The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. dOBBESPONDENCE. (Coatlnucd from pace 16.) TEXAS. BEAUIIONX.—FBOPLB'S ' (Bnnert Cox, mcr.) Rtadluiu Trio, novelty acrolnts, Eood; Sueacer, CUueae atorlei, pleaaed; The Balnbow Histera, danelng, very sood: Alberta, tbe Marrel of Flexibility, good! The Gregorlea, comedr Kketcb, fair; Torcat and Flor dl Beu, excellent; Aug. 21 •wl week. THE, yAnDBTTB-(Tl«o. OlemmoDB, ^lgr.; iWllllam: Elwood. .booking airenti Uataye, Oean.: and Wall, a.-and d.^ good; Ilarrla and Vernoni' eccentric comedians, (air; Emma Elwood, ' aovbiette, pleaaed: The Donor Trio, Berman alngerK ■nrr food; 21 and week. oleBimint—AiraoMK (w. w. Mnrpbr. mEr.) Albert Taylor doaed engagemeBt 2T to One baslness; BlUy AUen'i Hnaleal Comedy Co. week "^Toix WOBTH.'-BYBBA OPEBA' HOUSE (Mr. Fbll. Qreenwall, mgr.) Opens Sept. S wltb Allan Mnsleal Comedy Co, In Htaa Idlewlld. MAJESTIC TBEATBB (Mr;t: Tbos. W. Mollaly, mgr.) Opens Sept. Tbe Eagle and tbe Girl. Jane Dara and Co.,' Tom Uoote and Stacia, Tbe Ttaree Buraa Slaters, Halllgan and Ward. Belle Meyers, The KUndt Bros., and pictures. IM- PEBIAIi THEATRK (Mr. W. H. Ward, mxr.) Week o( Sept. S; Three Juggling Jordana, Cora Thomas. The Dancing Laswella, William and CulTer, and Clarence Abel. THE NEW PBIN- CESS. VaodeTlUe and motion pictures. Will onen about Oct. 1. - _ XeKINinET.—UNDER CANVAS. The Chas. Barrlmin's Tent Show, Aug. 22-27; one of the heat shows of Its kind that erer showed here, shawlUK to packed Iwuses erery night. PASIB.—AIRCOMB (B. D. McClelland, mgr.) Week Aug. 22-27 The Great Western Stock Co.: One shows to good business. ^__„ BAIT AliaE£0.—YAUi SUMMER OABOBN (C. O. Ooggin, mgr.): Tbe Gregorya and Wil- liams and CulTcr week oC Aug^* 22: :fn>od shows and fine attendance. CBYSTAIi THEATRE (Smith Broa., mgra.) Owyoe anl Gossette week of 22; cleTer acts: also motion-pictnres.' UTICA.—SHDBBRTS <Wm. D.- ; FlUgerald. mgr.) OillTa; tbe Ssmoan Water <Jneen. heada an caceptlonally strong bill week ot-29; bnal- ina tm. ORPBBUM (F. S. Anderaon, mgr.) May and UUy Burns, musical act, pleased: Carl Dammnnn Troupe; acrobata, • line; .The.. Seren Rusaells, minstrel first part, clean comedy, new songs and clever dancing: and plctures«ept. 1-S; bndness flne. UIPPODBOMB (P. P. CUncy. mgr.) The Three Zecks. sgymnaata. big hit; Bert and Emma Spesra In Odds and. Knds, mnal- csl act; Henry Bobker. character comedian, good; and songs and pictnres 29 and week; Spielty bnalneaa. MAJjajPlC (J. O. Brooks, mgr.) Black PattI Ang. 27: pleaaed laree at- tendance. Jetreraon I>eAngeUs In The Beauty Spot Sept 8. The Chocolate Soldier Sept. 7. ^(jrOHIA.—HAD80HIIJ)__ OPERA ^HODSB (Henry Hauschlld. mgr.* Will open Sept 16 ittb McFaddcna Flats. , UNDEE CANVAS. Boy E. Fox's lione Star Minstrels Sept. 1-3. WACO,—BOYAL TBBATBE (Falrmsn and Kelly, mgra.; Falrman Southern VandeTlIle Clr- cnlt) Kamptain and i.BeU. ainging and talking. food; The Great Seymour,dying rings, closer; oe Freed, black-face comedian, fair: Hilda Berlin, coon ahouter, veiy good; JImmIe Casey Kelley. singing comedian, fine; Tbe Musical Crack Shots, Randalls, exceptionally good. THE VENDOME (Box Bros., mgra.; Bodkins ^Clr- enlt) BKKleston and Smith, musical act. fair; May CJalllna, singing sonhrette, otdlnsry; New- come and Phelps, comedy sketch, fair: moving pictures. THE - AIBOOMB (Bmnawig Bros., mgrs.; Bodkins Circuit) Tlie Le Boheme Qnar- tette, very good; moving pictures. VIRGINIA. STAUirTOH.—BEVERLY (Bookman & SbuIU, mgrs.) Graustsrk Sept. 1: Music Hall OUI «; Human Bearta 9: Newly Weds 10. WONDEB- liAND. Vaudeville and pictures to excellent business. UNDER CANVAS. John Boblnsop Circus Aug. 29; good perftemance to good bnsl- ness. WASHINGTON. BPOKAHS.