The billboard (Sept 1910)

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40 X li e :Oi lib o a p d SEPTEMBER 10, 19fO.'^. REVISED LIST OF THEATRES High-dass, Popular Price, Stock, Vaudeville, and Buriesque, ill the Small Towns of America Compiled for Billboard Readers KEY TO LIST. 1— ^Hlsh-clasa or One-nlsht. 2— Popular Price. 3—TandevlUe. 4— Bnrlesqae. ■ „ e—Stock. ^ ■:. ALABAMA. t-AMNIBTON—fopnlatlon 2S,000. New Noble: cap. 1,800. A. B. Noble, mip:. 8 CoiTtocliini; cap. 300. H. W. Gradr, mgr. a ABBBVHiLE—PcvnlaUon 2.000. ' Iionfc's O. B.; can. TSO. Stakes & Dmin. mgra. - S AMDALinaA.—PoDQlatlcn 8.000. Opers Booae; cap. 1,100. N. A. •McMlUan. mgr^ 1 BATfiSTILLE—Population 5.200. New me- atre; cap. 800. J. O. Hall, mgr.- 1 BLOOXON—Popnlatlon 5,000. Opera : HMue.' ■■:«'-'..-«a»i-.-600. J. W. Stewart,: mgr. ■. I GLA.ZTON—Population 1,600. BnterpHae : O. H.; cap. 400. C.II. Valentine., mgr. 1 DKMOPOUS—Populatiai 8,000. Branrell: eap. 800. N. X. Braaw^, mgr. t nm&IA—Popnlatlan 3,000. Florala O. B.; .eait.;Te8. Frencb. & Bwing, .mgra. 2 FLORENCE—^FI«en-e: Staffotd 4: Hart. mgra. . OAOBDIEN—Popaiatfoa 15.000; HaTden-Fake; : eu.: LMO. SMmid Boienbaiiin, mgr. 3 <OUliSDIDr—New JUamo: 3.- T.- Pmett; mgr. i SREENVIUjE —Opera Hooae; cap.- 4B0. I}. W. -MooGTlef, mgr. i JACKSONVILUI—PopnUtlon 4,830. Opera Hoose; cap. 485. Jotan Ramagniinot mgr. 1 UFATEniTB—'Popolitlon 2,000. Wood Opwca Hooae: can. aoo. W. B. Wood, mgr. 1 NEW DECAtUB— Popalatlm 15,000. Hann- Ic; cap. 900. 'Ernest Yomig,.mgr.- 2 BUBSBLLTIUJl—PDpiiIatloii 2,000. Qnim O. H.; cap. 400. -0. O. naxBtGO, mgr. I 8BLlU.-^opiilaitIon 18,000. Aodanr; cap. 900t . 1 XUBGAIOOBA—Elka' Andltorlnm; C. F. FUnn, .-■/-Bigrt'-"' t TDMKKGErE—^PopnIatI<m 2,500. Opera Honae; cap. 300. T. B. Wbtte, mgr. . L mHON 8PBlNG8:j-PapnIatl<m 4.000. Hley O H.; cap. 480. IJ. J. BosenatUd. mgr. ARIZONA. Orpbei cap. Afflamy; cap. I BI8BBB—Foptdatlaii 23^000. 1.000. N. H. KiBK, mgr. i GUFTON-«ipdl«llart 8.000. ■ ; • -ISOl J!^ Pzet^nwi. .nap.. 1 DOUGLAS—Orpbenm; Geo. Srami, mgt. •t GLOBB—Popnlatlgn 12,U0O. vDieaiBIaiid: 1,600. J. L, Alexander, mgr.: S-lTla: cap. 400. E. B KeUb.'.mgc - 2 GIJOBE—Martin; Balph Hartln. mgr. 2 Qnlim; Qnlnn BiDa./ mgts; ' 1 PfttasCUTT—^Popnlatlon T,000. Elk>: cap. 8*0. J. p: Dillon, mgr. " 1. PHOENIX—P<valatioii 20,000. . .Oks'; cap. XSOO. George KIrfclanfl, mgr. XAirdome; cap. 400. 8. A. BchUn, mgr. SEaatlaka jPark; cap. 800. S. A Mitchell. ■ ••■.mgr , - 3 Ccdlaemn; cap. 1,200. Beerea & Wooda, 3 Hajeatlc; cap. 1,000. S. A. Bcblln, mgr. 8 Qiand; cap. 1.000. I. I4. Scott, mgr. 1 TOHBERFONB—Population 2,000 ScldSeleln: ew. BOO. P. B. Wamekros, mgr..: t WINSLOW—Popniatlan 2,000. Electric;' cap.: 000. 