The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. r iie Bllltsoard 53 BALTIMORE. MD. (Continued from page 10.) Ford'i Opera House. Augnac marsa final week of the' trtrel toan, aa picture* playing Tlews and. acenea ot foceln landa a conaplcnoaa feature. ' AI. H. wUson wll Howe'a Plctnrea are the topic of Intereat at Ford'a Opera House. Augnat 28 marta the _ _ . . ... ^ » . • — picture* dls- ' Ida were . , _.. _ will ho the' Mtraetlon for . tbe: opening of the tegular geaion Septemlier 5. ■ '■■'Tb9' patronage at>'tbe Snhurban Gardena haa been excellent; and the place Is crowded to e*- paelty every night.. The clientele la dlatlnctlr teprew^ntatlre, and comprliea the moat elite of the city. Owing to the inereaaed ^patronage, ffreat LmproTements were made to afford larger capacity and comfort for the patrana.- Owing to lllneaa in -hl*. famUy; Mn Loaii B. Baker liaa not returned to Wllkea-Bane, Pa. Be .has tendered his resignation aa manager of the. lin- leme Theatre, and will remain .here Indefinitely. Be haa given hla position to bla former tieaa- urer, I^n Cemandlnl, who 1* now manager of the theatre. While In the city. Mr. Baker will remain at the Suburban Gardena. Becelvers were appointed for tbe Luna Park Amnsement Company, Augnat 37. through the efforta of George M. Brian, who claims that tbe company Is Indebted to him for S275. Mr. Benry Gelglein, prealdent of tbe company, itates tbat tbe park will continue boalnesa, and the company will ataortly be In good standing. " KiKdiaa.: B. Ford, wife of tbe manager of Ford's Opera Roose, will make an extended automobile tour tbnngb Europe In 1911. with a number of frienda. They wlu atart from Parla and tbey win traTel lo a famoni French cat. The trip will be unlqne, as It will be the first on record that American ladlea have antomo- blled through England and the continent withont ■ male escort, other than the chauffeur and a courier. STUTAN BCHBNTHAI.. LOS ANGELES, CAL. (Continued from pagevll;) average. Following la the order In which the acts appeared: Babebl Talenteene Uoote, re- markable muacnlar. poses; J. Fmncia O'BetUy. -oeoologne: Mr. and Mra, Petkliis Fisher, In Tbe Halt- Way House: Hdenr Stiia>t. :FoIlr In So- ciety; Jesiepblne Bozton and ber Msie Rlda. and Ibe -Vbadcn. In Fun on the Bonlarard,. ■ Jug- tag': 1 act; tbat - Is different. week ot August 22 The Belaaco Stock Com- pany was seen to good advantage in tbe amusing farce,-A Contented Woman, witb Miss Helene Snlllvan In the title rOle. The character parta IB this play stand out prominently, and were . bandied cleverly. Following A-Contented Wom- an tbla company will give a big production of Tbe Servant In tbe Boose, toi which Hobart Bosworth has been engaged to play Manson. Mncb preparation has Been made and. tbls abonld pnve a'great' aocceaa.' '■■ ; Tbe Orpbenm, week of Augnat 22, offered a bin ot mncb variety, mostLOt-wbleb waa highly tflctsiot. Heading the- blU, . Annette Keller- nann gave one of the dalntint acts of the sea- son. ■■■■■ Perhaps next ot : Importance on the bill was Edwards. Davis and Oompany. In Tbe Pic- ture of Dorian Gray. Tbe Imperial Musicians, twelve soloists.: formed a musical act far above the leat.' Clifford and Burke. In black-face: The Fonr Cllttons, athletes, above the average; Harry Atklnwn. Australian Orphans;: 7ames ^Tbomton, ■OBCB'and sayings, and Fi«d Apdale's Zoo Clr^ ens. made up a good bill. Week ot August 29, Henrietta Crocman, In Antl-Matrlmony, .win be tbe attraction at the Mason Opera Houae, with Frances Starr, 'n Tbe Baalest Way, to follow. : The Olrton Stock (3ompaiiy, ^ at; the^ Onnd Opera- HonSe, the past week,' gave The Yankee Doodle Detective ■ i good' prodaetloa.