—AUblTOBIUH (Harry C.Hay- ward. mgr.) Season opened with Walker White- aide Sept. S-6; Stahbom OloderdU S-10. SPO- KANE (Chas. W. York, mgr.l The Baker Btoek Company In itr Wife Sept.: 4-lndeL v ORPHBnU (Jos. A. Vuller, mgr.l Anc. 31 and week. Joaepb Hart' and i Comnan- via. DlidMltpM's Obrlstmas, headUner. cxeeUent?: Untoo-Iiawreiwe la A I^ind Store; very neat act; loaeph OaUahan, Impersona- tlona of tamoos men. went big; 'Samarotf-Sooia Russian Peasants and three .well-trained doga; Snsanne Rocamora; singing; Watetbury Bros, and Tcnny, musical act. big favorltea here; L»n» O'Donnell, looping tbe bumps, very good tumb- ling act, and picturea. Week of 28, Baaeballltls, Tom Smith and the Three Peaches, Marie Fenton, Ben Beyer and Brother. Cavana. WASHINGTON (T. H. Ofmn/'mgr.) Week of 38, Franklin Ar- den and Co., Hayden. Borden and Sayden, J^a Belle Meeker. Emma Don. Kate Fowler, The Vagges. PANTAOBS* (B. Clarke Walker, mgr.) Week irf 38, J<dm L. SnlllTan and Jake Kllrtln, MaaoB Wllbar. Waldron^ The vBetly Courtney Slaters. Jack-Ganlner. Elmore Baymoad. • WEST VIRGINIA. WmnCTinrO.—VIBGINIA (Cnas. A. Felnler, mgr.; Independent bookings) Tbe Bight of Way Aug. sa-27; attendance very good and aatlafae- tlon Riven.: VKJTORIA (Geo. Shafer. mgr.: Ons Bun Clrculti Tbe following strong bill was given Aug. J!9-3I, for the openlnx: Bristol's Trained - I'onirs; HcCormIck and Wallace, ven- triloquists; fXyskll, Hunt and Miller, mnaleal and slnglngtBumber; Blum- and HIte. character chance arusta; The Toaalng Aoatlna, comedy dancing and borlesqne jivsluv net. ■ - WISCONSIN. _BIX0XT.-;-Wn.8ON'K OPBBA HOnSB (R. ' B. Wilson, ^ nigr.) < b'vaaoar opened Ang. 2S with Cast Aside;' good bnalnesa.: Tbe :Fii<kertan Obi ST;: ttRi good honses. A VrokcB Idbl 39. Am I a OblnamaaT Sept. 1. .'' TOm mi LAO.—BBNBY BOYUg (P. B. Haber, mgr.) The Plotters Ang. 30. The_Oat and the'nidle St. Daniel Boone on the TtaU Sept I;:>^IDBA iVAODBVUXK (O. J.' Valtert, mgr.) OoBsalt :< tbe edneated ^ Oblmpanaee; .Her bert Waterbury.: The Washers. Pankey vend Cook and pletntea Aug, Sl-8ept. 8; big bnsl- JARXSVUXE.—MYERS (P. T. Myers, mgr.) Season opened Sept. 2 wltb Tbe Goddess of Lib erty; My Cinderella Girl, wltb Wm. Norrta S; Tbe Blue Mouse S. ' ■ XAnnOH ^MAJESTIC. Will open seaMn Bent. 12,?'-aSANO. WIU retnn to Trandevlllei. this saalMHi-f after several leaaona of pletntc*. t CANADA. MommBAi..—OBPiranH (o. i r;:h dtIkpik mgr.) Week Aug. 89-8ept. S, Hande Rocbei'a Famous Simians; 20 Boys In Blue; linden Beck- wltb, prima donna; Edna Phillips and Co. In Lost, a Kiss: Cook and Lorenz, comedians; Tbe Great Boward, ventriloquist; Vred Zobedie, equil- ibrist; Hanvey and Baylla, singing and comedy duo. TBEATBB BOYAL (O. McBrten,, mgr.) Aug. 27-Sept. 3, Tbe Meny- Maidens Borles- qners. FBANCAIS (I. O. Rooley, mgr.) Week Aug. 29-Sept. 3, Ountress, In classic dances: Mary DavIa, character singer: Belle Italia Tronpe; The Kenletic World; Whitwortb and Pearson In Pure Inaanlty; Jack Dresdner, come- dian.: CASINO (A. N,,8barp..mgrJ Week Aug. 29-8ent. 8,: Gleveland's TsndeTUle. LYBIC BAU. (I.: Wamlcker. mgr.) Week Aug. 27-Sept. 3. The Jeltrlea-Johnson Flgbt Pictures, DOMINION PARK (B. A. Dorsey, mgr.) Week Ang. 29-Seut. 8, Nervo, In bis death-de&lng dive. SOBMER PARK (X. I.arose. mgr.) Week Aug. 27-Sept. 3. The Six Musical Cntteys; Stelling and Bevell, comedy acrobats; Zls and Landers, magicians; Ftobel snd 'Ruge;' norence Ssunders In ops*- ratle selections. STADIUM (A. Lantbler. mgr.) Reopening Aug. 29 for season. BoUer skatlngi and vaudeville. HIS MAJESTY'S. Week of Sept. 6, The Girl In tbe Taxi. STBATFOBD, ONT. — TIIKATRB ALBERT (The OriiBn Amusement Co., lessees; Hal Mor- gan, mgr.) vQnlnn.