The billboard (Sept 1910)

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46 Ttie Oillboard SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. Film Synopses (CoBtlnaea from page 270 <>elDE & spy. She Is trailed Iwek to America br tne captains tlitee of tbe Fraieb senfce^' Oii tSe way across ooe of tbe captains falls In lore vitb ber. and Is astoanded wben be aceidently learns tbat tbe object of bis affectloos Is tbe person be Is seeklns. Bat be casts lore aside and pnrsnes tbe course of duty. Beaching Mew Tork the captains three fonmr tlie ladr tv Iter employer's olBce, where tbey flnalUr lean tbe secret. FILM RELEASES - XOXIOir PUmiBE PAXEHIg OOXPAHT. BIOOSAEH. Jtij— Feet U—^What tbe Daisy Said (Comedr-^cama) S8T 14— A. GhOd'a rsltb (Drama) 088 15—A nuu at TJgbt (drama) IM U—Am tte Bdto Bans Ont (dnma) 4ST M Oolloiia Bl3ctac9a (eaaBcdy)...•••••«•••••' 6SS 2S-^VIw OkH t» Anns (drama)........... M4 38—tteexpeeted Belp (drama) §68 Ansnst— net. I—An Arcadian Uald (Drama) 864 4— Ber Father's Filda (Drama) BOd 5— Tbe Honae Wtfli Qaaed Bbnttan (Dra- ma) tM It—A Balntarr iMaon (drama)....; MO 22—The Sorrows of tlie Uhfaltlifal (Drama) 991 36—WiUnl Peggy (Drama) 801 S&—Modem Prodisal (drama)........ 082 Smtamber— Feet l—Vb* Affair of an Dgg (comedy) 285 1—Mnnir Becomes a Beni (comedy).... 083 C—A Somnwr-Idyl (drama) SDl S—UtB* Aa«(3s of (drama) 988 ■DiBOK iuinnrA(zniBiHa cniouiiT. Mr— Vast U—Ont of tbe Hl^t (Drama) .......... 900 !■—A Tacatlon In Barana (BecnIe.coiB«dy) 680 li—How Bompttana Papczad tha : Pinsr !•—Old lATes and tlw ITew (drama)......MOO St—A Frontier Bero (drama). 480 n Tmr r Farmar Brown (eemedy) BSO —?»a Woflhiston (drama).............. sec Tt ^in Daezpectfd Beward. (drama) 750 S^Bsmirtlma as aa Avlatac (eonMlr).... IBO Aofost— FMt. 3—With Bridges Bomed (Drama) 1000 Vhe MotltB and the Flame fOooMdy).. aiB •—The TmOt and tbe Btnglar (Dnail .. 900 U—raw Attack on tbe HIlTlDiama), ....UOO U—V. a. Sdbmariae "Salmon." ( luaUn e U w) IB—(The Dsnrec (Drama) ................ 094 11—Wbea W* Were In Onr Teens (Com-- •dy) .. .. 475 18—Old Story wltb a New Fndlas ((}am- ESSAMAY. . talyT— -.■■■•■:.:•■-„•■;--•- "Feeti:' IS—Aa Adrertisement Answered (Qmedy) 1000 lO-^-OMIed to the Bnia (Western Drama) 083 2n-ThsTblef (Drama) 992 28—^e Desperado (Western Comedy) ... .1000 ST—A Fair Sxclunge (Comedy);:035 S7—A Personal Matter ((3omedy) ........ 844 80— ^Broncho Billy's Redemption. .(WasterB' Drama) ..........;...;.v....... 960 Angnst— Feet. 8—Mnlcaby'B Bald (Comedy) V344 B—A OiUeae Chicken (Comedy) ' 44S 8—Under Western Skies (Wcstam Drama) 1000 10—^Up to Date Servants (Comedy) ...... 827 10—Feeding Seals at Catallna lalaiid (Bdnca. tlonal) .. .. .. ... ....... . 170 IS—tTbe Olrl on Triple X (Western Drama) 860 17—Tbe (Vrant that Coonted (Onnedy) .... 975 SO—Tbe Dumb Balf-Bieed'a Defense '(Drama) ..