The billboard (Sept 1910)

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16 Xtie BIllboaFd 6EPTEMBER 17, 1910. CORRESPONDENCE ALABAMA. . SEXOFOUS.—BBASWEU. (N. T. Braswell. ..mgr,} Great McEwfn Company played to a -packed boue Sept. 5-7. OADBDEir—HAYDBN PAKE (Samael Bosen- banm. mgr.; K. ft B. bookings) McEwen, hyp- notlBt. 13. NEW AXAUO (J. O. WelU, mgr.) Motion plctotes week S; satlafaetoiy pattonase. AM0SI^a (J. 'Boaenbaam, mgr.) -HoUan ,ple- ' tims- and- TaaderOle week 6; good attendance. ,.,.{.jttanaoxBRT.—iujssmc xw; k. coneb. ^: ngrj.< Tbe<':H . Companj 'doBed, a ! moat ■n cee as fni. snmmer en|^gement^>:on.-'.8ept.:' 110. t The regnlar winter TandevIIle pwOI ' e<Hnr ' menee In abont two weekH. ARIZONA. aLOBE.—NBW IBIS (Edward B. Keltb. mgr.) ' Opened 8 with^W. H. Uock and Co., 'j;SaTor--and Savoy-and pictures. Week of Sept. ^■15, Sogers, Stewart and Elwood and WllUsb, i^norelty Jnggler. UABTIN THEATBE (Balpb --Kartln, mrr.) Bicb Unslcal Comedy Co. Sept. 1; closes 6; A-1 company and bnalneas. good. - DBBAHLAMD (Tolm.Xi^ AlezandeTt^^mgr.) ac^^ ■ ing and daneiw;i gbod ^bnslness.: i ATBB (Mn. Clulee-Sinclair, mgr.) D»k. ARKANSAS. . ;-2^X1X3X2 BOOK,^BtAJESXIC. Week Sept' 6, Harrr and 'Kate Jackson: Nadle, Venetian: Four, Vera Baiiet and A. Earle; Watson. and Dwyer, - Don and Mae Gordon Trio and Joe Cook. AIB- DOHE (F. S. PenneH. mgr.) Bill Blttner Com^ Sany In repertoire. I<YBIO. Pictures and van- evlUe. . GEir. pictures and'-raadeville^ - - . i : :!:t:;:piBE BLIJIT.—ELK (C. E. FbUpot,'mgr.) Smart Set Sept. 3. _ OBFHEO CW«l«>lt. not Co.; mgi».r -Vanae-»flIe and pletnrei. BIOOM ' IShocty -I«wln,' mgr.) Opened Monday. Sept. 12 -wltli Tanderllle and pictures. CALIFORNIA. - tUUr JOSE.—'VICTOBX (F. A. Glaea. mgr.; K. ft E., booking agents) Brlaaac-aaUet Players In A. Wlfe'a: Derotlon week of Aog. 29; pleased falr-alsed audience. THEAnSE JOSE (W. T. -Warner, mgr.: S. ft C. Clrcnit) Anita Dlas' :- '!^Monkeys, excellent animal act; Harry and Kate - ' Ultcbell In comedy sketcb, pleased; Bomsno ■ SBrotbers In ■ UTlng plct^ festnrlng famous sculpture: pieces, tine work; J. 'V. Mlrles, com- . gedlan; Oew ge O'Malley; eccentric dsncing, took 1UC0H.^BAND (D. O. PUUIps. mgr.; Shnbert bookings) SIdnegr Drew In Blllle Aug. SO; fair bnsbess; McFadden's Flats 31; small bnslneai.' i ILLINOIS. y OHIOAOO—COUONIAI, ^as. Bradji mgr.) FbUles of IfllO; fltftt wecdc- .- ^ OOBT (0. 3. Herman, mgr.) Jumping Jnpiter. . CHICAGO OFEBA HOUSB (Geo. angsbuiy, mnO Oltl of My. Breams; flrst week. k QABBIOK (Herbert O. J>iiee. mgr.) Mile. Alia HadmoTa; llist --week. :- ilxaNOIS (Win J. --DbtIs. mgr.) The • Ikdlar Princess; first week. ' OBAMD OFEBA HOUSE (Harry. Asklns,- mgr.) Tbe' Girl and- tbe Dnunmer; .second week. - . XXBIO (Herbert C Once, mgr.) Wife Tam- ers; first week. T.«aAT.T.W . OFEBA BOUSE (Harry Asklns, mgr.) The Sweetest GM in Paris; third week. McvI(;kBB'St (Geo^HO. Wairen, mgr.) The Dollar Mark; .flilrdj'we^:: : :. .