, mgr.: Plill- adelpbla, Sept. 13, Indet. Paige. Mabel, Stock Gow, Ohaa. W. Ritchie, mgr,: Jacksonville. Fla,.' Aug. 20, Indef. Partello stock Co.. W- A. Partello, mgr.: Cal- gary. Alta., Con., indef. Paycen Stock Co., E. S. Lawrence, mgr.: To- ledo. O.. Aug. 28, Indef. Foytott's Lee Avenue Stock Co., Cone Paytos, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. T., Ang. 29. Indef. Peyton's Bijoa Stock CO., Corse Payton, mgr.; Brooklyn. N. -Y. Sept. 5, Indef. Payton Stock Co., Corse Payton, mgr.: Ho- boken, N. J., Aug. 29, Indef. People's Stock Co.: Flint, Mich., Sept. 6, In- det. Pemchi-Gypiene Co-, C. D. Pemchl, mgr.: Tam- la, Fla., Indef. incess Stock Co.: Oes Moines, la., Aug. 28, Indef. Pringle, Dells, Co., C. K. Tan Auken, mgr.: Boise, Ida.. Ang- 22. Indef. People's Stock Co., Jack Huteblnsoo, mgr.: Ft. Scott, Kan., 5-17. Price's Players: WatervIIle. Me., 5-10; Old- town 12-17. Bnssell ft Drew Stock CO.: Seattle, Wash., Aug. 28, indef. Blnaldo'a Flayers. Swaney ft Rlnaldo, mgrs.: Maqnoketa, la., 5-10; Spring Green. Wla., ia-17. Beeves, Dorothy, Stock Co., ClUford Reeves, mgr.: York, Neb.. 4-17. Seattle Theatra Stock CO.: Seattle, Wash., April 24, Indef. Stone Stock Co.: Flint, Mich.. Aoic. 2S, Indef. Stnbba-Wllson Players, Cban. O. Wilson, mgr.. (Olentangy Park) Columbus, O., May 30-Sept. 10. Shannon Bzos.' Stock Co.. Harry Shannon, prop.: Kendallville. Ind., 5-10; Eaton, O., 12-17. Sherman Stock Co.: Angola, lad., 5-10. Sights Theatre Co.. J. W. Sights, mgr.: Cd- nmt.TiB Junction. la.. 6-10. Spence Theatre Co., Harry Sobns, mgr.:, Em- poria. Kan., 5-17- Stahl Stock Co.: Jefferson (Sty. Mo.. 5-17. Strong, Elwin, Co.. Walter Savldge. mgr.: Oakdale, Neb., 5-10. Taylor Stock Co., H. W. Taylor, mgr.: Beav- er FaUs, Pa., 6-10; BnUer 12-17. Thome. Mabel, Stock Co.. F. T. Parker, mgr.: Junction . City, Kan.. 4-17. Tinton, Myrtle, Co., H. P. Bnlmer, mgr.: Clar- ion, la., 6-10; Trier 12. Wlnnlnger Bras.' Co.: Wansan, Wis.. Indef. Wolfe Stock Co.: Wichita, Kan., Aug. 29. in- def. Woodward Stock Co.. O. D. Woodward, mgr.. Omaha, Neb.. Aug. 27. indef. Whyte Dramatic Co.: Lakeside Park, Joplin, Mo.. 6-17. Wolford Stock Co.. B. L. Panl. mgr.: Decatur, Neb., 5-10; Hartington 12-17. Ye Colonial Stock Co.: Atchison, Kan., 6-17. Young ft Ward Comedy Co.. C. Ooley, mgr.: Lancaster. S. Ol, B-10. BURLESQUE. American*, XWdy tHmonda, mgr.: (Dawey) MInneapolIa, B-10; (Star) St. Paul 12-17. Beauty Trust, Harry W. Thompson, mgr.: - (Gayety) Minneapolis. 6-10; (Gsyety) Milwau- kee, 12-lT. Behman Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: (Oajety) Plttabnrg, B-10; (Empire) Cleveland. 12-17. Big Banner Show, Frank Livingston, mgr.: (Star) Brooklyn, 5-10. 'Big Bevlew, Henry P. .Dixon, mgr.: (Star) Cleveland. B-10; (Folly) Chicago. 12-lT. Bohemlana, AL Lnbin, mgr.: (Folly) Pateraon, B-7: (Bon Ton) Jersey City, 8-10. Bon Tons: (Gayety) Kansaa City, B-lO; (Gayety) Omaha, 12-10. • v Bowery Bnrleaquera (Gayety) St. Louis, 5-10; (Gayety) Kansas City 12-17. Brigadiers. Louis Stark, mgr.: (Lafayette) Bnffalo 5-10; (Star) Toronto 12-17. Broadway Gaiety Girls, Lonla Oberworth. mgr.: (Empire) Chicago, 5-10; (Avenue) Detroit, 12-lT. Century Girls, Jack Faust, mgr.: (Lnaerne) WIlkes-Barre 5-7; (Columbia) Scranton, 8-10. Cherry Blossoms, Chss. F. Edwards, mgr.: (Tro- eadero) Pblla., 5-10; (Lycenm) Waoh., D. C 12-17. OiUege Girls, Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Emidre) To- ledo. 5-10: (Alhombra) Chicago, 12-17. Cdnmbla Bnrleaqners, Frank Logan, mgr.: (Star ft Garter) Chicago. S-IO; (Standard) Cincinnati 12-17. Cosy Comer Girls, Sam Robinson, mgr.: (Od- umbla) Scranton. 5-7; (Lnxerae) Wilkea-Barre, 8-10; (Troeadero) PhUa., 12-17. C!raeker Jacks, Harry Leont, mgr.: (Gayety) Omaha 5-9: (Gayety) Minneapolis 12-17. Dainty Duchess (Standard) Cincinnati S-10. Dreamland Burlesquers, Is^ Gssds, mgr.: (Ave- nue) Detroit, 5-10; (Lafayette) Buffalo 12- 17. Dncklinga. nank Calder. mgr.: (Century) Kan- saa Ofty. 5-10: (Standard) St. Louis. 