>..:;;^..;......iaao 34-Take lie Out to the Ban Oama (Comedy) 990 ; ST—Tbe Depaty's Iiore (Drama) .......;1000 81—Ton 8t<de Parse' ((Aimedy) 475 U—Wbo's WboT (Cmnedy) .............. September— ' Feet 8—Ttie MflUonalre and tbe Banch Gld (drama) 987 7—A Dog on Bosiness (comedy) 940 10—^An Indian GId's Awakening (drama).. 854 14—Wlllst (comedy) 645 14—Be Met the Cbuiplim. (comedy) 455 QADHCniT. (George Klelne.) IBlT^ ' Vest 12—nte Hidden Serpent (Dranu) .. .. .. 5S7 12—la the Realm of the Czar (Toor) .... 15— 7atfter Smitten (legendary farce; col- oredl 848 IS-Tbe Jem Wblrl (trick ennedy)...... 812 19—mi* Faunre of BDCceas^drama)...... ©75 28-Tbe FrUiceaa and tbe Vubbona (com- edy; c<flored) .................... S8—tES» Stay Iiawjet; (eome^)... 480 SS—Ote BeantlfBl Mai^ret (bndeeqne).. 410 S8—An An^r's Dream (mystoy drama) SIS 38—MaMnr Wooden Siioes (Indnstrlal)... 80—The Senator's Ueal (dassle drama; 13—An ^sy Winner (Faxee-dranu)...... 463 13—A Fowetfol Voice ((3omedy) 486 KAI.BM COMPANY, laly- . ■ "Feet. IS^-drandmotber (drama) ••••••••..•«.■•. U—OOKpocal Tinman's War Stonr (drama) ST—A Dangbter of Dixie (drama).;....... SSr-Pnra Qold (drama) Angnst— Feet. 8—A'(%li»lal Belle (drama) IS—Tbe legend of Bear (drama). 10— The Borrowed Baby (comedy). 12—Tbe Call of tbe Bb>od (drama) IT—Perrerslty ol' Fkte (drama) ia-JTam t» Bis Xmst (diama) 24— A. Gipsy Bomanee :(Drama) 20— Tbs Canadian Uoonsblners (Drama) .. i;irBlM. . - : my—. Feat U-ZRia HIgbblndeia (drama) 8SB 11— Tbs AtanIgUy DoIIai (comedy) 850 14— tnie Adopted Daagltter (drama) ..... 980 18—Boaemary for Bemembranoe (drama).. 900 21—John Graham's Gold (drama).......... 92S Angnst— . Feet. 1—Tbrea Hearta (Drama) .............. S70 4—Ab Sing and tbe Greaaera (Drama) .. 840 8—rate Baazt «f a fitooz (Drama) 980 11—A Ohangs of Heart (Oomedy) 970 IB—Tba DIstrtet Attomay'a Mnmpb (drama) .'..........-.....v.. 776 IB—Tlia Dock Farm (edneatloael) ........ 835 18—aierty, aC tbe Bfaors. (eomedy) ...... 990 22— CowboyOilTalry (Drama) 980 25—The Anarchistic Grip' (Comedy) .. .. 600 25—Tba Dream Pin (Comedy) .......... 480 20—Tbe Stronger Sex (drama).........,.. 990 September— Feof 1—The Man Who Dim) (mmedy). OBO 5— The Healing Faith (Drama)... 900 8—^Matilda's Winning Ways (Comedy).. 900 Feet. PATHB-FBEBES. July— U—Amt IVir Oood linek (eonate) 11—Tbs Fhltbleas Uirer (colond dt It— ma O rsilaad Ooach BoMmq^^ ' tfflsai)' .*•..••..*•••..•*••*•* 18 Vmuu a (sceale) »...••.••.«.•• 16—A FoUtleal Olsensska (eomedy) 818 U-PlMis XUa One (aontedr) ........... S48 IB—A Good Loser (dramstte^amedy)...... 888 18—AlgcHan Btndy (eoloced odneattaal).. 379 18—Wstakea Identity (drama) 485 18—AwfDl G^mphoDy (eoIONd-tiiek)...... 126 30—Wanon (drama) ..................... TS8 30—catching Lobstara (edncatlonal) 218 SS—The Oowtny's Bwaetbeart sad tba Ban- dit (druna) ) SB—More of Betty's Ptaaka (comedy)...... 426 V—Pets Haa a Good Tims (farce)....... 