- > OUmPIO (Sam Xedeier, mgr.) The Girl . In -WaltinK; second -week, -vcPOWEBS (Harry J. Powers, mgr.) Traveling salesman; second week. : PBINCESS (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) Marriage of a St ar; first week. ^ STCDEBAKEB (Ed. .J.> SiiIUTaii; >.insK) The Sl im Princess ; first week. WHZENIIX'OFEBA HOUSE-(mnnk O.'Peers, mgr. ) - A lma : W o W obnat Pn?; -first week.: AMBBICAN MDSIO HAIj:i (CoL Wm. Tbomp- aon, mgr.) Tanderllle. BUSH TEMFia (W. P.' Shaver, mgr.) 'Vau- deville. ^_ MAJESTIC (Ijrman P. Olover, - mgr.) Vaude-' ■TlUe._ _- ■ •,■ : ' aiKEVUri' (W. S. Qnlnn, mgr.);Vaudeville. ACADEMY (Wm. -Boche, mgr.) . Vaudeville.: BUOU (Wm. Boche. mgr.)i-Bnnco-In Arista.: (XILLEGB (Bev. 'F. .iZ. yMeCUie; .mgr.)v:Xhe Great John Ganton. . r . CBITEBION (J. Fngr]m,^?mgr.) i A":cli]ld< ot the Begiment , • - . _ CBOWN (Paul BIclBan,~; mgr:)^'.ra the Fiddle. GEOBB (J. H. .Bn>»n;:mgi^)>nm;Bosam¥K-' HAYMABKET (Wm.'Bodies mgr.)-Under. Southem Skies. marijOWB (Capt^ Montague, :-mgr;) Camllle. NATIONAI.'(J. Pi*~ ' ' ~' Wire. - Barretts'I mgr.) .'The . Ure. ' Tmrmfi • lypPRTirrM = Tr*meATRlg (A. C Canon, mgr.) Imperial Musicians, Fanny Bice, Harlan Murray* and Go., Prtngle and Whiting, BCaieena. Nevaro and Mareena. and Paul I-a- Gixilx week of Salt. 12.- Annette KeUerman. ' Jamte Thornton, Edwards Davis and Oi., .Ap-. dale's 'Animals, Hayward and Hayward, Fal- trer and Barton, and Dancing Hsmllna week • ioi Sent, J». RtNTAGBS THEATRE (W. A. Western, mgr.) McCsrte Slstera,AB^ik Milton, and DeLong Sisters, Mnrphy^aiA Franiis, Bp^ ' Pinley, The Dodans. week 8ept.^l2. TABOE GBAMD (Peter McConrt. mgro Out Kejv MJi-. Ister week Sept. 11.^ BBOADWAY OPettt Mj- Coiirt. mgr.) Henrietta Crosman In Antl-iutrl- SS^wiBlk of Sept. 12. MAJESTIC (J. Brah Bromon. mgr.) Flonr Bio Bros. In gynmasUc nov- elty: Mets and Metx, presenting A Midnight Be- heanal: Ward and'Weber,. dani!6rs; Excela and . Franks, physical coltnre: malds;^ pictures: _J. jftudS (PSeniy. comedian. In Schmalz's Night ■ Off, 'week Sept. .12,' CONNECTICUT. ' . BBISeSFOBT.--J'ACKSON'S (J. H. Fltzpat- rlck. mgr.) Elsie Ferguson Aug. 29-30; pleased, lane ^bminess. Beveriy Sept. 1; good^toms-. B^t Eyes Sept. 3; deUgfated eanaelty. The FteSf S?Sept. 5; BeSa's ^I^h,Company sSL^TrHarry Kelly Sept 10. POU'S (Lewis Carver, mgr.) Week of Sept 6; IJve ixa^OB. ■ S» ana ^oaepblne/ Armand Brothers. Travpla. H. T. Mc<%mnen, Madden and FltipatrlcJt, ^our Bea^igs and plctnres. Week Smt ;„12,^ell O-bSSco. topTbin. EMFIM (5. B..I>obbs, msr.V Alsace and lotralne, CUude_ and^Mar- ^^aeveland. : Harry Thompsmi, HaX Hany Company, Jupiter Brothers, and plctutes. Sept ''"DAKBraT.---TATIiOIl OPBBA , HOUOT JCP. F.- M*'*''', mgr.) Opened aeasrai S ept 5 'WItn The Wolt; 8„lli Bine Mouse. MAJBSTIO (P. A. Shear, mgr.) Ptetnrea-sn d son gs drawing Dig Ado^week o£ Sept. B. PAIS Oct &«: 0.