^^.black-face monologlst; The Hardya In dramatic sketch; pictures and songs; good business. TOSOHTO.—SOYAL ALEXANDER (L. Sol- mon. max.) V Votber ■ Ang. 29-S3pt.. 3. Abom English: Grand Opera Co. Sept. B-10. PBINCESS (O. B. Sheppard, mgr.) The Girl In the Taxi Ang. 20-Sept. 3. Bobert Edeson In Where the TraU:: DlTlSea S-10.' - OBAND (A. J. Small, mgr.) Tbe Alaskan Aug. 29-Sept. 3. Vaughan Olaaer S-10. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.) VaudevlUe and pictures 29-3. YON6E ST. (O. Moran. mgr.) VsudevtUe and pictnres. MAJESTIC <I'. F. GrllBn. mgr.) Vaudeville and picturea 29-3. 6AYBTY (T. R. Henry, mgr.) The Ginger Girls B-10. STAR (F. W. Stair, mgr.) Billy Watson snd bis Beef Trust 29-3. The Bolllckers with Jsck Johnson 5-10. WUWIFEO—WALKER THEATRE (W. B. Lawrence, mgr.: Morris Circuit) Week of Ang. 20: Ed. Murphy and his Kentucky Belles, head- liners. In a comedy singing. snd talking act; Charles E. Perclval and Co. In a comedy sketch, entitled A Night In Paris; The Beeros, Euro- pean aerlallsts; Henderson and. Thomss. colored euterralners; Morris and Kramer, eccentric danc- ers; Scott and WUaon, comedy acrobats; Bert Earl, banjolst: motion pictures'. DOMINION THEATRE (W. B. Lawrence, mgr.) Week of Aug. 29; Dominion Stock Co. In Tbe Spoilers; work of the company was excellent; capacity bouses. Week of Sept. 5, The> Blue Mouse. WIN- NIPEG THEATRE (a P. Walker, mgr.) Sept. 1-3, Ariaona: Sept.. S-7, Ifargaret Anglln In The' Awakening of Hrtena.>. Richie. BUOU THEATRE (George Case. mgr.: ? Sullivan and Consldine) Week of Aug. 29; Cora Mtckle Hoffer and Co. In comedy ' sketch. The Way of the Transgressor, hesdllne set; Alexander Kola Tronpe of Russian Dancers;' Frank Norria and bis troupe of trained baboons and monkeys; Sadie Sherman In a novelty act of phototypes: Oil Brown and Lll-Mills In a comedy sketch entitled Married a Year; motion pictures. ARENA RINK (C. Treblleock. mgr.) Roller skating. : NOTED BEAUTY PASSES. (Continued from page 4.) to the rank of major, saw lady Francis Hope In San Francisco. She smiled at him and he was at ber feet.. She Bung away title, ambition, ev- erything—and eloped with Strong. nielr hearts ran sway wltb their beads— both have since said It. They went to Japan and Lord Francis divorced her. Then they trotted over the whole bowl of tbe globe. They quarreled, they made up; they quarreled again, and then they went their separate ways. Strong was last heard of at Macao, tbe Monte Carlo of tbe Eaat. May Yohe bobbed up Into no- toriety now and again, but always, successive- ly, one peg lower. And at'last, in the cheap , cafe ot tbe West, nature strikes at her. She -waa akipplnjr from one to another of the fonr contralto notes, now ooarsened and raucous, when suddenly her mouth sllppeii from tier control, twiste.1 to one side of her face, and the last ot tbe four .con- tralto notes became a groan as she fell to tbe stage; a cripple. ■Editorials will be written, the clergy and those opoard to the stage will see In May Yohe—there Is—a sterling one. too—the lesson of life that foUowB tbe misgnlded footsteps anywhere and always In any walk. _ i.' _ .. . There will be some to profit by::May Yobe'a experience, others will reed of this, make an Impulsive leaolve and promptly forget It when the mosle tlnglea and the -artitts lli^ts Oood mid- night. There will be other May Tobo's and moce's the pity. IN SOUTHERN CLIMES. (Cbntlnned from page 4.) of bamboo In one month'while we were playing In Java. The place waa lighted by electricity and had many modem conveniences otherwise. In India alone I gave alxty performaneeg to Btndoos and Bndblsts. packing the place to snt- focatlon each performance. Over seventy-flve. thousand ot theae simple natives, of all caatea. from the poor "Jnnglewalla" to the rich Maha- rajah, were patrons of myjmystecIeK I : have doaens<o(-letter*, now from India ImportoaliiK my .rettim.