The billboard (Sept 1910)

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58 Ttie Gill board SEPTEMSCR 10, f0ta. FAIRS (Conttdncd from page 33.) Sept. 14- nw TOBX Aftaft-'dUtpB Dririac Fark FUr. D. W. SmIj, Mcr. -AlUair—Orluoa Ooontr AsrL Soe. 17. Wm. 8. ftuk. HC7. Altamont—Albsoy Coimlj Asrleultiml Bodatr AacsUca—AUtsuir Oo. Jisri. Boc Sapt. U- -liL J. Clark PHlppaa; Mcj. ma-flUDbtn CO. iirl Soe. 8«pt. sr-SO. Ohai. JL.Bhnlta.accj. ': BatajU—Gcnoaa* COk A«il. Bo& Bapt. U-M. AIlMzt E. Brown, wej. - - BucHamton—BlnghamtOB rtlr. Sept. Sr-SOL H. 6. Martin, aacjr. Bnokllald—^Brookfleld Madlioa Co. Agrlenltoral Boeietr. Sept. lS-22. F. U. Spaonar, lacr- Bruekport—Hooroa Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 28- Oet. 1. Fred H. Shafer, aa9. OuDbiUse-^ambrldia Tallir VUr. Sept. 6->. ■Ilot B. Norton, aeer. OuaadaJciie---<tetazfo Co^ AsrL Soe. Sept. St- at, dalr In,: Mocfx, ae^^ OutoB—St. iMwitaem Oo. JkgA. Sodetr. Sept. ^U-IO. Geoqre A. Adama, aeer. Camlltoa—CarroUtoa Asd, Fair. Get. 4-7. Oattarana Bewrratlon—Iroqnola A«rL Society. Bapt 20-23. T. J. Jaffltnon, aaex.. Biant, Okatftamr—Oolnmbla Co. Agrl, Soe. Sepfc B-O. w. H. Hoaamaa. wej. Oobleaktll—Bebohatle Comity lUr. Sent. M-30. W. H. atddlnc, Becj".: Ooopentown—OOefo OoDnty Agrienltacal Soci- ety. Sept. aowaxd I. Klnr, aeey. Coba-^Cobk Fair, and 'Baetnc Aaaa. Sept. e ! ». ^ Oeo. H.'Swift.; Mcr,* ' A«rt.-aoe. Sept. m. K. Sept. Oct. 4* H. U Wlnaton-SaleDt—fledmont Fair. : Oct. S-S. Q. B. Webb, aeey. XOBZS OAXOTA ' Uinot—Ward Coonty Agrl. Fair n. A. V. Swanaon. aeey. Wabpeton—Bletaland Co. Fair 80. B. J. Hocbea, aeey. OHIO Akron—Sammlt Ctannty Fair. Erart,' aeey. Atliena—Athens County Asilcaltnral Society. Sept. 26-28. H. H. Haolns, aeey. ; Ittlca—Attica Union Fair Aasn. Sept. . 27-30. Will F. Uhle. aeey. Berea—Weat Cuyahoga Oo. Agrleoltaral Boel- •ty; Sept. 13-16. I,. M. Coe, leey. : Baeyma—Crawford County Fair. - Sept.' 8ept 2T- Aaan. Sept. 21- Oet 4-7. P. a. Sept. 13-lS. W. 8. Oct. 4-e. Oct. -I to i ll ea ra naOa* #alr Aaia, ~^IFoodHIC' secy. Jlgftrei*-Ohemnn» CSotmty Aaxlenltnral Boelely. .^Sapt. 18-23.^, S,^LattIn. aeey. T».il~»TirmT«nim' Co. Acrleoltnral Society Oct. ft-S. J. B: Uai^. oacy. ■ ^ nosoa—Fair. lUpt. a4-2«.:, A. T.. Wrtaht. aeear. Sreene—Blraialde AgrL Soe. -r Sept. H. J. B- Barteo. aeey. . ■.. _ _ ^ _ HambniK—Bda Comity At>I, Boe., Sept. 8-0. C. y. Dndley.' aeey. ■ BembKk—Hemlock Unloo Asrienltnral Society. Oct. 4-S. S. Parker HoppooKb. aeey. Joh uat unu Fnlten Co. ABTlcnltoral Assn. Sept. 20-22: WaUace Yost, aeey. Uttte Talley—Cattaragna. Cbnnty Agrlcnltnral Society. Sept: .12>1S. • J. H. Wnaon. aeey. ■ temy—Fair. Ang. BOJSeiit. 