~H. r-'cBmidle, secretary. ..j.. . sT^x^MEBinEKr-^POIS'S (S. Z. PDll,?Iessee;'r Geo.' -nXilbej, mgr.) Burkhart. Flynn-and Parker In .'KiJnst:<^ and Bes- '" 'settSi^bendlng novelty: Tmrelly; the man with ."V^- tbe-^organ;Harry I,. Schroeder. and Co. in. tlie :-.:Cady-.'ljObster and the Wise Guy; At Carlton, - ;;<the-skinny guy; Dillon, In Convict 776; Marlon ' ''Carson and'Ckimpany la The Belle of Seville; Arthur Connelly. - tbe man from the . Emerald .'.' '- 'Isle; Klllaln and Moore, comedians;. Billy Hall ? » and Jennie.(Solbnm and Company In Make Good; Joe Kane .and'nossom-Sedey. a melange-of :!;'.mnslc.-and comedy.;; pictures. SZABJB. Halll- S{= yK^aiiLmgX^^ VMates aBll songs. THE CBStS- v.v TSU5(M.;'^Ba^ Plctyres and songs. . ' , ^ DELAWARE. -wnjmreTOTi^ABBicK (w. lu Dock- £ >ataden mgr.) Xea Naves,. McBrlde.. Purcell and »;SbeIley;i^;8fcetdi; Bra . Mndge, <>oodwIn and EI-. 'MOaai^Biatmfi-ljtaieaattK.: and Co., Gardiner, vm- >^|i«l^'nav'OKf<JiBdr'jOumen,. and The Musical 'SlTohnsS^'ICIjr'bastawM'^'weiek Sept B-lo. GBAND s!'CffiUtU''Amnaement <(Ja.v\; lessees: C. I.. Btad- vpO^t^^Jf^ngr.'} Songs'. and pictures.',., GEORGIA. g^jyaEEaZA^-rGBAND.:"-Sidney Drew In BU- - i^^SAog. ''.SI-rSept» l; - good, house; Tim Murphy W^mit^-:^Om : aeVt. ,S^ good- houses. I,TBIC. ' • WME'enmng 10. wndiire, to good attendance. ' FOBSZTH. Kdtb's vandevine. Including 'Whlt- vaker -and Hin. Mndeal..SaffrBgettes, Four Mf- > Rallysi'Iicana PanuvSmF^and Kent WUson and .Peanon and Chalk - SamwtfTS,. -. PEOPUl'S (John Prince, mgr.) I<eah:Kleschna. : - WEBEB'S (Weber Broa.,-mgrs.) ^Through. Death'"Valley. ■ v*-.-.-.--"v^. ' ALHAMBBA (Weber Bros., ^mgrs.): The Col- ^?^mSSi (H. J. Herk. mgr.) The Merry WhIrL' ' FOI,I.T (J. J. Fennessy,;,mgr.) The .Big Be- Tlew. -V STAB AND GABTEB .'(WnL::. Bedie,'im8r.) .The'Golden Crook.. -.',.""';.■. ';..■■"_;■.;:. .-;-'- ','.:;.,'.■.'".' '. AtiTON,—AIBDOMB. (Wm. Sanvage, mgr.) Stewart and Earl, Fayette Munro, Three Amer- ican Comlqnes, . Sdiepp's Oiens Sept 4tU. TE!MPI,B.'Cwm.>fiaiivace,. mgr.)-.The Girl .Ss^.the^ K^mol»■ Se^^tt8^ good'show-and-ImBlnfas.'' Grace CamAon la Naney 4. - BEAXOBXOWK.^PE^»¥HOI]SE (W. H. Deppe; «mgrO i:cOpened Sept . •' 'Wtth' Mack Sis- ters ;StodF-<3ranpany.> GEM '(Harris and GwA- dl, mgrs.) - Pictures : and songs. AIBDOME (Harris and .Goodeu. mgr.)- Pictures and van- devIUe. i DBEASOiAND (BUIle CarroU, mgr.) Pictures and songs. AT BI-VEB: Itehm's Sen- sation Boat: Sept :S:.-UNDEB-CANVAS: Adam Fbrepaugh-Sells ' Bn».T Circus Sept : 13. BELVIDEBE.—DEETHK^. OFESA HOUSE (Loop ft Dysart mgrs.; Boy Sewell, res, mgr.; booked' tbroagh James WIngfldd, or direct) Cast Aside Ang. 29:• poor-show to fair house; Aug. 30,vBrokear;!ldd;-<pIayed to a fair house: Ang. 31' St ~.;Elmov:^eaaed; a fair slxed house; Sept ; 1..-(aassmans;'i>'wlth ^Wm.: Macanley, gave a fair iperformasce* to a: capaclty-.faoose; Sept 2> Am -l/ adhlnamanT .played with: Uflle favor to . a ^ small -lionse; - - abow '-stopped ' Its tour here : to-return -to- Chicago., to/'have the show- rewritten.-:and-renamed, after'which It wHI resume.'