478 SB—GstUag Hren WlUi a Lawyer (Drama) 876 SB—Breakfiig Up Of Ice In Finland (Bdnca tuoBl) .. 806 97—Oetaettre's Dream (Oomedy) . ST—On tbe Ithbiplan Fmntla (Colored - Soesle) .. .. SB—Toouty Geta Bis &ister Uarrted (Qim- edy) 850 (Oaimad Diaina) 1000 Ninel (eoniedy). . 440 Feet. 3—An Andent Marlnec (Comedy) 431 5— nie Ace of Hearta (Comedy Drama) .. B5« 8—Tbs nord's Prayer (ABeginlcal) 470 6— Taaeriire, tbe Gem of the Cfeoatles (narelagne) 506 8-^etnresnne Waters of Italy (Scenic) 4ir 8—Tbe Water Cote (Comedy) .......... 488 IS—Bttsmbed AllTO (Drama) ............ 880 IB—OMfts of Snow In Cbamonlx Tale CBcsale) ICB M—Tbs ■itra i ig ement (Drama) 857 18—Across Bnsatsn FMand CPanr)........ 888 H BoiKIni a HsBsKn (Ooitna Fsatagr).. 681 SB—SnylBK a MMher-ln-Laar (Fstcs)...... 874 in Nefghfww a . (dramaf ..••.••*....;••••; 23—Star LltOe Tailors i (fhree) > > . ......... 506 Xt^^JCbe 'Taw (bDdleal dranu)...;v.....;. ^ S3:—m the Pyrenees (acenie traveiogne)... ]22 SB—Tte'Sbepbad sndfOie MaU (drama).. 706 aOr^Aadait Castles of . Anstrla Xseaiile)... 299 It^^rameqplted Lore (nracedy);;.:;..;... 584 8—CslIna ; Takes New - Lodgings ^(Comedy) 427 B—Tbe Way oC The Tiaaagressor:.IS:-Bard. _ (Ikagedy) : SB2 10—Bobert.; the DeTil (It^steryrplay).... 998 BUTTONS We make tmttbns tor erery purpose, la any ipuatUr tnm ons to a million. THAI'S bUB IIIDDI2 i raire PEfiNANTS. FOBS and CANES ZSAT'8 OUS TJHB, TOO. ' WE HAKE THESE aOOOB . WE SOB'T HANDLE To giTe yon fun Informatian'at llrst writing, state expUdty what yon want and qnanttty. AlfKBTOOTT BASSE CO.. Faetoiy: 141.1«8.W. ]liobigaa Street, ■ CBXOtOO.,: ' \ /KA AtB W XOf MHiSITMtS aiuas oaasAMO stassMuufia 71T-T19 Syeamera St;, PUT IN OUR EASELS AND POSTE R FRAM ES AND WATCH YOUR ATTENDANCE GROW. We nuke mechanic- al attractions, eleo- tric mgns, or any- thing special in the theatrical line. Ideas developed— Low Prices—Best Work. DON'T DE- LAY but write to- day. Tkilamull^Ge. .. cinolnnnti, Otile RCPROOUCTION OF THE JOHNSON-JEFFRIES .-. FiGHT in moTlng plctores sllgthly osed, at $160 to t200. WUl B^nd C. O. D. with prlrUege ot examinatlOQ, upon receipt of deposit to cover express charges., ' ■ (miCAOO FUJI EZOHAHGE^ 46 Jackson Bonlerard, . .OUeag^ S I DES ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES 815.00 Psr Hundrad. SEND FOR LISTS. 609 S f Slid—i g.00 P ar Sot MANHATTAN SLIDE CO. : 124 e. 14th St.. New Vork City TEXAS .-. EXHIBITORS ...ATTENTION.;, Fiist-class film service with posters, Bongs, records. UNIQUE FILM SERVICE 1013 Texas Ava., Houston, T«as FOB BAIX—Three Edison two-pin machines, all complete, 180 each; two Edison one-pin ma- chlnes, aU oomplete, $100 each; Fllma tar aale; Brst'^lass condition, $7 to 818 per red. KAYSB SILVEBUAN, lOS 4tta Avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. ORTTHO FIUM CO. Be-develops, cleans, restores, tints, tones and colors old-or new films. ■ Hakes