The billboard (Sept 1910)

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50^ SEPTEMBER 10, 19ia UST OF FAIRS Witb lbe Names of tiie Associations by which the Events are Hdd, and tiie Dates upon ii^iidi Th^ an to Take Pl^ Infonnation Pirociued by 1% Utiliza- tion of its Uneqiialed Fadlities. LIST OF CIRCUITa BIO B%UB UUBCD1T>—IcbuoD. F>.. IiAuuD TsUer Fair. WUkes-Bane, Fa.. lAnn* Co. WMiT. Battalehem, Fa.. SUr. Naunth, Pa.. NortliainDtaa Conntr nir. AUentown. Fa., Gicat AUentown Fair. Trenton, N. J., br tantata FUr. HC H0II7. N/T.,^ Mt. BoUy Air. iHageratoOT. Ma.. WaiiMnatoB Oeana B. B. Selian^. AIIentowii,vPB.. cbealt Onmuli KENTUCKY FAIB CIBUUIX.—Iju- eaater. Kj-., Fair. Danrllla. Kj., Fair. Hat^ - ndaliatin K7., Keren Coas^ FUr. Fcrty- : Kir., Naw PerryTllla Fair. Btebmond, CXMrnAK NBW TOBK TBOTTUia ASSN.— Ooctland, M. Z., Cortland Comity Agrlenltorar Sodatr. Dtydcii,'Ii. Z.. Dnden .Asrlenltmal Bode^.i TnnDamfbnrs, N. x.. Union Aarlenl- toral Sodebr. uoraTla. N. T.. Cayasa Coimty Axrlcnltural ESodetr. WMtney'a Point. N. Z., Braom Conntr-Asrleoltnial Sodety. Owa- ^I$£^3EW;-Tloga' Coonty Asrlenltiiral-Badetr. -•—" " f Chemnng- ComitT Asrleoltnral r; M.' Z.. Oenoa Agrlenltaial -Kewark VaUey. N. Z.. Nortbam noffa 'Asrlenltmal Sode^. W. P. Btsga, XtimiansbnrK. N. Z.. president of drenlt. W. I; Greenman. Cortland, M. Z.. aeeretair. B, VHioB, Dryden, N. Z., treasozer. MABTBBN C0NNE(7riUUT .CIBCUi'l*.—Patnam, Conn., Pntnam Fair. Morwidi, Conn., Mew Loodaa Co. Fair. WOlImantle. Conn., Boraa- aboe Parle Aarlenltiiral EUr. Bodcrllle. Conn.. BodCTiUa Fair. Stafford Sptlnsi. Conn.. Staf- Cord Bpiinga Acricnltnral Aasn;- Baedaham, Fa., SUta Fair. Nasaratb. : Fa.. Xorthamnton Co. Fair. AUentown. Pa.. Fair. Baadlns,: Fa.. Great Beading BUr. Zork. Ft^ - lSlK-' noomibnrF, Pa.. BUr. Harry B. : Beball;; Anentown, Fa., drenlt aeentaiy. OBBAXf'KOBXHBBM CIHCUIT.—BowtjelU. ,H. D.. :Fdr. UlDot, N. D.. Fair. Cando.'N. D.. FUr. Leeda, N. D.. Fair. Grand Btotka. It. D.. Grand Forka Fair. Fteto, N. D., State Fair.. GBBEN UOmlTAIN CIBCUIT.—Mlddlebniy. Tt., Aidlaon Co. Fair. Batland. Vt^ Bnt- laad Co. Fair.- BUr Havaa. Tt. wcatem ▼ermont Fair. Sontb WalIlnsfordv.7t., Bontb Walllnafard Fair, j Walter K. nisawortli. Bntlaaa. Y t, ae erataiy of dr talt.. _ eaxjSc^^onricnnBK kCOBclnT.