6. H. Hansen, mgr. ARKANSAS. S AUU—PopmatleQ 600. Ctaren'*'-C '^H.; carp. SOO. ' C. O. Scorflle, mgr. 1 ABKAT)KTiPHTA Population «,000. Oreabam; cap. COO. atere Smith, mgr. S BENTON—FopaUtion 2,500. IfaJeaUe; cap. k SOO. E. T. Sttmaon. mgr. U BBNTONVniLB-^oixilatlon SOO. Opera ■ Honae; cap. 400. B. B. Howard, mgr. WZ CAMDEN—Populatiaii 5,000. E. of P.; cap. too. W. It. Blee. mgr. 1 m. DOBADO—Popolatloa «,O0O. JtAaaton; cap. tSO. A. G.' Howard, mgr. 1 EUBEKA SPBINGS-Popolatlan T,600. Bo- reka; cap. 800. A. M. Barron, mgr. 1 rATETTEVIU,E—Ptipniatloa 10.000. Osark; cap. 82S. W. D.-McNA, mgr. 1 FORT SMITH—Papulation 83,600. Cbaad; cap. 1,200. G. A. IdA. mgr. 3 l47rlc; cap. 800. C. Ii. Carrell, mgr. 3 Uajeatle; cap. 700. W. Flke, mgr. I HABBISBDBG—^Population 1,500. I^ceom; cap. 300. G. E. Vandlver, mgr. 1 HABBISON—Popnlatlon 5,000. New Armoiy: QC». 000. F. W. Greene, mgr. I;HBBEB^PDpolatloa . New Jadcaoii; cap. -'v&wn.~M. B. Ebmllton, mgr. I'HBEBKA—Popnlatlon 10,000. Grand O. H.; ' > V<p. 2,000. B, B. Fltapstrlck, mgr. I HOPE—Popnlatlon 6.000. Logan; cap. 250. E.-W. Logan, mgr. 1 ItASNOKTA—dopolatlon S.000. Opera Hooae; ^ ii m.i HaO. Ti. 'lS. 'Deata, mgr. 1 lUlOtOTrra SPBING8—PopnUtfcm 2.000, '-''erand; cap. 400. O. B. Palmer, mgr. :: 1 VARIANNA—Population S,000. Idle HOur; cap. Tim 8. Scott, mgr. 1 jmU.r^P<«ntotiaii S.C00. , DarU O. H.: cap. \'.'>::;i^'IHikc;:c'.'JL 'F.-.Barvls^.. mis. J JCOBBH/mN—Population 3,500. Logan; cap. ..■:-t;f.;lSOT.'Vii!.vW..'L<MOiii.,mgr. I NEXKLSSTON—Popnlatloir 1,600. Dreamland; cai'-'WOL B. SfcGbmla. mgr.' - S OU'^^FopBlaftOB 1.600. James Han; cap. ' SnO. ;/AlIiert JamM.;-mgr. 1 PARASniTU>^-P9imtetl«i - T.B>!0. • Whltaett.: . ■cap.-I BOL :V L.iJ. WWtaett, mgr.^. . . 1 FINK BLUFF—Pmnlatlol .28,000. Elka'; cap. ; 1.BOO. C K.~ PnUpM, mgr. 1 FBBSOOIT—Fopidatlaa 3JI00. Gfacaan O. B.: rapacftr TOk. O. B. Oordca. Mr. 2 ROGEB8—Popnlatlon 3.800. . Opera HMae; cap. 000. W. A. Ibner, Bgr. , r ; = 1 SPRIMGDALE—^PopnlaUon 2,500. Andlto- Tiom; cap. 900. G. F. Benner, mgr: ISTUTTOART —Population 4,000. Opera vHooae; cap. 600. Wllllanu Bros., mgra. 1 TBXAB&ANA—Population 13,000. Grand; cap. Clarence Greenblatt, mgr. 1 TAlT BUBBN—Popnlatlon 4,000. King's; cap. -" f 760; H . A^- Toddj mgr. 2 WAUtOTr BIOGB—Population 4,600. ' Opera ■• Ho use; cap. 850.' W. T. Stodcmcrt mgr. I WlUfOV—ropidatlott 6,000. Brames O. H.; cap. 400k A. F. Brame, mgr. CALIFORNIA. 