The billboard (Sept 1910)

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42 SEPTEMBER 10, 1910L ROUTES BUBLESQUE. ' * '(CoDtiniied'from page 39.) Hardin de Paris Girls, WUI Bo«tam^ mgr.: (Academjr) Pittsbarg, 5-10; (Star) CluTC-land, ■ 12-17. teaer Lilies, Jas. Cooper, mgr.: (Gayety) Bos- ton S-10; (Empire} Albany 12-14; (Uoliawk) Schenectady 15-17. fcentncky Belles, Chas. ForemaD. mgr.:'CLy- cenm) Wasli., D. C, &-10; (Monnmental); Bal- timore, 12-17. tCnlckerbockera, Loais Roble, mgr.: (Gayety) BrooUyn, 5-10; (Olympic) N. Y. C 12-17. Lady Bnccaneers, Harry M. Strouse, mgr.: I Empire) Brooklyn, 5-10; (Bronx) N. I. C, 12-17. Love Makers, Harry S. CHark, mgr.: (West- minster) Providence, 5-10; (Casino) Boston, 12-17. Uajestlcs, Fred Irwin, mgr.: (Garden) BaSalo, S-IO; : ((3<)tintblan) Bocliester, 12-17. UaTafbOB 61rls, Pbil Sberldan, msi.: ; {Bnrtis Jfe Seamon's) N. Y. C, 5-10; (Uoirar BUI) ttetxr Maidens, Edward : Shafer. mgr.: (How- aia) : Boston, 5-10; (Colombia) Boston, 12-lT. Ueh7 : \nilrl. Lot^ mgr.: (People's) - CinciimatI, 5-10; ° (Empire) Chicago, 12-17. • JUIdnl^t Maidens, Cbas. Taylor, mgr.: (Gay- ietF>'^Wadi., D.-C, 5-10; (Oayety) Plttabnrg, IS'IT ■ - - - ■ -"illw'Ifew ^Tork. Jr.. Wm. Pcnnessy, mgr.: (Monamental) Baltimore. 0-10. ,„ . -Monlin Rouse. Manrlce Jacobs, mgr.: (Star) Sti Fanl. 5-10; (t,ycenm> St. Joseph. 1S-1<- _ ^Parisian Widovrs: (Empire) Hoboken, B-10; (HnrUs * Seamen's) N. Y. C, 12-17. -Massing Parade. Clarence Bnrdick, mgr.: (Ma- 3esflc) Harrlsbnrg, Pa., 7; (MIsbleri Altoona -'^ (Cambria) Johnstown 9; (Academy) Pltta- ^Hirf 12-lT "Pennant Winners, Bobt. Mills, mgr.: (Kmplrc) Indianapolis; 5-10; (Bneklngbam) IxinlSTine, ' Kt"" 12-17 Qnecir ot Bohemia, Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Al- bambra) Chicago, 5-10; (Gayety) Detroit, 12- Qneens'ot the Jardln de Parts, Joe Howard, mgr.: (Casino) Boston, 5-10; (Colombia) - • c 12-17. Bector eiris, Morris Walnstock, mgr.: (Casino) Brooklyn. 5-10; (Empire) Brooklyn, M-17. ^■ Beeres*. AL, Beanty Sbow: (Olympic) M. X. O., 5-10;, (Gayety) PhUa., 12-17. Bents^Santley, Jas. E. Early, mgr.: (Casino). Phlla., 6-10; (Star) Brooklyn, 12-17. ■ - RobldMm CruBoe Girls, ChaK -BoblnaoBw mgr.: (Metropolte) N. Y. C... 6-10; (Westminster) ProTidence, 12-17. „• . BoUickers. Alex. Gorman, mgr.: (Star) -Xo- lontn, ■ B-10: (Boyal) Montreal. la-lT. - ■ . ^ BnnawiT Girls, P. 8. Clark, : nusr.: .(Ctayety) Phil.; 6-10; (Gayety) Baltimore. 12-17. Sam T. Jack's. <Seo. T. Smith, mgr;: (Bronx) N. T. C. 5-10; (Stil Ave.) N. Y. C, 12-17. Setenadeia, Geo, Armstrong, mgr.: (Empire) Albany. 5-7; (Mobnwk) Scheneetadr. 8-10.- Star ft Garter ShiiWr^naiik WeUbecK.