The billboard (Sept 1910)

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4A Time Olllboard SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. MOVING PI CTURE TH EATRE LIST Small Town Nickelodeons in the United State$,Data for Which Has Been Gathered for Billbocird Readers—Additions Will Be Made fifom Time to Time Annlstoiir—Theatoclnm Sieatie; W. Lnr. -Aadalnsla—N. A. MeUUIan. ' BenemeF-T-Wata .& Hayes' Imperial Tbeatre, 1012 Second ave. Bessemer—Gem Tbeatxe. BUss Beinice Hajs. Cltronelle—J. E. Simpson.- -CoUman—Esther Tbeatre; Cullman Amuses Cow; H. Lightwood. mgr. DecatoT—bjar, 116 Church st.; W. L. Fbrgnsoo, mgr. •; Oothas—Eectric Xheatre; H. J. Morris, train street. . Ensley—E>anklin, IStli sfc. and Ave. E.; BOb^ ert Steed, mgr. Alrdome, 20th and Ave.; E.; Chaa. WeaTer, mgr. ■ Star Thcstre; O. Tregeraon, I91S ATeane B. Evergreen—Q. J. Sowell. Florence—Blorence, J. A. Pruett, mgr. Gadsden—Amnse-u, Broad st.; J. Bosenbanmr ■ mgr.. , ■ Hew Alamo, Broad St.; J, G. Wells, mgr. Greenville—Pastime Theatre. Gen. Monterlef. HontsTille; Edisonia Theatre; T. E. De Pew. : care Stegall. HoteL : HontsTi nc Theatorlnm Tbeatie. Theatoitmn Theatres D. Petri. Lnveme—>LixTeme Anmsement 'Co. . . 'Xixveme;'Ammwment Co. New Decatnr—Star, lAfayette st.;'C. W. Fet- Koaon, mgr. Selma—^Amase Me Theatre.. W. Ii. Ward: ^L.Beln>a—^The MajesUc Theatre;^ Louis PhllUK' 923 Broad st. Tallassee—O. C. Toombs. Tnscaloosa—Unique. Greensboro ave. Tuscaloosa—Electric Theatre, Greensboro ' ave.; . E^'.U*:'Caraway, mgr. West iBtoeton—Harvey & Taggle. ■ ABIZOBA' Biabee—Boyal Tbeatre; Betz & Bonsb. Main St. Camden—Olymolc, B. .O. Mewton, mgr. •■r, Donglas, .10th at.,ibet.' G. * P.; "Wi W. Webb, ■ ■ mgr. 10th * P.; Qolnn Bros., mgrs.- CUfton—Clifton Theatre. Dunn Sc Loomls. • Theatorlom^ ^Bnnn & Loomla.: . CUfton-^EmpIre . Theatre; Dunn & Loomls. ~ EI Dorado—Dreamland. B.- B. Garison, mgr. ' Flagstait—C. A. Bndd. ' Flagstaff—Electric Tbeatre; O. A.'Bndd. Globe—tiDloo. N. Broad at;; Mrs. Clarice Sin- clair, mgr. . - Kogales—Grand Tbeatre; Lonis Forber. Uldgley's Theatre: A. L. lUidgl^. ; phoenix—Alrdome "'Theatre; S. A. Belilin. 81 - First ave. . .> - ,.. .-■ -.>-: . I 'lhe Collseam Tbeatre:'BaoTes & Wood, cor. Monroe & Firat.sts.: -.:"/V ^Phoenix—O. ApplestUl: ' Electric A. H. Beeves. 'iPreseott—Electric:: r-S::-A.-'Balderson.-^ < ' Preseott—S. A. Balderson. Flaza Tbeatre: C. B. Howard. Corta 'si SUITord—Will W. Tlgna. . Tbmbstone—^Theatre; John L. Miller,, mgr. Tncson—Clitton Tbeatre; F. P. Unton, 32-34 W. ' Congress st- Tncaon Amiisement Co.; B. Dracbman, mgr. Wlnslow—^Electric Theatre; H. Ii, Chllson. Winslow—Chas. B. Howaril. Xnma—Alrd<Kne Theatre: A. Ii. Boss. ; Xmna Theatre—WlUiams & Desmond, Main st. Argenta—Star Tbeatre; J. W. Enlow. 