1.' : ■ ■ t^oaa—Wayna Oo.':ASd."Soe. Sept. 7-10. Wm. Balloway. a e cj. 'v jfelone—Franklla Oo. Afil. Soe. . Sept. 20-2S. Walter T. KaHos. aeey. - _ _ lUneolarTAgrlenltinal Society of Qneers a^ Naaaa Comitlea. .. Sept. 20-24. Lott Van do Water. Jr.. HeoipBteadi .H.^ T. _ UOiTls—UOrrto Fair ; Assa;' ^(Oet. 4-S. D. JV Naplea—N^iioT'^nloa :. Atilenltnral Sorlely. Sept. 14-lS. a U Xewla. aeey. Naaaan—AgtJ. it Uberal .Arts Soe. Benaa* . laar Co. Sept. IMS. r IMmer T.Tad. aeey.: Rewark—Newark Fair Aan.' Sept. 14-17. Cbaa. B.. .I<««»tt.' aeer."' Kew York City. Rlebmnna Boroash—Sieat In- te>boran(b Fklr. Sept. S-10.: A. C NaUa, 13-l«. Gny B. Smith, aeey. BmrtOB—Geauga Co. Fair. Ford, aeey. Oadia—Harrison CO. Fair. OsbnrD, secy.' Canal Dorer—Tnacawaraa Co. Agri.- Soe. 18-21.:'..J.. S. .Kama.'.aeey.. CaaaeId-?T4IalMnlng Co. Fair. Sept: 37-20. B. Ifc 'Blanelieatar, aeey. Ctnton—Starke' Oonaty Agrlenltaial . r Society. Sept. 27-30. Charles A. Pontloa; aeey. Cbagrta Falls—Cuyahoga Co: Fair. - Sept. <M. F. C.'Gates, secy. . . '. -Ctdnmbos—Ohio State Fair. Sept., 6-9. 'A. P. Bandies, secy.; J. W. Fleming, asst. aeey. Ooabocton—Coshocton Co. Agrlenltaial Boelety. Oct. 11-14. W. B. UUler, aeey. narton—^Montgomery County Fair.' Sept. 6-0. G. - K. Cetane, aeey. Bates—Preble Co. Fair. Sept. 12-18. . Barry D. surer, aeey. lindlay—0Vi««:k Co. Fair. sept. 14-17. B. T. StmedyL aeey. FtemoBt—nemont Fair. Sept. 20-23. C A. ."'"BodWDedOl,''aeey. . . . . Oeemtown—Oaorgetown AfiL Fair. . Oct 4-7. HamtltOB—Bntlrr Co. Agrlenltaral SoetalF- Oet. 4-7. C. A. Knmler, aeey. . Harrlaon—Falr.V Oct. 4-3. - . ~ i,- lameetown—Jamestown Fair. Sept. . 21-23. W- J. OalTlB, aeey. . .: , .« . Lancaster—Fairfield County Agrlenltaral Boel- ety. Oct. 12-16. "W. T. UeCleaa^aii,>'aeey^ t^ebanos^Warren Coonty. Agilealtnral .. Bodetr. Bept.%lS-]7. W. O. Gurtln, _mgr^ - - . Uabmid-^oIumUana Co. Agricultural Society. Sept. 13-16. B. F. Horn, aeey. . ^ _ Vansfield—Richland Agrlcaltural Society, Sept. 20-23. Cbaa. BrumBeW, aeey. ^ ^ , _ . UarletU—Washington Co. A. * H.. AMD.- S^U 20-23. U A. Belgler, aeey. » , llarlon—Marlon County Fair. JSept. ST-30. 3. A. Knapp, secy. Uaiyanila—Union Ooonty Fair. : Sept..:-18-18. W. F. Brodrick. aeey. UeOoonelSTllIe—Uorgan Co. Agrlenltnral - So- ciety. Sept. 20-22. T. B. McElblney, UontpeUer—WlUlama County Fair. Sept. IS- 17. Hobt.