1 ANAHBnc—PopuIaUai 4.600. ■ Anabeim; cap- 750. J. Schumacker, mgr. 1 AUBCrBN—Popniatlan - 5,000—Anbam; cap. 800. Auburn; cap. 800. W. F. Jacobs, mgr. 1 AZUZA—Popnlatlon 1,800. Opera Honae; cap.-BOO. : 0.': ,B. Olorer. mgr. 3 BAfmBSVIBEO—flopnlatlon ' 1.500. .-FUra'a; ■ ea^ 6001 ^Ano Forst, mgr. 1 OHIOO—Popolatlm 12,000. Armocy Hall; cap . 80(fe 3. F. Xonns, mgr. 3 BrBBE:A—Popnlatlon 18,000. Empire; cap. 600; J. Taniant, mgr. 3 FILLMOBB—Pbpolatloii 1,000. Stepbena Hall; cap. 500. Slciiaifl Stephens^ mgr. -1 FUbNO—Fopolatlaii 30,000. Barton; cap. - 2,000. B. Oi Bartonj mgr. 3 Bmplre; cap. 1,000. XL Hoen, mgr. 1 BANFOBD-^opilIatlaa (,000. H. * H.; cap. : 600. A; F. VeaiT, mgr. 8 Le Qrande; cap. 200. - B. F. DamdL mgr. 2 LOIfPOO-^opulatlca 2,000. LompoeO. H.; cap. 400. . .J. Sehwarta, mgr. . 1 UASXSVILLB—Population 8,000. IfarrarlUe; : cap. 1,124. F;, O. Atkins, mgr. 8 LjTle; W. B. Gardner, mgr. 1 HBBCBD—Population. 4,000. Barerstt; cap. 750. F. B. Baxcrott, mgr. 1 KUNTBBBir-^apalctlaa 10,000. Wort; cap. 800, F. T. Ohapman. mgr. , 2 Star ; cap. BOO. ^Hiark Hama. mgr. 1 NBEDUES—Population 2,800. Opera Hoose; leap: SOO. 8. T. Clark, mgr. 2 FASADBNAr^ PonOatlGn. 82,000. Open Hooae: cap. 888. I. W. Oojrle, mgr. 1 POBTBRTILLE—Papulation 600. .lA. B. Moore, mgr. 1 FBTALUKA—Popoladlon 15,000. ran O. H.; cap. 1.200. A. L. Wrfia, mgr. . ' - 8 ragBer cap, aoo. - i* BBD BLUFF—Pepidatioil <B0O..- Opera Honae; ca p. 1.0 80.-. B. W. Bldwell, 1 BEDWOOD CITY—Popniatlan 8,500, In: cap. 1,000. W. Xr'TInmp. mgr. . 1 SAN sgBNARDPIO Popu lation 14.0001 Opera Hooae; cap. 800. Mrs. M. Lu -KliiWngar, 1 ai^'DIEGO-ropoIatlaB 45,000. \f Oniiek: . cap. 1,100. J. IC Dodge, 'mgr. 3 Xteplxe; cap. 800. H. O. More, .mgr. 8 Gcaad: cap. 600. Fred BelUen,. mgr. 2 Ptekinck; .ew. 800.- 8. A. Palmer, mgr. 3 Qonwi;.-:cig.::.^700.: .B. J.. Domellan, mgr. IBaraj'; .'cap.': 1,200. Palmer ft imikemon. t SAIT FBBKAKDO-^opDlatian 2.000. Harp's - ' HaD: cap. 250. " W. B. Woiger, mgr. I SAN JOSB—Popidatloa 80,000. Tleto^; cap. 1.700. F. A.«Glesea. mgr. * 3 Gxidcn: cap. 1,400. UcCabe ft Bane, mgrs. 3 Jose^ cap. 900.- W. T. Warren, mgr. 1 SAN LCI§ OBISPO—Population 6,-000. Fa .'>-: 'Tllfoa;. cap.'1,000. ' Darnel Wolf.-mgr. 1 BAMTA. ANA-^opolctlon 10,000. Opera House. Wm. -McCoIIougii, - mgr. 2 SANTA ROSA—Fopulathm 10,000. lOoImi^; . cap. 650. ' J. R. Crone, mgr. . S SrOOSION — FopDlaitlon 23,500. NareUr: : V ■ can .-fl6y. P. 'B.^ ""f^. I-lTDIOiOCK— FopnlatiOD 2,000. Opera .Hooae; • - ccp^-400. -Eddx ft ItaanSl, wagtm. \ l YBISA-«0|ialatiOB 9,000. Peters;.