.lts . tour. • Sept 6. Paid In Full; 8. Wizard iof iWlsdand; 10. Port of Missing Men; 13,:,-Ularot'Spice: 17, Plotters: 10. Girl from Beetw!PB::.;22. lebmael; 23,. Girl from U. S. A.; ()£t 'S,;' Wm. Nortls in My Cinderella Gld. MAJESTIC THEATBE . (Tabor ft Bab- cock, - mgrs.) ^-Motion pictures; business very f:aod. BOONE COONTT FAIR. Week of Ang. 30-Sept 3 broke, all former records for at- tendance. ' HOME. COraNG ■WEEK, Oct* 10; oot loofc very - good; IBUSKBELL.—MAJESTIC. The Girl from U. S; • a: -S ent: 7t: T he Wo lf Sept. 15. - i>j)(B(JAXtlB,^-^OWEBS* (Tboma. .fP.~ Bonan, Ubmael 14; The Girl of My Dreams 16; IMy Cln- derdla Girl IT. BUOU (A. Siegfried,- mgr.) Bailey and Austin's Five American BeanUes, Belff, Clayton and - BeiS, Wilson ud WIlsOB, Howard Judge, Cook and Oaks,- WUson Bros., The Three Swinging Girls. Ardola snd Co., Harry Fetterer, International IMo .and plctnres week of Sept S; S. R. O. ABM()BT (J. M. Walls, promoter) Carter and Anderson to'good Sept. 7. FIVEH3BNT BIJOU 1(2. ' Siegfried,' .mgr.) Pict ures. ■ • ' JACKSOHVILXE.—OB AND OFEBA HOUSE (li. P. Anderson, mgr.) The .blrl In - tbe Kimono opened season Sept 2. The-Goddess of Uberty Sept 6, to capacity business. GAIETY '.(R ■ S. Soott' mgr.). Pictures- and soiigs...S.< AIBDOSfE (Weber and' Finlay, mgrs.) :The Blaeks i week ° Xi^ION,—MABION OPEBA HOUSE (B. E. Clark, mgr.) Panama Company. Sept 'B; fair show and small boose. MOIXHE.—TBE BARBYMOBB. (Sodtnt (Sr- cult; Morgan McDonald, mgr.; K. ft B. book- ings) Clianncey Olcott In Barry of Ballymoie Sept 15; Three Twins 18. THE MOUNE ((Aam- berlln, Kindt- Co. CIrcnIt; Fred E. I«avens, mgr.) Mabel Barrlson and Barry Comu In Lu- lu's Husbands 2. Bniy CillTord' lu The Girl, the Man. and the Game 7; Ishmael 10; Daniel Boone 18; Blehord Jose in SQver Threads 17; The Broken Idol 18; Ptort of Missing Men 24; Cast Aside 25: The World sad a Woman 26. THE VAUDETTB and OBAMD. Pictures. THE FAMILrY (Sodlnl (Srcnlt: H. A. Sodlnl. mgr.: Western Vaudeville Assn. bookings) First halt of week Sept B: Peail Allen and Co. fn The Obis, the Guide and the Bagte; Miss Hilda Ortb, Flavlo Brothers, Sam Albnttls, UcKlnnon and I.ayman, Busticana Trio. FCWnAO.—FOIiKS' OFEBA HOUSE (M. M. Folks, mgr.) St Elmo Sept S; Classmates week of Sept. 12. MATTOON.—MAJESTIC (J. F. Knediler, mgr.) The . Lord Pirate Sept 10. I.YBIC (B. D. Parrlsh, prop.) Sept. 1-S. Al. Lnttrlnger, LlIUan-Lncas Co., dramatic sketch, A. Olrl of the West: Barbara Oelst; comedienne, fair. Sept 5, Hunt and Kdcy, musical act, fair; Howard and Gregory. BUOU (Mr. Delhi, prop. ) Pic tures and songs. ROOKFOBS,—GRAND OPERA BOUSE (G. Sackett, mgr; Geo. Peck or James Wlngneld, booking agents) August .90^ Wm. Norrls in My Chiderella Girl pleased a large 'audience; 81, Cast Aside gave a poor show to tilr':Slsed snd- ience; Sept 1, The Lottery Man was pre- sented to good audience, show only fair; 2, Isbmael, < greatly pleased a large audience; Sept 0, Wm. Macanley In Classmates, fair show to falr-slied audience; 6, Fort of Missing Men;: 7, Paid In ^PoU: 8, Lid Ufters: 0, Jos Howard In Goddess of Liberty: 13, Rose Hill English Folly Co.; 