The billboard (Sept 1910)

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. XlieBlllboard 15 HEARD IN AD VANCE Trail Blazer Writes of Experiences Encountered on tiie Road—Weekly Contributions Hereafter to Deal Particularly with Theatrical Persons By TOM NORTH. loag the nu7 ifeatiim or Geatir Broth- hig ■ muaeiiin annA and ethnological de- ptrtmeot, nnder the munKemtnt of A. Wln- dieker, are to be found the BectanEoremni. ot aoatllko, a peculiar animal fonnd in the re- mote faatneaiiea of the Andea moontalna In Sooth America; the BoTolapna, or halt Hon and half horse: ProfegBor AlloDla and his exhi- bition ot wirelera telegraphy, during which he controls In space a miniature aeroplane carry- ing a monkey aa a paaaenger. The aeroplan* li launched in a manner'■Imllar to the larger machine, but power and dlieetlon la gUen It S' the Frofesaoro and hla wireless operator on e stage, mi aet prorei an aetire drawing card for the annex, and was Importsd dlnet from Europe by Mr. Windeeker. In the mnsenm department, l{r. Wlndeckcr haa the greatest eOlleetlon of freaks OTer ex- hibited. Among them the Thibetan Twins, from the holy city of I'Hassa, more wonderful than the Siamese Twins, because the ligature of llMta which loins them Is similar to India nh- her, and when on exblblUoa ttiey stretch this skin exactly six feet, eight, and one-half indies; Longlno, : the Italian giant, nine feet; tmir indiet tall, and weighing 406; poonds: Ma- tte Vatett. the (Btteat lady we have any record of, who welgha VTS pounds; George Blue, the llTlng skeleton, six feet tall and weighing 81 pounds; Prince Oskasuma and his band of Znlu warriors and Igorrottes; alx black plgmiea from Abyssinia; Koomra Soaml and his com- pany of Hindoo conjurers; Louise Dupre. the tan thoniand doUar besnty: Louis Seeiy. tfii strongest man aince Sandow. who actually teeaks a xallroad tie oyer nls knee, using only Ua hand!; - Madam Seengali, the only genuine telepathic manrel, who astonishes Tlsitors by calling them by name before, they utter a word; Prince Tbndokora, the cannibal who owea' hia appcaraaee beAin the BnUIe.ta the lugeniogs showmanahip of Mr. wlndecker, Hla nlatory reads like a fairy tale, and one would be dis- inclined to believe It It It were not Touched for .by public recorda. It la as follows: A man ef war, while cralsing la Hie Paelfle ocean was driven tar to the eouthward by a terrlflc atoAn. and conalderably out of Ita eoaise. 'After the storm had subsided.: an island: Bppeaied on the horlnm.whleh waa net'down oo flie navigatloii charta, so an: exploring party waa arranged, and after an onoTentfuI trip, reached the shore, planted the Stan and Stripes, claiming the la- . land for flie United States. It was then and there called. DnalsUablnnac, which la the baer- ward apelBag of cannibal laland, and was ap- plied as CTidrnees of auinlbal Inhaldtants were emrwhere aivaicnt. . On pcocMdliig to th* btnioi; there . came to the gaae of: . er« a trange and ghastly sight. Sealed around a huge boaflte was a band ot hideous ereaturee, chanting what aounded Ilka a death song. Sna- pcnded orer the Ore were two creatures, erl- dntly being roested to death to form a repast for their more fortunate but ghoul-like bieth- rea. Among the exploren waa one who knew the tongue and enatoms of eannlbala^ and he at em lAsfncd that there bad been a nvota- Usa; Q>at the royal family had been otbt- thnma aad the two male members, father and SOI, klng^and prince, were paaslng Into another woHd. a IMng SBcrlllce to Ignorance and heath- ealsm. Carefully preparing their guns, the ex- aad charged the bmtlsh denis. who ded In dismay. leavlDg their' Tle- tlsu haaglBg over'the are. Ther were at mea^cat dosrn. and upon examlnaUaa, It was noBd that the old man was dead, but the .yeuEger. the Prince atondofcoro, was tin liv- ing, whough apparently shriveled . to whst wu-evidently one-fourth ot hhi tanner self. B* was. taken to the bUd. where: nader the BargMo'a care he managed. to regain hla Malth, hut never Us former alae as hia hor- rible experience left hira nothing but akin and ■ones. He waa bronght to tUa country and placed la the Smithaonlan