-cap. BOO. ■..L.'i.V./'Ooinley.i'.nigr. COLORADO. I ASFBN—Popnlatlon 4.200. Wheder O. H.: . cap. 725i /' Sbeeban ft Tatea, mgra. 1 BOlHiDBB—FopOIatlga ISiOOO.. OUras; cap, V1,150.'.'.:.'B^-^'PeiansT,'"mgr.- ' - \. 1 BDBUNGTON—PopuIaHoo 80a: - Andltorlnm: cap. 500. Pearl H. Coakley. mgr. 1 COtiOBADO SPBINGS-PopnIatlOD 37,000. Gr^nd: cap. 1,000.. S. N. Nye. m^. S Majeatle; cap. 1,000. naak^Tammen, . , mgr. , ,: ■ i, , •, 8 CANON Cnrr — PoDalatloa 1O,000l Opera Honae: cap. 800. F. E. Dewer, mgr. 2 FOWLER—Population 1,500. K. of P.; cap, 600. S. H. Dunn. mgr. 1 GRAND JDNCXION—Popnlatlon 11.000. Park . ;:<^ Haskell, mgr, 8 Ma1ea tle; 'B0O.- .a. gtorterant. mgr. I GREELEX'—PODUlatlon'9.S00. Opera House: > cap. 850. ' W. M. Boomer, mgr. 3 LA J UNTA—Wonderly; C. W. Wonderlr, mgr. LRADVILLB—Popnlatlon 12.000. Blka' O. H.; cap. 1,000. Geo. W. Casey, mgr. ■ 1 LONCMONT—Population 7JM)0. IMekans; can. TOO. . W. C Oonl^bsn. mgr. a PTTKBLO^^opnlatloa 00,000. Uajeetie. Mrs G. H. HocTls, mgr. 8 Pantagm; 1 Hanr Holm>a, mar. 1 Grand; cap."l,40O; v.E. O. Mlddlekamp. mgr. t BOCKT FOBD—Population .10.000. . Grand; can. -1.000; ■ J.: W. Todd. mgr. < TRINtDAD-Poimlatlon 15.000. Wesfs; ^i . cap, 1.200. Bail.: OoOler. mgr. . . .3 Crystal: cap. 680. W. R. Orivdorir. mar. 8 CeDMt iPark:< cap. 856. B. n. Patrtrk, '■'t"" nmi i!$PiV'■■■:> ■: ' 1 VICTPB-^^PopnlatloD 6.800. Oprra Tttmmr: no, 1.1W. F.' F. Latimer, mgr. CONNECTICUT. 1 BRISTOL—Population 10,000. SiienDUi; cap, 1.100. C. W. Hale, mgr. • DANBURy—PoDOlatlon '23,000. Taflor's O, ■ H.: Min. 1.2!in. F.' A^'OImr, mgr. 8 MERIDBN—Poll's: W. Klrbr. mgr. 1 SnpnLETOWN-iPomlatloii 20,000; Tbe Uld- : dleaex; cap.. 1,080. Heniir Bngel, mgr. 1 NADGATOCK—Popnlatlon 14,000. Grand Op- era House: cap, 825. Isaac Morse, mgr, 2 NADOATUCK—Gem; M. J. Langtord, mgr. Z MSW BBITAIN—PopulaUon US.OOO. Bna- serin; cap, 1,000. Tom Lynrb. mgr. 8 Keenej'a; cap. 1,T00. P. J. McMann. mgr. 8 Scenic: cap. TSO. 3. W. Halladar, mgr. I NEW BBITAIN—Lyceum; Mr. Nlckersoo, mgr. I NEW bUNDON—Popnlatloii 20,000. Li}C«nm; cap. 1,060. W. F. Morpby, mgr. 8 Bijon: cap. —. David AIuit, mgr, t NOBWIOH—Popnlatloo 23,000. Broadway; cap. 1.400, I. W, Jackson, mgr, 8 Auditorium: Hany Sbannon, mgr. 1 NORWIOH—Poll's; Jobn: Grieves, mgr. 1 POTNAH—Population 8,000. Bradley; cap. .94 8. -K lebert ft Btlne, mgrs. t BOCKVUjLB— Population 11,000. Imperial; cap. 600. Sterena ft Jackaon, mgra. 1 Turn HaU; cap. TSO, J. H. Yoat, mgr. t SOUTH NOBWALK — Potnlatian 21,000. Hoyt's; cap. 