14, OtU Harlan In Baby Mine; 15. St .Elmo; 17, TUIy Olson: 19, The Fourth Estate;' 22, Girl and the Clown; 28; Margaret Anglln; - 24, Ghrl from U. S. A.; 27. .. .Man of the 'Hour; 29, Under Soatbem Skies;. Oct: 1 . M abel Barrlson In Lulu's Bus- hand. OBFEUUH (A. J. Shlmp, mgr.) Van- devllle; business good. BUI for week of Sept. 6, Dick CrollQs In Shorty, good; Tom and Edith Almond, In singing and dancing specialties, ex- cellent; Original American Newsboys' (jnar- tet.'very good; Kingston and Thomas, song and dance, fair: A. Onrl and Girlie, manipulators, good. MAJESTIC THEATRE. VanderlUe op- ened, on Sept 5, with-Chas. Wayne and (te.. In' The Moralng After; Rockway and Cmam, song and dance; -Wdls and Sens In The Chi- naman and tbe.-^KId: i.Payne ChlMrea.' song and dance; entire bni ouy fair. HARLEM PARK. Summer amnsement dosed Sept 6, after a very suceessfnl- season. UNDER CANVAS—^Yoong Buffalo's 'Wild .West and Texas Rangers. Sept S: fair show to-fair business.MOTION PIC- -tures. All shows 'show an Increase In bnslness and continue giving all possible satisfaction. ' - :,SO(S . -ISLUID.—THE : MAJESTIC (Sodlnl .(}Irenlt;;X P. Onlnn,.mgr.;.Western Vaudeville bookings) First halt of week Sept B: Too- mer and Hewlns; Mrs. Mae Bldiard Casey, Tbe Belmonta, Eddie Gray, The Four Hinjriiig Amer- ican Gypsies. Last half of week: The Rnstl- cana Trio. Mrs. Mae Richard Casey, Flavlo Brothers, McKennon and Laymon, Pearl Allen andO o. In The Girls, the Guide and the Eagle. TUB L-YBIG. Plctnres and songs. TBE FAM- ILY (Vivian -Gmelln. mgr.) Pictures. THE ILLINOIS (Chamberlln, Kindt Co. drcnlt: B. Taylor, mgr,) Mahd Barrlson and Harry Conor In Loin's Hnsbands Sept 1; Billy Clifford la The- Gill, tbe Man and tbe Game 8; Jnst A Woman's Way 11: The CiUmax 12; Danld Boone IB; Bose HIU FoUy Compsny 16; ISle of Splee 17; BIchard ' Jose in Silver Threads 18: A Broken Idol 19: Tlie World and a'Woman 23; The Port of MlBshig Men 25; WlUlam Norrls In.My CIndereUa Girl SO. EXPOSITION PABK (Direction R. I.. Exposition Co.) Week of' 12, Third Annusl R. I. Exposition. Attractions: Glenn H.- Curtiss, king of the air and his aero- planes;'Ewing'sFamona Juvenile Zonaye Band; Herr-Albers and his Ten Polar Bears; Arakl's Imperial Troiq>e of Japanese; Bsmma and Ax^. nold's European Eccentrlques. WAUZECFAK.—SCHWARTZ ((^tral SUtes Theatre Company, owners; John Wlngfield, mgr.) The Goddess of liberty September 1: excellent show to good business, nie Wizard of Wisdand 4; fair show to good business. Paid -in Full 5;. excellent:show to excellent business. n«ssmates-.r7; -Bose Hill FoUy Oo. 8; The Part of Missing Men 11. BARRISON (Western Vau- deville Mgrs. -Assn.,. bookers; Arthur A. nn- denfeld,- mgr. and. owner) - BooscTdt In Africa- comedy abooting act; 'Smith and Arado, "Kid Actv" very pleasing; -The WOIIama Thompson Co; -in a repertoire of plays; seventh big week for these people;. very good throngbont entire engagement: pictures Sept 5 to fi: S. B. O. WAUKEGAN THEATRE (Wm. A. Baas, mgr.; Wm. Morris