^'niS^: (Hmray HUl) H. Ti O; 6-10: (Uetnpolls) K.i ''Z."0. 12-17 " ■ Star Show GIris. Jobs'T. Baker, mgr.:^ (F<«T) -OilCago, 6-10; (Star)' Hllwankee. 12-17. Bydell's.- Bose. London; Belles, W. 8. ; Camp- bell, mgr.: (Empire) Cleveland, 6-10; (Em- pire) Toledo, 12-17. • . „ » . Tiger LiUes. Wm. Drew.: mgr.:-(BoniTtni) Jer- •ey City, 6-7; (F:aiy) VPntcraon. 8-10 ;^ (Ln - serae) WIlkea-Baixe.fi32-14: COajBly ) BenmT ton, 15-17. ..V, Trocaderos, Chas. H. Waldron, mgr.: ((Mom- bla) N. Y. 0.. 6-10. Taol^ Fair, Jos. PettlnglH. mgr.: (Gayety); LonlsTlUe, 5-10; (Gayety) St Lonis. 12-17. Wadilngton Society Girls. Loo Wataon, .mgr.: (Eighth Ave.) N. Y. C. 6-10; (Empire) New- ark. 12-17. _ WatKon's Bnrlesqners. W. B. Wataon. mgr.. (Boyal) Montreal. 6-10; (Howard) Boston. ISr 17. White's. Pat. Gaiety Girls. - Walter Greaves, mgr.: (Empire) Newark, 5-10; (Bowery) N.- . y 12-17. Wise Ony: (tycenm) ; St Josepb, 8-10; (Cen- tmy) Kansas City, 12-17. _ _ j. • . World of Pleasnre. Lonls Talbot, mgr.. (Star) Milwaukee, 5-10; (Dewey) MinneapoUfl, 12-17. ■ ' v ■ . Yantee Doodle Girls, 8^ Myers, mgr.:: (Stand- ard) St Jjonis, 6-10; (Empbe) IndlanapcOis, ■12-lT. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL - Atom Comic Opera Co., Milton ft Sargent ^ Abom, mgrs.: (Olympic Park) Newadr. N. ^ J., May 3I-Sept. 10. ^■Arcadians. Tbe. CHias. Frotaman, mgr.: N. Y. V^C. Ang. 1. indef. W Abom English Grand Opera Co.. Milton ft Sar- gent Abom, mgrs.: Toronto, Can..- 6-10, Across the Great Divide fWm- Ik Tneker's).: Geo. W. Lyon, mgr.: (Aeboygaa^ MIcb.. 7; ' ManlstJqne 8: Mnlsing 9; Gladstone 10: Ks. eanaba 11; Florence. Wis.. 12; Iron Mountain, Mich., ]3:^Crandoil.'Wis.. 14; Bblnelander 15; Prentice 16; Ladysmtth 17. Anglin. Margaret. In The Awakening of Helena BIchie. Loais Netbersole. mgr.: Winnipeg, Can.. 5-7; Fargo, N. D., 8; 'Dnlntb, Minn., 9- 10; St Panl 12-14; Minneapolis 15-17. Am I a Chinaman: Clinton. la., 7; Davenport 8; - Cedar Rapids 9; Mt Pleasant 10; Ft. Madlsm 11: Oskaloosa 12: Marshalltown 13-14; ComeB 15; Des Moines 1»-17. Adventures of Polly, Blaney-Spooner Co.. mgrs.: Nashville. Tenn.. 6-10; Cbattanooga 12-17. At the'Mercy of Tlberins. Glaser ft Stair, mgrs.: Glereiland. O.. 6-10; Pittsburg, Pa.. 12-17. An .Azistoetmtle Tramp (AnlRcr Bros.*): Nnr- -walkS'-Wla.. 7; Bangor 8; 6'alesville 9; Lewls- tsiVJlibm.. 10. ■ Am tte'Son West-Dmni,'Arthnr^. Alston, mgr.: ' c JbalOB.-Jnd.. T;: JTU Wayne S-IO; Grand Bap- Ida; -Midi.. 11-14; TUedo, O.. 15-17.. ~At-tl>e Old Ooss-Boads, Arthnr-C. Alston, mgr.: .. iS^OiiciBDati, O..' 4-10i:.^erTe Haote, Tnfl.. 11; --^'^fceBMIfe 12rl4;»K: St. Xonls. HI.. 15-17. ATtitor<%3be. (Mian..