The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, .1910. I ' ll e ts 1I I D O a. r a Mailnme X rwntero), Henry W. aiTaKK: msr,: Wheellw, W. Va., 16-iT. ' Madame X (Soutbern}, Henrjr W. SsTiga, mEr.i MWdletown. N. Y., 17. Mutter o( Moner, wltb Eltle Fercnion, Hearr B. Hanli, mcr.: BoatoQ. Mas*., S-17. Macaalejr, Wm., In CUaamates, Ja«. A. Felta, mer.: Waukegan, lU., T; Freeport 8; Oalea- bnrs'Si Oantoa 10; Btreator U; Pontlac 12; Hoapeaton 13; Taacola 14; Oharleatoa 15: Salem 10; Centralla 17. Mttohattan Opera Co., Bobert Kane, mgr.: CWblte Oltr Park) Worceater, Maaa., Mar 80-8ept. 10. Jllaa Nobody Fromr Starland, WUI A. - Singer, Oen. mcT.: Kanaaa City. ItOk, 4-10;' St. vLoula ll-lT. ■ UcFaddea'a Flata, Baxtoa-ft Wlawell. mgra.: New Orleana, La., 4-10: X>ake Obarlea 11; Beaumont, Tex., 12; Oalveaton IS; Hooaton 14; Bay Olty IS; Victoria 18; San Antonio 17-18. ■ UUllonalre Kid, Kllroy tc Brltton, mgra.: Blrm- Ingbam, Ala., 6-10; Atlanta, Oa., 12-17. Mlasourl Olrl (Uerle H. Norton'a): Federala- burg. Md., 8; >;8eaford, Del.,' 8; Harrington 10; I.eirea J2; Georgetown 13: Shoir HUl. MO.. U; MUtord, Del., tO; CentvrrlU*, Ud., 10; fiarre de Grace. 17.:' Man On the Box, Boyd B. Sronadale, mgr. t Owatonna, Minn., .7: Uttia. Falla 8; St. Clooa 9; Fergtit Fall* 10: W«lilwtoa, N. D.l 12; Usbott 13; I« Moore 14; Ellendale IS; Oakea ' 16; Bedfield, S:3 D.; 17. Man On tbe Box, Winn W. TMnadale. mgr.: Auburn, Neb., 7;:Teenm*eb 8; Pawnee City S; Sabetba. Kane.. 10; Borton IS; Holton 18; Hlawatba 14; Valley Falla 15; BnrUngame 16; " Osage' Olty •■•17. ■ • ■ ' : Man On the Box. Barle B. Xronadale, mgr.: Bloomfield. la., 7; Ogden 8; CesterrlUe O; Corydon 10; Leon 13;* Oaceola 18; Adel 14; Atlantic 15; Dealaon 16; JeSeraon 17. Mantell. Bobert B;. - in- Bepertalre. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: AtlanUe cnty, N. J.. 6-10. My Man Fteaerie: Tbompaoo. ngr.: Boston, . Maaa., 39-BeFt. 10. Member From Oiark;' Cohan Jfc-Harris, mgra.: Detroit MIelL, B-10. Miller, Henry, in Her Hoaband's WlCa, Henry Miller, mgr.: K«aaas City. Mo.. MO. ' . Minister's Sweetheart: Buebeater,' N.'-XW B-7; Syracnae 8-10. Mra. Wlirga of tbe Cabbage Patch, IilOUat * Co.. mgrs.: Brooklyn. N. Y., S-10. Mewman, Joa., Co.. Loola A. BelUy. mgr.: Center. Colo.. 7; Monte Viata 8: Del ITorte 0; Creede 10; La Jan 12; Antonlto 13: Chama 14; fagosa Springs IS; Dorango 16; SUtcHoS 17. KasimoTa, Mme. AlH: in Bepertoire, Tbe Shn- terta, mgrs.: Mew Haren. Conn., 7-8. Newlyweds, The. and their Baby: Stsnaton, Va., 10. Ninety and Nine,: W. T. Boyer, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. 