time) : Thomas and Hamilton, com- edy sketchr Doc (>'Nell^' singing and talking act, excellent; The Two Arthurs,-singing act pleas- ing; Lanra Bidaman, pictured mdodles; Labelle Hdene and Her Dogs, good; went big: pictures. Sept'5 to 7; excdlent business. WASHING- TON ST. Wm. Madsen,- mgr.) Good business with songs and pictures. STAR (Luedkle and Charles, mgrs.) Pleasing good bouses -with pic- tures and songs. WILSON (Fred WUson, mgr.). Good andlences to songs , and pictures. LITTLE FORT (Wm. KatsneTi mgr.) Soon; and pic- tures. . rlNDIANA. AirCK>I.&-(3B6n»N OPERA HOUSE' (Chss. Elya. m gr.) Sherman Stock Co. Sept 5-10, EVANSVILLE. —GRAND (Dave Beehler, mgr.: Orpheum Circuit) Week Sept 4, ElDota and Ck>., Joe Jackson, Rank Stafford and Co., Swat MnUlgan, Bondlnl Bros., The Love Walts,! and Klnodrome. WELLS BUOU (Cbaa. Sweeton, qigr.) Dark. . MEW MAJESTIC. Dark. OB- PHEUM (0.- Bweetoai;; mn.) Ptetores and ama.. teurs: to. capadtj.:^' COliONIAL :< (BnaaeU .'Bras- nen, mgr.) Plctares and songs to capadty. 9AK SUMMlT.PARK (Edw. Raymond, mgr.) This park doses Its season Sept U. with The Banda soma. This week's bill Is headed by BUIy Mann's Minstrels who drew weU and pleased. HAXXOHD.—TOWLE OPERA HOUSE (Geo. L. Manderbach, mgr.) Classmates Aug. 28; good. Broken Idol Sept. 8; Isle of Spice 4; drew Targe boose. : •> Wizard of Wisdand 6: large ^.honse. Bose HUl Folly Oimnany 6; Alma Wo -Wohnst ItaT 8;! The Wolf 10; My CIndereUa Olrl 11. BROOKS (Hanrey Brooks, mgr.) People and KUne, - BOwe's Plctnres and songs weefc^of Aug. 29. PBINCESS (P. M. Blley, mgr.) Pic- tures and songs. GEM (Chas. Van Sickle, mgr.) Becently opened' under moat ' favorable condi- tions. IDL.B HOUR (Iked Lodt mgr.) Pleturea mgr.)'Pictures and songs. ARCADE (Roy E. Parkes; mgr.) Pictures and songs. lUcbmond FhU- FestlvalOct 8-7. IOWA. BURUNOTOK.—GRAND OFEBA BOUSE (M. S. Scovlll, mgr.; Don Stuart, booking agent) House damsged Sept. 2; will be eloaeS -untU repairs can be made. GABRIOK (John' M. Boot, mgr.; W. V. M. A.', booking agents) Week of Sept S, first half: BhrendaU Bros, and 'Dutton, Bits from Clrensdom; Varln and Varln, fair; Sam and Ida- KeUy, entertainers; Master Jess PhUllps; -BImm, Bomm,. Brtr. EUTB (W. B. Tajlorv -rfflgr.) Pletores and songs. PALACE (L. P. 8laak,r mgr.) Pictures and songs. LYBIO (Ewlnc Btoa,, mgrs.) Pie. tures and songs. ' CEDAR RAPID6. — MAJESTIC TBEATRE (Vic Bugo, mgr.) Week .of Sept 6, Great Simmons, novd^ gymhast; Elliott and West singers and dancer*; Belen Hardy and (3a., Impersonators; Grace Orma, comedienne: Five Solly FamUy, -sketch; Joe Flynn, comedian; Leon Morris and Wrestling Ponies and Eden- graph. Week of Sept 12. Foster .and Foster, musical oddity; Vernon, the ventrUogalst; Mullen and Corelll,': comedIans;_The Havelocks, grotesque Jngglem; Lillian Berbert, singing comedienne; Tom Linton's Bight Juggling Olru and Edengrspb. OBBBIW6 OPEBA BOUBB (W. S. Oiuler, bus.;BiK) A Oatuhtsr of Amer. lea Aog. 28: Lulu's ^Hnsbands SO: BoaeymooB ' TraU Sept 