Instltnte. where be lemalned^a long time, nn^r the olhervatlon ef: cthaologieal experts, nrongh the lafln- cace of the president, Mr. Wlndecker wss sble to secure Urn tor the Gentry Brothers' mnsenm, aad. fufflee It to say, he Is without doubt, the aipst ualgne side show attraetloa In the world. At considerable cost, Mr. -Wlndecker had con- nmeted a.speelal tent tar the mnsenm. made bom camera haJr. It Is the only oae of Its kind In this conntrr, and la light, waterproof, and of enduring atreagth. Deslgaed of beautiful orientalism and interwoven thmoghont same, mm a pecnliar kind of waterproof allk of va- "nted, c(>lars.. The entire side show Is lighted with electricity snd cooled by a modem aya- tern of electric fans;' The business'haa been remarkable. _^One of the biggest surprises, not only to the Snprietscs. but to everybody In the white top *»ld, was thv marrelonsiy saecesstnl eight jwka* ran of Gentry Brothers* Ohrens In dhl- "so. The shows located en a different lot »!fP «how«d too WHIUms* p»»- Kct kaowledge of the dty. aad hla two eon- VA.'*'^ Hr. Cooper and Mr. Weaver. AT'er the drat performance In- ChlcagOi Snper- tatendenl ^of Potirs Stewart Issued a geaerat order to his lieutenants, stating In the same that the beati pMIee proteetiott^Blionld he giveh the Gentry Olrens duHng their stay In Chicago. That thsishows were clean, void of any graft, Ha * ■P^*I hsaellt aad nrlde to the ladies asit chUben eensed this order to be Issaed by ^■>e*'*<>t«Ba*nt On* of the peenltar tea- turra ot the engagemkat was the oaly fair at- tesdanee; at the afternoon ahewa. At night, howeTcr, the big drens was compelled to rloee •Pf. front entrances at aever'later thaa eight •clock, abaolntely capacity being the rale- Real '*» "'"'•a to? that the elTcus exhibited upon were, load la their praise at the rieanllaesa la whleh the «hovrs left the lots af- tf^;"** *'V**"»*"ts. aad there Is net s lot 1^" ^* iSown.« iy the Qeatry Shows this Mimmer la the elty of Obletge, bnt what they ^I'l be -welcomed on with extonded arms next »'nnmar unless bunt nribn In the meantime. i"n WniliDs. ths general agent. i*aa mighty 'unfldent la the early part of the arasoa that >;;■ could take his shows to Chicago, and stay •<> weeks at a ptoflt. bnt sight wcaks weat far beyond his dreams, sad the congratulation he baa been receiving fkom the men of tba*clrcas world are Jnst and dn« I -wlah to extaod niT'>faeartIeat thanks to the lads sad lassies of the Chlesgo papers for their generoeity to me daring my recent stay in that city with the Gentry Circna. Tbne la a mighty One lot of folka around the Chicago sheets that an 'agent comes in contact with, and 1 can not think of worda of praise strong rnongh to express my sincere tfaanka to tliem. There's HoUle Morris, on the News; "Dick" Uttle, on the Tribune; Will Beed Dnnroy. on the Record-Herald; Herb Webb, on the Exam- iner; A. Handler and Jack Utt, on the Amer- ican; O.L. Hall, on the Joomal: Mrsara. Jonea, Clark .aad Del<amater. on the Inter- Ocean: Frank Bock, on the Sunday Telegram: to all of yoo, many, many thanks. BURLE SQUE NEWS Eastern and Western Wheel News Assembled Ex- clusively for Publication in The Billboard— ' Personal Brevities of Stage People By SYDNEY WIRE. The Big Review (western wheel) Is the best westom wheel show I have seen tlila season snd, wlth^the change of cast, la perhaps better thaa last; •year, ^ n Heath appears to grow more beantltal and m«e . talented each season, and she certainly deserves the ciedit of .being perhaps the hsrdest worker on: the burlesqus stage. She la on the stags nearly all the time, and leads. a half a dosen nnmbeis, not to meatton the aeveral clever specialties with the Tersatile. Hairy. Le Van. H. P. Dizcn haa made bnt few changes In hla show - this seaaon. bnt It Is, nevertlieleaa, aa good. If not better than ev;r. The wardrobe la nearly all the aame, hut It looks good sod clean. The principals, an of tbem good, are Harry 'Le Tan, ;BnascU Simpson,, who la' a.typlcal rube i sherUC; George r. Howard, Charles Saxoo; Harry Loratae sad Mike Uonhy.