- Ogle, aeey. ■ ^ _ Ut^ Yemoo—Knos County Fair. Sept 13-16. Howard. O. Gates, secy. . _ ' . Jit. anead—MoiTOW ». Fair. Oet, 4-7, p, J, •Milierraeey. Napoleoii—Napoleon Fair Co. Sept. 6-d. U. Bleger, aeey. Newark—LleUng County Agricultural Society. Oct: 4-8. J. IC Farmer, eecy. _ RaW iXexiiistoa—New Peny Co. Fair. Sept. 21- 23.' . Jobn B. Montgomery, aeey. . - . Ottawa—Putnam Coonty Fair. Oct. 44.*-: A. P. Eoseburg—Southern Oregon District Agrlenltaral Society. Sept. 20-24. Frank B. Blcelll, secy. Salem—Oregon State Fair.- Sept. 12-17. Fraai Meredith, secy. Slleti—Uncoln County Fair. Sept. 6-0. :0. B. Vtosnu, secy. : fmasKL TAiiiA AUentowa—Lehigh County AgrL Soe. Sept. 20- 23. Harry Schall, eeey. Bedford—^Bedford Coonty AgrL Soe. Sept. 20- 23. J. Bay Cesant, aeey. Beliefonte—Center County AgrL ExhL Co. Oet. — . Ue Lana Stewart, secy. BenderaTlIle—Fruit Growers' Assn. . Dee. 14-16. Edwin S. Xysun, secy., Floradale, Pa; Bethlehem—Fenasylranla State Fair Assn. Sept. 6-8. H. A. Broman, secy. Bloomsbnrg—CMnmUa Co. AgrL Soe. Oct. 4-8. A. N. Yost, secy. BrookTlUe — Jedersoa Co. Agrl. and Driving Assn. Sept. 13-16: SylTCSter Ituman, secy. Burgettstown—Union Agrlenltaral Assn. . Sept.- 2S-20. D. B. Taylor, aacy. Oarltale—Cumberland CeoBty AtrL Asaa.: Sept. 8740. W. H. MeOna, aeey. Carmlebaela—Green Cft. Agrl. * Man. Soelety. Sept. 20-23. Geo. I,. Hathaway, secy. CkrroUtOD—Cambria Coonty AgTienltnral Aaso- elatloo. Sept. e-». J. V. Maueher. aeey Center Hall—Encamp.' sad Fair P. at H. Sept. 10-16. Leonard Bheae, secy. Cbester^hester Co. Afil. Aaoa. Sept. 8-8. Fted Da Bose. aeey. Cociy—Corry Fair ood DilTlag Park Aasa. Sepu 18-16. W. W. Uofarldge, aeey. Clarion—Clarion Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 20-23. 8. S. Laughlln, aeey. Dayton—Dayton Agrlenltaial and Mechanical Aa- aodatlon. Sept. 27-30. C: O. Cochran, aeey. DbBoIb —DnBolB Driving Aaan. Sept. 8-8. P. B. Grlcaemer, aeey. Fair * ■ 8apt.'1»-2S. .. . . . „ . Oleaa—Olean AgrLr Ind. Aasa. Sept.;20-23. .'Geo. M.::Mayer..secy. : - . Oneonta Oneonta Ualoa Agrl. Soelelj. .Sept. 18-22. Shirley U Huntington, secy. _ Oneida—Fair. Sept. 23-28. H. J. ToBmer. ■ aeey: OrangebnnE—^Bneklaad Conaty A. ft H. Sept. B-8. Blbert TUraaa, secy. Owvgo—Tioga Co. Ami. See. Seirt. 18-18. Jae. "r. Pembleton. aeey. Pnimyra—Palrnvra Union AgrL Soe. Sept. 22- 24. X, H. waltaa. aeey: Penn Yan-^atea OoimtT' ARlenltnral Soelety. Sept. 8-8: Toba B. Wktklaa. aeey. Ferry-^ny F-Ir. ; Sept:-; 19-21. D. B.. Aa- diua:*. aeey. JPIattab urg C llaten Co. Agrlenltnral B-8.. B. Clay MHaa. aaat. aeey. IVotadam—^Baqoette YaBey : ft St. Beda Yallcy Agil. See. Sapt. 6-0. W. H. Clark. .'Pangiikaepele—Dntehess Conaty Aarlenltaral So- ciety. Sept. Sr-SO. Wm. T. Ward. aecr. Bead Cocneis—Gorham