314 Uain street. ,. ■ ■ Arkadelphia—^Airdome Theatre; Cecil Korman. . , Alrdome Theatre; T. Cecil Norman. Arkansas'City—The Lyric; B.' H. HIU,' 213 S. ': Summit ave. Atkins—MovlDB Pictnre Show. C: H. Croons. ' Atkins—Klectric Theatre; 'Wilson & Matthews. Bailroad ave.. Augusta—^Fair View Theatre; Blackmon & Short. BatesTlUe—New Andltorinm . Theatre;: Hall A Benton—Majestic Theatre; E. Y. StIsion. Beebe—O^i L. Dye. Black Bock—E. .F. MIsenbelmer. BlythevUIe—^W. J. Brown. Brinkley—Crystal Palace; Stimson & Uitchell. Bonanza—^Electric Theatre. Anger & Bowen. ^ Camden—Electric Tlieatre. Dick Baird. B Carlisle—Lycenm Theatre. Chas. S. Long. ■ Clarendon—Fatbe Theatre; Jackson Bros.. P. O, V Box 224. ClarksvUle—-rMoving Picture Show; Party & Beaal^. Conway^-Crystal Palace; Pence & Bogeis. Electric Tbeatre; W. N. Owen. " ~ . Dardanelle—Moving Picture Show; F. H. Weis- er. Main St. : . De Qneen—Electric Tbeatre. - Dermott—Electric Tbeatre; J. B. Nell. 2d at. Des Arc—^Slectric Theatre; Bush. & Toman. - Eureka Springs—Electric Theatre;. Eureka. IC. P. Parlor; W. N. Owen. Fayetteville—Vandette Tbeatre; W. W. Cbap- > man, secy. & treaa. Princess Tbeatie, B. Centre «L; Wm. Hayes. %• Pt. &mlth-^oel. . 808 Garrison ave.: hI^ O. t.}-: --^ Ctatf..^mgT. " : ' 'Fort Smttb—BIJoo Tbeatre; H, Q. Craft, 804 Gatrlson ave. ■■. Fbrdyce—Electric ^leatre. Owens & Bicks. . Hamburg—Pastlm> Tbeatre; J. C. Simpson. Hartford—^Electric Theatre. W. H. Laney. :y Hartford—Broadway Theatre; J. Bolen. i:' Heber:—Park 'Theatre; M. Franentbal. ii: Helena—Idle Hour : Theatre; C. B. Bionson, 61S ,, • Clienyst. >r <>,-BUoa Theatre; H. HndsOBi 211 Bl^toi St.; - ; B.- Tomur.■ j^'iBope—^nieatariiim;c:B.:...w* Xofan. Front st. - in-Hioiie^-Oi'c II..,'Campbell. v' ETeetrte-neaiie^'i;.': Sawyer & Smith. ~ Hot Spilnga^-Grand:'O J. Frank ' S^ld.' *■ ~ , ''/Hot; SiRbiis^-Kfrp&eva raesbe; lb*. ,0. Otv i SOD. ; ';; k;-' -: Lycenm Theatre; Mrs. B. D. -Long, 620 Central ' The Gem Theatre; X.:'A.'.ABselman,3 821 Cea. tral ave. Uajestle Theatre; Wm.- Wilson,\ 819 Ualvem ■ ^'.aremie. ■■■ • ■ • Jonesboro—Majestic Theatre; Collins & Bridger. I^cenm Theatre; Bleicb & Co., Main st: Jonesboro—Tbeatorium Tbeatre. - Blelck & Mack. Second Show Theatre. Blelck & Mack. Judsonia—Electric Tbeatre; J. S. Kelley. Lanoke—Electric Theatre; O. C. Harb. Majestic Theatre. Cardwell Moore. I Majestic Theatre. Cardwell & Moore. Lyric Theatre. H. B.r Hale. 024 Oriental . ... ave. ■ - ■ Malvem—Bink Theatre;-B.T CIarar.'