The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10^ 1910. TlieOlllboard 47 I—B«tt]r u an Erraad Qlrl (Cooeds) .. eit 1—Huatlac BaU In Snmatn (Golotml Bd- ncatlOBU) STl S—Dnder Botti lUt* (Drama) 820 a—tba B«rrtl Jnmper (Actobatle) m U — Ho U»a,'m Lmna {Onmm} < 638 B—Mo Bast for tlw Waacr (CUorad OMn> ady) .•.*..•■••*..■..••■■■••«.... sftl •—Tha Latest FaahtOB la Skirta (Comedy) 71S FUtlatli AnnlTeraarx of. Tokobama (Oolomd Scenic) .. 343 nnuMaa at a FUrt (Colored Drama).. 7TS •-aewlab Types In Bnasla (Bdoeattoaal) SOT l»—Bar Pbotocrapb ((Jomedy) OS Id—(Pha Ibis fBdneatloiial) .............. Kit U-^a Bed Olrl and tba CUia (nrama).. m It—OUrer Twist (Drama) tOS IK—Uu Baa to Obutt* (eomedr) 476 IB—Back to Ufa after S.000 Yean (com- edy) *•.•......................... 4ttS U-^ Cbeyenna Brave (drama) S38 IB—A Sbort-UTsd THampb (oooedjr) nt 19— The Erlka (aerobatle) IST ao—Tba Sbepberd'a Dog (drama)... 6B8 W—A Sebool In Maw Oolnea (colatsd aeeale). 288 32—A Mlicalenlatlon (Comedr) BM 33— Batter Making la Normandy (Colored edoeatlonal) .'. 440 34—Tioublea of a Policeman (Comedy) .... 810 34—Scenca In Norway (Scenic) 194 30—Ttaa Lorer'a Well (Drama) BS5 3T—Tbe Caataway'a Betarn (Drama) 033 37— Oow Jack Won Ula Bride ((>>medy).. 354 30—JUemento of the i*aat (drama) 838 20— KIdB Win be KIda (comedy) 361 81—AdTertlslng for a Wife (comedy) 915 September— Foet 3—Bared from Bnln (drama) 082 2—Daer Bontlns In .Celebea Islands (seeo- Ic) 302 S^rKacgte HooIlban Qeta .a Job (comedy) 030 *ily— . Vwt U—Tb» Hall-Boom Boy:: ImmMr} ....... .1000 14—The SbertB (Drama) ...........i'.... TSO 14— A Bnntlnic Story (CoiMdr) ^.i.^^.... J70 18—The Pboeniz ' (dnona)................1000 11—Maaeppa (drama) 1000 K—A HadTllor Scare (eoaedy) 8W IB-^A Sleep Walktnr Core (comedy) UO 38—Tba Cowboy'a Stratacem (draiaa).... OOS Annat— llMt U—iMt IB the Soodaa (dnuna) 1000 W—Winie (eomedy-^xama) ISr-HnmaB Bearta (drama 1000 U O ar a Thome (drama) WO IB—The Indian Baldere (drama) 1000 SB— Om Kmlfraat (drama) 880 •aptember— Feat. 1— Oe Bead to Richmond (drama) bdisoh; J^C-Hte Mew<naar (Dnna) IB-Hmr the Sontra waa Oaptarsd (Oooiady) IB Wuiiiptlena TSkaa Up AntOBObOSic (Oamedy) ><-IioTe and the Law (Drama) SB-The Yalefa Tlndieatkm (Ooaaady).... ^BB—Aora X^ramy to Ubatt;,- (Draau).... ptemtx-r— Veet -Tbe Man Who Learned (drama)...... 2—The Big Scoop (drama) B—iAUce'a.AdTcntnre ta Wonderland (tatry comedy) U—The Great Secret (comedy) TrrAGBAPB. 4BIy—. rset !»—NelUe'a Fkrm nDieau) .... ...... 88B IB—Bar Dncle'a Will (Comedy Drama) .. 880 IB—A Broken Symphoay (Drama) ........ SOS IB-Two Blgbland Lada (XMmedy) ...... 888 SS—Oavy Jowa and Captain Bran (Com- ) >**•*■■■••••••••••■••••■■•■•••••a* 033 S—Bako'a Sacriaee (Drama) SB—Onde Tom'a C^Ua. Part 1 (Dtaaa) S8S S>—Oncla Tam*a Oabla. Part 11 ........1000 8B—tiBcIa Tom'a Cabin. Part III. ........ Annat Veat. S—An Unfair Game (Drama) 800 B—«w Woolns o't (Comedr) 0% li: B-^er; Mother's Wcddlna Gown (Drama) 1018 B—The DeaHi of lUebatf Grady (CaoMdy) S8B 15—Mra. Barrlttftoa'a Booae Par^ (Drama) BIT 18—Tta* Tarn of the Balanea (Drasul .. am IS—Daisies (drama) S8B IB—Back to Natme (drama)' ............ BTO ,BB-|4rndSE. the OU Apple Tree (drama).... 880 " Vr^he ' Three OhartT Pita (drama) S8B W-«he l(ea HatetB' aab (cenady) 888 w—Boea LeaTca (drama) 880 BB-^eaa and the Calico DoD (drama)..... 870 Vaptamber— Peet a-vA Ufa for a Life (drama) 88S ' S-.nie Wrong Bos (eomedy) 885 • 0—<aiew^3hew Land (fairy atory)..;..... 800 . S-nA; Bongb Weather OoortsUp (comedy) 400 .BttBow Sbe Won Bim (drams) 980 10—The Tbree of Tbem (drama) OSS IS—The sepoy'a Wife (drama).. 090 UBBAM.TCLIFSB. <«ly- (George Klelae.) u—The Wicked Bans and the Pas* (Dn* • mai STO M—The Ifoonllgbt FUttIng (Comedy) ... 4IS 50— Tkroogh the BBuay'a Line (dnuaa)... SBO so—Pekla the WaUad Olty (tear) 440 «—TIM Art Lasers StntagF (drama).... 880 *•—Hexlean Domain (traTUOgne) 830 *VSl. »*•»• B—WitA of Oanbeeae (Legend) «S0 8—Camel and Borae-BaeTng ta Egypt (gpleat) .T!;:. 855 }»~ne SUaat Wltaaaa (Dean. ) ........ B40 lO-Oa the Banks of tke Soirdar See, B«t- MS^ (TtaTalagne) STS }I—The. Bteal Sateaadara (Oanndvt ...... BIB IT—Pacta, flawed trots the BlBet Tower ^'(SjMile) SIB 34—Beeape of the Boyallats (drama)...;.. 870 24—flblpballden of Tonlon, France (In- dQstrlal) 1.............. SM 81—Baying a Bear (comedy) ............. 485 81—AvCrulae In the Uediterranean (trawl- ngue) 430 September— poet. . T—ingratltodo (Drama) 748 T--MUItary Kite Flying at Bhelmcs (la- ical) 356 l4-rnie Artlaan (Drama) .; 407 14—The Trampa ((Jomedy) 52S IHSEPSMDEirT. IMP. (Carl Laenunle.) IB—Sommertlma (Onacdy) 51—The Mlataka (Drama) —— Feet. 1— temy of Fate (Drama)....;... 985 4—Jankeeanna (Drama) 982 .0—Jtaee Upon a Time (Comedy) 91B 11— Boodoo Alarm Clock {Comtir}.... 990 39—Tba Widow (Comedy) September— ' Feet , i-Tha, Bight Olrl (Comedy) .. ,. 5—Ton Saved My Lite (comedy) .«—A^8iater'a_Sacrl<lce (drama). 12—The Two Daughters (Drama)...i.;..: - : POWEBS. inly— Ftet. to—A Icalooa Wife (drama) VS-JBu Tattler jeomedy) i... M-^ Qams oC Hearts (comedy-drama).... n—Oohea and Mnrpby (drama). »-Oar Booaeauld (faree) as—nie Mlaaiag Bridegroom (draaaa)..... so—A Idttle.Omtederate (Drama) 50— The TIzen (Comedy) Angnst S^t. 5— ^Ber Private Secretary (Drama) IS—Winning a Hosband (Drama) IS—Madame (nai» lCoa»tj) 10—Tim Sewing Girl (Drama) THAMBOU8EB. . ^ rmy— Feet IS—The Lociqr Shot (drama) 1000 15—The Omverted Deacon (drama) 1000 IP—The Glrla of the Ghetto (Drama) ....1000 22—The Playwright's Love (Drama) ..950 30—nade Tom'aCabUl (Drama) 1000 39—The Mermaid (Comedy) 1000 Angnat— Feet a—Jenk'a Day Off (comedy)...... ..1000 S—The Bestomtlon (drama),..... ..1000 0—The Mad Bennit (drama) 1000 I»—nana Blvcn (drama) 1000 10— Tile Girl Reporter (drama) .....1000 IB—She Stoops to Conqner (comedy) 1000 33—A Dainty Ptdltlclan (Drama) ........ 80—An Assisted Blopement (comedy).... 1000 September— Heet 2—A Ftesh Start (drama).......... MBUBS. lair— Feet l*-4Ebe Golden Seerat (drama) SBO 51—A Poatal Snbstltnte (Drama) 950 30— The Woman ta the Case (Drama) .. 950 AafOMtf— ■•• ■• Feet. 18—aer Winning Way. (comedy) 880 SB—The Romance oC OirCie Baneh (drama) 880 OHAHPION. Joiy-i . Wmt IB—Jtbatmathir KIda to the Rcseas (aeiaaa' tfCB^ drama) 1009 SI^A looMaee at an AavH (drama)......looo Angnst— Feet. 3— The SpitOre (Drama) 000 .24—The Sheriff and Bis Son (Itoama) .... 