tllm titles. Work done at yonr own exchange. I f de sired. Hoeb- Etetter*s processes. OBTHO BHAI CO.. 27S1 W. Division Street, Chicago. ; POR BAIS : FINE MOVING PICTURE SHOW Also Alrdome. Live town of 4,000. Botta.flae money-makers; can produce the proof. Best of reason for: sening. :l>im*t answer mdess yon bsTe tbe money and mean bnslnww. Address, S. B. HOOBE, Blckneil. Indiana. MANY SPECIAL BAR6AINS -IN- Motion Picture MaGtiines, Etc. New ana naad, 8tS np; B seta .oC. Faaslan PUr film, low; acDd tar. SnMtenieat 88. HABBAOH A CO.^ 800 nibatt BL. PhHadelpWa. Pa. LATESX UFBOVED SOBTABLE A7BI0AH DIPS.' Tbe season's greatest attraction. Bee lilm SPLASH. A mint on fair groands. Write only. MEXICAN ARMADILLO CDEIO CO., Boom 200, 5« Fifth Ave., Chicago. raie Bayers'1 Directory -tdls yon wbo, and wbere. REPRODUCTION OF Johnson-Jeffries Fight ALSO PICTURES OF THE . Templars Conclave wire Your Orders. SPORTS PICTURE CO. Mossier BIdg., CHICAGO, ILI_ ANNOUNCEMENT SUDES INTERMISSION! GET THE BEST Imliy ABDOuneemeat and Adrertiting Slides are considered tbe best on the market. Price 35c each, colored. Write for catalogue. K0VELT7 SLIDE COHPAHT. 63 Fifth Avenne, - . New Tork City, WHAT WE DO. WE OUBAH FILXB—Our process Is practical and thoroughly scientific. Films Impiored 500%, l arges t and best equipped plant in existence. WE JCAEE SrlLBS—Artistic dealgna, "in a class b7 ttaemselTes." No two alike. Bend for a ample a. WE BELL FILH—Almoat 1,000 reels to select from. All cleaned by oor secret-proceBS. Almost as good as new. $5 to 830 per reel.- Send for blglist. WE SELL SUPPLIES—Carbons, tickets, con- densers, film cement, etc. We buy in large qoantitles and therefore can seU yon better goods for less, money than yon baTe pterlonalr p aid f or inf erior g oods . WE BBT AHD BELL eTerythlng pertaining to moving pictnres. New and - second-band. GET IN TODCH WITH 08. THE SIGN WITH PUSH BEHIND IT. CHICAC30 FVLMERS. 173 R, Brnn St., nsar Ulw St., OHIOABO, ILL BUFFALO BILL'S FAREWELLI -THE- GREAT WARRIOR AND INDIAN SCOUT SAY S GOOD BYE Mr.M.P.Man! Ttiis is a lifetime opportunityi TWENTY-FIVE SLIDES -EVERY ONE IN AC- TION. Pictures taken at Madison Square Garden, New York City, and diuing the present road tour. COWBOY FUN—U.S. ARTILLERY DRILL — POWDER AND SMOKE FLASHING — THE DARE-DEVIL COSSACKS — ATTACK ON THE : OLD STA6E COACH—COWGIRLS^ IN DARING FEATS —BUFFALO^ BILL SHOOTING BUFFALOES - BUCKING BRONCHOS and awe- inspiring deeds by the Cow ' Punchers—and greatest of all, The Battle of Summit Springs In which Buffalo Bill killed In- dianQ.Chief Tail Bull in a des- Iierate battle in 1869—all the ; figures life-like and real, and i MANY O THER THRILLING SCENES A complete Lecture Free with Each Set. PRICES PLAIN $10 Per Set SEMI-COLORED. 15 " HIGHLY-COLORED 20 " ADDRESS QUICK! Orders now COMING FAST. I CARL TH. 60LDEIIBER6 Suits 23-24 20NauauSt., New York Glly