- ! Marianne—^Electric Tlieatre: 'I^.'i^iD.' i'Bronson. Morrillton—^Logan's Electric Tbeatxe; E. W. Logan. .. ■ ■ McGebee—Five-Cent Tbeatre; Tbomas ft Walker. Theatorlnm; Tbomas & W-alker. McOroy-Prlncess Theatre: W. G. Dlillaxd. Blagnolia-ElecMc Theatre; O. B. Mowe. Montlcello—^Maxloe Theatre; Wm. Higbtower. Bosoc Theatre; Oglesby Bros. Marked Tree—L. M. StrinRb^m. ' . Mena—Electric Theatre. Byer Montlcello. Nashville—Electric Theatre; P. B. Bates. Newport—^Electric Tbeatre; H. E. Cobb, 2d and ■ 'Hazel sts. ' ■ Onark—^Electric Theatre; MUton & Swtveler, 3d and Com. sts. Paragonid—Oiiera House. J. L. WUtsItt. Paris—Fatbe Theatre; W. H. Laney. Pine Blnlf—Elks' Tbeatre: O. B. Pbelphet. Plne"BlutPM)rpbenm Theatre:' 'S. b: Wllbolt. Preseott—Crescent Theatre; B. B. Smith. Sector—Grand Tbeatre. Grand Tbeatre Co. Sogers—Theatre;. Ozark'Amusement COt. ,.mgrs; Bnssellvllle—Electric Theatre; Butler & HoweU. Biver and Main sts.' ' - Searcey—Grand Theatre; J. H. Goodman,: P: O. Box 451. Siloam Spriligs-r'Kinodrome Tbeatre; Maliett-& Alexander. Spadra—-Blectric Theatre. . Anderson St Shields. Stamps-rBlectde Tbeatre; Iiogan:&-Moore. : Stnttg'art—Opera 'Hoase;' >WiUiam8T: Bros. . St. Joe—Public -Hall. C & C. Wade. . Sulphur Springs—Superior Motion Picture Parlor; W. H. .Bannister. .-^ Texarfcana—Scott's Theatre. - Leadtl-& Boberts.- Electric, Theatre. C. V. Brown. 211 W. Broad st ■ ' Tan Buren—Edisonia Theatre; H. A. Todd. 450 .■ 3faln St." Walnut Bldge—Jo^Io-Tbeatre; J. O'Shea. Waireo—Warren^Tbeatre;-W. G.-Comp. BBmaS COLUIIBIA, CAHADA Vancouver^—Orpbenm Theatre; Consolidated' Am. Co. '■, ; ; ■■ .. . TIctoria—^New . Grand Theatre; Sullivan & Con- ■ sldlne. CAUFOBSIA Alameda-—Park- Theatre;.. Harsten, :. Manner ' & •■■.^^.••■•Mott.'.'Park'St.. .■• -'^ '• Alturas—J. C. Arrowood. Angela' Camp—Blectric Tbeatre; H. J. Bicbards. . iNovelty: Theatre—^Mrs. B. -. Dieren, Main at. Antloch—.'Lyric Theatre; COallforala' Amuae.- Co. ATiaheim-r-Anshplm Theatre; Pedersou'Co; Auburn—Fairyland Theatre; Fedenff & NlehoUs. Avalon-^Avalon ^eatre; A. H. Abbott. Bakersfleld—^Parra's Theatre, Chester ave.: M. . B. Parra and A. Por«t, mgrs. Morley's /nieatre, Chester ave.; Chas. Grogg, .' ■ mgr. Aerodrome, Chester ave.: J. B. Dorsey, mgr. Berkeley—The Varsity Theatre; J. F. Ward, 2233 Sbattnck ave. . f Pastime'Theatre; F. H. Mitchell, 2483 Shat tuck ave..-- Berlfeley—D. A. Kapp. GhlocH-Gem Theatre; B. S. EdmonsoDi Chleo & CaL sts. Star Theatre—^A. Beed, mgr. Coallnga—Electric Tbeatre. . Colusa—Criterion llotlon Pletdre C«.; B. ' Pryor. 133 Fifth St. CoECorsn—^H. J. Harrison. Crescent.'City—Star Tbeatre. O. B. LantT. Dnnsmnir—^Beaty Bros.' Novelty TOeatre; Sac- ramento aVe. ; - El Centra—WIsard Walton Theatre. F. B. Stan- 'ton.': : • Eureka—Liberty Theatre. Wm. Onthof. Eureka—'Empire TbeBtre;iT. Tan-Sant, Jr., E St. The' Pastime Theatre; J. A. Takel and O. A. • Clayton. Fort Bragg—Bobert Gardner. Fresno—National Theatre; O'. E. Taylor. Empire Theatre; Mr. B. Hoen. Fair Tbeatre: Iwata BIdg.; Elmura ft Hirata. Fresnor-Bljon Theatre. , - Frnltvalfr-Sfar'Theatre; F. M. Wade, E. 14tb :.and Bassett 'Sts. ■ Fischer's Tbeatre, 3443 B. Uth St. GecHgetown—Opera House; Airs. J. H. Bmk- bolder. Gllroy—Opal Tbeatre. BIch Theatre. H. Bicta. Grass TaBey—^Bell Tbeatre: Pearse ft Temby, Audltwinm; Gribblns ft Williams, UUl st.