%ft;<HarTls, mgrs.: Boston, AT..1-M.,iiTiig, • wmi» p »'fhnpn, mgr^: St J<An. =* Bl Can.. 5-10»- - 1- JUteikVTIi^ In Tbe mite Slater. Uebler.ft Co„ nigra'^1 St Pai4rHliiii.,'5-lI.:.' BabyUln-- (Eastern); Wmi A, Biadjr; mgr.: 3f. T- C'Ang. 23;''iDdaf^■ Broken Idol: Cmago, BLi S-lO. . '.■/ ' Baby Mine (Western), Wm. A. Bradiy, mgr.: Chicago. IlL, June 6, Indef. Bobby Burnit, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C, Aug. 22, indef. Brass Battle, Chas. Frobmao, mgr.: M. X. 0., Aug. 11. indef. Beverly (Eastern). Delamater & Norrls, Inc., mgrs.: Des Moines. la., 4-7; Omaha, Neb., 8-10; St. Josepb, Mo., 11-14; Brookfleld 16; KlrtsTlUe 16; Alton, HI., IT. BrewgterTs Millions, Al, Blcta, mgr.: Worcester, Mass.,'5-10; Bfooklyn, N. Y., 12-17; Beyond Pardon, John B. Price Am. Co,,mgrs.: Warwick, N. Y., 7; Chester S; Walden 9; Cold Spring 10: Cornwall 12; New Paltz 13; . Kingston 14; EUenvUle 16; Walton 16; Delhi ■ 17. Bachelor's Honeymoon (Southern). GUson ft BradSeld, mgrs.: Bediield, S. D.. 7; FaoUcton 8; (^etysbnrg- 9. Boy From Wall Street. Harry <!lay Blaney. mgr.: Wash.. D. C,'5-10; Brooklyn, N. Y.;: 12-17. Burgomaster, The, Wm. P. Cullen; mgr.: Van- couver, B. C, Can., 6-7; Victoria 10. Borke, BUiy. In Mrs. Dot Chas. Frohman, mgr.: Indianapolis, Ind., 6-1(1. . Bright Byes, Jos. .M^'Galtea^ mgr.: -M. Y. C 6-10. Billy, with'-Sidney ^rew. Clarence Wels, mgr.: NewOrleans. La., 6-lO. i Carle, -Bicbard, in Jomplng Jupiter. Fraiee ft Lederer. mgrs.: Chicago. IlL. Aug. 4, Indef. Chocolate Soldier, F. C. Whitney, mgr.: -Lon- don. Eng., Sept. 10, Indef. Commuters, The, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N.-Y. C Aug. IS Indef. : ; Country Boy Henry B. Harris mgr.:':K,.^Y.-.0., Aug. 29, Indef. Curtis. Allen. Musical Comedy C!o.: Salt Lake City. Indef. Conntlss. Catherine, in The Awakening ot Selena BIchle. Stair ft Havlln, mgrs.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-17. County Sheriff, Chas. H. Brooke, mgr^: Bangor, Me., 7; Castlne 8; Belfast 9; Camden 10; Vlnal Haven 12; Damarlscotta 13; Farmlngtbn 14; Bnmford 15; Gorbam, N. H.. 16; Berlin 17. Con ft (V>.. Henry :'W. Savage, mgr.: Wash., D. C. 5-10; ^altlAore. Md.. 12-17. Carew. MniT, B: G.'Kingston, mgr.: Lorain. O., ^t'Aahtabala 10. Cat and the Fiddle, (3ias. A. Sellon,-mgr.: Charles City,- la.. 7; Mason City 8;?MarBhaU- : town 0; Waterloo-10; .Chicago, m.. 11-24. ^ Cow and the'Moon; Chas. A. Sellon,'mgr.: Da- Inth. Minn.; 7-8; HlbUng: 9; Snperior,. 'Wla., 10-11; Bralnard, Minn.. 12; Fargo. N..B.j^,»l Jamestown 14; Bismarck 16; Mandan IS; .Dick- inson 17.'-' ' . ■i';_.'