—vt.' wiyne, lad- Great Ft. Vone Fair. Tom Hante. Ind.. BUr. Grand ^Kalda, i meii.. -WMtem y»>Mg.w state Fair. - Ealamaioo, llldi., Inter- Btats BUr. Detroit; HIeli..' Miehigen State Fair. CleTeland, O., Fair. Feoria. m.. Fair. Galaabnrr. ni.. FUr. Jdlet. m.,-Jdlet Apl- enltnral Fair.' Hamllne. Uinn.. Mlniwanta SUt» Fair. HUwankee.' Wla.. Vtaeondn State Fair. Colnmlnia, 0.i i Ohio-Aabr. FUr. SprlngOdd, lU;^ nilonla SUte FUr. Dallaa, Iteaa, TUtaa State Fair. - El t—o. teaa. FUi^ Pkoenlx. Aria., BUr.. UXINOIS .CBNTBAI. TBOXXmO^AMO FAO- IMG OIBCUrr,—Candirldse. IU.,% Henry Co. Fair. . Wyomliis. OL. FUr. . Prineeton. IIL, Bnrean Coonty lUr,:^;Kewaiiee. IIL. Kewaaae Fair. Aledo, HL. liareer iGonntyt:'FUr. rBrad- feri, UL, Fair. - OIIXE(^-<TanaTllIek_: fiid.. i BUr^->" HUgartown. Ky.. FUr. Ht. ▼eawn.' - iBd., Tsnon FUr. Boekport, Ind.: FUr. BoonTineL Ind.. -Fair. CamdTlII.. BUr. Fdneetoa, lad^ Glb- aon Co. BUr. TIneennea. Ind., BUr. Jaa. T. UcFaddln. Ut. Temon. Ind., prealdent of drenlt; Alra Bagon. aecretary. IHTEBNATIONAI. CIBCUIT OF TBBUONT AMD EASTEBN CANADA.—Uontarffle. Tt.. lamoOIe Valley BUr. Slierbrooke. Qne^ Can.. Canada'B Great Saitem BUr. Barton, Vt.. Orieana 'County Fair. St. Jahnbaty. Tt.. Cal^dmiia Fair. White Blear Tanetkn^ Tt:. Teimont State Fair. BrattlebORV Tt,, TallaF FUr. H. B. Channell, Slieibrooka,' Que., Can.. Dteaident of drenlt. MAD BITEB AND lOAHI TAIiLBZ FAXB CIB- CUIT.—WIndieater. O.^ Adama Co. FUr. Rld>- wood. 0„ Tn-Coonty BUr;' Xenla, O.: Greega Coonty BUr. MdboDme, Ky., Newport DrlT- 1ns and E>Ir Aon. Cartbage, 0.i Hamilton Cpmuy Fair, ^rlngfldd. O.. Clatk'Oa. Fklr. .Urbaaa. ni., Champaian Co: Fair. Kenton. 0.i : Hardia Co. Fair. Waabtnston a H.Tny- . etta Co.- FUr. Boa ton, oTlaernuint Co. FUt; . Beilefontaine, O., Iiosaa Col Fhlr. Blaaebea- ter, O., dinton Oonnty BUr. London. O.. Uadlaon Coanu- FUr. Wapakanata, O., Anc- laUe Coimty FUft: Colaiiilras, O.. (Niio Stat* FUr. DaytcBi, O., Ilontgeoary Co. BUr. MatTariUe, O., Union Co. Fair. BatOD, O., Preble Coonty BUr. Lebanon. 0..'r'Wartaii Coonty Fair. . nay. O., rMlaml On. Fhlr. Ham- ilton, O.. BntleriCkiini^ FUr:. 7. W. Crawl, Urbasa, O.^ eirenit aeeretary: MISHNABOTNA TAUJIZ BHOBT 8HIPHBNT CIRCUIT.—Andoboa, la., Andnbon Coimty BUr. Atlantle. la., Caaa Coonty BUr. Aroea. la., Pottawattamie Oonnty Fair. Carl ■. HeiCman, Atlantle, la., drenlt aecretary. NOBTHBAST kllSSISSIPPI FAIB ASSN.—To- pelo, MIn.. Fair. Baldwyn. Miaa., Mortbaaat Hlnlulppl lUr. BooDTUIe, HIn., Fair. Cor- inth, Hlas., Alcorn County BUr. W. L. Me- Xlroy. BUdwyn. Maa., aecretary. NOBIH CBNTBAL KANSAS FAIB AMD BAD- ING CIBCUIT.—St. Uaiya. Kan., Fair. Nor' ton, Kan., BUr. Sraitb Center, Kan,. Bmlta Coimty hir: SUIna, Kan., Sallna Oooaty >Wr. BeUeTUla, Kan., Fair. UePbamon, Kan., IdePberaon Oonnty Fair. Clay Center, Kan.: Clay Center Fair. ConeoRlla, Kan., FUr. Abilene, Kan.; Fklr. HlnneapoUa. Kas., Ottawa Coonty Fklr. KUey, Kan., Fair. Fiad W. StnrgeB. Coneordla. Kan. NOBTHWEST IOWA FAIB CIBCUIT.