1,000. Jerome Bosenberg, mgr. 3 Mnslr Hall: cap, 1,500. Tom EIrby, mgr, I STAMFOBD—Popnlatlon 17,000. Alhambra; cap. — . Beacon Amnse. Co., mgrs. 2 Family; cap. 1,000. Berrlck ft Bloom, .mgrs. 8 I^cenm; A. Geronimo, mgr. 1 WINSTED—Popnlatlon O.SOO. Opera House; c ap. 1,85 0. M. B. Norton, mgr. I WILLIMANTIO—Fixation 11,000, Loomer; cap. 1,100.' J; H. Grey, mgr. FLORIDA. 1 ABCADIA—Population 2,500. OeSoto O. B.; cap. 500. N. S. Ffonlkea, mgr. 2 DAXTCNA—Popniatlan B,2S0. Opera Honae; cap. SOO. Snead ft B(>miett, mgia. 3 Crystal; cap. SOO. Yonng ft Tltna, mgra. 1 FEBNANOINA—Popnlatlon 5,000. I^oaam; cap. 600. W. S. Wbltney, mgr. 1 JACKSONVILLB—Population 55,000. Dnval; cap. 1,500. W. X.. Del Cher, mgr. 8 Msjestie; A. Hoyt, mgi^ .: . ' 6 Colonial; George Harbect^ bus. . 6 Orphen m; c ap. 1,012. 'fames Bnmalde, mgr. S JAOKSONVIIiLB—BUoa; 3. O, GrsT. mgr. 1 EaSSUUIBB,^.FapuUtiOtt 850. FTateialty O. H. ; c ap- 35 0. B. A. Gilbert;'-mgr. 2 LAKE cm—^Popniatlan 8,000. Flymptn; cap. 400. M. O. I'lympton, mgr. 1 LAKELAXD—PoiralaHon 5,000. Hemd's: cap. fOO. ' H. T. Hcmm, mgr. 2 Van Buss O. H.; cap. 6S0. O. B. Tan Haas, mgr. 8 Andltoilnm; cap. COO. W. N. Slieats, mgr. 1 UARIANNA.-^PDpnIatlan 8,000. Darls, HsU; can. 400. 0. W. DaTls, nvr. 2 incONOPX—Fopolatloii 800. Feastet'a HalL cap. 860. O. L. Feaater, mgr. 1 OCALA—Population 9,000. New Temple; cap. 750. J. W. Sylrester, mgr. 8 Armoiy: cap. 300. J. W. Srlrester, mgr. 2 FALATKA—Populatlcn 10.000. New Howell; cap. 800. R. C. Howell, mgr. 1 FALATKA—Orpbcmn; Louis Kalbfleld, mgr. 2 FBNSAOOLA—Fensaeola; N. Smitli. mgr. 8 Orpheu m; E. W. Helntyre, mgr. 1 ST. ADGUHTINB—Fopniatlan 8,000. JeSer son; cap. 1,000. A. K. Ta^Aor. mgr. 1 TAUFA—Popniatlan 66,000, Xampa Baj Oaaino; cap. 1,850; G- O,: Paraooa, mgr. 2 I'emrlil'.GypieM; cap. 800. C. D. FaraeU, mgr... . 2 Ballast Point. Oislno; cap. SOO. J. A Trawlcfc.- mgr. 2 Orpbeum; cap. 900. Wm. OppeiAelmer, mgr. . 8 Sana Sond; ew. BOO. Ed. Tarbell. mgr. . S Patiie; cap. .400. 7e«T WatrMf, mgr. 1 TITDSVILIJ:—Population 1,000. Opera Bonae; cap. 200. B.. w. Halle, mgr. GEORGIA. 1 ALBANX—Pivnlation 15,000. Bawllns; cap 900. A. O. Osrtatowaky, mgr. 1 AMBRIOOB—FopldatlOB 12,000. ' Dndlv'S- cap. 800.' Wm. Dudley, mgr. 1 ATHENS—Population 20,000. OoIanUl; cap I. O6O: R. I. ]>almer, nwr. 1 BAINBRIDGE—Grand; W. J. BraeUs, mgr. 1 BBUN8WICK—F<wnlatlon 20,000. Utand: cap. 1,050. W. A. Finney, mgr. 1 CBDABTOWN—Pop^tion 5,000. . Lyceum- cap. 700. O. O.^aU, mgr. t DALTON—Fopidatlan 7.O0O. Opera Hooae cap. 750. B. P. Daila, mgr. 2 New Lyeenm; cap. 4100. ' W.