2: Our New Mbdster 8: Pinky, the Plnkerton Girl, «: Tbe Cllfflu: K . XBB PblN- CESS (Dlebdd ftr Yo ung, mgis.) , Tan dedlle : and moving pictures.. TBE PEOPLE'S TBE- ATRE (Vle-'Bngo, mgr.) Opens Sept 6 with moving pictures. Opens season Sept 38, with TVonsdale Bros.' Stock, who -wUI remain In- denltely. TBE AIBDOME (OoUler ft Bugo, mgrs.) Morgan Stock Oo. :: dosed Sent 4; Berb ert L. Hint hypnotist, -week ■ of Bent 5. JIAVBHF0RT,—7Sb NEW AMERICAN (C. Berkell, .mgr.:.<.Wm. Mortis bookings) Week of Sept'BUtmtuea,: MUe. Luplta Petea, r J, W. Barr, Budle Xangdon, Bafayette's Fkmoos Dogs, Miss Jean Jnrende, Will Hart Next week. Consul, the Great, the eighth -wonder of the world. ' STAB (Boas Bros., mgrs.) Plcttnea. FAMILY (J. A. Monro, mgr.) Pictures. PBIN- CESS (Victor H. Schaffer. mgr.) HIn Elsie Oresham and the -Princess Stock Co. In Old Helddberg -week of 4. . BURTIS (Chamberlln, Kindt Co. (31realt: Wm. KIInek, mgr.) Mabd Barrlson and Harnr'iOaaon In 'Uln's Husbands 3: Lew: SnUy and Alfred -Kdcey la Am I a Chinaman 8; Ishmad U; Broken Idd 17; Islt of Bplce 18; Bldiata Joae la SUver Threads 18: Fort of Missing Men 32; House of a Thousand Candles 24; The Wodd and. a Woman 2S. GRAND (D. L. Hnghes, mgr.; K. ft E. book- ings) Clianncey Olcott In Barty of Banymore 14. THE IOWA (W. Blakemore, mgr.) Fie. tores. ELITB (Jo*. Mlehekstetter, mgr.) Ple^ ^"otTUKWA.— GBAND OPEBA HOTOB (J. Frank Jersey, mgr.) Opened 'wlth_T1ie ,Rea MUI Sept 1 to 8. B. O. business. TheCllmu 2; good company to fair business. Two ot- phans 3; goodhnsUiesa. OARRKTK (J. W. Boot jrap.: E. O. Bopsoai, tes. mgr.) Opraed vrlth Tbm TInton and the Jungle Girls, Pep- per Twins, Art Adair, Strleklla's TMned Ani- mals, Chas. Hay and plctnres; bustoess^ez- edtoit UNDER OASViS'. BlagUng Btothei** Ctrcus played to S. B. O. basUMS at both, per- torma nces S ept. 1. . • WASBnraXOV.—CIBAHAU TBEATRB (W. F. Brlnton, mgr.) Cast Aalde Sept 2: fair show and attendance. McCabe Minstrels Sept 6 and 8; excdlent minstrel compsnr and food business. Lyman Twins 8: (nimax 10; Duld Boone on t he Trail 13: Soldier* ' Be nnloo 14-lS. 'WAXEBLOO.—SYNDICATE THEATRE (A. J. Bnslv'. mgr.) House opens Sept 12 with n* iTman Twlaa in Tba Prise Winners. Tbe «me. Place and the Olrl IS: Flbttng Princess 21; me of Spice 22: Wlxard of WlaeUnd 24. •SBS WATBKiiOO THEATRE (A. J. BnsbJ, mgr.) The Man on the Box Sept 2, jileaaed a good house. The Honeymoon TraU £ pleased two good houses. Boose of a Thousand Oandle* and. songs.: KOKOKO,—SIPB (O. W. Sloe, mgr,) Under Southeni. Skies 7;. Dolly: Dimple Oltis 8. CA- B: Cast Adde 7: The Oat and t he Fi ddle 10s Morgan Stock Company 12-17. THE' ORPB- BUM THEATRE (J. W. Marcdius, mgr.) Week of August 28, Major Laughlln, Dimbar snd Turner, George Abbott and Co., Pearl B. Pope- Joy; Kane, ventrUoanlst: Four Dancing Bancs, etc, to big hoslttess. Week of Bept 8. Bsad and Byron, ne Blnddo*, Dave Lubln sad Ob., Pearl B. Popejoy, Langns Bisters, Ar* mand's 'Ci ty o f Yesterday, Tbe Three Oassads, etc. ELECmUC PARK (H. R. Parker, mgr.) Week of August 29, The Fraser. Trio. Camp- bell and Md>onaId, Dan Roby, GrlOn and Lewis. Tbe Two Lenerts, Hsznm and DeOtou and hla band, etc., to good boslaes.. Park season.