^ The Olrl and the' Gambler fOIIowi. . . - There haa been some - veir i warm weather the peat week, and altbough tbe beaches are all doing large bnalness, It .has seemed not to effect the attendance, at the theatres. Ssnta Cataltns laland. tbe most popular Southern . Callfomla' reaort, la doing capacity business, perhaps the largest business In years. BUGENB d' INGOMAR. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. (Contlpned from page 11.) Impresario Will L. Oreenabaum promlaes a splendid array of talent tor the coming season. Contracts provide for thi> 'following features: Concerts by Scottl and Bemlee de Pasqnale. both from the Hetropidltan Opera Bouse, In flie: middle of October; Gadskl comes esrly In Kovenber: Uxs Lehmsn. the composer, and fonr Bngllah; singers, presenting the Persian Gaiden and other bebman works, with tbe com- poser ss sccompsnlst, from November IS to 21; Anns Pavlowa and .Michael Norrtkln. the Bns- slan dancers, with eight nrtncl^ials, and twenty- four In tbe ballet and the MetroiKilltan Opera Company's second orchestra, will present "ocu- lar operas" daring Thanksgiving week. Other artists .booked are. Koclan. Bohemian violinist; Emilo de doRorxa: GervlUe Beache, contralto, frams.Manhattan Opera Bouse;' Madame Calve, In concerts: • Josef Hofman,' the^ planlat: MIscha Elman. the vinllnist: and The Busslan Symphony Orchestra of fifty-one nieces: with 'a vocal quar- tette. Modest Altschnlcr will b« the conductor. Prosperity surely hovers around the Portola Theatre, for this week. Manager Bert Album purcbased a flre-iieat Cadillac automobile. for 16,1100,' and Intends to make an extended tour ' through California with the Intention of open- :lBS ap' a atrlBg ot..vandevllle tbeatres. Be cer- 'talnly has made wondermi atiecess as a show- man, for - together with. Tom teahy. be owna the IVwIola. The Grand Theatres, The Itiea- torlnm playbonses, snd.baa ano*her site In San Francisco upon which a large theatre will be built. Close attention to builneas, good fore- sight and plenty of nerve have placed them to the front In a short time.: , The event this week, theatrically, was the, reopening of tb'> savoy Theatre, which took I place Bonday evening. August 21. Tbe bouse whicb has been closed for several months, has been thoroughly freshened up and appeared like a brud new theatre. The Lottery Man, the ant ^<ot the Shnberta' attractions, waa prc- ■entedi The piece win remain a teeoad week. ;: Seven Days, st the Columbia, continued lis aeeond weeka* stay to Immense audlencea. Bose Btahl In The Chorus Lady, foUowa, . Jimei K. Haekett t« on hto.^tMt week as stock star atj the- Aleasar Theatre;' Samson was .the bill.----..- At the Princess, Ferris Hartman and Com- pany are proienttuB Florodora' to fair audlencea only. ! Next week a revival of Mikado la an- aoaneed.' - ' • , . • i . - At tbeOrphenm, At. JoiMm to tbe big gun. It waa In tbls city that Jolaan: really made bis fint success, and he has Improved considerably with some four years' more experience. Bis tnm Is well liked and be has no trouble keep- ing the attention of his audiences, alwaya leav- ing them In the best of humor. Hlas Bllnnle Dnpiee, assisted by J. Paul Jones and Har^ Larlbee, In The Minister's Wife, Is the head- lined act this week, which was well liked. The