The billboard (Sept 1910)

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48 T ti e Billboard . SEPTEMBER 10* ^iO. BUFFALO BILL jPICTURES. Tbat there Is a merrt war on In fbe fllm .same may be evidenced from the fact of con- tentloo over the Baffalo BUI Wild West plc- tnrea—there are two kinds—Carl Goldenberg offers a set of pletnres and alons comes Pat Powers of movlne picture fame—(needless to sajr that Mr. Goldenberg until very recently was ;for jears prominently identified with Pathe FkeresK Mk Goldenbers offers a set of slide pletnres taken wUIe the Wild West-Far East was at Uadlaon Sqnare Garden, and afterwards im the road. Every picture. Is colored and each shows some scene In action. Mr. CMdenber? was fortunate enongh to catch CoL :Cody with th* camera In many unique posltlons^none of which have ever been reproduced In print. The set numbers twenty-five slides and range the entire show from beglnnlnff^to end. From tbe opening to finish r^lbe Interest U mai n ta i ned. Every detail .stands ont clearly; there' axe pletnres - of-^Imcfcliig r lmmchos.' the at- tack :on the stage coach, the greatest of In- dian pletnres, showing Iron: Tall, chief of the Oganolft Slonx, awl many other Indians who at one! time fought Buffalo BUI. ^liese pletnres were not taken hurriedly—out of nearly six bnndred negatlTes used, these wen selected as being the best—those really show- ing the great Wild West as It Tdkny Is. . From stsit to finish, the interest Is laver permitted to lag—always something dolng^s-something of particular Interest. ^ Mr. Goldenberg Is quite sure tbat the slide pictures will be a sensational bit—every one shows action and each Is.taken with particular care to please the patrons of moving picture theatres. - ^r 'There are only two chances ttt see Buffalo Bill—if be has played your city' he will never come back, and if;he hasn't, here Is the best was to-witness the performance, away from the dnst and excitement. In the twenty-five slides tbat nr.'Goldenberg puts oat yon will see the entire show 4ust as Itris playlng^ to-^ay. COUNT AND COUNTESS CHiLO SCORE HEAVILY. What has since developed as one-of the great- est psychic acts ever Introduced :''to the two-a- day- bad Its first presentation at:<the American Music Hall a week ago. ^ Though In some respects It pardlels tbe Fays act, wblcb has for yesrs been received with open arms by the managers' on ;the big time. It snipasses It to the extent: oft the rapidity witb wblcb the act Is handleA a|H the almost pe ttee t percentage of correct asafters given to Die eoonten eUlms :^ for- bendf .no . Kuia- RANDOLPH COUNTY FAIR R«d Bud. Ill. Oct. WtU sen qiace to amusement, show, or camlva) people, or for any purpose except gambling, which Is strictly prohibited, at $1.00 per front foot. Choice of location in the order appllca- tlcins are received. Cheek for one-half of amonnt must accomiiany application, balance due at noon first day of fair. Not less than 5 ft. sold. Ad- dress E. H. WE6ENEB, Secretary. -WANTED- 400or500Opera Chairs Must be in first-class condition. What have gon? Write at once, BOBEBT MAUiON, Water- _ni7. Conn. wOI-be open for bnsl- ness «n or abont Nor. 1; town of 2,000; seats 400. Steam heat and modem tbroogbont. Good shows toaring Western Canada, write for dates. A. Bodgeis, Maaagor,- Box «1, Xiacombei \AIta., FOR SALE Swell Moving Picture Theatre Permanently located at Corinth, Hiss., under large SOxlOO foot tent; no opposition; playing to capacity every night; beautifol outfit, complete jirlthoat machine, for $400; cost $800; Investl- tate..' CAPtr, W. D. AMEHT, Exposition ftronnds, XnozviUe, Tenn. MICHIGAN AVE. THEATRE WANTED—ComblnaUon Stock or Bepertoire Shows. One week or more at cheap prices, .' 10, 20, 30. Good chance for abows. Seating capacity, 1,000. Wnuld like something with I featuru act. Address DS. X. OAKFBEU., I Lafayette Theatre, Detroit, Mich, L'. qnallficatlona nor/ does <alie .reveal: her I tf-moitailty In arrMnK^aCher answen. Bnflee It to say tbat tU> act Iia8;;pinven to be a positive saceeaa. i At i every performance the audience has become'' so^ehthnslastle that patrons invariably run down the ISIe to ask the Count qneaflooSt forgetting their dignity 'In their anx- iety t» tert Ibe powers of the Countess. . • * IN NEW YORKi Hew ToA, Sept. 5. (Bpedalito-TBe llllllioard.). nharlrs Boblnaon at the head of bis Caruso SMa^la -wdl saaUted ln;tbe Murray Bni Tbea- °tn :ttig 'Week by Ida Emeimn' and aevenl atben singer* and comedians.