—JeObr. aon, la,. BUr. Boekwell City. la., BUr. Fonda. la.. Big-Four BUr. Sac City. la.. Sac Conn^ Fair. Alta, la., Bnena Tlita Oonnty Fafr. A. L. Denio, prealdent, Fonda, la.; JT: P. Jfnllen, Bluuia. la., aecretary and Bi0x vxnwiniA AAUinu A&on,—viaraa- rg, W. Ta., Fair. Fairmont. W. Ta.. BUr. beellng, W. Ta., Fair. Parkerabnrg, W: u. Fair. ORenabnrg, Pa., Fair. Dawaoa, OHIO. PENNSZLTAMIA, UABZXAND AND . WE8T_TIBGINIA BACING ASSN^^'^aarka- bnrg, Wbc Ta.. Pa., Fair.. Morgantown, W. Ta., BUr. Paaaa- . bora. W. Ta., Fair. Bnflianiioii. W. Ta., Fair. Cnmberland, Hd.. BUr. Hagetatowa. Ud., BUr. Baltimore, Md., BUr. Bobt. An- deraon. Wbeeling, W. Ta., drenlt aeetatary. SIXTH DISTRICT FAIB ASSN.—TIetor. la., Tletor DIstrlet Fair. GrInneU, la., Powe- ahlek County Fair. Newton, la., Jasper Oo, BmaoMtp wnx AigBBo mK xoto bmahon which wnx sertz to oobbbot JOT EBSOBS SXiSXUIS Ig THIS UST. BSADEBS XAT VnUZB THE BUUnSB BELOW FOB OOHTBIBimHa DATA. Name of Aaaa, or Society under wbaaa aavlee* tba fair la bdd... Name of town where fair ta hdd State Data Name af Fniident Name - of Tlee^Frealdent Name of Secretary Name of Sreaanrer Nama of Uanager What dnadtl Percentage Gamest i; ll^edal'. dr.-Bay r-Ba^ Fdvflcgea.. If any cfflcer'a addrcn la different from that of >the IWr Itnlf. pleaae lidleate oppoalta hla laCHIGAM TROTTING iUID PACING OIB- :c CUIT.—Pontlae, Flint, Port Huron, Bay City. Alpena. Laming, St. JiAne, Ithaca. Kalanu- zoo. Grand Baplds and Detroit Stale BUr. . 8. p. Borgdorf, Bay City. Mleh:.? drenlt aeen- taiy. >■ HISSISSIPPI ' TAELBZ SHOBT SHIP C IBCUm —angg8Tme,. IlI:, nilnola Taney Fair. Qniney; ! lU.:' Falc''Uacomb. UL; Maeomb FUr: Bnah- ' neU: IU.. ^BnafanaU FblKr ; Bnahtllla, Faic L e w latowa , aHL, FMton- Oomg Falrj-- KnoK- Tllla,vIlL. Kankakre Ooanty FUr. lABaipab IlL, FUr, MONTANA C mC U l T.-^oUet, town, Glendlre, MIlea City. Great Filla, He- lena, Chinook and KallvdL O. 'B.' Myeia, Bomnan, dreUt aecretary. N BBBAf gA'FAIB8 SHOBT ' SHTPWENT CIB- ; CHITS.—Seward.: Neb^, ■-. BUr.-; - LaUagton, :' Neb.: Dawaoa Cot Fair. :ClarkL Rcb., Fair. :Cliadnm. Ncb.. Dawea Oooaty Fur. Ihadtard. - Keb:, BUr: ' . Beatrice: Ncbv ' GaCB:' Oomrty FUr. Big Sprlnga, Neb.. Fair.. ABIaneo. Neb., FUr. ' W. H. Smith, ESeward, IM>., cir- cuit aecretary. BUr. Fella. la.. Lake Prairie DIatrlet BUr, What Cheer, la.. Fair. New Shana. la.. New Sbaron District BUr. J. B. Bailey. 3r„ Tie- tor, la., aecretary. SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA FAIB CIBCDIT.