^, Checkers, Stair ft Havlln; mgrs.: Boaton,::»as«., 6-10; SprlngfleM 12-17/ . , . ^ . Cowboy and the Tblef;:Bowland & CUItard Am. Co.. props.: St Joseph, Mo., 4-7; Des Moines, la., •11-14;.Oskaloasa 15; Ottnmwa 16; Quincy, m.. 17." Ooeman, Henrietta, in Antl-Hatrlmony, Maurice Campbell, mgr.: Salt Lake,.D., 5-7; Denver, (niffor^ Billy! Bob Le Boy. mgr.: Moltoe DI^ 7: Bock Island 8; Ottnmwa, la., 8; GrlnneB 10. City. The, The Shuberta, mgrs.: Buffalo, -IT. Y., 6-10. minatawniXrank. Slyateiy: Baltimore;^: Hd.. 5- 10; ..... . - • Olliiiaz, ^nie. Jos. .'M.vWeber. mgr.: Bo&ton. ''Maaa.>.:'5-17w'-' ■ • (hMtven. BnUi.'In A Dangbter of Jndea. Harry L. Beek; 'mgr.: BoBlyn. Wash.. 7;dentralla 8; Mootesnno 9: Elma 10: Aberdeen 11; ;^Ofiniam 12; Tenlno 13; Cbehalis 11; Kelso ISTSKalama 19j, Salem. Ore., 17. . DoUar '^Hark. Wm. A. Brady, ,mgr.: .^ieago, 111.;-Aug. 27. Indef. Dollar .Princess...Chas. Frohman. mgr. - ni.. Sept 12, Indet. - . - Dressier, • Marie., In. lame's. NIgBtmar^ -Xe» Fields.'mgr.: S. T; a£Ang. ril.; Indet-- Drew; John, in Smith. Cbas. vrotamas,; mgr. N.. Y.C. Sept 5;-lndef. _ • * '„ Dan Cnpid, J. K. Vetter. mgr.: Yankton, S. D, 7;-Ultcben 8; Salem 9. . Dodge,. Santord, B. S. Ford, mgr.: Lexington. Neb.; 7-8: ' ' . . Danlet Boone on the Trail (KObert H.- Harris" Eastern). . Ben. H.. Howe, mgr.: (George town, Ky.. 7; Mt. Stearllng 8; Ashland 9;. Hunt- ington. W. Va., 10; Ironton. O., 12; Glen Jean. W. Va., 13; Berkeley Springs 14; Hlnton 15; Charleston 16; Sntton 17. Daniel Boone On the: Trail (Robert H. Harris' Central). Chas.' A.: Teair, mgr.: ShelbyvlUe. Ko;, .7; Palmyra 8; Ft Madison, la.; ,8; Bur- Ungtott 10; Mt Pleasant 12; . Washington 131 Muscatine 14; Mollne. HL, ' 16; Bock Island 17. ■ ■ . ■■ Daniel JBoone On the Trail (Bobert H. Harris' Western). S. A. Mitchell, mgr.: Flymooth, Wis., 7: Seymour 6; Winona. Minn.. 11; Boch- ester 12. Daniels. Frank. In The Belle of Brittany, The Shuberta, mgrs.: Boston, Mass.. 5-17. EaFt Lynne, Chas. L. Newton, mgr.:' 'DecatDr^. Tex., 12: Bowie 13: Graham 14; JdckSlMSO 15; Byan, Okla.. 16; Wanrlka 17. . , ,^ Edeson. Bobert In Where the Trail Divides. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Toronto. Can., 5-lOr Bochester, N. Y., 1^17. Ell and Jane (Sontbem), Hany Green, mgr. Gtayrllle; IlL, 7; - Hairlsbnrg 8; Marlon C iH«T&i 10; New Athens 11: Boodhonse 13. EU and: jane (Cioast), S. W. Waldron, mgr. Stages, Hlmi., 7; Wadena 8; Frazee 9; De. trait 10; Perham 11; Bamesvllle 12. Flgman, Max. John Cort mgr.: Boston, Mass., Sept 6. Indet. Follies'of 1910. F. Zlegfeld. Jr., mgr.:'CbIcagi DL. Sept 5-Oct. 8. Friedlander, Billy, Co.: Tucson, Aria.. Indef. Flirting Princess, with Hany