6-10. New York, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Hartford, Ooon.. 16. . ■ ■ ' ■ Our Village Postmaster (Perry's). O. M. Steel- .. smith, mgr.: Oe Soto, Mo., 7; Boone Tcrre 8; Desloge O; BlrlDs 10; Doe Bon 12; Flat Blrer 13; Frederiektown 14; LntesTiUe 16; Cape Glrardean 16; Slkestoa 17. - On tbe Sre. with HedwUe Belcher, Henry fi. Harrla, mgr.:.Chicago. .JIL. Ang. 2B, Indef. Our Mlas GIbbs, Chss. Ftohman, mgr.: N. Xi C, Ang. 28, Indet. O'HSra, Flake, AL 'McLean,-mgr.: Jersey City; N. J.. 6-10; .Boehestcr, N. Y., 12-14; Syra- cnae 15-17. Onr Mew Minister.: Hsrry Ooel Psrker. mgr.: Omalis. Neb.. 4-T; Fremont 8: Orsad. Island 9; M. Platte 10; Denrsr, OoIo..:U-lT. V - Ole Olson, J. H. Hewitt.; mgr.: < OrfllUu iOnt.. Can,-. T: Midland 8; . Undaay »; PeterbOM 10. St. Olcott. Chanocey, ' Angnstns PI too. mgr. Pan], Minn., 4-10.: , ^ ^ Prince bt Pllsen, Henry W. SsTage. mgr.: St. Loola, Mo., 4-10; Kanaas .Olty 11-17. Paid In FnlI.' B. O. Andrews nucr.: Lorain. O.; 7; Ashtabala 8; GreenTlUe,- Pa., 8; Sharon ' 10. . , . Panama (Perry's), A. 'Williams. niT-r Mnrphys- iMra. IlL. 7j:;I>oagola S: Bast Prairie. Mo.. 9; CsmthersTnte' 10; Kennett IS; Camnbeli 13; Dexter 14; CbalCee 15; St Mary, 16; OeaesteTa 18..• • ■ ■•• •, ■ ■ Powell & Cohan's Musical Comedy OOk > (Ksst> era). I. Kent Cohan, mgr.: Princeton, III., 10; Maw!iieitcr..Ja.. 12.17. PoweU & Cohan's Mosleal Comedy Co. (Central): ^ Valparabo, lad., :. B-10; Goshen 12-17. Port .ot MiaaiiigiMsn.:Bowland &aaaUU.'mgrs.:: Grsnd Baplds, MIeh.. 4-7; Toledo^ a. 8-10; LoalsTllle, Ky..- 12-17. . Port of Misslnr'Men, Ose-Mlgbt-atand Co.. Bow- land ft GsskUI, mgrs.:. Freeport; HI.; T; strcs. moceJS: Keneaha, .Wis.. 8: Wankegan, ID., 11: H a mmon d.' Ind;. -12; Ottawa, 111., 33; Streator 14; Canton IS; Oaieabarg 16; Mon- mouth''!?.• ■ ,:■.;'"•• Poynter, BenUh. Butt:* NIcoIal. mgra.-. Detroit. Mich., 4-10: Toledo^ O.. 11-14; Grand Baplds. Mich.''lB-17.'.:■.■.■■::/:■:;:-■■ , Polly of the Clrcns, A. S. Stem &O0... mgrs.: foooklyn, N. Y., 4-10; Proirldence. B. 1., W'r.Of Country Xldi, Henry W. Link, mgr.: ^^IlUps. JVls., 8:,^Twa Harbora. Mian.; 03. Foot, Ony^BsteK: in The Nigger. WBi: Ai Brsdy. _'nigr.: -PlttSborg. Pa..- 6-I0. - • - ~" Polly of. tbe Oirens. Frederic: Thompson,, mgr.t ^Brooklyn, M. r., 6-10. . .. Royal Slare (Clareaee Bennett'a). Oca. R: Bobb,- mgr.: Qnlncy. Mich.; 7; GoasUntlne St Thrtw Rivers 9; passopolta 10: Walkertoa. Ind;; IS; Knox 13; Argon. 14: N. Manchester IBi Aabam _ 10; Bberwood. O.. 17. Roury, The. Rowland * Clifford, Inc., mgra.*. ^Chicago. lU.. Sept. 4-lnder. . Rosary. The, Rowland ft iltffoid.' Inc., mgrs.: Pittsburg, Pa., 4-10: Wbeellng, W. Va.. 13-14; ■ Ypungatown, - O., ■ 16-17. : .. . Right of Way, Fred Block Co., Ine., mgra.: St. I«»Is. Mo., 4.10; sprlngBeld, 111., 11-14; Pe- orla.16-17. ■■•*..:.■:• ■ ■ . ■ :.-^, Ring, Blanche, In The Yankee Girl. Lew Fielda, „mgr.; Phlla.. 6-17. Bound-Up, -Joe. Brooks, .mgr.: Boatoo, Maas., 0-10. ' BMaUnd at Redgate: Grand Rapids,' Mich., Red Mill: Lincoln. Neb..--S-lu. Rose ntll BnglMi.. roily Co.: Aurora, III., 7; Wankegan sTjIaelne. Wla.. 9: Jaae>TlU« 10; ^rnport, lU.,.^;.'