-.,eIoses..:.Sept 6. KANSA& FORT. BOOTT.—AIBDOME (BeU, Olendorf-Bd- Isrd; CIrenIt; Bany O, Bmick, mgr.) . flordoa Playocs dosed .two-weeks' engagement-Sept. Ss •Btlsfaetory business. UNDER CAMVA»4tIaB- li ng Bros.' CI rcos Sept 18. SINO-GAKDEN (A. PoweU, mgr.) Imga, the women Of myste ry; Mosfaer'and Likes, Leona VennettFAIRVIISW ( Weed t -Whitley, mgrs.) Plctnres' snd songs. ' PIOmiRElLAND (E. Al- bangb,-mgr.) Plctores.and soogs. STAR (Dick Beed/ mgr,) MoUon plctnres and songs. IDEAL (A. Powell, mgr.) Songs and plctnres. : PARK BINK (John Trees, mgr.)*BoUer skating. UN- DER CANVAS—Forepangh and Bella Bros.' Cir- cus Sept- 8. RIOH»OH1>.—GENNETT (H. ' G. Sommers; mgr.; Miss AlBe McVlekcrs, res. mgr.; K. ft B. bookings) The Fighting Parson Sept. B; Keith Stock Compsny week Sept-12. NEW MUR- RAY (O. O. Murray, mgr.) Opened Lsbor Day with the following bUl: Jack Wolff, Ten Dark Knlgbts, Flteh (Moper, and BarvayBammond ~* "~~ In cooedr Aat^ His Had*** Kiral, raiBATORIDH «S. S. Cook, mgh) Pic- tures and songs, PALAiai '(B. it. KUTOHZHBOV.—HOME (W. A. Loe, Oir.) Season opens September 9, with Naahnlle Students; Sept 12-17, Barrle Stock.Oo. PEARL (E. Wayde Martin, mgr.) Pictures snd songs to big booses. MAJESTIC (Graver HIU, mgr.) ; Pictures and songs to gpod business. ORAW*: FORD AIBDOME (Hirry WeUs, mgr.) Bnrgess Stock Co. sept 12-171 season's dosing attrae. : tlou. , BIVERS1DB PARK (K. C. Beck, mgr.) Bell Boy Moslcd Comedy Company August 28-8«it U: fine company, good shows to big crowds. Wm. Morris Park .VaudevUle,, Bept 12-17. Kansa s SUte Fair Sent 19-17. - ISAVZirWORTH,—NEW ORPHEUM (M, B. Slianbers, mgr.) SIrronJe Lady BalBes: The Gray Trio, dnging; Clever Conkey, juggling mono- legist; WeUs Bros., comedians:: and Orpheom- seope for week ot Sept 4. PEOPIiB'S (Frank Deatler, mgr.) Matinee Olrl Co. for two weeks beginning Sept 4. PALM (C. F. Menstng.- mgr.) Le Boy and Blolse, singing snd danelngi OlUIhan and Caasin, minstrels: songs snd J^le- rtures Sept 4-7. Leavenworth- - County aair -Sept B-9. . UNDER CANVAS: Forepaugh-Sells - Bros. Sept' 24. :,.-.'■:■■.-..■-;.-■■..,.::.. PZTTSBVRO.—LA BELLE (W; W. BeU. mgr.) - Richard J.. Jo**; In SUver Threads Sep- tember .4. - .AIBDOME. : Harry WUson and Co. to IsrgeaiidlcDees, < • - WIOBIZA,.^NBW 'AUDITORIUM ' (J. A. Wolfe,' mgr;)i- Tbe -.'Wolfe.- Stock Co. In Tbe Other Girl, week of 29 to crowded-'honaea: Char- ley's Aunt Sept' - S: Third .Degree 10. CRAW- FORD i(E: L.. Martllng mgr.) North Bros.' Co. In repertoire week of Sept 6; PRINOBSB (L. M. Miller, mgr.) Marios' Bohemlsn Qnartette: Miss OerUe < DeMUt and Boy*., singing and dsnelngi By. .araenway, joggler and cartoon- ist: Pani - Floras, xylophone expert: Princes- scope. YALE (Jake Frees, mgr.) Vandevllle aad-pletores. WONDERLAND PARK Tl. ' (Coatlaned on -peg* 40.)