12-17. Fads and Fonieae. Cbas. B. Arnold, mgr.: (Gay- ety) Detroit, B-lO; (Gayety) Toronto, 12-17. Follies of New York and Paris, B. M. Boeen- tbal. mgr.: (Mohawk) Schenectady, 5-7; (Em- pire)'Albany, 8-i0: (Gayety) Boston, 12-lT. Follies' of the Day, Barney Gerard, mgr.: (Buckingham) LonlavUIe, 6-10; (People's) Chudnnati. 12-17. Ginger Girls. Loa' Hnrtlg, mgr.: (Gsyety) To- ronto, 6-10; (Garden) Baffailo, 12-17. Girls From Dixie. Jos. Leavitt, mgr.: ((telum- bia) Boston, B-IO; (Bon Ton) Jersey Otbr. 12- 14; (Folly) Paterson, 15-17. Girls From Happyland, B. W. Chlpmsn, mgr.: (Gayety) Baltimore 5-10; (Waldmann'a) Newark. 12-17. Golden (nrook, Jas. Fnlton. mgr.: (Gsyety) MUwankee, 6-10; (Alhambra) Chicago, 12-17. Hastings'. Harry, Show: (Waldmann's) New- . ark,r B-IO; (Empire) Hoboken.12-17.' Imperials, Sim WlUIsms, mgr.: (Bowery) N. Y. C. B-10; (Folly) Paterson 12-14; (Bon Ton) Jersey City. 16-17. Irwin's Big Show: (Oirlnthlan) Rochester. 5- 10: (Mohawk) Schenectady 12-14; (Empire) Albany 15-17. Jolly Girls, B. B. Patton, mgr.: Lay-off at Flil]«„ B-IO: (Catlna) Bnoklyn, 12-17. (Continued on page 42.) THE FAMOUS WINSLOW SHOWS Iteturtng Capt. J. W. Dyer's Animal Show, can nsa PLATFORM SHOWS', or any other good attraction' at all times. Amusement (Ximmlttees in Missouri and Kansss w ho wa nt a flrat-clasa attnction that can make good, with the best of references, address FAKOHB Win SLOW 8KOWB, - - - - m.; week Sept. 12, Csmllton, HI.; week Savt. », Yandalla. Ka. -week Sept. 6, Breese, Mr, G. A. Lfons, write. WANTED—FOR SOUTHERN TOUR PROCTOR'S WESTERN SHOW Acts for Stadium, White -Vaudeville Talent, High Striker, Ciane Back, party to run Glasa Stand, experioiced Man to handle big snake. Door Talkers and capabla men to handle Conceasiona; John B^^yjirjjo^^ddrgg^^a^MontenJJJlM^^tt^gajrtonjJJ^^ WANTED-FOR THE SiSTRUNK COMPANY Playing and controlling exclusively sll shows and pr ivlleg fs tor tlie best money-gettinc Fairs in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. HUMAN BOULETTB and FERBIS WHEBL. Can alao use one or two more A-1 Shows'that do not conflict- Most Join flrst week in October. (KINCBSSION PEOPLE. If yon witih live «»«. write. B ooked solid nntn Dec. 15. 1010. Write for route, or watch other issues The Billboard. Address THE SXBtKUSK CO., Gotnmbia, B, C„ or per ronte. Wanted-rFor Trenton Hoine-GoiRingW8ek,Sept.26,lRolusive SHOWS'. PRITILEGES. CONCESSIONS, Biding Devices, Freaks, Cnrioalttes, Novelties, Ladles for poses. Serpentine, Oriental People. Palmists. Song Illustrator, Piano Player, Tandeville and Plantation PecqVle, Man with Pletuie Outfit. Trenton. Ohio, la a anbub of Bllddletown and Ham- ilton. Long season South to follow. Also wanted; PBOMOTBR that knows the Sooth: Advertlslns Solicitor. Committees 'wanting benefits 'write. Address GIBSOH AJCVSEIIEHT ZHTEBVBiaBk Trenton, Ohio. T H E B IG NEW JERSEY STATE FAIR At NEWARK, Oct. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 UP-TO-DATE SIDE SHOWS AND ATTRACTIONS CAN CLEAN UP HERE. SPECIAL PROGRAyS TO DRAW lUVENSE THRONGS EACH DAY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS, AS WE ARE BOUND TO HAVE A 6REAT MIDWAY. Address all rommunications to FRED W. VOIGT, QeneraUIanager, P. O. Box 5 4 or Suite 604-608 Scheuer Bldg.. 738 Broad St., Newark, N. J. "Rlephone, 4835 Market;^ | WANTED-AT ONCE FOR MUSTANG JACK'S WILD WEST AND INDIAN CONGRESS CO'uraM'gS—COWOTBTB UTTXB SHOTS—EXPERT ROPEBS and BRONCHO RIDERS—MSZX- CAXn and mSIAHB. All mUst have A-t oUtata. Texas Charley, Ed Dodge and Marie, Golda \Voodea St. Clair, Obteman and Mexls, please write. Address all commanlcatlona to XACX MOORS. BARTIXSVSUCX. OXLA.