— : Edinbnrg, Ind., BUr. North Tetaaa. Ind., North Veraott Fate: : Oagsod. Ind.. Bipley . OonatT-FUr. Iiawnae(bncr> lad., Xawitnee- bw BUr Amb: OretnsbniF. Ind., Deeatsr . Coon^ FUr. Goinmbiia^Ind., Colnmbiia BUr.- BTanWIn, Ind., BUr. BnabTllIe, lad., Bnah Oonnty FUr. Shelbyrllle, Ind., Sbelby Co, BUr. W. G. NoiriB, Ht, Temon, Ind., preel- deat of drcUt: B. G. Porter, Bdlnbnrg, Ind., secretary of elrcUt. SODTHEBN FAIB CIBCUIT.—Loolarlile, Ky., Kentucky State FUr. NaabrlUe, TemL, Teaa- eisee State BUr. Memphis, Tenn., M-Stats FUr. Blmlngham, Ala., State Fair of Al^ bama. ' Montgomery. Ala.. Fair. BimtaTlIle. Ala., FUr.. Cdumbus, Ga., Fair. Shrank FUIer. Memphis. Tenn.. secretary of ciretdt. SOUTHERN OHIO SHOBT SHIP CIRCUIT.— Cdambus, O., State Fair. Zanesrllle, 0.. Fair. Marietta, O., Washington Coonty Fair. ty Bpaad m. Halt- Athens, O., Fair. H. H, Hanslng, Athaat. O., dteUt aeeretan, TBI-STATB 6HOBT SHIP OIBOUIT OF NBBBASKA. IOWA AND UIBBOUBI,—A» bttin. Neb.. Auburn Summer Baea Meet. Nebraska City, Neb., Nebraaka CtC ~ and BUr Aasn. Bed Oak, la,, KOnL, Oonaty Fair. UtlTstn, It,, HlUt Oenaq Bbenandoab. la., Shenandoah Fair Aasa. saaii. land. Mo., BUr. Dea Molnea, la., Iowa State Fair, I. J. Swain, HalTarn, Itu pttaidaiit «t elicnit. B. O. Howa, Anbnia, Neb., McNtUB of eliCBlt. TIBOINIA, 0AB0UNA8 AND GBOBGIA FAIB CIBCUIT.—OUaz, Ta., GUas Fair, BaOtiM, Ta., lUr. TaaaweU. Ta., TaaswaU ndi Boaaoke, Ta., Boaaoka I, Jk A. Aaaa, Ta., lateistata Fair, WlastoB- n. 0,, Pledaiont Fair. OrsenilwNk N. 0., Central Canltaa Fair Assn. BsMsh. N. a. North OsroUna State Fair. Chattel N. C, Mecklenburg Fair Assn. Colombia. B. C, FUr. Augusts, Oa., Georgia-Carolina FUr Assn. I. P. BUppo, elienit saeretary, Baaa* oka, Ta. WBSTBBN WISCONSIN FAIB CIBCUIT.— atdts, Baedsburc, Wis., drenlt aaentary. WBSB TBNNBSSBB AND KBNTUCKZ FAIB I^nehbnrg, SUam. N. dea.' TUm.'. Weakley County BUr. Pairii, TsBB., Henry County Fair, faekaoo, Tsao., Fair. Ooclath. Miss., Fair. HnnboUt, Tsbb.. BUr. .W. F.i Barry. eIrcUt aaeretaty. Jiscfe: son, Tenn. . ' AT.Hwmfd Atheaa—UmHtrae Coonty Fair. Oct. 18-Sl. B. B.' Walker, aecy. fl ^fa-fc^m —state Fair BUdbltlaa'Aa. aoeUtton.' Oct: 8-lB. Itank P. ChaSae. aaey. Clantui—ChUt<m Co. Fair. Oct. 4-S. ! M.