Bulger, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Linooln. Neb.. 5-7; Grlnnell, la.. 8; Ottawa, HI., 9; Aurora 10; Milwaukee, Wis., 11-17. Fortune Hunter, Cohan ft -Harris,, mgrs.: N. Y: C, Indef. Fortune Hunter, Cohan ft Harris, mgrs.: (Hileago, HL, 29-Sept 10. Fiske, Jfrs., In Repertoire, Harrison Grej Flske, mgr.: Fort Wayne, Ind., 7; Indianapolis 8-10. Fawcett. George, in Tbe Great John Ganton, The Sbnberts. mgn.: Cleveland, O., 5-10, Fonrth Estate. Llebler ft €&>.. mgrs.: Minneapolis, Minn.. 6-10; SlUwankee; Wis.. 12-17. Girl 'and the Drummer, Wm. A. - Brady, mgr.^ Chicago, ni.. Sept 4, Indef. Girl in Waiting, -with Lanrette Taylor, Coban ft Harris, mgrs.: Cblengo, 111., Sept 4, In- def. Girl of My Dreams. Jos. H. Galtes, mgr.:Cbi- cage. III., Aug. e-Sept. 10. ' - - Girl and the Ranger. F. P. Presrott. mgr.: Bine Springs. Mo., 7; Lee'a Summit 8; Greenwood 9: Pleasant Hill 10: HairlaonTlIIe 12; Adrian 14; Merwin 15; Amsterdam 16; Amnret 17. Granstark (Eastern). Baker ft Castle, mgrs:: McKeeaport. Pa.. 7: Wheeling, W. Ta., S-10; Yonngstown, O., 12-14; Akron 16-17. Goddess of Uber^, wltb Jos. B. Howard, Mart H. Singer, mgr.: Peoria, UL, 7; Bloomlngton 8; Bocktord 9! Madison, Wis., 10; Dulutb, Mian., 11-12; Superior, Wis., 13; Grand Forka, N. D- 14; Winnipeg. Can., 15-17. Oraastark (Sonthern);^ Baker & Castle, mgrs.: Montgomery, Ala.. 7; Greenville 8: Pensacola. Fla., 9-10; New Orleans, La., 11-17. Girl From U. S. A. - (Eastern), Sarry Scott, mgr.: Monroe, Mich., 7; Tecumseh 8; Morenci 9; Adrian 10; Kendallrllle, Ind., 12; Blnffton 13; Marlon 14; Kokomo 15; Logansport 10; CrawtordsTllle 17. Girl From U. S. A. (Central), Harry Scott, mgr.: BnshnelL IlL. 7; Macomb 8: Mt Sterling 9; Hannibal. Mo.; 10; Quincy, lU., 11; Plttsdeld 12; .cWInchester 13; ;Carthage 14; Burlington la., 15; Wyoming,;III., 10; Princeton 17. Girl From U. S. A. (Southern). Hany Scott, mgr:. Springfield, 111., 7-8; Terre Haute, Ind.. 9-10; Pekin, lU., 11; Canton 12; Pans 13; Findlay 14; Nokomis 16; Edwardsvllle 17. Girl From Sector's, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Atlan- Uc City. N. J., 5-10; Ann Arbor, Mich., 12; Battle Creek 13; Jackson 14: La Crosse, Wis., 15; Winona, Minn., 16; Mankato 17. Olrl From Sector's, A; H. Woods, mgr.: AI- toona. Pa., 7: Latrobe S; McKeesport 0; Wheeling, W. Va., 10; New Phlladelpnia. O.. 12; Cambridge 13; Coshocton 14; ::t<lverpooI aS; Akron 10; Yonngstown 17. Girl In the Taxi, .A. H. Woods,-mgr.: Oinein- natL O.. 5-10; Grand Baplds, ' Mlch,;^ 11; Milwaukee. Wis.. 12-17.