- Star Theatre: N. B. Lund, Mill st, Hanford—Hanford Opera Honse, West 7tb St.; G, F, A«hby. jner. Hayward-Hayward Opera Home: U. Oalmy. Healdabnrg-^ab NIckdodeon; 8. Case, West street. . - - - Hemet—Than, J. B. " . HoBbiter—Opal Tbeatre. Masonic Temple BIdg.; B. Tompkins. Jackson—Grand Tbeatre; J. Batto, Bennett—Gem Tbeatre; T.' If. Seebold, Bennett Hotel. Lincoln—'True Bine Hall;..OnlUIford ft ChtBber- line. . E«Iverntore—=Bell Theatre. Sweeney Opera Honse; N. Cslmy, Long Beach—Theatorinm; Mix ft Toorheea, IS Pike St. : Art Tbeatre; J. TewSIey, 816 Pike (t. - Wonderland Tbeatre, Brady. ft Kennedy, ;aSO Pike St.. ■■ . Los Gatos—John Davis. Marysville—Gem Theatre:: .Wm. Gardners Criterion: Haddem Bros.; 120 D St. Grand Theatre; W. B. Gntir, cor.-B ft F. M I, Marysvlllt Melrose—Melroae Theatre; 441S E. 14th St. Melrose—George Borman. ' Merced—Grand Theatre; H: .KanstIng, B23 Ala- meda st, 0|>era House; It. Barcroft St Sons Co., Main street. Mill VaUey—Ye VUlago Tlttatre; H. T. DuUord, Modesto—Modesto Theatre;|DCnvena ft Peerson, Glory Theatre; Emil Mayo, 810 lOtb st. „ . ^""qt^/'^^Iifr.^*"^' Hanna's Berthoud-5iovlnB_Plctire Theatre, Vil SJy'^^illrtie; Benjamin ft Fowler, 464 lS!;&T5£'i«c^''!SS;. 'b.V^c& Alvarado at. w..*^. — - Monterey—Globe Electric Theatre. W. 8. He- ■ Connell. Mountain TIew—Gem Theatre;. Vclta . Cbmpen, mgr. Napa—Haycs.Theatre: Alva Fischer, First at. ■Unique Theatre: Alva Fischer. Needles—Venice Theatre: J. H. KoUhancr, Sec- Dreamland Theatre. Maddem Bros. West Oakland—Palm Thea'tre; J. I<, Werthalmer, Ti,„»„„. obase ft Baxter,' Seventh and Campbell ats. WlUowa—Pastime; P, M, Bunt, Tebama st. Woodland—Elite Tbeatre: W. Hunt, 414 1st St. Lyceum—O. A. Bussell; Acme Theatre Co., Main Bt. OOLOBAOO ; ; Alamosa—Colorado Tbeatre. A, B. Buby. Aapen—Opera Houae; J. , Bowman. : Aolt'—O. W.' McKInley. - Nev«r Sfty-Broadway Theatre; B. A. Moore,' gSg/ljg;^^. "p. "^"^^^^^ BouIdei^Falryland; Vii- ' Oonelson, mgr. _ . .. - ' _ . —fgf^ reUan. Brighton Opera Honse; KImber' ft Me Bnena Vlsta—'Klinglerift VeiHTtflsIe, Canyon City—^Xbeatortnm; B. Walker,' Mala street. Majestic Theatre; Curtis ft FatrcUId. 