AgrL - Soe. Oct. 84: Y. B, Pierce, aeey., Canandalgua, R. Y. Blehfleld-BleUIeld Springe AgA. Soe. ttvt. 26-28. A. B. Oilman, secy. . BlTeriMad-^-SulMk. COoaty. Agilenllnnl Society. Sept. 18^16. Haoy-Lee. aeey. Born e Oa e lda Oooaty Agrlenltnral Soelety. Sept. 6-8. F. 8. Baker, aeey, Sehohart^-Selioharte County Agrlenltnral Soci- ety. Sept. 10-22. Chaa. Br<>wat«. aeey. . Syracnae—New Y«k Stata Fair. Sept: 12-17, 8. O. BhawTi aeey. TmnpabnrK—8. S. A. Boelety. Sept. 6-8. B. H. Austin. Jr.. aeey. Vrmon—Axrteidtnral Soelety. Sept. 37-28. C G. Slmmooa. aeey. Walton—ndaware Valley AgrL See. . .S^t. ». S. H. Osterhnnt. eecy. Warrenaburg— Tb* Warren Co. Fair: Sept. 18- 16. Fred 3. Hays. aeey. ; WaterhMt—Rencea Connty Agrlenltaral -Soelety. - Sept. 27-2SU Bd. Rngent. ae^. W» leil" « a J OBersea Col Fslr. Sept. M. -B. Skeela. -aaer: W^iUm —Rfhirrler Co. AgrL Soe. Sept. 6-8. Arthur N. GoTtiy. secy. Wbltr Plains—Socs. of AarL ft Hort of West- ebester Co. - Sept. 13-17^ Daniel W. Maloney, VOBXS CABOXISA Oct. Batllngtoa—Alamance . Fair Aaaoelatton. 4-7. WeBilde Holt. Orahsm. R. C. g^nBttarins-^-Cnmberland Oooaty Agd. Asseel' atlea. Oct. 2^-38. . B.m.'^an.watr. ^ enbm —Alamaaee Coaaiy .BUi^ -. Oet. 4-7. He- ""^ CKOil.. Mr Aaaa. -Oet. :'Oet.:^i84il >nu t-IB:'>-SadaadJDaaM. KlBc-^titBkaa .OaL jiaUe ' .-B. :Kt«»r.:s«y. ■.-- ,. _ ITortli wnkasbero-^Wnkea Oa:..FaIr. Sept. ST- - '20. W. A- Bullla. aeey- ■ '• ; '« . Balelga—Norfb CaroUaa Statv' VklR OeL IT- 22. . Joa. B. FagM. aaey. - ■ ■ Saltafmrr—Bowan CbL-'Fato: - Oet: I8-3Z. ■M. Arrannlth. aecT. *., • - . _ WsynosTine—Haywood Cbt :Fair. Oet.,4-7. Hor- a<^ llTOtella. eecy..-.-T-.~.; _ ^ « ' » - -wnkMdioTa^wnkca COOaty-Fate.: Sep^ . 37-18, W. A. BOIUa. ocer. maty Agitealtoral ladd, aeey. lB-18. F. O. itelnrllle—SuIUraa Ooonty' Agilealtnral Soet •ty. Oet. 4-7. O. U. Molyneur. aeey. - - ■ Oet. 11-14. T. 8. Sept, t. Bapt. «oel*lr. Panldlng—Fanlding Co. Agilenltnral Sept.,84. W. B. Jaekaoa,.aecy. w^.-^ . • Pawtfl^r^Maware Co. Fair.. S«Vt-'X>-22, ^ B. _ Connty Fair.' ~ 8q>t: 18^16. ... Campbell; aecT-' ' Baw iott — H ancock Connty Board of Agrlenltan Sept .14-17.: B. V. Kennedy, secy. Boek ftirlngs Meigs Oo. Fair. Sept 14-16. J.: M. .I^maa, aeey., Pomeroy. O. St CUirsTille—^Belmont Co. Fair Aaan. - Sept 20-22. J. H. Taylor, aeey. Saleni—Canlleld Fair. Sept. 26-30. B. I,. Maa- . aeey., E. F. D. No. 4. Sandnaky—Brie Co. Agrlenltnral Society. Sept 18-16: F. H. Zerbe. aeey. Batabarnia—Noble. Connty Fair. Sept 14-16. Bnmer Jobnson. secy. Sernie^nllford Weetlleld Township Fatr. Sept 18-16. M. B. Frailer, aeey- _ ^ , Sldney-^elby