-,: This is: my :Iast,:tanr otk^tbe world. ::For good showmen; with good psper. ;goad vat- ttaetlona and competent; management,: my two niecceaes can he repeated. : But only :tbe beat will live. Thetv la no room for tbe loedloere. That eiass can he found In an.v part of thla great world. Some day there will be a circuit ot theatres around the world. - It can be done. The many natlona will support It. ..The ship- ping companies and great ocean llnera wtU co- operate. ^Two yearaV tour, extending from New York to New .York. Such a liberal education la herein contemplated. I am anre that noth- ing In my fbtore lite, on this aphere at least, wUI be as rich In promlae and experience aa my aeveral cyclea ot strange and wondrous wander- inn over tempestuon* seas and foreign lands; It U given to the magician alone to thus en- eompaaa the earth. ' : In his seven league hoota be' may wlah for other cUmes,- when beigh, presto:'and'.be'la .there..'. jf.-;'^ ■ Beat wlabca to yattnelti.Thk BlUboatd, and. all. CHAS. jr: O&RTBR.' A NEW VAUDEVIUi: SKETCH I have Joat completed a vaudeville sketch that I am willing tq atake my newspaper repntatton on. A corking good sketch for two clevvr people; Absolutely new and original. I wish to place tbia sketch In the handa of capable people as I bave otbera to foQpw. I>rice right t«: rlghtjp4geie.. J. a: MADDOX. nre «^ The BlUboard. Clnelnutl. O. ? CATAI-OG SQUBRETTE ::: GOWNS. Cor latest eataUis of Sonhrette Qowih and litage Dreaaes Jnat completed. Send K cents to carer postage of Catalog *'B,'* CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS, John L. Wabar, Prep, ea SBABSOBK BTBBET, PHOHB: OEHTBAL 8|9>. OHIOAaO. ZU^ FOR SALE WE are GOING (o RE- MODEL Onr THEATRE AND BAVE FOR SALE 800 FIRST.CLASS OPERA GHAIRS ALL IN THE BEST CONDITION /— Also large amount of HANDSOME SCENERY AND STAGE PROPERTIES Addresa. TBE CEDAR POINT RESORT CO.. SANDUSKY. OHIO. Over 7S-per cant or. the'flaeat tteattca In the . United Statea and Canadie are tnndabed wltb them. They «re need In S}B of tbe -UKTmoving picture theatre* la Chicago. To meet the growing demand (or LOW PRiCfCD OPERA CHAIRS we have otlglnated. a number of atyles whiell. thensh Inexnea- slve. are dmrkcterlatle of I ANDREWS QUALITY Write to department F for onr large catalogne No. I. lUsa- trated In colors, which will guide yon when eontemnlatlns the purchase of papers chairs. CHICAGO. 174-176 Wabash .Awnii*. SOGIMOTOTJr TROUPE WANT LONG ENGAGEMENT FOR OUR OPEN TIME AFTER OCTOBER 9. 1910 Manager, S. SUGIMOTO. Address Billboard, Cincinnati, 0» Russo Concert Band —SOLOISTS-^lS UNION MUSICIANS Closes a successful season's eng^ement at Cedar Point on Lake Erie. After. September 11th open for engagements. - Pt^sents a repertoire of aU the Standard and Popular Music. Address, F. P. RUSSO, Director, 1007 WEBSTER AVENUE. - - - - CLEVELAND, OHIO. "The Finest Band for Its Size in the Countrr;'—G. A. BOECKUNG. President and General Manager of Cedar Point. "PLEASED?" WELL 1 SHOULD SAY SO« Our liooklet is complete in every detail. It quotes prices for all Theairtral Pbat Car^ Etc. Mailed upon receipt of 10 cents. 41» Elm Str—t. THE;:iOUEEW CITY ENG. CO. Ctneini