-M. Hardwlek. 1 ]>£n«ON—FopolatlcB 6,000! Fargaaon'a cap. 450. Tony Lorely, mgr. 1 DUBLIN—Dnblln; H. P.. Anderson, mgr. ' 1 BATONTON—PopnlatiOD 3,000. Opera House; rap. 500. 0. H. DaTla, mgr. . 1 FITZaEBALD—FopnIatioae 8,000. Opsrs Honae : can. 700. laidor GMcn, mgr. 1 GBIFFIN—^Popnlatlon 10,000. Bijon; cap, 700 0. O. Wall, mgr. 1 H0GAN8VILLB—Population 1,800. Word'a: .pa p. HB O. M. W. Word. mgr. 1 LOUISVUXB—^Population 1,500. Auditoclnm: cap.' 300.. Betbea ft' Wblgtaam, m(ia. 1 HIliLEDOBTILLK—PopnlaUon 8,000. Open Honae; cap. 1,000. T. IfcOomb, mgr 1ICACON—Population 35,000, Grand; cap 2.148. D. O. Ptatlllpi. mgr. 1. ICONROB—Population 4,000. Opera Honaa cap. 600. P. A. Dickinson, mgr. 1 NEWNAN—Popnlatlon 6.000. Audltortom- cap. 800. O. L. Baker, mgr. 1 BICHMOND—PopulaUon 2,000. AndltoalnD; cap. 600. L. B. Lumstord, mgr. ' 1 ROME—Popnlatlon 10.000.° Opera Bouas: cap 1.030.- Jop Spleaelberg. mgr. 1 SP.ilRTA—F(q>nlatlon 8,000. AndltsriDm: cap. 600. T. J. Jones, mgr. 2 SWAINSBOBO—PopuUtlon 8,000. Opera Bouse; cap. TOO. J, A. Odmaa. mgr. 1 TRION—Population 2.800. THon; cap. 700 A. S. Hamilton, mgr I TALDOSTA—Population ' 8,000. Olty Operr Bouse; cap. 800 W. L. Bleks, mgr. 1 Canraa: cap. 800. W. L. Bieka, mgr. - WARRRNTON—^Population 1,500. ' . Audlto rium: cap. 500. J, C, loaeniig, nn, 1 WINDER—P(vnlaHon 6.000. Lyric; cap. 000 fibarptoD ft Merck, mgra. IDAHO. 1 ASHTON—Popnlalioai 8,000. Aabtan Honae: Clip. 1,000. W, E,'Meltoo, mgr. ' 1 BOISE—Popolatloa 80,000. Flimsy's; eaa, 1.8S0. W. A. HendenliaU, mgr. 2 Tumor; cap. 000. Mrs. J. Fnrtb, mgr, 0 »nihpnra; cap. 425. W. N. Tboaniaan, mgr. 1 BTjACKFOOT— Popnlatlon 8,600. Armory 0. H : rap;. 800. J ai. A, Clark, mgr. I GRNRSBBB—Popnlatlon 1,400. ' Opera House; cap. 400, J; K, Bell, mgr. :: 1 LKWISTON—T-Populatlon 10,000. Temple; cap. 750. E. L. WlBgln. mgr. I PARKER—Papulation 1,500.' Parker O. B.i cap. 700, J. A; Tyler, mgr, ' I POOATRLIiO-rmiiNilatlaB 8,600. AvdltariMl cap. 80O; Alas. UaRay,/Bfr. OeatPa: cap, 400. 1 Preston. Fopnlatlon 2.600, 0pm Honiat cap. 1,000. W. K. Barton, mgr. : KEXBURQ—Fumlatlcn 8.600. — 000. B. J. Flamm, mgr. 1 anOAB OITX—Ponulatloi 1,000.' Opm Honae: cap. 1,000. ,F. Daria. our. 1 WABDNBB—Pimnlatloa 3,500. -H.^U P. HaU; cap. 400,i Harria * Brawi^ aign. < ILLINOIS. 