- Girl In-the Taxi A^.IB.: Wood8, mgr.:.Montreal. Can.'; 6-10; Ottawa .12.17. Girl In-the Taxi. A. H..Woods, mgr.: PhBa., Aug. 29-lndef. Glaser; Vangban. In The Man Between, W.: B. Cteryn. mgr.: Toronto, Can., 5-10; Bnffalo, N. Y.. 12-17. Girlies Frederic Thompson, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. 6-10. Girl of the Mountains, O. E. Wee, mgr.: Merl- den. Conn., 7; Gardner, Mass., 9; Peterboro. N. a.. 10. Going Some, Lawrence ft Sandusky, mgrs.: El- lensbnrg. Wash., 7; Aberdeen 8; Hoanlam 9; Olympla 10. Girl-In the Kimono, Hairy Chappell, mgr.: St Laola, Mo., 8-10. Hartman Ferris, Moslcal Comedy Co.: San Vranclaco, Cal.. Aug. 8, Indef. ' Hitchcock, Baymond. in Tbe Man Who Owns Broadway. Cohan ft Harris, mgn.; K. Y. C, Sept 8. Indef. ' Haas Uanson Co., Louis Bels. mgr.: Oconto., Wis.. 7; ClintonvUle 8; lola 9; Oreenwood 10; Stanley 12; Menomonle 13; Jlurand 14; Menom- onie 15; Hastings, Minn., 16; LItchllcId 17. ' House on the-Blnlt (Jos. P. Blckerton's),: F.; Gale Wallace,'mgr.: Phlla., 12-17. Honeymoon TraU, Kelly ft FltzOerald, : mgrs.: St.. Paul, Minn., 4-10; Minneapolis U-17. ; HUUard. Robert. In A Fool There Was, Itadetic Thompson, mgr.: PlttSbnig. Pa.. 5-10. 'Happy. Hooligan. Ona BUI.. mgr.: NortOlk, Ta.;: 5-10; Blehmond. 12-17. ° " " Hanae qS a Thonsand Candles, No. l;: BowIand ft GaaUIL mgrs.: Manchester, la., 7;:Oelweln. 8;: New- Hampton 9; '(niarles City 10;' Mason City:'12;: Fairmont 13; Skiencer 14; Oheiokee 15; Webster <aty 16; Eagle Grove'17. House of a Tbonsand Candl^, No. 2.- Rowland & GasUU. mgrs.: Ft Madison. la..- 7; Ke-' okok 8; Macomb; Mo.. 9; Moberiy 10;'Sedalla 12; Clinton; 13: Bntler 14; Paola, Kana.; 15; Ft- Scott 16; PIttBbnrg 17. Hodgp, Wm., ia Tbe Haa From Borne, UeUer- ft Co.. mgrs.: N. Y. C, 6-JO. Home Tie*. Marlon Bussell, mgr.: Albany, M. Y., 7-8. Human -Hearta (Southern). Harry Beaver, mgr.t Harrisonburg. Vs., 7; Front Boyal 8; Btaonton 0; Luray 10. Hopper, De Wolf, In The Matinee Idol, D. V. Arthur, mgr.: Albany, N. Y.; 10. Her Son: St. Louis, Mo,, 5-10. In Panama (AL BIch'a Co.) Wm. W. Woolfolk, mgr,: Yonngstown, 0„ 6-7; Akron S-lO; Day- ton 12-14; WbeeUng, ; W. Va., 15-17. . - , In the Bishop's Carriage, Baker ft Castle, mgrs.: Newark. N. J., 5-10: Brooklyn, N. Y.,l2-n. In Old Kentucky. Lltt ft Dingwall, mgrs.: Mlnne.: apolls, Minn., 5-10.. Just a Woman's Way ^A), Oliver Labadie, mgr.: Manitowoc; Wis., 7; Chilton 8; Appleton 9; Fond do Lac 10; Sbalwygan 11; Wanpava 12; Wansao 13; Merrill 14; Stereos Point 15; Marshncld 16: Stanley IT. Just'a Woman'a Way (B), John Bellly. mgr.: > MlUersbutg, la.; 7; N. E»igllah 8; Wellman &; Kalona 10: Bock Island, lU., 11; Morning Bun. Ia.. 12; Wingdeld IS: Wayland 14; BleUaul 16; Hedrlck 16; Ottnmwa IT. Just Ont ot College. Bothner .t Campbell, mgrs.