*' In the cahow^-wblcta- apened yesterday are two burlettas, lost, 91, 000,000., and COhen in Cblnatowi^ Both pie- ces bring out best talent of the company. Tfa« OttSl Booli rot itnltBeii. ew. Btvml worften. faam. medicine people •Dd nmll'order nen; Fall .af ecbeaie* tbat eel tbe moiHiv:fenBnla&«f£. Wortb lu velsbt Ja mid. Writteabi en old Aowvaa. OM ctiectBSn «ess; ** ■ -*— AT IIBEBTT FOB PICTUBE BKOW—PIANO PI.AXEB. sight reader; TBAF DRDUMEB. Put AIjL effects In pictures, play-J3XA£. cue. muaic*. Anything from ragtime to gran|^mera^- Don't- ask our lowest, but state 'yonrflBiest salary, work hours. If Sunday work, an a Ttnl l particu- lars. Central States preferred. - '\IBIXIAM5 & BOSE. Box 356. Huntington. FAULKNER CO. CONWAY, ark; The Fair with a big night show; Oct. 4-7, 1910. If money Is what yon want, get a concession or a ahow privilege. Cotton is very high and this year'a crop Is .the finest ever made In this county. ' Grand opportunity for tbe live ones. Sbort jumps to three other fairs. Write W. N. OWEN, Mgr. Faulkner : Co. Fair, Conway, Ark."' Alice Teddy The roller skating wonder of the world, a real live cinna- mon bear. Alice skates - like any lady or gentleman, and does wonderful tricks on skates, and wrestling exhibitionB; '-Is human In intelligence. A novel entertainment, something en- tirely outside of . the ordinary. The greatest 7«ttraction .for rinks .and vaudeville. Write .for open time. Address GEO. B. CBAPBE7, care of Blchardaon Skate Co.. 811 IGcfaigaa St., Chicago, HI. AUVE—Flint's bear cubs. $40 each; Flint's ac- climated prairie dogs, porcupines, and other first-class money-getteis for the fsll fairs. ZIBW00l> IXIHT, North Waterford, Maine. FOR SALE 20th Century "B. C." Colombia Graphophone with' automatic repeating attachment, nearly ^w and a bargain. Viae for a picture show or isnall roller skating rink. J. It. NAUGHTON, Hotel Mayer, Peoria, m.^. . MB SAIE—lO-passenger Merry-Go-Bound. Has €bhorses and g aulos; ' yw. MuB eum of Anatomy, jiintalning: 30 glass top cases of 40 subject;. Brand-new; $100. Will trade for good xnoseum stuff and trained dogs. W. SHAW, 'Victoria, Mo. FOB BAIE—72 foot Combination Car, A-1 c(m- dition; six wheel trucka; will go on any train; observation end; car all furnished; 30 foot pos- sum belly; 27 foot baggage end; large fading doors In baggage end. Car stored at Princeton, Ind. $1,000 cash takes-it it sold at <mee. Ad- dress W. A. HABBINGTON, Princeton. Ind. '. Capital j^iiner Winted by an experienced Manager of a life-time of big show experience, for an Eastern Tented Enter- prise. Phenomenal oppOTtnnlty and everlasting field to the right psrty that wants to travel and make money at the same time. Foil par- tlcnlars'"EXFBBIENCB.": Billboard. \ \ WANTED TO HEAR FROM A 6ood Caucasian Girl Also one other good act to start - side show-to go South. Also good Manager; lady preferred. People who will advance anlBclent cash to start show on- the load. .^Elln Ewlng, write. C. H. TOWNSEND. Bonlette, Pai WaBted Partfler-rSinging Comedian mnst be the goods, to join first-class strslght man and feature singer in a singing and talking act for vaudeville. All. narticulars In first let- ter reqniied. T Address EBANK ABLINO, 3766 Isabella St., Hyde Park; Cincinnati, O. VABTED-^MedlcIne Performers. Piano Players. Doctors,-Managers write us .for .prices on thu ITot Springs Bed Cross Bemedles. Address .to M. K. ~COHN; care Crookston Medical Institute, Crookston, Minn. WASTED—Buy 300 to BOO veneered seat and back opera chairs; in good condition and attractive bargain. Exchange big phonograph for economizer. W. D. SIMMONS, High Point, N:-'-C. , Wanted for Season 1911. , 1^09 A NjEW 2^.CAR SHOW G^eral:^ent,vR.