4n Main St.' Oiieia House: Frank MUton, 616 Main at. Broad st, Nevada: Gribben & Williams, Broad sti Oceano—B, W. Maxwell. Ocean Park—Henna's Park Tbeatre: H. T. Hen- na, Box 352. La Petite Theatre; B. A. Wheelock. Ocean Park—New Shell; Perham ft Buhlert. Ontario—Ontario Plctorlum: rinehes & Early. Orovlile—Oro Theatre; G. A. Scott. Gem City Pavilion, Meyers st. . iNovelty Theatre; Novelty Amuse. Co., Mont- .'gomery.St..::: Oznard—Victory Uneatre; Mrs. B. O. Newton. Paellie Grove—The Bon Ton Theatre; Styles OUver. D's Theatre; D. F. Armstrong. P. O. Box 362. Pasadena—^Tally's Theatre; Flsdier ft Tally. Palo Alto—Novelty Tbeatre; M. A. Beowell, 185 Unl. ave. Pasadena—Tally's. E. J; Tally.' : 29 W. Cdto- - ■ ...rado st. Petaluma—Star Tbeatre, I3S 'Kentncky at. American Theatre; T. Squires, 135 Main St. Unique Theatre; J. A. Kenneyi 4th st. Petaluma—Orphenm Theatre. G...A. Dalhmeier. PlacervUle—mite Theatre; J. B. Ttavelle. Pleasanton—Novelty Theatre, m Pomona—Star Theatre; C. C. McKey. 27S Thorn- ■ .."as street. Idi PIctoria Theatre; W. L. Prouty, 1033 W. Second st. PortervUle—Novelty Theatre; W. J. Godley. P. O. Box 131. Bed Bluff—New Empire; C. W. Tripp ft W. Henning, Walnut St. Bedding—Stadium: MUIer ft Clark, Market st. > Dreamland: Miller ft Clark. 404 Butte st. Bedlands-'^-The Bmplxe. Tbeatre; Scott ft Cook, 19-State°st. Bedondo—Pavilion Bldg.; <L. B. Fancber, Pier - :...'etreet. ■ • ■ ■ BiTersIde-T-Anditorlum Theatre: Bae Odette, 10TB ■■.'"':S...'..Main St.- BosevUle—Doris Theatre; MM. Mary Doris. Church St. Sacramento—{klajestlc; Frank U. Thompson, mgr. Sacramento—Grand Theatre. C 'W. Godard. St .Helena-^; ft G. Theatre: J. GalewaU and J: -Goodman,. Main st - .: Salinas—Uniqae: Tbeatre; B. .W. Home. Elite Theatre; H. McKInnon. San Bernardino—Unique, East Third st; J. W. ■ Leonard.'.'mgr.' Uidqne Alrdome, cor. 4th .and E. sts,; J. W. Iieonard, mgr. : San Diego—Qneen, 5th bet A. ft B. -sts.; B. J. Donnellan, mgr. Empire, 4tb and F. sts.; .Glune Amuse. Co., mgrs. Union, 739.Fifth St.; F. W. Buhnow, mgr. Grand, 5tb. bet. B. and C. sts.; Fked BaUier, .:.:. -mgr. ■ :^:....;i' BIJon, 941-Fourth St.; McConville & Lowry, ":-..:.. mgrs. San Diego—Elite; mgr. C. N. Carrlngtton, Jr. Pickwick; Edw. M. Dmcker, mgr. San Jose—Scenic, 119 S. 1st at Lnmlna. 7 W. let st Lyric, 61 s. 2nd St.; Otto Schwarz, mgr. Palace, 16 3. 2nd st; Mr. Tonascia, mgr. 5c Tbeatre, S. Market st; A. S. WInterbode, mgr. San Leandro—Star. Theatre; K. Beallaky. San Luis Obispo—Star and Crescent Theatre; G. B. GallaKher. . . • „,,„,, ., San Mateo—Hart's Theatre: O. E. Hart, B St. »!i.M»—leiiri P. O. Box 478. - — — Pueblo—Barl San Pedro—The Lyric Theatre; E. B. TMIer. Star Theatre: S. W. Anderson, 501 Beacon. San Bafael—^Lyric Theatres.Vocerino. Santa Ana—-Temple Tbeatie:j^b^A. It. BOberts, Third and Bosb Bta." .'-'Ml? ■ Santa Barbara—Santa Barbara' Opera Honae; B. 'L..Decker. . . Victory Tbeatre: K..0..Lee, 619 State at . La Petite Tbeatre; H. K. Marble. 622 State at Santa Cruz—Jewell'Tbeatre;- W.' Muigeldarf. Lyric Theatre, 40 Pacific ave, Santa Cruz—Swain's Theatre.: Leo Cbrlstal Bell. Star-Theatre. E. B. Anderson. 