-. Malone. N. Y., 7; Massena Sk>rlogs.8^.0sdeDS- . burg 8; Oswego 10; Watertown lSriiHerkloier 13; :Ol0Tetsvllle 14;;Owego 15; TowaaA' 10; Waverly 17. Janis, Elsie. In The Slim 'Princess; Cbaa.'Oil-^ lingham; mgr.::BaBalo. N. Y., &-l(k v< - . Jovemle Bostonlans, B. E. Lang., mgr.: Elma. Waab., 7; Kelso 8; South Bend 9; Chehalla 10. " ., " ■ Jesse James, Brown .ft Roberts, mgra.: Ohrla- -topher. 111., .8; Eldorado 9: Benton 10; Flnek- neyrllle 12; Herrin IS; Johnson City 14. : Upman;<,Clara, In the Marriage of a Star, Wm. A.-Brady, mgr.: N. :Y;:C., Aog. 15-8ept. IT. Lily;:Tbe. David Belaaeo, mgr.: N. Z;,' C; Sept. 3-Oct 1. Love Among the Lions,:: CluukrIMimaak'iaicr.: N. Y. C, Ang. 8, Indef. r, , Little Damosel. Heniy W.-Savage, mgr.:; Waah.. D. 0., 12-17. Light Eternal, M. B.. Rice, mgr.: UUvaiikeek Wis., 4-10: St Paul, Minn'., 11-17: Uve 'Wire, Klimt ft Gassolo, mgra.: Cbleago, ni., 4-17. ■ . Larimer, Wright. In The Sbepbeid King, Wn. A. -Brady; mgr.: Portland, Me.; 5-10. Lost Trail, WlUs Am. Co., mgra.: W;..Obeiter, Pa., 7: Phoaiixi.-.j 8; Chester 9; BaatDm 10.- Luln's Bnsbanda:. Kansas City. Mo., 5-lfl. McOiy,- Bessie,: In; Tbe: Bebo, Chas. SUIIngham, mgr.: N. Y. 0. Ang. 17, Indef. ■ Msdame Sherry, Fraaee, Lederer ft-.Wooda, mgra.: N. Y. a, Aug. 30, Indef. . _ ' Madame X., Henry W. Savage, mgr.: N. Y; Ang. 29. Indef. . Mann, LouUL '-ln-vtbe Cheater. Wm. - A. -Bradl.. mgr.:K. y. C.; Jnne:2T, .Indet. MIdnlgbt SooB, ::Le'(r JldOg, mgr.:' Chicago. -ai;.c .■ :Ang. 1. ladeC ■' • .' '^ - MIxa Patsy, Henry 'W. Savage, nigr.: N. .T. O.. : '.Aug, 29. Indef. _ _ ■ - Montgomery ft Stone, In The . Old Town:'Chaa.- DilUngham, mgr.:,' Chicago. IlL, Ang. 15- ''-'Sept 'lO."'-' Mother. Wm. A. .Brady, mgr.: N. Y. 0.. Sept :■ '6; Indef.:.'" ■ ",•- ',. Merry Widow, (Eastern). Henry W.' Savage. mgr.: Boston, Mass., 22-.Sept 17. Merry Widow (Southern) ' Henry W. Savage. mgr.:: Stamfnd, Conn.. 17. . . . Matinee Old. Co.: "LeaTenwortli. Xa]ia.,::5-17. WANTED-QUIGK For BOBBY iPbDNTAIN R. R. SHOWiS B)adc-foee':Singing: and Sandng Onnedlan for eoncot; most clown big show, bass drum In parade. Otherusefm acts for small show, ladles especially;!man:f<Hr.Pimch-and Magic; sober Boss Canvas-, man. " Joe Freeland. Andrew Halley: Wm. Millard, write. Trap Drummer and other Musicians 'write. Man to break a small bear act Address ABKADELPBIA, ABK. WANTED—For M. L. CLARK & SONS' WILD WEST SHOW IHSUHS and PEOPLE IH AIX BRAHCHEB OF CIStniB AND 'WILD WEST BUSIBESB, Aero- bats. Bar Team, etc., good Circus and Wild West Annooncers, Boss Hostler that can handle atoek and wag<m train. Boss (Jinvasman and Assistant