Six Kaoffmana, bicyclists, was the big act, and are aa clever as any troupe In their line. Benee, another new act, offered a beautiful re- fined mnaleal act. The holdovers Included J. a. Nugent end Co., The Hsrvey-De Vera Trio, Flsnagan and Edwards, and The Operative Fes- tival. . At tbe Cbntes Theatre, tbtongbont the week, atandlng room waa at a premium at every eve- ning performance. This house gives but two shows dally, a matinee and evening perform- ance. Arizona Joe, with a company of eight people and three horses. Is about the "biggeat thing" yet' aeen on a vaudeville atage. Be presents A Glimpse of Prairie Ufe, which Is nothing short of a wild west show Improved with a lot of devec dlalogue.and-plenty, ot. com- edy. Mazlnl and Bobby, with their clever dog, la about the best thing seen here In a long time in the way of an acrobatic act, the dog being a ven Important member. Other nnm- ben were Kresko . and Fox; Johnson and Bow- land and Thomaa and Ryan. Benry Lee, imcersonator of great men, headed the bill at the National, and Is Indeed a splen-- did drawing card. Alice Mortlock la back again, tbla time with a new and Interesting sketch called The Other Woman. Beatrice McKen- ale and Walter Shannon also presented a breezy sketch called More Ways Than One, which bit the mark. The othen on tbe bill were three alngles„>l«w . Hoffman; tramp Juggler; Musical Irving, and'.George O'Malley, singer and dancer. Scott Brothers, Denlah Dallas, Tlcda Crane and Co., Alblnl, George Devoy, and Dayton Sisters and George Alexander are at the Wig- wam, this week. At the American, Kelly's Mnslcsl Comedy Company are.on their last week. In the olio are Abdallab, Znlnelle and Bontelle, Cabaret's Dogs, TOvey and Norman and The Ormsbys. - At the Portola Theatre are Yartey, character change artist; Clause and BadcUffe, slngera and dancen; Princess Susana, midget wire per- former; Boblnson snd Warrlner. aketch artists: Daly and Q'Brien, dancen: Cole and Cole, gym- naau; and Johnstone snd Cooke In a sketch called HtUtBiy-Eropoeal. E^mr teds ot moving pictures are added to the above bill. BDBB COBEN. WAKTED—Concesaiona, Clean Pay Shows, Fer ris Wheel, Merry-Go-Bonnd, at Miller (bounty Stock and Agrlcultnnl Show, Eldon, Mo.. Sept. 27-30. Address SBUBBN BOGNABD. WASTED—Shows, Biding Devices, and Ooncea. slons ot all kinds for Plckena County Fair. Oct. 10-20-21. Big crowds with money to nend. Work on percentage. B. B. GOODWIN. Privi- lege Manager, Plckena, S. 0. ; WANTED-HILEAN, PAID ATIIMCT^^ For Conlral at HanOIa; Iowa, Sept.. IS to 17 Inclusive. No ininstrela. Addreis B. 0. JACK- SON, Secretary, Manilla. Iowa.: WANTED—Good Attractions (or season 1910-11. Musical i Comedy, Dramas, or Borlesane. Good show town. Booking houses, write. Main line C. Si O. By. Seating capadbr SOO. AMUSC TBBATBB. SODceverte, W. To. ATTMiOnONB • WANTED fti r "Fhlr and Carni- val at Helena, Oklahoma, Sept. 12-13-14. Bx- hlblUon <imder tbe- auspices of the Farmen* In^ Btltnte of Alfalfa Connty and the Connell School of Agrlcnlture for Fifth Si^teme Court Dlatrlct covering 17 countlea ot Weatera Oklahoma Ad- dress Wi: E. STOUT, (Tfeiaa Fht B(V). Secj.. Helena, Dklo. WANTED—Acts , of all kinds suitable for a small railroad show that will atay oat all win- ter. Mosldsns to strengthen band, comet, tnha, clarinet and trap dranuner; othera write. Billposter that boa aa ambition of becoming an agent. Albert Marshall, BUlle Mack. 3<dm Groat, - write. C. K BBIOKSON, Hayotown, Tex;, Eiept. 