The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. THE B I L LB O A R D SEPTEMBER 10, 1010. GET WISE m THIS NEW CHICAGO CUBE GAME! OO.oo FOR A dime: .'TO ANYONE NAHINO A COLOR AND THROWING 5'OF THEU THE ^ Cent GAME: - 25 . THROWS WITH S^CUBES FOR. 2S CENTS PUAYER SELECTS COLOR BEFORE THROWING CUBES REWHRD S )U9nntitCl|inifiHtlnift Uflomkif Qginifjnilniltuitai 11 . - ■ $2JOworth;<itQga«tfyoutfaroy33ta'over . WHEN THREE CUBES ARE ^SED: MOvrMmABB. wuam^tmvaBmimoBmtMMxnrjkMEBAmoowtr. THE ABOVC CUTS^RCPRCSCNT GAME AND LAYOUT. THIS IS THE ONLY THING EVER PERFECTED THAT ACTUALLY TAKES the PLACE of DICE GAMESand SLOT MACHINES ALSO THIS IS THE ONLY GAME EVER INVENTED AND OPERATED THAT PAYS $100.00 FOR A DIME It will increase the sales and popularity of every saloon, .eigar store and otiier "live*', stands more than 50 per cent. DESCRIPXION: The CUBE <G>aine consists of one Mahogany Stand with a Base 10 inches in cireumfemce. vrith a 4^ inch cylinder, 7 inches high.' In this cylinder is placed Slantiiijg Shelves, causinfr the cubes when thrown into it to be thoroughly tumbled about. : No manipulatioii of anyldnd being posdble^ ' IMce^^ Shaped Bowl, or BasBi where they ate eaabr Been . and e^y Picked up r^idy tor the nract throw. This apparatus is lined throughout with Billiard Cloth, making it noiseless.- 'With this outfit is fiye fi-8 white celluloid cubes, each cube baa S colors. Red. Black. Green. Yellow, Biae and Dove color. .This tfame can be rnn in Innumerable ways, one of the most popular bein^ 29 throws for 2S cts»^ Player:selects;hls COLOR; and If he succeeds In throwln^l 86 of color named In Z3 throws,.be iSeis SLOO in.tradet'.if he throws only 11 or leas, he tfets $1.00 in trade: if he throws 33 or over. be tfets $2.00 in trade. This Brin^ Bnsinessmrhere all else falls and holds yonc.cnatomers weltasvaffordlnif lnna> cent anansemeait to all. 'This -tfame can -also be' ran. «»ldil3 i»f 'tli».Giibes, player placlnif"his wager.on his favorite color and tbe hoase pnyintf.h'fm'ln trade if his colprshbws^ ..'Can also-be .ran'with only ONE CUBE, player aelectlntf bis color and bonse p'a^n£ tbe Incky, one .times the'amonot of'hfs'wa||e'r, &c. . The ^reakon we claim every store.-ahoald have one of them, is.this.t- It iscsomethinil ENTIRELY NEW, It is also a deddedNovelty and if Is the only Device ever Invented tha| Protects the HOUSE AGAINST SHARKS. > / . ;P. S.—Many people use this3owl and Stand irith thor Dice instead of al lKee Box as the action is faster and it affordis perfect Protection to the Houaei BOWL AND STAND ALON^. SsisO. ' ■ —maniTMRPtf. tpo H. C. EVANS & COMFAMY, 102^104 Van Buren Street. - CHICAGO : we HAVE A FULk LINE OF CLUB ROOM FURNITURE ON HAND ALWAYS. WritSst one* tor our NEW CATALOGUE. It ahowa avarythlno tiiat la novel and boat In-Olea. Cards and^ all kinds of gamea. -. ■ . 7 6ur"ZIG ZAG" islust out. "THE BALL8PINOLE'* Usnotlisr thst will ast a play any ~ whe'ro. ' ASK US ABOUT'EM. FILMS FOR RENT ! EVERY Independent American; and &reign Headline Fifan . forV Rent^ ait^ HBasonabie Rates. WUR NEWEST SYSTEM JSERVICE in- vyes many advantages over the old meth- ods. RUSH ORDIskS are' placed' in' office WITHIN TEN MINUTES after we receive them, OUR SUPPLY DEPARTMENT can't be beat. . We con-i stantly carry a laige stock of all- stsmcUird made'moving picture machines, also supplies of every description. ';' SEND FOR FILM LIST. — ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 77.70 Clark Sfc^/ CHICAGO. ILL. "^. ISS Canal St , GRAND RAPIDS. HICHw THE IMITATORS SAY THe •s is jtist as.gooA'o^' CANNON CAMERA Bat tbe wise man xrOI bay of tte oiiglua pboto bnttoa kooMi He will tlien saTe time and mancTi beemw- be will' get * ouncra tbat will not get ont of order and mm tbat tun* odf good. tniB-ta-Ilfe ple- ture*. Xon don't need cany expertenw to b<wme ,a llnt^laas .opaistor. Ton can learn tbe bnslnen In- iboat 80 minntn. ' START rOUR OWITTOSINESS OM A S2S.0O INVKTMCNT Th is pa ya for a complete ontit eoiudatlna <A WOKBEB OUnfOH CAK£BA, tripod, and eaoogti •applies to make 400 BnUhi4 ^to bnt tons. ^ti» bntton pUtes. 41.00 per hnndmL OUt frames, «L38 per res. _aend «S.0O deposit and we wlU (Up oomplets ottUit—biUnee O. D..-Street comers, fain, picnics. eamlTals, in fafct.-ere r ywhe r e pei^gather ate cold Ajnes for tbe man witb tbe WO^^ f ^OlICAGO FERROTYPE CO.,DepLl20,CbicacOyIlb. s Cameragraph No. 6 Pleases the Public, the Owner ani the Operator. "Since we installed your No. 6 machine the other houses in this city are buying the same model to compete with our pictures, which have gained favor with both the Ipiess and. public, as newspaper write-ups are numerous in regard to our splendid flicketless ,pictures.''; (Signed) CHAS. EG.\N, Operator, i J (Dated) August 19, 1910, . : - > Unique Theft tre; Grabd Forks, N. p. Be a leader. Don't wait'for your oom- petitor t6, set the ■ Writa lodiy.for etiilegus ."0'.'Tr-jHt oul... NIGHOLIS POWER GO., 115 Nassau St., HEW YORK. CANES and PENNANTS FRpM FACTORY TO kBTAILER We manufacture the most extensive line in the eountiy. If you wish to enjoj a semation of lootning big pmiit. get m touch with us and our low prit-ei>. X>o,it now, beforrypu get mired m t he nit of poor stuff and poor seUen bf other makers. :Catui<tg free. Samples subnutted. Quick act wn^ COSMO MFC. e0il11r312 If. >lliGli|aittritt CHCAGO. tU