man to handle Bolte ft Weyer lights. BV>r SIUB SHOW: Man to make opoiings, goOd Punch .and Magic, good Acts for Side gmw. t wo O riental Dancers. AU most join at once. Addiess as per zonte. ll. L. OLABK * 80HB teOWB, Wert Liberty,^.; Sevb 8; Haael Green. Xy., Sept lOs.Campfam, Ky., Bavt U; BeattysiUa, Sr.. WANTED-MIDWAY SHOWS For MONROE. WIS.. - September 14-17 WATERTOWN. WIS.. September 20-23 JEFFERSON. WIS.. September 27-30 BIG DAY AND NIGHT FAIRS ADDRESS QUICK UNITED FAIRS BOOKING ASSOCIATION 103 Kandolph St., CHICAGO. "Phone. Kaadolpli 2442 CIC nn -fA AH na» Jao^'* '*^bat yon can make by operating onr ^la.UU lO fJ9.VV per aayi.test model wonderful Ferrotype Machine, and we can prove It. This machine: makes three sises of pictures, aa foUowa: On 48 L. Button plates, on 2^x3^ and l%x2K plates, and is reversible for taking groups on length or width of plate. It is the biggest money-maker for Street Fairs, Carnivals, etc. The large or small picture can be mounted In a frame or post card ready to mall, and the button picture can be mounted In-: a brooch ready to wear, (complete ontflt with enough suppllca tor making OOO pictures (200 of each 8lic'>, $30.00. Our No. 1 Wonderful Ferrotype Machine takes the picture of one man as- well as a group on l%x2H plate. 0>mplcte outflt, with enough supplies :fOr making 800 pictures, with mounts, fZO.OO. ".^.^--'--V Our latest model Telo Camera Scope makes 6 button plcturea In one mln.> ate, ready to wear. Complete outnt, with enoogb sapplles to make 400 botton. pictures, $25.00. MO 1DABK B<M>M BBQDIBBD1'3 N^^^ SABYI Complete; rInatrncUon8:aecompany'oveiy':maebliie;-'ABti simple to understand; ;yon can leara^ibe bnslnesa la '80''minntes,-t'-.^'^^v^:.--:^'^^^^ Prlcea of extra aopplles are as. follows: : nates 2%x3K,':vf2^()0'per 100." Plates l%x2K, fl.OO per 100. Button plates for sleeve machine, fOOc per 100... Botton plates to fit sny bottoo macbloe, $90e per 100. Post card monntH, fSOc to 80e per 100.- Monnts, 25c to 30c per 100. Developer, 20c per set. Brooches, 80c to fl.DO per gross.- All of oor plates are guaranteed, and are believed to be tbe best on the market. If yoo wish to know bow to work a plate successfully, drop tu a card and we will aeud you full Information free of ctaarge. We are the original manofacturera of tbe Ferrotype Sleeve Machine. gB.OO rienoalt rn- qalred on all orders; balance C.O.D. Send for our fr«e catalogue. NEW YOBK FEBROTxPX 00., Sept. A, ies>/i Delancey St., Vew York Olty, K. Y, THE B niaOAKD BIAKES A SPECIAIi GOMPUOEEIMTARy HATO B ov ADnEEcnsrvG to bcembers of the profession on raoraS" SIOKAXi ANNOUKGEMI&NTS AM) AT XJBERTY CARDS.