10; Tlmpson, Tex., Sept.: 12; - Zwe- ber, Tex., Sept. 13. ATTBACTIONS WANTED Would like ONE BIG ODTBIDB Sensational Attraction: also want Merry-Go-Bonnds, Shows, Standa, etc., for two big towna. Cattlemen's snd Farmen' Picnics, Great Bend, Sept. 22-23- 21; McPheraOB, Kansas, 27-28. . BIc esona. Write at once, COHDBA * WILSON. Oreot Bend, CLEVELANn, O. (Continued fMm page 11.) The close of the aesson at Luna, was featured by Bert Maiduira Musical Comedy and Vao- deviUe Show at the Plaza Theatre. The Flea CIrcna held over, as did many of tbe other attractions. Luna Park notes would not be complete wltboat a word of mention regarding the Great Stanleys, astrologers, palmists snd mind resdera who bsve been at tbe park all aummer. Not only is Prof. Stanley, profession- ally speaking, without a peer In hla line, but hla fund of remlttiacences covers a period of forty yean' acquaintance -with the great and near great. Loaa Park will he entirely remodeled for tbe season of 1911. The Invitation of the man- agement of Coney laland'a Luna'was accepted to visit New Tork, .and on the. Stb, a party eonalatlng of Jake Mints and Son, M. F. Bram- ley, James Walter, Mr. Sobel, Mr. and Mrs. Loehr, B. E. Hce, Ed. Miller and Phil Brock took a train for the metropolis and Dear Olil Coney Island, .where they will endeavor to.get some new features for next season. The vaudeville bill at Larry Boyd's Theatre. Forest City Park. .on Angast 2S. included Nel- lis Hall, Chas; Howlson and Tuscan Joe;i<>' Tns^ can Joe la the only; Meslesn Indian ainglnjr Eng-- ? Ush songs. In English on the American staged today and, by the way. Is a prince In Us native tribe. . Thomas J. Gray.- of New York, Is writing s new set for Ed.' Dnnkhurst, wblcb will he pro- duced In November. They tell a good one about Ed., the incident occurlng in Buffalo. Ed. Is so big he has to go through the ordinary doors ! side ways, and while playing in Buffalo, a fresh ' guy wanted . to run a race with the human freight car. The big fellow consented after "ten" had been pasted, the condition b>lng that he was to select the spot, was to have two feet atart and the race was to be 100 feet. This was readily agreed to and tbe principals, accompan- ied by the stake bolder, took a walk around the block. Foxy Ed, picks out an alley between two skyscrapers Just wide eno&igh to admit his royal self takes his two feet start .and bis oopo- nent b'-Ing unable to push him over and get by paya the price of hla freshness. Glenn Cnrtlss.: la, bis Hudson filer, went from Euclid Beach to Cedar Point on tbe 31st. Lew Dockstader'a minstrels. In full dress parade uni- form, played th-. Star Spangled Banner as be started on hts flight. Bosalind 1 ec and Co.. who have been rehears- ing Lena Blven In Cleveland, the past two weeks, open at Webber's Theatre, Chicago, the week of September 4. The Colonial Stock. Co. closed Its local season the week of the 22nd. Geo. Graham will be seen with Luln Olsser In musical comedy. Clif- ford Stork will be with William Gillette. W. H. Lyiel has not decided bis plans' definitely, but dame rumor has It that be will either head a musical comedy cast or a Western stock com- pany for <hc season of 1010-11. Miss Elizabeth Kinney will take a two months' vacation In the mountains, while Miss Adelaide Mathews rejoins the Sbubert forces In New York. Gara Marvolo. who was leading lady at the opening of the aeason. Is In the Shnbert. company at Albany. N. Y. Seldom has Cleveland beoime acqnalntnl with a company of artists whose departure they so much regretted from their midst as tbe Co- lonial Piayen of 1910. Martin GoUd has secured ,for his musical com- edy, Acton Wanted, the services ot Jack Mar- ray, the well-known singing and talking come- dian. Acton Wanted opened In Lorain, O.. on Sunday .the 2Stb, and was a big hit. Mr. Guild Is very well known in Bat circles. nenman Thompson dropped in Cleveland and saw the opening performance of the.