County Fair.. Sept; U-M.: 7. B. Runsrlli secy. SmltUield—Jefferson Coonty Fair.; . Sept. 28-30. J. O. Hayne. aeey. • . _ _ SamawiBdd—Somoierlleld Olst Fair. Sept 27 28:^.; C. H.':DeWa'aecy.' lflln—Seaeear: Co. .'Agrlenltaral Soelety. Sept. 6-8. Moigaa B. 1"*- aeey.: , ^ ,- Toledo—Loeaa Connty Fair. Sept 12-17: L. B Clark.'asey. Troy—Miami Ooonty Fair, Sept 18-28. ..O. D. Karlltt,:'aeey Upper'Sandnaky-Wyandot County Agnenltoral ud Fair Society. Sept. 20-23. I: .T. long- :alMns]i. aeey.' Van Vert—Van Wert Co. Agricultural ; 8odeiy. 12-16.: B. v. . Walbom, secy. • WsShinKton—Guernsey County Fair. :8spt 27: 80. B. S. MeOesry, oeey.j_, , _ Wanseoa-^FuItrai County Agrlddtmal Society, Sept 20-28. B. P. AmML seejr.^^ . _ Wa-nedy-Pike Co. Fair.: Sept 14-16.: Charles - Vallety. secy. " . _ . West Ualoa—:Adams. coonty :IUr. ' Sept 13-16. ■ T. W. BBIson. secy.. ■ ■: , - . «» WInehestep-:-Wineiieater Fair' Aaan. Sept. 20 23. Dr. T. H. Itonte, asst. seey. Woos t er—Wayne Connty Agrleulfagal Soelety Sept 14-16. G. J. B. Wrlaht 8hre»a, p. BanesTlUe—MnSklngnm Co. Fslr. ;i:8ept: 18-16. ■■B.,Y.-White.-secy. OXLAKOXA Ardmore—Csrter Co. Fslr ..'Assn.Oet 11-18. l Oria Bedllrld. secy.! : ■; :_ BlaekweU—Inter-State Fair. Sept: 19-24. n»m McDonsId. - asat. aeey. BartlesrUle^Falr. - Xtot.. 10-16. Knrili'-;»«T-.' '^il-il.'' Chelsesr^^elsea Fair Aasa. Sept' 13-16. Leae, secy. El'Beno—Fslr; Sept 20-23. H. S. Butle, Oklahoma City—State Fair Aaan. of Oklahoma. Bc^t.';2T-Oet.. 8. I. S. Mahan, ae». Pasineip-^awnee Park ft Fair Aasa. SepI • Ftahk- HndsoB, seey. _ ^ By^i-^eSerson Co. ■ Farmers' Instltote. Sept 7-10.: H. Oreibey. aeey. Weat li er f ad ' C u ster Co. Fair 16. Geo. - RoRlB. seey. OBESOV MIsS : .^ mma B. Sept 13- r«nfll«itnn Bsstrm Oregon District Agrlealtoral Sodety. Sept 26-Oet 1.- Thao. ntqtcrald. PaetlaBd—Portlsad Uvs Stoelc Show. W, F, A. Weleh, secy. Sapt 6- Parfcior'* Tbe Only Sacceesfol Portable JuDpIac Horse Maeidae •■ the Mttint andr Ihe <ii«a(c8t MoBey llakir kilhe ABunwoeot Lbie Onemachliiii 001 mill 815,860.00 in 28-weeks in 190C One mafhineaamed 817,013.00 in 29 weeka in IWG. One machine oaened 816,692.00 in 29 weeka in 1906. One madiintfcamed 116,017.00 in 27 weeka in 1907. OnemacUnfrcamed 812.862.00 in 27 weeks in 1908. One maeliineeunBd 816,842.00 in 2& waelcs in liSOS, Above figures will be verified to pros- pective castomers. Write for catalog and prices. ^ w. PARKER, AUIsie, Kll. aroensburg—Westmoreland AgrL Soe. M. P. Sboemaker. aeey. Hanorer—HanoTsr Agricnltixral Society. ao-38. I, B. Miller,-aeey. HoiUdvabaig—Grange Fair Aaaa. Sept 