.Boek Island 16; Wttsrtoo. 8eTaBj>us,v,Wa8C!|ihala-ft-Kemper. Mgrs.:' M. , Y. O..JJp;.,aO. Indef.. ^ Snmmer. WidMrsn; Lew Fields, mgr.: N. X. 0.. Sis Perklas.jOi'Jur-amlth's). EM. Kadow, mgr.: .McOofti*. 'or,--TrBeIlet«>ntaln« 8: RIehwood 0; Marlon 10: Ashland 12: Mlllcrsbnrg .13: Dbr. ^leh«yllleJU|^«tenbn>Tllls 16; WeUsvilU 10; Beaver-™^K8;'17: ' - Sweetest Olrl In Paris, Hsrry Askia, gea. mgr.: OUcago. 111.. Ang. 29, Indef. Show Girl, I^nnk Ptaelpe, mgr.: Kansas City, Mo., 4-10; St. Louis 11-17. BUrar Threads, with Blcbard J. Jose, Fred S. Cutler, mgr.: Sedalia. Mo.. 7; JeSersoo City 8; (3(dnmbU 8; Alton, 111.. ll: Onincy 12; Ke- oknk, le., 13;° Bnrllngton 14; (talesbnrg. III., 15; Mosestlne, Is., 16; Mollne, lU., 17. Snpeiiba. Bdwln Warner, mgr.: Colnmbns, O., 5-10; IndlanapoUa, Ind., 12-17. School Daya, Stair ft Havlln,. Inc., mgra.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 29-Sept. 10; Paterson. N. J., 12-17. Soul Kiss (Bastem), Mlttenthal Bros.' Am. Co., Inc., mgrs.: Bloomsburg, Is., 7; Freelsnd 8; LsBsford 9; Mshanoy City 10; WlUlsmsport .12; Lewlstown IS; Hsrrubnrg 14; Csrllsle 15; Hanorer 16; Lebanon 17. 800I Klsa (Western). Mlttenthal Bros.' Am. Co.. Inc., mgrs.: Greensboro, N. 0., 7; Dnrhsm S; Raleigh 9; ,.Goldaboro 10; Wilmington 12; Charlotte IS; Salisbury 14; AshsTllIe 16: Spar- tanburg, • S. 0., 16: GreenrlUe 17. Smart Set, : Barton ft Wlswell, mgra.: Wash., D. 0., 6-10: Baltimore; Md. 12-17. Sboemaker, The, Qua Hill, mgr.: Pblla., 6-10; Mewixk, N. J., 12-17. Btobbom Clnderells. Ctaas. A. Goettler, mgr.: Spokane, Wash., 7-S; Walla Walla 0; North Yakima 10; Seattle 11^7. St. Blmo, Olaaer ft Staid, mgrs.: Loalsrllle. Ky., 6-10; Mempbla. Temu, 12-17. Spooner, (^U, Blaney-Spooner Co., mgrs.: Syta- ense. N. Y.. 5-7; Boehestcr 8-10; Phils., 12-17. Starr. Frances, in The Easiest Wv, OsTld Be- lasco, mgr.:: Los Angeles, Cel.; 5-10: Bakers- Beld 12; Reno IS; San Joie 14; Oakland 15- 17. Shea.: Tliaa. :'B., bi .Bepertoire. A. . H. Wooda. ny^.: BnOalOi H. Y., B-IO; Taronto, Can., 12- Sqoaw Man, B. B. Pierce ft Co., mgrs.: Colnm- hns. Neb.. 7; York 8; Aurora 9; Central Olty 10; Grand laiond 11; Kearney 12; Hastings 13; Fslrbnry 14; Beatrice 16. Small-Town Gal, Harry C. Lihon, mgr.: COlIlns- TlUe. DI., 11; Jerseyrllle 12; Hannibal. Mo., IS; Onlncr;: lU.. 14; Mt. Sterling 15; Warssw 16; Ft. Madison. la., 17. Seven Days, Wagenhala ft Kemper, mgrs.: Fltts- ' bnrg. Pa., 6-10; Cincinnati, O., 12-17. Storm, The, Tfaos. W. Byley; mgr.: Wssh., D. C. 6-10. ^ St. Ellmo, W. T. Leach, mgr: Bloomlngton." 