900 31—Tim CVnriMV and the Eastoner (Drama) 900 September— Feet. 7—Bis Indian Bride (Drama)....w..... 000 DEFENDER. Angnst— Fsat. 11— Indisn Sqnaw'a Sacriaee (Drama).... 18—Shanghaied (drama) Have you invest^ted the Wuilitaier FianOrchestra 7 The leadmg Nickelodeons are putting in tliis marvelous Automatie Orcbestis. It fumiahes better mumo than a regular orchestra of 5 to 25 pieoea, is always "on the job,*'Bud euta out the enormous expanse of mu- Btciana. The monesr saved pays rent. Easy tmuL IMS Oaa paM to araatdaaa. We supply the D. 8. Gov't, with noelcsl iastmments. Write tor big 8B-psge estalog * testimonisl booklet showing Wtelltn PlaaOtcheatraa In leading Nleketodcona. ^«Rpi>OU>H "IX^iailZER Q) WoriralAigeat Htia. AatamstlalBas.taals. SBWIORX GHKHMNAH OBIOAOO We don't care what it la. If It pertains to MIOVING PICTURES Yon can get it from na. - CHIOAOO FILHESSi ITS v. Green Street, Ohleage. HI. Brush Electric Lighting Set Save the differen(» between Scents a K. W.—what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 81<> 15 <»ents whidi you now paying the Electric L%ht Company. Also save one-half of tlie lamp cuirentlqrusiiigra vdt instead ofl20. Use Direct Current, which For Gae. Gaa<dlne or Kerosene: 10 B. P.; weight » far SUpmOF tO Alternating 1850 Iba. List 880O, rpbject to dlseonst. fSirrmt WRITE TO-DAT rOB Q&XAlOeilZ. ■* ' THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER Ca, Box B..3. DETROIT. MICH.. U. S. A. SEGOND-HAND FILMS EXPORTED In laii^.quantities at prices from one <»nt per foot. All leading Continental and American Manufactuters. Write for lists to NEW CENTURY FILM SERVICE, Dept. A, BRADFORD. ENGLAND. SIX KEELS OF FILM, one ahlpinent, with ■Ijai and slides. • $13.00 TWELVE REELS, two ahlpments. with altf a« ind sUdea. • • $18.00 Tea pay expreaa both ways. WABNIHG—Ton cant gat gida doUars (or 80c. and yon cant get good fluaa fOr leaa money. rOB SAIS—Seeoaa-hand aidailaea, 875.00 and np. All naing alternating cnrrent, write as. UBERTY FILM RENTING CO. WS FOintTB AVENUI^ ItRSBUBO. PA. REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 5? Al H\N\ ST.. (tiiSTON. H. & H. F-ILM SElkviCE CO. IWfloiuulnoclc Buildlno. Chleaao* Vkm, QUAUTTV VVUMS. SYSnTElV/IAXIC SERVICED Prompt for Uottograpl^ Power and Xdbon ■qnipments. sttentioa givaa to orders tat sapplies snd soadrlss. Write OS tor latest 01m list and eatalogoe. PICTURE SHOW SOUVENIR PAPIER [MACHE PIN TRAY BLACK LAQUERED DIAMETER. S INCHES-^^PER 100, $1.76 Especially good for ladies' souvenir. Complete catalog of many other good souvenir specials, FREE upon re- quest. With every request we will also send a list of successful plans for increasing your attendance. Sample of above tray mimed for 4 cents in stampa. TAKITO. OGAWA & CO., - 166 E. Lak* St. CHICAGO DO IT NOWl DON'T WAIT! [We Will Renter Play Percentage y the Original Bona fide Jeffries-Johnson Figtit Pictures LW* own tho Exelualv* Rights for tho Dominion Of Canada ■B WRITE OR WIRE us FOR TIME M. & B. THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES 528 White Buiiding. Buffalo, New York; IF TOUR sarwx of Binns: oabds is sskalUHtku. MORR.