^B;-:Gontractor, Gar Managers, Billposters and others necessaiy'for a comptete advance. Bosses for all departments. Band Lea^rand Mmicians, etc^r C^ branehed, excepting riders. State lowest in firat- letto:. Wiant to buy cars and wagons of all kinds. Addr«w, 0^'De^ G:it<^nw off Th« ! Billboard, ^'C^ Ohio. V SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS WANTED FOR McGrackeii County Fair and Races RODNEY C. DAVIS, Saorataiy. PADUCAH. KY. -WANTED TOR- COULTER & COULTER SHOWS Slide Trombone, Baritone. Alto, for big show band; Singing and Talking down. Cook, Bchm Can- vasman. Concert People, Workingmen In all departments. Xong season South,dosing In Houston, Texas. Address all to W. H, COUUCEB, Sept. S, Hedrtck, Iowa; 9, Fremont; 10, Eddyrille; 11-12, Hyn er; 18, Blakesbnrg; 14, Foster; 15, Moravia; 16, Forbusb; 17, CentervlHe. : nOVILEGE MEN—PERFORMERS Those playing week stands can make 300% proat handling our VEBDIHO OABDS (BalBe). Agents making from $100 to $300 weekly. One racket can work In any town in the U. S. TKE SHARP FOUBTAIV ^£37 CO., 4S9 Sixth Avenue, K. Y. City. Send for catalogue and price lUt of our various propositions. EDWIN D. COREY SHOWS WANT Two Free Acts to Join on wire. State aU in first letter. THBEE MOBE SHOWS and Concessions of an kinda. Booked solid for aeason with the best Fairs In Wisconsin and Minnesota. Wire or write F. D. COBEY, Mgr., Amei7, Wis., Sept. 8-8-10; Bice I.ake, Wis., Sept. 12-17. : . LOOKi CONCESSION AND SHOWMEN Wanted Tent Shows and Concessions of all kinds for the Beebe Merchants' Cotton and Carnival Exhibition beginning Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 Indnsive. Boys! A maiden tomi, dnving popnlation of 10,000, on main line of Iron Moontaln. Plenty money, good spenders. 'Everything goes. .For particulars, address ■■ /. . W. W.THOMPSON. BEEBB, ABK. WANTED FOR Mason Bros. Uncle Tom's Cabin Tom Actors, double In band; Musicians for B.'ft O. or stage. State If you do special^. Tell Just wliat you can and will do. lemr round engagement to aober, reUalde people. <Botel Bbow.) Sept. 8, Ontonagon, Midi.; 9, Mass; 10,. Baraga;; 12, Mlchlgamme; 14, Ironwood.. - BIG MERIDEN CARNJVAL PROSPERITY WEEK,^ SEPTEMBER 11-18. INCLUSIVE Under AuaploM of the Lyra'Soelaty W.AN'T.EO Shows of eveiy description, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Wave, Merry-go-round,-Razde Dazzle, Caqe Racks. Dart Gallery, Shooting iGalleiy, Palmistiy, Whoop-La, JKnife . Board, Can<^ 'niied, etc. We can'place Cbmeoa nyou wanttogetthe money. This is ; to be the biggest week'ever hdd in Meiiden. 200.000 people to diswfrom. ;The t^ is right and this Cami-ral is billed like' a circus..; Big, free attractions, including Airship, Loop the Loop, Hive'Dive, etc. For privileges, apply LEEK AMUSEMENT CO. MERIDEN. CONN. BOLL TICKETS •'THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE** oiiir oWflC-Bpedal tiekat, aw printiiig, any o(donL_^a0eaimtdy mmiberaiL every loU guaranteed. SPECIAL rafCESFOW THE BIG ROLL TICKET: 5.600-^1.2fi 28,000—S4.fl0 £0,000—< 7 JO 10.000— 2.60 26,000— 6.60 10 0.000— 10.00 Pnmiptdiipmeni. ' Gub with th e order. OOUFON TIGKEfrS, 6W>—t2-S0 .1x2. STOCK TICKETS—SIX UKNlt). Get the aamptoa. NATIONAL TICKET CO.. Shamokin. Pann. CONTRACTS FOR 60d0 SHOWS AND GONCESSIOIIS AT THE FALL FESTIVA L and HOME- C OMING WEEK Washington, Ind., Sept. 26 to October 1 First-class shows wanted on percentage. Novelty vendors and stand men, flat rate. State space' wanted. This is a Strpet Fair with the exhibits of a County Fair as a drawing card for fanners. Flans endorsed by business men and city officials. Write to ^:,^^^!^^ . jj BEN W. CLAWSOW, EK.C6m.: V . FAIR MANAGERS week H"?!" HimtsviUe, Ala., thk week; Columbia, Tenn.. nest week; Chattanooga, - Expceition th^ MONTGOMERY EXPOSITION, OCT. 19-28. Booking •Kolualvaly th« fellewlnal Little John's Plantation'Shows; Sassman's Orient, l5 people; Hamilton Vaudeville Shows; Prof: Leo's Athletic Shows; Watson & Bums Lady Minstrels;- Biehit Mono- plane, the machine that crossed the English Channel: L^lie B. Haddock, 2 ,Balloons; Fuller's Famous Fiddlers; Lovers' Whirl: Ethel Eaora, high wire slide; Northcutt Merry-Go-Roundi Write or wire. Will divide to suit small town. : » CLARENCE Ei RUNEY, 216-218-220 W. Liberty St., Clnelnnatl, Ohio. EXTRA'-^Worinwood's Educated Animal Shows/Biehl's Ladies Bandi 12 piecea.