111., 7; Laoon 0; Ottawa 10. T^o Americana Abroad, Bobert B. Harris, mgr.: •Utamlsborg, 0., 7; HUIabaca 8; Balnbtldge 8; Greenfield 12; Washington C H.. 13; Lan- caster 14; Newark 15; New StraltsriUe 16r -Osmbrldge 17. Trsveling Sslesman (A), Henry B;'BsrTls,' mgr.: Chlesgo, !!!., <2S-8ept. 17. TraTeUajg Salesman (B), Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Bocbester, M. Y., 5-71 Ogdensborg 8: Kingston 9; Otiaws. Can., 10; Montreal 12-17. Third Degree (A). Henry B. -Hairla, mgr.: Newark, N. J.. 5-10; Brooiayn. M. Y.. 12-17. Third Degree (B). Henry B, Haiiis,-aigr.: Den. Ter, Colo.. 4-10; VIetac 11; OOteado ~ ' 12; Bocky Ford IS; WleUta.' Kaaibi 14; taty, MO., 15-17. Thief, The, A. H. Woods. m«T.: Cincinnati, O., 4-10; St. Lonls. Mo., 11-17. Tbief, The. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Bsyonne, M. J., 6-7; Pstetson 8-10;; Kingston, N. Y.. 12; ' Newbnrg 18: Mlddleiown 14; GUienectady 13- 17. Teal's. Boymoad. Mnaleal: Comedy Co.: (C!yele Park) jCMJUj^ .Ttex.. j^Se g^lO . rla, aisr.: :Phlla., aO-Sept. 10. Three Twina, Jos. W. Galtes, mgr.: Mlnnespo- 11s. Minn., «S-10. Up and Down Broadway, with Eddie Fay, The Shnbertt, mgrs.: N. Y. C. July 18. indef. Qpstart. - The,: Bertrsm Harrison, mgr.: N. Y. Sept.-1,: Indef. Uncle Tom's Cabin (Al. W. Martin's) Wm. Kibble, mgr.: Erie, Pa., 7; Jamestown, N. Y., 8; Oleaa S: Bradford. Pa., 10; Warren 12; Oil City 13; Franklin 14; Mew Caatle IB; Bearer Falls 16; Greenabnrg 17. Uncle Tom'a Cabin, Oelerich Bros., mgn.: Frank- lin, Ind.,-?;-Washlagton 8; BloomSeld 9; Lta- _r,ton 10; Uncle Tom's Cabin (Terry'a): Springfield. Minn., .7: -Lamberton 8; Walnnt Grove 9; Mlnneota • 10. • • Under Soathem Skies. Hany Doel Parker, mgr.: Kokomo.'Ind., '7: Michigan City 8; La Forte 9; Sonth Bend 1(>; Chicago^ lU.. 11-17. Uncle Tom's .OabU (Stetaoa'a), Leon -Washbnm, mgr.: Aneotown, Pa.,.7;:Pottstown 8;:Narris- ■ town 9; Trenton. N. J.. 10.. Wsmer, Henry B., In Alias Jimmy . Valentine^ . Llebler ft Co., mgft.f 'N.'Y. C, Aug; 22, Ia> .,■ def. Wife Tkmezs, Henry W. Savsge, mgr.: Ghlcsc*.: III.. Ang. 22. Indef. Winntttg Miss., with .Max Bloom, Boyle Woolfolk. mgr.: Dayton, O., 5-7; Indianapolis. Ind., S-lb. Wbslom Opera Co. ( Charles Van Dyne, mgr. (Whalom 'Park) Fitidibnrg, Mass., Jnne 6- Sept. 10. Wlxard of Wlselsnd. Harry Scott, mgr.: Wood- Stock. III., 7; Belvldere 8; Belolt, Wis., 9; Jto^focd^iIU., 10; Dnboqne. la.. 11; BIkader 12: Cresco IS: Osage 14; Maaon City 16; Chero- Ward ft Tokes, In Ttoable Makeis, B. D. Stair, mgr.: Schenectady. N. Y.. S-10; Sjracttse 12- 14: Bochester lS-17. WlldSre,' Hairy Ooel Parker, mgr.: AUanU. Ga., B-10; Birmingham. Ala., 02-17. Wolf. The, Stair ft Havlln, mgrs.: Phlla.. 5-10; . Wash.. D. a, 13-17. Wolf, The. Rowland ft Clifford, props.: E. St. Loula. 111., 4-7; TaylorvUle 8; Falrbnry 9: Hammond, Ind.. 10; Ottawa, II).. 11: Sheffleld 12; Tolnca 13; Galesbnrg 14; Bnsbnell 15; Ab- tngdott 16; Moecstlne, la^ 17. - Ware, Helen, Henry B. Hanls, mgr.: Bridge- port. Conn.. 12'13; Hsrtford 14-15: Springfield, 'Mass., 16-17. Whiteside, Walker, In Tbe Melting Pot, Lleblcr ft Co.. mgrs.: Seattle, Wash., 11-17. Wilson,' A. H.. Sidney R. ^mils, 5 mgr.: Balti- more. Md.. 6-10; Waah., D. C.,;12-17. Williams.