242 Pacific ave. . ■ Santa Maria—Home Theatre;; O, Titley. Santa Monica—^Auditorium. George Me.vers. Santa Monica—La Petite Theatre; A. P. Tug- well. 303. Third st Santa Boss—C. W. Carrlngton, Jr., mgr.; Me Porter ft Locke. Colorado Springs—Novelty, Nevada ' and ■ Huer- fano sts.; Hewitt ft Fishback, mgrs. Crystal, 11 S'. ToJon at; L, E, Cummlngs, mgr. Cripple C^k—Ideal Theatre Co,; F, B. Dewey, 211 B, Bennett ave. Star Theatre: Taylor ft Ford; 216 B. Bennett avenue. Delta—Gayety Theatre- Wanee Bros.. 356 Mala street Durango—Blectric Theatre; H, Thomas, - Theatorlnm; M. H, Bushnell, .860 Mala st Durango—Chas. A. Pike. Baton—Majestic Theatre; F. Frick... Bngiewood—Tnlleries Theatre; B. O. HambUa. Florence—Crystal Theatre. O. Justin. Chas. M. Fonse. ; 210 Houston at Florence—^Majestic Tbeatre; F. Frick. -Majestic Theatre; F. J. Welsh, 123 W. Main Btreet • • ■ Fort Collins—Orphenm Tlieatre; No. Colo,; Asa. Co., College ave. Fort Morgan—Idle Hour Theatre; The. Drexel Amuse. Co. Fort Morgan—J. W. Lyman. C. N. Schooley. : Fowler—A. L. Mock. "Ontt & Mack. Georgetown—Swan ft Lake. - Olenwood Springs—Pastime Theatre; F. Ewln(, "Grand ave. . Golden—.The Gem; W. L. Benson. Grand Junction—Majeetic, 538: Main at; Sam Sturtevant, mgr. j" Novelty, 418 Main St.; B. E. Quay; mgr. Crystal. 552 Main st: E. Thomas, mgr. Gredey—Park. Morse ft Bamsey, mgrs. Miijestte, 'W. H.' Taber, mgr. . 'Oiphenin.- J.-'. H. McCraken, mgr. -: ' Ounmson—novelty Theatre.' Mrs. O. M.' Potter. Hotctakiss—Artex Amnse. Co.,s P. O;' Box 24. . Idaho Springs—Dreamland. Jnlesbnrg—Electric Tbeatre. Electric Tbeatre. Mrs. J. Abrams. 1>afayette—Jewel Tbeatre: C. C. Cook, SlmpaoB . • • street ■ ' iEIectric Tbeatre; - Wonderly ft Adkins. Lafayette—B. F. Chaffee. LaJmita—Wonderly,. Dorgberty Block.?:-Colorado ave.; C. W. Wonderly, mgr. Lamar—Henry Gerstehlauer. ' BObert MOricb. Las Animaa—F. O. Cunning, Electric .Theatre. I. O. O. F. Theatre: Karl Prewltt. ' : - ' Las Animas—Stewett ft Kentworthy: Leadvllle—^Dreamland; Harding ft Bnrtord, 608 Harrison ave. Leadvllle—^Moving Picture Theatre. lAngmont—^Isls, C. W. Priest mgr. LonlsvlUe—Majestic Theatre; Klnbar ft Me- Clellan. . The: Model; W.-T. Mets, Boulder, Colo. Loveland—Lyric Theatre: G. B. Luce, 342 Fourth 'atreet tflveland-^tar Theatre. Marble—Lnxen's Hall- Adams ft Cslllatra. ' Tbestre; Adams ft Callistra. Monte ViKtn—Broadway Tbeatro, Second ave.; Leon Osbom, mgr. Montrose—Moving Pictnre Theatre. Montrose—J. M. Bnsor. Ouray—Moving Picture Tbeatre. Palisades—Idle Hour. ' Bradbury ft Adkins. Moving: Picture . Theatre. Paonia—0. A,: Cooper, Paonla^st ~ ~ " Tbeatre; West States Vande. Dreamland Theatre; A, W. Howell, 406 N. Main st Majestic Theatre; 609 W. .Main It, O. O. Corrigan. White City Tbeatre: Negele ft WImbetg. SSI N. Union at Grand Opera Hoose: Middleeap Btoa. : Maze Theatre: A. W. HoweU,: IIT W.; Fourth street. Pnehio—A. T. :Iiafe. , 812 Tan Bniea st,', BUIe—Ielm'.:Cnmmlaga.. ' ..