- who does s bit In aa' aitlstle maaacr. The ladles Inetade ' TrsnUe Heath. Wm Men lAvender,- May WUey. and norrle HARRY WINTERS. Manager Empire Theatre, (Eastern Wheel), Toledo, Ohio, Vlrgle Boydea.' The «IIo InOlndes Camphdl and Weber. In their erer-weleome skit, in which ther Introduce aoms very clever and graceful tab- leaux vlvant^ which are far better than thoae of pravloua seaaons. Bennett and Base, in the Italian and the Toot, were alao good, white the UUIaTd Brotheia made their nsaal hit with tbatr comedy trick cycle act. In which they were as- sisted by their elever canine partner. Tiny. The ehcena with the ahow la well selected and the namhers, with a rehearsal or two^ win-be all that can be wished for. Tin favorite nnm- beis are Kaddle, Kaddle, Moonbeam Soe. I'm WIsa to Tod. and the finale of the first part. whUe, dnrlng the burleaqne, aeveral pretty nnat- Introduced. The favorites were ylitrie Boyden and the Tankee Doodle Qnartetta In Tbe Red, Bed B«se ot Spain; Rose lydell la Tte Borlesqas Qneen: Bos* SydeU.and Johania Weber In Please'Don't Get So Gey. aad I-ohnato Weber In The Man With the Speu. • ♦ The cool weather la causing a Jnmpi la ths hnrleaqne box-office barometer, and reporta «C big bualnesa are coming from all over the conn- There Is a youngster In (Hilrago that yoo want to keep your eyes on. Ndme la Ralph Kettering. Haa a large proiwsltloo up hia sleeve tliat he -will lannrh next season. It comes to me at this time that Ralph had aomething to do with a company called Are Yoo a Mason* will not that against him. Re thought he was right aad that Is the reason he went ahead. I «>a*t mean ahead— I mean behind. James Jay Brady, with his happy snlle and eqaaled-by-no-man wavw. la bonnd to meet with the greatest sumss ImaglnaMe in hla new pssitloa as manager of the CMnnial Theatre. Chicago. I think a whole tot .of lay. and I- am not alone. In thinking a whole lot of Jilm. Good lock, good health, I wish yon. ♦ Fnr Jim Browa'a sake, I hope the Globe in Chicago makea a million a month. If any man- ager has ever worked hard to make a house a go. Brown he* certainly done It for the Olribe. It looked mighty'entmiraging when the house opened with Hie Ronary last Snaday. : Preaa Agent McClnne, of ..Rlrervlew Bxpoal- tloo. Chicago, la to be congratnlated over hla sncceaa with the Boy Scont tdr* that he pot on dnrlng the engagement »f the Iffl Ranrh at the Bxpo. recently. Thanks for the many eoor- teslea 'extonded. .■■,--..;■: •,. ■■■>■■■..■,. - Johnnie Benein Is agala treasurer at the Globe, Chicago, aad George Tavler la back on the job as advertlslag ageat. Oh'' ^n-Deaverl Harry Greenway has ctflsed with The Brok- en Idol Company, after a week's raa. Brooks. The Impersonations la the review proper were all clever, and a word Is due to lUss Brooks for a elever piece of work as Madame Tetraainl, In which she slunred her msrked shinty as a singer of voice, range and trklnhig. The gambling acene from the Girl of the Golden West was a hit, and the bona* -was as allent as a chnreh all through the piece. It showed ths demand tor bits of mdodrama ot this variety, and managers will do well to give this snhject more than a passing look. Mora .Bafas - and Jack Morworth. bit hr Ftankte Etaath sad BaztF Le Van waa another hit, as was the work ot Charlea Saxoa as ■ George ' Lashwood. and May Wiley as Mande Baynraad. There is a littla pony in the chorus who is siso worth a mention, tor her work in every number is dlatlnctly no- ticeable. > She Is unmistakably an English girl, as her dancing and the manner of dressing her hair betray. .Ber name is on the program aa MeUte Woods, and-'..ahe la about : the haidaat working and moat graceful ehoros 'glii I>']iava aver seea.'