8T-80. H. 8. Weita, aeey., DoneansriUa, Pa. Hoacadalc—Wayne County AgrL Sac Oct. a 6. BmeraoB W. Gammeil, aeey. ' BnghaariUe^Mnncy Valley Farmera' Clok.. Oct. 11-14. Bdward N. Fronts, aeey. Imperial—^Allegheny Co. AgiL Assn. Sept 20 S3. Cbaa. JBL Stereoson, aeey., CoraepoUs. Pa. ' Jaimatown—Iiona Park Fair Aaan. Sept 18-18. "' Jokn HlnkeL a eey* • Cotstowa—KoUtowa -Fair Aaaa. Oct 4-T. C. 3. Bhode, aeey. baaeaster—Lancaster Ooonty Agrlenltaral Fair Aaan. Sept. 27-30. I. C. Arnold, aeey. Lthlghtoa Carbon Coonty AgrL Sec Sept. 37r3a. I. Albert Darling, aeey. tewlSbnrg—Union Count? Agileidtaral Soelety. Sept 37-30. O, I>:ile Wolf, eeey. Llg<«Ier—Ligo^Ier Valley 'Fair. Oct 8-6. A. t. Uuslck, secy. WsdlsonTlIIe—^Xdckswanna Orange Fair Aasa .Sept 20-24. Lionel Wlnshlp, secy. VansOcId—Smyth* Park Assn. Sept 20-28. B Ot Soogtiotbnm. secy. Ktyeisdsle—Fair. Sept. 37-80. D. J. FIke, ssey. : ilddletown—Mlddletown Fair Asaa. Sept IS- 16. B. HoIIla CniL secy. MlltoB—Milton Fair and Nortbomhedaod AgiL Aaaa. .SqbI^ ao-38. . Wm. a. MnrdaA aeey. uutiuea Bi||MB»tianna Co. AgrL - Soe. 8^ 13-16: Beebe, .seey.. _ , ^ _ iWMt Ke pU l I Mr. titpt 37-80. goto T. WuS&H^i^ctliamptaa Coonty Agrleoltnral So elaty.. - Sept-13-16. J. :K. Belnhelmer, aeey. Sew Freedom—Farmera' Imprerement Assn. Sept 2B-0et 1. W. H. lYeed, aeey. Scwport-PeriT Co. AgrL Soe. Sept 20-SS. I. C F. Stereos, seey. _ _^ _. _ Oxford—Oxford Agrl. Aaan. Sept 20-23. Tkoa. F. Grler. aeey. _ .. Perkssle-^Bncks Co. AgrL Soe. Sept 14-17. I. Y. 'Bsirlnger, seey. _ „ „ PbUaddphla—Philadelphia Bort See. Ror, 8 11. D. Bust, seey, . . . _ . Port Boyal—Julnato County Agricultural Soel ety. Sept 13-16. James. R. Gronlnger, seey. Pnlaskl—Pnlsskl Fair Aaan. Sept 13-16. Jaa. 6. Wood, secy., Yoongstown, 0. ^„ _ Beading—Great Beading Fair. Sept 27-80. H. Seldel Throm. aeey. ._. . ■ „ . .« fmethptH-t—McKean Co. Fair Aaan. Sept 64. Gay McCoy, aeey. . , _ »» ,««.' Stoneaboro—Mercer Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept 19-22 Chas. B.- Hinea. aeey. . Towanda—Bradford Coonty Agrlenltnral Society Sept 27-30.. S. Bergen Park, eecy. Thv—JItoy Agrieoltual Society. Sept 13-16. H- O. carpenter, eeey. . Tnnkhannoek—Wyoming Oo. Fair Aaaa. Sapt 20-23. TbOB. M._panB, aeey. ■ . . Weat Alexander—Weat Alexander Agricnltarsl Aaan. Sept 20-22. John M. Gtbeon. aeey. West Chester-Tester Connty Agrlenltursl As- aodatioD. Sept S-S, Fiad Dn Boee Beid. secy. '':''■■ ■.'