^:. Bocl^'Ibrd-'-Tbc Bdlson, 311 S. Mala'st: I. Lnmbar, mgr. The. Gem..306 S. Main st; J. A. McCurry. ."■mgr. ■ - Sallda—OaOs Tbeatre; Powell ft Brewer, 120 B. ■■■■•iiFlnt st BUvertott—N. A. BaUon. . W.'T. Bnnla. Somerset—Gayety Theatre; C. A. Oogper. Ooimen Bldg., 4th-st ^ , „ „. ,_. Smta ■ jBosB-T^NIckelodeipn^^ Coliunbia : steamboat Springs—Moving Pictnre Theatre. ^^AmTO. OOj. 414 Fgnrtb at - — VandevlUe. Sodium ft Fonreade. Santa Boss Theaterette: Columbia Amuse. Co., ! sterling-—J A Price n ■_?^' ^^f^-n.'i: V. ' „ n : Telluride-^Meteopole;'J. B, Jarrls, P.: O. .:Box Sa'Wtelle—Old^ Sellable Tbeatre, Oregon ave. : 702 . "^SS?! theatre; C. Eagler ft Sana,' 208 TeUnride—TeUurlde Tbeatre.. Crampton ft Bet- ■ FOurtb at- ■■ ■ -:.•■.:.'. ■ fpoy . Sonora—N. Y. Amuse. Co. Theatre; H. B. Oane Trlnidul—Dresmlsnd^^ U^ W. llaln st: J. P. and J. B: Baer. Stockton—^Aeme Theatre. Fred Wills. Tlvoll Concert Hall. - Jos. Bnls. . StoektOD—OnAeom OiMatte; DMmellan ft Col- lier, i : Acme. Theatre; l. 'l(ocrIsoii.i'80 N, Eldorado^ . Forrest Theatre; O, Ik Archambanlt, Batter It Victor—Fred Fry. B. B. Stebbins. 16 Sutter st. | Walsenbnrg — Huerfano Lyric Theatre: W. D, KUbom, 28 S. Sutter 04^. Sisters. Novelty Tbeatre: Alex.!Kaiser, Weber ave. 1 Maxzone nicatre: O. Kline.,:! • Sutter Creek—Ponnlar Tbeatre; T. F. JiAnson, Windsor—Lyric Tbeatre; Wimmer Bros., . Johnson ft ChlsbOlm.:: . - : | street. . ' Tulare—Electric Theatre; Blodgtftt ft WIIsoB. ' ' ' cnrnnmom ' 119 Kern'.st ' """f'■*M*~"f *.::.' .!.•'.•':■:•:••;■ Toolnmne—Bead Snow; Besanf ft Porter. Ansonia—Gem. Mr. McMahon, 8 Bank'Bt. Ukiab-Victory Theatre;'O. A, Bife, S, State st, Baltic—Dime Theatre; Oote ft: l>npaU,vBtlIIota Natziger, mgr. Maze, 108 W. Main st. Isis, Wilson ft Gill, mgrs. Central Park. S. D. Patrick, mgr, Victor—Ideal Tbeatre; F. J.v Mullen, : 100 S. Third at Theatre; MeOermlck Vallejo—xioveity Tbeatre; Wm. CoUlna. Bex Tbeatre; J, F. Cair. Farragut Tbeatre; B. Welssmsn, Georgia at Elite Tbeatre—J. F. Oarr, 809 Georgia st street Bristol—The Opera Honae; J. H. Oagner, Laurel •. itreet.' Bull's Head—Theatre; Oui KDsaste, mgr. ', Novelty Theatre; 8. Uendelaon, cor. Main ft Danbnry—On the Boad; J. H. Johnaon. Geor^ sts. Venice—T. Hanna. Ventura—Wonderland; Mrs. B. O, Newton. Ventora—Bdltb Bkaggs. ^Isalia—Novelty Tbeatre: Novelty Tbeatre Co, Taylor Opera House; F, A, Shear. . suite Tbeatre, cor. Main and Crosby ate. VandevlUe; O. Oassaiaa, 328 Main st DaalelBon—X>. H. Wlleox. A.'V. Woodsworth. WatsonvlIIe—La Petite :TbeatTe;';lbi. J. 0. . Ft-. OreenwIcb-rBIectrlc r'^eatre; . Bamai fl^Bun/ raisky. ; I Oreeawlch st.