■Ir) In the Taxi at the Oiiera Bonae. Mr. Thompson ex- pects to shortly present, a farewell ooerhig of The Old Homestead. ^„^„ .,1-. .DON HOLBBOOK. MieA. Soiitiiam State Fair WANTS AnRACTIOHS FREE AND PAID All .Coneesolasa stUI tat sale. Addieaa FEED FEUON, Secretary. Benton Harbor, Mich. CARNIVAL BINGO September 28-29 BIO KASaTTEBADE FEATURE. Whole city will be in fancy and masquerade' costume. EZCEIXENT OPFORTTTNITY FOR COBTUX- p»* WALES. Sec7.» Binshamton. V. T. PADDLE WHEELS Handsomest. • strengest, lightest -weight iSieel on the market. - Beantl folly painted In brigbi colon. Buna amootbly on . ball beartnga. 32 hi in diameter; numbered from 1 to 60l . Price; complete with pa ddlea. tlO. OASK KBBT Aa O OMFAMT O K P ER. OXKER WHKKMI . AS •M, and m • We- olso carry a complete line ol amusement and ganilnic devices, dub room rur qiture. csrds, dice and poker checks. Highest dass wairkmansblp: lowest pimslble pricea. SLACK KFO. CO., ISO Franklin Street, Chicago, foo Two-ooLOX jxexssaauam, ««jw mth « neat dealgn and • halM«B*cut bmnor lottk Samples for 2c atomp. OliAT'OENnB — — - - niio nil (GRAVING' CO., Clay Canter. Kohs. Thu is our 7S-cent Half-Tone, or a 3x4 for $1, cash' with order. KioxviUeEmraviiyiCo, ns bit Stnit, (MniU, lEK PHOTOS CABINETS, S2M • m Dnnn alttlnis, neiatlvea or pllJtuiss. JOBNSON.mWabash Ave. ,Chleage. Catalogue of Ptefestioiial * Amatenr Plays, Sketches.: Uonetonwa, Ulnstrel .Jokce.. -Bedtatlonsc^; Mike-n ~ I ■ HEWa'**'**. ''<*ejtatlonsc^ll!ake-im_Goi PETRIE and LEWIS TALKATIVE SONGSTERS IN VAUOEVIUE. "MrON'T I—YES." JOHN DILLON SINGING COMEDIAN on ■ SuIliTan and Considine Circuit BILL FLORENCE Statue Equilibrist Hone AddMM. CANTON, OHIO. HODinV Sensational Aerial Gymnoat a nd up -Side-Down Man. Dates wanted. Oelebrattans, ruio, Camlvala. Rlnk% Greater Ta^evme. etc. Addmi MM a Aduna St,, Paorio, viw»«i., HengnthBRK. AEReiMUTS HAVE SOME OPEN TiyEfor PARKS, FAIRS etc. For further iiK^ fonnatlon write LmII*. Mlehigan. BI6 SUGG^ 1110ID0|: Queens Theatre Two one act i^ays by a new American play Wright MISS KATE LYON American agent for Miiss Lyon's plays and sketches, Frances Younge, 146 W; 46th St.; New York City. -W LIBEBTY- A blK drawlnc card and talk « evarr town. Van Gofre and Cotrely World's imtsat evdUbrlats. haloaeen and Juc^ero. Addlcaa <ue BnJLMOAKD, Oaeinnati.. Ohio. $125.00 MAOE In onedarwltb my "nmsiazxTOKsm "K AOIO WASSe" •HZW glAB S WAM Pa" Invisible rawUnca In EBSUab German. Spanish, French and lUUan. Uluatiatsd eUeoloiB Sample ot new *0-paco book. Under Wblcb BliB WaSB Too Bom.** Weta., prepaid. Can be worked wttb my eat. fits or separate. S. BOWER. 117 HtrmuSMirnklit.[l. T. TheRecotd.oftbe^ ilMEIU-SCOPE And we can prove I It. An; one can ' operate It. Makes 6 finished button photuerapba a min- ute. Price of Cam- era-Scope, with supplies for mak- ing 300 pletnres (enough to psy for the complete oot- flt), — t2S.OO — Extra bnttonai. $1 per hundred: extra frames, tlM per gross. Be indepen- dent snd make, moner for yonr- self. Write Uhdar. W. & Xeantfwl. Hew Todt.,>.-T^.