■'': Westfleld-^Cewanaqae Valley AgrL Soe. Sept 18-16. I. W. Smith, eeey. . _ Wyalua!ng-7-WyalnaIng Fair Aaan. Sept 6-8. O. Yo*-^?anmd'Old York Fair. Oet 8-T. Jae. H. Batter, aeey.. Yoangwood—^Westmoreland Agrlenltnral Society. Sept 6-9. . W. H. Holtser, aeey. TheLaisest ^ Sensatbnal Act in AeWwU. Beat dear yad sIsaB - •• attraeUaa. Vet and auatkrllW laat idchtleaitiira Tbriinva «leetriflaK QrawaiAa llBlah •laidtag feats tliat Fatpaiticakn e( An. bpscaSt tBMStl Ixeak* nNinoiH UONEtUeASE p«. THE ORCUNG WAVE For the enuOI amooat of eapltal feealted. la tbe moat pniBtkble laTestmenl. Tba eateUeat and moat popular amuaement rldtag deriee la nee,' Badly and qnlckly aet np aad takea dowa, laexpenslTs to operate aad to traaspoct tcsB' ilaee to pUce. Operated by gaaOUna eaglas. Ikatt 80 peeple. Music by eyllnder plaae er otgaa. Row U the time to plaes your otOat. Catalogne. price and tes thnonl a l a on appUe a t l aa, ARMITAGE & GUINN, BHODX - IBLAim Kln^toB—WsshlngtOB Oo. AgrL Fair. Sept 13- Pertamooth—Newport > Oooaty AgrL Fair. Sept. ..20-28.'' .■ . ■ - 80UXR OABOUVft Abberllle—Abberine Co.' Fair. Oet 19. Joe liOyaL aeey. Alkeik—Annnal Aiken Fair. Oct 81-Rot, Walter B. Donean. aeey. AndersoB—Andeisim Conav Fair. Oct. 6-7 or .12-14. B. Bonif, aeey, Bateabnrg—Vri.Ooaaty Fair. Oet 17-22. W: J, McOarnia. eeey. CkdnmUa—South Atlantle Oorn BzhlbltlOB. Dee. S-S. A. D. Bndaea, ptae.. Newberry. S. O. CtfiTM*—State of Soatb Carolina. Oct - 81. Not. 4. D. F. Bflzd^;,aecy< . Lexington—Lexington Ooonty Fair. Oet 36-28. CT*. Eflrd. aeey. - . Walteiboto-Oolletoii Oo. tWr. Hot. 8-11. W: Bmoak. - aeey. Wlaasboro—FilrBeld Coaaty Fhlr. Oet 28-27. C. J. Flank Fosbse, eeey. soon BAKOXA. Alexandria—^Hanson Co. Fair. Sept. 20-23. 0, K. Stsblein, secy, •_ _ . _ . „ Bella Fourcbe—Bntte Co. Fair. . : Sept 23-34. B. Stater, seey.:.. mUmnuMi erie county, men vmk. STREETMEN W aris headqaartuB tor «U th* lataat BovAItleB; Send for our catalocu* on CoBfettl, Canes, K n 1 v • s, Carnival OooOb, Bnbbar Balla, Rubber and Oaa Balloona. Canes Wa ar* exdiiBlva acents tor dnetaiaatt and vlclnltsr tor I. Xiaenatabi * ;Oo. Prlete In Ctnelnnatl same aig In Kew York. TK MLKMmi TIYIMPWnm. CI.. m E. Foutb street. CliKdnnatk Oblo. It la a fast that the BIG EU WHEEL la one of the abae- Intoly reliable, or- ery day money get- ters among ridbf 4a- Tiesa, Improved down to data. One of ear eoatomors .baa Jaat wrIttsB OS, Juaa 31, that followlog are aome of hie dally t^ eelpta on a No. 13 wheel, adding .that a day imdar $100 be don't oonnti 8168, 116878113, 8110. 8123.16, 8233.60, 8168.: 8804, fuo, •18».' 83S4.80 8170. These are. Ud we liaTe_pMof, rr: Bi IBRD FOB .. . . . ._ 148-B. Boodbonae, lU., O, -. Onr'CatalM talla.Jt alL BU BBIDOB OlSir~ 8.' 5llPANY.Be>