> O. CMiaa r i bi i r g — Negro Farmara' Assn. Oct. 81« : Nor S. J. F. wnusms. secy. aoBtSTUI»—Fair. Sept. 8-10. B. Pulley, aan. U s atgnm sry — Alsbsnm Agrl. Assn. Oct, IT-B. ■TbL Wlatara, ascy._ . . , . Hontgomery—Alabama AgxL A: lad. Bzpo. Oct, • ''IS-zS.' ■ ■aausai—OeneTS Coonty Pair Aaaa. Oct. IMH . W. O. Pryor, aery. West Alsbams BUr Aasa. Oct. S*- B. U Clarksoa, aaey. _ . _ OUoa Springe—Bnllock Co. Fair Aaaa. : Oet.: ■ilO-U. F. O. Banaqr, aaey. JOnoBA Fbaeala—Arlsona AaaoU Fair Aasa. rMar. l-iX . : BbMsF-Ohtlsty, aaey.'V Camden—Ooaehlta COk Lead Congieaa, -:.Oct. S4, TT, B.'Felnbcrg.' Oarllds—CeattU Atkiasaa Fair: Oet. ;1T-S1.'8.' '"^'''D''Mnsy' 'sacy. 0«n^^|-FaBIkaer Co. Fair. Oct. d-T.; Ikaak- BI I>ondi?^%loB Oonnty FUr. Oct. U-S3. h B. N. Banaoo: cihalrmaa amusements sad c<auaa< f^getltfriUe-^aditBgtim. JKoonty^ Fair B. U NatUeahlp, aecy. a»t SsUag—Arkaaaaa Stata Filz Aao. Ot. <s 10-18: Goo. B. Mdlag: oaer. . - ^ Moirlltaa—Ooaway Oooaly. Fair. :.Oct. IS-SI. C BunSt^le^S^'Oo: Fair : Aaaa. Oct IMl. ' CL W.: Dodd, aeey. • «aT.Tw m»wra ■aatscd—Klaga Oooatr FUr. Oct. lA-U. Mr. ■scraanato^^Siltomla State AgtfenltarU 8o> dcty. Sept. S-10. .J. A: FilelMr, laey. ■OOLOBASO Canron City—Fremont Co. Fair. Sept. U-16, W. B. Rowland, secy. Delta—ralr. Oept. IS-IS. B. Stone', secy. Dearer—^Intaratate Fair and BzpoUtloa. - Seat. 8-lT. G. C. Faller, aeey. ^ ^ Ft. OoIllaa—MarthetB Colorado Fair. Sept. >»> SB. Oread limetlon—^Mesa Oonn^ IndustrlU an<l BVnlt Fair. Sept. 20-3S: Ohaa. OaSho, senr. Greeley—Wdd Co. Fair. Sept. 26-90. D, J. lefa^ B^IWal, Sept: 9X-M. Mcsrt r oss M ontrose Weetern Slope Agrl. Fslr. ■apt. *>■». 8, T. Hobaoth. aaey. Fotblo—Oolcrado State Fair. Sept. lO-St. A.' Xb Fdea: aaey. Trinidad—Trinidad' Las Animas Co. Fair. Sept. 13-lS. Cbu. BaIlF7, secy. FINE CHOCOLATES Made by Darby of BdMniore" PARKMEN! SHOWMEN! WHEEL-MEN! and others who sell Candy will save 25'^ and more by ordering direct from ^^DARBY of BAIMMORE." My economical factory arrangements, combined with a direct mml order business, assures you of Fresh Stock and Lowest Fadoiy Prices. As an added induceinent, I WILL PAY THE. FREIGHT east of the Mississippi on all CASH . ORDERS ainountiii^ to $10.00 or more on the follomn^ goods:— ' ' .f SfaPfcgsA«st.C » o c Gl stes. 2*«rats«, » .T5 Xlb.PkCB.%VMp.CireMChocoiMM.«iwt. si,oo loe. - . ; » , » » Jf It. Has. Amat. Oocoiles. SiMioS34M><ioa. L'isc - " t ~ .» ~ ijoo 1 ~ - »• t» 9a30teSt34i0da>. c^c^^^AU iDy^tfanaactions are honest and reliabler-I do'business no Orders packed fresh as i-y feoeived wiA^the^Goveinment I^lre Food Label and my personal naiantee of in each package. For this reason 1 make no C. O. D. slupments. All orden should be accompanied by Draft, Gertified Check, Post Office or Express Money Order to receive prompt attention. ' > - l»l,OOiocoverco««>t1*rBlBasor tnMt ol.Ssi nilm "DcUaBsslof CsafeiilsaeiY''sp—iwlkausg. ''DARBY Of BALTIMORE" TUe Darby CaoKty HML, U. S. A.