-Hattle, ft G, P. Huntley, Chua. Froh- msn. mgr. : New Haven, Conn.. 16-17. ZInn Mnaleal-Comedy Co.. A. M. Sinn, mgr.: Dallas, Tex.; SSSept. 10; Oklahoma Olty, Okie., 11-Oet. 9. It It ta FILMS TOO want to tay. get In teach with US. Almoat 1.000 reda to select from. 36 to ISO pec reel. Send for lists. GBXCAQO FILXSHB,: ; : m H. Otssa Btistt. - • : m. WANTED For Grandi Stodc Co. under Canvas A-l asrlnet, B. ft O.; second aartnet. donUe stage or 0.; Oeaena Bnafnaa Han, da^U« tens; other people 'write. Long, sore, ^essant engagement to V^S^^^SKS^S*^ ^""" ^JS? to he« litom good Canvasman. Eckels? Yes. Wire qnldt. HOfe OBAWPI, Brenham. Tsxas. MR. SECRETARY, You want a Free Attractioii WHY NOT HAVE A SUCCESSFUL ONE? OUR COMEDY ACROBATIC FEATURE WITH TRICK WIND MILL l&A SCREAM EVERYWHERE. We are the comedy feature act at the fairs. Week September fith, Kalamazoo, Hich.; week September vetb, Sandusky, Ohio. Gam be engaged week September IS and later. Grab us quick. Address, PA LA RO BROS., e«r> Gftn«rftl X>«H wry. SET III WITH US, Oct, 3 to 8 Ind. BIG MONEY OLD HOWE WEEK knoxviuje:. iowa. We want under tops; parcentsge or salary; state beat terms when yon write; good 'FaodmrUI* Troupes, good Trslned Wild Anlmsl Shows, good Menagerie, good Freak Shows of aU kinds, gooa high-clsss I«dy Bnrleeone Troupe or similar shows. We want to let alt kinds of Caii.asslnns, Indndiag Fteaka, ; Animals, Mass, Roller Coaster, Ocean Wave, Fterrls Wheel, Bump the Bnmps, and slnolar. attractions. We want Thrilling Open-«ir Ikee Attractions. Address W. B. DABBAH, KnogvUle. lawn. ELEVENTH AN N UAL CORN CARNIVAL AND STREET FAIR GIBSON CITY, ILL., IMi L 6. WHfilT fir NmsmhIs. OCT. 11TH TO 16TH, 1910. PATERSON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ „■ OPEN NOVEMBER 9tli to 19^ First Industrial Elxpoaitioneverlidd in Paterson. Attendance 10,000 to 12 JDOO eveiy day. Hi^-dass Aerial Ants, Dog and Pony Show^ write; 50,000 souaie: feet emaoaed outside of Expo. Hall; High-class concessions wanted. All particulars first letter. T. I. SKEOCH, Director General, PateMoa.N.Fl. First-class Pianist At Libarty tor engsgement: or would join good mnslcsl set for TaodeviUe. I play piano. American organ. beUs, hsndhells, chimes, slelghbells, musical glssses, violin and msndolin (a little), but do not possess these instrumcntK. Am temperate, renned and thoroughly attentlTe to my business. Ad- dress with full particulars, salary, etc., SOL, I.IISTGARTEM. care Y. M. C. A., Salt Lake City, ■Otah.;:' Tlie Biirboard The most convenient book ever arranged for the use of Managers, - Agents, Performers, etc. Complete in Every Detail. GErr ONE NO W VPU \ARE NEIVER SURE -WTTHOVrr A. DATE BOO 0Dirir f Umb CsTcr, 10 coit^ 3 for 25 cents 1 p„h..;il PRICE j 25 «2ii, 5 ftw $1.00 r"*^ THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., - 416418 Bm Street^ Cndiinali, Oiuo. i