1 ANAWAN—PopuIatlOB 800. BUllet'a; cap. 400. Ptall BUllet, mgr, - 1 ATKINSON—Popnlatlon 1,200. Myatlc; cap. 400. Joa. Van Hypta, mgr. I AVON—Popolatloa 1,100. Opera Hooas: eap. 600. O. J. Woods, mgr, ^ 8 ALEXIS—Populatiaii 1,000, Opera Haoses cap. BOO. ' L. N. Graliara, mgr. 1 ALTi>N—Popolatlcn 25,000. Tembla: csa. 1,240. W. M. Saorage, mgr. - 3 Lyric; cap. 403, A. Bnrke, m«,' 3 AL-B<>RA—Population 85.000. BtErs cap.. 800; J. Dlcfces, mgr. 2 ATA—PopulaUon 1,500. W. S, Smysor, mgr. 1 BBLVISBBB—^Derthlck; Loop ft Dysart, mgis. 1 BENTON—PopuUtlon 8,500, Auditatliim; ca»; 750. G. O. CbantroU, mgr. I BLOOHINGTON—Fopnlatlon 35,000, i'OoUae nm; cap. 1,800. Shrank Balelgh, mgr; .. ' 8 CasUe; cap. 800. Guy Martin, mgr. I BDSHNBUr—Uajestlc; cap. 660. Jolm B. Clem, mgr. I CANTON—PopnUllao 12,000. Gnud: cap. 1,068. J. W. Oosnell, mgr. . : 8 Varieties: cap. 7,000. J. Staaopis, ;oigr; IOARLINVILLB—Popnlatlon 8,800; ^pna Hooae; cap. 676. Tally ft Oaraoa, mgra. 1 CARUI—Population 4,000; Opera Boose; can. 600. Paul Guess, mgr. 2 CARTERSTILLIli—PopulaUon 4,000. Samada;' cap. 750, J, B. Samuris, .inir. : •. .- . :.': : : 3 CASEY—Population 6,000. Oqlieam; .'^cap; : 400. Geo. 8pence, mgr.. 1 CHAMPAIGN—Popdatlon, 20^000, Walkw; cap. 300. Samuel RaliI;vB>sr> ~ v . . 8 Orpbenm; cap. 800. Samuel Kald, :agr.' . t CHABUESTON-'FopulaUon 9,000, -Opera bouae: cap. SOO. Otto Stewart, mgr. 8 Varhl^; cap. 200. Bailey ft Kats. mgr. 1 CHILLICOTHB—PopulaUon 4,000. Keeney'a ' cap. 556. O. B. Kelly, mgr. ' : 1 COUJNaVILLB—PopulaUon laoOO;: Opera Honae; cap. 1,200. Dr. 3i H. Blegei; Bur. 1 DAULAS cm—Popnlatloo 1,800. Opera Hooae; cap. BOO. SimmoBa ft Oaldweil. mgra. ■■^■.:'. 2 DONOOLA—PopulaUon 1,000. Opera Hooae; cap. 400. G. W. Coagbanonr.' mgr. - ° 1 DBCATUB-^opoIaUon 33,000,MFowan* O. H.; cap. 1,600. T. P. Banas,. mgr. 8 BUou; cap. 1.169. A. Slgftied. mgr. DIXON—Dixon Opera House; B. S. Baker, mgr. 3 Family; C. H. Eastman, mgr. 1 DWIGHT—Dwlght; A. L. Orr ft Son, ovra. 1 KAST ST. LOUIS-^PopnUUon 128UioO.: New, Broadway: cap. 1,600. J. B. Barrett,'mgr. 8 Erber'a MaJesUc; cap. 1,200. Joa. Brber. mgr. 8 A-renne; cap. 1,000. Arenne ~ neatre- Oo., ' WUdey;; I EOWABDSVILLE—Popniatlan 7,000, cap. l.OSO. C. T. Tuxbom. mgr. 1 KLGIN—Grand; Prlckett ft Tldelea, mgrs. : 8 Star;-Frlckett ft TUelen, mgra. 1 EOnALIXr—Fopnlatloa 1,500. TnnMca* O. H.; cap. 600. Cbaa. W. Tmueta. oogr. . 1 FARlnNGTON-^mOatloii 8,000. IQratle O. H. ; c ap. 400. Blaado Carrier, mgr. I FRBBPOBT—Popnlatlon 20.000. Oraad; cap. 946; - Hogb FlaimeaT. mgr. S BIJoa; -cap, 650. Wolditar Oaasatt, atfr. 1 OAIiESBTiBO—Popnlatloo 86.000;' -\Aliai. _ _ toHum: cap. 1.305. F. B. Pawdaan^ mgr.. S GALESBCBG—Gaiety; ' A. 'Olsra^' ngr.