. • Rose SydeU's t«ndon Belles la a bnrlesiine show of the good old school and haa many com- mendable features. The scenery sad < wardrobe are dean and bright and the action Is faat and full of good comedy. The (amona buHeaque qneen Is taking things easy uils seasso, aad does not make her appearance until late In the faor- leeqne. She Is the aame Boae. and la as big -a favorite aa ever. Her gowns aro'costly and ap- propriate aad she possesses the same easy, happy style of grace. Johnnie Weber Is as fanny aa ever and le w«Il aapported by Bob HlUard, Dave Rose, Leo Bennett. Bill Mallard. W. S. Campbell, B. L. Fletcher and C L. Welsh. The women prlo- dpala are all clever and ate Carrie SUver. lo- istta raiwa, Kimta Parker, Snala llshst aad western wheel is mooopollsing a big shsra of ; the Pennsylvania one-nlgbt standsT The "turkey" ahowa are being hard hit for time la that section anu. are being forced to seek fresh paataics In other regions. A giMt deal more attention Is being alvsa to Epar this season snd many of thsabows are raldsd br some JUghly artistic pictorial work, . Mar Spiegel's Couege Glrhi (eaatem wheel> hu got aome especially fine paper which is both srtlstle and avroprlate and a-credit to the ^leel. It Is to he hoped that more maaageis uil JfA '"■?.?If »»t "J the progissstTs Max, and .that a Uttle more money will he ''S^^i !£? matter of pictorial stands tor both .-wheels. Thais ara men agenta ahead, of tha shows thla season than usual, snd a good many of the ahowa are atarttng to xetnn to pictures for window hilling. There are stlU a nnmher of eaatem abows which are doing witltoat -an agent,^ although the percentage la Teaa than the past few seasons. It is probshle that mZ of. the shnws which are dlnnnalng -wltb ths sdvanee man will change the poller the seaaon Is much older, and It la endent that It '"'-'^teat tepresoiutlves are aent ahead tha Ita wIU be benefldal to the a^MUou? ^ ♦ ■ " ttoster of Sam T. Jaek>a Show ahowa ths names of many-old friends. Arthor Pawlbig is nan- agios the attraetlon. with John BTBobtaaaa ahead of the show. George Totten Smith -will represent the show In »ew Tork, so that all three owaos will he actively intereated. U- ward B. Slafer U the leader.: aad AL Blum and Lonls Beelec make up the working staB. The company inelndes Abe Beynolds. JaiS Oana- way. Dow and Dow, Alto Fhilllpa. Oeona Betts. D<ni Carlos, Nonle Reynolds OkiaTase! Betti3. Febf Ad]er,.Flo Maaters, Maytatedt Bstella Btroor. MBdied MUes. TMdy Shaauna! Sadie Beeter._parrte Abdallah. XUea (asHaoT Marie Meaoo. Daisy BaymoadTBeasle Mariml Irene Pmett,* I^Oa^^^l^ii^ri^BSSl Cotbmt Cody . Lehr. Anna KuUiA, Myrtle Shcp^ pard, Emma Alexander andlCudlle Stover,:^ The raster of the Boae Sydell Show Is aa (al- lows: w. S. Campbell, .owner and manacer: Jack SydeU, advance m^rSmUtlveTjobimS atage manager: ChaiUe Brown, carpenter: Arthii CampbeU. electrician, and Piofessw Milier. mn- ' meal director. The company indndes - Boae Sydell, Susie Usher. Vl^a B^^ c£X SUver, Loretta Pawn. Uonta PufcerT Joi^ Weber, Bennett aad Base. Bob and BlU MiUatd. Lewie CampbeU. K. U FlestmTaoL w!S ?F^5 »^'* O'Brien. Tha choiu clndes Margie Martin. BlUla Oars. May^l^ S^.. Km ,Bin0|am. Kay Bhienlf ^r«>& Fhrtiidgc. Hden BvsrettrnnnM Bmos. X^u ^?'^a^se-&'^^^r?£s Dixon's Big Review roster inelndes H. jr. uixoo, owner and manager; Harry Boae. hoe- ^"■■..manager; Charles Saxon, stage manager: 225*'= *H'S*''f«*'' "tags carpenter: Mlidnd SSTr ^JSf^.PHJ'^L »*■»*»•• Heath, leading ffSST* SSi.n^'S^ Le Van. ChaxlM Saxon, BaascU-Simpson, George ». Howard. Haiiy Leaatam and M. Mnphy* 'Tbs menAna JHT tfia diflnw are Mellle «i«te. BUuTlS^ •I^SJ*^' '^''S* *'««y' Dfil<riBmaiett.%S: . ^L?™€^?^ 5?de Smith. Daisy Court. Mildred Bos*. Wch, Gertie Alter, Loretta GB- S**',,*^'*" Emerett, Josephine Ropier. Nan ~!lSi^.®^S** **™>*tt, Bthd Norria. Ada Seett and TUlle Simpson. . .. (Contlnned'on psge 57.) HARR Y WIN TERS. ... On this' page appears a photo of one of To- ledo's young managers, Harry Winters. He haa charge of the Empire Theatre, the bnriesque hoose ot the Bsstem IVheel. His popolarlty and business abilities have made the Empire one of the mosey-gettem ot the circuit aad all the traveliag: shows like to get to his theatre, knowiag that It Is tor big money and a social time with the genial manager. Mr. .Winters has bean in a "managerial capacity te tlie past three yean and in that time Hnrtlg A SeaaMn. owners ot the Toledo hoose. have decided that he' is one of the ftxtnres of the ttwstra sqd Is here to remain. Thb theatre, under Ids bsb- agement. haa had some of the biggest buBassa TcsuItB In the history of the hauMT Hsnr -^aa made auuiy Improvemcata la tbs thaatra.