^T^'' : I GKBBNI/P—Fopnlatipn 2,000; Swart;^ capb 500. A. W. Button, mgr. r TT I HARRIBBIIBG—Popnlatloo 8.000. Opera _ Honae; cap. 800. W. V. Batbbone, mgr. . 8 Orpbenm; cap. 200. Tuner Bros., mgra. 8 Star; cap. 260. Tncner Broa.. aura; U I HBBBIN—PopulaUon 8,000. Opera Boose; . _eap. 850. Hermsn StearoB, mgr; . I BOOPRSTON—Pupolatian 0,5(00. - McFlnen's; cap. 1.100. Wm. HcFerrln, mgr. ( JACKSONTILLB—pDpulati«B 20,000. Grand; _cai>, 1.400. L. p. Andi-rani. mgr.' 1 KEWANEB—Grand; W. J. Weat. mgr. 3 BUoa; Frank 'Whlffen, mgr. I LA SALLE—Popnlatlon 12.0U0. Opera Boose; csp. 1,000. B. C. Zimmerman, mgr.* ' 1 MABIS8A—Population 2.500. Meek Audi. torlom; cap 800. 0. E. Tams..mgr. 1 MINEBAIr—PopoIatlaB: 800. Bly'a Hall; cap. - ^. 850. E. 3. Ely. mgr. 1-MOUNT 8TEBLING—PopnlatiOD 8,000, Unr. phy's O. B.; cap. 800. J. IC, Ifnrpby; nutr. I MARION—Ponllatlaa 13.000. lMu3;' ^ap^ I, 160, r. F. Boland, mgr, . ?,'?KiHi .I"""! Ota*, mgr. 1 MABSHALLr-PoinUatlon 4,000. Fytfalou cap. 4S0. Victor Janner. mgr. ( HATTOON-PopulaUon M.nooT^UaJeatle: Cap.' cap. 1,000. W. M. Brown, mgr. ^ 1 HENPUTA—PopidaUoB 5,000. . A. Onbtta, mgr. ' IfOUNB—PopnlsUoo 25,000. cap. 1,000. - B. A. Sodlnl. mgr.- 1 Mollne; cap. 1,200. R. Taylor, 8 FamRy; ea|N 1,000, B. i " CHICAGO PATTER. (Continued from page 8.) o' LonlsTlIle landed Mlna Vance , to the aklea and the n-st of the bill was greeted enthusiastically as are all opening bills, morr. than all thousand persons paring to wltneaa - the four opening shows. The other acts on the bill were: Bill and STlriany. Mr, and Uia. Huiray Fermson. The, .Three English Girls and Qotdon and Henry. > • - a - -• The Western Vaudertlle Managers' Associa- tion tueanes are begtnnlnR to open no with a rush. On last Monday; BeptemberfS; the : Vlr.. Kinia Theatre at Hoopston, 111., with -two acta booked by Walter D'OrIa; the Halestlc. at La* Salle. III., with three acta, also by D'OrIa; the Family Theatre at Inillanapolla. with four acta; Lyric (formerly the Crystal) at Elkhart. Ind., and the Lytic at Fort Wayne,' all opened with the W. V.'A. brand of acta: HonAan All the houses on the Campbell ft Danrord > time" will open nert Monday, 8cptemher 12. - - The Obermans, who were among the; sneeess. fill try-outs at the Bush Temple. Theatre; last Tfanrsday evening open on ther Oamphell 'ft Dan- ford time at Racine,'September 8. ~ Cody and Merrltt have' been routed-nrer the dllreren^cIrcnrta InTolrcd In the Western'TaDde- rllle Managers' Association and : for-tbe next twenty weeka will he working :, tor - Walter D'Orla. Tommy Burchlll and atM ' San'a repra- sentatlve;